2 #   include "config.h"
3 #endif
5 #include "globalp.h"
6 #include "base.h"
7 #include "ga-papi.h"
9 #   include <stdio.h>
10 #endif
11 #define DEBUG 0
13 /* WARNING: The maximum value MAX_NUM_NB_HDLS can assume is 256. If it is any larger,
14  * the 8-bit field defined in gai_hbhdl_t will exceed its upper limit of 255 in
15  * some parts of the nbutil.c code */
16 #define MAX_NUM_NB_HDLS 256
17 static int nb_max_outstanding = MAX_NUM_NB_HDLS;
19 /**
20  *                      NOTES
21  * The non-blocking GA handle indexes into a list of structs that point to a
22  * linked list of non-blocking ARMCI calls. The first link in the list is
23  * contained in the GA struct. Conversely, each link in the non-blocking list
24  * points to the GA handle that contains the head of the list. When a new GA
25  * non-blocking call is created, the code looks at the list of GA handles and
26  * tries to find one that is not currently being used. If it can't find one, it
27  * calls wait on an existing call and recycles that handle for the new call.
28  *
29  * Similarly, each GA call consists of multiple ARMCI non-blocking calls. The
30  * handles for each of these calls are assembled into a list. If no handle is
31  * available, the ARMCI_Wait function is called on a handle, freeing it for use.
32  * The handle is also removed from the linked list pointed to by the original GA
33  * struct. It is possible in this scheme that a GA struct has a linked list that
34  * contains no links. When wait of test is called in this case, the struct is
35  * marked as inactive and then returns without performing any ARMCI operations.
36  */
38 /* The structure of gai_nbhdl_t (this is our internal handle). It maps directly
39  * to a 32-bit integer*/
40 typedef struct {
41     unsigned int ihdl_index:8;
42     unsigned int ga_nbtag:24;
43 } gai_nbhdl_t;
46 /* We create an array of type struct_armci_hdl_t. This list represents the
47  * number of available ARMCI non-blocking calls that are available to create
48  * non-blocking GA calls. Each element in the armci handle linked list is of
49  * type ga_armcihdl_t.
50  * handle: int handle or gai_nbhdl_t struct that represents ARMCI handle for
51  *         non-blocking call
52  * next: pointer to next element in list
53  * previous: pointer to previous element in list
54  * ga_hdlarr_index: index that points back to ga_nbhdl_array list.
55  *                  This can be used to remove this link from GA linked list if
56  *                  this armci request must be cleared to make room for a new
57  *                  request.
58  * active: indicates that this represents an outstanding ARMCI non-blocking
59  * request
60  */
61 typedef struct struct_armcihdl_t {
62     armci_hdl_t handle;
63     struct struct_armcihdl_t *next;
64     struct struct_armcihdl_t *previous;
65     int ga_hdlarr_index;
66     int active;
67 } ga_armcihdl_t;
70 /* We create an array of type ga_nbhdl_array_t. Each of the elements in this
71  * array is the head of the armci handle linked list that is associated with
72  * each GA call.
73  * ahandle: head node in a linked list of ARMCI handles
74  * count: total number of ARMCI handles in linked list
75  * ga_nbtag: unique tag that matches tag in handle (gai_nbhdl_t)
76  * If count is 0 or ahandle is null, there are no outstanding armci calls
77  * associated with this GA handle
78  */
79 typedef struct{
80     ga_armcihdl_t *ahandle;
81     int count;
82     int ga_nbtag;
83     int active;
84 } ga_nbhdl_array_t;
86 /**
87  * Array of headers for non-blocking GA calls. The ihdl_index element of the
88  * non-blocking handle indexes into this array. The maximum number of
89  * outstanding non-blocking GA calls is nb_max_outstanding.
90  */
91 static ga_nbhdl_array_t ga_ihdl_array[MAX_NUM_NB_HDLS];
93 /**
94  * Array of armci handles. This is used to construct linked lists of ARMCI
95  * non-blocking calls. The maximum number of outstanding ARMCI non-blocking
96  * calls is nb_max_outstanding.
