1package command
3import (
4	"context"
5	"crypto/sha256"
6	"encoding/base64"
7	"encoding/hex"
8	"fmt"
9	"io"
10	"io/ioutil"
11	"net"
12	"net/http"
13	"net/url"
14	"os"
15	"path/filepath"
16	"runtime"
17	"sort"
18	"strconv"
19	"strings"
20	"sync"
21	"time"
23	"github.com/hashicorp/vault/helper/metricsutil"
25	metrics "github.com/armon/go-metrics"
26	"github.com/armon/go-metrics/circonus"
27	"github.com/armon/go-metrics/datadog"
28	"github.com/armon/go-metrics/prometheus"
29	"github.com/hashicorp/errwrap"
30	log "github.com/hashicorp/go-hclog"
31	multierror "github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror"
32	sockaddr "github.com/hashicorp/go-sockaddr"
33	"github.com/hashicorp/vault/audit"
34	"github.com/hashicorp/vault/command/server"
35	serverseal "github.com/hashicorp/vault/command/server/seal"
36	"github.com/hashicorp/vault/helper/builtinplugins"
37	gatedwriter "github.com/hashicorp/vault/helper/gated-writer"
38	"github.com/hashicorp/vault/helper/namespace"
39	"github.com/hashicorp/vault/helper/reload"
40	vaulthttp "github.com/hashicorp/vault/http"
41	"github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk/helper/jsonutil"
42	"github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk/helper/logging"
43	"github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk/helper/mlock"
44	"github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk/helper/parseutil"
45	"github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk/logical"
46	"github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk/physical"
47	"github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk/version"
48	"github.com/hashicorp/vault/vault"
49	vaultseal "github.com/hashicorp/vault/vault/seal"
50	shamirseal "github.com/hashicorp/vault/vault/seal/shamir"
51	"github.com/mitchellh/cli"
52	testing "github.com/mitchellh/go-testing-interface"
53	"github.com/posener/complete"
54	"google.golang.org/grpc/grpclog"
57var _ cli.Command = (*ServerCommand)(nil)
58var _ cli.CommandAutocomplete = (*ServerCommand)(nil)
60var memProfilerEnabled = false
62const storageMigrationLock = "core/migration"
64type ServerCommand struct {
65	*BaseCommand
67	AuditBackends      map[string]audit.Factory
68	CredentialBackends map[string]logical.Factory
69	LogicalBackends    map[string]logical.Factory
70	PhysicalBackends   map[string]physical.Factory
72	ShutdownCh chan struct{}
73	SighupCh   chan struct{}
74	SigUSR2Ch  chan struct{}
76	WaitGroup *sync.WaitGroup
78	logWriter io.Writer
79	logGate   *gatedwriter.Writer
80	logger    log.Logger
82	cleanupGuard sync.Once
84	reloadFuncsLock *sync.RWMutex
85	reloadFuncs     *map[string][]reload.ReloadFunc
86	startedCh       chan (struct{}) // for tests
87	reloadedCh      chan (struct{}) // for tests
89	// new stuff
90	flagConfigs          []string
91	flagLogLevel         string
92	flagLogFormat        string
93	flagDev              bool
94	flagDevRootTokenID   string
95	flagDevListenAddr    string
96	flagDevNoStoreToken  bool
97	flagDevPluginDir     string
98	flagDevPluginInit    bool
99	flagDevHA            bool
100	flagDevLatency       int
101	flagDevLatencyJitter int
102	flagDevLeasedKV      bool
103	flagDevKVV1          bool
104	flagDevSkipInit      bool
105	flagDevThreeNode     bool
106	flagDevFourCluster   bool
107	flagDevTransactional bool
108	flagDevAutoSeal      bool
109	flagTestVerifyOnly   bool
110	flagCombineLogs      bool
111	flagTestServerConfig bool
112	flagDevConsul        bool
115type ServerListener struct {
116	net.Listener
117	config             map[string]interface{}
118	maxRequestSize     int64
119	maxRequestDuration time.Duration
122func (c *ServerCommand) Synopsis() string {
123	return "Start a Vault server"
126func (c *ServerCommand) Help() string {
127	helpText := `
128Usage: vault server [options]
130  This command starts a Vault server that responds to API requests. By default,
131  Vault will start in a "sealed" state. The Vault cluster must be initialized
132  before use, usually by the "vault operator init" command. Each Vault server must
133  also be unsealed using the "vault operator unseal" command or the API before the
134  server can respond to requests.
136  Start a server with a configuration file:
138      $ vault server -config=/etc/vault/config.hcl
140  Run in "dev" mode:
142      $ vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id="root"
144  For a full list of examples, please see the documentation.
146` + c.Flags().Help()
147	return strings.TrimSpace(helpText)
150func (c *ServerCommand) Flags() *FlagSets {
151	set := c.flagSet(FlagSetHTTP)
153	f := set.NewFlagSet("Command Options")
155	f.StringSliceVar(&StringSliceVar{
156		Name:   "config",
157		Target: &c.flagConfigs,
158		Completion: complete.PredictOr(
159			complete.PredictFiles("*.hcl"),
160			complete.PredictFiles("*.json"),
161			complete.PredictDirs("*"),
162		),
163		Usage: "Path to a configuration file or directory of configuration " +
164			"files. This flag can be specified multiple times to load multiple " +
165			"configurations. If the path is a directory, all files which end in " +
166			".hcl or .json are loaded.",
167	})
169	f.StringVar(&StringVar{
170		Name:       "log-level",
171		Target:     &c.flagLogLevel,
172		Default:    notSetValue,
173		EnvVar:     "VAULT_LOG_LEVEL",
174		Completion: complete.PredictSet("trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "err"),
175		Usage: "Log verbosity level. Supported values (in order of detail) are " +
176			"\"trace\", \"debug\", \"info\", \"warn\", and \"err\".",
177	})
179	f.StringVar(&StringVar{
180		Name:    "log-format",
181		Target:  &c.flagLogFormat,
182		Default: notSetValue,
183		// EnvVar can't be just "VAULT_LOG_FORMAT", because more than one env var name is supported
184		// for backwards compatibility reasons.
185		// See github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk/helper/logging.ParseEnvLogFormat()
186		Completion: complete.PredictSet("standard", "json"),
187		Usage:      `Log format. Supported values are "standard" and "json".`,
188	})
190	f = set.NewFlagSet("Dev Options")
192	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
193		Name:   "dev",
194		Target: &c.flagDev,
195		Usage: "Enable development mode. In this mode, Vault runs in-memory and " +
196			"starts unsealed. As the name implies, do not run \"dev\" mode in " +
197			"production.",
198	})
200	f.StringVar(&StringVar{
201		Name:    "dev-root-token-id",
202		Target:  &c.flagDevRootTokenID,
203		Default: "",
205		Usage: "Initial root token. This only applies when running in \"dev\" " +
206			"mode.",
207	})
209	f.StringVar(&StringVar{
210		Name:    "dev-listen-address",
211		Target:  &c.flagDevListenAddr,
212		Default: "",
214		Usage:   "Address to bind to in \"dev\" mode.",
215	})
216	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
217		Name:    "dev-no-store-token",
218		Target:  &c.flagDevNoStoreToken,
219		Default: false,
220		Usage: "Do not persist the dev root token to the token helper " +
221			"(usually the local filesystem) for use in future requests. " +
222			"The token will only be displayed in the command output.",
223	})
225	// Internal-only flags to follow.
226	//
227	// Why hello there little source code reader! Welcome to the Vault source
228	// code. The remaining options are intentionally undocumented and come with
229	// no warranty or backwards-compatibility promise. Do not use these flags
230	// in production. Do not build automation using these flags. Unless you are
231	// developing against Vault, you should not need any of these flags.
233	f.StringVar(&StringVar{
234		Name:       "dev-plugin-dir",
235		Target:     &c.flagDevPluginDir,
236		Default:    "",
237		Completion: complete.PredictDirs("*"),
238		Hidden:     true,
239	})
241	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
242		Name:    "dev-plugin-init",
243		Target:  &c.flagDevPluginInit,
244		Default: true,
245		Hidden:  true,
246	})
248	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
249		Name:    "dev-ha",
250		Target:  &c.flagDevHA,
251		Default: false,
252		Hidden:  true,
253	})
255	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
256		Name:    "dev-transactional",
257		Target:  &c.flagDevTransactional,
258		Default: false,
259		Hidden:  true,
260	})
262	f.IntVar(&IntVar{
263		Name:   "dev-latency",
264		Target: &c.flagDevLatency,
265		Hidden: true,
266	})
268	f.IntVar(&IntVar{
269		Name:   "dev-latency-jitter",
270		Target: &c.flagDevLatencyJitter,
271		Hidden: true,
272	})
274	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
275		Name:    "dev-leased-kv",
276		Target:  &c.flagDevLeasedKV,
277		Default: false,
278		Hidden:  true,
279	})
281	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
282		Name:    "dev-kv-v1",
283		Target:  &c.flagDevKVV1,
284		Default: false,
285		Hidden:  true,
286	})
288	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
289		Name:    "dev-auto-seal",
290		Target:  &c.flagDevAutoSeal,
291		Default: false,
292		Hidden:  true,
293	})
295	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
296		Name:    "dev-skip-init",
297		Target:  &c.flagDevSkipInit,
298		Default: false,
299		Hidden:  true,
300	})
302	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
303		Name:    "dev-three-node",
304		Target:  &c.flagDevThreeNode,
305		Default: false,
306		Hidden:  true,
307	})
309	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
310		Name:    "dev-four-cluster",
311		Target:  &c.flagDevFourCluster,
312		Default: false,
313		Hidden:  true,
314	})
316	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
317		Name:    "dev-consul",
318		Target:  &c.flagDevConsul,
319		Default: false,
320		Hidden:  true,
321	})
323	// TODO: should the below flags be public?
