1 (**
2 ===============================================================================================
3 Name    : LibXmlParser
4 ===============================================================================================
5 Project : All Projects
6 ===============================================================================================
7 Subject : Progressive XML Parser for all types of XML Files
8 ===============================================================================================
9 Author  : Stefan Heymann
10           Eschenweg 3
11           72076 T�bingen
12           GERMANY
14 E-Mail:   stefan@destructor.de
15 URL:      www.destructor.de
16 ===============================================================================================
17 Source, Legals ("Licence")
18 --------------------------
19 The official site to get this parser is http://www.destructor.de/
21 Usage and Distribution of this Source Code is ruled by the
22 "Destructor.de Source code Licence" (DSL) which comes with this file or
23 can be downloaded at http://www.destructor.de/
25 IN SHORT: Usage and distribution of this source code is free.
26           You use it completely on your own risk.
28 Postcardware
29 ------------
30 If you like this code, please send a postcard of your city to my above address.
31 ===============================================================================================
32 !!!  All parts of this code which are not finished or not conforming exactly to
33      the XmlSpec are marked with three exclamation marks
35 -!-  Parts where the parser may be able to detect errors in the document's syntax are
36      marked with the dash-exlamation mark-dash sequence.
37 ===============================================================================================
38 Terminology:
39 ------------
40 - Start:   Start of a buffer part
41 - Final:   End (last character) of a buffer part
42 - DTD:     Document Type Definition
43 - DTDc:    Document Type Declaration
44 - XMLSpec: The current W3C XML Recommendation (version 1.0 as of 1998-02-10), Chapter No.
45 - Cur*:    Fields concerning the "Current" part passed back by the "Scan" method
46 ===============================================================================================
47 Scanning the XML document
48 -------------------------
49 - Create TXmlParser Instance                     MyXml := TXmlParser.Create;
50 - Load XML Document                              MyXml.LoadFromFile (Filename);
51 - Start Scanning                                 MyXml.StartScan;
52 - Scan Loop                                      WHILE MyXml.Scan DO
53 - Test for Part Type                               CASE MyXml.CurPartType OF
54 - Handle Parts                                       ... : ;;;
55 - Handle Parts                                       ... : ;;;
56 - Handle Parts                                       ... : ;;;
57                                                      END;
58 - Destroy                                        MyXml.Free;
59 ===============================================================================================
60 Loading the XML document
61 ------------------------
62 You can load the XML document from a file with the "LoadFromFile" method.
63 It is beyond the scope of this parser to perform HTTP or FTP accesses. If you want your
64 application to handle such requests (URLs), you can load the XML via HTTP or FTP or whatever
65 protocol and hand over the data buffer using the "LoadFromBuffer" or "SetBuffer" method.
66 "LoadFromBuffer" loads the internal buffer of TXmlParser with the given null-terminated
67 string, thereby creating a copy of that buffer.
68 "SetBuffer" just takes the pointer to another buffer, which means that the given
69 buffer pointer must be valid while the document is accessed via TXmlParser.
70 ===============================================================================================
71 Encodings:
72 ----------
73 This XML parser kind of "understands" the following encodings:
74 - UTF-8
75 - ISO-8859-1
76 - Windows-1252
78 Any flavor of multi-byte characters (and this includes UTF-16) is not supported. Sorry.
80 Every string which has to be passed to the application passes the virtual method
81 "TranslateEncoding" which translates the string from the current encoding (stored in
82 "CurEncoding") into the encoding the application wishes to receive.
83 The "TranslateEncoding" method that is built into TXmlParser assumes that the application
84 wants to receive Windows ANSI (Windows-1252, about the same as ISO-8859-1) and is able
85 to convert UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 encodings.
86 For other source and target encodings, you will have to override "TranslateEncoding".
87 ===============================================================================================
88 Buffer Handling
89 ---------------
90 - The document must be loaded completely into a piece of RAM
91 - All character positions are referenced by PChar pointers
92 - The TXmlParser instance can either "own" the buffer itself (then, FBufferSize is > 0)
93   or reference the buffer of another instance or object (then, FBuffersize is 0 and
94   FBuffer is not NIL)
95 - The Property DocBuffer passes back a pointer to the first byte of the document. If there
96   is no document stored (FBuffer is NIL), the DocBuffer returns a pointer to a NULL character.
97 ===============================================================================================
98 Whitespace Handling
99 -------------------
100 The TXmlParser property "PackSpaces" determines how Whitespace is returned in Text Content:
101 While PackSpaces is true, all leading and trailing whitespace characters are trimmed of, all
102 Whitespace is converted to Space #x20 characters and contiguous Whitespace characters are
103 compressed to one.
104 If the "Scan" method reports a ptContent part, the application can get the original text
105 with all whitespace characters by extracting the characters from "CurStart" to "CurFinal".
106 If the application detects an xml:space attribute, it can set "PackSpaces" accordingly or
107 use CurStart/CurFinal.
108 Please note that TXmlParser does _not_ normalize Line Breaks to single LineFeed characters
109 as the XmlSpec requires (XmlSpec 2.11).
110 The xml:space attribute is not handled by TXmlParser. This is on behalf of the application.
111 ===============================================================================================
112 Non-XML-Conforming
113 ------------------
114 TXmlParser does not conform 100 % exactly to the XmlSpec:
115 - UTF-16 is not supported (XmlSpec 2.2)
116   (Workaround: Convert UTF-16 to UTF-8 and hand the buffer over to TXmlParser)
117 - As the parser only works with single byte strings, all Unicode characters > 255
118   can currently not be handled correctly.
119 - Line breaks are not normalized to single Linefeed #x0A characters (XmlSpec 2.11)
120   (Workaround: The Application can access the text contents on its own [CurStart, CurFinal],
121   thereby applying every normalization it wishes to)
122 - The attribute value normalization does not work exactly as defined in the
123   Second Edition of the XML 1.0 specification.
124 - See also the code parts marked with three consecutive exclamation marks. These are
125   parts which are not finished in the current code release.
127 This list may be incomplete, so it may grow if I get to know any other points.
128 As work on the parser proceeds, this list may also shrink.
129 ===============================================================================================
130 Things Todo
131 -----------
132 - Introduce a new event/callback which is called when there is an unresolvable
133   entity or character reference
134 - Support Unicode
135 - Use Streams instead of reading the whole XML into memory
136 ===============================================================================================
137 Change History, Version numbers
138 -------------------------------
139 The Date is given in ISO Year-Month-Day (YYYY-MM-DD) order.
140 Versions are counted from 1.0.0 beginning with the version from 2000-03-16.
141 Unreleased versions don't get a version number.
143 Date        Author Version Changes
144 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 2000-03-16  HeySt  1.0.0   Start
146 2000-03-28  HeySt  1.0.1   Initial Publishing of TXmlParser on the destructor.de Web Site
147 2000-03-30  HeySt  1.0.2   TXmlParser.AnalyzeCData: Call "TranslateEncoding" for CurContent
148 2000-03-31  HeySt  1.0.3   Deleted the StrPosE function (was not needed anyway)
149 2000-04-04  HeySt  1.0.4   TDtdElementRec modified: Start/Final for all Elements;
150                            Should be backwards compatible.
151                            AnalyzeDtdc: Set CurPartType to ptDtdc
152 2000-04-23  HeySt  1.0.5   New class TObjectList. Eliminated reference to the Delphi 5
153                            "Contnrs" unit so LibXmlParser is Delphi 4 compatible.
154 2000-07-03  HeySt  1.0.6   TNvpNode: Added Constructor
155 2000-07-11  HeySt  1.0.7   Removed "Windows" from USES clause
156                            Added three-exclamation-mark comments for Utf8ToAnsi/AnsiToUtf8
157                            Added three-exclamation-mark comments for CHR function calls
158 2000-07-23  HeySt  1.0.8   TXmlParser.Clear: CurAttr.Clear; EntityStack.Clear;
159                            (This was not a bug; just defensive programming)
160 2000-07-29  HeySt  1.0.9   TNvpList: Added methods: Node(Index), Value(Index), Name(Index);
161 2000-10-07  HeySt          Introduced Conditional Defines
162                            Uses Contnrs unit and its TObjectList class again for
163                            Delphi 5 and newer versions
164 2001-01-30  HeySt          Introduced Version Numbering
165                            Made LoadFromFile and LoadFromBuffer BOOLEAN functions
166                            Introduced FileMode parameter for LoadFromFile
167                            BugFix: TAttrList.Analyze: Must add CWhitespace to ExtractName call
168                            Comments worked over
169 2001-02-28  HeySt  1.0.10  Completely worked over and tested the UTF-8 functions
170                            Fixed a bug in TXmlParser.Scan which caused it to start over when it
171                            was called after the end of scanning, resulting in an endless loop
172                            TEntityStack is now a TObjectList instead of TList
173 2001-07-03  HeySt  1.0.11  Updated Compiler Version IFDEFs for Kylix
174 2001-07-11  HeySt  1.0.12  New TCustomXmlScanner component (taken over from LibXmlComps.pas)
175 2001-07-14  HeySt  1.0.13  Bugfix TCustomXmlScanner.FOnTranslateEncoding
176 2001-10-22  HeySt          Don't clear CurName anymore when the parser finds a CDATA section.
177 2001-12-03  HeySt  1.0.14  TObjectList.Clear: Make call to INHERITED method (fixes a memory leak)
178 2001-12-05  HeySt  1.0.15  TObjectList.Clear: removed call to INHERITED method
179                            TObjectList.Destroy: Inserted SetCapacity call.
180                            Reduces need for frequent re-allocation of pointer buffer
181                            Dedicated to my father, Theodor Heymann
182 2002-06-26  HeySt  1.0.16  TXmlParser.Scan: Fixed a bug with PIs whose name is beginning
183                            with 'xml'. Thanks to Uwe Kamm for submitting this bug.
184                            The CurEncoding property is now always in uppercase letters (the XML
185                            spec wants it to be treated case independently so when it's uppercase
186                            comparisons are faster)
187 2002-03-04  HeySt  1.0.17  Included an IFDEF for Delphi 7 (VER150) and Kylix
188                            There is a new symbol HAS_CONTNRS_UNIT which is used now to
189                            distinguish between IDEs which come with the Contnrs unit and
190                            those that don't.
191 *)
193 UNIT libxmlparser;
195 {$I jedi-sdl.inc}
199 USES
200   SysUtils, Classes,
201   (*$IFDEF HAS_CONTNRS_UNIT *)  // The Contnrs Unit was introduced in Delphi 5
202   Contnrs,
203   (*$ENDIF*)
204   Math;
207   CVersion = '1.0.17';  // This variable will be updated for every release
208                         // (I hope, I won't forget to do it everytime ...)
