1 {
2     This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
3     Copyright (c) 2008 by the Free Pascal development team
5     GIF reader for fpImage.
7     See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
8     for details about the copyright.
10     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  **********************************************************************
16   ToDo: read further images
17 }
18 unit FPReadGif;
20 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
22 interface
24 uses
25   Classes, SysUtils, FPimage;
27 type
28   TGifRGB = packed record
29     Red, Green, Blue : Byte;
30   end;
32   TGIFHeader = packed record
33     Signature:array[0..2] of Char;    //* Header Signature (always "GIF") */
34     Version:array[0..2] of Char;      //* GIF format version("87a" or "89a") */
35     // Logical Screen Descriptor
36     ScreenWidth:word;                 //* Width of Display Screen in Pixels */
37     ScreenHeight:word;                //* Height of Display Screen in Pixels */
38     Packedbit,                        //* Screen and Color Map Information */
39     BackgroundColor,                  //* Background Color Index */
40     AspectRatio:byte;                 //* Pixel Aspect Ratio */
41   end;
43   TGifImageDescriptor = packed record
44     Left,              //* X position of image on the display */
45     Top,               //* Y position of image on the display */
46     Width,             //* Width of the image in pixels */
47     Height:word;       //* Height of the image in pixels */
48     Packedbit:byte;    //* Image and Color Table Data Information */
49   end;
51   TGifGraphicsControlExtension = packed record
52     BlockSize,         //* Size of remaining fields (always 04h) */
53     Packedbit:byte;    //* Method of graphics disposal to use */
54     DelayTime:word;    //* Hundredths of seconds to wait	*/
55     ColorIndex,        //* Transparent Color Index */
56     Terminator:byte;   //* Block Terminator (always 0) */
57   end;
59   TFPReaderGif = class;
61   TGifCreateCompatibleImgEvent = procedure(Sender: TFPReaderGif;
62                                         var NewImage: TFPCustomImage) of object;
64   { TFPReaderGif }
66   TFPReaderGif = class(TFPCustomImageReader)
67   protected
68     FHeader: TGIFHeader;
69     FDescriptor: TGifImageDescriptor;
70     FGraphicsCtrlExt: TGifGraphicsControlExtension;
71     FTransparent: Boolean;
72     FGraphCtrlExt: Boolean;
73     FScanLine: PByte;
74     FLineSize: Integer;
75     FPalette: TFPPalette;
76     FWidth: integer;
77     FHeight: Integer;
78     FInterlace: boolean;
79     FBitsPerPixel: byte;
80     FBackground: byte;
81     FResolution: byte;
82     FOnCreateImage: TGifCreateCompatibleImgEvent;
83     procedure ReadPalette(Stream: TStream; Size: integer);
AnalyzeHeadernull84     function AnalyzeHeader: Boolean;
85     procedure InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage); override;
ReadScanLinenull86     function ReadScanLine(Stream: TStream): boolean; virtual;
WriteScanLinenull87     function WriteScanLine(Img: TFPCustomImage): Boolean; virtual;
InternalChecknull88     function InternalCheck (Stream: TStream) : boolean; override;
SkipBlocknull89     function SkipBlock(Stream: TStream): byte;
90   public
91     constructor Create; override;
92     destructor Destroy; override;
93     property Header: TGIFHeader read FHeader;
94     property Descriptor: TGifImageDescriptor read FDescriptor;
95     property GraphCtrlExt: Boolean read FGraphCtrlExt;
96     property GraphicsCtrlExt: TGifGraphicsControlExtension read FGraphicsCtrlExt;
97     property Transparent: Boolean read FTransparent;
98     property Palette: TFPPalette read FPalette;
99     property Width: integer read FWidth;
100     property Height: Integer read FHeight;
101     property Interlace: boolean read FInterlace;
102     property BitsPerPixel: byte read FBitsPerPixel;
103     property Background: byte read FBackground;
104     property Resolution: byte read FResolution;
105     property OnCreateImage: TGifCreateCompatibleImgEvent read FOnCreateImage write FOnCreateImage;
106   end;
108 implementation
110 { TFPReaderGif }
112 procedure TFPReaderGif.ReadPalette(Stream: TStream; Size: integer);
