1$! Name: CHECK.COM
2$! Author: Bob Wells (wells@atm.ox.ac.uk)
3$! Date: 14-Mar-00
4$! $Id: check.com,v 1.11 2001/06/02 00:35:54 moniot Rel $
5$! Purpose: To provide some checking of the VMS FTNCHEK distribution
6$!          as in the unix distribution make check.
7$!          Most of the prolems arise from the different way in which
8$!          files are named and some effort is needed to to produce output
9$!          identical to that of unix systems.
10$!          MAKEDCL2INC involves the use of AWK which is not provided in the
11$!          standard VMS distribution.  It can be obtained from the Freeware CD
12$!          or downloaded from http://www.openvms.digital.com/freeware
13$! Usage:  @CHECK
15$ Noadwrite: Subroutine ! P1= Text to be output
16$! Purpose: perform non-advancing write to screen
17$! Special case: terminates with newline if P1 = "done"
18$ If P1 .NES. "done"
19$ Then
20$   Read/Time=0/Error=Next SYS$COMMAND Line/Prompt="''P1'"
21$ Else
22$   Read/Time=0/Error=Next SYS$COMMAND Line/Prompt="''F$FAO("!AS!/","done")'"
23$ Endif
24$ Next:
25$ EndSubroutine
27$ Doedit: Subroutine ! P1=Filename P2=string P3=substitute string
28$! Purpose: replace all occurrences of a string in a file
29$ Open/Write TMP REPLACE.EDT
30$ Write TMP "substitute\" + P2 + "\" + F$Edit(P3,"LOWERCASE") + "\ 1:999999 /notype"
31$ Write TMP "ex"
32$ Close TMP
33$ Assign NLA0: SYS$OUTPUT
35$ Deassign SYS$OUTPUT
36$ Delete/Noconfirm REPLACE.EDT;
37$ EndSubroutine
39$ Doftnchek: Subroutine ! P1=FTNCHEK argument list P2=Output file
40$! Purpose: run FTNCHEK with specified arguments and redirect output to a file
41$ Open/Write TMP 'P2'
42$ Set Noon
43$ Assign/User TMP SYS$OUTPUT
44$ Assign/User TMP SYS$ERROR
45$ Ftnchek 'P1'
46$ Close TMP
47$ Set On
48$ EndSubroutine
50$ Compare: Subroutine ! P1=filename P2=Unix extension
51$! Purpose: compare two FTNCHEK output files for differences
52$ Char = F$Extract ( F$Locate(".",P1)-1, 1, P1 ) + P2
53$ Vary = "[.VARY]" + P1
54$ Okay = "[.OKAY]" + P1
55$ Call Doedit 'Vary' .;9 'Char'
56$ Differences/Ignore=(Spacing,Blank)/Output=F1.TMP 'Vary' 'Okay'
57$ Open/Read TMP F1.TMP
58$ Read TMP Line
59$ Close TMP
60$ Delete/Noconfirm F1.TMP;
61$ If Line .EQS. "Number of difference sections found: 0"
62$ Then
63$  Call Noadwrite "."
