1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #pragma once
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <cassert>
21 #include <cstdint>
22 #include <cstring>
23 #include <functional>
24 #include <iterator>
25 #include <limits>
26 #include <type_traits>
28 #include <boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp>
30 #include <folly/Portability.h>
31 #include <folly/Traits.h>
32 #include <folly/functional/Invoke.h>
34 /**
35  * Code that aids in storing data aligned on block (possibly cache-line)
36  * boundaries, perhaps with padding.
37  *
38  * Class Node represents one block.  Given an iterator to a container of
39  * Node, class Iterator encapsulates an iterator to the underlying elements.
40  * Adaptor converts a sequence of Node into a sequence of underlying elements
41  * (not fully compatible with STL container requirements, see comments
42  * near the Node class declaration).
43  */
45 namespace folly {
46 namespace padded {
48 /**
49  * A Node is a fixed-size container of as many objects of type T as would
50  * fit in a region of memory of size NS.  The last NS % sizeof(T)
51  * bytes are ignored and uninitialized.
52  *
53  * Node only works for trivial types, which is usually not a concern.  This
54  * is intentional: Node itself is trivial, which means that it can be
55  * serialized / deserialized using a simple memcpy.
56  */
57 template <class T, size_t NS>
58 class Node {
59   static_assert(
60       std::is_trivial_v<T> && sizeof(T) <= NS && NS % alignof(T) == 0);
62  public:
63   typedef T value_type;
64   static constexpr size_t kNodeSize = NS;
65   static constexpr size_t kElementCount = NS / sizeof(T);
66   static constexpr size_t kPaddingBytes = NS % sizeof(T);
data()68   T* data() { return storage_.data; }
data()69   const T* data() const { return storage_.data; }
71   bool operator==(const Node& other) const {
72     return memcmp(data(), other.data(), sizeof(T) * kElementCount) == 0;
73   }
74   bool operator!=(const Node& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
76   /**
77    * Return the number of nodes needed to represent n values.  Rounds up.
78    */
nodeCount(size_t n)79   static constexpr size_t nodeCount(size_t n) {
80     return (n + kElementCount - 1) / kElementCount;
81   }
83   /**
84    * Return the total byte size needed to represent n values, rounded up
85    * to the nearest full node.
86    */
paddedByteSize(size_t n)87   static constexpr size_t paddedByteSize(size_t n) { return nodeCount(n) * NS; }
89   /**
90    * Return the number of bytes used for padding n values.
91    * Note that, even if n is a multiple of kElementCount, this may
92    * return non-zero if kPaddingBytes != 0, as the padding at the end of
93    * the last node is not included in the result.
94    */
paddingBytes(size_t n)95   static constexpr size_t paddingBytes(size_t n) {
96     return (
97         n ? (kPaddingBytes +
98              (kElementCount - 1 - (n - 1) % kElementCount) * sizeof(T))
99           : 0);
100   }
102   /**
103    * Return the minimum byte size needed to represent n values.
104    * Does not round up.  Even if n is a multiple of kElementCount, this
105    * may be different from paddedByteSize() if kPaddingBytes != 0, as
106    * the padding at the end of the last node is not included in the result.
107    * Note that the calculation below works for n=0 correctly (returns 0).
108    */
unpaddedByteSize(size_t n)109   static constexpr size_t unpaddedByteSize(size_t n) {
110     return paddedByteSize(n) - paddingBytes(n);
111   }
113  private:
114   union Storage {
115     unsigned char bytes[NS];
116     T data[kElementCount];
117   } storage_;
118 };
120 // We must define kElementCount and kPaddingBytes to work around a bug
121 // in gtest that odr-uses them.
