1 unit webmodule;
3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
5 interface
7 uses
8   SysUtils, Classes, httpdefs, fpHTTP, fpWeb, iniwebsession;
10 type
12   { TFPWebModule1 }
14   TFPWebModule1 = class(TFPWebModule)
15     procedure DataModuleAfterResponse(Sender: TObject; AResponse: TResponse);
16     procedure DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
17     //web action handlers
18     procedure loginRequest(Sender: TObject; ARequest: TRequest; AResponse: TResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
19     procedure logoutRequest(Sender: TObject; ARequest: TRequest; AResponse: TResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
20     procedure someactionRequest(Sender: TObject; ARequest: TRequest; AResponse: TResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
21   private
22     { private declarations }
23     MySessionDir : String;
24     LoggedInLoginName : String;
25     SessionDBFile : String;
26     UserDBFile : String;
NotLoggedInnull27     function NotLoggedIn:Boolean;
CommonTemplateTagReplacesnull28     function CommonTemplateTagReplaces(const TagString:String; TagParams: TStringList; out ReplaceText: String):Boolean;
29     //template tag handlers
30     procedure loginReplaceTag(Sender: TObject; const TagString: String; TagParams: TStringList; Out ReplaceText: String);
31     procedure welcomeReplaceTag(Sender: TObject; const TagString:String; TagParams: TStringList; Out ReplaceText: String);
32     procedure logoutReplaceTag(Sender: TObject; const TagString:String; TagParams: TStringList; Out ReplaceText: String);
33     procedure someactionReplaceTag(Sender: TObject; const TagString:String; TagParams: TStringList; Out ReplaceText: String);
34   public
35     { public declarations }
36   end;
38 var
39   FPWebModule1: TFPWebModule1;
41 implementation
43 {$R *.lfm}
45 { TFPWebModule1 }
FindNameInListnull47 function FindNameInList(const SL:TStrings; const N:String):String;
48 var
49     i : Integer;
50 begin
51   Result := '';
52   for i := 0 to SL.Count - 1 do
53     if SL.Names[i] = N then
54     begin
55       Result := SL.Values[SL.Names[i]];//return with the sessionID
56       break;
57     end;
58 end;
60 procedure RemoveValueIfExists(SL:TStrings; const S_ID:String);
61 var
62   s : String;
63   i : Integer;
64 begin
65   if SL.Count <= 0 then Exit;
66   s := '=' + S_ID;
67   i := 0;
68   repeat
69     if pos(s, SL[i]) > 0 then
70       SL.Delete(i)
71     else
72       inc(i);
73   until i >= SL.Count;
74 end;
FindValueInListnull76 function FindValueInList(const SL:TStrings; const Sess:String):String;
77 var
78   s : String;
79   i : Integer;
80 begin
81   Result := '';
82   if SL.Count <= 0 then Exit;
83   s := '=' + Sess;
84   i := 0;
85   repeat
86     if pos(s, SL[i]) > 0 then
87     begin
88       Result := SL.Names[i];
89       break;
90     end;
91     inc(i);
92   until i >= SL.Count;
93 end;
95 procedure RemoveNameIfExists(SL:TStrings; const N:String);
96 var
97   i: Integer;
98 begin
99   if SL.Count <= 0 then Exit;
100   i := 0;
101   repeat
102     if SL.Names[i] = N then
103       SL.Delete(i)
104     else
105       inc(i);
106   until i >= SL.Count;
107 end;
109 procedure TFPWebModule1.DataModuleAfterResponse(Sender: TObject;
110   AResponse: TResponse);
111 begin
112   //reset global variables for apache modules and fcgi applications for the next incoming request
113   LoggedInLoginName := '';
114   //
115 end;
117 procedure TFPWebModule1.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
118 begin
119   ModuleTemplate.AllowTagParams := true;
120   ModuleTemplate.StartDelimiter := '{+';   //The default is { and } which is usually not good if we use Javascript in our templates
121   ModuleTemplate.EndDelimiter := '+}';
123   CreateSession := true;                   //Turn on automatic session handling for this web module
124   MySessionDir := '';//'/Path/To/A/Directory/';{Use this if you don't want the automatic Temp dir to store the sessionID files under "fpwebsessions" sub-directory}
125   with (SessionFactory as TIniSessionFactory) do
126   begin
127     DefaultTimeoutMinutes := 2;            //Session timeout in minutes
128     SessionDir := MySessionDir;
129 //    SessionCookie:='ACustomCookieName'; {Use this to set the cookie name that will be used for the session management. Default is 'FPWebSession'}
130   end;
132   sessiondbfile := 'sessiondb.txt';        //This will contain the name=sessionID pairs to simulate the session database
133   userdbfile := 'userdb.txt';              //This simulates a user database with passwords
134 end;
136 procedure TFPWebModule1.loginRequest(Sender: TObject; ARequest: TRequest;
137   AResponse: TResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
138 var
139   loginname, pwd, pwd1 : String;
140   userdatabase, sessiondatabase : TStringlist;
141 begin
142   Handled := true;
143   ModuleTemplate.FileName := 'testlogin.html';
144   ModuleTemplate.OnReplaceTag := @loginReplaceTag;
145   AResponse.CustomHeaders.Add('Pragma=no-cache');//do not cache the response in the web browser so the Back key can not be used to see the pages without reloads.
