1 unit dbf;
3 { design info in dbf_reg.pas }
5 interface
7 {$I dbf_common.inc}
9 uses
10   Classes,
11   Db,
12   dbf_common,
13   dbf_dbffile,
14   dbf_parser,
15   dbf_prsdef,
16   dbf_cursor,
17   dbf_fields,
18   dbf_pgfile,
19   dbf_idxfile;
20 {$ifndef fpc}
21 // If you got a compilation error here or asking for dsgnintf.pas, then just add
22 // this file in your project:
23 // dsgnintf.pas in 'C: \Program Files\Borland\Delphi5\Source\Toolsapi\dsgnintf.pas'
24 {$endif}
26 type
28 //====================================================================
29   pBookmarkData = ^TBookmarkData;
30   TBookmarkData = record
31     PhysicalRecNo: Integer;
32   end;
34   pDbfRecord = ^TDbfRecordHeader;
35   TDbfRecordHeader = record
36     BookmarkData: TBookmarkData;
37     BookmarkFlag: TBookmarkFlag;
38     SequentialRecNo: Integer;
39     DeletedFlag: Char;
40   end;
41 //====================================================================
42   TDbf = class;
43 //====================================================================
44   TDbfStorage = (stoMemory,stoFile);
45   TDbfOpenMode = (omNormal,omAutoCreate,omTemporary);
46   TDbfLanguageAction = (laReadOnly, laForceOEM, laForceANSI, laDefault);
47   TDbfTranslationMode = (tmNoneAvailable, tmNoneNeeded, tmSimple, tmAdvanced);
48   TDbfFileName = (dfDbf, dfMemo, dfIndex);
49 //====================================================================
50   TDbfFileNames = set of TDbfFileName;
51 //====================================================================
52   TCompareRecordEvent = procedure(Dbf: TDbf; var Accept: Boolean) of object;
bfnull53   TTranslateEvent = function(Dbf: TDbf; Src, Dest: PChar; ToOem: Boolean): Integer of object;
54   TLanguageWarningEvent = procedure(Dbf: TDbf; var Action: TDbfLanguageAction) of object;
55   TConvertFieldEvent = procedure(Dbf: TDbf; DstField, SrcField: TField) of object;
56   TBeforeAutoCreateEvent = procedure(Dbf: TDbf; var DoCreate: Boolean) of object;
57 //====================================================================
58   // TDbfBlobStream keeps a reference count to number of references to
59   // this instance. Only if FRefCount reaches zero, then the object will be
60   // destructed. AddReference `clones' a reference.
61   // This allows the VCL to use Free on the object to `free' that
62   // particular reference.
64   TDbfBlobStream = class(TMemoryStream)
65   private
66     FBlobField: TBlobField;
67     FMode: TBlobStreamMode;
68     FDirty: boolean;            { has possibly modified data, needs to be written }
69     FMemoRecNo: Integer;
70         { -1 : invalid contents }
71         {  0 : clear, no contents }
72         { >0 : data from page x }
73     FReadSize: Integer;
74     FRefCount: Integer;
GetTransliteratenull76     function  GetTransliterate: Boolean;
77     procedure Translate(ToOem: Boolean);
78     procedure SetMode(NewMode: TBlobStreamMode);
79   public
80     constructor Create(FieldVal: TField);
81     destructor Destroy; override;
AddReferencenull83     function  AddReference: TDbfBlobStream;
84     procedure FreeInstance; override;
86     procedure Cancel;
87     procedure Commit;
89     property Dirty: boolean read FDirty;
90     property Transliterate: Boolean read GetTransliterate;
91     property MemoRecNo: Integer read FMemoRecNo write FMemoRecNo;
92     property ReadSize: Integer read FReadSize write FReadSize;
93     property Mode: TBlobStreamMode write SetMode;
94     property BlobField: TBlobField read FBlobField;
95   end;
96 //====================================================================
97   TDbfIndexDefs = class(TCollection)
98   public
99     FOwner: TDbf;
100    private
GetItemnull101     function GetItem(N: Integer): TDbfIndexDef;
102     procedure SetItem(N: Integer; Value: TDbfIndexDef);
103    protected
GetOwnernull104     function GetOwner: TPersistent; override;
105    public
106     constructor Create(AOwner: TDbf);
Addnull108     function  Add: TDbfIndexDef;
GetIndexByNamenull109     function  GetIndexByName(const Name: string): TDbfIndexDef;
GetIndexByFieldnull110     function  GetIndexByField(const Name: string): TDbfIndexDef;
111     procedure Update; {$ifdef SUPPORT_REINTRODUCE} reintroduce; {$endif}
113     property Items[N: Integer]: TDbfIndexDef read GetItem write SetItem; default;
114   end;
115 //====================================================================
116   TDbfMasterLink = class(TDataLink)
117   private
118     FDetailDataSet: TDbf;
119     FParser: TDbfParser;
120     FFieldNames: string;
121     FValidExpression: Boolean;
122     FOnMasterChange: TNotifyEvent;
123     FOnMasterDisable: TNotifyEvent;
GetFieldsValnull125     function GetFieldsVal: TRecordBuffer;
127     procedure SetFieldNames(const Value: string);
128   protected
129     procedure ActiveChanged; override;
130     procedure CheckBrowseMode; override;
131     procedure LayoutChanged; override;
132     procedure RecordChanged(Field: TField); override;
134   public
135     constructor Create(ADataSet: TDbf);
136     destructor Destroy; override;
138     property FieldNames: string read FFieldNames write SetFieldNames;
139     property ValidExpression: Boolean read FValidExpression write FValidExpression;
140     property FieldsVal: TRecordBuffer read GetFieldsVal;
141     property Parser: TDbfParser read FParser;
143     property OnMasterChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnMasterChange write FOnMasterChange;
144     property OnMasterDisable: TNotifyEvent read FOnMasterDisable write FOnMasterDisable;
145   end;
146 //====================================================================
147   PDbfBlobList = ^TDbfBlobList;
148   TDbfBlobList = array[0..MaxListSize-1] of TDbfBlobStream;
149 //====================================================================
150   TDbf = class(TDataSet)
151   private
152     FDbfFile: TDbfFile;
153     FCursor: TVirtualCursor;
154     FOpenMode: TDbfOpenMode;
155     FStorage: TDbfStorage;
156     FMasterLink: TDbfMasterLink;
157     FParser: TDbfParser;
158     FBlobStreams: PDbfBlobList;
159     FUserIndexStream: TStream;
160     FUserStream: TStream;  // user stream to open
161     FUserMemoStream: TStream; // user-provided/expected stream backing memo file storage
162     FTableName: string;    // table path and file name
163     FRelativePath: string;
164     FAbsolutePath: string;
165     FIndexName: string;
166     FReadOnly: Boolean;
167     FFilterBuffer: TRecordBuffer;
168     FTempBuffer: TRecordBuffer;
169     FEditingRecNo: Integer;
171     FLocateRecNo: Integer;
172 {$endif}
173     FBackLink: String;
174     FLanguageID: Byte;
175     FTableLevel: Integer;
176     FExclusive: Boolean;
177     FShowDeleted: Boolean;
178     FPosting: Boolean;
179     FDisableResyncOnPost: Boolean;
180     FTempExclusive: Boolean;
181     FInCopyFrom: Boolean;
182     FStoreDefs: Boolean;
183     FCopyDateTimeAsString: Boolean;
184     FFindRecordFilter: Boolean;
185     FIndexFile: TIndexFile;
186     FDateTimeHandling: TDateTimeHandling;
187     FTranslationMode: TDbfTranslationMode;
188     FIndexDefs: TDbfIndexDefs;
189     FBeforeAutoCreate: TBeforeAutoCreateEvent;
190     FOnTranslate: TTranslateEvent;
191     FOnLanguageWarning: TLanguageWarningEvent;
192     FOnLocaleError: TDbfLocaleErrorEvent;
193     FOnIndexMissing: TDbfIndexMissingEvent;
194     FOnCompareRecord: TNotifyEvent;
195     FOnCopyDateTimeAsString: TConvertFieldEvent;
GetIndexNamenull197     function GetIndexName: string;
GetVersionnull198     function GetVersion: string;
GetPhysicalRecNonull199     function GetPhysicalRecNo: Integer;
GetLanguageStrnull200     function GetLanguageStr: string;
GetCodePagenull201     function GetCodePage: Cardinal;
GetExactRecordCountnull202     function GetExactRecordCount: Integer;
GetPhysicalRecordCountnull203     function GetPhysicalRecordCount: Integer;
GetKeySizenull204     function GetKeySize: Integer;
GetMasterFieldsnull205     function GetMasterFields: string;
FieldDefsStorednull206     function FieldDefsStored: Boolean;
207     procedure SetBackLink(NewBackLink: String);
209     procedure SetIndexName(AIndexName: string);
210     procedure SetDbfIndexDefs(const Value: TDbfIndexDefs);
211     procedure SetFilePath(const Value: string);
212     procedure SetTableName(const S: string);
213     procedure SetVersion(const S: string);
214     procedure SetLanguageID(NewID: Byte);
215     procedure SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
216     procedure SetMasterFields(const Value: string);
217     procedure SetTableLevel(const NewLevel: Integer);
218     procedure SetPhysicalRecNo(const NewRecNo: Integer);
220     procedure MasterChanged(Sender: TObject);
221     procedure MasterDisabled(Sender: TObject);
222     procedure DetermineTranslationMode;
223     procedure UpdateRange;
224     procedure SetShowDeleted(Value: Boolean);
225     procedure GetFieldDefsFromDbfFieldDefs;
226     procedure InitDbfFile(FileOpenMode: TPagedFileMode);
ParseIndexNamenull227     function  ParseIndexName(const AIndexName: string): string;
228     procedure ParseFilter(const AFilter: string);
GetDbfFieldDefsnull229     function  GetDbfFieldDefs: TDbfFieldDefs;
ReadCurrentRecordnull230     function  ReadCurrentRecord(Buffer: TRecordBuffer; var Acceptable: Boolean): TGetResult;
SearchKeyBuffernull231     function  SearchKeyBuffer(Buffer: PChar; SearchType: TSearchKeyType): Boolean;
232     procedure SetRangeBuffer(LowRange: PChar; HighRange: PChar);
234   protected
235     { abstract methods }
AllocRecordBuffernull236     function  AllocRecordBuffer: TRecordBuffer; override; {virtual abstract}
237     procedure ClearCalcFields(Buffer: TRecordBuffer); override;
238     procedure FreeRecordBuffer(var Buffer: TRecordBuffer); override; {virtual abstract}
239     procedure GetBookmarkData(Buffer: TRecordBuffer; Data: Pointer); override; {virtual abstract}
GetBookmarkFlagnull240     function  GetBookmarkFlag(Buffer: TRecordBuffer): TBookmarkFlag; override; {virtual abstract}
GetRecordnull241     function  GetRecord(Buffer: TRecordBuffer; GetMode: TGetMode; DoCheck: Boolean): TGetResult; override; {virtual abstract}
GetRecordSizenull242     function  GetRecordSize: Word; override; {virtual abstract}
243     procedure InternalAddRecord(Buffer: Pointer; AAppend: Boolean); override; {virtual abstract}
244     procedure InternalClose; override; {virtual abstract}
245     procedure InternalDelete; override; {virtual abstract}
246     procedure InternalFirst; override; {virtual abstract}
247     procedure InternalGotoBookmark(ABookmark: Pointer); override; {virtual abstract}
248     procedure InternalHandleException; override; {virtual abstract}
249     procedure InternalInitFieldDefs; override; {virtual abstract}
250     procedure InternalInitRecord(Buffer: TRecordBuffer); override; {virtual abstract}
251     procedure InternalLast; override; {virtual abstract}
252     procedure InternalOpen; override; {virtual abstract}
253     procedure InternalEdit; override; {virtual}
254     procedure InternalCancel; override; {virtual}
255 {$ifndef FPC}
256 {$ifndef DELPHI_3}
257     procedure InternalInsert; override; {virtual}
258 {$endif}
259 {$endif}
260     procedure InternalPost; override; {virtual abstract}
261     procedure InternalSetToRecord(Buffer: TRecordBuffer); override; {virtual abstract}
262     procedure InitFieldDefs; override;
IsCursorOpennull263     function  IsCursorOpen: Boolean; override; {virtual abstract}
264     procedure SetBookmarkFlag(Buffer: TRecordBuffer; Value: TBookmarkFlag); override; {virtual abstract}
265     procedure SetBookmarkData(Buffer: TRecordBuffer; Data: Pointer); override; {virtual abstract}
266     procedure SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer);
267       {$ifdef SUPPORT_OVERLOAD} overload; {$endif} override; {virtual abstract}
269     { virtual methods (mostly optional) }
GetDataSourcenull270     function  GetDataSource: TDataSource; {$ifndef VER1_0}override;{$endif}
GetRecordCountnull271     function  GetRecordCount: Integer; override; {virtual}
GetRecNonull272     function  GetRecNo: Integer; override; {virtual}
GetCanModifynull273     function  GetCanModify: Boolean; override; {virtual}
274     procedure SetRecNo(Value: Integer); override; {virual}
275     procedure SetFiltered(Value: Boolean); override; {virtual;}
276     procedure SetFilterText(const Value: String); override; {virtual;}
278     procedure DefChanged(Sender: TObject); override;
279 {$endif}
FindRecordnull280     function  FindRecord(Restart, GoForward: Boolean): Boolean; override;
GetIndexFieldNamesnull282     function  GetIndexFieldNames: string; {virtual;}
283     procedure SetIndexFieldNames(const Value: string); {virtual;}
LocateRecordLinearnull286     function  LocateRecordLinear(const KeyFields: String; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean;
LocateRecordIndexnull287     function  LocateRecordIndex(const KeyFields: String; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean;
LocateRecordnull288     function  LocateRecord(const KeyFields: String; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean;
289 {$endif}
291     procedure DoFilterRecord(var Acceptable: Boolean);
292   public
293     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
294     destructor Destroy; override;
296     { abstract methods }
GetFieldDatanull297     function GetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer): Boolean;
298       {$ifdef SUPPORT_OVERLOAD} overload; {$endif} override; {virtual abstract}
299     { virtual methods (mostly optional) }
300     procedure Resync(Mode: TResyncMode); override;
CreateBlobStreamnull301     function CreateBlobStream(Field: TField; Mode: TBlobStreamMode): TStream; override; {virtual}
Translatenull303     function Translate(Src, Dest: PChar; ToOem: Boolean): Integer; override; {virtual}
304 {$else}
305     procedure Translate(Src, Dest: PChar; ToOem: Boolean); override; {virtual}