324	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
325		Name:    "combine-logs",
326		Target:  &c.flagCombineLogs,
327		Default: false,
328		Hidden:  true,
329	})
331	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
332		Name:    "test-verify-only",
333		Target:  &c.flagTestVerifyOnly,
334		Default: false,
335		Hidden:  true,
336	})
338	f.BoolVar(&BoolVar{
339		Name:    "test-server-config",
340		Target:  &c.flagTestServerConfig,
341		Default: false,
342		Hidden:  true,
343	})
345	// End internal-only flags.
347	return set
350func (c *ServerCommand) AutocompleteArgs() complete.Predictor {
351	return complete.PredictNothing
354func (c *ServerCommand) AutocompleteFlags() complete.Flags {
355	return c.Flags().Completions()
358func (c *ServerCommand) Run(args []string) int {
359	f := c.Flags()
361	if err := f.Parse(args); err != nil {
362		c.UI.Error(err.Error())
363		return 1
364	}
366	// Automatically enable dev mode if other dev flags are provided.
367	if c.flagDevHA || c.flagDevTransactional || c.flagDevLeasedKV || c.flagDevThreeNode || c.flagDevFourCluster || c.flagDevAutoSeal || c.flagDevKVV1 {
368		c.flagDev = true
369	}
371	// Validation
372	if !c.flagDev {
373		switch {
374		case len(c.flagConfigs) == 0:
375			c.UI.Error("Must specify at least one config path using -config")
376			return 1
377		case c.flagDevRootTokenID != "":
378			c.UI.Warn(wrapAtLength(
379				"You cannot specify a custom root token ID outside of \"dev\" mode. " +
380					"Your request has been ignored."))
381			c.flagDevRootTokenID = ""
382		}
383	}
385	// Load the configuration
386	var config *server.Config
387	if c.flagDev {
388		var devStorageType string
389		switch {
390		case c.flagDevConsul:
391			devStorageType = "consul"
392		case c.flagDevHA && c.flagDevTransactional:
393			devStorageType = "inmem_transactional_ha"
394		case !c.flagDevHA && c.flagDevTransactional:
395			devStorageType = "inmem_transactional"
396		case c.flagDevHA && !c.flagDevTransactional:
397			devStorageType = "inmem_ha"
398		default:
399			devStorageType = "inmem"
400		}
401		config = server.DevConfig(devStorageType)
402		if c.flagDevListenAddr != "" {
403			config.Listeners[0].Config["address"] = c.flagDevListenAddr
404		}
405	}
406	for _, path := range c.flagConfigs {
407		current, err := server.LoadConfig(path)
408		if err != nil {
409			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error loading configuration from %s: %s", path, err))
410			return 1
411		}
413		if config == nil {
414			config = current
415		} else {
416			config = config.Merge(current)
417		}
418	}
420	// Ensure at least one config was found.
421	if config == nil {
422		c.UI.Output(wrapAtLength(
423			"No configuration files found. Please provide configurations with the " +
424				"-config flag. If you are supplying the path to a directory, please " +
425				"ensure the directory contains files with the .hcl or .json " +
426				"extension."))
427		return 1
428	}
430	// Create a logger. We wrap it in a gated writer so that it doesn't
431	// start logging too early.
432	c.logGate = &gatedwriter.Writer{Writer: os.Stderr}
433	c.logWriter = c.logGate
434	if c.flagCombineLogs {
435		c.logWriter = os.Stdout
436	}
437	var level log.Level
438	var logLevelWasNotSet bool
439	logLevelString := c.flagLogLevel
440	c.flagLogLevel = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(c.flagLogLevel))
441	switch c.flagLogLevel {
442	case notSetValue, "":
443		logLevelWasNotSet = true
444		logLevelString = "info"
445		level = log.Info
446	case "trace":
447		level = log.Trace
448	case "debug":
449		level = log.Debug
450	case "notice", "info":
451		level = log.Info
452	case "warn", "warning":
453		level = log.Warn
454	case "err", "error":
455		level = log.Error
456	default:
457		c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown log level: %s", c.flagLogLevel))
458		return 1
459	}
461	logFormat := logging.UnspecifiedFormat
462	if c.flagLogFormat != notSetValue {
463		var err error
464		logFormat, err = logging.ParseLogFormat(c.flagLogFormat)
465		if err != nil {
466			c.UI.Error(err.Error())
467			return 1
468		}
469	}
470	if logFormat == logging.UnspecifiedFormat {
471		logFormat = logging.ParseEnvLogFormat()
472	}
473	if logFormat == logging.UnspecifiedFormat {
474		var err error
475		logFormat, err = logging.ParseLogFormat(config.LogFormat)
476		if err != nil {
477			c.UI.Error(err.Error())
478			return 1
479		}
480	}
482	if c.flagDevThreeNode || c.flagDevFourCluster {
483		c.logger = log.New(&log.LoggerOptions{
484			Mutex:  &sync.Mutex{},
485			Output: c.logWriter,
486			Level:  log.Trace,
487		})
488	} else {
489		c.logger = log.New(&log.LoggerOptions{
490			Output: c.logWriter,
491			Level:  level,
492			// Note that if logFormat is either unspecified or standard, then
493			// the resulting logger's format will be standard.
494			JSONFormat: logFormat == logging.JSONFormat,
495		})
496	}
498	allLoggers := []log.Logger{c.logger}
500	// adjust log level based on config setting
501	if config.LogLevel != "" && logLevelWasNotSet {
502		configLogLevel := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(config.LogLevel))
503		logLevelString = configLogLevel
504		switch configLogLevel {
505		case "trace":
506			c.logger.SetLevel(log.Trace)
507		case "debug":
508			c.logger.SetLevel(log.Debug)
509		case "notice", "info", "":
510			c.logger.SetLevel(log.Info)
511		case "warn", "warning":
512			c.logger.SetLevel(log.Warn)
513		case "err", "error":
514			c.logger.SetLevel(log.Error)
515		default:
516			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown log level: %s", config.LogLevel))
517			return 1
518		}
519	}
521	// create GRPC logger
522	namedGRPCLogFaker := c.logger.Named("grpclogfaker")
523	allLoggers = append(allLoggers, namedGRPCLogFaker)
524	grpclog.SetLogger(&grpclogFaker{
525		logger: namedGRPCLogFaker,
526		log:    os.Getenv("VAULT_GRPC_LOGGING") != "",
527	})
529	if memProfilerEnabled {
530		c.startMemProfiler()
531	}
533	// Ensure that a backend is provided
534	if config.Storage == nil {
535		c.UI.Output("A storage backend must be specified")
536		return 1
537	}
539	if config.DefaultMaxRequestDuration != 0 {
540		vault.DefaultMaxRequestDuration = config.DefaultMaxRequestDuration
541	}
543	// If mlockall(2) isn't supported, show a warning. We disable this in dev
544	// because it is quite scary to see when first using Vault. We also disable
545	// this if the user has explicitly disabled mlock in configuration.
546	if !c.flagDev && !config.DisableMlock && !mlock.Supported() {
547		c.UI.Warn(wrapAtLength(
548			"WARNING! mlock is not supported on this system! An mlockall(2)-like " +
549				"syscall to prevent memory from being swapped to disk is not " +
550				"supported on this system. For better security, only run Vault on " +
551				"systems where this call is supported. If you are running Vault " +
552				"in a Docker container, provide the IPC_LOCK cap to the container."))