210 TYPE
211   TPartType    = // --- Document Part Types
212                  (ptNone,            // Nothing
213                   ptXmlProlog,       // XML Prolog                  XmlSpec 2.8 / 4.3.1
214                   ptComment,         // Comment                     XmlSpec 2.5
215                   ptPI,              // Processing Instruction      XmlSpec 2.6
216                   ptDtdc,            // Document Type Declaration   XmlSpec 2.8
217                   ptStartTag,        // Start Tag                   XmlSpec 3.1
218                   ptEmptyTag,        // Empty-Element Tag           XmlSpec 3.1
219                   ptEndTag,          // End Tag                     XmlSpec 3.1
220                   ptContent,         // Text Content between Tags
221                   ptCData);          // CDATA Section               XmlSpec 2.7
223   TDtdElemType = // --- DTD Elements
224                  (deElement,         // !ELEMENT declaration
225                   deAttList,         // !ATTLIST declaration
226                   deEntity,          // !ENTITY declaration
227                   deNotation,        // !NOTATION declaration
228                   dePI,              // PI in DTD
229                   deComment,         // Comment in DTD
230                   deError);          // Error found in the DTD
232 TYPE
233   TAttrList    = CLASS;
234   TEntityStack = CLASS;
235   TNvpList     = CLASS;
236   TElemDef     = CLASS;
237   TElemList    = CLASS;
238   TEntityDef   = CLASS;
239   TNotationDef = CLASS;
241   TDtdElementRec = RECORD    // --- This Record is returned by the DTD parser callback function
242                      Start, Final : PChar;                             // Start/End of the Element's Declaration
243                      CASE ElementType : TDtdElemType OF                // Type of the Element
244                        deElement,                                      // <!ELEMENT>
245                        deAttList  : (ElemDef      : TElemDef);         // <!ATTLIST>
246                        deEntity   : (EntityDef    : TEntityDef);       // <!ENTITY>
247                        deNotation : (NotationDef  : TNotationDef);     // <!NOTATION>
248                        dePI       : (Target       : PChar;             // <?PI ?>
249                                      Content      : PChar;
250                                      AttrList     : TAttrList);
251                        deError    : (Pos          : PChar);            // Error
252                        // deComment : ((No additional fields here));   // <!-- Comment -->
253                    END;
255   TXmlParser = CLASS                             // --- Internal Properties and Methods
256                PROTECTED
257                  FBuffer      : PChar;           // NIL if there is no buffer available
258                  FBufferSize  : INTEGER;         // 0 if the buffer is not owned by the Document instance
259                  FSource      : STRING;          // Name of Source of document. Filename for Documents loaded with LoadFromFile
261                  FXmlVersion  : STRING;          // XML version from Document header. Default is '1.0'
262                  FEncoding    : STRING;          // Encoding from Document header. Default is 'UTF-8'
263                  FStandalone  : BOOLEAN;         // Standalone declaration from Document header. Default is 'yes'
264                  FRootName    : STRING;          // Name of the Root Element (= DTD name)
265                  FDtdcFinal   : PChar;           // Pointer to the '>' character terminating the DTD declaration
267                  FNormalize   : BOOLEAN;         // If true: Pack Whitespace and don't return empty contents
268                  EntityStack  : TEntityStack;    // Entity Stack for Parameter and General Entities
269                  FCurEncoding : STRING;          // Current Encoding during parsing (always uppercase)
271                  PROCEDURE AnalyzeProlog;                                         // Analyze XML Prolog or Text Declaration
272                  PROCEDURE AnalyzeComment (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);     // Analyze Comments
273                  PROCEDURE AnalyzePI      (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);     // Analyze Processing Instructions (PI)
274                  PROCEDURE AnalyzeDtdc;                                           // Analyze Document Type Declaration
275                  PROCEDURE AnalyzeDtdElements (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar); // Analyze DTD declarations
276                  PROCEDURE AnalyzeTag;                                            // Analyze Start/End/Empty-Element Tags
277                  PROCEDURE AnalyzeCData;                                          // Analyze CDATA Sections
278                  PROCEDURE AnalyzeText (VAR IsDone : BOOLEAN);                    // Analyze Text Content between Tags
279                  PROCEDURE AnalyzeElementDecl  (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);
280                  PROCEDURE AnalyzeAttListDecl  (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);
281                  PROCEDURE AnalyzeEntityDecl   (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);
282                  PROCEDURE AnalyzeNotationDecl (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);
284                  PROCEDURE PushPE (VAR Start : PChar);
285                  PROCEDURE ReplaceCharacterEntities (VAR Str : STRING);
286                  PROCEDURE ReplaceParameterEntities (VAR Str : STRING);
287                  PROCEDURE ReplaceGeneralEntities   (VAR Str : STRING);
289                  FUNCTION GetDocBuffer : PChar;  // Returns FBuffer or a pointer to a NUL char if Buffer is empty
291                PUBLIC                         // --- Document Properties
292                  PROPERTY XmlVersion : STRING  READ FXmlVersion;                 // XML version from the Document Prolog
293                  PROPERTY Encoding   : STRING  READ FEncoding;                   // Document Encoding from Prolog
294                  PROPERTY Standalone : BOOLEAN READ FStandalone;                 // Standalone Declaration from Prolog
295                  PROPERTY RootName   : STRING  READ FRootName;                   // Name of the Root Element
296                  PROPERTY Normalize  : BOOLEAN READ FNormalize WRITE FNormalize; // True if Content is to be normalized
297                  PROPERTY Source     : STRING  READ FSource;                     // Name of Document Source (Filename)
298                  PROPERTY DocBuffer  : PChar   READ GetDocBuffer;                // Returns document buffer
299                PUBLIC                         // --- DTD Objects
300                  Elements    : TElemList;     // Elements: List of TElemDef (contains Attribute Definitions)
301                  Entities    : TNvpList;      // General Entities: List of TEntityDef
302                  ParEntities : TNvpList;      // Parameter Entities: List of TEntityDef
303                  Notations   : TNvpList;      // Notations: List of TNotationDef
304                PUBLIC
305                  CONSTRUCTOR Create;
306                  DESTRUCTOR Destroy;                                      OVERRIDE;
308                  // --- Document Handling
309                  FUNCTION  LoadFromFile   (Filename : STRING;
310                                            FileMode : INTEGER = fmOpenRead OR fmShareDenyNone) : BOOLEAN;
311                                                                           // Loads Document from given file
312                  FUNCTION  LoadFromBuffer (Buffer : PChar) : BOOLEAN;     // Loads Document from another buffer
313                  PROCEDURE SetBuffer      (Buffer : PChar);               // References another buffer
314                  PROCEDURE Clear;                                         // Clear Document
316                PUBLIC
317                  // --- Scanning through the document
318                  CurPartType : TPartType;                         // Current Type
319                  CurName     : STRING;                            // Current Name
320                  CurContent  : STRING;                            // Current Normalized Content
321                  CurStart    : PChar;                             // Current First character
322                  CurFinal    : PChar;                             // Current Last character
323                  CurAttr     : TAttrList;                         // Current Attribute List
324                  PROPERTY CurEncoding : STRING READ FCurEncoding; // Current Encoding
325                  PROCEDURE StartScan;
326                  FUNCTION  Scan : BOOLEAN;
328                  // --- Events / Callbacks
329                  FUNCTION  LoadExternalEntity (SystemId, PublicId,
330                                                Notation : STRING) : TXmlParser;     VIRTUAL;
331                  FUNCTION  TranslateEncoding  (CONST Source : STRING) : STRING;     VIRTUAL;
332                  PROCEDURE DtdElementFound (DtdElementRec : TDtdElementRec);        VIRTUAL;
333                END;
335   TValueType   = // --- Attribute Value Type
336                  (vtNormal,       // Normal specified Attribute
337                   vtImplied,      // #IMPLIED attribute value
338                   vtFixed,        // #FIXED attribute value
339                   vtDefault);     // Attribute value from default value in !ATTLIST declaration
341   TAttrDefault = // --- Attribute Default Type
342                  (adDefault,      // Normal default value
343                   adRequired,     // #REQUIRED attribute
344                   adImplied,      // #IMPLIED attribute
345                   adFixed);       // #FIXED attribute
347   TAttrType    = // --- Type of attribute
348                  (atUnknown,      // Unknown type
349                   atCData,        // Character data only
350                   atID,           // ID
351                   atIdRef,        // ID Reference
352                   atIdRefs,       // Several ID References, separated by Whitespace
353                   atEntity,       // Name of an unparsed Entity
354                   atEntities,     // Several unparsed Entity names, separated by Whitespace
355                   atNmToken,      // Name Token
356                   atNmTokens,     // Several Name Tokens, separated by Whitespace
357                   atNotation,     // A selection of Notation names (Unparsed Entity)
358                   atEnumeration); // Enumeration
360   TElemType    = // --- Element content type
361                  (etEmpty,        // Element is always empty
362                   etAny,          // Element can have any mixture of PCDATA and any elements
363                   etChildren,     // Element must contain only elements
364                   etMixed);       // Mixed PCDATA and elements
367   TObjectList = Contnrs.TObjectList;    // Re-Export this identifier
368   (*$ELSE *)
369   TObjectList = CLASS (TList)
370                   DESTRUCTOR Destroy; OVERRIDE;
371                   PROCEDURE Delete (Index : INTEGER);
372                   PROCEDURE Clear; OVERRIDE;
373                 END;
374   (*$ENDIF *)
376   TNvpNode  = CLASS                     // Name-Value Pair Node
377                  Name  : STRING;
378                  Value : STRING;
379                  CONSTRUCTOR Create (TheName : STRING = ''; TheValue : STRING = '');
380               END;
382   TNvpList  = CLASS (TObjectList)       // Name-Value Pair List
383                 PROCEDURE Add   (Node  : TNvpNode);
384                 FUNCTION  Node  (Name  : STRING)  : TNvpNode;  OVERLOAD;
385                 FUNCTION  Node  (Index : INTEGER) : TNvpNode;  OVERLOAD;
386                 FUNCTION  Value (Name  : STRING)  : STRING;    OVERLOAD;
387                 FUNCTION  Value (Index : INTEGER) : STRING;    OVERLOAD;
388                 FUNCTION  Name  (Index : INTEGER) : STRING;
389               END;
391   TAttr     = CLASS (TNvpNode)          // Attribute of a Start-Tag or Empty-Element-Tag
392                  ValueType : TValueType;
393                  AttrType  : TAttrType;
394                END;
396   TAttrList = CLASS (TNvpList)          // List of Attributes
397                 PROCEDURE Analyze (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);
398               END;
400   TEntityStack = CLASS (TObjectList)    // Stack where current position is stored before parsing entities
401                  PROTECTED
402                    Owner : TXmlParser;
403                  PUBLIC
404                    CONSTRUCTOR Create (TheOwner : TXmlParser);
405                    PROCEDURE Push (LastPos : PChar);                      OVERLOAD;
406                    PROCEDURE Push (Instance : TObject; LastPos : PChar);  OVERLOAD;
407                    FUNCTION  Pop : PChar;         // Returns next char or NIL if EOF is reached. Frees Instance.
408                  END;
410   TAttrDef    = CLASS (TNvpNode)        // Represents a <!ATTLIST Definition. "Value" is the default value
411                   TypeDef     : STRING;           // Type definition from the DTD
412                   Notations   : STRING;           // Notation List, separated by pipe symbols '|'
413                   AttrType    : TAttrType;        // Attribute Type
414                   DefaultType : TAttrDefault;     // Default Type
415                 END;
417   TElemDef    = CLASS (TNvpList)       // Represents a <!ELEMENT Definition. Is a list of TAttrDef-Nodes
418                   Name       : STRING;            // Element name
419                   ElemType   : TElemType;         // Element type
420                   Definition : STRING;            // Element definition from DTD
421                 END;
423   TElemList   = CLASS (TObjectList)    // List of TElemDef nodes
424                   FUNCTION  Node (Name : STRING) : TElemDef;
425                   PROCEDURE Add (Node : TElemDef);
426                 END;
428   TEntityDef  = CLASS (TNvpNode)       // Represents a <!ENTITY Definition.
429                   SystemId     : STRING;
430                   PublicId     : STRING;
431                   NotationName : STRING;
432                 END;
434   TNotationDef = CLASS (TNvpNode)      // Represents a <!NOTATION Definition. Value is the System ID
435                    PublicId : STRING;
436                  END;
438   TCharset = SET OF CHAR;
442   CWhitespace   = [#32, #9, #13, #10];                // Whitespace characters (XmlSpec 2.3)
443   CLetter       = [#$41..#$5A, #$61..#$7A, #$C0..#$D6, #$D8..#$F6, #$F8..#$FF];
444   CDigit        = [#$30..#$39];
445   CNameChar     = CLetter + CDigit + ['.', '-', '_', ':', #$B7];
446   CNameStart    = CLetter + ['_', ':'];
447   CQuoteChar    = ['"', ''''];
448   CPubidChar    = [#32, ^M, ^J, #9, 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9',
449                    '-', '''', '(', ')', '+', ',', '.', '/', ':',
450                    '=', '?', ';', '!', '*', '#', '@', '$', '_', '%'];
452   CDStart       = '<![CDATA[';
453   CDEnd         = ']]>';
455   // --- Name Constants for the above enumeration types
456   CPartType_Name : ARRAY [TPartType] OF STRING =
457                    ('', 'XML Prolog', 'Comment', 'PI',
458                     'DTD Declaration', 'Start Tag', 'Empty Tag', 'End Tag',
459                     'Text', 'CDATA');
460   CValueType_Name   : ARRAY [TValueType]    OF STRING = ('Normal', 'Implied', 'Fixed', 'Default');
461   CAttrDefault_Name : ARRAY [TAttrDefault]  OF STRING = ('Default', 'Required', 'Implied', 'Fixed');
462   CElemType_Name    : ARRAY [TElemType]     OF STRING = ('Empty', 'Any', 'Childs only', 'Mixed');
463   CAttrType_Name    : ARRAY [TAttrType]     OF STRING = ('Unknown', 'CDATA',
464                                                          'ID', 'IDREF', 'IDREFS',
465                                                          'ENTITY', 'ENTITIES',
466                                                          'NMTOKEN', 'NMTOKENS',
467                                                          'Notation', 'Enumeration');
469 FUNCTION  ConvertWs   (Source: STRING; PackWs: BOOLEAN) : STRING;          // Convert WS to spaces #x20
470 PROCEDURE SetStringSF (VAR S : STRING; BufferStart, BufferFinal : PChar);  // SetString by Start/Final of buffer
471 FUNCTION  StrSFPas    (Start, Finish : PChar) : STRING;                    // Convert buffer part to Pascal string
472 FUNCTION  TrimWs      (Source : STRING) : STRING;                          // Trim Whitespace
474 FUNCTION  AnsiToUtf8  (Source : ANSISTRING) : STRING;                            // Convert Win-1252 to UTF-8
475 FUNCTION  Utf8ToAnsi  (Source : STRING; UnknownChar : CHAR = '�') : ANSISTRING;  // Convert UTF-8 to Win-1252
478 (*
479 ===============================================================================================
480 TCustomXmlScanner event based component wrapper for TXmlParser
481 ===============================================================================================
482 *)
484 TYPE
485   TCustomXmlScanner = CLASS;
486   TXmlPrologEvent   = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; XmlVersion, Encoding: STRING; Standalone : BOOLEAN) OF OBJECT;
487   TCommentEvent     = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; Comment : STRING)                                   OF OBJECT;
488   TPIEvent          = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; Target, Content: STRING; Attributes : TAttrList)    OF OBJECT;
489   TDtdEvent         = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; RootElementName : STRING)                           OF OBJECT;