306 {$endif}
GetFieldDatanull309     function  GetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer; NativeFormat: Boolean): Boolean;
310       {$ifdef SUPPORT_BACKWARD_FIELDDATA} overload; override; {$else} reintroduce; overload; {$endif}
311     procedure SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer; NativeFormat: Boolean);
312       {$ifdef SUPPORT_BACKWARD_FIELDDATA} overload; override; {$else} reintroduce; overload; {$endif}
313 {$endif}
CompareBookmarksnull315     function CompareBookmarks(Bookmark1, Bookmark2: TBookmark): Integer; override;
316     procedure CheckDbfFieldDefs(ADbfFieldDefs: TDbfFieldDefs);
FindFirstnull318     function  FindFirst: Boolean; override;
FindLastnull319     function  FindLast: Boolean; override;
FindNextnull320     function  FindNext: Boolean; override;
FindPriornull321     function  FindPrior: Boolean; override;
323 {$ifdef VER1_0}
324     procedure DataEvent(Event: TDataEvent; Info: Longint); override;
325 {$endif}
327     // my own methods and properties
328     // most look like ttable functions but they are not tdataset related
329     // I (try to) use the same syntax to facilitate the conversion between bde and TDbf
331     // index support (use same syntax as ttable but is not related)
333     procedure AddIndex(const AIndexName, AFields: String; Options: TIndexOptions; const DescFields: String='');
334 {$else}
335     procedure AddIndex(const AIndexName, AFields: String; Options: TIndexOptions);
336 {$endif}
337     procedure RegenerateIndexes;
339     procedure CancelRange;
340     procedure CheckMasterRange;
SearchKeynull342     function  SearchKey(Key: Variant; SearchType: TSearchKeyType; KeyIsANSI: boolean
343       {$ifdef SUPPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMS}= false{$endif}): Boolean;
344     procedure SetRange(LowRange: Variant; HighRange: Variant; KeyIsANSI: boolean
345       {$ifdef SUPPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMS}= false{$endif});
346 {$endif}
PrepareKeynull347     function  PrepareKey(Buffer: Pointer; BufferType: TExpressionType): PChar;
SearchKeyPCharnull348     function  SearchKeyPChar(Key: PChar; SearchType: TSearchKeyType; KeyIsANSI: boolean
349       {$ifdef SUPPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMS}= false{$endif}): Boolean;
350     procedure SetRangePChar(LowRange: PChar; HighRange: PChar; KeyIsANSI: boolean
351       {$ifdef SUPPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMS}= false{$endif});
GetCurrentBuffernull352     function  GetCurrentBuffer: TRecordBuffer;
353     procedure ExtractKey(KeyBuffer: PChar);
354     procedure UpdateIndexDefs; override;
355     procedure GetFileNames(Strings: TStrings; Files: TDbfFileNames); {$ifdef SUPPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMS} overload; {$endif}
GetFileNamesnull357     function  GetFileNames(Files: TDbfFileNames  = [dfDbf]  ): string; overload;
358 {$else}
GetFileNamesStringnull359     function  GetFileNamesString(Files: TDbfFileNames (* = [dfDbf] *) ): string;
360 {$endif}
361     procedure GetIndexNames(Strings: TStrings);
362     procedure GetAllIndexFiles(Strings: TStrings);
364     procedure TryExclusive;
365     procedure EndExclusive;
LockTablenull366     function  LockTable(const Wait: Boolean): Boolean;
367     procedure UnlockTable;
368     procedure OpenIndexFile(IndexFile: string);
369     procedure DeleteIndex(const AIndexName: string);
370     procedure CloseIndexFile(const AIndexName: string);
371     procedure RepageIndexFile(const AIndexFile: string);
372     procedure CompactIndexFile(const AIndexFile: string);
Lookupnull375     function  Lookup(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; const ResultFields: string): Variant; override;
Locatenull376     function  Locate(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean; override;
377 {$endif}
IsDeletednull379     function  IsDeleted: Boolean;
380     procedure Undelete;
381     // Call this after setting up fielddefs in order to store the definitions into a table
382     procedure CreateTable;
383     procedure CreateTableEx(ADbfFieldDefs: TDbfFieldDefs);
384     procedure CopyFrom(DataSet: TDataSet; FileName: string; DateTimeAsString: Boolean; Level: Integer);
385     procedure RestructureTable(ADbfFieldDefs: TDbfFieldDefs; Pack: Boolean);
386     procedure PackTable;
387     procedure EmptyTable;
388     procedure Zap;
391     procedure InitFieldDefsFromFields;
392 {$endif}
394     property AbsolutePath: string read FAbsolutePath;
395     property DbfFieldDefs: TDbfFieldDefs read GetDbfFieldDefs;
396     property PhysicalRecNo: Integer read GetPhysicalRecNo write SetPhysicalRecNo;
397     // Visual Foxpro: relative path to .dbc database file containing
398     // long field names and other metadata
399     // Empty if this is a "free table", not linked to a .dbc file
400     // Setting this with a FoxPro tablelevel will auto-upgrade to Visual Foxpro
401     // Unsupported for other versions
402     property BackLink: String read FBackLink write SetBackLink;
403     property LanguageID: Byte read FLanguageID write SetLanguageID;
404     property LanguageStr: String read GetLanguageStr;
405     property CodePage: Cardinal read GetCodePage;
406     property ExactRecordCount: Integer read GetExactRecordCount;
407     property PhysicalRecordCount: Integer read GetPhysicalRecordCount;
408     property KeySize: Integer read GetKeySize;
409     property DbfFile: TDbfFile read FDbfFile;
410     // Storage for data file if using memory storage
411     property UserStream: TStream read FUserStream write FUserStream;
412     // Storage for index file - if any - when using memory storage
413     property UserIndexStream: TStream read FUserIndexStream write FUserIndexStream;
414     // Storage for memo file - if any - when using memory storage
415     property UserMemoStream: TStream read FUserMemoStream write FUserMemoStream;
416     property DisableResyncOnPost: Boolean read FDisableResyncOnPost write FDisableResyncOnPost;
417   published
418     property DateTimeHandling: TDateTimeHandling
419              read FDateTimeHandling write FDateTimeHandling default dtBDETimeStamp;
420     property Exclusive: Boolean read FExclusive write FExclusive default false;
421     property FilePath: string     read FRelativePath write SetFilePath;
422     property FilePathFull: string read FAbsolutePath write SetFilePath stored false;
423     property Indexes: TDbfIndexDefs read FIndexDefs write SetDbfIndexDefs stored false;
424     property IndexDefs: TDbfIndexDefs read FIndexDefs write SetDbfIndexDefs;
425     property IndexFieldNames: string read GetIndexFieldNames write SetIndexFieldNames stored false;
426     property IndexName: string read GetIndexName write SetIndexName;
427     property MasterFields: string read GetMasterFields write SetMasterFields;
428     property MasterSource: TDataSource read GetDataSource write SetDataSource;
429     property OpenMode: TDbfOpenMode read FOpenMode write FOpenMode default omNormal;
430     property ReadOnly: Boolean read FReadOnly write FReadonly default false;
431     property ShowDeleted: Boolean read FShowDeleted write SetShowDeleted default false;
432     property Storage: TDbfStorage read FStorage write FStorage default stoFile;
433     property StoreDefs: Boolean read FStoreDefs write FStoreDefs default False;
434     property TableName: string read FTableName write SetTableName;
435     property TableLevel: Integer read FTableLevel write SetTableLevel;
436     property Version: string read GetVersion write SetVersion stored false;
437     property BeforeAutoCreate: TBeforeAutoCreateEvent read FBeforeAutoCreate write FBeforeAutoCreate;
438     property OnCompareRecord: TNotifyEvent read FOnCompareRecord write FOnCompareRecord;
439     property OnLanguageWarning: TLanguageWarningEvent read FOnLanguageWarning write FOnLanguageWarning;
440     property OnLocaleError: TDbfLocaleErrorEvent read FOnLocaleError write FOnLocaleError;
441     property OnIndexMissing: TDbfIndexMissingEvent read FOnIndexMissing write FOnIndexMissing;
442     property OnCopyDateTimeAsString: TConvertFieldEvent read FOnCopyDateTimeAsString write FOnCopyDateTimeAsString;
443     property OnTranslate: TTranslateEvent read FOnTranslate write FOnTranslate;
445     // redeclared data set properties
446     property Active;
447     property FieldDefs stored FieldDefsStored;
448     property Filter;
449     property Filtered;
450     property FilterOptions;
451     property BeforeOpen;
452     property AfterOpen;
453     property BeforeClose;
454     property AfterClose;
455     property BeforeInsert;
456     property AfterInsert;
457     property BeforeEdit;
458     property AfterEdit;
459     property BeforePost;
460     property AfterPost;
461     property BeforeCancel;
462     property AfterCancel;
463     property BeforeDelete;
464     property AfterDelete;
466     property BeforeRefresh;
467     property AfterRefresh;
468 {$endif}
469     property BeforeScroll;
470     property AfterScroll;
471     property OnCalcFields;
472     property OnDeleteError;
473     property OnEditError;
474     property OnFilterRecord;
475     property OnNewRecord;
476     property OnPostError;
477   end;
479   TDbf_GetBasePathFunction = function: string;
481 var
482   DbfBasePath: TDbf_GetBasePathFunction;
implementationnull484 implementation
486 uses
487   SysUtils,
488 {$ifndef FPC}
489   DBConsts,
490 {$endif}
491 {$ifdef WINDOWS}
492   Windows,
493 {$else}
494 {$ifdef KYLIX}
495   Libc,
496 {$endif}
497   Types,
498   dbf_wtil,
499 {$endif}
501   Variants,
502 {$endif}
503   dbf_idxcur,
504   dbf_memo,
505   dbf_str;
507 {$ifdef FPC}
508 const
509   // TODO: move these to DBConsts
510   SNotEditing = 'Dataset not in edit or insert mode';
511   SCircularDataLink = 'Circular datalinks are not allowed';
512 {$endif}
TableLevelToDbfVersionnull514 function TableLevelToDbfVersion(TableLevel: integer): TXBaseVersion;
515 begin
516   case TableLevel of
517     3:                            Result := xBaseIII;
518     7:                            Result := xBaseVII;
519     TDBF_TABLELEVEL_FOXPRO:       Result := xFoxPro;
520     TDBF_TABLELEVEL_VISUALFOXPRO: Result := xVisualFoxPro;
521   else
522     {4:} Result := xBaseIV;
523   end;
524 end;
526 //==========================================================
527 //============ TDbfBlobStream
528 //==========================================================
529 constructor TDbfBlobStream.Create(FieldVal: TField);
530 begin
531   FBlobField := FieldVal as TBlobField;
532   FReadSize := 0;
533   FMemoRecNo := 0;
534   FRefCount := 1;
535   FDirty := false;
536 end;
538 destructor TDbfBlobStream.Destroy;
539 begin
540   // only continue destroy if all references released
541   if FRefCount = 1 then
542   begin
543     // this is the last reference
544     inherited
545   end else begin
546     // fire event when dirty, and the last "user" is freeing it's reference
547     // tdbf always has the last reference
548     if FDirty and (FRefCount = 2) then
549     begin
550       // a second referer to instance has changed the data, remember modified
551 //      TDbf(FBlobField.DataSet).SetModified(true);
552       // is following better? seems to provide notification for user (from VCL)
553       if not (FBlobField.DataSet.State in [dsCalcFields, dsFilter, dsNewValue]) then
554         TDbf(FBlobField.DataSet).DataEvent(deFieldChange, PtrInt(FBlobField));
555     end;
556   end;
557   Dec(FRefCount);
558 end;
560 procedure TDbfBlobStream.FreeInstance;
561 begin
562   // only continue freeing if all references released
563   if FRefCount = 0 then
564     inherited;
565 end;
567 procedure TDbfBlobStream.SetMode(NewMode: TBlobStreamMode);
568 begin
569   FMode := NewMode;
570   FDirty := FDirty or (NewMode = bmWrite) or (NewMode = bmReadWrite);
571 end;
573 procedure TDbfBlobStream.Cancel;
574 begin
575   FDirty := false;
576   FMemoRecNo := -1;
577 end;
579 procedure TDbfBlobStream.Commit;
580 var
581   Dbf: TDbf;
582 begin
583   if FDirty then
584   begin
585     Size := Position; // Strange but it leaves tailing trash bytes if I do not write that.
586     Dbf := TDbf(FBlobField.DataSet);
587     Translate(true);
588     Dbf.FDbfFile.MemoFile.WriteMemo(FMemoRecNo, FReadSize, Self);
589     Dbf.FDbfFile.SetFieldData(FBlobField.FieldNo-1, ftInteger, @FMemoRecNo,
590       @pDbfRecord(TDbf(FBlobField.DataSet).ActiveBuffer)^.DeletedFlag, false);
591     FDirty := false;
592   end;
593 end;
AddReferencenull595 function TDbfBlobStream.AddReference: TDbfBlobStream;
596 begin
597   Inc(FRefCount);
598   Result := Self;
599 end;
GetTransliteratenull601 function TDbfBlobStream.GetTransliterate: Boolean;
602 begin
603   Result := FBlobField.Transliterate;
604 end;
606 procedure TDbfBlobStream.Translate(ToOem: Boolean);
607 var
608   bytesToDo, numBytes: Integer;
609   bufPos: PChar;
610   saveChar: Char;
611 begin
612   if (Transliterate) and (Size > 0) then
613   begin
614     // get number of bytes to be translated
615     bytesToDo := Size;
616     // make space for final null-terminator
617     Size := Size + 1;
618     bufPos := Memory;
619     repeat
620       // process blocks of 512 bytes
621       numBytes := bytesToDo;
622       if numBytes > 512 then
623         numBytes := 512;
624       // null-terminate memory
625       saveChar := bufPos[numBytes];
626       bufPos[numBytes] := #0;
627       // translate memory
628       TDbf(FBlobField.DataSet).Translate(bufPos, bufPos, ToOem);
629       // restore char
630       bufPos[numBytes] := saveChar;
631       // numBytes bytes translated
632       Dec(bytesToDo, numBytes);
633       Inc(bufPos, numBytes);
634     until bytesToDo = 0;
635     // cut ending null-terminator
636     Size := Size - 1;
637   end;
638 end;
640 //====================================================================
641 // TDbf = TDataset Descendant.