113 Var
114   RGBEntry : TGifRGB;
115   I : Integer;
116   c : TFPColor;
117 begin
118   FPalette.count := 0;
119   For I:=0 To Size-1 Do
120   Begin
121     Stream.Read(RGBEntry, SizeOf(RGBEntry));
122     With c do
123     begin
124       Red:=RGBEntry.Red or (RGBEntry.Red shl 8);
125       Green:=RGBEntry.Green or (RGBEntry.Green shl 8);
126       Blue:=RGBEntry.Blue or (RGBEntry.Blue shl 8);
127       Alpha:=alphaOpaque;
128     end;
129     FPalette.Add(C);
130   End;
131 end;
TFPReaderGif.AnalyzeHeadernull133 function TFPReaderGif.AnalyzeHeader: Boolean;
134 var
135     C : TFPColor;
136 begin
137   Result:=false;
138   With FHeader do
139   begin
140     if (Signature = 'GIF') and
141        ((Version = '87a') or
142        (Version = '89a')) then
143     else
144     Raise Exception.Create('Unknown/Unsupported GIF image type');
146     FResolution := Packedbit and $70 shr 5 + 1;
147     FBitsPerPixel:=Packedbit and 7 + 1;
148     FBackground := BackgroundColor;
150     With FDescriptor do
151     begin
152       fWidth:=Width;
153       fHeight:=Height;
154       FInterlace := (Packedbit and $40 = $40);
155     end;
156     FTransparent:= FBackground <> 0;
157     if FGraphCtrlExt then
158     begin
159       FTransparent:=(FGraphicsCtrlExt.Packedbit and $01)<>0;
160       If FTransparent then
161         FBackground:=FGraphicsCtrlExt.ColorIndex;
162     end;
163     FLineSize:=FWidth*(FHeight+1);
164     GetMem(FScanLine,FLineSize);
165     If FTransparent then
166     begin
167       C:=FPalette.Color[FBackground];
168       C.alpha:=alphaTransparent;
169       FPalette.Color[FBackground]:=C;
170     end;
171   end;
172   Result:=true;
173 end;
175 procedure TFPReaderGif.InternalRead(Stream: TStream; Img: TFPCustomImage);
176 var
177   Introducer:byte;
178   ColorTableSize :Integer;
179   ContProgress: Boolean;
180 begin
181   FPalette:=nil;
182   FScanLine:=nil;
183   try
184     ContProgress:=true;
185     Progress(psStarting, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
186     if not ContProgress then exit;
188     FPalette := TFPPalette.Create(0);
190     Stream.Position:=0;
191     // header
192     Stream.Read(FHeader,SizeOf(FHeader));
193     Progress(psRunning, trunc(100.0 * (Stream.position / Stream.size)), False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
194     if not ContProgress then exit;
196     // Endian Fix Mantis 8541. Gif is always little endian
198       with FHeader do
199         begin
200           ScreenWidth := LEtoN(ScreenWidth);
201           ScreenHeight := LEtoN(ScreenHeight);
202         end;
203     {$ENDIF}
204     // global palette
205     if (FHeader.Packedbit and $80) <> 0 then
206     begin
207       ColorTableSize := FHeader.Packedbit and 7 + 1;
208       ReadPalette(stream, 1 shl ColorTableSize);
209     end;
211     // skip extensions
212     Repeat
213       Introducer:=SkipBlock(Stream);
214     until (Introducer = $2C) or (Introducer = $3B) or (Stream.Position>=Stream.Size);
216     if Stream.Position>=Stream.Size then
217       Exit;
219     // descriptor
220     Stream.Read(FDescriptor, SizeOf(FDescriptor));
222       with FDescriptor do
223         begin
224           Left := LEtoN(Left);
225           Top := LEtoN(Top);
226           Width := LEtoN(Width);
227           Height := LEtoN(Height);
228         end;
229     {$ENDIF}
230     // local palette
231     if (FDescriptor.Packedbit and $80) <> 0 then
232     begin
233       ColorTableSize := FDescriptor.Packedbit and 7 + 1;
234       ReadPalette(stream, 1 shl ColorTableSize);
235     end;
237     // parse header
238     if not AnalyzeHeader then exit;
240     // create image
241     if Assigned(OnCreateImage) then
242       OnCreateImage(Self,Img);
243     Img.SetSize(FWidth,FHeight);
245     // read pixels
246     if not ReadScanLine(Stream) then exit;
247     if not WriteScanLine(Img) then exit;
249     // ToDo: read further images
250   finally
251     FreeAndNil(FPalette);
252     ReAllocMem(FScanLine,0);
253   end;
254   Progress(FPimage.psEnding, 100, false, Rect(0,0,FWidth,FHeight), '', ContProgress);
255 end;
ReadScanLinenull257 function TFPReaderGif.ReadScanLine(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
