1 unit SQLDBToolsUnit;
3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
5 interface
7 uses
8   Classes, SysUtils, toolsunit
9   ,db, sqldb
10   ,mysql40conn, mysql41conn, mysql50conn, mysql51conn, mysql55conn, mysql56conn, mysql57conn, mysql80conn
11   ,ibconnection
12   ,pqconnection
13   ,odbcconn
14   {$IFNDEF WIN64}
15   {See packages\fcl-db\fpmake.pp: Oracle connector not built yet on Win64}
16   ,oracleconnection
17   {$ENDIF WIN64}
18   ,sqlite3conn
19   ,mssqlconn
20   ;
22 type
23   TSQLConnType = (mysql40,mysql41,mysql50,mysql51,mysql55,mysql56,mysql57,mysql80,postgresql,interbase,odbc,oracle,sqlite3,mssql,sybase);
24   TSQLServerType = (ssFirebird, ssInterbase, ssMSSQL, ssMySQL, ssOracle, ssPostgreSQL, ssSQLite, ssSybase, ssUnknown);
26 const
27   MySQLConnTypes = [mysql40,mysql41,mysql50,mysql51,mysql55,mysql56,mysql57,mysql80];
28   SQLConnTypesNames : Array [TSQLConnType] of String[19] =
31   STestNotApplicable = 'This test does not apply to this sqldb connection type';
34 type
35 { TSQLDBConnector }
36   TSQLDBConnector = class(TDBConnector)
37   private
38     FConnection    : TSQLConnection;
39     FTransaction   : TSQLTransaction;
40     FQuery         : TSQLQuery;
41     FUniDirectional: boolean;
42     procedure CreateFConnection;
CreateQuerynull43     Function CreateQuery : TSQLQuery;
44   protected
45     procedure SetTestUniDirectional(const AValue: boolean); override;
GetTestUniDirectionalnull46     function GetTestUniDirectional: boolean; override;
47     procedure CreateNDatasets; override;
48     procedure CreateFieldDataset; override;
49     // If logging is enabled, this procedure will receive the event
50     // from the SQLDB logging system
51     // For custom logging call with sender nil and eventtype detCustom
52     procedure DoLogEvent(Sender: TSQLConnection; EventType: TDBEventType; Const Msg : String);
53     procedure DropNDatasets; override;
54     procedure DropFieldDataset; override;
InternalGetNDatasetnull55     Function InternalGetNDataset(n : integer) : TDataset; override;
InternalGetFieldDatasetnull56     Function InternalGetFieldDataset : TDataSet; override;
57   public
58     procedure TryDropIfExist(ATableName : String);
59     procedure TryCreateSequence(ASequenceName : String);
60     procedure TryDropSequence(ASequenceName: String);
61     destructor Destroy; override;
62     constructor Create; override;
63     procedure ExecuteDirect(const SQL: string);
64     // Issue a commit(retaining) for databases that need it (e.g. in DDL)
65     procedure CommitDDL;
66     Procedure FreeTransaction;
67     property Connection : TSQLConnection read FConnection;
68     property Transaction : TSQLTransaction read FTransaction;
69     property Query : TSQLQuery read FQuery;
70   end;
72 var SQLConnType : TSQLConnType;
73     SQLServerType : TSQLServerType;
74     FieldtypeDefinitions : Array [TFieldType] of String[20];
IdentifierCasenull76 function IdentifierCase(const s: string): string;
78 implementation
80 uses StrUtils;
82 type
83   TSQLServerTypesMapItem = record
84     s: string;
85     t: TSQLServerType;
86   end;
88 const
89   FieldtypeDefinitionsConst : Array [TFieldType] of String[20] =
90     (
91       {ftUnknown} '',
92       {ftString} 'VARCHAR(10)',
93       {ftSmallint} 'SMALLINT',
94       {ftInteger} 'INTEGER',
95       {ftWord} '',
96       {ftBoolean} 'BOOLEAN',
97       {ftFloat} 'DOUBLE PRECISION',
98       {ftCurrency} '',
99       {ftBCD} 'DECIMAL(18,4)',
100       {ftDate} 'DATE',
101       {ftTime} 'TIME',
102       {ftDateTime} 'TIMESTAMP',
103       {ftBytes} '',
104       {ftVarBytes} '',
105       {ftAutoInc} '',
106       {ftBlob} 'BLOB',
107       {ftMemo} 'BLOB',
108       {ftGraphic} 'BLOB',
109       {ftFmtMemo} '',
110       {ftParadoxOle} '',
111       {ftDBaseOle} '',
112       {ftTypedBinary} '',
