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.gitignoreH A D03-Feb-201644 76

.pylintrcH A D03-Feb-2016224 1812

MANIFEST.inH A D03-Feb-201678 43

README.mdH A D03-Feb-20164.3 KiB5141

setup.pyH A D03-May-20221.8 KiB5230

stdeb.cfgH A D03-Feb-2016110 76


1[![Latest release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/ejwa/gitinspector.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/ejwa/gitinspector/releases/latest)
4 <img align="left" height="30px"
5      src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ejwa/gitinspector/master/gitinspector/html/gitinspector_piclet.png"/>
6      &nbsp;About Gitinspector
8<img align="right" width="30%" src="https://raw.github.com/wiki/ejwa/gitinspector/images/html_example.jpg" />
9Gitinspector is a statistical analysis tool for git repositories. The defaut analysis shows general statistics per author, which can be complemented with a timeline analysis that shows the workload and activity of each author. Under normal operation, it filters the results to only show statistics about a number of given extensions and by default only includes source files in the statistical analysis.
11This tool was originally written to help fetch repository statistics from student projects in the course Object-oriented Programming Project (TDA367/DIT211) at Chalmers University of Technology and Gothenburg University.
13Today, gitinspector is used as a grading aid by universities worldwide.
15A full [Documentation](https://github.com/ejwa/gitinspector/wiki/Documentation) of the usage and available options of gitinspector is available on the wiki. For help on the most common questions, please refer to the [FAQ](https://github.com/ejwa/gitinspector/wiki/FAQ) document.
17### Some of the features
18  * Shows cumulative work by each author in the history.
19  * Filters results by extension (default: java,c,cc,cpp,h,hh,hpp,py,glsl,rb,js,sql).
20  * Can display a statistical timeline analysis.
21  * Scans for all filetypes (by extension) found in the repository.
22  * Multi-threaded; uses multiple instances of git to speed up analysis when possible.
23  * Supports HTML, XML and plain text output (console).
24  * Can report violations of different code metrics.
26### Example outputs
27Below are some example outputs for a number of famous open source projects. All the statistics were generated using the *"-HTlrm"* flags.
29| Project name | | | | |
31| Django | [HTML](http://githubproxy.ejwa.se/wiki/ejwa/gitinspector/examples/django_output.html) | [HTML Embedded](http://githubproxy.ejwa.se/wiki/ejwa/gitinspector/examples/django_output.emb.html) | [Plain Text](http://githubproxy.ejwa.se/wiki/ejwa/gitinspector/examples/django_output.txt) | [XML](http://githubproxy.ejwa.se/wiki/ejwa/gitinspector/examples/django_output.xml) |
32| JQuery | [HTML](http://githubproxy.ejwa.se/wiki/ejwa/gitinspector/examples/jquery_output.html) | [HTML Embedded](http://githubproxy.ejwa.se/wiki/ejwa/gitinspector/examples/jquery_output.emb.html) | [Plain Text](http://githubproxy.ejwa.se/wiki/ejwa/gitinspector/examples/jquery_output.txt) | [XML](http://githubproxy.ejwa.se/wiki/ejwa/gitinspector/examples/jquery_output.xml) |
33| Pango | [HTML](http://githubproxy.ejwa.se/wiki/ejwa/gitinspector/examples/pango_output.html) | [HTML Embedded](http://githubproxy.ejwa.se/wiki/ejwa/gitinspector/examples/pango_output.emb.html) | [Plain Text](http://githubproxy.ejwa.se/wiki/ejwa/gitinspector/examples/pango_output.txt) | [XML](http://githubproxy.ejwa.se/wiki/ejwa/gitinspector/examples/pango_output.xml) |
35### The Team
36  * Adam Waldenberg, Lead maintainer and Swedish translation
37  * Agustín Cañas, Spanish translation
38  * Bill Wang, Chinese translation
39  * Christian Kastner, Debian package maintainer
40  * Jiwon Kim, Korean translation
41  * Kamila Chyla, Polish translation
42  * Luca Motta, Italian translation
43  * Philipp Nowak, German translation
44  * Sergei Lomakov, Russian translation
45  * Yannick Moy, French translation
47*We need translations for gitinspector!* If you are a gitinspector user, feel willing to help and have good language skills in any unsupported language we urge you to contact us. We also happily accept code patches. Please refer to [Contributing](https://github.com/ejwa/gitinspector/wiki/Contributing) for more information on how to contribute to the project.
49### License
50gitinspector is licensed under the *GNU GPL v3*. The gitinspector logo is partly based on the git logo; based on the work of Jason Long. The logo is licensed under the *Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License*.