64$  Delete/Noconfirm 'Vary';*
65$ Else
66$  Write SYS$OUTPUT "====> Differences found in " + P1 + " test <===="
67$  Write SYS$OUTPUT "Master: " + F$Search(Okay)
68$  Write SYS$OUTPUT "Test:   " + F$Search(Vary)
69$  Write SYS$OUTPUT "---------------------------------------------------------"
70$  Purge 'Vary'
71$ EndIf
72$ EndSubroutine
74$ Check: Subroutine ! P1=file P2=.ext of output P3=options
75$! Purpose: run FTNCHEK with specified options and compare output with master
76$ Tmpfil  = F$Extract ( 0, F$Length(P1)-1, P1 ) + ".;9"
77$ Cffil   = P1 + "." + P2
78$ Params  = P3 + " " + Tmpfil
79$ IF F$Search ("''P1'.F") .NES. "" Then Rename 'P1'.F 'Tmpfil'
80$ Call Doftnchek "''Params'" [.VARY]'Cffil'
81$ IF F$Search (Tmpfil) .NES. "" Then Rename 'Tmpfil' 'P1'.F
82$ Call Compare 'Cffil' ".f"
83$ EndSubroutine
85$ Checklist: Subroutine ! P1=file
86$! Purpose: run FTNCHEK with list checks using the .OPT files
87$ Optfil = "''P1'.OPT"
88$ If F$Search(Optfil) .NES. ""
89$ Then
90$  Copy 'Optfil' F1.TMP
91$  Call Doedit F1.TMP "''P1'.f" " "
92$  Open/Read TMP F1.TMP
93$  Read TMP Params
94$  Close TMP
95$  Delete/Noconfirm F1.TMP;*
96$ Else
97$  Params = "-list -symt -port"
98$ Endif
99$ Call Check 'P1' FCL "''Params'"
100$ EndSubroutine
102$ CheckF90: Subroutine ! P1=file P2=.ext of output P3=options
103$! Purpose: like Check but for .F90 file extension
104$ Tmpfil  = F$Extract ( 0, F$Length(P1)-1, P1 ) + ".;9"
105$ Cffil   = P1 + "." + P2
106$ Params  = P3 + " " + Tmpfil
107$ IF F$Search ("''P1'.F90") .NES. "" Then Rename 'P1'.F90 'Tmpfil'
108$ Call Doftnchek "''Params'" [.VARY]'Cffil'
109$ IF F$Search (Tmpfil) .NES. "" Then Rename 'Tmpfil' 'P1'.F90
110$ Call Compare 'Cffil' ".f90"
111$ EndSubroutine
113$ Checkfreeform: Subroutine ! P1=file
114$! Purpose: run FTNCHEK with freeform checks using the .OPT files
115$ Optfil = "''P1'.OPT"
116$ If F$Search(Optfil) .NES. ""
117$ Then
118$  Copy 'Optfil' F1.TMP
119$  Call Doedit F1.TMP "''P1'.f90" " "
120$  Open/Read TMP F1.TMP
121$  Read TMP Params
122$  Close TMP
123$  Delete/Noconfirm F1.TMP;*
124$ Else
125$  Params = "-list -symt -port"
126$ Endif
127$ Call CheckF90 'P1' FCL "''Params'"
128$ EndSubroutine
130$ Checkexpert: Subroutine ! P1=file
131$! Purpose: run FTNCHEK with list checks using the .OPT files and -nonovice
132$! Adapted from Checklist by R. Moniot.
133$ Optfil = "''P1'.OPT"
134$ If F$Search(Optfil) .NES. ""
135$ Then
136$  Copy 'Optfil' F1.TMP
137$  Call Doedit F1.TMP "''P1'.f" " "
138$  Open/Read TMP F1.TMP
139$  Read TMP Params
140$  Close TMP
141$  Delete/Noconfirm F1.TMP;*
142$ Else
143$  Params = "-list -symt -port"
144$ Endif
145$ Params = "-nonovice " + Params
146$ Call Check 'P1' FCX "''Params'"
147$ EndSubroutine
150$ On Control_Y Then GoTo Finish
151$ On Warning Then GoTo Finish
152$ On Error Then GoTo Finish
153$ Setverify = 'F$Verify(0)'
154$ Startdir = F$Environment("DEFAULT")
155$ Comma = ","                 ! For use as a list separator
157$! Set up FTNCHEK command
158$ File = F$Search("FTNCHEK.EXE")
159$ If File .EQS. ""
160$  Then
161$   Write SYS$OUTPUT "ERROR ===> Cannot run checks: no FTNCHEK found <==="
162$   GoTo Finish
163$  Else
164$   FTNCHEK := $'File'
165$ EndIf
167$ Set Default [.TEST]
169$! Check for pre-defined logical (environment) variables
170$ Assign F1.TMP SYS$OUTPUT
171$ Show Logical
172$ Deassign SYS$OUTPUT
173$ Search/Nowarning/Output=F2.TMP F1.TMP FTNCHEK_
174$ Delete/Noconfirm F1.TMP;
175$ Open/Read TMP F2.TMP
176$ Read/End_Of_File=Empty_Logical TMP Line
177$  Close TMP
178$  Write SYS$OUTPUT "WARNING ===> Logical names are defined <===
179$  Type F2.TMP
180$  Write SYS$OUTPUT "These need to be DEASSIGNed before running CHECK"
181$  Delete/Noconfirm F2.TMP;
182$  GoTo Finish
183$ Empty_Logical:
184$ Close TMP
185$ Delete/Noconfirm F2.TMP;
187$! Check for existing default configuration files
188$ If F$Search("SYS$LOGIN:.FTNCHEKRC") .NES. ""
189$  Then
190$  Write SYS$OUTPUT "WARNING ===> SYS$LOGIN:.FTNCHEKRC exists <==="
191$  Write SYS$OUTPUT "delete or rename it before running check"
192$  GoTo Finish
193$ EndIf
194$ If F$Search("SYS$LOGIN:FTNCHEK.INI") .NES. ""
195$  Then
196$  Write SYS$OUTPUT "WARNING ===> SYS$LOGIN:FTNCHEK.INI exists <==="
197$  Write SYS$OUTPUT "delete or rename it before running check"
198$  GoTo Finish
199$ EndIf
201$! Check for [.VARY] subdirectory and create it if it does not exist
202$ If F$Search("VARY.DIR") .EQS. ""
203$  Then
204$  Write SYS$OUTPUT "NOTE: [.VARY] subdirectory does not exist: creating it now."