642 //====================================================================
643 constructor TDbf.Create(AOwner: TComponent); {override;}
644 begin
645   inherited;
647   if DbfGlobals = nil then
648     DbfGlobals := TDbfGlobals.Create;
650   BookmarkSize := sizeof(TBookmarkData);
651   FIndexDefs := TDbfIndexDefs.Create(Self);
652   FMasterLink := TDbfMasterLink.Create(Self);
653   FMasterLink.OnMasterChange := MasterChanged;
654   FMasterLink.OnMasterDisable := MasterDisabled;
655   FDateTimeHandling := dtBDETimeStamp;
656   FStorage := stoFile;
657   FOpenMode := omNormal;
658   FParser := nil;
659   FPosting := false;
660   FReadOnly := false;
661   FExclusive := false;
662   FDisableResyncOnPost := false;
663   FTempExclusive := false;
664   FCopyDateTimeAsString := false;
665   FInCopyFrom := false;
666   FFindRecordFilter := false;
667   FEditingRecNo := -1;
668   FTableLevel := 4;
669   FIndexName := EmptyStr;
670   FilePath := EmptyStr;
671   FTempBuffer := nil;
672   FFilterBuffer := nil;
673   FIndexFile := nil;
674   FOnTranslate := nil;
675   FOnCopyDateTimeAsString := nil;
676 end;
678 destructor TDbf.Destroy; {override;}
679 var
680   I: Integer;
681 begin
682   inherited Destroy;
684   if FIndexDefs <> nil then
685   begin
686     for I := FIndexDefs.Count - 1 downto 0 do
687       TDbfIndexDef(FIndexDefs.Items[I]).Free;
688     FIndexDefs.Free;
689   end;
690   FMasterLink.Free;
691 end;
AllocRecordBuffernull693 function TDbf.AllocRecordBuffer: TRecordBuffer; {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
694 begin
695   GetMem(Result, SizeOf(TDbfRecordHeader)+FDbfFile.RecordSize+CalcFieldsSize+1);
696 end;
698 procedure TDbf.FreeRecordBuffer(var Buffer: TRecordBuffer); {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
699 begin
700   FreeMemAndNil(Pointer(Buffer));
701 end;
703 procedure TDbf.GetBookmarkData(Buffer: TRecordBuffer; Data: Pointer); {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
704 begin
705   pBookmarkData(Data)^ := pDbfRecord(Buffer)^.BookmarkData;
706 end;
GetBookmarkFlagnull708 function TDbf.GetBookmarkFlag(Buffer: TRecordBuffer): TBookmarkFlag; {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
709 begin
710   Result := pDbfRecord(Buffer)^.BookmarkFlag;
711 end;
GetCurrentBuffernull713 function TDbf.GetCurrentBuffer: TRecordBuffer;
714 begin
715   case State of
716     dsFilter:     Result := FFilterBuffer;
717     dsCalcFields: Result := CalcBuffer;
718 //    dsSetKey:     Result := FKeyBuffer;     // TO BE Implemented
719   else
720     if IsEmpty then
721     begin
722       Result := nil;
723     end else begin
724       Result := ActiveBuffer;
725     end;
726   end;
727   if Result <> nil then
728     Result := @PDbfRecord(Result)^.DeletedFlag;
729 end;
731 // we don't want converted data formats, we want native :-)
732 // it makes coding easier in TDbfFile.GetFieldData
733 //  ftCurrency:
734 //    Delphi 3,4: BCD array
735 //  ftBCD:
736 // ftDateTime is more difficult though
GetFieldDatanull738 function TDbf.GetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer): Boolean; {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
740 begin
741   { calling through 'old' delphi 3 interface, use compatible/'native' format }
742   Result := GetFieldData(Field, Buffer, true);
743 end;
GetFieldDatanull745 function TDbf.GetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer; NativeFormat: Boolean): Boolean; {overload; override;}
746 {$else}
747 const
748   { no overload => delphi 3 => use compatible/'native' format }
749   NativeFormat = true;
750 {$endif}
751 var
752   Src: TRecordBuffer;
753 begin
754   Src := GetCurrentBuffer;
755   if Src = nil then
756   begin
757     Result := false;
758     exit;
759   end;
761   if Field.FieldNo>0 then
762   begin
763     Result := FDbfFile.GetFieldData(Field.FieldNo-1, Field.DataType, Src, Buffer, NativeFormat);
764   end else begin { weird calculated fields voodoo (from dbtables).... }
765     Inc(PChar(Src), Field.Offset + GetRecordSize);
766     Result := Boolean(Src[0]);
767     if Result and (Buffer <> nil) then
768       Move(Src[1], Buffer^, Field.DataSize);
769   end;
770 end;
772 procedure TDbf.SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer); {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
774 begin
775   { calling through 'old' delphi 3 interface, use compatible/'native' format }
776   SetFieldData(Field, Buffer, true);
777 end;
FindFirstnull779 function TDbf.FindFirst: Boolean;
780 begin
ifnull781   // Use inherited function; if failed use FindRecord
782   Result:=inherited FindFirst or FindRecord(True, True);
783 end;
FindLastnull785 function TDbf.FindLast: Boolean;
786 begin
ifnull787   // Use inherited function; if failed use FindRecord
788   Result:=inherited FindLast or FindRecord(True, False);
789 end;
TDbf.FindNextnull791 function TDbf.FindNext: Boolean;
792 begin
ifnull793   // Use inherited function; if failed use FindRecord
794   Result:=inherited FindNext or FindRecord(False, True);
795 end;
TDbf.FindPriornull797 function TDbf.FindPrior: Boolean;
798 begin
ifnull799   // Use inherited function; if failed use FindRecord
800   Result:=inherited FindPrior or FindRecord(False, False);
801 end;
803 procedure TDbf.SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer; NativeFormat: Boolean); {overload; override;}
804 {$else}
805 const
806   { no overload => delphi 3 => use compatible/'native' format }
807   NativeFormat = true;
808 {$endif}
809 var
810   Dst: PChar;
811 begin
812   if (Field.FieldNo >= 0) then
813   begin
814     if State in [dsEdit, dsInsert, dsNewValue] then
815       Field.Validate(Buffer);
816     Dst := @PDbfRecord(ActiveBuffer)^.DeletedFlag;
817     FDbfFile.SetFieldData(Field.FieldNo - 1, Field.DataType, Buffer, Dst, NativeFormat);
818   end else begin    { ***** fkCalculated, fkLookup ***** }
819     Dst := @PDbfRecord(CalcBuffer)^.DeletedFlag;
820     Inc(PChar(Dst), RecordSize + Field.Offset);
821     Boolean(Dst[0]) := Buffer <> nil;
822     if Buffer <> nil then
823       Move(Buffer^, Dst[1], Field.DataSize)
824   end;     { end of ***** fkCalculated, fkLookup ***** }
825   if not (State in [dsCalcFields, dsFilter, dsNewValue]) then begin
826     DataEvent(deFieldChange, PtrInt(Field));
827   end;
828 end;
830 procedure TDbf.DoFilterRecord(var Acceptable: Boolean);
831 begin
832   // check filtertext
833   if Length(Filter) > 0 then
834   begin
835 {$ifndef VER1_0}
836     Acceptable := Boolean((FParser.ExtractFromBuffer(GetCurrentBuffer))^);
837 {$else}
838     // strange problem
839     // dbf.pas(716,19) Error: Incompatible types: got "CHAR" expected "BOOLEAN"
840     Acceptable := not ((FParser.ExtractFromBuffer(GetCurrentBuffer))^ = #0);
841 {$endif}
842   end;
844   // check user filter
845   if Acceptable and Assigned(OnFilterRecord) then
846     OnFilterRecord(Self, Acceptable);
847 end;
ReadCurrentRecordnull849 function TDbf.ReadCurrentRecord(Buffer: TRecordBuffer; var Acceptable: Boolean): TGetResult;
850 var
851   lPhysicalRecNo: Integer;
852   pRecord: pDbfRecord;
853 begin
854   lPhysicalRecNo := FCursor.PhysicalRecNo;
855   if (lPhysicalRecNo = 0) or not FDbfFile.IsRecordPresent(lPhysicalRecNo) then
856   begin
857     Result := grError;
858     Acceptable := false;
859   end else begin
860     Result := grOK;
861     pRecord := pDbfRecord(Buffer);
862     FDbfFile.ReadRecord(lPhysicalRecNo, @pRecord^.DeletedFlag);
863     Acceptable := (FShowDeleted or (pRecord^.DeletedFlag <> '*'))
864   end;
865 end;
GetRecordnull867 function TDbf.GetRecord(Buffer: TRecordBuffer; GetMode: TGetMode; DoCheck: Boolean): TGetResult; {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
868 var
869   pRecord: pDbfRecord;
870   acceptable: Boolean;
871   SaveState: TDataSetState;
872 //  s: string;
873 begin
874   if FCursor = nil then
875   begin
876     Result := grEOF;
877     exit;
878   end;
880   pRecord := pDbfRecord(Buffer);
881   acceptable := false;
882   repeat
883     Result := grOK;
884     case GetMode of
885       gmNext :
886         begin
887           Acceptable := FCursor.Next;
888           if Acceptable then begin
889             Result := grOK;
890           end else begin
891             Result := grEOF
892           end;
893         end;
894       gmPrior :
895         begin
896           Acceptable := FCursor.Prev;
897           if Acceptable then begin
898             Result := grOK;
899           end else begin
900             Result := grBOF
901           end;
902         end;
903     end;
905     if (Result = grOK) then
906       Result := ReadCurrentRecord(Buffer, acceptable);
908     if (Result = grOK) and acceptable then
909     begin
910       pRecord^.BookmarkData.PhysicalRecNo := FCursor.PhysicalRecNo;
911       pRecord^.BookmarkFlag := bfCurrent;
912       pRecord^.SequentialRecNo := FCursor.SequentialRecNo;
913       GetCalcFields(Buffer);
915       if Filtered or FFindRecordFilter then
916       begin
917         FFilterBuffer := Buffer;
918         SaveState := SetTempState(dsFilter);
919         DoFilterRecord(acceptable);
920         RestoreState(SaveState);
921       end;
922     end;
924     if (GetMode = gmCurrent) and not acceptable then
925       Result := grError;
926   until (Result <> grOK) or acceptable;
928   if Result <> grOK then
929     pRecord^.BookmarkData.PhysicalRecNo := -1;
930 end;
GetRecordSizenull932 function TDbf.GetRecordSize: Word; {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
933 begin
934   Result := FDbfFile.RecordSize;
935 end;
937 procedure TDbf.InternalAddRecord(Buffer: Pointer; AAppend: Boolean); {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
isnull938   // this function is called from TDataSet.InsertRecord and TDataSet.AppendRecord
939   // goal: add record with Edit...Set Fields...Post all in one step
940 var
941   pRecord: pDbfRecord;
942   newRecord: integer;
943 begin
944   // if InternalAddRecord is called, we know we are active
945   pRecord := Buffer;
947   // we can not insert records in DBF files, only append
948   // ignore Append parameter
949   newRecord := FDbfFile.Insert(@pRecord^.DeletedFlag);
950   if newRecord > 0 then
951     FCursor.PhysicalRecNo := newRecord;
953   // set flag that TDataSet is about to post...so we can disable resync
954   FPosting := true;
955 end;
957 procedure TDbf.InternalClose; {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
958 var
959   lIndex: TDbfIndexDef;
960   I: Integer;
961 begin
962   // clear automatically added MDX index entries
963   I := 0;
964   while I < FIndexDefs.Count do
965   begin
966     // is this an MDX index?
967     lIndex := FIndexDefs.Items[I];
968     if (Length(ExtractFileExt(lIndex.IndexFile)) = 0) and
969       TDbfIndexDef(FIndexDefs.Items[I]).Temporary then
970     begin
972       // delete this entry
973       FIndexDefs.Delete(I);
974 {$else}
975       // does this work? I hope so :-)
976       FIndexDefs.Items[I].Free;
977 {$endif}
978     end else begin
979       // NDX entry -> goto next
980       Inc(I);
981     end;
982   end;
984   // free blobs
985   if FBlobStreams <> nil then
986   begin
987     for I := 0 to Pred(FieldDefs.Count) do
988       FBlobStreams^[I].Free;
989     FreeMemAndNil(Pointer(FBlobStreams));
990   end;
991   FreeRecordBuffer(FTempBuffer);
992   // disconnect field objects
993   BindFields(false);
994   // Destroy field object (if not persistent)
995   if DefaultFields then
996     DestroyFields;
998   if FParser <> nil then
999     FreeAndNil(FParser);
1000   FreeAndNil(FCursor);
1001   if FDbfFile <> nil then
1002     FreeAndNil(FDbfFile);
1003 end;
1005 procedure TDbf.InternalCancel;
1006 var
1007   I: Integer;
1008 begin
1009   // cancel blobs
1010   for I := 0 to Pred(FieldDefs.Count) do
1011     if Assigned(FBlobStreams^[I]) then
1012       FBlobStreams^[I].Cancel;
1013   // if we have locked a record, unlock it
1014   if FEditingRecNo >= 0 then
1015   begin
1016     FDbfFile.UnlockPage(FEditingRecNo);
1017     FEditingRecNo := -1;
1018   end;
1019 end;
1021 procedure TDbf.InternalDelete; {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
1022 var
1023   lRecord: pDbfRecord;
1024 begin
1025   // start editing
1026   InternalEdit;
1027   SetState(dsEdit);
1028   // get record pointer
1029   lRecord := pDbfRecord(ActiveBuffer);
1030   // flag we deleted this record
1031   lRecord^.DeletedFlag := '*';
1032   // notify indexes this record is deleted
1033   FDbfFile.RecordDeleted(FEditingRecNo, @lRecord^.DeletedFlag);
1034   // done!