147   if FindNameInList(ARequest.ContentFields, 'LoginName') = '' then
148   begin//called the login action without parameters -> display the login page
149     ARequest.QueryFields.Add('MSG=NORMAL');
150     AResponse.Content := ModuleTemplate.GetContent;
151     Exit;
152   end;
154   loginname := Trim(ARequest.ContentFields.Values['LoginName']);
155   pwd := Trim(ARequest.ContentFields.Values['Password']);
156   if (pwd = '') or (loginname = '') then
157   begin//empty login name or password -> return to the login screen
158     ARequest.QueryFields.Add('MSG=MISSING');
159     AResponse.Content := ModuleTemplate.GetContent;
160     Exit;
161   end;
163   //simulate a user database loaded into a stringlist
164   userdatabase := TStringlist.Create;
165   userdatabase.LoadFromFile(userdbfile);
166   pwd1 := userdatabase.Values[LoginName];//get the correct password for the LoginName if it is there
167   userdatabase.free;
168   //
170   if pwd <> pwd1 then
171   begin//either the password or the login name was invalid
172     ARequest.QueryFields.Add('MSG=INVLOGIN');
173     AResponse.Content := ModuleTemplate.GetContent;
174     Exit;
175   end;
177   //successful login
178   LoggedInLoginName := loginname;
180   //session starting, need to store it somewhere next to the name of the logged in person
181   sessiondatabase := TStringList.Create;
182   if FileExists(sessiondbfile) then
183     sessiondatabase.LoadFromFile(sessiondbfile);              //simulating the session database access
184   if sessiondatabase.Count > 0 then
185     RemoveValueIfExists(sessiondatabase, Session.SessionID);  //New login, kill all sessions with this session ID (same computer, same browser, multiple persons)
186   if FindNameInList(sessiondatabase, LoginName) <> '' then
187     sessiondatabase.Values[LoginName] := Session.SessionID    //overwrite with the new session ID
188   else
189     sessiondatabase.Add(LoginName + '=' + Session.SessionID); //create a new entry for this person
190   sessiondatabase.SaveToFile(sessiondbfile);                  //simulating the session database update
191   sessiondatabase.Free;
193   //generate the Welcome page content
194   ModuleTemplate.FileName := 'testwelcome.html';
195   ModuleTemplate.OnReplaceTag := @welcomeReplaceTag;
196   AResponse.Content := ModuleTemplate.GetContent;
197 end;
199 procedure TFPWebModule1.loginReplaceTag(Sender: TObject; const TagString:
200   String; TagParams: TStringList; Out ReplaceText: String);
201 begin
202   {Handle tags used in multiple templates}
203   if CommonTemplateTagReplaces(TagString, TagParams, ReplaceText) then
204     Exit;
206   {Handle tags specific to this template if there are any}
207   if AnsiCompareText(TagString, 'MESSAGE') = 0 then
208   begin
209     ReplaceText := TagParams.Values[Request.QueryFields.Values['MSG']];
210   end else
212   {Message for tags not handled}
213   begin
214     ReplaceText := '[Template tag "' + TagString + '" is not implemented yet.]';
215   end;
216 end;
218 procedure TFPWebModule1.welcomeReplaceTag(Sender: TObject; const TagString:String;
219       TagParams: TStringList; Out ReplaceText: String);
220 begin
221   {Handle tags used in multiple templates}
222   if CommonTemplateTagReplaces(TagString, TagParams, ReplaceText) then
223     Exit;
225   {Handle tags specific to this template if there are any}
227   {Message for tags not handled}
228   begin
229     ReplaceText := '[Template tag "' + TagString + '" is not implemented yet.]';
230   end;
231 end;
CommonTemplateTagReplacesnull233 function TFPWebModule1.CommonTemplateTagReplaces(const TagString:String;
234   TagParams: TStringList; out ReplaceText: String):Boolean;
235 begin
236   Result := true;
238   if AnsiCompareText(TagString, 'DATETIME') = 0 then
239   begin
240     ReplaceText := FormatDateTime(TagParams.Values['FORMAT'], Now);
241   end else
243   if AnsiCompareText(TagString, 'SESSIONID') = 0 then
244   begin
245     if Assigned(Session) then
246       ReplaceText := Session.SessionID;
247   end else
249   if AnsiCompareText(TagString, 'MINUTESLEFT') = 0 then
250   begin
251     if Assigned(Session) then
252       ReplaceText := IntToStr(Session.TimeOutMinutes);
253   end else
255   if AnsiCompareText(TagString, 'SESSIONFILE') = 0 then
256   begin
257     if Assigned(Session) then
258       if MySessionDir = '' then
259         ReplaceText := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(GetTempDir(True)) + IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter('fpwebsessions') + Session.SessionID
260       else
261         ReplaceText := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(MySessionDir) + Session.SessionID;
262 {NOTE: GetTempDir
263 used by the session manager. Returns the OS temporary directory if possible, or from the
264 environment variable TEMP . For CGI programs you need to pass global environment
265 variables, it is not automatic. For example in the Apache httpd.conf with a
266 "PassEnv TEMP" or "SetEnv TEMP /pathtotmpdir" line so the web server passes this
267 global environment variable to the CGI programs' local environment variables.