490   TStartTagEvent    = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; TagName : STRING; Attributes : TAttrList)           OF OBJECT;
491   TEndTagEvent      = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; TagName : STRING)                                   OF OBJECT;
492   TContentEvent     = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; Content : STRING)                                   OF OBJECT;
493   TElementEvent     = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; ElemDef : TElemDef)                                 OF OBJECT;
494   TEntityEvent      = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; EntityDef : TEntityDef)                             OF OBJECT;
495   TNotationEvent    = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; NotationDef : TNotationDef)                         OF OBJECT;
496   TErrorEvent       = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; ErrorPos : PChar)                                   OF OBJECT;
497   TExternalEvent    = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; SystemId, PublicId, NotationId : STRING;
498                                  VAR Result : TXmlParser)                                              OF OBJECT;
499   TEncodingEvent    = FUNCTION  (Sender : TObject; CurrentEncoding, Source : STRING) : STRING          OF OBJECT;
502   TCustomXmlScanner = CLASS (TComponent)
504       FXmlParser           : TXmlParser;
505       FOnXmlProlog         : TXmlPrologEvent;
506       FOnComment           : TCommentEvent;
507       FOnPI                : TPIEvent;
508       FOnDtdRead           : TDtdEvent;
509       FOnStartTag          : TStartTagEvent;
510       FOnEmptyTag          : TStartTagEvent;
511       FOnEndTag            : TEndTagEvent;
512       FOnContent           : TContentEvent;
513       FOnCData             : TContentEvent;
514       FOnElement           : TElementEvent;
515       FOnAttList           : TElementEvent;
516       FOnEntity            : TEntityEvent;
517       FOnNotation          : TNotationEvent;
518       FOnDtdError          : TErrorEvent;
519       FOnLoadExternal      : TExternalEvent;
520       FOnTranslateEncoding : TEncodingEvent;
521       FStopParser          : BOOLEAN;
522       FUNCTION  GetNormalize : BOOLEAN;
523       PROCEDURE SetNormalize (Value : BOOLEAN);
525       PROCEDURE WhenXmlProlog(XmlVersion, Encoding: STRING; Standalone : BOOLEAN); VIRTUAL;
526       PROCEDURE WhenComment  (Comment : STRING);                                   VIRTUAL;
527       PROCEDURE WhenPI       (Target, Content: STRING; Attributes : TAttrList);    VIRTUAL;
528       PROCEDURE WhenDtdRead  (RootElementName : STRING);                           VIRTUAL;
529       PROCEDURE WhenStartTag (TagName : STRING; Attributes : TAttrList);           VIRTUAL;
530       PROCEDURE WhenEmptyTag (TagName : STRING; Attributes : TAttrList);           VIRTUAL;
531       PROCEDURE WhenEndTag   (TagName : STRING);                                   VIRTUAL;
532       PROCEDURE WhenContent  (Content : STRING);                                   VIRTUAL;
533       PROCEDURE WhenCData    (Content : STRING);                                   VIRTUAL;
534       PROCEDURE WhenElement  (ElemDef : TElemDef);                                 VIRTUAL;
535       PROCEDURE WhenAttList  (ElemDef : TElemDef);                                 VIRTUAL;
536       PROCEDURE WhenEntity   (EntityDef : TEntityDef);                             VIRTUAL;
537       PROCEDURE WhenNotation (NotationDef : TNotationDef);                         VIRTUAL;
538       PROCEDURE WhenDtdError (ErrorPos : PChar);                                   VIRTUAL;
540     PUBLIC
541       CONSTRUCTOR Create (AOwner: TComponent); OVERRIDE;
542       DESTRUCTOR Destroy;                      OVERRIDE;
544       PROCEDURE LoadFromFile   (Filename : TFilename);   // Load XML Document from file
545       PROCEDURE LoadFromBuffer (Buffer : PChar);         // Load XML Document from buffer
546       PROCEDURE SetBuffer      (Buffer : PChar);         // Refer to Buffer
547       FUNCTION  GetFilename : TFilename;
549       PROCEDURE Execute;                                 // Perform scanning
552       PROPERTY XmlParser           : TXmlParser        READ FXmlParser;
553       PROPERTY StopParser          : BOOLEAN           READ FStopParser          WRITE FStopParser;
554       PROPERTY Filename            : TFilename         READ GetFilename          WRITE LoadFromFile;
555       PROPERTY Normalize           : BOOLEAN           READ GetNormalize         WRITE SetNormalize;
556       PROPERTY OnXmlProlog         : TXmlPrologEvent   READ FOnXmlProlog         WRITE FOnXmlProlog;
557       PROPERTY OnComment           : TCommentEvent     READ FOnComment           WRITE FOnComment;
558       PROPERTY OnPI                : TPIEvent          READ FOnPI                WRITE FOnPI;
559       PROPERTY OnDtdRead           : TDtdEvent         READ FOnDtdRead           WRITE FOnDtdRead;
560       PROPERTY OnStartTag          : TStartTagEvent    READ FOnStartTag          WRITE FOnStartTag;
561       PROPERTY OnEmptyTag          : TStartTagEvent    READ FOnEmptyTag          WRITE FOnEmptyTag;
562       PROPERTY OnEndTag            : TEndTagEvent      READ FOnEndTag            WRITE FOnEndTag;
563       PROPERTY OnContent           : TContentEvent     READ FOnContent           WRITE FOnContent;
564       PROPERTY OnCData             : TContentEvent     READ FOnCData             WRITE FOnCData;
565       PROPERTY OnElement           : TElementEvent     READ FOnElement           WRITE FOnElement;
566       PROPERTY OnAttList           : TElementEvent     READ FOnAttList           WRITE FOnAttList;
567       PROPERTY OnEntity            : TEntityEvent      READ FOnEntity            WRITE FOnEntity;
568       PROPERTY OnNotation          : TNotationEvent    READ FOnNotation          WRITE FOnNotation;
569       PROPERTY OnDtdError          : TErrorEvent       READ FOnDtdError          WRITE FOnDtdError;
570       PROPERTY OnLoadExternal      : TExternalEvent    READ FOnLoadExternal      WRITE FOnLoadExternal;
571       PROPERTY OnTranslateEncoding : TEncodingEvent    READ FOnTranslateEncoding WRITE FOnTranslateEncoding;
572     END;
574 (*
575 ===============================================================================================
577 ===============================================================================================
578 *)
583 (*
584 ===============================================================================================
585 Unicode and UTF-8 stuff
586 ===============================================================================================
587 *)
590   // --- Character Translation Table for Unicode <-> Win-1252
591   WIN1252_UNICODE : ARRAY [$00..$FF] OF WORD = (
592                     $0000, $0001, $0002, $0003, $0004, $0005, $0006, $0007, $0008, $0009,
593                     $000A, $000B, $000C, $000D, $000E, $000F, $0010, $0011, $0012, $0013,
594                     $0014, $0015, $0016, $0017, $0018, $0019, $001A, $001B, $001C, $001D,
595                     $001E, $001F, $0020, $0021, $0022, $0023, $0024, $0025, $0026, $0027,
596                     $0028, $0029, $002A, $002B, $002C, $002D, $002E, $002F, $0030, $0031,
597                     $0032, $0033, $0034, $0035, $0036, $0037, $0038, $0039, $003A, $003B,
598                     $003C, $003D, $003E, $003F, $0040, $0041, $0042, $0043, $0044, $0045,
599                     $0046, $0047, $0048, $0049, $004A, $004B, $004C, $004D, $004E, $004F,
600                     $0050, $0051, $0052, $0053, $0054, $0055, $0056, $0057, $0058, $0059,
601                     $005A, $005B, $005C, $005D, $005E, $005F, $0060, $0061, $0062, $0063,
602                     $0064, $0065, $0066, $0067, $0068, $0069, $006A, $006B, $006C, $006D,
603                     $006E, $006F, $0070, $0071, $0072, $0073, $0074, $0075, $0076, $0077,
604                     $0078, $0079, $007A, $007B, $007C, $007D, $007E, $007F,
606                     $20AC, $0081, $201A, $0192, $201E, $2026, $2020, $2021, $02C6, $2030,
607                     $0160, $2039, $0152, $008D, $017D, $008F, $0090, $2018, $2019, $201C,
608                     $201D, $2022, $2013, $2014, $02DC, $2122, $0161, $203A, $0153, $009D,
609                     $017E, $0178, $00A0, $00A1, $00A2, $00A3, $00A4, $00A5, $00A6, $00A7,
610                     $00A8, $00A9, $00AA, $00AB, $00AC, $00AD, $00AE, $00AF, $00B0, $00B1,
611                     $00B2, $00B3, $00B4, $00B5, $00B6, $00B7, $00B8, $00B9, $00BA, $00BB,
612                     $00BC, $00BD, $00BE, $00BF, $00C0, $00C1, $00C2, $00C3, $00C4, $00C5,
613                     $00C6, $00C7, $00C8, $00C9, $00CA, $00CB, $00CC, $00CD, $00CE, $00CF,
614                     $00D0, $00D1, $00D2, $00D3, $00D4, $00D5, $00D6, $00D7, $00D8, $00D9,
615                     $00DA, $00DB, $00DC, $00DD, $00DE, $00DF, $00E0, $00E1, $00E2, $00E3,
616                     $00E4, $00E5, $00E6, $00E7, $00E8, $00E9, $00EA, $00EB, $00EC, $00ED,
617                     $00EE, $00EF, $00F0, $00F1, $00F2, $00F3, $00F4, $00F5, $00F6, $00F7,
618                     $00F8, $00F9, $00FA, $00FB, $00FC, $00FD, $00FE, $00FF);
620 (* UTF-8  (somewhat simplified)
621    -----
622    Character Range    Byte sequence
623    ---------------    --------------------------     (x=Bits from original character)
624    $0000..$007F       0xxxxxxx
625    $0080..$07FF       110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
626    $8000..$FFFF       1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
628    Example
629    --------
630    Transforming the Unicode character U+00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS  ("�"):
632          ISO-8859-1,           Decimal  228
633          Win1252,              Hex      $E4
634          ANSI                  Bin      1110 0100
635                                         abcd efgh
637          UTF-8                 Binary   1100xxab 10cdefgh
638                                Binary   11000011 10100100
639                                Hex      $C3      $A4
640                                Decimal  195      164
641                                ANSI     �        �         *)
644 FUNCTION  AnsiToUtf8 (Source : ANSISTRING) : STRING;
645           (* Converts the given Windows ANSI (Win1252) String to UTF-8. *)
646 VAR
647   I   : INTEGER;  // Loop counter
648   U   : WORD;     // Current Unicode value
649   Len : INTEGER;  // Current real length of "Result" string
651   SetLength (Result, Length (Source) * 3);   // Worst case
652   Len := 0;
653   FOR I := 1 TO Length (Source) DO BEGIN
654     U := WIN1252_UNICODE [ORD (Source [I])];
655     CASE U OF
656       $0000..$007F : BEGIN
657                        INC (Len);
658                        Result [Len] := CHR (U);
659                      END;
660       $0080..$07FF : BEGIN
661                        INC (Len);
662                        Result [Len] := CHR ($C0 OR (U SHR 6));
663                        INC (Len);
664                        Result [Len] := CHR ($80 OR (U AND $3F));
665                      END;
666       $0800..$FFFF : BEGIN
667                        INC (Len);
668                        Result [Len] := CHR ($E0 OR (U SHR 12));
669                        INC (Len);
670                        Result [Len] := CHR ($80 OR ((U SHR 6) AND $3F));
671                        INC (Len);
672                        Result [Len] := CHR ($80 OR (U AND $3F));
673                      END;
674       END;
675     END;
676   SetLength (Result, Len);
677 END;
680 FUNCTION  Utf8ToAnsi (Source : STRING; UnknownChar : CHAR = '�') : ANSISTRING;
681           (* Converts the given UTF-8 String to Windows ANSI (Win-1252).
682              If a character can not be converted, the "UnknownChar" is inserted. *)
683 VAR
684   SourceLen : INTEGER;  // Length of Source string
685   I, K      : INTEGER;
686   A         : BYTE;     // Current ANSI character value
687   U         : WORD;
688   Ch        : CHAR;     // Dest char
689   Len       : INTEGER;  // Current real length of "Result" string
691   SourceLen := Length (Source);
692   SetLength (Result, SourceLen);   // Enough room to live
693   Len := 0;
694   I   := 1;
695   WHILE I <= SourceLen DO BEGIN
696     A := ORD (Source [I]);
697     IF A < $80 THEN BEGIN                                               // Range $0000..$007F
698       INC (Len);
699       Result [Len] := Source [I];
700       INC (I);
701       END
702     ELSE BEGIN                                                          // Determine U, Inc I
703       IF (A AND $E0 = $C0) AND (I < SourceLen) THEN BEGIN               // Range $0080..$07FF
704         U := (WORD (A AND $1F) SHL 6) OR (ORD (Source [I+1]) AND $3F);
705         INC (I, 2);
706         END
707       ELSE IF (A AND $F0 = $E0) AND (I < SourceLen-1) THEN BEGIN        // Range $0800..$FFFF
708         U := (WORD (A AND $0F) SHL 12) OR
709              (WORD (ORD (Source [I+1]) AND $3F) SHL 6) OR
710              (      ORD (Source [I+2]) AND $3F);
711         INC (I, 3);
712         END
713       ELSE BEGIN                                                        // Unknown/unsupported
714         INC (I);
715         FOR K := 7 DOWNTO 0 DO
716           IF A AND (1 SHL K) = 0 THEN BEGIN
717             INC (I, (A SHR (K+1))-1);
718             BREAK;
719             END;
720         U := WIN1252_UNICODE [ORD (UnknownChar)];
721         END;
722       Ch := UnknownChar;                                                // Retrieve ANSI char
723       FOR A := $00 TO $FF DO
724         IF WIN1252_UNICODE [A] = U THEN BEGIN
725           Ch := CHR (A);
726           BREAK;
727           END;
728       INC (Len);
729       Result [Len] := Ch;
730       END;
731     END;
732   SetLength (Result, Len);
733 END;
736 (*
737 ===============================================================================================
738 "Special" Helper Functions
740 Don't ask me why. But including these functions makes the parser *DRAMATICALLY* faster
741 on my K6-233 machine. You can test it yourself just by commenting them out.
742 They do exactly the same as the Assembler routines defined in SysUtils.
743 (This is where you can see how great the Delphi compiler really is. The compiled code is
744 faster than hand-coded assembler!)
745 ===============================================================================================
746 --> Just move this line below the StrScan function -->  *)
749 FUNCTION StrPos (CONST Str, SearchStr : PChar) : PChar;
750          // Same functionality as SysUtils.StrPos
751 VAR
752   First : CHAR;
753   Len   : INTEGER;
755   First  := SearchStr^;
756   Len    := StrLen (SearchStr);
757   Result := Str;
758   REPEAT
759     IF Result^ = First THEN
760       IF StrLComp (Result, SearchStr, Len) = 0 THEN BREAK;
761     IF Result^ = #0 THEN BEGIN
762       Result := NIL;
763       BREAK;
764       END;
765     INC (Result);
767 END;
StrScannull770 FUNCTION StrScan (CONST Start : PChar; CONST Ch : CHAR) : PChar;
771          // Same functionality as SysUtils.StrScan
773   Result := Start;
774   WHILE Result^ <> Ch DO BEGIN
775     IF Result^ = #0 THEN BEGIN
776       Result := NIL;
777       EXIT;
778       END;
779     INC (Result);
780     END;
781 END;
784 (*
785 ===============================================================================================
786 Helper Functions
787 ===============================================================================================
788 *)
DelCharsnull790 FUNCTION  DelChars (Source : STRING; CharsToDelete : TCharset) : STRING;
791           // Delete all "CharsToDelete" from the string
792 VAR
793   I : INTEGER;
795   Result := Source;
796   FOR I := Length (Result) DOWNTO 1 DO
797     IF Result [I] IN CharsToDelete THEN
798       Delete (Result, I, 1);
799 END;
TrimWsnull802 FUNCTION  TrimWs (Source : STRING) : STRING;
803           // Trimms off Whitespace characters from both ends of the string
804 VAR
805   I : INTEGER;
807   // --- Trim Left
808   I := 1;
809   WHILE (I <= Length (Source)) AND (Source [I] IN CWhitespace) DO
810     INC (I);
811   Result := Copy (Source, I, MaxInt);
813   // --- Trim Right
814   I := Length (Result);
815   WHILE (I > 1) AND (Result [I] IN CWhitespace) DO
816     DEC (I);
817   Delete (Result, I+1, Length (Result)-I);
818 END;
ConvertWsnull821 FUNCTION  ConvertWs (Source: STRING; PackWs: BOOLEAN) : STRING;
822           // Converts all Whitespace characters to the Space #x20 character
823           // If "PackWs" is true, contiguous Whitespace characters are packed to one
824 VAR
825   I : INTEGER;
827   Result := Source;
828   FOR I := Length (Result) DOWNTO 1 DO
829     IF (Result [I] IN CWhitespace) THEN
830       IF PackWs AND (I > 1) AND (Result [I-1] IN CWhitespace)
831         THEN Delete (Result, I, 1)
832         ELSE Result [I] := #32;
833 END;
836 PROCEDURE SetStringSF (VAR S : STRING; BufferStart, BufferFinal : PChar);
838   SetString (S, BufferStart, BufferFinal-BufferStart+1);
839 END;
StrLPasnull842 FUNCTION  StrLPas  (Start : PChar; Len : INTEGER) : STRING;
844   SetString (Result, Start, Len);
845 END;
StrSFPasnull848 FUNCTION  StrSFPas (Start, Finish : PChar) : STRING;
850   SetString (Result, Start, Finish-Start+1);
851 END;
StrScanEnull854 FUNCTION  StrScanE (CONST Source : PChar; CONST CharToScanFor : CHAR) : PChar;
855           // If "CharToScanFor" is not found, StrScanE returns the last char of the
856           // buffer instead of NIL
858   Result := StrScan (Source, CharToScanFor);
859   IF Result = NIL THEN
860     Result := StrEnd (Source)-1;
861 END;
864 PROCEDURE ExtractName (Start : PChar; Terminators : TCharset; VAR Final : PChar);
865           (* Extracts the complete Name beginning at "Start".