113       {ftCursor} '',
114       {ftFixedChar} 'CHAR(10)',
115       {ftWideString} '',
116       {ftLargeint} 'BIGINT',
117       {ftADT} '',
118       {ftArray} '',
119       {ftReference} '',
120       {ftDataSet} '',
121       {ftOraBlob} '',
122       {ftOraClob} '',
123       {ftVariant} '',
124       {ftInterface} '',
125       {ftIDispatch} '',
126       {ftGuid} '',
127       {ftTimeStamp} 'TIMESTAMP',
128       {ftFMTBcd} 'NUMERIC(18,6)',
129       {ftFixedWideChar} '',
130       {ftWideMemo} ''
131     );
133   // names as returned by ODBC SQLGetInfo(..., SQL_DBMS_NAME, ...) and GetConnectionInfo(citServerType)
134   SQLServerTypesMap : array [0..7] of TSQLServerTypesMapItem = (
135     (s: 'Firebird'; t: ssFirebird),
136     (s: 'Interbase'; t: ssInterbase),
137     (s: 'Microsoft SQL Server'; t: ssMSSQL),
138     (s: 'MySQL'; t: ssMySQL),
139     (s: 'Oracle'; t: ssOracle),
140     (s: 'PostgreSQL'; t: ssPostgreSQL),
141     (s: 'SQLite3'; t: ssSQLite),
142     (s: 'ASE'; t: ssSybase)
143   );
145   // fall back mapping (e.g. in case GetConnectionInfo(citServerType) is not implemented)
146   SQLConnTypeToServerTypeMap : array[TSQLConnType] of TSQLServerType =
147     (ssMySQL,ssMySQL,ssMySQL,ssMySQL,ssMySQL,ssMySQL,ssMySQL,ssPostgreSQL,ssFirebird,ssUnknown,ssOracle,ssSQLite,ssMSSQL,ssSybase);
IdentifierCasenull150 function IdentifierCase(const s: string): string;
151 begin
152   // format unquoted identifier name as required by SQL servers
153   case SQLServerType of
154     ssPostgreSQL: Result := LowerCase(s); // PostgreSQL stores unquoted identifiers in lowercase (incompatible with the SQL standard)
155     ssInterbase,
156     ssFirebird  : Result := UpperCase(s); // Dialect 1 requires uppercase; dialect 3 is case agnostic
157     else
158                   Result := s; // mixed case
159   end;
160 end;
162 { TSQLDBConnector }
164 procedure TSQLDBConnector.CreateFConnection;
165 var t : TSQLConnType;
166     i : integer;
167     s : string;
168 begin
169   for t := low(SQLConnTypesNames) to high(SQLConnTypesNames) do
170     if UpperCase(dbconnectorparams) = SQLConnTypesNames[t] then SQLConnType := t;
172   case SQLConnType of
173     MYSQL40:    Fconnection := TMySQL40Connection.Create(nil);
174     MYSQL41:    Fconnection := TMySQL41Connection.Create(nil);
175     MYSQL50:    Fconnection := TMySQL50Connection.Create(nil);
176     MYSQL51:    Fconnection := TMySQL51Connection.Create(nil);
177     MYSQL55:    Fconnection := TMySQL55Connection.Create(nil);
178     MYSQL56:    Fconnection := TMySQL56Connection.Create(nil);
179     MYSQL57:    Fconnection := TMySQL57Connection.Create(nil);
180     MYSQL80:    Fconnection := TMySQL80Connection.Create(nil);
181     SQLITE3:    Fconnection := TSQLite3Connection.Create(nil);
182     POSTGRESQL: Fconnection := TPQConnection.Create(nil);
183     INTERBASE : Fconnection := TIBConnection.Create(nil);
184     ODBC:       Fconnection := TODBCConnection.Create(nil);
185   {$IFNDEF Win64}
186     ORACLE:     Fconnection := TOracleConnection.Create(nil);
187   {$ENDIF Win64}
188     MSSQL:      Fconnection := TMSSQLConnection.Create(nil);
189     SYBASE:     Fconnection := TSybaseConnection.Create(nil);
190     else        writeln('Invalid database type, check if a valid database type for your achitecture was provided in the file ''database.ini''');
191   end;
193   FTransaction := TSQLTransaction.Create(nil);
195   with Fconnection do
196   begin
197     Transaction := FTransaction;
198     DatabaseName := dbname;
199     UserName := dbuser;
200     Password := dbpassword;
201     HostName := dbhostname;
202     CharSet := dbcharset;
203     if dblogfilename<>'' then
204     begin
205       LogEvents:=[detCustom,detCommit,detExecute,detRollBack];
206       OnLog:=@DoLogEvent;
207     end;
209     if (dbhostname='') and (SQLConnType=interbase) then