553	}
555	metricsHelper, err := c.setupTelemetry(config)
556	if err != nil {
557		c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error initializing telemetry: %s", err))
558		return 1
559	}
561	// Initialize the backend
562	factory, exists := c.PhysicalBackends[config.Storage.Type]
563	if !exists {
564		c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown storage type %s", config.Storage.Type))
565		return 1
566	}
567	if config.Storage.Type == "raft" && len(config.ClusterAddr) == 0 {
568		c.UI.Error("Cluster address must be set when using raft storage")
569		return 1
570	}
571	namedStorageLogger := c.logger.Named("storage." + config.Storage.Type)
572	allLoggers = append(allLoggers, namedStorageLogger)
573	backend, err := factory(config.Storage.Config, namedStorageLogger)
574	if err != nil {
575		c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error initializing storage of type %s: %s", config.Storage.Type, err))
576		return 1
577	}
579	// Prevent server startup if migration is active
580	if c.storageMigrationActive(backend) {
581		return 1
582	}
584	infoKeys := make([]string, 0, 10)
585	info := make(map[string]string)
586	info["log level"] = logLevelString
587	infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "log level")
589	var barrierSeal vault.Seal
590	var unwrapSeal vault.Seal
592	var sealConfigError error
593	if c.flagDevAutoSeal {
594		barrierSeal = vault.NewAutoSeal(vaultseal.NewTestSeal(nil))
595	} else {
596		// Handle the case where no seal is provided
597		switch len(config.Seals) {
598		case 0:
599			config.Seals = append(config.Seals, &server.Seal{Type: vaultseal.Shamir})
600		case 1:
601			// If there's only one seal and it's disabled assume they want to
602			// migrate to a shamir seal and simply didn't provide it
603			if config.Seals[0].Disabled {
604				config.Seals = append(config.Seals, &server.Seal{Type: vaultseal.Shamir})
605			}
606		}
607		for _, configSeal := range config.Seals {
608			sealType := vaultseal.Shamir
609			if !configSeal.Disabled && os.Getenv("VAULT_SEAL_TYPE") != "" {
610				sealType = os.Getenv("VAULT_SEAL_TYPE")
611				configSeal.Type = sealType
612			} else {
613				sealType = configSeal.Type
614			}
616			var seal vault.Seal
617			sealLogger := c.logger.Named(sealType)
618			allLoggers = append(allLoggers, sealLogger)
619			seal, sealConfigError = serverseal.ConfigureSeal(configSeal, &infoKeys, &info, sealLogger, vault.NewDefaultSeal(shamirseal.NewSeal(c.logger.Named("shamir"))))
620			if sealConfigError != nil {
621				if !errwrap.ContainsType(sealConfigError, new(logical.KeyNotFoundError)) {
622					c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf(
623						"Error parsing Seal configuration: %s", sealConfigError))
624					return 1
625				}
626			}
627			if seal == nil {
628				c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf(
629					"After configuring seal nil returned, seal type was %s", sealType))
630				return 1
631			}
633			if configSeal.Disabled {
634				unwrapSeal = seal
635			} else {
636				barrierSeal = seal
637			}
639			// Ensure that the seal finalizer is called, even if using verify-only
640			defer func() {
641				err = seal.Finalize(context.Background())
642				if err != nil {
643					c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error finalizing seals: %v", err))
644				}
645			}()
647		}
648	}
650	if barrierSeal == nil {
651		c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Could not create barrier seal! Most likely proper Seal configuration information was not set, but no error was generated."))
652		return 1
653	}
655	coreConfig := &vault.CoreConfig{
656		Physical:                  backend,
657		RedirectAddr:              config.Storage.RedirectAddr,
658		HAPhysical:                nil,
659		Seal:                      barrierSeal,
660		AuditBackends:             c.AuditBackends,
661		CredentialBackends:        c.CredentialBackends,
662		LogicalBackends:           c.LogicalBackends,
663		Logger:                    c.logger,
664		DisableCache:              config.DisableCache,
665		DisableMlock:              config.DisableMlock,
666		MaxLeaseTTL:               config.MaxLeaseTTL,
667		DefaultLeaseTTL:           config.DefaultLeaseTTL,
668		ClusterName:               config.ClusterName,
669		CacheSize:                 config.CacheSize,
670		PluginDirectory:           config.PluginDirectory,
671		EnableUI:                  config.EnableUI,
672		EnableRaw:                 config.EnableRawEndpoint,
673		DisableSealWrap:           config.DisableSealWrap,
674		DisablePerformanceStandby: config.DisablePerformanceStandby,
675		DisableIndexing:           config.DisableIndexing,
676		AllLoggers:                allLoggers,
677		BuiltinRegistry:           builtinplugins.Registry,
678		DisableKeyEncodingChecks:  config.DisablePrintableCheck,
679		MetricsHelper:             metricsHelper,
680	}
681	if c.flagDev {
682		coreConfig.DevToken = c.flagDevRootTokenID
683		if c.flagDevLeasedKV {
684			coreConfig.LogicalBackends["kv"] = vault.LeasedPassthroughBackendFactory
685		}
686		if c.flagDevPluginDir != "" {
687			coreConfig.PluginDirectory = c.flagDevPluginDir
688		}
689		if c.flagDevLatency > 0 {
690			injectLatency := time.Duration(c.flagDevLatency) * time.Millisecond
691			if _, txnOK := backend.(physical.Transactional); txnOK {
692				coreConfig.Physical = physical.NewTransactionalLatencyInjector(backend, injectLatency, c.flagDevLatencyJitter, c.logger)
693			} else {
694				coreConfig.Physical = physical.NewLatencyInjector(backend, injectLatency, c.flagDevLatencyJitter, c.logger)
695			}
696		}
697	}
699	if c.flagDevThreeNode {
700		return c.enableThreeNodeDevCluster(coreConfig, info, infoKeys, c.flagDevListenAddr, os.Getenv("VAULT_DEV_TEMP_DIR"))
701	}
703	if c.flagDevFourCluster {
704		return c.enableFourClusterDev(coreConfig, info, infoKeys, c.flagDevListenAddr, os.Getenv("VAULT_DEV_TEMP_DIR"))
705	}
707	var disableClustering bool
709	// Initialize the separate HA storage backend, if it exists
710	var ok bool
711	if config.HAStorage != nil {
712		factory, exists := c.PhysicalBackends[config.HAStorage.Type]
713		if !exists {
714			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown HA storage type %s", config.HAStorage.Type))
715			return 1
717		}
718		habackend, err := factory(config.HAStorage.Config, c.logger)
719		if err != nil {
720			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf(
721				"Error initializing HA storage of type %s: %s", config.HAStorage.Type, err))
722			return 1
724		}
726		if coreConfig.HAPhysical, ok = habackend.(physical.HABackend); !ok {
727			c.UI.Error("Specified HA storage does not support HA")
728			return 1
729		}
731		if !coreConfig.HAPhysical.HAEnabled() {
732			c.UI.Error("Specified HA storage has HA support disabled; please consult documentation")
733			return 1
734		}
736		coreConfig.RedirectAddr = config.HAStorage.RedirectAddr
737		disableClustering = config.HAStorage.DisableClustering
738		if !disableClustering {
739			coreConfig.ClusterAddr = config.HAStorage.ClusterAddr
740		}
741	} else {
742		if coreConfig.HAPhysical, ok = backend.(physical.HABackend); ok {
743			coreConfig.RedirectAddr = config.Storage.RedirectAddr
744			disableClustering = config.Storage.DisableClustering
745			if !disableClustering {
746				coreConfig.ClusterAddr = config.Storage.ClusterAddr
747			}
748		}
749	}
751	if envRA := os.Getenv("VAULT_API_ADDR"); envRA != "" {
752		coreConfig.RedirectAddr = envRA
753	} else if envRA := os.Getenv("VAULT_REDIRECT_ADDR"); envRA != "" {
754		coreConfig.RedirectAddr = envRA
755	} else if envAA := os.Getenv("VAULT_ADVERTISE_ADDR"); envAA != "" {
756		coreConfig.RedirectAddr = envAA
757	}
759	// Attempt to detect the redirect address, if possible
760	if coreConfig.RedirectAddr == "" {
761		c.logger.Warn("no `api_addr` value specified in config or in VAULT_API_ADDR; falling back to detection if possible, but this value should be manually set")
762	}
763	var detect physical.RedirectDetect
764	if coreConfig.HAPhysical != nil && coreConfig.HAPhysical.HAEnabled() {
765		detect, ok = coreConfig.HAPhysical.(physical.RedirectDetect)
766	} else {
767		detect, ok = coreConfig.Physical.(physical.RedirectDetect)
768	}
769	if ok && coreConfig.RedirectAddr == "" {
770		redirect, err := c.detectRedirect(detect, config)
771		if err != nil {
772			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error detecting api address: %s", err))
773		} else if redirect == "" {
774			c.UI.Error("Failed to detect api address")
775		} else {
776			coreConfig.RedirectAddr = redirect
777		}
778	}
779	if coreConfig.RedirectAddr == "" && c.flagDev {
780		coreConfig.RedirectAddr = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", config.Listeners[0].Config["address"])
781	}
783	// After the redirect bits are sorted out, if no cluster address was
784	// explicitly given, derive one from the redirect addr
785	if disableClustering {
786		coreConfig.ClusterAddr = ""
787	} else if envCA := os.Getenv("VAULT_CLUSTER_ADDR"); envCA != "" {
788		coreConfig.ClusterAddr = envCA
789	} else {
790		var addrToUse string
791		switch {
792		case coreConfig.ClusterAddr == "" && coreConfig.RedirectAddr != "":
793			addrToUse = coreConfig.RedirectAddr
794		case c.flagDev:
795			addrToUse = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", config.Listeners[0].Config["address"])
796		default:
798		}
799		u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(addrToUse)
800		if err != nil {
801			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf(