866              It is assumed that the name is contained in Markup, so the '>' character is
867              always a Termination.
868              Start:       IN  Pointer to first char of name. Is always considered to be valid
869              Terminators: IN  Characters which terminate the name
870              Final:       OUT Pointer to last char of name *)
872   Final := Start+1;
873   Include (Terminators, #0);
874   Include (Terminators, '>');
875   WHILE NOT (Final^ IN Terminators) DO
876     INC (Final);
877   DEC (Final);
878 END;
881 PROCEDURE ExtractQuote (Start : PChar; VAR Content : STRING; VAR Final : PChar);
882           (* Extract a string which is contained in single or double Quotes.
883              Start:    IN   Pointer to opening quote
884              Content:  OUT  The quoted string
885              Final:    OUT  Pointer to closing quote *)
887   Final := StrScan (Start+1, Start^);
888   IF Final = NIL THEN BEGIN
889     Final := StrEnd (Start+1)-1;
890     SetString (Content, Start+1, Final-Start);
891     END
892   ELSE
893     SetString (Content, Start+1, Final-1-Start);
894 END;
897 (*
898 ===============================================================================================
899 TEntityStackNode
900 This Node is pushed to the "Entity Stack" whenever the parser parses entity replacement text.
901 The "Instance" field holds the Instance pointer of an External Entity buffer. When it is
902 popped, the Instance is freed.
903 The "Encoding" field holds the name of the Encoding. External Parsed Entities may have
904 another encoding as the document entity (XmlSpec 4.3.3). So when there is an "<?xml" PI
905 found in the stream (= Text Declaration at the beginning of external parsed entities), the
906 Encoding found there is used for the External Entity (is assigned to TXmlParser.CurEncoding)
907 Default Encoding is for the Document Entity is UTF-8. It is assumed that External Entities
908 have the same Encoding as the Document Entity, unless they carry a Text Declaration.
909 ===============================================================================================
910 *)
912 TYPE
913   TEntityStackNode = CLASS
914                        Instance : TObject;
915                        Encoding : STRING;
916                        LastPos  : PChar;
917                      END;
919 (*
920 ===============================================================================================
921 TEntityStack
922 For nesting of Entities.
923 When there is an entity reference found in the data stream, the corresponding entity
924 definition is searched and the current position is pushed to this stack.
925 From then on, the program scans the entitiy replacement text as if it were normal content.
926 When the parser reaches the end of an entity, the current position is popped off the
927 stack again.
928 ===============================================================================================
929 *)
931 CONSTRUCTOR TEntityStack.Create (TheOwner : TXmlParser);
933   INHERITED Create;
934   Owner := TheOwner;
935 END;
938 PROCEDURE TEntityStack.Push (LastPos : PChar);
940   Push (NIL, LastPos);
941 END;
944 PROCEDURE TEntityStack.Push (Instance : TObject; LastPos : PChar);
945 VAR
946   ESN : TEntityStackNode;
948   ESN := TEntityStackNode.Create;
949   ESN.Instance := Instance;
950   ESN.Encoding := Owner.FCurEncoding;  // Save current Encoding
951   ESN.LastPos  := LastPos;
952   Add (ESN);
953 END;
TEntityStack.Popnull956 FUNCTION  TEntityStack.Pop : PChar;
957 VAR
958   ESN : TEntityStackNode;
960   IF Count > 0 THEN BEGIN
961     ESN := TEntityStackNode (Items [Count-1]);
962     Result := ESN.LastPos;
963     IF ESN.Instance <> NIL THEN
964       ESN.Instance.Free;
965     IF ESN.Encoding <> '' THEN
966       Owner.FCurEncoding := ESN.Encoding;   // Restore current Encoding
967     Delete (Count-1);
968     END
969   ELSE
970     Result := NIL;
971 END;
974 (*
975 ===============================================================================================
976 TExternalID
977 -----------
978 XmlSpec 4.2.2:  ExternalID ::= 'SYSTEM' S SystemLiteral |
979                                'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral
980 XmlSpec 4.7:    PublicID   ::= 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral
981 SystemLiteral and PubidLiteral are quoted
982 ===============================================================================================
983 *)
985 TYPE
986   TExternalID = CLASS
987                   PublicId : STRING;
988                   SystemId : STRING;
989                   Final    : PChar;
990                   CONSTRUCTOR Create (Start : PChar);
991                 END;
993 CONSTRUCTOR TExternalID.Create (Start : PChar);
995   INHERITED Create;
996   Final := Start;
997   IF StrLComp (Start, 'SYSTEM', 6) = 0 THEN BEGIN
998     WHILE NOT (Final^ IN (CQuoteChar + [#0, '>', '['])) DO INC (Final);
999     IF NOT (Final^ IN CQuoteChar) THEN EXIT;
1000     ExtractQuote (Final, SystemID, Final);
1001     END
1002   ELSE IF StrLComp (Start, 'PUBLIC', 6) = 0 THEN BEGIN
1003     WHILE NOT (Final^ IN (CQuoteChar + [#0, '>', '['])) DO INC (Final);
1004     IF NOT (Final^ IN CQuoteChar) THEN EXIT;
1005     ExtractQuote (Final, PublicID, Final);
1006     INC (Final);
1007     WHILE NOT (Final^ IN (CQuoteChar + [#0, '>', '['])) DO INC (Final);
1008     IF NOT (Final^ IN CQuoteChar) THEN EXIT;
1009     ExtractQuote (Final, SystemID, Final);
1010     END;
1011 END;
1014 (*
1015 ===============================================================================================
1016 TXmlParser
1017 ===============================================================================================
1018 *)
1020 CONSTRUCTOR TXmlParser.Create;
1021 BEGIN
1022   INHERITED Create;
1023   FBuffer     := NIL;
1024   FBufferSize := 0;
1025   Elements    := TElemList.Create;
1026   Entities    := TNvpList.Create;
1027   ParEntities := TNvpList.Create;
1028   Notations   := TNvpList.Create;
1029   CurAttr     := TAttrList.Create;
1030   EntityStack := TEntityStack.Create (Self);
1031   Clear;
1032 END;
1035 DESTRUCTOR TXmlParser.Destroy;
1036 BEGIN
1037   Clear;
1038   Elements.Free;
1039   Entities.Free;
1040   ParEntities.Free;
1041   Notations.Free;
1042   CurAttr.Free;
1043   EntityStack.Free;
1044   INHERITED Destroy;
1045 END;
1048 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.Clear;
1049           // Free Buffer and clear all object attributes
1050 BEGIN
1051   IF (FBufferSize > 0) AND (FBuffer <> NIL) THEN
1052     FreeMem (FBuffer);
1053   FBuffer     := NIL;
1054   FBufferSize := 0;
1055   FSource     := '';
1056   FXmlVersion := '';
1057   FEncoding   := '';
1058   FStandalone := FALSE;
1059   FRootName   := '';
1060   FDtdcFinal  := NIL;
1061   FNormalize  := TRUE;
1062   Elements.Clear;
1063   Entities.Clear;
1064   ParEntities.Clear;
1065   Notations.Clear;
1066   CurAttr.Clear;
1067   EntityStack.Clear;
1068 END;
TXmlParser.LoadFromFilenull1071 FUNCTION  TXmlParser.LoadFromFile (Filename : STRING; FileMode : INTEGER = fmOpenRead OR fmShareDenyNone) : BOOLEAN;
1072           // Loads Document from given file
1073           // Returns TRUE if successful
1074 VAR
1075   f           : FILE;
1076   ReadIn      : INTEGER;
1077   OldFileMode : INTEGER;
1078 BEGIN
1079   Result := FALSE;
1080   Clear;
1082   // --- Open File
1083   OldFileMode := SYSTEM.FileMode;
1084   TRY
1085     SYSTEM.FileMode := FileMode;
1086     TRY
1087       AssignFile (f, Filename);
1088       Reset (f, 1);
1089     EXCEPT
1090       EXIT;
1091       END;
1093     TRY
1094       // --- Allocate Memory
1095       TRY
1096         FBufferSize := Filesize (f) + 1;
1097         GetMem (FBuffer, FBufferSize);
1098       EXCEPT
1099         Clear;
1100         EXIT;
1101         END;
1103       // --- Read File
1104       TRY
1105         BlockRead (f, FBuffer^, FBufferSize, ReadIn);
1106         (FBuffer+ReadIn)^ := #0;  // NULL termination
1107       EXCEPT
1108         Clear;
1109         EXIT;
1110         END;
1111     FINALLY
1112       CloseFile (f);
1113       END;
1115     FSource := Filename;
1116     Result  := TRUE;
1118   FINALLY
1119     SYSTEM.FileMode := OldFileMode;
1120     END;
1121 END;
TXmlParser.LoadFromBuffernull1124 FUNCTION  TXmlParser.LoadFromBuffer (Buffer : PChar) : BOOLEAN;
1125           // Loads Document from another buffer
1126           // Returns TRUE if successful
1127           // The "Source" property becomes '<MEM>' if successful
1128 BEGIN
1129   Result := FALSE;
1130   Clear;
1131   FBufferSize := StrLen (Buffer) + 1;
1132   TRY
1133     GetMem (FBuffer, FBufferSize);
1134   EXCEPT
1135     Clear;
1136     EXIT;
1137     END;
1138   StrCopy (FBuffer, Buffer);
1139   FSource := '<MEM>';
1140   Result := TRUE;
1141 END;
1144 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.SetBuffer (Buffer : PChar);      // References another buffer
1145 BEGIN
1146   Clear;
1147   FBuffer     := Buffer;
1148   FBufferSize := 0;
1149   FSource := '<REFERENCE>';
1150 END;
1153 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1154 // Scanning through the document
1155 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1157 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.StartScan;
1158 BEGIN
1159   CurPartType := ptNone;
1160   CurName     := '';
1161   CurContent  := '';
1162   CurStart    := NIL;
1163   CurFinal    := NIL;
1164   CurAttr.Clear;
1165   EntityStack.Clear;
1166 END;
TXmlParser.Scannull1169 FUNCTION  TXmlParser.Scan : BOOLEAN;
1170           // Scans the next Part
1171           // Returns TRUE if a part could be found, FALSE if there is no part any more
1172           //
1173           // "IsDone" can be set to FALSE by AnalyzeText in order to go to the next part
1174           // if there is no Content due to normalization
1175 VAR
1176   IsDone : BOOLEAN;
1177 BEGIN
1178   REPEAT
1179     IsDone := TRUE;
1181     // --- Start of next Part
1182     IF CurStart = NIL
1183       THEN CurStart := DocBuffer
1184       ELSE CurStart := CurFinal+1;
1185     CurFinal := CurStart;
1187     // --- End of Document of Pop off a new part from the Entity stack?