210     begin
211       // Firebird embedded: create database file if it doesn't yet exist
212       // Note: pagesize parameter has influence on behavior. We're using
213       // Firebird default here.
214       if not(fileexists(dbname)) then
215         CreateDB; //Create testdb
216     end;
218     if length(dbQuoteChars)>1 then
219       FieldNameQuoteChars:=dbQuoteChars;
221     Open;
222   end;
224   // determine remote SQL Server to which we are connected
225   s := Fconnection.GetConnectionInfo(citServerType);
226   if s = '' then
227     SQLServerType := SQLConnTypeToServerTypeMap[SQLConnType] // if citServerType isn't implemented
228   else
229     for i := low(SQLServerTypesMap) to high(SQLServerTypesMap) do
230       if SQLServerTypesMap[i].s = s then
231         SQLServerType := SQLServerTypesMap[i].t;
233   FieldtypeDefinitions := FieldtypeDefinitionsConst;
235   // Server-specific initialization
236   case SQLServerType of
237     ssFirebird:
238       begin
239       // Firebird < 3.0 has no support for Boolean data type:
240       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftBoolean] := '';
241       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftMemo]    := 'BLOB SUB_TYPE TEXT';
242       end;
243     ssInterbase:
244       begin
245       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftMemo]     := 'BLOB SUB_TYPE TEXT';
246       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftLargeInt] := 'NUMERIC(18,0)';
247       end;
248     ssMSSQL, ssSybase:
249       // todo: Sybase: copied over MSSQL; verify correctness
250       // note: test database should have case-insensitive collation
251       begin
252       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftBoolean] := 'BIT';
253       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftFloat]   := 'FLOAT';
254       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftCurrency]:= 'MONEY';
255       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftDateTime]:= 'DATETIME';
256       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftBytes]   := 'BINARY(5)';
257       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftVarBytes]:= 'VARBINARY(10)';
258       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftBlob]    := 'IMAGE';
259       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftMemo]    := 'TEXT';
260       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftGraphic] := '';
261       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftGuid]    := 'UNIQUEIDENTIFIER';
262       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftWideString] := 'NVARCHAR(10)';
263       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftFixedWideChar] := 'NCHAR(10)';
264       //FieldtypeDefinitions[ftWideMemo] := 'NTEXT'; // Sybase has UNITEXT?
266       // Proper blob support:
267       FConnection.ExecuteDirect('SET TEXTSIZE 2147483647');
268       if SQLServerType=ssMSSQL then
269       begin
270         // When running CREATE TABLE statements, allow NULLs by default - without
271         // having to specify NULL all the time:
272         // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms174979.aspx
273         //
274         // Padding character fields is expected by ANSI and sqldb, as well as
275         // recommended by Microsoft:
276         // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187403.aspx
278       end;
279       if SQLServerType=ssSybase then
280       begin
281         // Evaluate NULL expressions according to ANSI SQL:
282         // http://infocenter.sybase.com/archive/index.jsp?topic=/com.sybase.help.ase_15.0.commands/html/commands/commands85.htm
283         FConnection.ExecuteDirect('SET ANSINULL ON');
285         { Tests require these database options set
286         1) with ddl in tran; e.g.