205$  Create/Dir [.VARY]
206$ Endif
208$ Write SYS$OUTPUT "================================================================"
209$ Write SYS$OUTPUT "There should be no file differences reported by these tests."
210$ Write SYS$OUTPUT "Output files matching master output files will be removed,"
211$ Write SYS$OUTPUT "leaving any erroneous output files in the subdirectory"
212$ Write SYS$OUTPUT "[.TEST.VARY] for manual examination.  If you built FTNCHEK with"
213$ Write SYS$OUTPUT "non-standard compilation options, there may be some differences."
214$ Write SYS$OUTPUT "================================================================"
217$ List: Call Noadwrite "checking listing output: "
223$! HELP omitted as VMS prints / instead of - switches and has different defaults
224$! INCLUDE omitted. VMS output is different for include files
225$! ALLKEYWORDS omitted. VMS output is different for include files
226$ Define FTNCHEK_F77 YES
227$ M = 0
228$ List1: File = F$Element(M,Comma,Filelist)
229$   If File .EQS. Comma Then Goto Endlist1
230$   Call Checklist 'File'
231$   M = M + 1
232$   Goto List1
233$ Endlist1: Call Noadwrite "done"
234$! Repeat for expert mode
235$ Expert: Call Noadwrite "checking expert-mode output: "
236$ M = 0
237$ Expert1: File = F$Element(M,Comma,Filelist)
238$   If File .EQS. Comma Then Goto Endexpert1
239$   Call Checkexpert 'File'
240$   M = M + 1
241$   Goto Expert1
242$ Endexpert1: Call Noadwrite "done"
243$ Deassign FTNCHEK_F77
246$ Freeform: Call Noadwrite "checking free-form output: "
247$ Filelist = "MODEL,BLOCKCHECK"
248$ Define FTNCHEK_F90 YES
249$ Define FTNCHEK_SOURCE "free"
250$ M = 0
251$ Freeform1: File = F$Element(M,Comma,Filelist)
252$   If File .EQS. Comma Then Goto Endfreeform1
253$   Call Checkfreeform 'File'
254$   M = M + 1
255$   Goto Freeform1
256$ Endfreeform1: Call Noadwrite "done"
257$ Deassign FTNCHEK_F90
258$ Deassign FTNCHEK_SOURCE
261$ Standard: Call Noadwrite "checking standard-compliance warnings: "
262$ Filelist = "IOKEYWORDS,F95DELETED"
263$ M = 0
264$ Standard1: File = F$Element(M,Comma,Filelist)
265$   If File .EQS. Comma Then Goto Endstandard1
266$   Call Check 'File' FC0 "-nof77 -nof90 -nof95"
267$   Call Check 'File' FC1 "  -f77 -nof90 -nof95"
268$   Call Check 'File' FC2 "-nof77   -f90 -nof95"
269$   Call Check 'File' FC3 "-nof77 -nof90   -f95"
270$   M = M + 1
271$   Goto Standard1
272$ Endstandard1: Call Noadwrite "done"
275$ Size: Call Noadwrite "checking size and type mismatch: "
277$ M = 0
278$ Size1: File = F$Element(M,Comma,Filelist)
279$   If File .EQS. Comma Then Goto Endsize1
280$   Call Check 'File' FC1 "-notrun -noport -nof77 -lis"
281$   Call Check 'File' FC2 "-notrun -noport   -f77"
282$   Call Check 'File' FC3 "-notrun   -port -nof77"
283$   Call Check 'File' FC4 "-notrun   -port   -f77"
284$   Call Check 'File' FC5 "  -trun -noport -nof77"
285$   Call Check 'File' FC6 "  -trun -noport   -f77"