1035   InternalPost;
1036 end;
1038 procedure TDbf.InternalFirst; {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
1039 begin
1040   FCursor.First;
1041 end;
1043 procedure TDbf.InternalGotoBookmark(ABookmark: Pointer); {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
1044 begin
1045   with PBookmarkData(ABookmark)^ do
1046   begin
1047     if (PhysicalRecNo = 0) then begin
1048       First;
1049     end else
1050     if (PhysicalRecNo = MaxInt) then begin
1051       Last;
1052     end else begin
1053       if FCursor.PhysicalRecNo <> PhysicalRecNo then
1054         FCursor.PhysicalRecNo := PhysicalRecNo;
1055     end;
1056   end;
1057 end;
1059 procedure TDbf.InternalHandleException; {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
1060 begin
1061   SysUtils.ShowException(ExceptObject, ExceptAddr);
1062 end;
1064 procedure TDbf.GetFieldDefsFromDbfFieldDefs;
1065 var
1066   I: Integer;
1067   TempFieldDef: TDbfFieldDef;
1068   TempMdxFile: TIndexFile;
1069   lIndexName: string;
1070   lFieldDefCount: integer; //Counter for destination fielddefs
1072   procedure FixDuplicateNames;
1073   var
1074     BaseName: string;
1075     N: Integer;
1076   begin
1077     N := 1;
1078     BaseName := TempFieldDef.FieldName;
1079     while FieldDefs.IndexOf(TempFieldDef.FieldName)>=0 do
1080     begin
1081       Inc(N);
1082       TempFieldDef.FieldName:=BaseName+IntToStr(N);
1083     end;
1084   end;
1086 begin
1087   FieldDefs.Clear;
1089   // get all fields
1090   lFieldDefCount:=-1; //will be fixed by first addition
1091   for I := 0 to FDbfFile.FieldDefs.Count - 1 do
1092   begin
1093     TempFieldDef := FDbfFile.FieldDefs.Items[I];
1094     // handle duplicate field names:
1095     FixDuplicateNames;
1096     // add field, passing dbase native size if relevant
1097     // TDbfFieldDef.Size indicates the number of bytes in the physical dbase file
1098     // TFieldDef.Size is only meant to store size indicator for variable length fields
1099     case TempFieldDef.FieldType of
1100       ftString, ftBytes, ftVarBytes: FieldDefs.Add(TempFieldDef.FieldName, TempFieldDef.FieldType, TempFieldDef.Size, false);
1101       ftBCD:
1102         begin
1103           FieldDefs.Add(TempFieldDef.FieldName, TempFieldDef.FieldType, 0, false);;;
1104         end;
1105     else
1106       FieldDefs.Add(TempFieldDef.FieldName, TempFieldDef.FieldType, 0, false);
1107     end;
1108     lFieldDefCount:=lFieldDefCount+1;
1110     FieldDefs[lFieldDefCount].Precision := TempFieldDef.Precision;
1113     // AutoInc fields are readonly
1114     if TempFieldDef.FieldType = ftAutoInc then
1115       FieldDefs[lFieldDefCount].Attributes := [Db.faReadOnly];
1117     // if table has dbase lock field, then hide it
1118     if TempFieldDef.IsLockField then
1119       FieldDefs[lFieldDefCount].Attributes := [Db.faHiddenCol];
1121     // Hide system/hidden fields (e.g. VFP's _NULLFLAGS)
1122     if TempFieldDef.IsSystemField then
1123       FieldDefs[lFieldDefCount].Attributes := [Db.faHiddenCol];
1124 {$else}
1125     // Poor man's way of hiding fields that shouldn't be shown/modified:
1126     // Note: Visual Foxpro seems to allow adding another _NULLFLAGS field.
1127     // todo: test this with lockfield, then add this (TempFieldDef.IsLockField)
1128     if (TempFieldDef.IsSystemField) then
1129     begin
1130       FieldDefs.Delete(lFieldDefCount);
1131       lFieldDefCount:=lFieldDefCount-1;
1132     end;
1133 {$endif}
1134   end;
1136   // get all (new) MDX index defs
1137   TempMdxFile := FDbfFile.MdxFile;
1138   for I := 0 to FDbfFile.IndexNames.Count - 1 do
1139   begin
1140     // is this an MDX index?
1141     lIndexName := FDbfFile.IndexNames.Strings[I];
1142     if FDbfFile.IndexNames.Objects[I] = TempMdxFile then
1143       if FIndexDefs.GetIndexByName(lIndexName) = nil then
1144         TempMdxFile.GetIndexInfo(lIndexName, FIndexDefs.Add);
1145   end;
1146 end;
1148 procedure TDbf.InitFieldDefs;
1149 begin
1150   InternalInitFieldDefs;
1151 end;
1153 procedure TDbf.InitDbfFile(FileOpenMode: TPagedFileMode);
1154 const
1155   FileModeToMemMode: array[TPagedFileMode] of TPagedFileMode =
1156     (pfNone, pfMemoryCreate, pfMemoryOpen, pfMemoryCreate, pfMemoryOpen,
1157      pfMemoryCreate, pfMemoryOpen, pfMemoryOpen);
1158 begin
1159   FDbfFile := TDbfFile.Create;
1160   if FStorage = stoMemory then
1161   begin
1162     FDbfFile.Stream := FUserStream;
1163     FDbfFile.MemoStream := FUserMemoStream;
1164     FDbfFile.IndexStream := FUserIndexStream;
1165     FDbfFile.Mode := FileModeToMemMode[FileOpenMode];
1166   end else begin
1167     FDbfFile.FileName := FAbsolutePath + FTableName;
1168     FDbfFile.Mode := FileOpenMode;
1169   end;
1170   FDbfFile.AutoCreate := false;
1171   FDbfFile.DateTimeHandling := FDateTimeHandling;
1172   FDbfFile.OnLocaleError := FOnLocaleError;
1173   FDbfFile.OnIndexMissing := FOnIndexMissing;
1174 end;
1176 procedure TDbf.InternalInitFieldDefs; {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
1177 var
1178   MustReleaseDbfFile: Boolean;
1179 begin
1180   MustReleaseDbfFile := false;
1181   with FieldDefs do
1182   begin
1183     if FDbfFile = nil then
1184     begin
1185       // do not AutoCreate file
1186       InitDbfFile(pfReadOnly);
1187       FDbfFile.Open;
1188       MustReleaseDbfFile := true;
1189     end;
1190     GetFieldDefsFromDbfFieldDefs;
1191     if MustReleaseDbfFile then
1192       FreeAndNil(FDbfFile);
1193   end;
1194 end;
1196 procedure TDbf.InternalInitRecord(Buffer: TRecordBuffer); {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
1197 var
1198   pRecord: pDbfRecord;
1199 begin
1200   pRecord := pDbfRecord(Buffer);
1201   pRecord^.BookmarkData.PhysicalRecNo := 0;
1202   pRecord^.BookmarkFlag := bfCurrent;
1203   pRecord^.SequentialRecNo := 0;
1204 // Init Record with zero and set autoinc field with next value
1205   FDbfFile.InitRecord(@pRecord^.DeletedFlag);
1206 end;
1208 procedure TDbf.InternalLast; {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
1209 begin
1210   FCursor.Last;
1211 end;
1213 procedure TDbf.DetermineTranslationMode;
1214 var
1215   lCodePage: Cardinal;
1216 begin
1217   lCodePage := FDbfFile.UseCodePage;
1218   if lCodePage = GetACP then
1219     FTranslationMode := tmNoneNeeded
1220   else
1221   if lCodePage = GetOEMCP then
1222     FTranslationMode := tmSimple
1223   // check if this code page, although non default, is installed
1224   else
1225   if DbfGlobals.CodePageInstalled(lCodePage) then
1226     FTranslationMode := tmAdvanced
1227   else
1228     FTranslationMode := tmNoneAvailable;
1229 end;
1231 procedure TDbf.InternalOpen; {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
1232 const
1233   DbfOpenMode: array[Boolean, Boolean] of TPagedFileMode =
1234      ((pfReadWriteOpen, pfExclusiveOpen), (pfReadOnly, pfReadOnly));
1235 var
1236   lIndex: TDbfIndexDef;
1237   lIndexName: string;
1238   LanguageAction: TDbfLanguageAction;
1239   doCreate: Boolean;
1240   I: Integer;
1241 begin
1242   // close current file
1243   FreeAndNil(FDbfFile);
1245   // does file not exist? -> create
1246   if ((FStorage = stoFile) and
1247         not FileExists(FAbsolutePath + FTableName) and
1248         (FOpenMode in [omAutoCreate, omTemporary])) or
1249      ((FStorage = stoMemory) and (FUserStream = nil)) then
1250   begin
1251     doCreate := true;
1252     if Assigned(FBeforeAutoCreate) then
1253       FBeforeAutoCreate(Self, doCreate);
1254     if doCreate then
1255       CreateTable
1256     else
1257       exit;
1258   end;
1260   // now we know for sure the file exists
1261   InitDbfFile(DbfOpenMode[FReadOnly, FExclusive]);
1262   FDbfFile.Open;
1264   // fail open?
1265 {$ifndef FPC}
1266   if FDbfFile.ForceClose then
1267     Abort;
1268 {$endif}
1270   // determine dbf version
1271   case FDbfFile.DbfVersion of
1272     xBaseIII:      FTableLevel := 3;
1273     xBaseIV:       FTableLevel := 4;
1274     xBaseVII:      FTableLevel := 7;
1275     xFoxPro:       FTableLevel := TDBF_TABLELEVEL_FOXPRO;
1276     xVisualFoxPro: FTableLevel := TDBF_TABLELEVEL_VISUALFOXPRO;
1277   end;
1278   FBackLink := FDbfFile.BackLink;
1279   FLanguageID := FDbfFile.LanguageID;
1281   // build VCL fielddef list from native DBF FieldDefs
1282 (*
1283   if (FDbfFile.HeaderSize = 0) or (FDbfFile.FieldDefs.Count = 0) then
1284   begin
1285     if FieldDefs.Count > 0 then
1286     begin
1287       CreateTableFromFieldDefs;
1288     end else begin
1289       CreateTableFromFields;
1290     end;
1291   end else begin
1292 *)
1293 //    GetFieldDefsFromDbfFieldDefs;
1294 //  end;
1297   FieldDefs.Updated := False;
1298   FieldDefs.Update;
1299 {$else}
1300   InternalInitFieldDefs;
1301 {$endif}
1303   // create the fields dynamically
1304   if DefaultFields then
1305     CreateFields; // Create fields from fielddefs.
1307   BindFields(true);
1309   // create array of blobstreams to store memos in. each field is a possible blob
1310   FBlobStreams := AllocMem(FieldDefs.Count * SizeOf(TDbfBlobStream));
1312   // check codepage settings
1313   DetermineTranslationMode;
1314   if FTranslationMode = tmNoneAvailable then
1315   begin
1316     // no codepage available? ask user
1317     LanguageAction := laReadOnly;
1318     if Assigned(FOnLanguageWarning) then
1319       FOnLanguageWarning(Self, LanguageAction);
1320     case LanguageAction of
1321       laReadOnly: FTranslationMode := tmNoneAvailable;
1322       laForceOEM:
1323         begin
1324           FDbfFile.UseCodePage := GetOEMCP;
1325           FTranslationMode := tmSimple;
1326         end;
1327       laForceANSI:
1328         begin
1329           FDbfFile.UseCodePage := GetACP;
1330           FTranslationMode := tmNoneNeeded;
1331         end;
1332       laDefault:
1333         begin
1334           FDbfFile.UseCodePage := DbfGlobals.DefaultOpenCodePage;
1335           DetermineTranslationMode;
1336         end;
1337     end;
1338   end;
1340   // allocate a record buffer for temporary data
1341   FTempBuffer := AllocRecordBuffer;
1343   // open indexes
1344   for I := 0 to FIndexDefs.Count - 1 do
1345   begin
1346     lIndex := FIndexDefs.Items[I];
1347     lIndexName := ParseIndexName(lIndex.IndexFile);
1348     // if index does not exist -> create, if it does exist -> open only
1349     FDbfFile.OpenIndex(lIndexName, lIndex.SortField, false, lIndex.Options);
1350   end;
1352   // parse filter expression
1353   try
1354     ParseFilter(Filter);
1355   except
1356     // oops, a problem with parsing, clear filter for now
1357     on E: EDbfError do Filter := EmptyStr;
1358   end;
1360   SetIndexName(FIndexName);
1362 // SetIndexName will have made the cursor for us if no index selected :-)
1363 //  if FCursor = nil then FCursor := TDbfCursor.Create(FDbfFile);
1365   if FMasterLink.Active and Assigned(FIndexFile) then
1366     CheckMasterRange;
1367   InternalFirst;
1369 //  FDbfFile.SetIndex(FIndexName);
1370 //  FDbfFile.FIsCursorOpen := true;
1371 end;
GetCodePagenull1373 function TDbf.GetCodePage: Cardinal;
1374 begin
1375   if FDbfFile <> nil then
1376     Result := FDbfFile.UseCodePage
1377   else
1378     Result := 0;
1379 end;
GetLanguageStrnull1381 function TDbf.GetLanguageStr: string;
1382 begin
1383   if FDbfFile <> nil then
1384     Result := FDbfFile.LanguageStr;
1385 end;
LockTablenull1387 function TDbf.LockTable(const Wait: Boolean): Boolean;
1388 begin
1389   CheckActive;
1390   Result := FDbfFile.LockAllPages(Wait);
1391 end;
1393 procedure TDbf.UnlockTable;
1394 begin
1395   CheckActive;
1396   FDbfFile.UnlockAllPages;
1397 end;
1399 procedure TDbf.InternalEdit;
1400 var
1401   I: Integer;
1402 begin
1403   // store recno we are editing
1404   FEditingRecNo := FCursor.PhysicalRecNo;
1405   // reread blobs, execute cancel -> clears remembered memo pageno,
1406   // causing it to reread the x contents
1407   for I := 0 to Pred(FieldDefs.Count) do
1408     if Assigned(FBlobStreams^[I]) then
1409       FBlobStreams^[I].Cancel;
1410   // try to lock this record
1411   FDbfFile.LockRecord(FEditingRecNo, @pDbfRecord(ActiveBuffer)^.DeletedFlag);
1412   // succeeded!