802				"Error parsing synthesized cluster address %s: %v", addrToUse, err))
803			return 1
804		}
805		host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(u.Host)
806		if err != nil {
807			// This sucks, as it's a const in the function but not exported in the package
808			if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "missing port in address") {
809				host = u.Host
810				port = "443"
811			} else {
812				c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing api address: %v", err))
813				return 1
814			}
815		}
816		nPort, err := strconv.Atoi(port)
817		if err != nil {
818			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf(
819				"Error parsing synthesized address; failed to convert %q to a numeric: %v", port, err))
820			return 1
821		}
822		u.Host = net.JoinHostPort(host, strconv.Itoa(nPort+1))
823		// Will always be TLS-secured
824		u.Scheme = "https"
825		coreConfig.ClusterAddr = u.String()
826	}
830	if coreConfig.RedirectAddr == coreConfig.ClusterAddr && len(coreConfig.RedirectAddr) != 0 {
831		c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf(
832			"Address %q used for both API and cluster addresses", coreConfig.RedirectAddr))
833		return 1
834	}
836	if coreConfig.ClusterAddr != "" {
837		// Force https as we'll always be TLS-secured
838		u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(coreConfig.ClusterAddr)
839		if err != nil {
840			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing cluster address %s: %v", coreConfig.ClusterAddr, err))
841			return 11
842		}
843		u.Scheme = "https"
844		coreConfig.ClusterAddr = u.String()
845	}
847	// Override the UI enabling config by the environment variable
848	if enableUI := os.Getenv("VAULT_UI"); enableUI != "" {
849		var err error
850		coreConfig.EnableUI, err = strconv.ParseBool(enableUI)
851		if err != nil {
852			c.UI.Output("Error parsing the environment variable VAULT_UI")
853			return 1
854		}
855	}
857	// Initialize the core
858	core, newCoreError := vault.NewCore(coreConfig)
859	if newCoreError != nil {
860		if vault.IsFatalError(newCoreError) {
861			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error initializing core: %s", newCoreError))
862			return 1
863		}
864	}
866	// Copy the reload funcs pointers back
867	c.reloadFuncs = coreConfig.ReloadFuncs
868	c.reloadFuncsLock = coreConfig.ReloadFuncsLock
870	// Compile server information for output later
871	info["storage"] = config.Storage.Type
872	info["mlock"] = fmt.Sprintf(
873		"supported: %v, enabled: %v",
874		mlock.Supported(), !config.DisableMlock && mlock.Supported())
875	infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "mlock", "storage")
877	if coreConfig.ClusterAddr != "" {
878		info["cluster address"] = coreConfig.ClusterAddr
879		infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "cluster address")
880	}
881	if coreConfig.RedirectAddr != "" {
882		info["api address"] = coreConfig.RedirectAddr
883		infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "api address")
884	}
886	if config.HAStorage != nil {
887		info["HA storage"] = config.HAStorage.Type
888		infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "HA storage")
889	} else {
890		// If the storage supports HA, then note it
891		if coreConfig.HAPhysical != nil {
892			if coreConfig.HAPhysical.HAEnabled() {
893				info["storage"] += " (HA available)"
894			} else {
895				info["storage"] += " (HA disabled)"
896			}
897		}
898	}
900	clusterAddrs := []*net.TCPAddr{}
902	// Initialize the listeners
903	lns := make([]ServerListener, 0, len(config.Listeners))
904	c.reloadFuncsLock.Lock()
905	for i, lnConfig := range config.Listeners {
906		ln, props, reloadFunc, err := server.NewListener(lnConfig.Type, lnConfig.Config, c.logWriter, c.UI)
907		if err != nil {
908			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error initializing listener of type %s: %s", lnConfig.Type, err))
909			return 1
910		}
912		if reloadFunc != nil {
913			relSlice := (*c.reloadFuncs)["listener|"+lnConfig.Type]
914			relSlice = append(relSlice, reloadFunc)
915			(*c.reloadFuncs)["listener|"+lnConfig.Type] = relSlice
916		}
918		if !disableClustering && lnConfig.Type == "tcp" {
919			var addrRaw interface{}
920			var addr string
921			var ok bool
922			if addrRaw, ok = lnConfig.Config["cluster_address"]; ok {
923				addr = addrRaw.(string)
924				tcpAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addr)
925				if err != nil {
926					c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error resolving cluster_address: %s", err))
927					return 1
928				}
929				clusterAddrs = append(clusterAddrs, tcpAddr)
930			} else {
931				tcpAddr, ok := ln.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
932				if !ok {
933					c.UI.Error("Failed to parse tcp listener")
934					return 1
935				}
936				clusterAddr := &net.TCPAddr{
937					IP:   tcpAddr.IP,
938					Port: tcpAddr.Port + 1,
939				}
940				clusterAddrs = append(clusterAddrs, clusterAddr)
941				addr = clusterAddr.String()
942			}
943			props["cluster address"] = addr
944		}
946		var maxRequestSize int64 = vaulthttp.DefaultMaxRequestSize
947		if valRaw, ok := lnConfig.Config["max_request_size"]; ok {
948			val, err := parseutil.ParseInt(valRaw)
949			if err != nil {
950				c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Could not parse max_request_size value %v", valRaw))
951				return 1
952			}
954			if val >= 0 {
955				maxRequestSize = val
956			}
957		}
958		props["max_request_size"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", maxRequestSize)
960		var maxRequestDuration time.Duration = vault.DefaultMaxRequestDuration
961		if valRaw, ok := lnConfig.Config["max_request_duration"]; ok {
962			val, err := parseutil.ParseDurationSecond(valRaw)
963			if err != nil {
964				c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Could not parse max_request_duration value %v", valRaw))
965				return 1
966			}
968			if val >= 0 {
969				maxRequestDuration = val
970			}
971		}
972		props["max_request_duration"] = fmt.Sprintf("%s", maxRequestDuration.String())
974		lns = append(lns, ServerListener{
975			Listener:           ln,
976			config:             lnConfig.Config,
977			maxRequestSize:     maxRequestSize,
978			maxRequestDuration: maxRequestDuration,
979		})
981		// Store the listener props for output later
982		key := fmt.Sprintf("listener %d", i+1)
983		propsList := make([]string, 0, len(props))
984		for k, v := range props {
985			propsList = append(propsList, fmt.Sprintf(
986				"%s: %q", k, v))
987		}
988		sort.Strings(propsList)
989		infoKeys = append(infoKeys, key)
990		info[key] = fmt.Sprintf(
991			"%s (%s)", lnConfig.Type, strings.Join(propsList, ", "))
993	}
994	c.reloadFuncsLock.Unlock()
995	if !disableClustering {
996		if c.logger.IsDebug() {
997			c.logger.Debug("cluster listener addresses synthesized", "cluster_addresses", clusterAddrs)
998		}
999	}
1001	// Make sure we close all listeners from this point on
1002	listenerCloseFunc := func() {
1003		for _, ln := range lns {
1004			ln.Listener.Close()
1005		}
1006	}
1008	defer c.cleanupGuard.Do(listenerCloseFunc)
1010	infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "version")
1011	verInfo := version.GetVersion()
1012	info["version"] = verInfo.FullVersionNumber(false)
1013	if verInfo.Revision != "" {
1014		info["version sha"] = strings.Trim(verInfo.Revision, "'")
1015		infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "version sha")
1016	}
1017	infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "cgo")
1018	info["cgo"] = "disabled"
1019	if version.CgoEnabled {
1020		info["cgo"] = "enabled"
1021	}
1023	// Server configuration output
1024	padding := 24
1025	sort.Strings(infoKeys)
1026	c.UI.Output("==> Vault server configuration:\n")
1027	for _, k := range infoKeys {
1028		c.UI.Output(fmt.Sprintf(
1029			"%s%s: %s",
1030			strings.Repeat(" ", padding-len(k)),
1031			strings.Title(k),
1032			info[k]))
1033	}
1034	c.UI.Output("")
1036	// Tests might not want to start a vault server and just want to verify
1037	// the configuration.
1038	if c.flagTestVerifyOnly {
1039		return 0
1040	}
1042	// This needs to happen before we first unseal, so before we trigger dev
1043	// mode if it's set
1044	core.SetClusterListenerAddrs(clusterAddrs)
1045	core.SetClusterHandler(vaulthttp.Handler(&vault.HandlerProperties{
1046		Core: core,
1047	}))
1049	// Before unsealing with stored keys, setup seal migration if needed
1050	if err := adjustCoreForSealMigration(c.logger, core, barrierSeal, unwrapSeal); err != nil {
1051		c.UI.Error(err.Error())
1052		return 1
1053	}
1055	// Attempt unsealing in a background goroutine. This is needed for when a
1056	// Vault cluster with multiple servers is configured with auto-unseal but is
1057	// uninitialized. Once one server initializes the storage backend, this
1058	// goroutine will pick up the unseal keys and unseal this instance.
1059	if !core.IsInSealMigration() {
1060		go func() {
1061			for {
1062				err := core.UnsealWithStoredKeys(context.Background())
1063				if err == nil {
1064					return
1065				}
1067				if vault.IsFatalError(err) {
1068					c.logger.Error("error unsealing core", "error", err)
1069					return
1070				} else {
1071					c.logger.Warn("failed to unseal core", "error", err)
1072				}
1074				select {
1075				case <-c.ShutdownCh:
1076					return
1077				case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
1078				}
1079			}
1080		}()
1081	}
1083	// Perform service discovery registrations and initialization of
1084	// HTTP server after the verifyOnly check.