1188     IF CurStart^ = #0 THEN
1189       CurStart := EntityStack.Pop;
1191     // --- No Document or End Of Document: Terminate Scan
1192     IF (CurStart = NIL) OR (CurStart^ = #0) THEN BEGIN
1193       CurStart := StrEnd (DocBuffer);
1194       CurFinal := CurStart-1;
1195       EntityStack.Clear;
1196       Result   := FALSE;
1197       EXIT;
1198       END;
1200     IF (StrLComp (CurStart, '<?xml', 5) = 0) AND
1201        ((CurStart+5)^ IN CWhitespace) THEN AnalyzeProlog                                      // XML Declaration, Text Declaration
1202     ELSE IF StrLComp (CurStart, '<?',        2) = 0 THEN AnalyzePI (CurStart, CurFinal)       // PI
1203     ELSE IF StrLComp (CurStart, '<!--',      4) = 0 THEN AnalyzeComment (CurStart, CurFinal)  // Comment
1204     ELSE IF StrLComp (CurStart, '<!DOCTYPE', 9) = 0 THEN AnalyzeDtdc                          // DTDc
1205     ELSE IF StrLComp (CurStart, CDStart, Length (CDStart)) = 0 THEN AnalyzeCdata              // CDATA Section
1206     ELSE IF StrLComp (CurStart, '<',         1) = 0 THEN AnalyzeTag                           // Start-Tag, End-Tag, Empty-Element-Tag
1207     ELSE AnalyzeText (IsDone);                                                                // Text Content
1208   UNTIL IsDone;
1209   Result := TRUE;
1210 END;
1213 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeProlog;
1214           // Analyze XML Prolog or Text Declaration
1215 VAR
1216   F : PChar;
1217 BEGIN
1218   CurAttr.Analyze (CurStart+5, F);
1219   IF EntityStack.Count = 0 THEN BEGIN
1220     FXmlVersion := CurAttr.Value ('version');
1221     FEncoding   := CurAttr.Value ('encoding');
1222     FStandalone := CurAttr.Value ('standalone') = 'yes';
1223     END;
1224   CurFinal := StrPos (F, '?>');
1225   IF CurFinal <> NIL
1226     THEN INC (CurFinal)
1227     ELSE CurFinal := StrEnd (CurStart)-1;
1228   FCurEncoding := AnsiUpperCase (CurAttr.Value ('encoding'));
1229   IF FCurEncoding = '' THEN
1230     FCurEncoding := 'UTF-8';   // Default XML Encoding is UTF-8
1231   CurPartType  := ptXmlProlog;
1232   CurName      := '';
1233   CurContent   := '';
1234 END;
1237 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeComment (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);
1238           // Analyze Comments
1239 BEGIN
1240   Final := StrPos (Start+4, '-->');
1241   IF Final = NIL
1242     THEN Final := StrEnd (Start)-1
1243     ELSE INC (Final, 2);
1244   CurPartType := ptComment;
1245 END;
1248 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzePI (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);
1249           // Analyze Processing Instructions (PI)
1250           // This is also called for Character
1251 VAR
1252   F : PChar;
1253 BEGIN
1254   CurPartType := ptPI;
1255   Final := StrPos (Start+2, '?>');
1256   IF Final = NIL
1257     THEN Final := StrEnd (Start)-1
1258     ELSE INC (Final);
1259   ExtractName (Start+2, CWhitespace + ['?', '>'], F);
1260   SetStringSF (CurName, Start+2, F);
1261   SetStringSF (CurContent, F+1, Final-2);
1262   CurAttr.Analyze (F+1, F);
1263 END;
1266 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeDtdc;
1267           (* Analyze Document Type Declaration
1268                  doctypedecl  ::= '<!DOCTYPE' S Name (S ExternalID)? S? ('[' (markupdecl | PEReference | S)* ']' S?)? '>'
1269                  markupdecl   ::= elementdecl | AttlistDecl | EntityDecl | NotationDecl | PI | Comment
1270                  PEReference  ::= '%' Name ';'
1272                  elementdecl  ::= '<!ELEMENT' S Name S contentspec S?                    '>'
1273                  AttlistDecl  ::= '<!ATTLIST' S Name AttDef* S?                          '>'
1274                  EntityDecl   ::= '<!ENTITY' S Name S EntityDef S?                       '>' |
1275                                   '<!ENTITY' S '%' S Name S PEDef S?                     '>'
1276                  NotationDecl ::= '<!NOTATION' S Name S (ExternalID |  PublicID) S?      '>'
1277                  PI           ::=  '<?' PITarget (S (Char* - (Char* '?>' Char* )))?     '?>'
1278                  Comment      ::= '<!--' ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))*          '-->'  *)
1279 TYPE
1280   TPhase = (phName, phDtd, phInternal, phFinishing);
1281 VAR
1282   Phase       : TPhase;
1283   F           : PChar;
1284   ExternalID  : TExternalID;
1285   ExternalDTD : TXmlParser;
1286   DER         : TDtdElementRec;
1287 BEGIN
1288   DER.Start := CurStart;
1289   EntityStack.Clear;    // Clear stack for Parameter Entities
1290   CurPartType := ptDtdc;
1292   // --- Don't read DTDc twice
1293   IF FDtdcFinal <> NIL THEN BEGIN
1294     CurFinal := FDtdcFinal;
1295     EXIT;
1296     END;
1298   // --- Scan DTDc
1299   CurFinal := CurStart + 9;    // First char after '<!DOCTYPE'
1300   Phase    := phName;
1301   REPEAT
1302     CASE CurFinal^ OF
1303       '%' : BEGIN
1304               PushPE (CurFinal);
1305               CONTINUE;
1306             END;
1307       #0  : IF EntityStack.Count = 0 THEN
1308               BREAK
1309             ELSE BEGIN
1310               CurFinal := EntityStack.Pop;
1311               CONTINUE;
1312               END;
1313       '[' : BEGIN
1314               Phase := phInternal;
1315               AnalyzeDtdElements (CurFinal+1, CurFinal);
1316               CONTINUE;
1317             END;
1318       ']' : Phase := phFinishing;
1319       '>' : BREAK;
1320       ELSE  IF NOT (CurFinal^ IN CWhitespace) THEN BEGIN
1321               CASE Phase OF
1322                 phName : IF (CurFinal^ IN CNameStart)  THEN BEGIN
1323                            ExtractName (CurFinal, CWhitespace + ['[', '>'], F);
1324                            SetStringSF (FRootName, CurFinal, F);
1325                            CurFinal := F;
1326                            Phase := phDtd;
1327                            END;
1328                 phDtd  : IF (StrLComp (CurFinal, 'SYSTEM', 6) = 0) OR
1329                             (StrLComp (CurFinal, 'PUBLIC', 6) = 0) THEN BEGIN
1330                            ExternalID  := TExternalID.Create (CurFinal);
1331                            ExternalDTD := LoadExternalEntity (ExternalId.SystemId, ExternalID.PublicId, '');
1332                            F := StrPos (ExternalDtd.DocBuffer, '<!');
1333                            IF F <> NIL THEN
1334                              AnalyzeDtdElements (F, F);
1335                            ExternalDTD.Free;
1336                            CurFinal := ExternalID.Final;
1337                            ExternalID.Free;
1338                            END;
1339                 ELSE     BEGIN
1340                            DER.ElementType := deError;
1341                            DER.Pos         := CurFinal;
1342                            DER.Final       := CurFinal;
1343                            DtdElementFound (DER);
1344                          END;
1345                 END;
1347               END;
1348       END;
1349     INC (CurFinal);
1352   CurPartType := ptDtdc;
1353   CurName     := '';
1354   CurContent  := '';
1356   // It is an error in the document if "EntityStack" is not empty now
1357   IF EntityStack.Count > 0 THEN BEGIN
1358     DER.ElementType := deError;
1359     DER.Final       := CurFinal;
1360     DER.Pos         := CurFinal;
1361     DtdElementFound (DER);
1362     END;
1364   EntityStack.Clear;    // Clear stack for General Entities
1365   FDtdcFinal := CurFinal;
1366 END;
1369 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeDtdElements (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);
1370           // Analyze the "Elements" of a DTD contained in the external or
1371           // internal DTD subset.
1372 VAR
1373   DER : TDtdElementRec;
1374 BEGIN
1375   Final := Start;
1376   REPEAT
1377     CASE Final^ OF
1378       '%' : BEGIN
1379               PushPE (Final);
1380               CONTINUE;
1381             END;
1382       #0  : IF EntityStack.Count = 0 THEN
1383               BREAK
1384             ELSE BEGIN
1385               CurFinal := EntityStack.Pop;
1386               CONTINUE;
1387               END;
1388       ']',
1389       '>' : BREAK;
1390       '<' : IF      StrLComp (Final, '<!ELEMENT',   9) = 0 THEN AnalyzeElementDecl  (Final, Final)
1391             ELSE IF StrLComp (Final, '<!ATTLIST',   9) = 0 THEN AnalyzeAttListDecl  (Final, Final)
1392             ELSE IF StrLComp (Final, '<!ENTITY',    8) = 0 THEN AnalyzeEntityDecl   (Final, Final)
1393             ELSE IF StrLComp (Final, '<!NOTATION', 10) = 0 THEN AnalyzeNotationDecl (Final, Final)
1394             ELSE IF StrLComp (Final, '<?',          2) = 0 THEN BEGIN   // PI in DTD
1395               DER.ElementType := dePI;
1396               DER.Start       := Final;
1397               AnalyzePI (Final, Final);
1398               DER.Target      := PChar (CurName);
1399               DER.Content     := PChar (CurContent);
1400               DER.AttrList    := CurAttr;
1401               DER.Final       := Final;
1402               DtdElementFound (DER);
1403               END
1404             ELSE IF StrLComp (Final, '<!--', 4) = 0 THEN BEGIN   // Comment in DTD
1405               DER.ElementType := deComment;
1406               DER.Start       := Final;
1407               AnalyzeComment  (Final, Final);
1408               DER.Final       := Final;
1409               DtdElementFound (DER);
1410               END
1411             ELSE BEGIN
1412               DER.ElementType := deError;
1413               DER.Start       := Final;
1414               DER.Pos         := Final;
1415               DER.Final       := Final;
1416               DtdElementFound (DER);
1417               END;
1419       END;
1420     INC (Final);
1422 END;
1425 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeTag;
1426           // Analyze Tags
1427 VAR
1428   S, F    : PChar;
1429   Attr    : TAttr;
1430   ElemDef : TElemDef;
1431   AttrDef : TAttrDef;
1432   I       : INTEGER;
1433 BEGIN
1434   CurPartType := ptStartTag;
1435   S := CurStart+1;
1436   IF S^ = '/' THEN BEGIN
1437     CurPartType := ptEndTag;
1438     INC (S);
1439     END;
1440   ExtractName (S, CWhitespace + ['/'], F);
1441   SetStringSF (CurName, S, F);
1442   CurAttr.Analyze (F+1, CurFinal);
1443   IF CurFinal^ = '/' THEN BEGIN
1444     CurPartType := ptEmptyTag;
1445     END;
1446   CurFinal := StrScanE (CurFinal, '>');
1448   // --- Set Default Attribute values for nonexistent attributes
1449   IF (CurPartType = ptStartTag) OR (CurPartType = ptEmptyTag) THEN BEGIN
1450     ElemDef := Elements.Node (CurName);
1451     IF ElemDef <> NIL THEN BEGIN
1452       FOR I := 0 TO ElemDef.Count-1 DO BEGIN
1453         AttrDef := TAttrDef (ElemDef [I]);
1454         Attr := TAttr (CurAttr.Node (AttrDef.Name));
1455         IF (Attr = NIL) AND (AttrDef.Value <> '') THEN BEGIN
1456           Attr           := TAttr.Create (AttrDef.Name, AttrDef.Value);
1457           Attr.ValueType := vtDefault;
1458           CurAttr.Add (Attr);
1459           END;
1460         IF Attr <> NIL THEN BEGIN
1461           CASE AttrDef.DefaultType OF
1462             adDefault  : ;
1463             adRequired : ; // -!- It is an error in the document if "Attr.Value" is an empty string
1464             adImplied  : Attr.ValueType := vtImplied;
1465             adFixed    : BEGIN
1466                            Attr.ValueType := vtFixed;
1467                            Attr.Value     := AttrDef.Value;
1468                          END;
1469             END;
1470           Attr.AttrType := AttrDef.AttrType;
1471           END;
1472         END;
1473       END;
1475     // --- Normalize Attribute Values. XmlSpec:
1476            // - a character reference is processed by appending the referenced character to the attribute value
1477            // - an entity reference is processed by recursively processing the replacement text of the entity
1478            // - a whitespace character (#x20, #xD, #xA, #x9) is processed by appending #x20 to the normalized value,
1479            //   except that only a single #x20 is appended for a "#xD#xA" sequence that is part of an external
1480            //   parsed entity or the literal entity value of an internal parsed entity
1481            // - other characters are processed by appending them to the normalized value
1482            // If the declared value is not CDATA, then the XML processor must further process the
1483            // normalized attribute value by discarding any leading and trailing space (#x20) characters,
1484            // and by replacing sequences of space (#x20) characters by a single space (#x20) character.
1485            // All attributes for which no declaration has been read should be treated by a
1486            // non-validating parser as if declared CDATA.
1487            // !!! The XML 1.0 SE specification is somewhat different here
1488            //     This code does not conform exactly to this specification
1489     FOR I := 0 TO CurAttr.Count-1 DO
1490       WITH TAttr (CurAttr [I]) DO BEGIN
1491         ReplaceGeneralEntities   (Value);
1492         ReplaceCharacterEntities (Value);
1493         IF (AttrType <> atCData) AND (AttrType <> atUnknown)
1494           THEN Value := TranslateEncoding (TrimWs (ConvertWs (Value, TRUE)))
1495           ELSE Value := TranslateEncoding (ConvertWs (Value, FALSE));
1496         END;
1497     END;
1498 END;
1501 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeCData;
1502           // Analyze CDATA Sections
1503 BEGIN
1504   CurPartType := ptCData;
1505   CurFinal := StrPos (CurStart, CDEnd);
1506   IF CurFinal = NIL THEN BEGIN
1507     CurFinal   := StrEnd (CurStart)-1;
1508     CurContent := TranslateEncoding (StrPas (CurStart+Length (CDStart)));
1509     END
1511     SetStringSF (CurContent, CurStart+Length (CDStart), CurFinal-1);
1512     INC (CurFinal, Length (CDEnd)-1);
1513     CurContent := TranslateEncoding (CurContent);
1514     END;
1515 END;
1518 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeText (VAR IsDone : BOOLEAN);
1519           (* Analyzes Text Content between Tags. CurFinal will point to the last content character.
1520              Content ends at a '<' character or at the end of the document.
1521              Entity References and Character Entity references are resolved.
1522              If PackSpaces is TRUE, contiguous Whitespace Characters will be compressed to
1523              one Space #x20 character, Whitespace at the beginning and end of content will
1524              be trimmed off and content which is or becomes empty is not returned to
1525              the application (in this case, "IsDone" is set to FALSE which causes the
1526              Scan method to proceed directly to the next part. *)
1528   PROCEDURE ProcessEntity;
1529             (* Is called if there is an ampsersand '&' character found in the document.
1530                IN  "CurFinal" points to the ampersand
1531                OUT "CurFinal" points to the first character after the semi-colon ';' *)
1532   VAR
1533     P              : PChar;
1534     Name           : STRING;
1535     EntityDef      : TEntityDef;
1536     ExternalEntity : TXmlParser;
1537   BEGIN
1538     P := StrScan (CurFinal , ';');
1539     IF P <> NIL THEN BEGIN
1540       SetStringSF (Name, CurFinal+1, P-1);
1542       // Is it a Character Entity?
1543       IF (CurFinal+1)^ = '#' THEN BEGIN
1544         IF UpCase ((CurFinal+2)^) = 'X'       // !!! Can't use "CHR" for Unicode characters > 255:
1545           THEN CurContent := CurContent + CHR (StrToIntDef ('$'+Copy (Name, 3, MaxInt), 32))
1546           ELSE CurContent := CurContent + CHR (StrToIntDef (Copy (Name, 2, MaxInt), 32));
1547         CurFinal := P+1;
1548         EXIT;
1549         END
1551       // Is it a Predefined Entity?
1552       ELSE IF Name = 'lt'   THEN BEGIN CurContent := CurContent + '<';  CurFinal := P+1; EXIT; END
1553       ELSE IF Name = 'gt'   THEN BEGIN CurContent := CurContent + '>';  CurFinal := P+1; EXIT; END
1554       ELSE IF Name = 'amp'  THEN BEGIN CurContent := CurContent + '&';  CurFinal := P+1; EXIT; END
1555       ELSE IF Name = 'apos' THEN BEGIN CurContent := CurContent + ''''; CurFinal := P+1; EXIT; END
1556       ELSE IF Name = 'quot' THEN BEGIN CurContent := CurContent + '"';  CurFinal := P+1; EXIT; END;
1558       // Replace with Entity from DTD
1559       EntityDef := TEntityDef (Entities.Node (Name));
1560       IF EntityDef <> NIL THEN BEGIN
1561         IF EntityDef.Value <> '' THEN BEGIN
1562           EntityStack.Push (P+1);
1563           CurFinal := PChar (EntityDef.Value);
1564           END
1565         ELSE BEGIN
1566           ExternalEntity := LoadExternalEntity (EntityDef.SystemId, EntityDef.PublicId, EntityDef.NotationName);
1567           EntityStack.Push (ExternalEntity, P+1);
1568           CurFinal := ExternalEntity.DocBuffer;
1569           END;
1570         END
1571       ELSE BEGIN
1572         CurContent := CurContent + Name;
1573         CurFinal   := P+1;
1574         END;
1575       END
1576     ELSE BEGIN
1577       INC (CurFinal);
1578       END;
1579   END;
1581 VAR
1582   C  : INTEGER;
1583 BEGIN
1584   CurFinal    := CurStart;
1585   CurPartType := ptContent;
1586   CurContent  := '';
1587   C           := 0;
1588   REPEAT
1589     CASE CurFinal^ OF
1590       '&' : BEGIN
1591               CurContent := CurContent + TranslateEncoding (StrLPas (CurFinal-C, C));
1592               C := 0;
1593               ProcessEntity;
1594               CONTINUE;
1595             END;
1596       #0  : BEGIN
1597               IF EntityStack.Count = 0 THEN
1598                 BREAK
1599               ELSE BEGIN
1600                 CurContent := CurContent + TranslateEncoding (StrLPas (CurFinal-C, C));
1601                 C := 0;
1602                 CurFinal := EntityStack.Pop;
1603                 CONTINUE;
1604                 END;
1605             END;
1606       '<' : BREAK;
1607       ELSE INC (C);
1608       END;
1609     INC (CurFinal);
1611   CurContent := CurContent + TranslateEncoding (StrLPas (CurFinal-C, C));
1612   DEC (CurFinal);
1614   IF FNormalize THEN BEGIN
1615     CurContent := ConvertWs (TrimWs (CurContent), TRUE);
1616     IsDone     := CurContent <> '';    // IsDone will only get FALSE if PackSpaces is TRUE
1617     END;
1618 END;
1621 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeElementDecl  (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);
1622           (* Parse <!ELEMENT declaration starting at "Start"
1623              Final must point to the terminating '>' character
1624              XmlSpec 3.2:
1625                  elementdecl ::= '<!ELEMENT' S Name S contentspec S? '>'
1626                  contentspec ::= 'EMPTY' | 'ANY' | Mixed | children
1627                  Mixed       ::= '(' S? '#PCDATA' (S? '|' S? Name)* S? ')*'   |
1628                                  '(' S? '#PCDATA' S? ')'
1629                  children    ::= (choice | seq) ('?' | '*' | '+')?