258 var
259   OldPos,
260   UnpackedSize,
261   PackedSize:longint;
262   I: Integer;
263   Data,
264   Bits,
265   Code: Cardinal;
266   SourcePtr: PByte;
267   InCode: Cardinal;
269   CodeSize: Cardinal;
270   CodeMask: Cardinal;
271   FreeCode: Cardinal;
272   OldCode: Cardinal;
273   Prefix: array[0..4095] of Cardinal;
274   Suffix,
275   Stack: array [0..4095] of Byte;
276   StackPointer: PByte;
277   DataComp,
278   Target: PByte;
279   B,
280   FInitialCodeSize,
281   FirstChar: Byte;
282   ClearCode,
283   EOICode: Word;
284   ContProgress: Boolean;
286 begin
287   DataComp:=nil;
288   ContProgress:=true;
289   try
290     // read dictionary size
291     Stream.read(FInitialCodeSize, 1);
293     // search end of compressor table
294     OldPos:=Stream.Position;
295     PackedSize := 0;
296     Repeat
297       Stream.read(B, 1);
298       if B > 0 then
299       begin
300         inc(PackedSize, B);
301         Stream.Seek(B, soFromCurrent);
302         CodeMask := (1 shl CodeSize) - 1;
303       end;
304     until (B = 0)  or (Stream.Position>=Stream.Size);
306    { if Stream.Position>=Stream.Size then
307       Exit(False); }
309     Progress(psRunning, trunc(100.0 * (Stream.position / Stream.size)),
310              False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
311     if not ContProgress then exit(false);
313     Getmem(DataComp, PackedSize);
314     // read compressor table
315     SourcePtr:=DataComp;
316     Stream.Position:=OldPos;
317     Repeat
318       Stream.read(B, 1);
319       if B > 0 then
320       begin
321          Stream.ReadBuffer(SourcePtr^, B);
322          Inc(SourcePtr,B);
323       end;
324     until (B = 0) or (Stream.Position>=Stream.Size);
326    { if Stream.Position>=Stream.Size then
327        Exit(False); }
330     Progress(psRunning, trunc(100.0 * (Stream.position / Stream.size)),
331              False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
332     if not ContProgress then exit(false);
334     SourcePtr:=DataComp;
335     Target := FScanLine;
336     CodeSize := FInitialCodeSize + 1;
337     ClearCode := 1 shl FInitialCodeSize;
338     EOICode := ClearCode + 1;
339     FreeCode := ClearCode + 2;
340     OldCode := 4096;
341     CodeMask := (1 shl CodeSize) - 1;
342     UnpackedSize:=FWidth * FHeight;
343     for I := 0 to ClearCode - 1 do
344     begin
345       Prefix[I] := 4096;
346       Suffix[I] := I;
347     end;
348     StackPointer := @Stack;
349     FirstChar := 0;
350     Data := 0;
351     Bits := 0;
352     // LZW decompression gif
353     while (UnpackedSize > 0) and (PackedSize > 0) do
354     begin
355       Inc(Data, SourcePtr^ shl Bits);
356       Inc(Bits, 8);
357       while Bits >= CodeSize do
358       begin
359         Code := Data and CodeMask;
360         Data := Data shr CodeSize;
361         Dec(Bits, CodeSize);
362         if Code = EOICode then Break;
363         if Code = ClearCode then
364         begin
365           CodeSize := FInitialCodeSize + 1;
366           CodeMask := (1 shl CodeSize) - 1;
367           FreeCode := ClearCode + 2;
368           OldCode := 4096;
369           Continue;
370         end;
371         if Code > FreeCode then Break;
372         if OldCode = 4096 then
373         begin
374           FirstChar := Suffix[Code];
375           Target^ := FirstChar;
376           Inc(Target);
377           Dec(UnpackedSize);
378           OldCode := Code;
379           Continue;
380         end;
381         InCode := Code;
382         if Code = FreeCode then
383         begin
384           StackPointer^ := FirstChar;
385           Inc(StackPointer);
386           Code := OldCode;
387         end;
388         while Code > ClearCode do
389         begin
390           StackPointer^ := Suffix[Code];
391           Inc(StackPointer);
392           Code := Prefix[Code];
393         end;
394         FirstChar := Suffix[Code];
395         StackPointer^ := FirstChar;
396         Inc(StackPointer);
397         Prefix[FreeCode] := OldCode;
398         Suffix[FreeCode] := FirstChar;
399         if (FreeCode = CodeMask) and
400            (CodeSize < 12) then
401         begin
402           Inc(CodeSize);
403           CodeMask := (1 shl CodeSize) - 1;
404         end;