122 template <class T, size_t NS>
123 constexpr size_t Node<T, NS>::kNodeSize;
124 template <class T, size_t NS>
125 constexpr size_t Node<T, NS>::kElementCount;
126 template <class T, size_t NS>
127 constexpr size_t Node<T, NS>::kPaddingBytes;
129 template <class Iter>
130 class Iterator;
132 namespace detail {
134 FOLLY_CREATE_MEMBER_INVOKER(emplace_back, emplace_back);
136 // Helper class template to define a base class for Iterator (below) and save
137 // typing.
138 template <
139     template <class>
140     class Class,
141     class Iter,
142     class Traits = std::iterator_traits<Iter>,
143     class Ref = typename Traits::reference,
144     class Val = typename Traits::value_type::value_type>
145 using IteratorBase = boost::iterator_adaptor<
146     Class<Iter>, // CRTC
147     Iter, // Base iterator type
148     Val, // Value type
149     boost::use_default, // Category or traversal
150     like_t<Ref, Val>>; // Reference type
152 } // namespace detail
154 /**
155  * Wrapper around iterators to Node to return iterators to the underlying
156  * node elements.
157  */
158 template <class Iter>
159 class Iterator : public detail::IteratorBase<Iterator, Iter> {
160   using Super = detail::IteratorBase<Iterator, Iter>;
162  public:
163   using Node = typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type;
Iterator()165   Iterator() : pos_(0) {}
Iterator(Iter base)167   explicit Iterator(Iter base) : Super(base), pos_(0) {}
169   // Return the current node and the position inside the node
node()170   const Node& node() const { return *this->base_reference(); }
pos()171   size_t pos() const { return pos_; }
173  private:
dereference()174   typename Super::reference dereference() const {
175     return (*this->base_reference()).data()[pos_];
176   }
equal(const Iterator & other)178   bool equal(const Iterator& other) const {
179     return (
180         this->base_reference() == other.base_reference() && pos_ == other.pos_);
181   }
advance(typename Super::difference_type n)183   void advance(typename Super::difference_type n) {
184     constexpr ssize_t elementCount = Node::kElementCount; // signed!
185     ssize_t newPos = pos_ + n;
186     if (newPos >= 0 && newPos < elementCount) {
187       pos_ = newPos;
188       return;
189     }
190     ssize_t nblocks = newPos / elementCount;
191     newPos %= elementCount;
192     if (newPos < 0) {
193       --nblocks; // negative
194       newPos += elementCount;
195     }
196     this->base_reference() += nblocks;
197     pos_ = newPos;
198   }
increment()200   void increment() {
201     if (++pos_ == Node::kElementCount) {
202       ++this->base_reference();
203       pos_ = 0;
204     }
205   }
decrement()207   void decrement() {
208     if (--pos_ == -1) {
209       --this->base_reference();
210       pos_ = Node::kElementCount - 1;
211     }
212   }
distance_to(const Iterator & other)214   typename Super::difference_type distance_to(const Iterator& other) const {
215     constexpr ssize_t elementCount = Node::kElementCount; // signed!
216     ssize_t nblocks =
217         std::distance(this->base_reference(), other.base_reference());
218     return nblocks * elementCount + (other.pos_ - pos_);
219   }
221   friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
222   ssize_t pos_; // signed for easier advance() implementation
223 };
225 /**
226  * Given a container to Node, return iterators to the first element in
227  * the first Node / one past the last element in the last Node.
228  * Note that the last node is assumed to be full; if that's not the case,
229  * subtract from end() as appropriate.
230  */
232 template <class Container>
cbegin(const Container & c)233 Iterator<typename Container::const_iterator> cbegin(const Container& c) {
234   return Iterator<typename Container::const_iterator>(std::begin(c));
235 }
237 template <class Container>
cend(const Container & c)238 Iterator<typename Container::const_iterator> cend(const Container& c) {
239   return Iterator<typename Container::const_iterator>(std::end(c));
240 }
242 template <class Container>
begin(const Container & c)243 Iterator<typename Container::const_iterator> begin(const Container& c) {
244   return cbegin(c);
245 }
247 template <class Container>
end(const Container & c)248 Iterator<typename Container::const_iterator> end(const Container& c) {
249   return cend(c);
250 }
252 template <class Container>
begin(Container & c)253 Iterator<typename Container::iterator> begin(Container& c) {
254   return Iterator<typename Container::iterator>(std::begin(c));
255 }
257 template <class Container>
end(Container & c)258 Iterator<typename Container::iterator> end(Container& c) {
259   return Iterator<typename Container::iterator>(std::end(c));
260 }
262 /**
263  * Adaptor around a STL sequence container.