1413 end;
1415 {$ifndef FPC}
1416 {$ifndef DELPHI_3}
1418 procedure TDbf.InternalInsert; {override virtual from TDataset}
1419 begin
1420   CursorPosChanged;
1421 end;
1423 {$endif}
1424 {$endif}
1426 procedure TDbf.InternalPost; {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
1427 var
1428   pRecord: pDbfRecord;
1429   I, newRecord: Integer;
1430 begin
1431   // check required fields
1432   inherited;
1433   // if internalpost is called, we know we are active
1434   pRecord := pDbfRecord(ActiveBuffer);
1435   // commit blobs
1436   for I := 0 to Pred(FieldDefs.Count) do
1437     if Assigned(FBlobStreams^[I]) then
1438       FBlobStreams^[I].Commit;
1439   if State = dsEdit then
1440   begin
1441     // write changes
1442     FDbfFile.UnlockRecord(FEditingRecNo, @pRecord^.DeletedFlag);
1443     // not editing anymore
1444     FEditingRecNo := -1;
1445   end else begin
1446     // insert
1447     newRecord := FDbfFile.Insert(@pRecord^.DeletedFlag);
1448     if newRecord > 0 then
1449       FCursor.PhysicalRecNo := newRecord;
1450   end;
1451   // set flag that TDataSet is about to post...so we can disable resync
1452   FPosting := true;
1453 end;
1455 procedure TDbf.Resync(Mode: TResyncMode);
1456 begin
1457   // try to increase speed
1458   if not FDisableResyncOnPost or not FPosting then
1459     inherited;
1460   // clear post flag
1461   FPosting := false;
1462 end;
1467 procedure TDbf.InitFieldDefsFromFields;
1468 var
1469   I: Integer;
1470   F: TField;
1471 begin
1472   { create fielddefs from persistent fields if needed }
1473   for I := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do
1474   begin
1475     F := Fields[I];
1476     with F do
1477     if FieldKind = fkData then begin
1478       FieldDefs.Add(FieldName,DataType,Size,Required);
1479     end;
1480   end;
1481 end;
1483 {$endif}
1485 procedure TDbf.CreateTable;
1486 begin
1487   CreateTableEx(nil);
1488 end;
1490 procedure TDbf.CheckDbfFieldDefs(ADbfFieldDefs: TDbfFieldDefs);
1491 var
1492   I: Integer;
1493   TempDef: TDbfFieldDef;
1495     function FieldTypeStr(const FieldType: char): string;
1496     begin
1497       if FieldType = #0 then
1498         Result := 'NULL'
1499       else if FieldType > #127 then
1500         Result := 'ASCII '+IntToStr(Byte(FieldType))
1501       else
1502         Result := ' "'+fieldType+'" ';
1503       Result := ' ' + Result + '(#'+IntToHex(Byte(FieldType),SizeOf(FieldType))+') '
1504     end;
1506 begin
1507   if ADbfFieldDefs = nil then exit;
1509   for I := 0 to ADbfFieldDefs.Count - 1 do
1510   begin
1511     // check dbffielddefs for errors
1512     TempDef := ADbfFieldDefs.Items[I];
1513     if FTableLevel < 7 then
1514       if not (TempDef.NativeFieldType in ['C', 'F', 'N', 'D', 'L', 'M']) then
1515         raise EDbfError.CreateFmt(STRING_INVALID_FIELD_TYPE,
1516           [FieldTypeStr(TempDef.NativeFieldType), TempDef.FieldName]);
1517   end;
1518 end;
1520 procedure TDbf.CreateTableEx(ADbfFieldDefs: TDbfFieldDefs);
1521 var
1522   I: Integer;
1523   lIndex: TDbfIndexDef;
1524   lIndexName: string;
1525   tempFieldDefs: Boolean;
1526 begin
1527   CheckInactive;
1528   tempFieldDefs := ADbfFieldDefs = nil;
1529   try
1530     try
1531       if tempFieldDefs then
1532       begin
1533         ADbfFieldDefs := TDbfFieldDefs.Create(Self);
1534         ADbfFieldDefs.DbfVersion := TableLevelToDbfVersion(FTableLevel);
1536         // get fields -> fielddefs if no fielddefs
1537 {$ifndef FPC_VERSION}
1538         if FieldDefs.Count = 0 then
1539           InitFieldDefsFromFields;
1540 {$endif}
1542         // fielddefs -> dbffielddefs
1543         for I := 0 to FieldDefs.Count - 1 do
1544         begin
1545           with ADbfFieldDefs.AddFieldDef do
1546           begin
1547             FieldName := FieldDefs.Items[I].Name;
1548             FieldType := FieldDefs.Items[I].DataType;
1549             if FieldDefs.Items[I].Size > 0 then
1550             begin
1551               Size := FieldDefs.Items[I].Size;
1552               Precision := FieldDefs.Items[I].Precision;
1553             end else begin
1554               SetDefaultSize;
1555             end;
1556           end;
1557         end;
1558       end;
1560       InitDbfFile(pfExclusiveCreate);
1561       FDbfFile.CopyDateTimeAsString := FInCopyFrom and FCopyDateTimeAsString;
1562       FDbfFile.DbfVersion := TableLevelToDbfVersion(FTableLevel);
1563       FDbfFile.BackLink := FBackLink;
1564       FDbfFile.FileLangID := FLanguageID;
1565       FDbfFile.Open;
1566       // Default memo blocklength for FoxPro/VisualFoxpro is 64 (not 512 as specs say)
1567       if FDbfFile.DbfVersion in [xFoxPro,xVisualFoxPro] then
1568         FDbfFile.FinishCreate(ADbfFieldDefs, 64)
1569       else
1570         FDbfFile.FinishCreate(ADbfFieldDefs, 512);
1572       // if creating memory table, use user-designated stream
1573       if FStorage = stoMemory then
1574       begin
1575         FUserStream := FDbfFile.Stream;
1576         FUserIndexStream := FDBfFile.IndexStream;
1577         FUserMemoStream := FDbfFile.MemoStream;
1578       end;
1580       // create all indexes
1581       for I := 0 to FIndexDefs.Count-1 do
1582       begin
1583         lIndex := FIndexDefs.Items[I];
1584         lIndexName := ParseIndexName(lIndex.IndexFile);
1585         FDbfFile.OpenIndex(lIndexName, lIndex.SortField, true, lIndex.Options);
1586       end;
1587     except
1588       // dbf file created?
1589       if (FDbfFile <> nil) and (FStorage = stoFile) then
1590       begin
1591         FreeAndNil(FDbfFile);
1592         SysUtils.DeleteFile(FAbsolutePath+FTableName);
1593       end;
1594       raise;
1595     end;
1596   finally
1597     // free temporary fielddefs
1598     if tempFieldDefs and Assigned(ADbfFieldDefs) then
1599       ADbfFieldDefs.Free;
1600     FreeAndNil(FDbfFile);
1601   end;
1602 end;
1604 procedure TDbf.EmptyTable;
1605 begin
1606   Zap;
1607 end;
1609 procedure TDbf.Zap;
1610 begin
1611   // are we active?
1612   CheckActive;
1613   FDbfFile.Zap;
1614 end;
1616 procedure TDbf.RestructureTable(ADbfFieldDefs: TDbfFieldDefs; Pack: Boolean);
1617 begin
1618   CheckInactive;
1620   // check field defs for errors
1621   CheckDbfFieldDefs(ADbfFieldDefs);
1623   // open dbf file
1624   InitDbfFile(pfExclusiveOpen);
1625   FDbfFile.Open;
1627   // do restructure
1628   try
1629     FDbfFile.RestructureTable(ADbfFieldDefs, Pack);
1630   finally
1631     // close file
1632     FreeAndNil(FDbfFile);
1633   end;
1634 end;
1636 procedure TDbf.PackTable;
1637 var
1638   oldIndexName: string;
1639 begin
1640   CheckBrowseMode;
1641   // deselect any index while packing
1642   oldIndexName := IndexName;
1643   IndexName := EmptyStr;
1644   // pack
1645   FDbfFile.RestructureTable(nil, true);
1646   // reselect index
1647   IndexName := oldIndexName;
1648 end;
1650 procedure TDbf.CopyFrom(DataSet: TDataSet; FileName: string; DateTimeAsString: Boolean; Level: Integer);
1651 var
1652   lPhysFieldDefs, lFieldDefs: TDbfFieldDefs;
1653   lSrcField, lDestField: TField;
1654   I: integer;
1655 begin
1656   FInCopyFrom := true;
1657   lFieldDefs := TDbfFieldDefs.Create(nil);
1658   lPhysFieldDefs := TDbfFieldDefs.Create(nil);
1659   try
1660     if Active then
1661       Close;
1662     FilePath := ExtractFilePath(FileName);
1663     TableName := ExtractFileName(FileName);
1664     FCopyDateTimeAsString := DateTimeAsString;
1665     TableLevel := Level;
1666     if not DataSet.Active then
1667       DataSet.Open;
1668     DataSet.FieldDefs.Update;
1669     // first get a list of physical field defintions
1670     // we need it for numeric precision in case source is tdbf
1671     if DataSet is TDbf then
1672     begin
1673       lPhysFieldDefs.Assign(TDbf(DataSet).DbfFieldDefs);
1674       IndexDefs.Assign(TDbf(DataSet).IndexDefs);
1675     end else begin
1677       lPhysFieldDefs.Assign(DataSet.FieldDefs);
1678 {$endif}
1679       IndexDefs.Clear;
1680     end;
1681     // convert list of tfields into a list of tdbffielddefs
1682     // so that our tfields will correspond to the source tfields
1683     for I := 0 to Pred(DataSet.FieldCount) do
1684     begin
1685       lSrcField := DataSet.Fields[I];
1686       with lFieldDefs.AddFieldDef do
1687       begin
1688         if Length(lSrcField.Name) > 0 then
1689           FieldName := lSrcField.Name
1690         else
1691           FieldName := lSrcField.FieldName;
1692         FieldType := lSrcField.DataType;
1693         Required := lSrcField.Required;
1695         // Set up size/precision for all physical fields:
1696         if (1 <= lSrcField.FieldNo)
1697             and (lSrcField.FieldNo <= lPhysFieldDefs.Count) then
1698         begin
1699           Size := lPhysFieldDefs.Items[lSrcField.FieldNo-1].Size;
1700           Precision := lPhysFieldDefs.Items[lSrcField.FieldNo-1].Precision;
1701         end;
1702       end;
1703     end;
1705     CreateTableEx(lFieldDefs);
1706     Open;
1707     DataSet.First;
1708 {$ifdef USE_CACHE}
1709     FDbfFile.BufferAhead := true;
1710     if DataSet is TDbf then
1711       TDbf(DataSet).DbfFile.BufferAhead := true;
1712 {$endif}
1713     while not DataSet.EOF do
1714     begin
1715       Append;
1716       for I := 0 to Pred(FieldCount) do
1717       begin
1718         lSrcField := DataSet.Fields[I];
1719         lDestField := Fields[I];
1720         if not lSrcField.IsNull then
1721         begin
1722           if lSrcField.DataType = ftDateTime then
1723           begin
1724             if FCopyDateTimeAsString then
1725             begin
1726               lDestField.AsString := lSrcField.AsString;
1727               if Assigned(FOnCopyDateTimeAsString) then
1728                 FOnCopyDateTimeAsString(Self, lDestField, lSrcField)
1729             end else
1730               lDestField.AsDateTime := lSrcField.AsDateTime;
1731           end else
1732             lDestField.Assign(lSrcField);
1733         end;
1734       end;
1735       Post;
1736       DataSet.Next;
1737     end;
1738     Close;
1739   finally
1740 {$ifdef USE_CACHE}
1741     if (DataSet is TDbf) and (TDbf(DataSet).DbfFile <> nil) then
1742       TDbf(DataSet).DbfFile.BufferAhead := false;
1743 {$endif}
1744     FInCopyFrom := false;
1745     lFieldDefs.Free;
1746     lPhysFieldDefs.Free;
1747   end;
1748 end;
FindRecordnull1750 function TDbf.FindRecord(Restart, GoForward: Boolean): Boolean;
1751 var
1752   oldRecNo: Integer;
1753 begin
1754   CheckBrowseMode;
1755   DoBeforeScroll;
1756   Result := false;
1757   UpdateCursorPos;
1758   oldRecNo := RecNo;
1759   try
1760     FFindRecordFilter := true;
1761     if GoForward then
1762     begin
1763       if Restart then FCursor.First;
1764       Result := GetRecord(FTempBuffer, gmNext, false) = grOK;
1765     end else begin
1766       if Restart then FCursor.Last;
1767       Result := GetRecord(FTempBuffer, gmPrior, false) = grOK;
1768     end;
1769   finally
1770     FFindRecordFilter := false;
1771     if not Result then
1772     begin
1773       RecNo := oldRecNo;
1774     end else begin
1775       CursorPosChanged;
1776       Resync([]);
1777       DoAfterScroll;
1778     end;
1779   end;
1780 end;
1782 {$ifdef SUPPORT_VARIANTS}
Lookupnull1784 function TDbf.Lookup(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant;
1785   const ResultFields: string): Variant;
1786 var
1787 //  OldState:  TDataSetState;
1788   saveRecNo: integer;
1789   saveState: TDataSetState;
1790 begin
1791   Result := Null;
1792   if (FCursor = nil) or VarIsNull(KeyValues) then exit;
1794   saveRecNo := FCursor.SequentialRecNo;
1795   try
1796     if LocateRecord(KeyFields, KeyValues, []) then
1797     begin
1798       // FFilterBuffer contains record buffer
1799       saveState := SetTempState(dsCalcFields);
1800       try
1801         CalculateFields(FFilterBuffer);
1802         if KeyValues = FieldValues[KeyFields] then
1803            Result := FieldValues[ResultFields];
1804       finally
1805         RestoreState(saveState);
1806       end;
1807     end;
1808   finally
1809     FCursor.SequentialRecNo := saveRecNo;
1810   end;
1811 end;
Locatenull1813 function TDbf.Locate(const KeyFields: string; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean;
1814 var
1815   saveRecNo: integer;
1816 begin
1817   if FCursor = nil then
1818   begin
1819     CheckActive;
1820     Result := false;
1821     exit;
1822   end;
1824   DoBeforeScroll;
1825   saveRecNo := FCursor.SequentialRecNo;
1826   FLocateRecNo := -1;
1827   Result := LocateRecord(KeyFields, KeyValues, Options);
1828   CursorPosChanged;
1829   if Result then
1830   begin
1831     if FLocateRecNo <> -1 then
1832       FCursor.PhysicalRecNo := FLocateRecNo;
1833     Resync([]);
1834     DoAfterScroll;
1835   end else
1836     FCursor.SequentialRecNo := saveRecNo;
1837 end;
LocateRecordLinearnull1839 function TDbf.LocateRecordLinear(const KeyFields: String; const KeyValues: Variant;
1840     Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean;
1841 var
1842   lstKeys              : TList;
1843   iIndex               : Integer;
1844   Field                : TField;
1845   bMatchedData         : Boolean;
1846   bVarIsArray          : Boolean;
1847   varCompare           : Variant;
1849   function CompareValues: Boolean;
1850   var
1851     sCompare: String;
1852   begin
1853     if (Field.DataType in [ftString,ftWideString]) then
1854     begin
1855       sCompare := VarToStr(varCompare);
1856       if loCaseInsensitive in Options then
1857       begin
1858         Result := AnsiCompareText(Field.AsString,sCompare) = 0;
1859         if not Result and (iIndex = lstKeys.Count - 1) and (loPartialKey in Options) and
1860           (Length(sCompare) < Length(Field.AsString)) then
1861         begin
1862           if Length(sCompare) = 0 then
1863             Result := true
1864           else
1865             Result := AnsiCompareText (Copy (Field.AsString,1,Length (sCompare)),sCompare) = 0;
1866         end;
1867       end else begin
1868         Result := Field.AsString = sCompare;
1869         if not Result and (iIndex = lstKeys.Count - 1) and (loPartialKey in Options) and
1870           (Length (sCompare) < Length (Field.AsString)) then
1871         begin
1872           if Length (sCompare) = 0 then
1873             Result := true
1874           else
1875             Result := Copy(Field.AsString, 1, Length(sCompare)) = sCompare;
1876         end;
1877       end;
1878     end
1879     else
1880       // Not a string; could be date, integer etc.