287         use master
288         go
289         sp_dboption pubs3, 'ddl in tran', true
290         go
291         Avoid errors like
292         The 'CREATE TABLE' command is not allowed within a multi-statement transaction in the 'test' database.
293         2) allow nulls by default, e.g.
294         use master
295         go
296         sp_dboption pubs3, 'allow nulls by default', true
297         go
298         }
299       end;
300       FTransaction.Commit;
301       end;
302     ssMySQL:
303       begin
304       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftWord] := 'SMALLINT UNSIGNED';
305       // MySQL recognizes BOOLEAN, but as synonym for TINYINT, not true sql boolean datatype
306       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftBoolean]  := '';
307       // Use 'DATETIME' for datetime fields instead of timestamp, because
308       // mysql's timestamps are only valid in the range 1970-2038.
309       // Downside is that fields defined as 'TIMESTAMP' aren't tested
310       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftDateTime] := 'DATETIME';
311       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftBytes]    := 'BINARY(5)';
312       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftVarBytes] := 'VARBINARY(10)';
313       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftMemo]     := 'TEXT';
314       // Add into my.ini: sql-mode="...,PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH,ANSI_QUOTES" or set it explicitly by:
315       // PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH to avoid trimming trailing spaces contrary to SQL standard (MySQL 5.1.20+)
316       FConnection.ExecuteDirect('SET SESSION sql_mode=''STRICT_ALL_TABLES,PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH,ANSI_QUOTES''');
317       FTransaction.Commit;
318       end;
319     ssOracle:
320       begin
321       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftBoolean]  := '';
322       // At least Oracle 10, 11 do not support a BIGINT field:
323       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftLargeInt] := 'NUMBER(19,0)';
324       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftTime]     := 'TIMESTAMP';
325       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftMemo]     := 'CLOB';
326       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftWideString] := 'NVARCHAR2(10)';
327       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftFixedWideChar] := 'NCHAR(10)';
328       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftWideMemo] := 'NCLOB';
329       end;
330     ssPostgreSQL:
331       begin
332       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftCurrency] := 'MONEY'; // ODBC?!
333       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftBlob]     := 'BYTEA';
334       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftMemo]     := 'TEXT';
335       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftGraphic]  := '';
336       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftGuid]     := 'UUID';
337       end;
338     ssSQLite:
339       begin
340       // SQLite stores all values with decimal point as 8 byte (double) IEEE floating point numbers
341       // (it causes that some tests (for BCD, FmtBCD fields) fails for exact numeric values, which can't be lossless expressed as 8 byte floating point values)
342       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftWord] := 'WORD';
343       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftCurrency] := 'CURRENCY';
344       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftBytes] := 'BINARY(5)';
345       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftVarBytes] := 'VARBINARY(10)';
346       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftMemo] := 'CLOB'; //or TEXT SQLite supports both, but CLOB is sql standard (TEXT not)
347       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftWideString] := 'NVARCHAR(10)';
348       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftFixedWideChar] := 'NCHAR(10)';
349       FieldtypeDefinitions[ftWideMemo] := 'NCLOB';
350       end;
351   end;
353   if SQLConnType in [mysql40,mysql41] then
354     begin
355     // Mysql versions prior to 5.0.3 removes the trailing spaces on varchar
356     // fields on insertion. So to test properly, we have to do the same
357     for i := 0 to testValuesCount-1 do
358       testStringValues[i] := TrimRight(testStringValues[i]);
359     end;
361   if SQLServerType in [ssMSSQL, ssSQLite, ssSybase] then
362     // Some DB's do not support sql compliant boolean data type.
363     for i := 0 to testValuesCount-1 do
364       testValues[ftBoolean, i] := BoolToStr(testBooleanValues[i], '1', '0');
366   if SQLServerType in [ssMySQL] then
367     begin
368     // Some DB's do not support milliseconds in datetime and time fields.