264  *
265  * Converts a sequence of Node into a sequence of its underlying elements
266  * (with enough functionality to make it useful, although it's not fully
267  * compatible with the STL container requirements, see below).
268  *
269  * Provides iterators (of the same category as those of the underlying
270  * container), size(), front(), back(), push_back(), pop_back(), and const /
271  * non-const versions of operator[] (if the underlying container supports
272  * them).  Does not provide push_front() / pop_front() or arbitrary insert /
273  * emplace / erase.  Also provides reserve() / capacity() if supported by the
274  * underlying container.
275  *
276  * Yes, it's called Adaptor, not Adapter, as that's the name used by the STL
277  * and by boost.  Deal with it.
278  *
279  * Internally, we hold a container of Node and the number of elements in
280  * the last block.  We don't keep empty blocks, so the number of elements in
281  * the last block is always between 1 and Node::kElementCount (inclusive).
282  * (this is true if the container is empty as well to make push_back() simpler,
283  * see the implementation of the size() method for details).
284  */
285 template <class Container>
286 class Adaptor {
287  public:
288   typedef typename Container::value_type Node;
289   typedef typename Node::value_type value_type;
290   typedef value_type& reference;
291   typedef const value_type& const_reference;
292   typedef Iterator<typename Container::iterator> iterator;
293   typedef Iterator<typename Container::const_iterator> const_iterator;
294   typedef typename const_iterator::difference_type difference_type;
295   typedef typename Container::size_type size_type;
297   static constexpr size_t kElementsPerNode = Node::kElementCount;
298   // Constructors
Adaptor()299   Adaptor() : lastCount_(Node::kElementCount) {}
300   explicit Adaptor(Container c, size_t lastCount = Node::kElementCount)
c_(std::move (c))301       : c_(std::move(c)), lastCount_(lastCount) {}
302   explicit Adaptor(size_t n, const value_type& value = value_type())
c_(Node::nodeCount (n),fullNode (value))303       : c_(Node::nodeCount(n), fullNode(value)) {
304     const auto count = n % Node::kElementCount;
305     lastCount_ = count != 0 ? count : Node::kElementCount;
306   }
308   Adaptor(const Adaptor&) = default;
309   Adaptor& operator=(const Adaptor&) = default;
Adaptor(Adaptor && other)310   Adaptor(Adaptor&& other) noexcept
311       : c_(std::move(other.c_)), lastCount_(other.lastCount_) {
312     other.lastCount_ = Node::kElementCount;
313   }
314   Adaptor& operator=(Adaptor&& other) {
315     if (this != &other) {
316       c_ = std::move(other.c_);
317       lastCount_ = other.lastCount_;
318       other.lastCount_ = Node::kElementCount;
319     }
320     return *this;
321   }
323   // Iterators
cbegin()324   const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(c_.begin()); }
cend()325   const_iterator cend() const {
326     auto it = const_iterator(c_.end());
327     if (lastCount_ != Node::kElementCount) {
328       it -= (Node::kElementCount - lastCount_);
329     }
330     return it;
331   }
begin()332   const_iterator begin() const { return cbegin(); }
end()333   const_iterator end() const { return cend(); }
begin()334   iterator begin() { return iterator(c_.begin()); }
end()335   iterator end() {
336     auto it = iterator(c_.end());
337     if (lastCount_ != Node::kElementCount) {
338       it -= difference_type(Node::kElementCount - lastCount_);
339     }
340     return it;
341   }
swap(Adaptor & other)342   void swap(Adaptor& other) {
343     using std::swap;
344     swap(c_, other.c_);
345     swap(lastCount_, other.lastCount_);
346   }
empty()347   bool empty() const { return c_.empty(); }
size()348   size_type size() const {
349     return (