1630                  choice      ::= '(' S? cp ( S? '|' S? cp )* S? ')'
1631                  cp          ::= (Name | choice | seq) ('?' | '*' | '+')?
1632                  seq         ::= '(' S? cp ( S? ',' S? cp )* S? ')'
1634              More simply:
1635                  contentspec ::= EMPTY
1636                                  ANY
1637                                  '(#PCDATA)'
1638                                  '(#PCDATA | A | B)*'
1639                                  '(A, B, C)'
1640                                  '(A | B | C)'
1641                                  '(A?, B*, C+),
1642                                  '(A, (B | C | D)* )'                       *)
1643 VAR
1644   Element : TElemDef;
1645   Elem2   : TElemDef;
1646   F       : PChar;
1647   DER     : TDtdElementRec;
1648 BEGIN
1649   Element   := TElemDef.Create;
1650   Final     := Start + 9;
1651   DER.Start := Start;
1652   REPEAT
1653     IF Final^ = '>' THEN BREAK;
1654     IF (Final^ IN CNameStart) AND (Element.Name = '') THEN BEGIN
1655       ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace, F);
1656       SetStringSF (Element.Name, Final, F);
1657       Final := F;
1658       F := StrScan (Final+1, '>');
1659       IF F = NIL THEN BEGIN
1660         Element.Definition := STRING (Final);
1661         Final := StrEnd (Final);
1662         BREAK;
1663         END
1664       ELSE BEGIN
1665         SetStringSF (Element.Definition, Final+1, F-1);
1666         Final := F;
1667         BREAK;
1668         END;
1669       END;
1670     INC (Final);
1672   Element.Definition := DelChars (Element.Definition, CWhitespace);
1673   ReplaceParameterEntities (Element.Definition);
1674   IF      Element.Definition = 'EMPTY' THEN Element.ElemType := etEmpty
1675   ELSE IF Element.Definition = 'ANY'   THEN Element.ElemType := etAny
1676   ELSE IF Copy (Element.Definition, 1, 8) = '(#PCDATA' THEN Element.ElemType := etMixed
1677   ELSE IF Copy (Element.Definition, 1, 1) = '('        THEN Element.ElemType := etChildren
1678   ELSE Element.ElemType := etAny;
1680   Elem2 := Elements.Node (Element.Name);
1681   IF Elem2 <> NIL THEN
1682     Elements.Delete (Elements.IndexOf (Elem2));
1683   Elements.Add (Element);
1684   Final := StrScanE (Final, '>');
1685   DER.ElementType := deElement;
1686   DER.ElemDef  := Element;
1687   DER.Final    := Final;
1688   DtdElementFound (DER);
1689 END;
1692 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeAttListDecl  (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);
1693           (* Parse <!ATTLIST declaration starting at "Start"
1694              Final must point to the terminating '>' character
1695              XmlSpec 3.3:
1696                  AttlistDecl    ::= '<!ATTLIST' S Name AttDef* S? '>'
1697                  AttDef         ::= S Name S AttType S DefaultDecl
1698                  AttType        ::= StringType | TokenizedType | EnumeratedType
1699                  StringType     ::= 'CDATA'
1700                  TokenizedType  ::= 'ID' | 'IDREF' | 'IDREFS' | 'ENTITY' | 'ENTITIES' | 'NMTOKEN' | 'NMTOKENS'
1701                  EnumeratedType ::= NotationType | Enumeration
1702                  NotationType   ::= 'NOTATION' S '(' S? Name (S? '|' S? Name)* S? ')'
1703                  Enumeration    ::= '(' S? Nmtoken (S? '|' S? Nmtoken)* S? ')'
1704                  DefaultDecl    ::= '#REQUIRED' | '#IMPLIED' | (('#FIXED' S)? AttValue)
1705                  AttValue       ::= '"' ([^<&"] | Reference)* '"' | "'" ([^<&'] | Reference)* "'"
1706             Examples:
1707                  <!ATTLIST address
1708                            A1 CDATA "Default"
1709                            A2 ID    #REQUIRED
1710                            A3 IDREF #IMPLIED
1711                            A4 IDREFS #IMPLIED
1712                            A5 ENTITY #FIXED "&at;&#252;"
1713                            A6 ENTITIES #REQUIRED
1714                            A7 NOTATION (WMF | DXF) "WMF"
1715                            A8 (A | B | C) #REQUIRED>                *)
1716 TYPE
1717   TPhase = (phElementName, phName, phType, phNotationContent, phDefault);
1718 VAR
1719   Phase       : TPhase;
1720   F           : PChar;
1721   ElementName : STRING;
1722   ElemDef     : TElemDef;
1723   AttrDef     : TAttrDef;
1724   AttrDef2    : TAttrDef;
1725   Strg        : STRING;
1726   DER         : TDtdElementRec;
1727 BEGIN
1728   Final     := Start + 9;   // The character after <!ATTLIST
1729   Phase     := phElementName;
1730   DER.Start := Start;
1731   AttrDef   := NIL;
1732   ElemDef   := NIL;
1733   REPEAT
1734     IF NOT (Final^ IN CWhitespace) THEN
1735       CASE Final^ OF
1736         '%' : BEGIN
1737                 PushPE (Final);
1738                 CONTINUE;
1739               END;
1740         #0  : IF EntityStack.Count = 0 THEN
1741                 BREAK
1742               ELSE BEGIN
1743                 Final := EntityStack.Pop;
1744                 CONTINUE;
1745                 END;
1746         '>' : BREAK;
1747         ELSE  CASE Phase OF
1748                 phElementName     : BEGIN
1749                                       ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace + CQuoteChar + ['#'], F);
1750                                       SetStringSF (ElementName, Final, F);
1751                                       Final := F;
1752                                       ElemDef := Elements.Node (ElementName);
1753                                       IF ElemDef = NIL THEN BEGIN
1754                                         ElemDef := TElemDef.Create;
1755                                         ElemDef.Name       := ElementName;
1756                                         ElemDef.Definition := 'ANY';
1757                                         ElemDef.ElemType   := etAny;
1758                                         Elements.Add (ElemDef);
1759                                         END;
1760                                       Phase := phName;
1761                                     END;
1762                 phName            : BEGIN
1763                                       AttrDef := TAttrDef.Create;
1764                                       ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace + CQuoteChar + ['#'], F);
1765                                       SetStringSF (AttrDef.Name, Final, F);
1766                                       Final := F;
1767                                       AttrDef2 := TAttrDef (ElemDef.Node (AttrDef.Name));
1768                                       IF AttrDef2 <> NIL THEN
1769                                         ElemDef.Delete (ElemDef.IndexOf (AttrDef2));
1770                                       ElemDef.Add (AttrDef);
1771                                       Phase := phType;
1772                                     END;
1773                 phType            : BEGIN
1774                                       IF Final^ = '(' THEN BEGIN
1775                                         F := StrScan (Final+1, ')');
1776                                         IF F <> NIL
1777                                           THEN SetStringSF (AttrDef.TypeDef, Final+1, F-1)
1778                                           ELSE AttrDef.TypeDef := STRING (Final+1);
1779                                         AttrDef.TypeDef := DelChars (AttrDef.TypeDef, CWhitespace);
1780                                         AttrDef.AttrType := atEnumeration;
1781                                         ReplaceParameterEntities (AttrDef.TypeDef);
1782                                         ReplaceCharacterEntities (AttrDef.TypeDef);
1783                                         Phase := phDefault;
1784                                         END
1785                                       ELSE IF StrLComp (Final, 'NOTATION', 8) = 0 THEN BEGIN
1786                                         INC (Final, 8);
1787                                         AttrDef.AttrType := atNotation;
1788                                         Phase := phNotationContent;
1789                                         END
1790                                       ELSE BEGIN
1791                                         ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace+CQuoteChar+['#'], F);
1792                                         SetStringSF (AttrDef.TypeDef, Final, F);
1793                                         IF      AttrDef.TypeDef = 'CDATA'    THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atCData
1794                                         ELSE IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'ID'       THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atId
1795                                         ELSE IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'IDREF'    THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atIdRef
1796                                         ELSE IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'IDREFS'   THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atIdRefs
1797                                         ELSE IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'ENTITY'   THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atEntity
1798                                         ELSE IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'ENTITIES' THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atEntities
1799                                         ELSE IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'NMTOKEN'  THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atNmToken
1800                                         ELSE IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'NMTOKENS' THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atNmTokens;
1801                                         Phase := phDefault;
1802                                         END
1803                                     END;
1804                 phNotationContent : BEGIN
1805                                       F := StrScan (Final, ')');
1806                                       IF F <> NIL THEN
1807                                         SetStringSF (AttrDef.Notations, Final+1, F-1)
1808                                       ELSE BEGIN
1809                                         AttrDef.Notations := STRING (Final+1);
1810                                         Final := StrEnd (Final);
1811                                         END;
1812                                       ReplaceParameterEntities (AttrDef.Notations);
1813                                       AttrDef.Notations := DelChars (AttrDef.Notations, CWhitespace);
1814                                       Phase := phDefault;
1815                                     END;
1816                 phDefault :         BEGIN
1817                                       IF Final^ = '#' THEN BEGIN
1818                                         ExtractName (Final, CWhiteSpace + CQuoteChar, F);
1819                                         SetStringSF (Strg, Final, F);
1820                                         Final := F;
1821                                         ReplaceParameterEntities (Strg);
1822                                         IF      Strg = '#REQUIRED' THEN BEGIN AttrDef.DefaultType := adRequired; Phase := phName; END
1823                                         ELSE IF Strg = '#IMPLIED'  THEN BEGIN AttrDef.DefaultType := adImplied;  Phase := phName; END
1824                                         ELSE IF Strg = '#FIXED'    THEN       AttrDef.DefaultType := adFixed;
1825                                         END
1826                                       ELSE IF (Final^ IN CQuoteChar) THEN BEGIN
1827                                         ExtractQuote (Final, AttrDef.Value, Final);
1828                                         ReplaceParameterEntities (AttrDef.Value);
1829                                         ReplaceCharacterEntities (AttrDef.Value);
1830                                         Phase := phName;
1831                                         END;
1832                                       IF Phase = phName THEN BEGIN
1833                                         AttrDef := NIL;
1834                                         END;
1835                                     END;
1837                 END;
1838         END;
1839     INC (Final);
1842   Final := StrScan (Final, '>');
1844   DER.ElementType := deAttList;
1845   DER.ElemDef  := ElemDef;
1846   DER.Final    := Final;
1847   DtdElementFound (DER);
1848 END;
1851 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeEntityDecl   (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);
1852           (* Parse <!ENTITY declaration starting at "Start"
1853              Final must point to the terminating '>' character
1854              XmlSpec 4.2:
1855                  EntityDecl  ::= '<!ENTITY' S Name S EntityDef S? '>'   |
1856                                  '<!ENTITY' S '%' S Name S PEDef S? '>'
