2Copyright 2017 Google LLC
4Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14limitations under the License.
17package spanner
19import (
20	"bytes"
21	"fmt"
22	"time"
24	"cloud.google.com/go/civil"
25	proto3 "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/struct"
26	sppb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/spanner/v1"
27	"google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
30// A Key can be either a Cloud Spanner row's primary key or a secondary index
31// key. It is essentially an interface{} array, which represents a set of Cloud
32// Spanner columns. A Key can be used as:
34//   - A primary key which uniquely identifies a Cloud Spanner row.
35//   - A secondary index key which maps to a set of Cloud Spanner rows indexed under it.
36//   - An endpoint of primary key/secondary index ranges; see the KeyRange type.
38// Rows that are identified by the Key type are outputs of read operation or
39// targets of delete operation in a mutation. Note that for
40// Insert/Update/InsertOrUpdate/Update mutation types, although they don't
41// require a primary key explicitly, the column list provided must contain
42// enough columns that can comprise a primary key.
44// Keys are easy to construct.  For example, suppose you have a table with a
45// primary key of username and product ID.  To make a key for this table:
47//	key := spanner.Key{"john", 16}
49// See the description of Row and Mutation types for how Go types are mapped to
50// Cloud Spanner types. For convenience, Key type supports a wide range of Go
51// types:
52//   - int, int8, int16, int32, int64, and NullInt64 are mapped to Cloud Spanner's INT64 type.
53//   - uint8, uint16 and uint32 are also mapped to Cloud Spanner's INT64 type.
54//   - float32, float64, NullFloat64 are mapped to Cloud Spanner's FLOAT64 type.
55//   - bool and NullBool are mapped to Cloud Spanner's BOOL type.
56//   - []byte is mapped to Cloud Spanner's BYTES type.
57//   - string and NullString are mapped to Cloud Spanner's STRING type.
58//   - time.Time and NullTime are mapped to Cloud Spanner's TIMESTAMP type.
59//   - civil.Date and NullDate are mapped to Cloud Spanner's DATE type.
60type Key []interface{}
62// errInvdKeyPartType returns error for unsupported key part type.
63func errInvdKeyPartType(part interface{}) error {
64	return spannerErrorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "key part has unsupported type %T", part)
67// keyPartValue converts a part of the Key (which is a valid Cloud Spanner type)
68// into a proto3.Value. Used for encoding Key type into protobuf.
69func keyPartValue(part interface{}) (pb *proto3.Value, err error) {
70	switch v := part.(type) {
71	case int:
72		pb, _, err = encodeValue(int64(v))
73	case int8:
74		pb, _, err = encodeValue(int64(v))
75	case int16:
76		pb, _, err = encodeValue(int64(v))
77	case int32:
78		pb, _, err = encodeValue(int64(v))
79	case uint8:
80		pb, _, err = encodeValue(int64(v))
81	case uint16:
82		pb, _, err = encodeValue(int64(v))
83	case uint32:
84		pb, _, err = encodeValue(int64(v))
85	case float32:
86		pb, _, err = encodeValue(float64(v))
87	case int64, float64, NullInt64, NullFloat64, bool, NullBool, []byte, string, NullString, time.Time, civil.Date, NullTime, NullDate:
88		pb, _, err = encodeValue(v)
89	case Encoder:
90		part, err = v.EncodeSpanner()
91		if err != nil {
92			return nil, err
93		}
94		pb, err = keyPartValue(part)
95	default:
96		return nil, errInvdKeyPartType(v)
97	}
98	return pb, err
101// proto converts a spanner.Key into a proto3.ListValue.
102func (key Key) proto() (*proto3.ListValue, error) {
103	lv := &proto3.ListValue{}
104	lv.Values = make([]*proto3.Value, 0, len(key))
105	for _, part := range key {
106		v, err := keyPartValue(part)
107		if err != nil {
108			return nil, err
109		}
110		lv.Values = append(lv.Values, v)
111	}
112	return lv, nil
115// keySetProto lets a single Key act as a KeySet.
116func (key Key) keySetProto() (*sppb.KeySet, error) {
117	kp, err := key.proto()
118	if err != nil {
119		return nil, err
120	}
121	return &sppb.KeySet{Keys: []*proto3.ListValue{kp}}, nil
124// String implements fmt.Stringer for Key. For string, []byte and NullString, it
125// prints the uninterpreted bytes of their contents, leaving caller with the
126// opportunity to escape the output.
127func (key Key) String() string {
128	b := &bytes.Buffer{}
129	fmt.Fprint(b, "(")
130	for i, part := range []interface{}(key) {
131		if i != 0 {
132			fmt.Fprint(b, ",")
133		}
134		key.elemString(b, part)
135	}
136	fmt.Fprint(b, ")")
137	return b.String()
140func (key Key) elemString(b *bytes.Buffer, part interface{}) {
141	switch v := part.(type) {
142	case int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, float32, float64, bool:
143		// Use %v to print numeric types and bool.