268 }
269   end else
271   if AnsiCompareText(TagString, 'LOGINNAME') = 0 then
272   begin
273       ReplaceText := LoggedInLoginName;
274   end else
276   Result := false;
277 end;
NotLoggedInnull279 function TFPWebModule1.NotLoggedIn:Boolean;
280 var
281   sessiondatabase : TStringlist;
282 begin
283   Result := false;
285   //check if the current sessionID is in the sessionDB
286   sessiondatabase := TStringList.Create;
287   if FileExists(sessiondbfile) then
288     sessiondatabase.LoadFromFile(sessiondbfile);
289   LoggedInLoginName := FindValueInList(sessiondatabase, Session.sessionID);
290   sessiondatabase.Free;
291   //
293   if LoggedInLoginName = '' then
294   begin
295     Result := true;   //not found -> not logged in or previous session has expired
297     //show the login screen again with the expired session message
298     ModuleTemplate.FileName := 'testlogin.html';
299     ModuleTemplate.OnReplaceTag := @loginReplaceTag;
300     Request.QueryFields.Add('MSG=SESSIONEXPIRED');
301     Response.Content := ModuleTemplate.GetContent;
302   end;
303 end;
305 procedure TFPWebModule1.logoutRequest(Sender: TObject; ARequest: TRequest;
306   AResponse: TResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
307 var
308   sessiondatabase : TStringList;
309 begin
310   Handled := true;
312   if NotLoggedIn then Exit;
314   //delete the sessionID and all occurences of the login name assigned to it from the sessiondb
315   sessiondatabase := TStringList.Create;
316   if FileExists(sessiondbfile) then
317     sessiondatabase.LoadFromFile(sessiondbfile);
318   if sessiondatabase.Count > 0 then
319   begin
320     RemoveValueIfExists(sessiondatabase, Session.SessionID);
321     RemoveNameIfExists(sessiondatabase, LoggedInLoginName);
322     sessiondatabase.SaveToFile(sessiondbfile);
323   end;
324   sessiondatabase.Free;
325   //
327   //terminate the session
328   Session.Terminate;
330   //Generate the response page
331   ModuleTemplate.FileName := 'testlogout.html';
332   ModuleTemplate.OnReplaceTag := @logoutReplaceTag;
333   AResponse.Content := ModuleTemplate.GetContent;//generate the Logout page content.
334 end;
336 procedure TFPWebModule1.logoutReplaceTag(Sender: TObject; const TagString:String;
337   TagParams: TStringList; Out ReplaceText: String);
338 begin
339   {Handle tags used in multiple templates}
340   if CommonTemplateTagReplaces(TagString, TagParams, ReplaceText) then
341     Exit;
343   {Handle tags specific to this template if there are any}
345   {Message for tags not handled}
346   begin
347     ReplaceText := '[Template tag "' + TagString + '" is not implemented yet.]';
348   end;
349 end;
351 procedure TFPWebModule1.someactionRequest(Sender: TObject; ARequest: TRequest;
352   AResponse: TResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
353 begin
354   Handled := true;
356   if NotLoggedIn then Exit;
358   ModuleTemplate.FileName := 'testsomepage.html';
359   ModuleTemplate.OnReplaceTag := @someactionReplaceTag;
360   AResponse.Content := ModuleTemplate.GetContent;//generate the testpage content
361 end;
363 procedure TFPWebModule1.someactionReplaceTag(Sender: TObject; const TagString:
364   String; TagParams: TStringList; Out ReplaceText: String);
365 begin
366   {Handle tags used in multiple templates}
367   if CommonTemplateTagReplaces(TagString, TagParams, ReplaceText) then
368     Exit;
370   {Handle tags specific to this template if there are any}
372   {Message for tags not handled}
373   begin
374     ReplaceText := '[Template tag {+' + TagString + '+} is not implemented yet.]';
375   end;
376 end;
378 initialization
379   RegisterHTTPModule('TFPWebModule1', TFPWebModule1);
380 end.