286$   Call Check 'File' FC7 "  -trun   -port -nof77"
287$   Call Check 'File' FC8 "  -trun   -port   -f77"
288$   Call Check 'File' FCA "  -trun   -port -nof77 -word=2"
289$   Call Check 'File' FCB "  -trun   -port -nof77 -word=4"
290$   Call Check 'File' FCC "  -trun   -port -nof77 -word=8"
291$   Call Check 'File' FCD "  -trun -noport -nof77 -word=2"
292$   Call Check 'File' FCE "  -trun -noport -nof77 -word=4"
293$   Call Check 'File' FCF "  -trun -noport -nof77 -word=8"
294$   M = M + 1
295$   Goto Size1
296$ Endsize1: Call Noadwrite "done"
299$ Args: Call Noadwrite "checking -args setting: "
300$ Filelist = "01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15"
301$ M = 0
302$ Args1: File = F$Element(M,Comma,Filelist)
303$   If File .EQS. Comma Then Goto Endargs1
304$   N = 0
305$   Args2: Call Check "ARGS''File'" "FC''N'" "-args=''N'"
306$     N = N + 1
307$     If N .LT. 4 Then Goto Args2
308$   M = M + 1
309$   Goto Args1
310$ Endargs1: Call Noadwrite "done"
313$ Array: Call Noadwrite "checking -array setting: "
314$ Filelist = "ARRAYCLASH"
315$ M = 0
316$ Array1: File = F$Element(M,Comma,Filelist)
317$   If File .EQS. Comma Then Goto Endarray1
318$   N = 0
319$   Array2: Call Check 'File' "FC''N'" "-array=''N' -port"
320$     N = N + 1
321$     If N .LT. 4 Then Goto Array2
322$   M = M + 1
323$   Goto Array1
324$ Endarray1: Call Noadwrite "done"
327$ Common: Call Noadwrite "checking -common setting: "
328$ Filelist = "COMCMP,COMUSAGE"
329$ M = 0
330$ Common1: File = F$Element(M,Comma,Filelist)
331$   If File .EQS. Comma Then Goto Endcommon1
332$   N = 0
333$   Common2: Call Check 'File' "FC''N'" "-common=''N' -nof77"
334$     N = N + 1
335$     If N .LT. 4 Then Goto Common2
336$   M = M + 1
337$   Goto Common1
338$ Endcommon1: Call Noadwrite "done"
341$ Intrinsic: Call Noadwrite "checking -intrinsic setting: "
342$ Filelist = "INTRINSTEST"
343$ M = 0
344$ Intrinsic1: File = F$Element(M,Comma,Filelist)
345$   If File .EQS. Comma Then Goto Endintrinsic1
346$   Call Check 'File' FC0 "-intrinsic=none"
347$   Call Check 'File' FC1 "-intrinsic=none,extra"
348$   Call Check 'File' FC2 "-intrinsic=none,unix"
349$   Call Check 'File' FC3 "-intrinsic=none,vms"
350$   Call Check 'File' FC4 "-intrinsic=no-rand-no-arg,no-vms,unix"
351$   Call Check 'File' FC5 "-intrinsic=no-rand-one-arg,no-vms,unix"
352$   Call Check 'File' FC6 "-intrinsic=no-iargc-no-arg,no-vms,unix"
353$   Call Check 'File' FC7 "-intrinsic=no-iargc-one-arg,no-vms,unix"
354$   Call Check 'File' FC8 "-intrinsic=all"
355$   M = M + 1
356$   Goto Intrinsic1
357$ Endintrinsic1: Call Noadwrite "done"
360$ Output: Call Noadwrite "checking -output setting: "
361$ Call Check AVERAGE FC2 "-symt -list -port -out=average.out"
362$ Rename AVERAGE.OUT [.VARY]
363$ Call Compare AVERAGE.OUT ".f"
364$ Call Noadwrite "done"
367$ Usage: Call Noadwrite "checking -usage setting: "
368$ Filelist = "USAGE"
369$ M = 0
370$ Usage1: File = F$Element(M,Comma,Filelist)