1881       // Follow e.g. FPC bufdataset by searching for equal
1882       Result := Field.Value = varCompare;
1883   end;
1885 var
1886   SaveState: TDataSetState;
1887   lPhysRecNo: integer;
1888 begin
1889   Result := false;
1890   bVarIsArray := false;
1891   lstKeys := TList.Create;
1892   FFilterBuffer := TempBuffer;
1893   SaveState := SetTempState(dsFilter);
1894   try
1895     GetFieldList(lstKeys, KeyFields);
1896     if VarArrayDimCount(KeyValues) = 0 then
1897       bMatchedData := lstKeys.Count = 1
1898     else if VarArrayDimCount (KeyValues) = 1 then
1899     begin
1900       bMatchedData := VarArrayHighBound (KeyValues,1) + 1 = lstKeys.Count;
1901       bVarIsArray := true;
1902     end else
1903       bMatchedData := false;
1904     if bMatchedData then
1905     begin
1906       FCursor.First;
1907       while not Result and FCursor.Next do
1908       begin
1909         lPhysRecNo := FCursor.PhysicalRecNo;
1910         if (lPhysRecNo = 0) or not FDbfFile.IsRecordPresent(lPhysRecNo) then
1911           break;
1913         FDbfFile.ReadRecord(lPhysRecNo, @PDbfRecord(FFilterBuffer)^.DeletedFlag);
1914         Result := FShowDeleted or (PDbfRecord(FFilterBuffer)^.DeletedFlag <> '*');
1915         if Result and Filtered then
1916           DoFilterRecord(Result);
1918         iIndex := 0;
1919         while Result and (iIndex < lstKeys.Count) Do
1920         begin
1921           Field := TField (lstKeys [iIndex]);
1922           if bVarIsArray then
1923             varCompare := KeyValues [iIndex]
1924           else
1925             varCompare := KeyValues;
1926           Result := CompareValues;
1927           Inc(iIndex);
1928         end;
1929       end;
1930     end;
1931   finally
1932     lstKeys.Free;
1933     RestoreState(SaveState);
1934   end;
1935 end;
LocateRecordIndexnull1937 function TDbf.LocateRecordIndex(const KeyFields: String; const KeyValues: Variant;
1938     Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean;
1939 var
1940   searchFlag: TSearchKeyType;
1941   matchRes: Integer;
1942   lTempBuffer: array [0..100] of Char;
1943   acceptable, checkmatch: boolean;
1944 begin
1945   // Only honor loPartialKey for string types; for others, search for equal
1946   if (loPartialKey in Options) and
1947     (TIndexCursor(FCursor).IndexFile.KeyType='C') then
1948     searchFlag := stGreaterEqual
1949   else
1950     searchFlag := stEqual;
1951   if TIndexCursor(FCursor).VariantToBuffer(KeyValues, @lTempBuffer[0]) = etString then
1952     Translate(@lTempBuffer[0], @lTempBuffer[0], true);
1953   Result := FIndexFile.SearchKey(@lTempBuffer[0], searchFlag);
1954   if not Result then
1955     exit;
1957   checkmatch := false;
1958   repeat
1959     if ReadCurrentRecord(TempBuffer, acceptable) = grError then
1960     begin
1961       Result := false;
1962       exit;
1963     end;
1964     if acceptable then break;
1965     checkmatch := true;
1966     FCursor.Next;
1967   until false;
1969   if checkmatch then
1970   begin
1971     matchRes := TIndexCursor(FCursor).IndexFile.MatchKey(@lTempBuffer[0]);
1972     if loPartialKey in Options then
1973       Result := matchRes <= 0
1974     else
1975       Result := matchRes =  0;
1976   end;
1978   FFilterBuffer := TempBuffer;
1979 end;
LocateRecordnull1981 function TDbf.LocateRecord(const KeyFields: String; const KeyValues: Variant;
1982     Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean;
1983 var
1984   lCursor, lSaveCursor: TVirtualCursor;
1985   lSaveIndexName, lIndexName: string;
1986   lIndexDef: TDbfIndexDef;
1987   lIndexFile, lSaveIndexFile: TIndexFile;
1988 begin
1989   lCursor := nil;
1990   lSaveCursor := nil;
1991   lIndexFile := nil;
1992   lSaveIndexFile := FIndexFile;
1993   if (FCursor is TIndexCursor)
1994     and (TIndexCursor(FCursor).IndexFile.Expression = KeyFields) then
1995   begin
1996     lCursor := FCursor;
1997   end else begin
1998     lIndexDef := FIndexDefs.GetIndexByField(KeyFields);
1999     if lIndexDef <> nil then
2000     begin
2001       lIndexName := ParseIndexName(lIndexDef.IndexFile);
2002       lIndexFile := FDbfFile.GetIndexByName(lIndexName);
2003       if lIndexFile <> nil then
2004       begin
2005         lSaveCursor := FCursor;
2006         lCursor := TIndexCursor.Create(lIndexFile);
2007         lSaveIndexName := lIndexFile.IndexName;
2008         lIndexFile.IndexName := lIndexName;
2009         FIndexFile := lIndexFile;
2010       end;
2011     end;
2012   end;
2013   if lCursor <> nil then
2014   begin
2015     FCursor := lCursor;
2016     Result := LocateRecordIndex(KeyFields, KeyValues, Options);
2017     if lSaveCursor <> nil then
2018     begin
2019       FCursor.Free;
2020       FCursor := lSaveCursor;
2021     end;
2022     if lIndexFile <> nil then
2023     begin
2024       FLocateRecNo := FIndexFile.PhysicalRecNo;
2025       lIndexFile.IndexName := lSaveIndexName;
2026       FIndexFile := lSaveIndexFile;
2027     end;
2028   end else
2029     Result := LocateRecordLinear(KeyFields, KeyValues, Options);
2030 end;
2032 {$endif}
2034 procedure TDbf.TryExclusive;
2035 begin
2036   // are we active?
2037   if Active then
2038   begin
2039     // already in exclusive mode?
2040     FDbfFile.TryExclusive;
2041     // update file mode
2042     FExclusive := not FDbfFile.IsSharedAccess;
2043     FReadOnly := FDbfFile.Mode = pfReadOnly;
2044   end else begin
2045     // just set exclusive to true
2046     FExclusive := true;
2047     FReadOnly := false;
2048   end;
2049 end;
2051 procedure TDbf.EndExclusive;
2052 begin
2053   if Active then
2054   begin
2055     // call file handler
2056     FDbfFile.EndExclusive;
2057     // update file mode
2058     FExclusive := not FDbfFile.IsSharedAccess;
2059     FReadOnly := FDbfFile.Mode = pfReadOnly;
2060   end else begin
2061     // just set exclusive to false
2062     FExclusive := false;
2063   end;
2064 end;
CreateBlobStreamnull2066 function TDbf.CreateBlobStream(Field: TField; Mode: TBlobStreamMode): TStream; {override virtual}
2067 var
2068   MemoPageNo: Integer;
2069   MemoFieldNo: Integer;
2070   lBlob: TDbfBlobStream;
2071 begin
2072   // check if in editing mode if user wants to write
2073   if (Mode = bmWrite) or (Mode = bmReadWrite) then
2074     if not (State in [dsEdit, dsInsert]) then
2075 {$ifdef DELPHI_3}
2076       DatabaseError(SNotEditing);
2077 {$else}
2078       DatabaseError(SNotEditing, Self);
2079 {$endif}
2080   // already created a `placeholder' blob for this field?
2081   MemoFieldNo := Field.FieldNo - 1;
2082   if FBlobStreams^[MemoFieldNo] = nil then
2083     FBlobStreams^[MemoFieldNo] := TDbfBlobStream.Create(Field);
2084   lBlob := FBlobStreams^[MemoFieldNo].AddReference;
2085   // update pageno of blob <-> location where to read/write in memofile
2086   if FDbfFile.GetFieldData(Field.FieldNo-1, ftInteger, GetCurrentBuffer, @MemoPageNo, false) then
2087   begin
2088     // read blob? different blob?
2089     if (Mode = bmRead) or (Mode = bmReadWrite) then
2090     begin
2091       if MemoPageNo <> lBlob.MemoRecNo then
2092       begin
2093         FDbfFile.MemoFile.ReadMemo(MemoPageNo, lBlob);
2094         lBlob.ReadSize := lBlob.Size;
2095         lBlob.Translate(false);
2096       end;
2097     end else begin
2098       lBlob.Size := 0;
2099       lBlob.ReadSize := 0;
2100     end;
2101     lBlob.MemoRecNo := MemoPageNo;
2102   end else
2103   if not lBlob.Dirty or (Mode = bmWrite) then
2104   begin
2105     // reading and memo is empty and not written yet, or rewriting
2106     lBlob.Size := 0;
2107     lBlob.ReadSize := 0;
2108     lBlob.MemoRecNo := 0;
2109   end;
2110   { this is a hack, we actually need to know per user who's modifying, and who is not }
2111   { Mode is more like: the mode of the last "creation" }
2112   { if create/free is nested, then everything will be alright, I think ;-) }
2113   lBlob.Mode := Mode;
2114   { this is a hack: we actually need to know per user what its position is }
2115   lBlob.Position := 0;
2116   Result := lBlob;
2117 end;
Translatenull2121 function TDbf.Translate(Src, Dest: PChar; ToOem: Boolean): Integer; {override virtual}
2122 var
2123   FromCP, ToCP: Cardinal;
2124 begin
2125   if (Src <> nil) and (Dest <> nil) then
2126   begin
2127     if Assigned(FOnTranslate) then
2128     begin
2129       Result := FOnTranslate(Self, Src, Dest, ToOem);
2130       if Result = -1 then
2131         Result := StrLen(Dest);
2132     end else begin
2133       if FTranslationMode <> tmNoneNeeded then
2134       begin
2135         if ToOem then
2136         begin
2137           FromCP := GetACP;
2138           ToCP := FDbfFile.UseCodePage;
2139         end else begin
2140           FromCP := FDbfFile.UseCodePage;
2141           ToCP := GetACP;
2142         end;
2143       end else begin
2144         FromCP := GetACP;
2145         ToCP := FromCP;
2146       end;
2147       Result := TranslateString(FromCP, ToCP, Src, Dest, -1);
2148     end;
2149   end else
2150     Result := 0;
2151 end;
2153 {$else}
2155 procedure TDbf.Translate(Src, Dest: PChar; ToOem: Boolean); {override virtual}
2156 var
2157   FromCP, ToCP: Cardinal;
2158 begin
2159   if (Src <> nil) and (Dest <> nil) then
2160   begin
2161     if Assigned(FOnTranslate) then
2162     begin
2163       FOnTranslate(Self, Src, Dest, ToOem);
2164     end else begin
2165       if FTranslationMode <> tmNoneNeeded then
2166       begin
2167         if ToOem then
2168         begin
2169           FromCP := GetACP;
2170           ToCP := FDbfFile.UseCodePage;
2171         end else begin
2172           FromCP := FDbfFile.UseCodePage;
2173           ToCP := GetACP;
2174         end;
2175         TranslateString(FromCP, ToCP, Src, Dest, -1);
2176       end;
2177     end;
2178   end;
2179 end;
2181 {$endif}
2183 procedure TDbf.ClearCalcFields(Buffer: TRecordBuffer);
2184 var
2185   lRealBuffer, lCalcBuffer: PChar;
2186 begin
2187   lRealBuffer := @pDbfRecord(Buffer)^.DeletedFlag;
2188   lCalcBuffer := lRealBuffer + FDbfFile.RecordSize;
2189   FillChar(lCalcBuffer^, CalcFieldsSize, 0);
2190 end;
2192 procedure TDbf.InternalSetToRecord(Buffer: TRecordBuffer); {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
2193 var
2194   pRecord: pDbfRecord;
2195 begin
2196   if Buffer <> nil then
2197   begin
2198     pRecord := pDbfRecord(Buffer);
2199     if pRecord^.BookmarkFlag = bfInserted then
2200     begin
2201       // do what ???
2202     end else begin
2203       FCursor.SequentialRecNo := pRecord^.SequentialRecNo;
2204     end;
2205   end;
2206 end;
TDbf.IsCursorOpennull2208 function TDbf.IsCursorOpen: Boolean; {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
2209 begin
2210   Result := FCursor <> nil;
2211 end;
FieldDefsStorednull2213 function TDbf.FieldDefsStored: Boolean;
2214 begin
2215   Result := StoreDefs and (FieldDefs.Count > 0);
2216 end;
2218 procedure TDbf.SetBackLink(NewBackLink: String);
2219 begin
2220   // Only supported in Visual Foxpro but allow auto-upgrade from Foxpro
2221   // as well as resetting existing backlinks in any tablelevel
2222   if (NewBackLink<>'') and
2225       [Tablelevel]);
2226   CheckInactive;
2228   FBackLink := NewBackLink;
2229 end;
2231 procedure TDbf.SetBookmarkFlag(Buffer: TRecordBuffer; Value: TBookmarkFlag); {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
2232 begin
2233   pDbfRecord(Buffer)^.BookmarkFlag := Value;
2234 end;
2236 procedure TDbf.SetBookmarkData(Buffer: TRecordBuffer; Data: Pointer); {override virtual abstract from TDataset}
2237 begin
2238   pDbfRecord(Buffer)^.BookmarkData := pBookmarkData(Data)^;
2239 end;
countsnull2241 // this function counts real number of records: skip deleted records, filter, etc.
2242 // warning: is very slow, compared to GetRecordCount
2243 function TDbf.GetExactRecordCount: Integer;
2244 var
2245   prevRecNo: Integer;
2246   getRes: TGetResult;
2247 begin
2248   // init vars
2249   Result := 0;
2251   // check if FCursor open
2252   if FCursor = nil then
2253     exit;
2255   // store current position
2256   prevRecNo := FCursor.SequentialRecNo;
2257   FCursor.First;
2258   repeat
2259     // repeatedly retrieve next record until eof encountered
2260     getRes := GetRecord(FTempBuffer, gmNext, true);
2261     if getRes = grOk then
2262       inc(Result);
2263   until getRes <> grOk;
2264   // restore current position
2265   FCursor.SequentialRecNo := prevRecNo;
2266 end;
2268 // this functions returns the physical number of records present in file
TDbf.GetPhysicalRecordCountnull2269 function TDbf.GetPhysicalRecordCount: Integer;
2270 begin
2271   if FDbfFile <> nil then
2272     Result := FDbfFile.RecordCount
2273   else
2274     Result := 0
2275 end;
isnull2277 // this function is just for the grid scrollbars
2278 // it doesn't have to be perfectly accurate, but fast.