405         if FreeCode < 4095 then Inc(FreeCode);
406         OldCode := InCode;
407         repeat
408           Dec(StackPointer);
409           Target^ := StackPointer^;
410           Inc(Target);
411           Dec(UnpackedSize);
412         until StackPointer = @Stack;
413       end;
414       Inc(SourcePtr);
415       Dec(PackedSize);
416     end;
417     Progress(psRunning, trunc(100.0 * (Stream.position / Stream.size)),
418              False, Rect(0,0,0,0), '', ContProgress);
419     if not ContProgress then exit(false);
420   finally
421     if DataComp<>nil then
422       FreeMem(DataComp);
423   end;
424   Result:=true;
425 end;
TFPReaderGif.WriteScanLinenull427 function TFPReaderGif.WriteScanLine(Img: TFPCustomImage): Boolean;
428 Var
429   Row, Col : Integer;
430   Pass, Every : byte;
431   P : PByte;
IsMultiplenull432   function IsMultiple(NumberA, NumberB: Integer): Boolean;
433   begin
434     Result := (NumberA >= NumberB) and
435               (NumberB > 0) and
436               (NumberA mod NumberB = 0);
437   end;
438 begin
439   Result:=false;
440   P:=FScanLine;
441   If FInterlace then
442   begin
443     For Pass := 1 to 4 do
444     begin
445       Case Pass of
446          1 : begin
447                Row := 0;
448                Every := 8;
449              end;
450          2 : begin
451                Row := 4;
452                Every := 8;
453              end;
454          3 : begin
455                Row := 2;
456                Every := 4;
457              end;
458          4 : begin
459                Row := 1;
460                Every := 2;
461              end;
462         end;
463       Repeat
464         for Col:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
465         begin
466           Img.Colors[Col,Row]:=FPalette[P^];
467           Inc(P);
468         end;
469         Inc(Row, Every);
470       until Row >= Img.Height;
471     end;
472   end
473   else
474   begin
475     for Row:=0 to Img.Height-1 do
476       for Col:=0 to Img.Width-1 do
477       begin
478         Img.Colors[Col,Row]:=FPalette[P^];
479         Inc(P);
480       end;
481   end;
482   Result:=true;
483 end;
TFPReaderGif.InternalChecknull485 function TFPReaderGif.InternalCheck(Stream: TStream): boolean;
487 var
488   OldPos: Int64;
489   n: Int64;
491 begin
492   Result:=False;
493   if Stream = nil then
494     exit;
495   OldPos:=Stream.Position;
496   try
497     n := SizeOf(FHeader);
498     Result:=(Stream.Read(FHeader,n)=n)
499             and (FHeader.Signature = 'GIF')
500             and ((FHeader.Version = '87a') or (FHeader.Version = '89a'));
501   finally
502     Stream.Position := OldPos;
503   end;
504 end;
SkipBlocknull506 function TFPReaderGif.SkipBlock(Stream: TStream): byte;
507 var
508   Introducer,
509   Labels,
510   SkipByte : byte;
511 begin
512   Stream.read(Introducer,1);
513   if Introducer = $21 then
514   begin
515      Stream.read(Labels,1);
516      Case Labels of
517        $FE, $FF :     // Comment Extension block or Application Extension block
518             while true do
519             begin
520               Stream.Read(SkipByte, 1);
521               if SkipByte = 0 then Break;
522               Stream.Seek(SkipByte, soFromCurrent);
523             end;
524        $F9 :         // Graphics Control Extension block
525             begin
526               Stream.Read(FGraphicsCtrlExt, SizeOf(FGraphicsCtrlExt));
527               FGraphCtrlExt:=True;
528             end;
529        $01 :        // Plain Text Extension block
530             begin
531               Stream.Read(SkipByte, 1);
532               Stream.Seek(SkipByte, soFromCurrent);
533               while true do
534               begin
535                 Stream.Read(SkipByte, 1);
536                 if SkipByte = 0 then Break;
537                 Stream.Seek(SkipByte, soFromCurrent);
538               end;
539             end;
540       end;
541   end;
542   Result:=Introducer;
543 end;
545 constructor TFPReaderGif.Create;
546 begin
547   inherited Create;
549 end;
551 destructor TFPReaderGif.Destroy;
552 begin
554   inherited Destroy;
555 end;
557 initialization
558   ImageHandlers.RegisterImageReader ('GIF Graphics', 'gif', TFPReaderGif);
559 end.