1857                  EntityDef   ::= EntityValue | (ExternalID NDataDecl?)
1858                  PEDef       ::= EntityValue | ExternalID
1859                  NDataDecl   ::= S 'NDATA' S Name
1860                  EntityValue ::= '"' ([^%&"] | PEReference | EntityRef | CharRef)* '"'   |
1861                                  "'" ([^%&'] | PEReference | EntityRef | CharRef)* "'"
1862                  PEReference ::= '%' Name ';'
1864              Examples
1865                  <!ENTITY test1 "Stefan Heymann">                   <!-- Internal, general, parsed              -->
1866                  <!ENTITY test2 SYSTEM "ent2.xml">                  <!-- External, general, parsed              -->
1867                  <!ENTITY test2 SYSTEM "ent3.gif" NDATA gif>        <!-- External, general, unparsed            -->
1868                  <!ENTITY % test3 "<!ELEMENT q ANY>">               <!-- Internal, parameter                    -->
1869                  <!ENTITY % test6 SYSTEM "ent6.xml">                <!-- External, parameter                    -->
1870                  <!ENTITY test4 "&test1; ist lieb">                 <!-- IGP, Replacement text <> literal value -->
1871                  <!ENTITY test5 "<p>Dies ist ein Test-Absatz</p>">  <!-- IGP, See XmlSpec 2.4                   -->
1872           *)
1873 TYPE
1874   TPhase = (phName, phContent, phNData, phNotationName, phFinalGT);
1875 VAR
1876   Phase         : TPhase;
1877   IsParamEntity : BOOLEAN;
1878   F             : PChar;
1879   ExternalID    : TExternalID;
1880   EntityDef     : TEntityDef;
1881   EntityDef2    : TEntityDef;
1882   DER           : TDtdElementRec;
1883 BEGIN
1884   Final         := Start + 8;   // First char after <!ENTITY
1885   DER.Start     := Start;
1886   Phase         := phName;
1887   IsParamEntity := FALSE;
1888   EntityDef     := TEntityDef.Create;
1889   REPEAT
1890     IF NOT (Final^ IN CWhitespace) THEN
1891       CASE Final^ OF
1892         '%' : IsParamEntity := TRUE;
1893         '>' : BREAK;
1894         ELSE  CASE Phase OF
1895                 phName         : IF Final^ IN CNameStart THEN BEGIN
1896                                    ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace + CQuoteChar, F);
1897                                    SetStringSF (EntityDef.Name, Final, F);
1898                                    Final := F;
1899                                    Phase := phContent;
1900                                    END;
1901                 phContent      : IF Final^ IN CQuoteChar THEN BEGIN
1902                                    ExtractQuote (Final, EntityDef.Value, Final);
1903                                    Phase := phFinalGT;
1904                                    END
1905                                  ELSE IF (StrLComp (Final, 'SYSTEM', 6) = 0) OR
1906                                          (StrLComp (Final, 'PUBLIC', 6) = 0) THEN BEGIN
1907                                    ExternalID := TExternalID.Create (Final);
1908                                    EntityDef.SystemId := ExternalID.SystemId;
1909                                    EntityDef.PublicId := ExternalID.PublicId;
1910                                    Final      := ExternalID.Final;
1911                                    Phase      := phNData;
1912                                    ExternalID.Free;
1913                                    END;
1914                 phNData        : IF StrLComp (Final, 'NDATA', 5) = 0 THEN BEGIN
1915                                    INC (Final, 4);
1916                                    Phase := phNotationName;
1917                                    END;
1918                 phNotationName : IF Final^ IN CNameStart THEN BEGIN
1919                                    ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace + ['>'], F);
1920                                    SetStringSF (EntityDef.NotationName, Final, F);
1921                                    Final := F;
1922                                    Phase := phFinalGT;
1923                                    END;
1924                 phFinalGT      : ; // -!- There is an error in the document if this branch is called
1925                 END;
1926         END;
1927     INC (Final);
1929   IF IsParamEntity THEN BEGIN
1930     EntityDef2 := TEntityDef (ParEntities.Node (EntityDef.Name));
1931     IF EntityDef2 <> NIL THEN
1932       ParEntities.Delete (ParEntities.IndexOf (EntityDef2));
1933     ParEntities.Add (EntityDef);
1934     ReplaceCharacterEntities (EntityDef.Value);
1935     END
1937     EntityDef2 := TEntityDef (Entities.Node (EntityDef.Name));
1938     IF EntityDef2 <> NIL THEN
1939       Entities.Delete (Entities.IndexOf (EntityDef2));
1940     Entities.Add (EntityDef);
1941     ReplaceParameterEntities (EntityDef.Value);  //  Create replacement texts (see XmlSpec 4.5)
1942     ReplaceCharacterEntities (EntityDef.Value);
1943     END;
1944   Final := StrScanE (Final, '>');
1946   DER.ElementType := deEntity;
1947   DER.EntityDef   := EntityDef;
1948   DER.Final       := Final;
1949   DtdElementFound (DER);
1950 END;
1953 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeNotationDecl (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);
1954           // Parse <!NOTATION declaration starting at "Start"
1955           // Final must point to the terminating '>' character
1956           // XmlSpec 4.7: NotationDecl ::=  '<!NOTATION' S Name S (ExternalID |  PublicID) S? '>'
1957 TYPE
1958   TPhase = (phName, phExtId, phEnd);
1959 VAR
1960   ExternalID  : TExternalID;
1961   Phase       : TPhase;
1962   F           : PChar;
1963   NotationDef : TNotationDef;
1964   DER         : TDtdElementRec;
1965 BEGIN
1966   Final       := Start + 10;   // Character after <!NOTATION
1967   DER.Start   := Start;
1968   Phase       := phName;
1969   NotationDef := TNotationDef.Create;
1970   REPEAT
1971     IF NOT (Final^ IN CWhitespace) THEN
1972       CASE Final^ OF
1973         '>',
1974         #0   : BREAK;
1975         ELSE   CASE Phase OF
1976                  phName  : BEGIN
1977                              ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace + ['>'], F);
1978                              SetStringSF (NotationDef.Name, Final, F);
1979                              Final := F;
1980                              Phase := phExtId;
1981                            END;
1982                  phExtId : BEGIN
1983                              ExternalID := TExternalID.Create (Final);
1984                              NotationDef.Value    := ExternalID.SystemId;
1985                              NotationDef.PublicId := ExternalID.PublicId;
1986                              Final := ExternalId.Final;
1987                              ExternalId.Free;
1988                              Phase := phEnd;
1989                            END;
1990                  phEnd   : ;   // -!- There is an error in the document if this branch is called
1991                  END;
1992         END;
1993     INC (Final);
1995   Notations.Add (NotationDef);
1996   Final := StrScanE (Final, '>');
1998   DER.ElementType := deNotation;
1999   DER.NotationDef := NotationDef;
2000   DER.Final       := Final;
2001   DtdElementFound (DER);
2002 END;
2005 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.PushPE (VAR Start : PChar);
2006           (* If there is a parameter entity reference found in the data stream,
2007              the current position will be pushed to the entity stack.
2008              Start:  IN  Pointer to the '%' character starting the PE reference
2009                      OUT Pointer to first character of PE replacement text *)
2010 VAR
2011   P         : PChar;
2012   EntityDef : TEntityDef;
2013 BEGIN
2014   P := StrScan (Start, ';');
2016     EntityDef := TEntityDef (ParEntities.Node (StrSFPas (Start+1, P-1)));
2017     IF EntityDef <> NIL THEN BEGIN
2018       EntityStack.Push (P+1);
2019       Start := PChar (EntityDef.Value);
2020       END
2021     ELSE
2022       Start := P+1;
2023     END;
2024 END;
2027 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.ReplaceCharacterEntities (VAR Str : STRING);
2028           // Replaces all Character Entity References in the String
2029 VAR
2030   Start  : INTEGER;
2031   PAmp   : PChar;
2032   PSemi  : PChar;
2033   PosAmp : INTEGER;
2034   Len    : INTEGER;    // Length of Entity Reference
2035 BEGIN
2036   IF Str = '' THEN EXIT;
2037   Start := 1;
2038   REPEAT
2039     PAmp := StrPos (PChar (Str) + Start-1, '&#');
2040     IF PAmp = NIL THEN BREAK;
2041     PSemi := StrScan (PAmp+2, ';');
2042     IF PSemi = NIL THEN BREAK;
2043     PosAmp := PAmp - PChar (Str) + 1;
2044     Len    := PSemi-PAmp+1;
2045     IF CompareText (Str [PosAmp+2], 'x') = 0          // !!! Can't use "CHR" for Unicode characters > 255
2046       THEN Str [PosAmp] := CHR (StrToIntDef ('$'+Copy (Str, PosAmp+3, Len-4), 0))
2047       ELSE Str [PosAmp] := CHR (StrToIntDef (Copy (Str, PosAmp+2, Len-3), 32));
2048     Delete (Str, PosAmp+1, Len-1);
2049     Start := PosAmp + 1;
2051 END;
2054 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.ReplaceParameterEntities (VAR Str : STRING);
2055           // Recursively replaces all Parameter Entity References in the String
2056   PROCEDURE ReplaceEntities (VAR Str : STRING);
2057   VAR
2058     Start   : INTEGER;
2059     PAmp    : PChar;
2060     PSemi   : PChar;
2061     PosAmp  : INTEGER;
2062     Len     : INTEGER;
2063     Entity  : TEntityDef;
2064     Repl    : STRING;        // Replacement
2065   BEGIN
2066     IF Str = '' THEN EXIT;
2067     Start := 1;
2068     REPEAT
2069       PAmp := StrPos (PChar (Str)+Start-1, '%');
2070       IF PAmp = NIL THEN BREAK;
2071       PSemi := StrScan (PAmp+2, ';');
2072       IF PSemi = NIL THEN BREAK;
2073       PosAmp := PAmp - PChar (Str) + 1;
2074       Len    := PSemi-PAmp+1;
2075       Entity := TEntityDef (ParEntities.Node (Copy (Str, PosAmp+1, Len-2)));
2076       IF Entity <> NIL THEN BEGIN
2077         Repl := Entity.Value;
2078         ReplaceEntities (Repl);    // Recursion
2079         END
2080       ELSE
2081         Repl := Copy (Str, PosAmp, Len);
2082       Delete (Str, PosAmp, Len);
2083       Insert (Repl, Str, PosAmp);
2084       Start := PosAmp + Length (Repl);
2085     UNTIL FALSE;
2086   END;
2087 BEGIN
2088   ReplaceEntities (Str);
2089 END;
2092 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.ReplaceGeneralEntities (VAR Str : STRING);
2093           // Recursively replaces General Entity References in the String
2094   PROCEDURE ReplaceEntities (VAR Str : STRING);
2095   VAR
2096     Start          : INTEGER;
2097     PAmp           : PChar;
2098     PSemi          : PChar;
2099     PosAmp         : INTEGER;
2100     Len            : INTEGER;
2101     EntityDef      : TEntityDef;
2102     EntName        : STRING;
2103     Repl           : STRING;        // Replacement
2104     ExternalEntity : TXmlParser;
2105   BEGIN
2106     IF Str = '' THEN EXIT;
2107     Start := 1;
2108     REPEAT
2109       PAmp := StrPos (PChar (Str)+Start-1, '&');
2110       IF PAmp = NIL THEN BREAK;
2111       PSemi := StrScan (PAmp+2, ';');
2112       IF PSemi = NIL THEN BREAK;
2113       PosAmp := PAmp - PChar (Str) + 1;
2114       Len    := PSemi-PAmp+1;
2115       EntName := Copy (Str, PosAmp+1, Len-2);
2116       IF      EntName = 'lt'   THEN Repl := '<'
2117       ELSE IF EntName = 'gt'   THEN Repl := '>'
2118       ELSE IF EntName = 'amp'  THEN Repl := '&'
2119       ELSE IF EntName = 'apos' THEN Repl := ''''
2120       ELSE IF EntName = 'quot' THEN Repl := '"'
2121       ELSE BEGIN
2122         EntityDef := TEntityDef (Entities.Node (EntName));
2123         IF EntityDef <> NIL THEN BEGIN
2124           IF EntityDef.Value <> '' THEN   // Internal Entity
2125             Repl := EntityDef.Value
2126           ELSE BEGIN                      // External Entity
2127             ExternalEntity := LoadExternalEntity (EntityDef.SystemId, EntityDef.PublicId, EntityDef.NotationName);
2128             Repl := StrPas (ExternalEntity.DocBuffer);  // !!! What if it contains a Text Declaration?
2129             ExternalEntity.Free;
2130             END;
2131           ReplaceEntities (Repl);    // Recursion
2132           END
2133         ELSE
2134           Repl := Copy (Str, PosAmp, Len);
2135         END;
2136       Delete (Str, PosAmp, Len);
2137       Insert (Repl, Str, PosAmp);
2138       Start := PosAmp + Length (Repl);
2139     UNTIL FALSE;
2140   END;
2141 BEGIN
2142   ReplaceEntities (Str);
2143 END;
2146 FUNCTION  TXmlParser.LoadExternalEntity (SystemId, PublicId, Notation : STRING) : TXmlParser;
2147           // This will be called whenever there is a Parsed External Entity or
2148           // the DTD External Subset to be parsed.
2149           // It has to create a TXmlParser instance and load the desired Entity.
2150           // This instance of LoadExternalEntity assumes that "SystemId" is a valid
2151           // file name (relative to the Document source) and loads this file using
2152           // the LoadFromFile method.
2153 VAR
2154   Filename : STRING;
2155 BEGIN
2156   // --- Convert System ID to complete filename
2157   Filename := StringReplace (SystemId, '/', '\', [rfReplaceAll]);
2158   IF Copy (FSource, 1, 1) <> '<' THEN
2159     IF (Copy (Filename, 1, 2) = '\\') OR (Copy (Filename, 2, 1) = ':') THEN
2160       // Already has an absolute Path
2161     ELSE BEGIN
2162       Filename := ExtractFilePath (FSource) + Filename;
2163       END;
2165   // --- Load the File
2166   Result := TXmlParser.Create;
2167   Result.LoadFromFile (Filename);
2168 END;
2171 FUNCTION  TXmlParser.TranslateEncoding  (CONST Source : STRING) : STRING;
2172           // The member variable "CurEncoding" always holds the name of the current
2173           // encoding, e.g. 'UTF-8' or 'ISO-8859-1'.
2174           // This virtual method "TranslateEncoding" is responsible for translating
2175           // the content passed in the "Source" parameter to the Encoding which
2176           // is expected by the application.
2177           // This instance of "TranlateEncoding" assumes that the Application expects
2178           // Windows ANSI (Win1252) strings. It is able to transform UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1
2179           // encodings.
2180           // If you want your application to understand or create other encodings, you
2181           // override this function.
2182 BEGIN
2183   IF CurEncoding = 'UTF-8'
2184     THEN Result := Utf8ToAnsi (Source)
2185     ELSE Result := Source;
2186 END;
2189 PROCEDURE TXmlParser.DtdElementFound (DtdElementRec : TDtdElementRec);
2190           // This method is called for every element which is found in the DTD
2191           // declaration. The variant record TDtdElementRec is passed which
2192           // holds informations about the element.
2193           // You can override this function to handle DTD declarations.
2194           // Note that when you parse the same Document instance a second time,
2195           // the DTD will not get parsed again.