2279 function TDbf.GetRecordCount: Integer; {override virtual}
2280 begin
2281   if FCursor <> nil then
2282     Result := FCursor.SequentialRecordCount
2283   else
2284     Result := 0
2285 end;
2287 // this function is just for the grid scrollbars
2288 // it doesn't have to be perfectly accurate, but fast.
GetRecNonull2289 function TDbf.GetRecNo: Integer; {override virtual}
2290 var
2291   pBuffer: pointer;
2292 begin
2293   if FCursor <> nil then
2294   begin
2295     case State of
2296       dsFilter: pBuffer := FFilterBuffer;
2297       dsCalcFields: pBuffer := CalcBuffer;
2298     else
2299       pBuffer := ActiveBuffer;
2300     end;
2301     Result := pDbfRecord(pBuffer)^.SequentialRecNo;
2302   end else
2303     Result := 0;
2304 end;
2306 procedure TDbf.SetRecNo(Value: Integer); {override virtual}
2307 begin
2308   CheckBrowseMode;
2309   if Value = RecNo then
2310     exit;
2312   DoBeforeScroll;
2313   FCursor.SequentialRecNo := Value;
2314   CursorPosChanged;
2315   Resync([]);
2316   DoAfterScroll;
2317 end;
GetCanModifynull2319 function TDbf.GetCanModify: Boolean; {override;}
2320 begin
2321   if FReadOnly or (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
2322     Result := false
2323   else
2324     Result := FTranslationMode > tmNoneAvailable;
2325 end;
2329 procedure TDbf.DefChanged(Sender: TObject);
2330 begin
2331   StoreDefs := true;
2332 end;
2334 {$endif}
2336 procedure TDbf.ParseFilter(const AFilter: string);
2337 begin
2338   // parser created?
2339   if Length(AFilter) > 0 then
2340   begin
2341     if (FParser = nil) and (FDbfFile <> nil) then
2342     begin
2343       FParser := TDbfParser.Create(FDbfFile);
2344       // we need truncated, translated (to ANSI) strings
2345       FParser.StringFieldMode := smAnsiTrim;
2346     end;
2347     // have a parser now?
2348     if FParser <> nil then
2349     begin
2350       // set options
2351       FParser.PartialMatch := not (foNoPartialCompare in FilterOptions);
2352       FParser.CaseInsensitive := foCaseInsensitive in FilterOptions;
2353       // parse expression
2354       FParser.ParseExpression(AFilter);
2355     end;
2356   end;
2357 end;
2359 procedure TDbf.SetFilterText(const Value: String);
2360 begin
2361   if Value = Filter then
2362     exit;
2364   // parse
2365   ParseFilter(Value);
2367   // call dataset method
2368   inherited;
2370   // refilter dataset if filtered
2371   if (FDbfFile <> nil) and Filtered then Refresh;
2372 end;
2374 procedure TDbf.SetFiltered(Value: Boolean); {override;}
2375 begin
2376   if Value = Filtered then
2377     exit;
2379   // pass on to ancestor
2380   inherited;
2382   // only refresh if active
2383   if FCursor <> nil then
2384     Refresh;
2385 end;
2387 procedure TDbf.SetFilePath(const Value: string);
2388 begin
2389   CheckInactive;
2391   FRelativePath := Value;
2392   if Length(FRelativePath) > 0 then
2393        FRelativePath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(FRelativePath);
2395   if IsFullFilePath(Value) then
2396   begin
2397     FAbsolutePath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Value);
2398   end else begin
2399     FAbsolutePath := GetCompletePath(DbfBasePath(), FRelativePath);
2400   end;
2401 end;
2403 procedure TDbf.SetTableName(const S: string);
2404 var
2405   lPath: string;
2406 begin
2407   FTableName := ExtractFileName(s);
2408   lPath := ExtractFilePath(s);
2409   if (Length(lPath) > 0) then
2410     FilePath := lPath;
2411   // force IDE to reread fielddefs when a different file is opened
2413   FieldDefs.Updated := false;
2414 {$else}
2415   // TODO ... ??
2416 {$endif}
2417 end;
2419 procedure TDbf.SetDbfIndexDefs(const Value: TDbfIndexDefs);
2420 begin
2421   FIndexDefs.Assign(Value);
2422 end;
2424 procedure TDbf.SetLanguageID(NewID: Byte);
2425 begin
2426   CheckInactive;
2428   FLanguageID := NewID;
2429 end;
2431 procedure TDbf.SetTableLevel(const NewLevel: Integer);
2432 begin
2433   if NewLevel <> FTableLevel then
2434   begin
2435     // check validity
2437       exit;
2439     // can only assign tablelevel if table is closed
2440     CheckInactive;
2441     FTableLevel := NewLevel;
2442   end;
2443 end;
GetIndexNamenull2445 function TDbf.GetIndexName: string;
2446 begin
2447   Result := FIndexName;
2448 end;
CompareBookmarksnull2450 function TDbf.CompareBookmarks(Bookmark1, Bookmark2: TBookmark): Integer;
2451 const
2452   RetCodes: array[Boolean, Boolean] of ShortInt = ((2,-1),(1,0));
2453 var
2454   b1,b2: Integer;
2455 begin
2456   // Check for uninitialized bookmarks
2457   Result := RetCodes[Bookmark1 = nil, Bookmark2 = nil];
2458   if (Result = 2) then
2459   begin
2460     b1 := PInteger(Bookmark1)^;
2461     b2 := PInteger(Bookmark2)^;
2462     if b1 < b2 then Result := -1
2463     else if b1 > b2 then Result := 1
2464     else Result := 0;
2465   end;
2466 end;
GetVersionnull2468 function TDbf.GetVersion: string;
2469 begin
2470   Result := Format('%d.%02d', [TDBF_MAJOR_VERSION, TDBF_MINOR_VERSION]);
2471 end;
2473 procedure TDbf.SetVersion(const S: string);
2474 begin
2475   // What an idea...
2476 end;
ParseIndexNamenull2478 function TDbf.ParseIndexName(const AIndexName: string): string;
2479 begin
2480   // if no ext, then it is a MDX tag, get complete only if it is a filename
2481   // MDX: get first 10 characters only
2482   if Length(ExtractFileExt(AIndexName)) > 0 then
2483     Result := GetCompleteFileName(FAbsolutePath, AIndexName)
2484   else
2485     Result := AIndexName;
2486 end;
2488 procedure TDbf.RegenerateIndexes;
2489 begin
2490   CheckBrowseMode;
2491   FDbfFile.RegenerateIndexes;
2492 end;
2495 procedure TDbf.AddIndex(const AIndexName, AFields: String; Options: TIndexOptions; const DescFields: String='');
2496 {$else}
2497 procedure TDbf.AddIndex(const AIndexName, AFields: String; Options: TIndexOptions);
2498 {$endif}
2499 var
2500   lIndexFileName: string;
2501 begin
2502   CheckActive;
2503   lIndexFileName := ParseIndexName(AIndexName);
2504   FDbfFile.OpenIndex(lIndexFileName, AFields, true, Options);
2506   // refresh our indexdefs
2507   InternalInitFieldDefs;
2508 end;
2510 procedure TDbf.SetIndexName(AIndexName: string);
2511 var
2512   lRecNo: Integer;
2513 begin
2514   FIndexName := AIndexName;
2515   if FDbfFile = nil then
2516     exit;
2518   // get accompanying index file
2519   AIndexName := ParseIndexName(Trim(AIndexName));
2520   FIndexFile := FDbfFile.GetIndexByName(AIndexName);
2521   // store current lRecNo
2522   if FCursor = nil then
2523   begin
2524     lRecNo := 1;
2525   end else begin
2526     UpdateCursorPos;
2527     lRecNo := FCursor.PhysicalRecNo;
2528   end;
2529   // select new cursor
2530   FreeAndNil(FCursor);
2531   if FIndexFile <> nil then
2532   begin
2533     FCursor := TIndexCursor.Create(FIndexFile);
2534     // select index
2535     FIndexFile.IndexName := AIndexName;
2536     // check if can activate master link
2537     CheckMasterRange;
2538   end else begin
2539     FCursor := TDbfCursor.Create(FDbfFile);
2540     FIndexName := EmptyStr;
2541   end;
2542   // reset previous lRecNo
2543   FCursor.PhysicalRecNo := lRecNo;
2544   // refresh records
2545   if State = dsBrowse then
2546     Resync([]);
2547   // warn user if selecting non-existing index
2548   if (FCursor = nil) and (AIndexName <> EmptyStr) then
2549     raise EDbfError.CreateFmt(STRING_INDEX_NOT_EXIST, [AIndexName]);
2550 end;
TDbf.GetIndexFieldNamesnull2552 function TDbf.GetIndexFieldNames: string;
2553 var
2554   lIndexDef: TDbfIndexDef;
2555 begin
2556   lIndexDef := FIndexDefs.GetIndexByName(IndexName);
2557   if lIndexDef = nil then
2558     Result := EmptyStr
2559   else
2560     Result := lIndexDef.SortField;
2561 end;
2563 procedure TDbf.SetIndexFieldNames(const Value: string);
2564 var
2565   lIndexDef: TDbfIndexDef;
2566 begin
2567   // Exception if index not found?
2568   lIndexDef := FIndexDefs.GetIndexByField(Value);
2569   if lIndexDef = nil then
2570     IndexName := EmptyStr
2571   else
2572     IndexName := lIndexDef.IndexFile;
2573 end;
2575 procedure TDbf.DeleteIndex(const AIndexName: string);
2576 var
2577   lIndexFileName: string;
2578 begin
2579   // extract absolute path if NDX file
2580   lIndexFileName := ParseIndexName(AIndexName);
2581   // try to delete index
2582   FDbfFile.DeleteIndex(lIndexFileName);
2584   // refresh index defs
2585   InternalInitFieldDefs;
2586 end;
2588 procedure TDbf.OpenIndexFile(IndexFile: string);
2589 var
2590   lIndexFileName: string;
2591 begin
2592   CheckActive;
2593   // make absolute path
2594   lIndexFileName := GetCompleteFileName(FAbsolutePath, IndexFile);
2595   // open index
2596   FDbfFile.OpenIndex(lIndexFileName, '', false, []);
2597 end;
2599 procedure TDbf.CloseIndexFile(const AIndexName: string);
2600 var
2601   lIndexFileName: string;
2602 begin
2603   CheckActive;
2604   // make absolute path
2605   lIndexFileName := GetCompleteFileName(FAbsolutePath, AIndexName);
2606   // close this index
2607   FDbfFile.CloseIndex(lIndexFileName);
2608 end;
2610 procedure TDbf.RepageIndexFile(const AIndexFile: string);
2611 begin
2612   if FDbfFile <> nil then
2613     FDbfFile.RepageIndex(ParseIndexName(AIndexFile));
2614 end;
2616 procedure TDbf.CompactIndexFile(const AIndexFile: string);
2617 begin
2618   if FDbfFile <> nil then
2619     FDbfFile.CompactIndex(ParseIndexName(AIndexFile));
2620 end;
2622 procedure TDbf.GetFileNames(Strings: TStrings; Files: TDbfFileNames);
2623 var
2624   I: Integer;
2625 begin
2626   Strings.Clear;
2627   if FDbfFile <> nil then
2628   begin
2629     if dfDbf in Files then
2630       Strings.Add(FDbfFile.FileName);
2631     if (dfMemo in Files) and (FDbfFile.MemoFile <> nil) then
2632       Strings.Add(FDbfFile.MemoFile.FileName);
2633     if dfIndex in Files then
2634       for I := 0 to Pred(FDbfFile.IndexFiles.Count) do
2635         Strings.Add(TPagedFile(FDbfFile.IndexFiles.Items[I]).FileName);
2636   end else
2637     Strings.Add(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(FilePathFull) + TableName);
2638 end;
GetFileNamesnull2641 function TDbf.GetFileNames(Files: TDbfFileNames (* = [dfDbf] *) ): string;
2642 {$else}
TDbf.GetFileNamesStringnull2643 function TDbf.GetFileNamesString(Files: TDbfFileNames ): string;
2644 {$endif}
2645 var
2646   sl: TStrings;
2647 begin
2648   sl := TStringList.Create;
2649   try
2650     GetFileNames(sl, Files);
2651     Result := sl.Text;
2652   finally
2653     sl.Free;
2654   end;
2655 end;
2659 procedure TDbf.GetIndexNames(Strings: TStrings);
2660 begin
2661   CheckActive;
2662   Strings.Assign(DbfFile.IndexNames)
2663 end;
2665 procedure TDbf.GetAllIndexFiles(Strings: TStrings);
2666 var
2667   SR: TSearchRec;
2668 begin
2669   CheckActive;
2670   Strings.Clear;
2671   if SysUtils.FindFirst(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFilePath(FDbfFile.FileName))
2672         + '*.NDX', faAnyFile, SR) = 0 then
2673   begin
2674     repeat
2675       Strings.Add(SR.Name);
2676     until SysUtils.FindNext(SR)<>0;
2677     SysUtils.FindClose(SR);
2678   end;
2679 end;
TDbf.GetPhysicalRecNonull2681 function TDbf.GetPhysicalRecNo: Integer;
2682 var
2683   pBuffer: pointer;
2684 begin
2685   // check if active, test state: if inserting, then -1
2686   if (FCursor <> nil) and (State <> dsInsert) then
2687   begin
2688     if State = dsCalcFields then
2689       pBuffer := CalcBuffer
2690     else
2691       pBuffer := ActiveBuffer;
2692     Result := pDbfRecord(pBuffer)^.BookmarkData.PhysicalRecNo;
2693   end else
2694     Result := -1;
2695 end;
2697 procedure TDbf.SetPhysicalRecNo(const NewRecNo: Integer);
2698 begin
2699   // editing?