371$   If File .EQS. Comma Then Goto Endusage1
372$   Call Check 'File' FC0 "-usage=none"
373$   Call Check 'File' FC1 "-usage=none,com-var-uninitialized,var-uninitialized"
374$   Call Check 'File' FC2 "-usage=none,com-block-unused,com-var-set-unused,com-var-unused,ext-unused,var-set-unused,var-unused"
375$   Call Check 'File' FC3 "-usage=all"
376$   M = M + 1
377$   Goto Usage1
378$ Endusage1: Call Noadwrite "done"
381$ Project: Call Noadwrite "checking project files: "
382$ Rename CORRECT.F CORREC.;9
383$ Call Doftnchek  "-project correc.;9" "[.VARY]CORRECT.FC1"
384$ Rename CORREC.;9 CORRECT.F
385$ Call Doedit [.VARY]CORRECT.FC1 correc.prj correct.prj
386$ Call Doftnchek "CORREC.PRJ;1" "[.VARY]CORRECT.PCL"
388$ Call Doedit [.VARY]CORRECT.PCL correc.prj;1 correct.prj
389$ Call Compare CORRECT.FC1 ".f"
390$ Call Compare CORRECT.PRJ ".f"
391$ Call Compare CORRECT.PCL ".f"
392$ Call Noadwrite "done"
395$ Rc: Call Noadwrite "checking reading rc file: "
396$ Open/Write TMP FTNCHEK.INI
397$ Write TMP "f77=all"
398$ Write TMP "symtab"
399$ Close TMP
400$ Rename DO_ENDDO.F DO_ENDD.;9
401$ Call Doftnchek "-f77=no-long-names,no-name-underscore do_endd.;9" [.VARY]RC.FCL
402$ Rename DO_ENDD.;9 DO_ENDDO.F
403$ Call Doedit [.VARY]RC.FCL .;9 o.f
404$ Call Compare RC.FCL ".f"
405$ Delete/Noconfirm FTNCHEK.INI;
406$ Call Noadwrite "done"
409$ Wildcard: Call Noadwrite "check interpreting wildcards: "
410$ Call Doftnchek  "-port=mixed* -port=help" "[.VARY]WILDCARD.FC1"
411$ Call Doedit [.VARY]WILDCARD.FC1 "/port"  "-port"
412$ Call Compare WILDCARD.FC1 ".f"
413$ Call Doftnchek  "-usage=no-*var* -usage=help" "[.VARY]WILDCARD.FC2"
414$ Call Doedit [.VARY]WILDCARD.FC2 "/usage"  "-usage"
415$ Call Compare WILDCARD.FC2 ".f"
416$ Call Doftnchek  "-usage=no-var* -usage=help" "[.VARY]WILDCARD.FC3"
417$ Call Doedit [.VARY]WILDCARD.FC3 "/usage"  "-usage"
418$ Call Compare WILDCARD.FC3 ".f"
419$ Call Doftnchek  "-f77=*array*,format* -f77=help" "[.VARY]WILDCARD.FC4"
420$ Call Doedit [.VARY]WILDCARD.FC4 "/f77"  "-f77"
421$ Call Compare WILDCARD.FC4 ".f"
422$ Call Doftnchek  "-pretty=*ugly* -pretty=help" "[.VARY]WILDCARD.FC5"
423$ Call Doedit [.VARY]WILDCARD.FC5 "/pretty"  "-pretty"
424$ Call Compare WILDCARD.FC5 ".f"
425$ Call Noadwrite "done"
428$ Makedcls: Call Noadwrite "checking -makedcls setting: "
429$ Filelist = "BUILTIN,DCLTEST,DIMS,NAMELIST,PARAMS,T208A,T208B,T208C,T208D," + -
430  "T208E,T208F,T208G,T208H,T208I,T208J,T208K,T208L,T208M,T208N,T208O,T208P," + -
431  "T208Q,T208R,T208S,T208T,T208U,T208V,T208W,T208X"
432$ M = 0
433$ Makedcls1: File = F$element(M,Comma,Filelist)
434$   If File .EQS. Comma Then Goto Endmakedcls1
435$   Tmpfil = F$Extract ( 0, F$Length(File)-1, File )
436$   Rename 'File'.F 'Tmpfil'.;9
437$   N = 0
438$   P = 1
439$   Makedcls2: Call Doftnchek "-nocheck -makedcls=''P' ''Tmpfil'.;9" NLA0:
440$     If F$Search("''Tmpfil'.DCL") .NES. ""
441$      Then
442$        Rename 'Tmpfil'.DCL [.VARY]'File'.DC'N'