369     for i := 0 to testValuesCount-1 do
370       begin
371       testTimeValues[i] := copy(testTimeValues[i],1,8)+'.000';
372       testValues[ftTime,i] := copy(testTimeValues[i],1,8)+'.000';
373       if length(testValues[ftDateTime,i]) > 19 then
374         testValues[ftDateTime,i] := copy(testValues[ftDateTime,i],1,19)+'.000';
375       end;
376     end;
378   if SQLServerType in [ssFirebird, ssInterbase, ssMSSQL, ssOracle, ssPostgreSQL, ssSybase] then
379     begin
380     // Some db's do not support times > 24:00:00
381     testTimeValues[3]:='13:25:15.000';
382     testValues[ftTime,3]:='13:25:15.000';
383     if SQLServerType in [ssFirebird, ssInterbase, ssMSSQL, ssOracle] then
384       begin
385       // Firebird, Oracle, MS SQL Server do not support time = 24:00:00
386       // MS SQL Server "datetime" supports only time up to 23:59:59.997
387       testTimeValues[2]:='23:59:59.997';
388       testValues[ftTime,2]:='23:59:59.997';
389       end;
390     end;
392   if SQLServerType in [ssMSSQL, ssSybase] then
393     // Some DB's do not support datetime values before 1753-01-01
394     for i := 18 to testValuesCount-1 do
395       testValues[ftDateTime,i] := testValues[ftDateTime,0];
397   // DecimalSeparator must correspond to monetary locale (lc_monetary) set on PostgreSQL server
398   // Here we assume, that locale on client side is same as locale on server
399   if SQLServerType in [ssPostgreSQL] then
400     for i := 0 to testValuesCount-1 do
401       testValues[ftCurrency,i] := QuotedStr(CurrToStr(testCurrencyValues[i]));
403   // SQLite does not support fixed length CHAR datatype
404   if SQLServerType in [ssSQLite] then
405     for i := 0 to testValuesCount-1 do
406       testValues[ftFixedChar,i] := PadRight(testValues[ftFixedChar,i], 10);
407 end;
TSQLDBConnector.CreateQuerynull409 Function TSQLDBConnector.CreateQuery: TSQLQuery;
411 begin
412   Result := TSQLQuery.create(nil);
413   with Result do
414     begin
415     database := Fconnection;
416     transaction := Ftransaction;
417     PacketRecords := -1;  // To avoid: "Connection is busy with results for another hstmt" (ODBC,MSSQL)
418     end;
419 end;
423 procedure TSQLDBConnector.SetTestUniDirectional(const AValue: boolean);
424 begin
425   FUniDirectional:=avalue;
426   FQuery.UniDirectional:=AValue;
427 end;
GetTestUniDirectionalnull429 function TSQLDBConnector.GetTestUniDirectional: boolean;
430 begin
431   result := FUniDirectional;
432 end;
434 procedure TSQLDBConnector.CreateNDatasets;
435 var CountID : Integer;
436 begin
437   try
438     Ftransaction.StartTransaction;
439     TryDropIfExist('FPDEV');
440     Fconnection.ExecuteDirect('create table FPDEV (' +
441                               '  ID INT NOT NULL,  ' +
442                               '  NAME VARCHAR(50), ' +
443                               '  PRIMARY KEY (ID)  ' +
444                               ')');
446     FTransaction.CommitRetaining;
448     for countID := 1 to MaxDataSet do
449       Fconnection.ExecuteDirect('insert into FPDEV (ID,NAME) ' +
450                                 'values ('+inttostr(countID)+',''TestName'+inttostr(countID)+''')');
452     Ftransaction.Commit;
453   except
454     on E: Exception do begin
455       if dblogfilename<>'' then
456         DoLogEvent(nil,detCustom,'Exception running CreateNDatasets: '+E.Message);
457       if Ftransaction.Active then
458         Ftransaction.Rollback
459     end;
460   end;
461 end;
463 procedure TSQLDBConnector.CreateFieldDataset;
464 var
465   CountID : Integer;
466   FType   : TFieldType;
467   Sql,sql1: String;
String2Hexnull469 function String2Hex(Source: string): string;
470 // Converts ASCII codes into hex
471 var
472   i: integer;
473 begin
474   result := '';
475   for i := 1 to length(Source) do
476     result := result + inttohex(ord(Source[i]),2);