1086	// Instantiate the wait group
1087	c.WaitGroup = &sync.WaitGroup{}
1089	// If the backend supports service discovery, run service discovery
1090	if coreConfig.HAPhysical != nil && coreConfig.HAPhysical.HAEnabled() {
1091		sd, ok := coreConfig.HAPhysical.(physical.ServiceDiscovery)
1092		if ok {
1093			activeFunc := func() bool {
1094				if isLeader, _, _, err := core.Leader(); err == nil {
1095					return isLeader
1096				}
1097				return false
1098			}
1100			if err := sd.RunServiceDiscovery(c.WaitGroup, c.ShutdownCh, coreConfig.RedirectAddr, activeFunc, core.Sealed, core.PerfStandby); err != nil {
1101				c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error initializing service discovery: %v", err))
1102				return 1
1103			}
1104		}
1105	}
1107	// If we're in Dev mode, then initialize the core
1108	if c.flagDev && !c.flagDevSkipInit {
1109		init, err := c.enableDev(core, coreConfig)
1110		if err != nil {
1111			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error initializing Dev mode: %s", err))
1112			return 1
1113		}
1115		var plugins, pluginsNotLoaded []string
1116		if c.flagDevPluginDir != "" && c.flagDevPluginInit {
1118			f, err := os.Open(c.flagDevPluginDir)
1119			if err != nil {
1120				c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error reading plugin dir: %s", err))
1121				return 1
1122			}
1124			list, err := f.Readdirnames(0)
1125			f.Close()
1126			if err != nil {
1127				c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error listing plugins: %s", err))
1128				return 1
1129			}
1131			for _, name := range list {
1132				path := filepath.Join(f.Name(), name)
1133				if err := c.addPlugin(path, init.RootToken, core); err != nil {
1134					if !errwrap.Contains(err, vault.ErrPluginBadType.Error()) {
1135						c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error enabling plugin %s: %s", name, err))
1136						return 1
1137					}
1138					pluginsNotLoaded = append(pluginsNotLoaded, name)
1139					continue
1140				}
1141				plugins = append(plugins, name)
1142			}
1144			sort.Strings(plugins)
1145		}
1147		// Print the big dev mode warning!
1148		c.UI.Warn(wrapAtLength(
1149			"WARNING! dev mode is enabled! In this mode, Vault runs entirely " +
1150				"in-memory and starts unsealed with a single unseal key. The root " +
1151				"token is already authenticated to the CLI, so you can immediately " +
1152				"begin using Vault."))
1153		c.UI.Warn("")
1154		c.UI.Warn("You may need to set the following environment variable:")
1155		c.UI.Warn("")
1157		endpointURL := "http://" + config.Listeners[0].Config["address"].(string)
1158		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
1159			c.UI.Warn("PowerShell:")
1160			c.UI.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("    $env:VAULT_ADDR=\"%s\"", endpointURL))
1161			c.UI.Warn("cmd.exe:")
1162			c.UI.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("    set VAULT_ADDR=%s", endpointURL))
1163		} else {
1164			c.UI.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("    $ export VAULT_ADDR='%s'", endpointURL))
1165		}
1167		// Unseal key is not returned if stored shares is supported
1168		if len(init.SecretShares) > 0 {
1169			c.UI.Warn("")
1170			c.UI.Warn(wrapAtLength(
1171				"The unseal key and root token are displayed below in case you want " +
1172					"to seal/unseal the Vault or re-authenticate."))
1173			c.UI.Warn("")
1174			c.UI.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Unseal Key: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(init.SecretShares[0])))
1175		}
1177		if len(init.RecoveryShares) > 0 {
1178			c.UI.Warn("")
1179			c.UI.Warn(wrapAtLength(
1180				"The recovery key and root token are displayed below in case you want " +
1181					"to seal/unseal the Vault or re-authenticate."))
1182			c.UI.Warn("")
1183			c.UI.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Recovery Key: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(init.RecoveryShares[0])))
1184		}
1186		c.UI.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Root Token: %s", init.RootToken))
1188		if len(plugins) > 0 {
1189			c.UI.Warn("")
1190			c.UI.Warn(wrapAtLength(
1191				"The following dev plugins are registered in the catalog:"))
1192			for _, p := range plugins {
1193				c.UI.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("    - %s", p))
1194			}
1195		}
1197		if len(pluginsNotLoaded) > 0 {
1198			c.UI.Warn("")
1199			c.UI.Warn(wrapAtLength(
1200				"The following dev plugins FAILED to be registered in the catalog due to unknown type:"))
1201			for _, p := range pluginsNotLoaded {
1202				c.UI.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("    - %s", p))
1203			}
1204		}
1206		c.UI.Warn("")
1207		c.UI.Warn(wrapAtLength(
1208			"Development mode should NOT be used in production installations!"))
1209		c.UI.Warn("")
1210	}
1212	// Initialize the HTTP servers
1213	for _, ln := range lns {
1214		handler := vaulthttp.Handler(&vault.HandlerProperties{
1215			Core:                  core,
1216			MaxRequestSize:        ln.maxRequestSize,
1217			MaxRequestDuration:    ln.maxRequestDuration,
1218			DisablePrintableCheck: config.DisablePrintableCheck,
1219		})
1221		// We perform validation on the config earlier, we can just cast here
1222		if _, ok := ln.config["x_forwarded_for_authorized_addrs"]; ok {
1223			hopSkips := ln.config["x_forwarded_for_hop_skips"].(int)
1224			authzdAddrs := ln.config["x_forwarded_for_authorized_addrs"].([]*sockaddr.SockAddrMarshaler)
1225			rejectNotPresent := ln.config["x_forwarded_for_reject_not_present"].(bool)
1226			rejectNonAuthz := ln.config["x_forwarded_for_reject_not_authorized"].(bool)
1227			if len(authzdAddrs) > 0 {
1228				handler = vaulthttp.WrapForwardedForHandler(handler, authzdAddrs, rejectNotPresent, rejectNonAuthz, hopSkips)
1229			}
1230		}
1232		// server defaults
1233		server := &http.Server{
1234			Handler:           handler,
1235			ReadHeaderTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
1236			ReadTimeout:       30 * time.Second,
1237			IdleTimeout:       5 * time.Minute,
1238			ErrorLog:          c.logger.StandardLogger(nil),
1239		}
1241		// override server defaults with config values for read/write/idle timeouts if configured
1242		if readHeaderTimeoutInterface, ok := ln.config["http_read_header_timeout"]; ok {
1243			readHeaderTimeout, err := parseutil.ParseDurationSecond(readHeaderTimeoutInterface)
1244			if err != nil {
1245				c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Could not parse a time value for http_read_header_timeout %v", readHeaderTimeout))
1246				return 1
1247			}
1248			server.ReadHeaderTimeout = readHeaderTimeout
1249		}
1251		if readTimeoutInterface, ok := ln.config["http_read_timeout"]; ok {
1252			readTimeout, err := parseutil.ParseDurationSecond(readTimeoutInterface)
1253			if err != nil {
1254				c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Could not parse a time value for http_read_timeout %v", readTimeout))
1255				return 1
1256			}
1257			server.ReadTimeout = readTimeout
1258		}
1260		if writeTimeoutInterface, ok := ln.config["http_write_timeout"]; ok {
1261			writeTimeout, err := parseutil.ParseDurationSecond(writeTimeoutInterface)
1262			if err != nil {
1263				c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Could not parse a time value for http_write_timeout %v", writeTimeout))
1264				return 1
1265			}
1266			server.WriteTimeout = writeTimeout
1267		}
1269		if idleTimeoutInterface, ok := ln.config["http_idle_timeout"]; ok {
1270			idleTimeout, err := parseutil.ParseDurationSecond(idleTimeoutInterface)
1271			if err != nil {
1272				c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Could not parse a time value for http_idle_timeout %v", idleTimeout))
1273				return 1
1274			}
1275			server.IdleTimeout = idleTimeout
1276		}
1278		// server config tests can exit now
1279		if c.flagTestServerConfig {
1280			continue
1281		}
1283		go server.Serve(ln.Listener)
1284	}
1286	if c.flagTestServerConfig {
1287		return 0
1288	}
1290	if sealConfigError != nil {
1291		init, err := core.Initialized(context.Background())
1292		if err != nil {
1293			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error checking if core is initialized: %v", err))
1294			return 1
1295		}
1296		if init {
1297			c.UI.Error("Vault is initialized but no Seal key could be loaded")
1298			return 1
1299		}
1300	}
1302	if newCoreError != nil {
1303		c.UI.Warn(wrapAtLength(
1304			"WARNING! A non-fatal error occurred during initialization. Please " +
1305				"check the logs for more information."))
1306		c.UI.Warn("")
1307	}
1309	// Output the header that the server has started
1310	if !c.flagCombineLogs {
1311		c.UI.Output("==> Vault server started! Log data will stream in below:\n")
1312	}
1314	// Inform any tests that the server is ready
1315	select {
1316	case c.startedCh <- struct{}{}:
1317	default:
1318	}
1320	// Release the log gate.
1321	c.logGate.Flush()
1323	// Write out the PID to the file now that server has successfully started
1324	if err := c.storePidFile(config.PidFile); err != nil {
1325		c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error storing PID: %s", err))
1326		return 1
1327	}
1329	defer func() {
1330		if err := c.removePidFile(config.PidFile); err != nil {
1331			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error deleting the PID file: %s", err))
1332		}
1333	}()
1335	// Wait for shutdown
1336	shutdownTriggered := false
1338	for !shutdownTriggered {
1339		select {
1340		case <-c.ShutdownCh:
1341			c.UI.Output("==> Vault shutdown triggered")
1343			// Stop the listeners so that we don't process further client requests.