97  */
98 static ga_armcihdl_t armci_ihdl_array[MAX_NUM_NB_HDLS];
100 static int lastGAhandle = -1; /* last assigned ga handle */
101 static int lastARMCIhandle = -1; /* last assigned armci handle */
103 /**
104  * get a unique tag for each individual ARMCI call. These tags currently repeat
105  * after 16777216=2^24 non-blocking calls
106  */
107 static unsigned int ga_nb_tag = -1;
get_next_tag()108 unsigned int get_next_tag(){
109   ga_nb_tag++;
110   ga_nb_tag = ga_nb_tag%16777216;
111   return ga_nb_tag;
112   /* return(++ga_nb_tag); */
113 }
115 /**
116  * Initialize some data structures used in the non-blocking function calls
117  */
gai_nb_init()118 void gai_nb_init()
119 {
120   int i;
121   char *value;
122   /* This is a hideous kluge, but some users want to be able to set this
123    * externally. The fact that only integer handles are exchanged between GA and
124    * the underlying runtime make it very difficult to handle in a more elegant
125    * manner. */
126   nb_max_outstanding = MAX_NUM_NB_HDLS; /* default */
127   value = getenv("COMEX_MAX_NB_OUTSTANDING");
128   if (NULL != value) {
129     nb_max_outstanding = atoi(value);
130   }
131   if (nb_max_outstanding <1 || nb_max_outstanding > MAX_NUM_NB_HDLS) {
132     pnga_error("Illegal number of outstanding Non-block requests specified",
133         nb_max_outstanding);
134   }
135   for (i=0; i<nb_max_outstanding; i++) {
136     ga_ihdl_array[i].ahandle = NULL;
137     ga_ihdl_array[i].count = 0;
138     ga_ihdl_array[i].active = 0;
139     ga_ihdl_array[i].ga_nbtag = -1;
140     armci_ihdl_array[i].next = NULL;
141     armci_ihdl_array[i].previous = NULL;
142     armci_ihdl_array[i].active = 0;
143     ARMCI_INIT_HANDLE(&armci_ihdl_array[i].handle);
144   }
145 }
147 /**
148  * Called from ga_put/get before every call to a non-blocking armci request.
149  * Find an available armic non-blocking handle. If none is available,
150  * complete an existing outstanding armci request and return the
151  * corresponding handle.
152  */
get_armci_nbhandle(Integer * nbhandle)153 armci_hdl_t* get_armci_nbhandle(Integer *nbhandle)
154 {
155   int i, top, idx, iloc;
156   gai_nbhdl_t *inbhandle = (gai_nbhdl_t *)nbhandle;
157   int index = inbhandle->ihdl_index;
158   ga_armcihdl_t* next = ga_ihdl_array[index].ahandle;
160   lastARMCIhandle++;
161   lastARMCIhandle = lastARMCIhandle%nb_max_outstanding;
162   top = lastARMCIhandle+nb_max_outstanding;
163   /* default index if no handles are available */
164   iloc = lastARMCIhandle;
165   for (i=lastARMCIhandle; i<top; i++) {
166     idx = i%nb_max_outstanding;
167     if (armci_ihdl_array[idx].active == 0) {
168       iloc = idx;
169       break;
170     }
171   }
172   /* if selected handle represents an outstanding request, complete it */
173   if (armci_ihdl_array[iloc].active == 1) {
174     int iga_hdl = armci_ihdl_array[iloc].ga_hdlarr_index;
175     ARMCI_Wait(&armci_ihdl_array[iloc].handle);
176     /* clean up linked list that this handle used to be a link in */
177     if (armci_ihdl_array[iloc].previous != NULL) {
178       /* link is not first in linked list */
179       armci_ihdl_array[iloc].previous->next = armci_ihdl_array[iloc].next;
180       if (armci_ihdl_array[iloc].next != NULL) {
181         armci_ihdl_array[iloc].next->previous = armci_ihdl_array[iloc].previous;
182       }
183     } else {
184       /* link is first in linked list. Need to update header */
185       ga_ihdl_array[iga_hdl].ahandle = armci_ihdl_array[iloc].next;
186       if (armci_ihdl_array[iloc].next != NULL) {
187         armci_ihdl_array[iloc].next->previous = NULL;
188       }
189     }
190     ga_ihdl_array[iga_hdl].count--;
191   }
192   /* Initialize armci handle and add this operation to the linked list
193    * corresponding to nbhandle */
194   ARMCI_INIT_HANDLE(&armci_ihdl_array[iloc].handle);
195   armci_ihdl_array[iloc].active = 1;
196   armci_ihdl_array[iloc].previous = NULL;
197   if (ga_ihdl_array[index].ahandle) {
198     ga_ihdl_array[index].ahandle->previous = &armci_ihdl_array[iloc];
199   }
200   armci_ihdl_array[iloc].next = ga_ihdl_array[index].ahandle;
201   ga_ihdl_array[index].ahandle =  &armci_ihdl_array[iloc];
202   armci_ihdl_array[iloc].ga_hdlarr_index = index;
203   ga_ihdl_array[index].count++;
205   /* reset lastARMCIhandle to iloc */
206   lastARMCIhandle = iloc;
208   return &armci_ihdl_array[iloc].handle;
209 }
211 /**
212  * the wait routine which is called inside pnga_nbwait. This always returns
213  * zero. The return value is not checked in the code.