477 end;
479 begin
480   try
481     Ftransaction.StartTransaction;
482     TryDropIfExist('FPDEV_FIELD');
484     Sql := 'create table FPDEV_FIELD (ID INT NOT NULL,';
485     for FType := low(TFieldType)to high(TFieldType) do
486       if FieldtypeDefinitions[FType]<>'' then
487         sql := sql + 'F' + Fieldtypenames[FType] + ' ' +
488           FieldtypeDefinitions[FType] + ',';
489     Sql := Sql + 'PRIMARY KEY (ID))';
491     FConnection.ExecuteDirect(Sql);
493     FTransaction.CommitRetaining;
495     for countID := 0 to testValuesCount-1 do
496       begin
497       Sql :=  'insert into FPDEV_FIELD (ID';
498       Sql1 := 'values ('+IntToStr(countID);
499       for FType := low(TFieldType)to high(TFieldType) do
500         if FieldtypeDefinitions[FType]<>'' then
501           begin
502           sql := sql + ',F' + Fieldtypenames[FType];
503           if testValues[FType,CountID] <> '' then
504             if FType in [ftBoolean, ftCurrency] then
505                sql1 := sql1 + ',' + testValues[FType,CountID]
506             else if (FType in [ftBlob, ftBytes, ftGraphic, ftVarBytes]) and
507                     (SQLServerType = ssOracle) then
508                // Oracle does not accept string literals in blob insert statements
509                // convert 'DEADBEEF' hex literal to binary:
510                sql1 := sql1 + ', HEXTORAW(' + QuotedStr(String2Hex(testValues[FType,CountID])) + ') '
511             else if (FType = ftDate) and
512                     (SQLServerType = ssOracle) then
513                // Oracle requires date conversion; otherwise
514                // ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
515                // ANSI/ISO date literal:
516                sql1 := sql1 + ', DATE ' + QuotedStr(testValues[FType,CountID])
517             else if (FType = ftDateTime) and
518                     (SQLServerType = ssOracle) then begin
519                // similar to ftDate handling
520                // Could be a real date+time or only date. Does not consider only time.
521                if pos(' ',testValues[FType,CountID])>0 then
522                   sql1 := sql1 + ', TIMESTAMP ' + QuotedStr(testValues[FType,CountID])
523                else
524                   sql1 := sql1 + ', DATE ' + QuotedStr(testValues[FType,CountID]);
525             end
526             else if (FType = ftTime) and
527                     (SQLServerType = ssOracle) then
528                // similar to ftDate handling
529                // More or less arbitrary default time; there is no time-only data type in Oracle.
530                sql1 := sql1 + ', TIMESTAMP ' + QuotedStr('0001-01-01 '+testValues[FType,CountID])
531             else
532                sql1 := sql1 + ',' + QuotedStr(testValues[FType,CountID])
533           else
534             sql1 := sql1 + ',NULL';
535           end;
536       Sql := sql + ')';
537       Sql1 := sql1+ ')';
539       Fconnection.ExecuteDirect(sql + ' ' + sql1);
540       end;
542     Ftransaction.Commit;
543   except
544     on E: Exception do begin
545       if dblogfilename<>'' then
546         DoLogEvent(nil,detCustom,'Exception running CreateFieldDataset: '+E.Message);
547       if Ftransaction.Active then Ftransaction.Rollback;
548     end;
549   end;
550 end;
552 procedure TSQLDBConnector.DoLogEvent(Sender: TSQLConnection;
553   EventType: TDBEventType; Const Msg: String);
554 var
555   Category: string;
556 begin
557   case EventType of
558     detCustom:   Category:='Custom';
559     detPrepare:  Category:='Prepare';
560     detExecute:  Category:='Execute';
561     detFetch:    Category:='Fetch';
562     detCommit:   Category:='Commit';
563     detRollBack: Category:='Rollback';
564     else Category:='Unknown event. Please fix program code.';
565   end;
566   LogMessage(Category,Msg);