1344			c.cleanupGuard.Do(listenerCloseFunc)
1346			// Shutdown will wait until after Vault is sealed, which means the
1347			// request forwarding listeners will also be closed (and also
1348			// waited for).
1349			if err := core.Shutdown(); err != nil {
1350				c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error with core shutdown: %s", err))
1351			}
1353			shutdownTriggered = true
1355		case <-c.SighupCh:
1356			c.UI.Output("==> Vault reload triggered")
1358			// Check for new log level
1359			var config *server.Config
1360			var level log.Level
1361			for _, path := range c.flagConfigs {
1362				current, err := server.LoadConfig(path)
1363				if err != nil {
1364					c.logger.Error("could not reload config", "path", path, "error", err)
1365					goto RUNRELOADFUNCS
1366				}
1368				if config == nil {
1369					config = current
1370				} else {
1371					config = config.Merge(current)
1372				}
1373			}
1375			// Ensure at least one config was found.
1376			if config == nil {
1377				c.logger.Error("no config found at reload time")
1379			}
1381			if config.LogLevel != "" {
1382				configLogLevel := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(config.LogLevel))
1383				switch configLogLevel {
1384				case "trace":
1385					level = log.Trace
1386				case "debug":
1387					level = log.Debug
1388				case "notice", "info", "":
1389					level = log.Info
1390				case "warn", "warning":
1391					level = log.Warn
1392				case "err", "error":
1393					level = log.Error
1394				default:
1395					c.logger.Error("unknown log level found on reload", "level", config.LogLevel)
1396					goto RUNRELOADFUNCS
1397				}
1398				core.SetLogLevel(level)
1399			}
1402			if err := c.Reload(c.reloadFuncsLock, c.reloadFuncs, c.flagConfigs); err != nil {
1403				c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error(s) were encountered during reload: %s", err))
1404			}
1406		case <-c.SigUSR2Ch:
1407			buf := make([]byte, 32*1024*1024)
1408			n := runtime.Stack(buf[:], true)
1409			c.logger.Info("goroutine trace", "stack", string(buf[:n]))
1410		}
1411	}
1413	// Wait for dependent goroutines to complete
1414	c.WaitGroup.Wait()
1415	return 0
1418func (c *ServerCommand) enableDev(core *vault.Core, coreConfig *vault.CoreConfig) (*vault.InitResult, error) {
1419	ctx := namespace.ContextWithNamespace(context.Background(), namespace.RootNamespace)
1421	var recoveryConfig *vault.SealConfig
1422	barrierConfig := &vault.SealConfig{
1423		SecretShares:    1,
1424		SecretThreshold: 1,
1425	}
1427	if core.SealAccess().RecoveryKeySupported() {
1428		recoveryConfig = &vault.SealConfig{
1429			SecretShares:    1,
1430			SecretThreshold: 1,
1431		}
1432	}
1434	if core.SealAccess().StoredKeysSupported() {
1435		barrierConfig.StoredShares = 1
1436	}
1438	// Initialize it with a basic single key
1439	init, err := core.Initialize(ctx, &vault.InitParams{
1440		BarrierConfig:  barrierConfig,
1441		RecoveryConfig: recoveryConfig,
1442	})
1443	if err != nil {
1444		return nil, err
1445	}
1447	// Handle unseal with stored keys
1448	if core.SealAccess().StoredKeysSupported() {
1449		err := core.UnsealWithStoredKeys(ctx)
1450		if err != nil {
1451			return nil, err
1452		}
1453	} else {
1454		// Copy the key so that it can be zeroed
1455		key := make([]byte, len(init.SecretShares[0]))
1456		copy(key, init.SecretShares[0])
1458		// Unseal the core
1459		unsealed, err := core.Unseal(key)
1460		if err != nil {
1461			return nil, err
1462		}
1463		if !unsealed {
1464			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unseal Vault for dev mode")
1465		}
1466	}
1468	isLeader, _, _, err := core.Leader()
1469	if err != nil && err != vault.ErrHANotEnabled {
1470		return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to check active status: {{err}}", err)
1471	}
1472	if err == nil {
1473		leaderCount := 5
1474		for !isLeader {
1475			if leaderCount == 0 {
1476				buf := make([]byte, 1<<16)
1477				runtime.Stack(buf, true)
1478				return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get active status after five seconds; call stack is\n%s\n", buf)
1479			}
1480			time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
1481			isLeader, _, _, err = core.Leader()
1482			if err != nil {
1483				return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to check active status: {{err}}", err)
1484			}
1485			leaderCount--
1486		}
1487	}
1489	// Generate a dev root token if one is provided in the flag
1490	if coreConfig.DevToken != "" {
1491		req := &logical.Request{
1492			ID:          "dev-gen-root",
1493			Operation:   logical.UpdateOperation,
1494			ClientToken: init.RootToken,
1495			Path:        "auth/token/create",
1496			Data: map[string]interface{}{
1497				"id":                coreConfig.DevToken,
1498				"policies":          []string{"root"},
1499				"no_parent":         true,
1500				"no_default_policy": true,
1501			},
1502		}
1503		resp, err := core.HandleRequest(ctx, req)
1504		if err != nil {
1505			return nil, errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("failed to create root token with ID %q: {{err}}", coreConfig.DevToken), err)
1506		}
1507		if resp == nil {
1508			return nil, fmt.Errorf("nil response when creating root token with ID %q", coreConfig.DevToken)
1509		}
1510		if resp.Auth == nil {
1511			return nil, fmt.Errorf("nil auth when creating root token with ID %q", coreConfig.DevToken)
1512		}
1514		init.RootToken = resp.Auth.ClientToken
1516		req.ID = "dev-revoke-init-root"
1517		req.Path = "auth/token/revoke-self"
1518		req.Data = nil
1519		resp, err = core.HandleRequest(ctx, req)
1520		if err != nil {
1521			return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to revoke initial root token: {{err}}", err)
1522		}
1523	}
1525	// Set the token
1526	if !c.flagDevNoStoreToken {
1527		tokenHelper, err := c.TokenHelper()
1528		if err != nil {
1529			return nil, err
1530		}
1531		if err := tokenHelper.Store(init.RootToken); err != nil {
1532			return nil, err
1533		}
1534	}
1536	kvVer := "2"
1537	if c.flagDevKVV1 || c.flagDevLeasedKV {
1538		kvVer = "1"
1539	}
1540	req := &logical.Request{
1541		Operation:   logical.UpdateOperation,
1542		ClientToken: init.RootToken,
1543		Path:        "sys/mounts/secret",
1544		Data: map[string]interface{}{
1545			"type":        "kv",
1546			"path":        "secret/",
1547			"description": "key/value secret storage",
1548			"options": map[string]string{
1549				"version": kvVer,
1550			},
1551		},
1552	}
1553	resp, err := core.HandleRequest(ctx, req)
1554	if err != nil {
1555		return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("error creating default K/V store: {{err}}", err)
1556	}
1557	if resp.IsError() {
1558		return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to create default K/V store: {{err}}", resp.Error())
1559	}
1561	return init, nil
1564func (c *ServerCommand) enableThreeNodeDevCluster(base *vault.CoreConfig, info map[string]string, infoKeys []string, devListenAddress, tempDir string) int {
1565	testCluster := vault.NewTestCluster(&testing.RuntimeT{}, base, &vault.TestClusterOptions{
1566		HandlerFunc:       vaulthttp.Handler,
1567		BaseListenAddress: c.flagDevListenAddr,
1568		Logger:            c.logger,
1569		TempDir:           tempDir,
1570	})
1571	defer c.cleanupGuard.Do(testCluster.Cleanup)
1573	info["cluster parameters path"] = testCluster.TempDir
1574	infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "cluster parameters path")
1576	for i, core := range testCluster.Cores {
1577		info[fmt.Sprintf("node %d api address", i)] = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", core.Listeners[0].Address.String())
1578		infoKeys = append(infoKeys, fmt.Sprintf("node %d api address", i))
1579	}
1581	infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "version")
1582	verInfo := version.GetVersion()
1583	info["version"] = verInfo.FullVersionNumber(false)
1584	if verInfo.Revision != "" {
1585		info["version sha"] = strings.Trim(verInfo.Revision, "'")
1586		infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "version sha")
1587	}
1588	infoKeys = append(infoKeys, "cgo")
1589	info["cgo"] = "disabled"
1590	if version.CgoEnabled {
1591		info["cgo"] = "enabled"
1592	}
1594	// Server configuration output
1595	padding := 24
