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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


MAINTAINERSH A D17-Jun-201337 21

README.mdH A D17-Jun-2013392 64

docker_remote_api.rstH A D17-Jun-20133.6 KiB10171

docker_remote_api_v1.0.rstH A D17-Jun-201319.5 KiB1,016671

docker_remote_api_v1.1.rstH A D17-Jun-201319.7 KiB1,027681

docker_remote_api_v1.2.rstH A D17-Jun-201319.9 KiB1,031693

index.rstH A D17-Jun-2013294 1912

index_api.rstH A D17-Jun-201313.4 KiB554360

registry_api.rstH A D17-Jun-201314 KiB464321

registry_index_spec.rstH A D17-Jun-201322.5 KiB569386


1This directory holds the authoritative specifications of APIs defined and implemented by Docker. Currently this includes:
3* The remote API by which a docker node can be queried over HTTP
4* The registry API by which a docker node can download and upload container images for storage and sharing
5* The index search API by which a docker node can search the public index for images to download