144		fmt.Fprintf(b, "%v", v)
145	case string:
146		fmt.Fprintf(b, "%q", v)
147	case []byte:
148		if v != nil {
149			fmt.Fprintf(b, "%q", v)
150		} else {
151			fmt.Fprint(b, nullString)
152		}
153	case NullInt64, NullFloat64, NullBool:
154		// The above types implement fmt.Stringer.
155		fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s", v)
156	case NullString, NullDate, NullTime:
157		// Quote the returned string if it is not null.
158		if v.(NullableValue).IsNull() {
159			fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s", nullString)
160		} else {
161			fmt.Fprintf(b, "%q", v)
162		}
163	case civil.Date:
164		fmt.Fprintf(b, "%q", v)
165	case time.Time:
166		fmt.Fprintf(b, "%q", v.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
167	case Encoder:
168		var err error
169		part, err = v.EncodeSpanner()
170		if err != nil {
171			fmt.Fprintf(b, "error")
172		} else {
173			key.elemString(b, part)
174		}
175	default:
176		fmt.Fprintf(b, "%v", v)
177	}
180// AsPrefix returns a KeyRange for all keys where k is the prefix.
181func (key Key) AsPrefix() KeyRange {
182	return KeyRange{
183		Start: key,
184		End:   key,
185		Kind:  ClosedClosed,
186	}
189// KeyRangeKind describes the kind of interval represented by a KeyRange:
190// whether it is open or closed on the left and right.
191type KeyRangeKind int
193const (
194	// ClosedOpen is closed on the left and open on the right: the Start
195	// key is included, the End key is excluded.
196	ClosedOpen KeyRangeKind = iota
198	// ClosedClosed is closed on the left and the right: both keys are included.
199	ClosedClosed
201	// OpenClosed is open on the left and closed on the right: the Start
202	// key is excluded, the End key is included.
203	OpenClosed
205	// OpenOpen is open on the left and the right: neither key is included.
206	OpenOpen
209// A KeyRange represents a range of rows in a table or index.
211// A range has a Start key and an End key.  IncludeStart and IncludeEnd
212// indicate whether the Start and End keys are included in the range.
214// For example, consider the following table definition:
216//	CREATE TABLE UserEvents (
217//	  UserName STRING(MAX),
218//	  EventDate STRING(10),
219//	) PRIMARY KEY(UserName, EventDate);
221// The following keys name rows in this table:
223//	spanner.Key{"Bob", "2014-09-23"}
224//	spanner.Key{"Alfred", "2015-06-12"}
226// Since the UserEvents table's PRIMARY KEY clause names two columns, each
227// UserEvents key has two elements; the first is the UserName, and the second
228// is the EventDate.
230// Key ranges with multiple components are interpreted lexicographically by
231// component using the table or index key's declared sort order. For example,
232// the following range returns all events for user "Bob" that occurred in the
233// year 2015:
235// 	spanner.KeyRange{
236//		Start: spanner.Key{"Bob", "2015-01-01"},
237//		End:   spanner.Key{"Bob", "2015-12-31"},
238//		Kind:  ClosedClosed,
239//	}
241// Start and end keys can omit trailing key components. This affects the
242// inclusion and exclusion of rows that exactly match the provided key
243// components: if IncludeStart is true, then rows that exactly match the
244// provided components of the Start key are included; if IncludeStart is false
245// then rows that exactly match are not included.  IncludeEnd and End key
246// behave in the same fashion.
248// For example, the following range includes all events for "Bob" that occurred
249// during and after the year 2000:
251//	spanner.KeyRange{
252//		Start: spanner.Key{"Bob", "2000-01-01"},
253//		End:   spanner.Key{"Bob"},
254//		Kind:  ClosedClosed,
255//	}
257// The next example retrieves all events for "Bob":
259//	spanner.Key{"Bob"}.AsPrefix()
261// To retrieve events before the year 2000:
263//	spanner.KeyRange{
264//		Start: spanner.Key{"Bob"},
265//		End:   spanner.Key{"Bob", "2000-01-01"},
266//		Kind:  ClosedOpen,
267//	}
269// Although we specified a Kind for this KeyRange, we didn't need to, because
270// the default is ClosedOpen. In later examples we'll omit Kind if it is
271// ClosedOpen.