443$        Open/Read TMP '[.VARY]'File'.DC'N'
444$        Read/End_Of_File=Dclsempty TMP Line
445$        Close TMP
446$        Call Compare 'File'.DC'N' ".f"
447$        Goto Makedclsnext
448$        Dclsempty:  WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Empty declarations file "+ F$Search("[.VARY]''Cffil'") + " should have been deleted"
449$     Endif
450$     Makedclsnext: P = P + P
451$     N = N + 1
452$     If N .LT. 10 Then Goto Makedcls2
453$   Rename 'Tmpfil'.;9 'File'.F
454$   M = M + 1
455$   Goto Makedcls1
456$ Endmakedcls1: Call Noadwrite "done"
459$ Vcg: Call Noadwrite "checking -vcg setting: "
460$ filelist = "COMCMP,COMUSAGE"
461$ M = 0
462$ Vcg1: File = F$Element(M,Comma,Filelist)
463$   If File .EQS. Comma Then Goto Endvcg1
464$   Tmpfil = F$Extract ( 0, F$Length(File)-1, File )
465$   Rename 'File'.f 'Tmpfil'.;9
466$   Call Doftnchek "-vcg  ''Tmpfil'.;9" NLA0:
467$   Rename 'Tmpfil'.;9 'File'.f
468$   Rename 'Tmpfil'.VCG [.VARY]'File'.VCG
469$   Call Compare 'File'.VCG ".f"
470$   M = M + 1
471$   Goto Vcg1
472$ Endvcg1: Call Noadwrite "done"
475$! Check for GAWK - needed for dcl2inc processing
476$ Dcl2inc: Filelist = "T208X"
477$ Assign F1.TMP SYS$OUTPUT
478$ Show Symbol GAWK
479$ Deassign SYS$OUTPUT
480$ Open/Read TMP F1.TMP
481$ Read TMP Line
482$ Close TMP
483$ Delete/Noconfirm F1.TMP;
484$ If Line  .NES. "%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling"
485$  Then
486$   Call Noadwrite "checking dcl2inc processing: "
487$   M = 0
488$   Dcl2inc1: File = F$Element(M,Comma,Filelist)
489$     If File .EQS. Comma Then Goto Enddcl2inc1
490$     Tmpfil = F$Extract ( 0, F$Length(File)-1, File )
491$     Rename 'File'.f 'Tmpfil'.;9
492$     Call Doftnchek "-nocheck -makedcl=1 ''Tmpfil'.;9" NLA0:
493$     Rename 'Tmpfil'.;9 'File'.f
494$     Assign/User 'File'.ERR SYS$ERROR
495$     Assign/User [.VARY]'File'.MAK SYS$OUTPUT
496$     Gawk -f [-]DCL2INC.AWK 'Tmpfil'.DCL
497$     Deassign SYS$OUTPUT
498$     Rename 'Tmpfil'.DCL [.VARY]'File'.DCL
499$     Call Compare 'File'.DCL ".f"
500$     Rename 'Tmpfil'.DCN [.VARY]'File'.DCN
501$     Call Compare 'File'.DCN ".f"
502$     Call Doedit [.VARY]'File'.MAK 'Tmpfil'. 'File'.
503$     Call Compare 'File'.MAK ".f"
504$     Rename 'File'.ERR [.VARY]
505$     Call Doedit [.VARY]'File'.ERR 'Tmpfil'. 'File'.
506$     Call Compare 'File'.ERR ".f"
507$     Dcl2inc2: File = F$Search("*.INC")
508$       If File .EQS. "" Then Goto Enddcl2inc2
509$       Cffil = F$Parse(File,,,"NAME") + ".INC"
510$       Rename 'Cffil' [.VARY]
511$       Call Compare 'Cffil' ".f"
512$       Goto Dcl2inc2
513$   Enddcl2inc2: M = M + 1
514$   Goto Dcl2inc1
515$ Enddcl2inc1: Call Noadwrite "done"
516$ Else
517$  Write SYS$OUTPUT "WARNING ===> dcl2inc processing not checked <===
518$  Write SYS$OUTPUT "Unable to locate GAWK on this system"
519$ Endif
521$ Finish:
522$ Set Default 'Startdir'
523$ If Setverify Then Set Verify
524$ EXIT