1596	sort.Strings(infoKeys)
1597	c.UI.Output("==> Vault server configuration:\n")
1598	for _, k := range infoKeys {
1599		c.UI.Output(fmt.Sprintf(
1600			"%s%s: %s",
1601			strings.Repeat(" ", padding-len(k)),
1602			strings.Title(k),
1603			info[k]))
1604	}
1605	c.UI.Output("")
1607	for _, core := range testCluster.Cores {
1608		core.Server.Handler = vaulthttp.Handler(&vault.HandlerProperties{
1609			Core: core.Core,
1610		})
1611		core.SetClusterHandler(core.Server.Handler)
1612	}
1614	testCluster.Start()
1616	ctx := namespace.ContextWithNamespace(context.Background(), namespace.RootNamespace)
1618	if base.DevToken != "" {
1619		req := &logical.Request{
1620			ID:          "dev-gen-root",
1621			Operation:   logical.UpdateOperation,
1622			ClientToken: testCluster.RootToken,
1623			Path:        "auth/token/create",
1624			Data: map[string]interface{}{
1625				"id":                base.DevToken,
1626				"policies":          []string{"root"},
1627				"no_parent":         true,
1628				"no_default_policy": true,
1629			},
1630		}
1631		resp, err := testCluster.Cores[0].HandleRequest(ctx, req)
1632		if err != nil {
1633			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to create root token with ID %s: %s", base.DevToken, err))
1634			return 1
1635		}
1636		if resp == nil {
1637			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("nil response when creating root token with ID %s", base.DevToken))
1638			return 1
1639		}
1640		if resp.Auth == nil {
1641			c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("nil auth when creating root token with ID %s", base.DevToken))
1642			return 1
1643		}
1645		testCluster.RootToken = resp.Auth.ClientToken
1647		req.ID = "dev-revoke-init-root"
1648		req.Path = "auth/token/revoke-self"
1649		req.Data = nil
1650		resp, err = testCluster.Cores[0].HandleRequest(ctx, req)
1651		if err != nil {
1652			c.UI.Output(fmt.Sprintf("failed to revoke initial root token: %s", err))
1653			return 1
1654		}
1655	}
1657	// Set the token
1658	tokenHelper, err := c.TokenHelper()
1659	if err != nil {
1660		c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting token helper: %s", err))
1661		return 1
1662	}
1663	if err := tokenHelper.Store(testCluster.RootToken); err != nil {
1664		c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error storing in token helper: %s", err))
1665		return 1
1666	}
1668	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(testCluster.TempDir, "root_token"), []byte(testCluster.RootToken), 0755); err != nil {
1669		c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error writing token to tempfile: %s", err))
1670		return 1
1671	}
1673	c.UI.Output(fmt.Sprintf(
1674		"==> Three node dev mode is enabled\n\n" +
1675			"The unseal key and root token are reproduced below in case you\n" +
1676			"want to seal/unseal the Vault or play with authentication.\n",
1677	))
1679	for i, key := range testCluster.BarrierKeys {
1680		c.UI.Output(fmt.Sprintf(
1681			"Unseal Key %d: %s",
1682			i+1, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(key),
1683		))
1684	}
1686	c.UI.Output(fmt.Sprintf(
1687		"\nRoot Token: %s\n", testCluster.RootToken,
1688	))
1690	c.UI.Output(fmt.Sprintf(
1691		"\nUseful env vars:\n"+
1692			"VAULT_TOKEN=%s\n"+
1693			"VAULT_ADDR=%s\n"+
1694			"VAULT_CACERT=%s/ca_cert.pem\n",
1695		testCluster.RootToken,
1696		testCluster.Cores[0].Client.Address(),
1697		testCluster.TempDir,
1698	))
1700	// Output the header that the server has started
1701	c.UI.Output("==> Vault server started! Log data will stream in below:\n")
1703	// Inform any tests that the server is ready
1704	select {
1705	case c.startedCh <- struct{}{}:
1706	default:
1707	}
1709	// Release the log gate.
1710	c.logGate.Flush()
1712	// Wait for shutdown
1713	shutdownTriggered := false
1715	for !shutdownTriggered {
1716		select {
1717		case <-c.ShutdownCh:
1718			c.UI.Output("==> Vault shutdown triggered")
1720			// Stop the listeners so that we don't process further client requests.
1721			c.cleanupGuard.Do(testCluster.Cleanup)
1723			// Shutdown will wait until after Vault is sealed, which means the
1724			// request forwarding listeners will also be closed (and also
1725			// waited for).
1726			for _, core := range testCluster.Cores {
1727				if err := core.Shutdown(); err != nil {
1728					c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error with core shutdown: %s", err))
1729				}
1730			}
1732			shutdownTriggered = true
1734		case <-c.SighupCh:
1735			c.UI.Output("==> Vault reload triggered")
1736			for _, core := range testCluster.Cores {
1737				if err := c.Reload(core.ReloadFuncsLock, core.ReloadFuncs, nil); err != nil {
1738					c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error(s) were encountered during reload: %s", err))
1739				}
1740			}
1741		}
1742	}
1744	return 0
1747// addPlugin adds any plugins to the catalog
1748func (c *ServerCommand) addPlugin(path, token string, core *vault.Core) error {
1749	// Get the sha256 of the file at the given path.
1750	pluginSum := func(p string) (string, error) {
1751		hasher := sha256.New()
1752		f, err := os.Open(p)
1753		if err != nil {
1754			return "", err
1755		}
1756		defer f.Close()
1757		if _, err := io.Copy(hasher, f); err != nil {
1758			return "", err
1759		}
1760		return hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil)), nil
1761	}
1763	// Mount any test plugins. We do this explicitly before we inform tests of
1764	// a completely booted server intentionally.
1765	sha256sum, err := pluginSum(path)
1766	if err != nil {
1767		return err
1768	}
1770	// Default the name to the basename of the binary
1771	name := filepath.Base(path)
1773	// File a request against core to enable the plugin
1774	req := &logical.Request{
1775		Operation:   logical.UpdateOperation,
1776		ClientToken: token,
1777		Path:        fmt.Sprintf("sys/plugins/catalog/%s", name),
1778		Data: map[string]interface{}{
1779			"sha256":  sha256sum,
1780			"command": name,
1781		},
1782	}
1783	ctx := namespace.ContextWithNamespace(context.Background(), namespace.RootNamespace)
1784	if _, err := core.HandleRequest(ctx, req); err != nil {
1785		return err
1786	}
1788	return nil
1791// detectRedirect is used to attempt redirect address detection
1792func (c *ServerCommand) detectRedirect(detect physical.RedirectDetect,
1793	config *server.Config) (string, error) {
1794	// Get the hostname
1795	host, err := detect.DetectHostAddr()
1796	if err != nil {
1797		return "", err
1798	}
1800	// set [] for ipv6 addresses
1801	if strings.Contains(host, ":") && !strings.Contains(host, "]") {
1802		host = "[" + host + "]"
1803	}
1805	// Default the port and scheme
1806	scheme := "https"
1807	port := 8200
1809	// Attempt to detect overrides
1810	for _, list := range config.Listeners {
1811		// Only attempt TCP
1812		if list.Type != "tcp" {
1813			continue
1814		}
1816		// Check if TLS is disabled
1817		if val, ok := list.Config["tls_disable"]; ok {
1818			disable, err := parseutil.ParseBool(val)
1819			if err != nil {
1820				return "", errwrap.Wrapf("tls_disable: {{err}}", err)
1821			}
1823			if disable {
1824				scheme = "http"
1825			}
1826		}
1828		// Check for address override
1829		var addr string
1830		addrRaw, ok := list.Config["address"]
1831		if !ok {
1832			addr = ""
1833		} else {
1834			addr = addrRaw.(string)
1835		}
1837		// Check for localhost
1838		hostStr, portStr, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
1839		if err != nil {
1840			continue
1841		}
1842		if hostStr == "" {
1843			host = hostStr
1844		}
1846		// Check for custom port
1847		listPort, err := strconv.Atoi(portStr)
1848		if err != nil {
1849			continue
1850		}
1851		port = listPort
1852	}
1854	// Build a URL
1855	url := &url.URL{
1856		Scheme: scheme,
1857		Host:   fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port),
1858	}
1860	// Return the URL string
1861	return url.String(), nil
1864// setupTelemetry is used to setup the telemetry sub-systems and returns the in-memory sink to be used in http configuration
1865func (c *ServerCommand) setupTelemetry(config *server.Config) (*metricsutil.MetricsHelper, error) {
1866	/* Setup telemetry
1867	Aggregate on 10 second intervals for 1 minute. Expose the
1868	metrics over stderr when there is a SIGUSR1 received.
