1Feature: git town-kill: killing the current feature branch with child branches
3  As a user killing the current feature branch that has child branches
4  I want that the current branch is cleanly removed from the branch hierarchy metadata
5  So that killing branches is robust and reliable.
8  Background:
9    Given my repo has a feature branch named "feature-1"
10    And my repo has a feature branch named "feature-2" as a child of "feature-1"
11    And my repo has a feature branch named "feature-3" as a child of "feature-2"
12    And the following commits exist in my repo
13      | BRANCH    | LOCATION      | MESSAGE          |
14      | feature-1 | local, remote | feature 1 commit |
15      | feature-2 | local, remote | feature 2 commit |
16      | feature-3 | local, remote | feature 3 commit |
17    And I am on the "feature-2" branch
18    And my workspace has an uncommitted file
19    When I run "git-town kill"
22  Scenario: result
23    Then it runs the commands
24      | BRANCH    | COMMAND                          |
25      | feature-2 | git fetch --prune --tags         |
26      |           | git push origin :feature-2       |
27      |           | git add -A                       |
28      |           | git commit -m "WIP on feature-2" |
29      |           | git checkout feature-1           |
30      | feature-1 | git branch -D feature-2          |
31    And I end up on the "feature-1" branch
32    And my repo doesn't have any uncommitted files
33    And the existing branches are
34      | REPOSITORY | BRANCHES                   |
35      | local      | main, feature-1, feature-3 |
36      | remote     | main, feature-1, feature-3 |
37    And my repo now has the following commits
38      | BRANCH    | LOCATION      | MESSAGE          |
39      | feature-1 | local, remote | feature 1 commit |
40      | feature-3 | local, remote | feature 3 commit |
41    And Git Town is now aware of this branch hierarchy
42      | BRANCH    | PARENT    |
43      | feature-1 | main      |
44      | feature-3 | feature-1 |
47  Scenario: undoing the kill
48    When I run "git-town undo"
49    Then it runs the commands
50      | BRANCH    | COMMAND                                           |
51      | feature-1 | git branch feature-2 {{ sha 'WIP on feature-2' }} |
52      |           | git checkout feature-2                            |
53      | feature-2 | git reset {{ sha 'feature 2 commit' }}            |
54      |           | git push -u origin feature-2                      |
55    And I end up on the "feature-2" branch
56    And my workspace has the uncommitted file again
57    And the existing branches are
58      | REPOSITORY | BRANCHES                              |
59      | local      | main, feature-1, feature-2, feature-3 |
60      | remote     | main, feature-1, feature-2, feature-3 |
61    And my repo is left with my original commits
62    And Git Town is now aware of this branch hierarchy
63      | BRANCH    | PARENT    |
64      | feature-1 | main      |
65      | feature-2 | feature-1 |
66      | feature-3 | feature-2 |