350         c_.empty() ? 0 : (c_.size() - 1) * Node::kElementCount + lastCount_);
351   }
max_size()352   size_type max_size() const {
353     return (
354         (c_.max_size() <=
355          std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max() / Node::kElementCount)
356             ? c_.max_size() * Node::kElementCount
357             : std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max());
358   }
front()360   const value_type& front() const {
361     assert(!empty());
362     return c_.front().data()[0];
363   }
front()364   value_type& front() {
365     assert(!empty());
366     return c_.front().data()[0];
367   }
back()369   const value_type& back() const {
370     assert(!empty());
371     return c_.back().data()[lastCount_ - 1];
372   }
back()373   value_type& back() {
374     assert(!empty());
375     return c_.back().data()[lastCount_ - 1];
376   }
378   template <typename... Args>
emplace_back(Args &&...args)379   void emplace_back(Args&&... args) {
380     new (allocate_back()) value_type(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
381   }
push_back(value_type x)383   void push_back(value_type x) { emplace_back(std::move(x)); }
pop_back()385   void pop_back() {
386     assert(!empty());
387     if (--lastCount_ == 0) {
388       c_.pop_back();
389       lastCount_ = Node::kElementCount;
390     }
391   }
clear()393   void clear() {
394     c_.clear();
395     lastCount_ = Node::kElementCount;
396   }
reserve(size_type n)398   void reserve(size_type n) {
399     assert(n >= 0);
400     c_.reserve(Node::nodeCount(n));
401   }
capacity()403   size_type capacity() const { return c_.capacity() * Node::kElementCount; }
405   const value_type& operator[](size_type idx) const {
406     return c_[idx / Node::kElementCount].data()[idx % Node::kElementCount];
407   }
408   value_type& operator[](size_type idx) {
409     return c_[idx / Node::kElementCount].data()[idx % Node::kElementCount];
410   }
412   /**
413    * Return the underlying container and number of elements in the last block,
414    * and clear *this.  Useful when you want to process the data as Nodes
415    * (again) and want to avoid copies.
416    */
move()417   std::pair<Container, size_t> move() {
418     std::pair<Container, size_t> p(std::move(c_), lastCount_);
419     lastCount_ = Node::kElementCount;
420     return p;
421   }
423   /**
424    * Return a const reference to the underlying container and the current
425    * number of elements in the last block.
426    */
peek()427   std::pair<const Container&, size_t> peek() const {
428     return std::make_pair(std::cref(c_), lastCount_);
429   }
padToFullNode(const value_type & padValue)431   void padToFullNode(const value_type& padValue) {
432     // the if is necessary because c_ may be empty so we can't call c_.back()
433     if (lastCount_ != Node::kElementCount) {
434       auto last = c_.back().data();
435       std::fill(last + lastCount_, last + Node::kElementCount, padValue);
436       lastCount_ = Node::kElementCount;
437     }
438   }
440  private:
allocate_back()441   value_type* allocate_back() {
442     if (lastCount_ == Node::kElementCount) {
443       if constexpr (is_invocable_v<detail::emplace_back, Container&>) {
444         c_.emplace_back();
445       } else {
446         c_.push_back(typename Container::value_type());
447       }
448       lastCount_ = 0;
449     }
450     return &c_.back().data()[lastCount_++];
451   }
fullNode(const value_type & value)453   static Node fullNode(const value_type& value) {
454     Node n;
455     std::fill(n.data(), n.data() + kElementsPerNode, value);
456     return n;
457   }
458   Container c_; // container of Nodes
459   size_t lastCount_; // number of elements in last Node
460 };
462 } // namespace padded
463 } // namespace folly