567 end;
569 procedure TSQLDBConnector.DropNDatasets;
570 begin
571   if assigned(FTransaction) then
572     begin
573     try
574       if Ftransaction.Active then Ftransaction.Rollback;
575       Ftransaction.StartTransaction;
576       Fconnection.ExecuteDirect('DROP TABLE FPDEV');
577       Ftransaction.Commit;
578     Except
579       on E: Exception do begin
580         if dblogfilename<>'' then
581           DoLogEvent(nil,detCustom,'Exception running DropNDatasets: '+E.Message);
582         if Ftransaction.Active then Ftransaction.Rollback
583       end;
584     end;
585     end;
586 end;
588 procedure TSQLDBConnector.DropFieldDataset;
589 begin
590   if assigned(FTransaction) then
591     begin
592     try
593       if Ftransaction.Active then Ftransaction.Rollback;
594       Ftransaction.StartTransaction;
595       Fconnection.ExecuteDirect('DROP TABLE FPDEV_FIELD');
596       Ftransaction.Commit;
597     Except
598       on E: Exception do begin
599         if dblogfilename<>'' then
600           DoLogEvent(nil,detCustom,'Exception running DropFieldDataset: '+E.Message);
601         if Ftransaction.Active then Ftransaction.Rollback
602       end;
603     end;
604     end;
605 end;
TSQLDBConnector.InternalGetNDatasetnull607 Function TSQLDBConnector.InternalGetNDataset(n: integer): TDataset;
608 begin
609   Result := CreateQuery;
610   with (Result as TSQLQuery) do
611     begin
612     sql.clear;
613     sql.add('SELECT * FROM FPDEV WHERE ID < '+inttostr(n+1)+' ORDER BY ID');
614     UniDirectional:=TestUniDirectional;
615     end;
616 end;
TSQLDBConnector.InternalGetFieldDatasetnull618 Function TSQLDBConnector.InternalGetFieldDataset: TDataSet;
619 begin
620   Result := CreateQuery;
621   with (Result as TSQLQuery) do
622     begin
623     sql.clear;
624     sql.add('SELECT * FROM FPDEV_FIELD');
625     UniDirectional:=TestUniDirectional;
626     end;
627 end;
629 procedure TSQLDBConnector.TryDropIfExist(ATableName: String);
630 begin
631   // This makes life so much easier, since it avoids the exception if the table already
632   // exists. And while this exception is in a try..except statement, the debugger
633   // always shows the exception, which is pretty annoying.
634   try
635     case SQLServerType of
636       ssFirebird:
637         begin
638         // This only works with Firebird 2+
639         FConnection.ExecuteDirect('execute block as begin if (exists (select 1 from rdb$relations where upper(rdb$relation_name)=''' + UpperCase(ATableName) + ''')) '+
640           'then execute statement ''drop table ' + ATableName + ';'';end');
641         FTransaction.CommitRetaining;
642         end;
643       ssMSSQL:
644         begin
645         // Checking is needed here to avoid getting "auto rollback" of a subsequent CREATE TABLE statement
646         // which leads to the rollback not referring to the right transaction=>SQL error
647         // Use SQL92 ISO standard INFORMATION_SCHEMA:
648         FConnection.ExecuteDirect(
649           'if exists (select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_TYPE=''BASE TABLE'' AND TABLE_NAME=''' + ATableName + ''')'+
650           ' drop table ' + ATableName );
651         end;
652       ssMySQL:
653         begin
654         FConnection.ExecuteDirect('drop table if exists ' + ATableName);
655         end;
656       ssPostgreSQL,
657       ssSQLite:
658         begin
659         FConnection.ExecuteDirect('drop table if exists ' + ATableName);
660         FTransaction.CommitRetaining;
661         end;
662       ssOracle:
663         begin
664           FConnection.ExecuteDirect(
665           'declare ' +
666           '   c int; ' +
667           'begin ' +
668           '   select count(*) into c from all_tables where table_name = upper(''' + ATableName + '''); ' +
669           '   if c = 1 then ' +