2700   CheckBrowseMode;
2701   DoBeforeScroll;
2702   FCursor.PhysicalRecNo := NewRecNo;
2703   CursorPosChanged;
2704   Resync([]);
2705   DoAfterScroll;
2706 end;
TDbf.GetDbfFieldDefsnull2708 function TDbf.GetDbfFieldDefs: TDbfFieldDefs;
2709 begin
2710   if FDbfFile <> nil then
2711     Result := FDbfFile.FieldDefs
2712   else
2713     Result := nil;
2714 end;
2716 procedure TDbf.SetShowDeleted(Value: Boolean);
2717 begin
2718   // test if changed
2719   if Value <> FShowDeleted then
2720   begin
2721     // store new value
2722     FShowDeleted := Value;
2723     // refresh view only if active
2724     if FCursor <> nil then
2725       Refresh;
2726   end;
2727 end;
TDbf.IsDeletednull2729 function TDbf.IsDeleted: Boolean;
2730 var
2731   src: TRecordBuffer;
2732 begin
2733   src := GetCurrentBuffer;
2734   IsDeleted := (src=nil) or (AnsiChar(src^) = '*')
2735 end;
2737 procedure TDbf.Undelete;
2738 var
2739   src: TRecordBuffer;
2740 begin
2741   if State <> dsEdit then
2742     inherited Edit;
2743   // get active buffer
2744   src := GetCurrentBuffer;
2745   if (src <> nil) and (AnsiChar(src^) = '*') then
2746   begin
2747     // notify indexes record is about to be recalled
2748     FDbfFile.RecordRecalled(FCursor.PhysicalRecNo, src);
2749     // recall record
2750     src^ := TRecordBufferBaseType(' ');
2751     FDbfFile.WriteRecord(FCursor.PhysicalRecNo, src);
2752   end;
2753 end;
2755 procedure TDbf.CancelRange;
2756 begin
2757   if FIndexFile = nil then
2758     exit;
2760   // disable current range if any
2761   FIndexFile.CancelRange;
2762   // reretrieve previous and next records
2763   Refresh;
2764 end;
2766 procedure TDbf.SetRangeBuffer(LowRange: PChar; HighRange: PChar);
2767 begin
2768   if FIndexFile = nil then
2769     exit;
2771   FIndexFile.SetRange(LowRange, HighRange);
2772   // go to first in this range
2773   if Active then
2774     inherited First;
2775 end;
2777 {$ifdef SUPPORT_VARIANTS}
2779 procedure TDbf.SetRange(LowRange: Variant; HighRange: Variant; KeyIsANSI: boolean);
2780 var
2781   LowBuf, HighBuf: array[0..100] of Char;
2782 begin
2783   if (FIndexFile = nil) or VarIsNull(LowRange) or VarIsNull(HighRange) then
2784     exit;
2786   // convert variants to index key type
2787   if (TIndexCursor(FCursor).VariantToBuffer(LowRange,  @LowBuf[0]) = etString) and KeyIsANSI then
2788     Translate(@LowBuf[0], @LowBuf[0], true);
2789   if (TIndexCursor(FCursor).VariantToBuffer(HighRange, @HighBuf[0]) = etString) and KeyIsANSI then
2790     Translate(@HighBuf[0], @HighBuf[0], true);
2791   SetRangeBuffer(@LowBuf[0], @HighBuf[0]);
2792 end;
2794 {$endif}
2796 procedure TDbf.SetRangePChar(LowRange: PChar; HighRange: PChar; KeyIsANSI: boolean);
2797 var
2798   LowBuf, HighBuf: array [0..100] of Char;
2799   LowPtr, HighPtr: PChar;
2800 begin
2801   if FIndexFile = nil then
2802     exit;
2804   // convert to pchars
2805   if KeyIsANSI then
2806   begin
2807     Translate(LowRange, @LowBuf[0], true);
2808     Translate(HighRange, @HighBuf[0], true);
2809     LowRange := @LowBuf[0];
2810     HighRange := @HighBuf[0];
2811   end;
2812   LowPtr  := TIndexCursor(FCursor).CheckUserKey(LowRange,  @LowBuf[0]);
2813   HighPtr := TIndexCursor(FCursor).CheckUserKey(HighRange, @HighBuf[0]);
2814   SetRangeBuffer(LowPtr, HighPtr);
2815 end;
2817 procedure TDbf.ExtractKey(KeyBuffer: PChar);
2818 begin
2819   if FIndexFile <> nil then
2820     StrCopy(FIndexFile.ExtractKeyFromBuffer(GetCurrentBuffer), KeyBuffer)
2821   else
2822     KeyBuffer[0] := #0;
2823 end;
TDbf.GetKeySizenull2825 function TDbf.GetKeySize: Integer;
2826 begin
2827   if FCursor is TIndexCursor then
2828     Result := TIndexCursor(FCursor).IndexFile.KeyLen
2829   else
2830     Result := 0;
2831 end;
2833 {$ifdef SUPPORT_VARIANTS}
SearchKeynull2835 function TDbf.SearchKey(Key: Variant; SearchType: TSearchKeyType; KeyIsANSI: boolean): Boolean;
2836 var
2837   TempBuffer: array [0..100] of Char;
2838 begin
2839   if (FIndexFile = nil) or VarIsNull(Key) then
2840   begin
2841     Result := false;
2842     exit;
2843   end;
2845   // FIndexFile <> nil -> FCursor as TIndexCursor <> nil
2846   if (TIndexCursor(FCursor).VariantToBuffer(Key, @TempBuffer[0]) = etString) and KeyIsANSI then
2847     Translate(@TempBuffer[0], @TempBuffer[0], true);
2848   Result := SearchKeyBuffer(@TempBuffer[0], SearchType);
2849 end;
2851 {$endif}
PrepareKeynull2853 function  TDbf.PrepareKey(Buffer: Pointer; BufferType: TExpressionType): PChar;
2854 begin
2855   if FIndexFile = nil then
2856   begin
2857     Result := nil;
2858     exit;
2859   end;
2861   Result := TIndexCursor(FCursor).IndexFile.PrepareKey(Buffer, BufferType);
2862 end;
TDbf.SearchKeyPCharnull2864 function TDbf.SearchKeyPChar(Key: PChar; SearchType: TSearchKeyType; KeyIsANSI: boolean): Boolean;
2865 var
2866   StringBuf: array [0..100] of Char;
2867 begin
2868   if FCursor = nil then
2869   begin
2870     Result := false;
2871     exit;
2872   end;
2874   if KeyIsANSI then
2875   begin
2876     Translate(Key, @StringBuf[0], true);
2877     Key := @StringBuf[0];
2878   end;
2879   Result := SearchKeyBuffer(TIndexCursor(FCursor).CheckUserKey(Key, @StringBuf[0]), SearchType);
2880 end;
SearchKeyBuffernull2882 function TDbf.SearchKeyBuffer(Buffer: PChar; SearchType: TSearchKeyType): Boolean;
2883 var
2884   matchRes: Integer;
2885 begin
2886   if FIndexFile = nil then
2887   begin
2888     Result := false;
2889     exit;
2890   end;
2892   CheckBrowseMode;
2893   Result := FIndexFile.SearchKey(Buffer, SearchType);
2894   { if found, then retrieve new current record }
2895   if Result then
2896   begin
2897     CursorPosChanged;
2898     Resync([]);
2899     UpdateCursorPos;
2900     { recno could have been changed due to deleted record, check if still matches }
2901     matchRes := TIndexCursor(FCursor).IndexFile.MatchKey(Buffer);
2902     case SearchType of
2903       stEqual:        Result := matchRes =  0;
2904       stGreater:      Result := (not Eof) and (matchRes <  0);
2905       stGreaterEqual: Result := (not Eof) and (matchRes <= 0);
2906     end;
2907   end;
2908 end;
2910 procedure TDbf.UpdateIndexDefs;
2911 begin
2912   FieldDefs.Update;
2913 end;
2915 // A hack to upgrade method visibility, only necessary for FPC 1.0.x
2917 {$ifdef VER1_0}
2919 procedure TDbf.DataEvent(Event: TDataEvent; Info: Longint);
2920 begin
2921   inherited;
2922 end;
2924 {$endif}
2926 { Master / Detail }
2928 procedure TDbf.CheckMasterRange;
2929 begin
2930   if FMasterLink.Active and FMasterLink.ValidExpression and (FIndexFile <> nil) then
2931     UpdateRange;
2932 end;
2934 procedure TDbf.UpdateRange;
2935 var
2936   fieldsVal: TRecordBuffer;
2937   tempBuffer: array[0..300] of char;
2938 begin
2939   fieldsVal := FMasterLink.FieldsVal;
2940   if (TDbf(FMasterLink.DataSet).DbfFile.UseCodePage <> FDbfFile.UseCodePage)
2941         and (FMasterLink.Parser.ResultType = etString) then
2942   begin
2943     FMasterLink.DataSet.Translate(pansichar(fieldsVal), @tempBuffer[0], false);
2944     fieldsVal := @tempBuffer[0];
2945     Translate(pansichar(fieldsVal), pansichar(fieldsVal), true);
2946   end;
2947   // preparekey, setrangebuffer and updatekeyfrom* are functions which arguments
2948   // are not entirely classified in pchar<>trecordbuffer terms.
2949   // so we typecast for now.
2950   fieldsVal := TRecordBuffer(TIndexCursor(FCursor).IndexFile.PrepareKey((fieldsVal), FMasterLink.Parser.ResultType));
2951   SetRangeBuffer(pansichar(fieldsVal), pansichar(fieldsVal));
2952 end;
2954 procedure TDbf.MasterChanged(Sender: TObject);
2955 begin
2956   CheckBrowseMode;
2957   CheckMasterRange;
2958 end;
2960 procedure TDbf.MasterDisabled(Sender: TObject);
2961 begin
2962   CancelRange;
2963 end;
GetDataSourcenull2965 function TDbf.GetDataSource: TDataSource;
2966 begin
2967   Result := FMasterLink.DataSource;
2968 end;
2970 procedure TDbf.SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
2971 begin
2972 {$ifndef FPC}
2973   if IsLinkedTo(Value) then
2974   begin
2975 {$ifdef DELPHI_4}
2976     DatabaseError(SCircularDataLink, Self);
2977 {$else}
2978     DatabaseError(SCircularDataLink);
2979 {$endif}
2980   end;
2981 {$endif}
2982   FMasterLink.DataSource := Value;
2983 end;
TDbf.GetMasterFieldsnull2985 function TDbf.GetMasterFields: string;
2986 begin
2987   Result := FMasterLink.FieldNames;
2988 end;
2990 procedure TDbf.SetMasterFields(const Value: string);
2991 begin
2992   FMasterLink.FieldNames := Value;
2993 end;
2995 //==========================================================
2996 //============ TDbfIndexDefs
2997 //==========================================================
2998 constructor TDbfIndexDefs.Create(AOwner: TDbf);
2999 begin
3000   inherited Create(TDbfIndexDef);
3001   FOwner := AOwner;
3002 end;
Addnull3004 function TDbfIndexDefs.Add: TDbfIndexDef;
3005 begin
3006   Result := TDbfIndexDef(inherited Add);
3007 end;
3009 procedure TDbfIndexDefs.SetItem(N: Integer; Value: TDbfIndexDef);
3010 begin
3011   inherited SetItem(N, Value);
3012 end;
GetItemnull3014 function TDbfIndexDefs.GetItem(N: Integer): TDbfIndexDef;
3015 begin
3016   Result := TDbfIndexDef(inherited GetItem(N));
3017 end;
TDbfIndexDefs.GetOwnernull3019 function TDbfIndexDefs.GetOwner: tpersistent;
3020 begin
3021   Result := FOwner;
3022 end;
GetIndexByNamenull3024 function TDbfIndexDefs.GetIndexByName(const Name: string): TDbfIndexDef;
3025 var
3026   I: Integer;
3027   lIndex: TDbfIndexDef;
3028 begin
3029   for I := 0 to Count-1 do
3030   begin
3031     lIndex := Items[I];
3032     if lIndex.IndexFile = Name then
3033     begin
3034       Result := lIndex;
3035       exit;
3036     end
3037   end;
3038   Result := nil;
3039 end;
GetIndexByFieldnull3041 function TDbfIndexDefs.GetIndexByField(const Name: string): TDbfIndexDef;
3042 var
3043   lIndex: TDbfIndexDef;
3044   searchStr: string;
3045   i: integer;
3046 begin
3047   searchStr := AnsiUpperCase(Trim(Name));
3048   Result := nil;
3049   if searchStr = EmptyStr then
3050     exit;
3052   for I := 0 to Count-1 do
3053   begin
3054     lIndex := Items[I];
3055     if AnsiUpperCase(Trim(lIndex.SortField)) = searchStr then
3056     begin
3057       Result := lIndex;
3058       exit;
3059     end
3060   end;
3061 end;
3063 procedure TDbfIndexDefs.Update;
3064 begin
3065   if Assigned(FOwner) then
3066     FOwner.UpdateIndexDefs;
3067 end;
3069 //==========================================================
3070 //============ TDbfMasterLink
3071 //==========================================================
3073 constructor TDbfMasterLink.Create(ADataSet: TDbf);
3074 begin
3075   inherited Create;
3077   FDetailDataSet := ADataSet;
3078   FParser := TDbfParser.Create(nil);
3079   FValidExpression := false;
3080 end;
3082 destructor TDbfMasterLink.Destroy;
3083 begin
3084   FParser.Free;
3086   inherited;
3087 end;
3089 procedure TDbfMasterLink.ActiveChanged;
3090 begin
3091   if Active and (FFieldNames <> EmptyStr) then
3092   begin
3093     FValidExpression := false;
3094     FParser.DbfFile := (DataSet as TDbf).DbfFile;
3095     FParser.ParseExpression(FFieldNames);
3096     FValidExpression := true;
3097   end else begin
3098     FParser.ClearExpressions;
3099     FValidExpression := false;
3100   end;
3102   if FDetailDataSet.Active and not (csDestroying in FDetailDataSet.ComponentState) then
3103     if Active then
3104     begin
3105       if Assigned(FOnMasterChange) then FOnMasterChange(Self);
3106     end else
3107       if Assigned(FOnMasterDisable) then FOnMasterDisable(Self);
3108 end;
3110 procedure TDbfMasterLink.CheckBrowseMode;
3111 begin
3112   if FDetailDataSet.Active then
3113     FDetailDataSet.CheckBrowseMode;
3114 end;
3116 procedure TDbfMasterLink.LayoutChanged;
3117 begin
3118   ActiveChanged;
3119 end;
3121 procedure TDbfMasterLink.RecordChanged(Field: TField);
3122 begin
3123   if (DataSource.State <> dsSetKey) and FDetailDataSet.Active and Assigned(FOnMasterChange) then
3124     FOnMasterChange(Self);
3125 end;
3127 procedure TDbfMasterLink.SetFieldNames(const Value: string);
3128 begin
3129   if FFieldNames <> Value then
3130   begin
3131     FFieldNames := Value;
3132     ActiveChanged;
3133   end;
3134 end;
TDbfMasterLink.GetFieldsValnull3136 function TDbfMasterLink.GetFieldsVal: TRecordBuffer;
3137 begin
3138   Result := TRecordBuffer(FParser.ExtractFromBuffer(@pDbfRecord(TDbf(DataSet).ActiveBuffer)^.DeletedFlag));
3139 end;
3141 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ApplicationPathnull3143 function ApplicationPath: string;
3144 begin
3145   Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
3146 end;
3149 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3151 initialization
3153   DbfBasePath := ApplicationPath;
3155 end.