214  */
nga_wait_internal(Integer * nbhandle)215 int nga_wait_internal(Integer *nbhandle){
216   gai_nbhdl_t *inbhandle = (gai_nbhdl_t *)nbhandle;
217   int index = inbhandle->ihdl_index;
218   int retval = 0;
219   int tag = inbhandle->ga_nbtag;
220   /* check if tags match. If they don't then this request was already completed
221    * so the handle can be used for another GA non-blocking call. Just return in
222    * this case */
223   if (tag == ga_ihdl_array[index].ga_nbtag) {
224     if (ga_ihdl_array[index].active == 0) {
225       printf("p[%d] nga_wait_internal: GA NB handle inactive\n",GAme);
226     }
227     ga_armcihdl_t* next = ga_ihdl_array[index].ahandle;
228     /* Loop over linked list and complete all remaining armci non-blocking calls */
229     while(next) {
230       ga_armcihdl_t* tmp = next->next;
231       /* Complete the call */
232       ARMCI_Wait(&next->handle);
233       /* reinitialize armci_hlt_t data structure */
234       next->next = NULL;
235       next->previous = NULL;
236       next->active = 0;
237       ARMCI_INIT_HANDLE(&next->handle);
238       next = tmp;
239     }
240     ga_ihdl_array[index].ahandle = NULL;
241     ga_ihdl_array[index].count = 0;
242     ga_ihdl_array[index].active = 0;
243   }
245   return(retval);
246 }
249 /**
250  * the test routine which is called inside nga_nbtest. Return 0 if operation is
251  * completed
252  */
nga_test_internal(Integer * nbhandle)253 int nga_test_internal(Integer *nbhandle)
254 {
255   gai_nbhdl_t *inbhandle = (gai_nbhdl_t *)nbhandle;
256   int index = inbhandle->ihdl_index;
257   int retval = 0;
258   int tag = inbhandle->ga_nbtag;
260   /* check if tags match. If they don't then this request was already completed
261    * so the handle can be used for another GA non-blocking call. Just return in
262    * this case */
263   if (tag == ga_ihdl_array[index].ga_nbtag) {
264     ga_armcihdl_t* next = ga_ihdl_array[index].ahandle;
265     /* Loop over linked list and test all remaining armci non-blocking calls */
266     while(next) {
267       int ret = ARMCI_Test(&next->handle);
268       ga_armcihdl_t *tmp = next->next;
269       if (ret == 0) {
270         /* operation is completed so remove it from linked list */
271         if (next->previous != NULL) {
272           /* operation is not first element in list */
273           next->previous->next = next->next;
274           if (next->next != NULL) {
275             next->next->previous = next->previous;
276           }
277         } else {
278           /* operation is first element in list */
279           ga_ihdl_array[index].ahandle = next->next;
280           if (next->next != NULL) {
281             next->next->previous = NULL;
282           }
283         }
284         next->previous = NULL;
285         next->next = NULL;
286         next->active = 0;
287         ga_ihdl_array[index].count--;
288       }
289       next = tmp;
290     }
291     if (ga_ihdl_array[index].count == 0) {
292       ga_ihdl_array[index].ahandle = NULL;
293       ga_ihdl_array[index].active = 0;
294     }
295     if (ga_ihdl_array[index].count > 0) retval = 1;
296   }
298   return(retval);
299 }
301 /**
302  * Find a free GA non-blocking handle.
303  */
ga_init_nbhandle(Integer * nbhandle)304 void ga_init_nbhandle(Integer *nbhandle)
305 {
306   int i, top, idx, iloc;
307   gai_nbhdl_t *inbhandle = (gai_nbhdl_t *)nbhandle;
308   lastGAhandle++;
309   lastGAhandle = lastGAhandle%nb_max_outstanding;
310   top = lastGAhandle+nb_max_outstanding;
311   /* default index if no handles are available */
312   idx = lastGAhandle;
313   for (i=lastGAhandle; i<top; i++) {
314     iloc = i%nb_max_outstanding;
315     if (ga_ihdl_array[iloc].ahandle == NULL) {
316       idx = iloc;
317       break;
318     }
319   }
320   /* If no free handle is found, clear the oldest handle */
321   if (ga_ihdl_array[idx].ahandle != NULL) {
322     Integer itmp;
323     /* find value of itmp corresponding to oldest handle */
324     gai_nbhdl_t *oldhdl = (gai_nbhdl_t*)&itmp;
325     oldhdl->ihdl_index = idx;
326     oldhdl->ga_nbtag = ga_ihdl_array[idx].ga_nbtag;
327     nga_wait_internal(&itmp);
328   }
329   inbhandle->ihdl_index = idx;
330   inbhandle->ga_nbtag = get_next_tag();
331   ga_ihdl_array[idx].ahandle = NULL;
332   ga_ihdl_array[idx].count = 0;
333   ga_ihdl_array[idx].active = 1;
334   ga_ihdl_array[idx].ga_nbtag = inbhandle->ga_nbtag;
336   /* reset lastGAhandle to idx */
337   lastGAhandle = idx;
338   return;
339 }