670           '      execute immediate ''drop table ' + ATableName + '''; ' +
671           '   end if; ' +
672           'end; ');
673         end;
674       ssSybase:
675         begin
676         // Checking is needed here to avoid getting "auto rollback" of a subsequent CREATE TABLE statement
677         // which leads to the rollback not referring to the right transaction=>SQL error
678         // Can't use SQL standard information_schema; instead query sysobjects for User tables
679         FConnection.ExecuteDirect(
680           'if exists (select * from sysobjects where type = ''U'' and name=''' + ATableName + ''') '+
681           'begin '+
682           'drop table ' + ATableName + ' '+
683           'end');
684         end;
685     end;
686   except
687     FTransaction.RollbackRetaining;
688   end;
689 end;
691 procedure TSQLDBConnector.TryDropSequence(ASequenceName: String);
693 var
694   NoSeq : Boolean;
696 begin
697   NoSeq:=False;
698   try
699     case SQLServerType of
700       ssInterbase,
701       ssFirebird: FConnection.ExecuteDirect('DROP GENERATOR '+ASequenceName);
702       ssOracle,
703       ssPostgreSQL,
704       ssSybase,
705       ssMSSQL : FConnection.ExecuteDirect('DROP SEQUENCE '+ASequenceName+' START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1');
706       ssSQLite : FConnection.ExecuteDirect('delete from sqlite_sequence where (name='''+ASequenceName+''')');
707     else
708       NoSeq:=True;
709     end;
710   except
711     FTransaction.RollbackRetaining;
712   end;
713   if NoSeq then
714     Raise EDatabaseError.Create('Engine does not support sequences');
715 end;
717 procedure TSQLDBConnector.TryCreateSequence(ASequenceName: String);
719 var
720   NoSeq : Boolean;
722 begin
723   NoSeq:=False;
724   case SQLServerType of
725     ssInterbase,
726     ssFirebird: FConnection.ExecuteDirect('CREATE GENERATOR '+ASequenceName);
727     ssOracle,
728     ssPostgreSQL,
729     ssSybase,
730     ssMSSQL : FConnection.ExecuteDirect('CREATE SEQUENCE '+ASequenceName+' START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1');
731     ssSQLite : FConnection.ExecuteDirect('insert into sqlite_sequence (name,seq) values ('''+ASequenceName+''',1)');
732   else
733     Raise EDatabaseError.Create('Engine does not support sequences');
734   end;
735 end;
738 procedure TSQLDBConnector.ExecuteDirect(const SQL: string);
739 begin
740   Connection.ExecuteDirect(SQL);
741 end;
743 procedure TSQLDBConnector.CommitDDL;
744 begin
745   // Commits schema definition and manipulation statements;
746   // Firebird/Interbase need a commit after a DDL statement. Not necessary for the other connections
747   if SQLServerType in [ssFirebird, ssInterbase] then
748     Transaction.CommitRetaining;
749 end;
751 Procedure TSQLDBConnector.FreeTransaction;
752 begin
753   FreeAndNil(FTransaction);
754 end;
756 destructor TSQLDBConnector.Destroy;
757 begin
758   FreeAndNil(FQuery);
759   if assigned(FTransaction) then
760     begin
761     try
762       if not (stoUseImplicit in Transaction.Options) then
763         begin
764         if Ftransaction.Active then
765           Ftransaction.Rollback;
766         Ftransaction.StartTransaction;
767         end;
768       TryDropIfExist('FPDEV2');
769       if not (stoUseImplicit in Transaction.Options) then
770         Ftransaction.Commit;
771     Except
772       if Ftransaction.Active and not (stoUseImplicit in Transaction.Options) then
773         Ftransaction.Rollback;
774     end; // try
775     end;
776   FreeTransaction;
777   FreeAndNil(FConnection);
778   inherited Destroy;
779 end;
781 constructor TSQLDBConnector.Create;
782 begin
783   FConnection := nil;
784   CreateFConnection;
785   FQuery := CreateQuery;
786   Inherited;
787 end;
789 initialization
790   RegisterClass(TSQLDBConnector);
791 end.