273// The following range includes all rows in a table or under a
274// index:
276//	spanner.AllKeys()
278// This range returns all users whose UserName begins with any
279// character from A to C:
281//	spanner.KeyRange{
282//		Start: spanner.Key{"A"},
283//		End:   spanner.Key{"D"},
284//	}
286// This range returns all users whose UserName begins with B:
288//	spanner.KeyRange{
289//		Start: spanner.Key{"B"},
290//		End:   spanner.Key{"C"},
291//	}
293// Key ranges honor column sort order. For example, suppose a table is defined
294// as follows:
296//	CREATE TABLE DescendingSortedTable {
297//	  Key INT64,
298//	  ...
299//	) PRIMARY KEY(Key DESC);
301// The following range retrieves all rows with key values between 1 and 100
302// inclusive:
304//	spanner.KeyRange{
305//		Start: spanner.Key{100},
306//		End:   spanner.Key{1},
307//		Kind:  ClosedClosed,
308//	}
310// Note that 100 is passed as the start, and 1 is passed as the end, because
311// Key is a descending column in the schema.
312type KeyRange struct {
313	// Start specifies the left boundary of the key range; End specifies
314	// the right boundary of the key range.
315	Start, End Key
317	// Kind describes whether the boundaries of the key range include
318	// their keys.
319	Kind KeyRangeKind
322// String implements fmt.Stringer for KeyRange type.
323func (r KeyRange) String() string {
324	var left, right string
325	switch r.Kind {
326	case ClosedClosed:
327		left, right = "[", "]"
328	case ClosedOpen:
329		left, right = "[", ")"
330	case OpenClosed:
331		left, right = "(", "]"
332	case OpenOpen:
333		left, right = "(", ")"
334	default:
335		left, right = "?", "?"
336	}
337	return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s,%s%s", left, r.Start, r.End, right)
340// proto converts KeyRange into sppb.KeyRange.
341func (r KeyRange) proto() (*sppb.KeyRange, error) {
342	var err error
343	var start, end *proto3.ListValue
344	pb := &sppb.KeyRange{}
345	if start, err = r.Start.proto(); err != nil {
346		return nil, err
347	}
348	if end, err = r.End.proto(); err != nil {
349		return nil, err
350	}
351	if r.Kind == ClosedClosed || r.Kind == ClosedOpen {
352		pb.StartKeyType = &sppb.KeyRange_StartClosed{StartClosed: start}
353	} else {
354		pb.StartKeyType = &sppb.KeyRange_StartOpen{StartOpen: start}
355	}
356	if r.Kind == ClosedClosed || r.Kind == OpenClosed {
357		pb.EndKeyType = &sppb.KeyRange_EndClosed{EndClosed: end}
358	} else {
359		pb.EndKeyType = &sppb.KeyRange_EndOpen{EndOpen: end}
360	}
361	return pb, nil
364// keySetProto lets a KeyRange act as a KeySet.
365func (r KeyRange) keySetProto() (*sppb.KeySet, error) {
366	rp, err := r.proto()
367	if err != nil {
368		return nil, err
369	}
370	return &sppb.KeySet{Ranges: []*sppb.KeyRange{rp}}, nil
373// A KeySet defines a collection of Cloud Spanner keys and/or key ranges. All
374// the keys are expected to be in the same table or index. The keys need not be
375// sorted in any particular way.
377// An individual Key can act as a KeySet, as can a KeyRange. Use the KeySets
378// function to create a KeySet consisting of multiple Keys and KeyRanges. To
379// obtain an empty KeySet, call KeySets with no arguments.
381// If the same key is specified multiple times in the set (for example if two
382// ranges, two keys, or a key and a range overlap), the Cloud Spanner backend
383// behaves as if the key were only specified once.
384type KeySet interface {
385	keySetProto() (*sppb.KeySet, error)
388// AllKeys returns a KeySet that represents all Keys of a table or a index.
389func AllKeys() KeySet {
390	return all{}
393type all struct{}
395func (all) keySetProto() (*sppb.KeySet, error) {
396	return &sppb.KeySet{All: true}, nil
399// KeySets returns the union of the KeySets. If any of the KeySets is AllKeys,
400// then the resulting KeySet will be equivalent to AllKeys.
401func KeySets(keySets ...KeySet) KeySet {
402	u := make(union, len(keySets))
403	copy(u, keySets)
404	return u
407// KeySetFromKeys returns a KeySet containing the given slice of keys.
408func KeySetFromKeys(keys ...Key) KeySet {
409	u := make(union, len(keys))
410	for i, k := range keys {
411		u[i] = k
412	}
413	return u
416type union []KeySet
418func (u union) keySetProto() (*sppb.KeySet, error) {
419	upb := &sppb.KeySet{}
420	for _, ks := range u {
421		pb, err := ks.keySetProto()
422		if err != nil {
423			return nil, err
424		}
425		if pb.All {
426			return pb, nil
427		}
428		upb.Keys = append(upb.Keys, pb.Keys...)
429		upb.Ranges = append(upb.Ranges, pb.Ranges...)
430	}
431	return upb, nil