1869	*/
1870	inm := metrics.NewInmemSink(10*time.Second, time.Minute)
1871	metrics.DefaultInmemSignal(inm)
1873	var telConfig *server.Telemetry
1874	if config.Telemetry != nil {
1875		telConfig = config.Telemetry
1876	} else {
1877		telConfig = &server.Telemetry{}
1878	}
1880	metricsConf := metrics.DefaultConfig("vault")
1881	metricsConf.EnableHostname = !telConfig.DisableHostname
1883	// Configure the statsite sink
1884	var fanout metrics.FanoutSink
1885	var prometheusEnabled bool
1887	// Configure the Prometheus sink
1888	if telConfig.PrometheusRetentionTime != 0 {
1889		prometheusEnabled = true
1890		prometheusOpts := prometheus.PrometheusOpts{
1891			Expiration: telConfig.PrometheusRetentionTime,
1892		}
1894		sink, err := prometheus.NewPrometheusSinkFrom(prometheusOpts)
1895		if err != nil {
1896			return nil, err
1897		}
1898		fanout = append(fanout, sink)
1899	}
1901	metricHelper := metricsutil.NewMetricsHelper(inm, prometheusEnabled)
1903	if telConfig.StatsiteAddr != "" {
1904		sink, err := metrics.NewStatsiteSink(telConfig.StatsiteAddr)
1905		if err != nil {
1906			return nil, err
1907		}
1908		fanout = append(fanout, sink)
1909	}
1911	// Configure the statsd sink
1912	if telConfig.StatsdAddr != "" {
1913		sink, err := metrics.NewStatsdSink(telConfig.StatsdAddr)
1914		if err != nil {
1915			return nil, err
1916		}
1917		fanout = append(fanout, sink)
1918	}
1920	// Configure the Circonus sink
1921	if telConfig.CirconusAPIToken != "" || telConfig.CirconusCheckSubmissionURL != "" {
1922		cfg := &circonus.Config{}
1923		cfg.Interval = telConfig.CirconusSubmissionInterval
1924		cfg.CheckManager.API.TokenKey = telConfig.CirconusAPIToken
1925		cfg.CheckManager.API.TokenApp = telConfig.CirconusAPIApp
1926		cfg.CheckManager.API.URL = telConfig.CirconusAPIURL
1927		cfg.CheckManager.Check.SubmissionURL = telConfig.CirconusCheckSubmissionURL
1928		cfg.CheckManager.Check.ID = telConfig.CirconusCheckID
1929		cfg.CheckManager.Check.ForceMetricActivation = telConfig.CirconusCheckForceMetricActivation
1930		cfg.CheckManager.Check.InstanceID = telConfig.CirconusCheckInstanceID
1931		cfg.CheckManager.Check.SearchTag = telConfig.CirconusCheckSearchTag
1932		cfg.CheckManager.Check.DisplayName = telConfig.CirconusCheckDisplayName
1933		cfg.CheckManager.Check.Tags = telConfig.CirconusCheckTags
1934		cfg.CheckManager.Broker.ID = telConfig.CirconusBrokerID
1935		cfg.CheckManager.Broker.SelectTag = telConfig.CirconusBrokerSelectTag
1937		if cfg.CheckManager.API.TokenApp == "" {
1938			cfg.CheckManager.API.TokenApp = "vault"
1939		}
1941		if cfg.CheckManager.Check.DisplayName == "" {
1942			cfg.CheckManager.Check.DisplayName = "Vault"
1943		}
1945		if cfg.CheckManager.Check.SearchTag == "" {
1946			cfg.CheckManager.Check.SearchTag = "service:vault"
1947		}
1949		sink, err := circonus.NewCirconusSink(cfg)
1950		if err != nil {
1951			return nil, err
1952		}
1953		sink.Start()
1954		fanout = append(fanout, sink)
1955	}
1957	if telConfig.DogStatsDAddr != "" {
1958		var tags []string
1960		if telConfig.DogStatsDTags != nil {
1961			tags = telConfig.DogStatsDTags
1962		}
1964		sink, err := datadog.NewDogStatsdSink(telConfig.DogStatsDAddr, metricsConf.HostName)
1965		if err != nil {
1966			return nil, errwrap.Wrapf("failed to start DogStatsD sink: {{err}}", err)
1967		}
1968		sink.SetTags(tags)
1969		fanout = append(fanout, sink)
1970	}
1972	// Initialize the global sink
1973	if len(fanout) > 1 {
1974		// Hostname enabled will create poor quality metrics name for prometheus
1975		if !telConfig.DisableHostname {
1976			c.UI.Warn("telemetry.disable_hostname has been set to false. Recommended setting is true for Prometheus to avoid poorly named metrics.")
1977		}
1978	} else {
1979		metricsConf.EnableHostname = false
1980	}
1981	fanout = append(fanout, inm)
1982	_, err := metrics.NewGlobal(metricsConf, fanout)
1984	if err != nil {
1985		return nil, err
1986	}
1988	return metricHelper, nil
1991func (c *ServerCommand) Reload(lock *sync.RWMutex, reloadFuncs *map[string][]reload.ReloadFunc, configPath []string) error {
1992	lock.RLock()
1993	defer lock.RUnlock()
1995	var reloadErrors *multierror.Error
1997	for k, relFuncs := range *reloadFuncs {
1998		switch {
1999		case strings.HasPrefix(k, "listener|"):
2000			for _, relFunc := range relFuncs {
2001				if relFunc != nil {
2002					if err := relFunc(nil); err != nil {
2003						reloadErrors = multierror.Append(reloadErrors, errwrap.Wrapf("error encountered reloading listener: {{err}}", err))
2004					}
2005				}
2006			}
2008		case strings.HasPrefix(k, "audit_file|"):
2009			for _, relFunc := range relFuncs {
2010				if relFunc != nil {
2011					if err := relFunc(nil); err != nil {
2012						reloadErrors = multierror.Append(reloadErrors, errwrap.Wrapf(fmt.Sprintf("error encountered reloading file audit device at path %q: {{err}}", strings.TrimPrefix(k, "audit_file|")), err))
2013					}
2014				}
2015			}
2016		}
2017	}
2019	// Send a message that we reloaded. This prevents "guessing" sleep times
2020	// in tests.
2021	select {
2022	case c.reloadedCh <- struct{}{}:
2023	default:
2024	}
2026	return reloadErrors.ErrorOrNil()
2029// storePidFile is used to write out our PID to a file if necessary
2030func (c *ServerCommand) storePidFile(pidPath string) error {
2031	// Quit fast if no pidfile
2032	if pidPath == "" {
2033		return nil
2034	}
2036	// Open the PID file
2037	pidFile, err := os.OpenFile(pidPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
2038	if err != nil {
2039		return errwrap.Wrapf("could not open pid file: {{err}}", err)
2040	}
2041	defer pidFile.Close()
2043	// Write out the PID
2044	pid := os.Getpid()
2045	_, err = pidFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d", pid))
2046	if err != nil {
2047		return errwrap.Wrapf("could not write to pid file: {{err}}", err)
2048	}
2049	return nil
2052// removePidFile is used to cleanup the PID file if necessary
2053func (c *ServerCommand) removePidFile(pidPath string) error {
2054	if pidPath == "" {
2055		return nil
2056	}
2057	return os.Remove(pidPath)
2060// storageMigrationActive checks and warns against in-progress storage migrations.
2061// This function will block until storage is available.
2062func (c *ServerCommand) storageMigrationActive(backend physical.Backend) bool {
2063	first := true
2065	for {
2066		migrationStatus, err := CheckStorageMigration(backend)
2067		if err == nil {
2068			if migrationStatus != nil {
2069				startTime := migrationStatus.Start.Format(time.RFC3339)
2070				c.UI.Error(wrapAtLength(fmt.Sprintf("ERROR! Storage migration in progress (started: %s). "+
2071					"Server startup is prevented until the migration completes. Use 'vault operator migrate -reset' "+
2072					"to force clear the migration lock.", startTime)))
2073				return true
2074			}
2075			return false
2076		}
2077		if first {
2078			first = false
2079			c.UI.Warn("\nWARNING! Unable to read storage migration status.")
2081			// unexpected state, so stop buffering log messages
2082			c.logGate.Flush()
2083		}
2084		c.logger.Warn("storage migration check error", "error", err.Error())
2086		select {
2087		case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
2088		case <-c.ShutdownCh:
2089			return true
2090		}
2091	}
2094type StorageMigrationStatus struct {
2095	Start time.Time `json:"start"`
2098func CheckStorageMigration(b physical.Backend) (*StorageMigrationStatus, error) {
2099	entry, err := b.Get(context.Background(), storageMigrationLock)
2101	if err != nil {
2102		return nil, err
2103	}
2105	if entry == nil {
2106		return nil, nil
2107	}
2109	var status StorageMigrationStatus
2110	if err := jsonutil.DecodeJSON(entry.Value, &status); err != nil {
2111		return nil, err
2112	}
2114	return &status, nil
2117func SetStorageMigration(b physical.Backend, active bool) error {
2118	if !active {
2119		return b.Delete(context.Background(), storageMigrationLock)
2120	}
2122	status := StorageMigrationStatus{
2123		Start: time.Now(),
2124	}
2126	enc, err := jsonutil.EncodeJSON(status)
2127	if err != nil {
2128		return err
2129	}
2131	entry := &physical.Entry{
2132		Key:   storageMigrationLock,
2133		Value: enc,
2134	}
2136	return b.Put(context.Background(), entry)
2139type grpclogFaker struct {
2140	logger log.Logger
2141	log    bool
2144func (g *grpclogFaker) Fatal(args ...interface{}) {
2145	g.logger.Error(fmt.Sprint(args...))
2146	os.Exit(1)
2149func (g *grpclogFaker) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
2150	g.logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
2151	os.Exit(1)
2154func (g *grpclogFaker) Fatalln(args ...interface{}) {
2155	g.logger.Error(fmt.Sprintln(args...))
2156	os.Exit(1)
2159func (g *grpclogFaker) Print(args ...interface{}) {
2160	if g.log && g.logger.IsDebug() {
2161		g.logger.Debug(fmt.Sprint(args...))
2162	}
2165func (g *grpclogFaker) Printf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
2166	if g.log && g.logger.IsDebug() {
2167		g.logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
2168	}
2171func (g *grpclogFaker) Println(args ...interface{}) {
2172	if g.log && g.logger.IsDebug() {
2173		g.logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintln(args...))
2174	}