2196 BEGIN
2197 END;
2200 FUNCTION TXmlParser.GetDocBuffer: PChar;
2201          // Returns FBuffer or a pointer to a NUL char if Buffer is empty
2202 BEGIN
2203   IF FBuffer = NIL
2204     THEN Result := #0
2205     ELSE Result := FBuffer;
2206 END;
2210 ===============================================================================================
2211 TObjectList
2212 ===============================================================================================
2213 *)
2215 DESTRUCTOR TObjectList.Destroy;
2216 BEGIN
2217   Clear;
2218   SetCapacity(0);
2219   INHERITED Destroy;
2220 END;
2223 PROCEDURE TObjectList.Delete (Index : INTEGER);
2224 BEGIN
2225   IF (Index < 0) OR (Index >= Count) THEN EXIT;
2226   TObject (Items [Index]).Free;
2227   INHERITED Delete (Index);
2228 END;
2231 PROCEDURE TObjectList.Clear;
2232 BEGIN
2233   WHILE Count > 0 DO
2234     Delete (Count-1);
2235 END;
2237 (*$ENDIF *)
2239 (*
2240 ===============================================================================================
2241 TNvpNode
2242 --------
2243 Node base class for the TNvpList
2244 ===============================================================================================
2245 *)
2247 CONSTRUCTOR TNvpNode.Create (TheName, TheValue : STRING);
2248 BEGIN
2249   INHERITED Create;
2250   Name  := TheName;
2251   Value := TheValue;
2252 END;
2255 (*
2256 ===============================================================================================
2257 TNvpList
2258 --------
2259 A generic List of Name-Value Pairs, based on the TObjectList introduced in Delphi 5
2260 ===============================================================================================
2261 *)
2263 PROCEDURE TNvpList.Add (Node : TNvpNode);
2264 VAR
2265   I : INTEGER;
2266 BEGIN
2267   FOR I := Count-1 DOWNTO 0 DO
2268     IF Node.Name > TNvpNode (Items [I]).Name THEN BEGIN
2269       Insert (I+1, Node);
2270       EXIT;
2271       END;
2272   Insert (0, Node);
2273 END;
2277 FUNCTION  TNvpList.Node (Name : STRING) : TNvpNode;
2278           // Binary search for Node
2279 VAR
2280   L, H : INTEGER;    // Low, High Limit
2281   T, C : INTEGER;    // Test Index, Comparison result
2282   Last : INTEGER;    // Last Test Index
2283 BEGIN
2284   IF Count=0 THEN BEGIN
2285     Result := NIL;
2286     EXIT;
2287     END;
2289   L    := 0;
2290   H    := Count;
2291   Last := -1;
2292   REPEAT
2293     T := (L+H) DIV 2;
2294     IF T=Last THEN BREAK;
2295     Result := TNvpNode (Items [T]);
2296     C := CompareStr (Result.Name, Name);
2297     IF      C = 0 THEN EXIT
2298     ELSE IF C < 0 THEN L := T
2299     ELSE               H := T;
2300     Last := T;
2302   Result := NIL;
2303 END;
2306 FUNCTION  TNvpList.Node (Index : INTEGER) : TNvpNode;
2307 BEGIN
2308   IF (Index < 0) OR (Index >= Count)
2309     THEN Result := NIL
2310     ELSE Result := TNvpNode (Items [Index]);
2311 END;
2314 FUNCTION  TNvpList.Value (Name : STRING) : STRING;
2315 VAR
2316   Nvp : TNvpNode;
2317 BEGIN
2318   Nvp := TNvpNode (Node (Name));
2319   IF Nvp <> NIL
2320     THEN Result := Nvp.Value
2321     ELSE Result := '';
2322 END;
2325 FUNCTION  TNvpList.Value (Index : INTEGER) : STRING;
2326 BEGIN
2327   IF (Index < 0) OR (Index >= Count)
2328     THEN Result := ''
2329     ELSE Result := TNvpNode (Items [Index]).Value;
2330 END;
2333 FUNCTION  TNvpList.Name (Index : INTEGER) : STRING;
2334 BEGIN
2335   IF (Index < 0) OR (Index >= Count)
2336     THEN Result := ''
2337     ELSE Result := TNvpNode (Items [Index]).Name;
2338 END;
2341 (*
2342 ===============================================================================================
2343 TAttrList
2344 List of Attributes. The "Analyze" method extracts the Attributes from the given Buffer.
2345 Is used for extraction of Attributes in Start-Tags, Empty-Element Tags and the "pseudo"
2346 attributes in XML Prologs, Text Declarations and PIs.
2347 ===============================================================================================
2348 *)
2350 PROCEDURE TAttrList.Analyze (Start : PChar; VAR Final : PChar);
2351           // Analyze the Buffer for Attribute=Name pairs.
2352           // Terminates when there is a character which is not IN CNameStart
2353           // (e.g. '?>' or '>' or '/>')
2354 TYPE
2355   TPhase = (phName, phEq, phValue);
2356 VAR
2357   Phase : TPhase;
2358   F     : PChar;
2359   Name  : STRING;
2360   Value : STRING;
2361   Attr  : TAttr;
2362 BEGIN
2363   Clear;
2364   Phase := phName;
2365   Final := Start;
2366   REPEAT
2367     IF (Final^ = #0) OR (Final^ = '>') THEN BREAK;
2368     IF NOT (Final^ IN CWhitespace) THEN
2369       CASE Phase OF
2370         phName  : BEGIN
2371                     IF NOT (Final^ IN CNameStart) THEN EXIT;
2372                     ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace + ['=', '/'], F);
2373                     SetStringSF (Name, Final, F);
2374                     Final := F;
2375                     Phase := phEq;
2376                   END;
2377         phEq    : BEGIN
2378                     IF Final^ = '=' THEN
2379                       Phase := phValue
2380                   END;
2381         phValue : BEGIN
2382                     IF Final^ IN CQuoteChar THEN BEGIN
2383                       ExtractQuote (Final, Value, F);
2384                       Attr := TAttr.Create;
2385                       Attr.Name      := Name;
2386                       Attr.Value     := Value;
2387                       Attr.ValueType := vtNormal;
2388                       Add (Attr);
2389                       Final := F;
2390                       Phase := phName;
2391                       END;
2392                   END;
2393         END;
2394     INC (Final);
2396 END;
2399 (*
2400 ===============================================================================================
2401 TElemList
2402 List of TElemDef nodes.
2403 ===============================================================================================
2404 *)
2406 FUNCTION  TElemList.Node (Name : STRING) : TElemDef;
2407           // Binary search for the Node with the given Name
2408 VAR
2409   L, H : INTEGER;    // Low, High Limit
2410   T, C : INTEGER;    // Test Index, Comparison result
2411   Last : INTEGER;    // Last Test Index
2412 BEGIN
2413   IF Count=0 THEN BEGIN
2414     Result := NIL;
2415     EXIT;
2416     END;
2418   L    := 0;
2419   H    := Count;
2420   Last := -1;
2421   REPEAT
2422     T := (L+H) DIV 2;
2423     IF T=Last THEN BREAK;
2424     Result := TElemDef (Items [T]);
2425     C := CompareStr (Result.Name, Name);
2426     IF C = 0 THEN EXIT
2427     ELSE IF C < 0 THEN L := T
2428     ELSE               H := T;
2429     Last := T;
2431   Result := NIL;
2432 END;
2435 PROCEDURE TElemList.Add (Node : TElemDef);
2436 VAR
2437   I : INTEGER;
2438 BEGIN
2439   FOR I := Count-1 DOWNTO 0 DO
2440     IF Node.Name > TElemDef (Items [I]).Name THEN BEGIN
2441       Insert (I+1, Node);
2442       EXIT;
2443       END;
2444   Insert (0, Node);
2445 END;
2448 (*
2449 ===============================================================================================
2450 TScannerXmlParser
2451 A TXmlParser descendant for the TCustomXmlScanner component
2452 ===============================================================================================
2453 *)
2455 TYPE
2456   TScannerXmlParser = CLASS (TXmlParser)
2457                        Scanner : TCustomXmlScanner;
2458                        CONSTRUCTOR Create (TheScanner : TCustomXmlScanner);
2459                        FUNCTION  LoadExternalEntity (SystemId, PublicId,
2460                                                      Notation : STRING) : TXmlParser;  OVERRIDE;
2461                        FUNCTION  TranslateEncoding  (CONST Source : STRING) : STRING;  OVERRIDE;
2462                        PROCEDURE DtdElementFound (DtdElementRec : TDtdElementRec);     OVERRIDE;
2463                       END;
2465 CONSTRUCTOR TScannerXmlParser.Create (TheScanner : TCustomXmlScanner);
2466 BEGIN
2467   INHERITED Create;
2468   Scanner := TheScanner;
2469 END;
2472 FUNCTION  TScannerXmlParser.LoadExternalEntity (SystemId, PublicId, Notation : STRING) : TXmlParser;
2473 BEGIN
2474   IF Assigned (Scanner.FOnLoadExternal)
2475     THEN Scanner.FOnLoadExternal (Scanner, SystemId, PublicId, Notation, Result)
2476     ELSE Result :=  INHERITED LoadExternalEntity (SystemId, PublicId, Notation);
2477 END;
2480 FUNCTION  TScannerXmlParser.TranslateEncoding  (CONST Source : STRING) : STRING;
2481 BEGIN
2482   IF Assigned (Scanner.FOnTranslateEncoding)
2483     THEN Result := Scanner.FOnTranslateEncoding (Scanner, CurEncoding, Source)
2484     ELSE Result := INHERITED TranslateEncoding (Source);
2485 END;
2488 PROCEDURE TScannerXmlParser.DtdElementFound (DtdElementRec : TDtdElementRec);
2489 BEGIN
2490   WITH DtdElementRec DO
2491     CASE ElementType OF
2492       deElement  : Scanner.WhenElement  (ElemDef);
2493       deAttList  : Scanner.WhenAttList  (ElemDef);
2494       deEntity   : Scanner.WhenEntity   (EntityDef);
2495       deNotation : Scanner.WhenNotation (NotationDef);
2496       dePI       : Scanner.WhenPI       (STRING (Target), STRING (Content), AttrList);
2497       deComment  : Scanner.WhenComment  (StrSFPas (Start, Final));
2498       deError    : Scanner.WhenDtdError (Pos);
2499       END;
2500 END;
2503 (*
2504 ===============================================================================================
2505 TCustomXmlScanner
2506 ===============================================================================================
2507 *)
2509 CONSTRUCTOR TCustomXmlScanner.Create (AOwner: TComponent);
2510 BEGIN
2512   FXmlParser := TScannerXmlParser.Create (Self);
2513 END;
2516 DESTRUCTOR TCustomXmlScanner.Destroy;
2517 BEGIN
2518   FXmlParser.Free;
2520 END;
2523 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.LoadFromFile (Filename : TFilename);
2524           // Load XML Document from file
2525 BEGIN
2526   FXmlParser.LoadFromFile (Filename);
2527 END;
2530 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.LoadFromBuffer (Buffer : PChar);
2531           // Load XML Document from buffer
2532 BEGIN
2533   FXmlParser.LoadFromBuffer (Buffer);
2534 END;
2537 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.SetBuffer (Buffer : PChar);
2538           // Refer to Buffer
2539 BEGIN
2540   FXmlParser.SetBuffer (Buffer);
2541 END;
2544 FUNCTION  TCustomXmlScanner.GetFilename : TFilename;
2545 BEGIN
2546   Result := FXmlParser.Source;
2547 END;
2550 FUNCTION  TCustomXmlScanner.GetNormalize : BOOLEAN;
2551 BEGIN
2552   Result := FXmlParser.Normalize;
2553 END;
2556 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.SetNormalize (Value : BOOLEAN);
2557 BEGIN
2558   FXmlParser.Normalize := Value;
2559 END;
2562 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenXmlProlog(XmlVersion, Encoding: STRING; Standalone : BOOLEAN);
2563           // Is called when the parser has parsed the <? xml ?> declaration of the prolog
2564 BEGIN
2565   IF Assigned (FOnXmlProlog) THEN FOnXmlProlog (Self, XmlVersion, Encoding, Standalone);
2566 END;
2569 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenComment  (Comment : STRING);
2570           // Is called when the parser has parsed a <!-- comment -->
2571 BEGIN
2572   IF Assigned (FOnComment) THEN FOnComment (Self, Comment);
2573 END;
2576 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenPI (Target, Content: STRING; Attributes : TAttrList);
2577           // Is called when the parser has parsed a <?processing instruction ?>
2578 BEGIN
2579   IF Assigned (FOnPI) THEN FOnPI (Self, Target, Content, Attributes);
2580 END;
2583 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenDtdRead (RootElementName : STRING);
2584           // Is called when the parser has completely parsed the DTD
2585 BEGIN
2586   IF Assigned (FOnDtdRead) THEN FOnDtdRead (Self, RootElementName);
2587 END;
2590 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenStartTag (TagName : STRING; Attributes : TAttrList);
2591           // Is called when the parser has parsed a start tag like <p>
2592 BEGIN
2593   IF Assigned (FOnStartTag) THEN FOnStartTag (Self, TagName, Attributes);
2594 END;
2597 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenEmptyTag (TagName : STRING; Attributes : TAttrList);
2598           // Is called when the parser has parsed an Empty Element Tag like <br/>
2599 BEGIN
2600   IF Assigned (FOnEmptyTag) THEN FOnEmptyTag (Self, TagName, Attributes);
2601 END;
2604 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenEndTag (TagName : STRING);
2605           // Is called when the parser has parsed an End Tag like </p>
2606 BEGIN
2607   IF Assigned (FOnEndTag) THEN FOnEndTag (Self, TagName);
2608 END;
2611 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenContent (Content : STRING);
2612           // Is called when the parser has parsed an element's text content
2613 BEGIN
2614   IF Assigned (FOnContent) THEN FOnContent (Self, Content);
2615 END;
2618 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenCData (Content : STRING);
2619           // Is called when the parser has parsed a CDATA section
2620 BEGIN
2621   IF Assigned (FOnCData) THEN FOnCData (Self, Content);
2622 END;
2625 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenElement (ElemDef : TElemDef);
2626           // Is called when the parser has parsed an <!ELEMENT> definition
2627           // inside the DTD
2628 BEGIN
2629   IF Assigned (FOnElement) THEN FOnElement (Self, ElemDef);
2630 END;
2633 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenAttList (ElemDef : TElemDef);
2634           // Is called when the parser has parsed an <!ATTLIST> definition
2635           // inside the DTD
2636 BEGIN
2637   IF Assigned (FOnAttList) THEN FOnAttList (Self, ElemDef);
2638 END;
2641 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenEntity   (EntityDef : TEntityDef);
2642           // Is called when the parser has parsed an <!ENTITY> definition
2643           // inside the DTD
2644 BEGIN
2645   IF Assigned (FOnEntity) THEN FOnEntity (Self, EntityDef);
2646 END;
2649 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenNotation (NotationDef : TNotationDef);
2650           // Is called when the parser has parsed a <!NOTATION> definition
2651           // inside the DTD
2652 BEGIN
2653   IF Assigned (FOnNotation) THEN FOnNotation (Self, NotationDef);
2654 END;
2657 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenDtdError (ErrorPos : PChar);
2658           // Is called when the parser has found an Error in the DTD
2659 BEGIN
2660   IF Assigned (FOnDtdError) THEN FOnDtdError (Self, ErrorPos);
2661 END;
2664 PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.Execute;
2665           // Perform scanning
2666           // Scanning is done synchronously, i.e. you can expect events to be triggered
2667           // in the order of the XML data stream. Execute will finish when the whole XML
2668           // document has been scanned or when the StopParser property has been set to TRUE.
2669 BEGIN
2670   FStopParser := FALSE;
2671   FXmlParser.StartScan;
2672   WHILE FXmlParser.Scan AND (NOT FStopParser) DO
2673     CASE FXmlParser.CurPartType OF
2674       ptNone      : ;
2675       ptXmlProlog : WhenXmlProlog (FXmlParser.XmlVersion, FXmlParser.Encoding, FXmlParser.Standalone);
2676       ptComment   : WhenComment   (StrSFPas (FXmlParser.CurStart, FXmlParser.CurFinal));
2677       ptPI        : WhenPI        (FXmlParser.CurName, FXmlParser.CurContent, FXmlParser.CurAttr);
2678       ptDtdc      : WhenDtdRead   (FXmlParser.RootName);
2679       ptStartTag  : WhenStartTag  (FXmlParser.CurName, FXmlParser.CurAttr);
2680       ptEmptyTag  : WhenEmptyTag  (FXmlParser.CurName, FXmlParser.CurAttr);
2681       ptEndTag    : WhenEndTag    (FXmlParser.CurName);
2682       ptContent   : WhenContent   (FXmlParser.CurContent);
2683       ptCData     : WhenCData     (FXmlParser.CurContent);
2684       END;
2685 END;
2688 END.