1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
3from __future__ import absolute_import
4from __future__ import division
5from __future__ import print_function
6from __future__ import unicode_literals
10Extends FBCodeBuilder to produce Docker context directories.
12In order to get the largest iteration-time savings from Docker's build
13caching, you will want to:
14 - Use fine-grained steps as appropriate (e.g. separate make & make install),
15 - Start your action sequence with the lowest-risk steps, and with the steps
16   that change the least often, and
17 - Put the steps that you are debugging towards the very end.
20import logging
21import os
22import shutil
23import tempfile
25from fbcode_builder import FBCodeBuilder
26from shell_quoting import raw_shell, shell_comment, shell_join, ShellQuoted, path_join
27from utils import recursively_flatten_list, run_command
30class DockerFBCodeBuilder(FBCodeBuilder):
31    def _user(self):
32        return self.option("user", "root")
34    def _change_user(self):
35        return ShellQuoted("USER {u}").format(u=self._user())
37    def setup(self):
38        # Please add RPM-based OSes here as appropriate.
39        #
40        # To allow exercising non-root installs -- we change users after the
41        # system packages are installed.  TODO: For users not defined in the
42        # image, we should probably `useradd`.
43        return self.step(
44            "Setup",
45            [
46                # Docker's FROM does not understand shell quoting.
47                ShellQuoted("FROM {}".format(self.option("os_image"))),
48                # /bin/sh syntax is a pain
49                ShellQuoted('SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]'),
50            ]
51            + self.install_debian_deps()
52            + [self._change_user()]
53            + [self.workdir(self.option("prefix"))]
54            + self.create_python_venv()
55            + self.python_venv()
56            + self.rust_toolchain(),
57        )
59    def python_venv(self):
60        # To both avoid calling venv activate on each RUN command AND to ensure
61        # it is present when the resulting container is run add to PATH
62        actions = []
63        if self.option("PYTHON_VENV", "OFF") == "ON":
64            actions = ShellQuoted("ENV PATH={p}:$PATH").format(
65                p=path_join(self.option("prefix"), "venv", "bin")
66            )
67        return actions
69    def step(self, name, actions):
70        assert "\n" not in name, "Name {0} would span > 1 line".format(name)
71        b = ShellQuoted("")
72        return [ShellQuoted("### {0} ###".format(name)), b] + actions + [b]
74    def run(self, shell_cmd):
75        return ShellQuoted("RUN {cmd}").format(cmd=shell_cmd)
77    def set_env(self, key, value):
78        return ShellQuoted("ENV {key}={val}").format(key=key, val=value)
80    def workdir(self, dir):
81        return [
82            # As late as Docker 1.12.5, this results in `build` being owned
83            # by root:root -- the explicit `mkdir` works around the bug:
84            #   USER nobody
85            #   WORKDIR build
86            ShellQuoted("USER root"),
87            ShellQuoted("RUN mkdir -p {d} && chown {u} {d}").format(
88                d=dir, u=self._user()
89            ),
90            self._change_user(),
91            ShellQuoted("WORKDIR {dir}").format(dir=dir),
92        ]
94    def comment(self, comment):
95        # This should not be a command since we don't want comment changes
96        # to invalidate the Docker build cache.
97        return shell_comment(comment)
99    def copy_local_repo(self, repo_dir, dest_name):
100        fd, archive_path = tempfile.mkstemp(
101            prefix="local_repo_{0}_".format(dest_name),
102            suffix=".tgz",
103            dir=os.path.abspath(self.option("docker_context_dir")),
104        )
105        os.close(fd)
106        run_command("tar", "czf", archive_path, ".", cwd=repo_dir)
107        return [
108            ShellQuoted("ADD {archive} {dest_name}").format(
109                archive=os.path.basename(archive_path), dest_name=dest_name
110            ),
111            # Docker permissions make very little sense... see also workdir()
112            ShellQuoted("USER root"),
113            ShellQuoted("RUN chown -R {u} {d}").format(d=dest_name, u=self._user()),
114            self._change_user(),
115        ]
117    def _render_impl(self, steps):
118        return raw_shell(shell_join("\n", recursively_flatten_list(steps)))
120    def debian_ccache_setup_steps(self):
121        source_ccache_tgz = self.option("ccache_tgz", "")
122        if not source_ccache_tgz:
123            logging.info("Docker ccache not enabled")
124            return []
126        dest_ccache_tgz = os.path.join(self.option("docker_context_dir"), "ccache.tgz")
128        try:
129            try:
130                os.link(source_ccache_tgz, dest_ccache_tgz)
131            except OSError:
132                logging.exception(
133                    "Hard-linking {s} to {d} failed, falling back to copy".format(
134                        s=source_ccache_tgz, d=dest_ccache_tgz
135                    )
136                )
137                shutil.copyfile(source_ccache_tgz, dest_ccache_tgz)
138        except Exception:
139            logging.exception(
140                "Failed to copy or link {s} to {d}, aborting".format(
141                    s=source_ccache_tgz, d=dest_ccache_tgz
142                )
143            )
144            raise
146        return [
147            # Separate layer so that in development we avoid re-downloads.
148            self.run(ShellQuoted("apt-get install -yq ccache")),
149            ShellQuoted("ADD ccache.tgz /"),
150            ShellQuoted(
151                # Set CCACHE_DIR before the `ccache` invocations below.
152                "ENV CCACHE_DIR=/ccache "
153                # No clang support for now, so it's easiest to hardcode gcc.
154                'CC="ccache gcc" CXX="ccache g++" '
155                # Always log for ease of debugging. For real FB projects,
156                # this log is several megabytes, so dumping it to stdout
157                # would likely exceed the Travis log limit of 4MB.
158                #
159                # On a local machine, `docker cp` will get you the data.  To
160                # get the data out from Travis, I would compress and dump
161                # uuencoded bytes to the log -- for Bistro this was about
162                # 600kb or 8000 lines:
163                #
164                #   apt-get install sharutils
165                #   bzip2 -9 < /tmp/ccache.log | uuencode -m ccache.log.bz2
166                "CCACHE_LOGFILE=/tmp/ccache.log"
167            ),
168            self.run(
169                ShellQuoted(
170                    # Future: Skipping this part made this Docker step instant,
171                    # saving ~1min of build time.  It's unclear if it is the
172                    # chown or the du, but probably the chown -- since a large
173                    # part of the cost is incurred at image save time.
174                    #
175                    # ccache.tgz may be empty, or may have the wrong
176                    # permissions.
177                    "mkdir -p /ccache && time chown -R nobody /ccache && "
178                    "time du -sh /ccache && "
179                    # Reset stats so `docker_build_with_ccache.sh` can print
180                    # useful values at the end of the run.
181                    "echo === Prev run stats === && ccache -s && ccache -z && "
182                    # Record the current time to let travis_build.sh figure out
183                    # the number of bytes in the cache that are actually used --
184                    # this is crucial for tuning the maximum cache size.
185                    "date +%s > /FBCODE_BUILDER_CCACHE_START_TIME && "
186                    # The build running as `nobody` should be able to write here
187                    "chown nobody /tmp/ccache.log"
188                )
189            ),
190        ]