1 /*
2  fuzzylite (R), a fuzzy logic control library in C++.
3  Copyright (C) 2010-2017 FuzzyLite Limited. All rights reserved.
4  Author: Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D. <jcrada@fuzzylite.com>
6  This file is part of fuzzylite.
8  fuzzylite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9  the terms of the FuzzyLite License included with the software.
11  You should have received a copy of the FuzzyLite License along with
12  fuzzylite. If not, see <http://www.fuzzylite.com/license/>.
14  fuzzylite is a registered trademark of FuzzyLite Limited.
15  */
17 #ifndef FL_ACTIVATED_H
18 #define FL_ACTIVATED_H
20 #include "fl/term/Term.h"
22 namespace fl {
23     class TNorm;
25     /**
26       The Activated class is a special Term that contains pointers to the
27       necessary information of a term that has been activated as part of the
28       Antecedent of a Rule. The ownership of the pointers is not transferred to
29       objects of this class. The Activated class was named
30       `Thresholded` in versions 4.0 and earlier.
32       @author Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D.
33       @see OutputVariable
34       @see Term
35       @since 5.0
36      */
37     class FL_API Activated : public Term {
38     private:
39         const Term* _term;
40         scalar _degree;
41         const TNorm* _implication;
43     public:
44         explicit Activated(const Term* term = fl::null, scalar degree = 1.0,
45                 const TNorm* implication = fl::null);
46         virtual ~Activated() FL_IOVERRIDE;
47         FL_DEFAULT_COPY_AND_MOVE(Activated)
49         virtual std::string className() const FL_IOVERRIDE;
50         /**
51           Returns the parameters of the term
52           @return `"degree implication term"`
53          */
54         virtual std::string parameters() const FL_IOVERRIDE;
55         /**
56           Does nothing.
57           @param parameters are irrelevant
58          */
59         virtual void configure(const std::string& parameters) FL_IOVERRIDE;
61         virtual Complexity complexity() const FL_IOVERRIDE;
62         /**
63           Computes the implication of the activation degree and the membership
64           function value of @f$x@f$
65           @param x is a value
66           @return @f$d \otimes \mu(x)@f$, where @f$d@f$ is the activation degree
67          */
68         virtual scalar membership(scalar x) const FL_IOVERRIDE;
69         virtual std::string toString() const FL_IOVERRIDE;
71         /**
72           Sets the activated term
73           @param term is the activated term
74          */
75         virtual void setTerm(const Term* term);
76         /**
77           Gets the activated term
78           @return the activated term
79          */
80         virtual const Term* getTerm() const;
82         /**
83           Sets the activation degree of the term
84           @param degree is the activation degree of the term
85          */
86         virtual void setDegree(scalar degree);
87         /**
88           Gets the activation degree of the term
89           @return the activation degree of the term
90          */
91         virtual scalar getDegree() const;
93         /**
94           Sets the implication operator
95           @param implication is the implication operator
96          */
97         virtual void setImplication(const TNorm* implication);
98         /**
99           Gets the implication operator
100           @return the implication operator
101          */
102         virtual const TNorm* getImplication() const;
104         virtual Activated* clone() const FL_IOVERRIDE;
105     };
106 }
107 #endif /* FL_ACTIVATED_H */