2Copyright 2017 Google LLC
4Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14limitations under the License.
17package spanner
19import (
20	"math"
21	"testing"
22	"time"
24	"cloud.google.com/go/civil"
25	"github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
26	proto3 "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/struct"
27	sppb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/spanner/v1"
30func TestConvertParams(t *testing.T) {
31	st := Statement{
32		SQL:    "SELECT id from t_foo WHERE col = @var",
33		Params: map[string]interface{}{"var": nil},
34	}
35	var (
36		t1, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2016-11-15T15:04:05.999999999Z")
37		// Boundaries
38		t2, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z")
39		t3, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z")
40		d1, _ = civil.ParseDate("2016-11-15")
41		// Boundaries
42		d2, _ = civil.ParseDate("0001-01-01")
43		d3, _ = civil.ParseDate("9999-12-31")
44	)
46	type staticStruct struct {
47		Field int `spanner:"field"`
48	}
49	type CustomInt int64
50	type staticStructWithCustomType struct {
51		Field CustomInt `spanner:"field"`
52	}
54	var (
55		s1 = staticStruct{10}
56		s2 = staticStruct{20}
57		s3 = staticStructWithCustomType{30}
58	)
60	for _, test := range []struct {
61		val       interface{}
62		wantField *proto3.Value
63		wantType  *sppb.Type
64	}{
65		// bool
66		{true, boolProto(true), boolType()},
67		{NullBool{true, true}, boolProto(true), boolType()},
68		{NullBool{true, false}, nullProto(), boolType()},
69		{[]bool(nil), nullProto(), listType(boolType())},
70		{[]bool{}, listProto(), listType(boolType())},
71		{[]bool{true, false}, listProto(boolProto(true), boolProto(false)), listType(boolType())},
72		{[]NullBool(nil), nullProto(), listType(boolType())},
73		{[]NullBool{}, listProto(), listType(boolType())},
74		{[]NullBool{{true, true}, {}}, listProto(boolProto(true), nullProto()), listType(boolType())},
75		// int
76		{int(1), intProto(1), intType()},
77		{[]int(nil), nullProto(), listType(intType())},
78		{[]int{}, listProto(), listType(intType())},
79		{[]int{1, 2}, listProto(intProto(1), intProto(2)), listType(intType())},
80		// int64
81		{int64(1), intProto(1), intType()},
82		{NullInt64{5, true}, intProto(5), intType()},
83		{NullInt64{5, false}, nullProto(), intType()},
84		{[]int64(nil), nullProto(), listType(intType())},
85		{[]int64{}, listProto(), listType(intType())},
86		{[]int64{1, 2}, listProto(intProto(1), intProto(2)), listType(intType())},
87		{[]NullInt64(nil), nullProto(), listType(intType())},
88		{[]NullInt64{}, listProto(), listType(intType())},
89		{[]NullInt64{{1, true}, {}}, listProto(intProto(1), nullProto()), listType(intType())},
90		// float64
91		{0.0, floatProto(0.0), floatType()},
92		{math.Inf(1), floatProto(math.Inf(1)), floatType()},
93		{math.Inf(-1), floatProto(math.Inf(-1)), floatType()},
94		{math.NaN(), floatProto(math.NaN()), floatType()},
95		{NullFloat64{2.71, true}, floatProto(2.71), floatType()},
96		{NullFloat64{1.41, false}, nullProto(), floatType()},
97		{[]float64(nil), nullProto(), listType(floatType())},
98		{[]float64{}, listProto(), listType(floatType())},
99		{[]float64{2.72, math.Inf(1)}, listProto(floatProto(2.72), floatProto(math.Inf(1))), listType(floatType())},
100		{[]NullFloat64(nil), nullProto(), listType(floatType())},
101		{[]NullFloat64{}, listProto(), listType(floatType())},
102		{[]NullFloat64{{2.72, true}, {}}, listProto(floatProto(2.72), nullProto()), listType(floatType())},
103		// string
104		{"", stringProto(""), stringType()},
105		{"foo", stringProto("foo"), stringType()},
106		{NullString{"bar", true}, stringProto("bar"), stringType()},
107		{NullString{"bar", false}, nullProto(), stringType()},
108		{[]string(nil), nullProto(), listType(stringType())},
109		{[]string{}, listProto(), listType(stringType())},
110		{[]string{"foo", "bar"}, listProto(stringProto("foo"), stringProto("bar")), listType(stringType())},
111		{[]NullString(nil), nullProto(), listType(stringType())},
112		{[]NullString{}, listProto(), listType(stringType())},
113		{[]NullString{{"foo", true}, {}}, listProto(stringProto("foo"), nullProto()), listType(stringType())},
114		// bytes
115		{[]byte{}, bytesProto([]byte{}), bytesType()},
116		{[]byte{1, 2, 3}, bytesProto([]byte{1, 2, 3}), bytesType()},
117		{[]byte(nil), nullProto(), bytesType()},
118		{[][]byte(nil), nullProto(), listType(bytesType())},
119		{[][]byte{}, listProto(), listType(bytesType())},
120		{[][]byte{{1}, []byte(nil)}, listProto(bytesProto([]byte{1}), nullProto()), listType(bytesType())},
121		// date
122		{d1, dateProto(d1), dateType()},
123		{NullDate{civil.Date{}, false}, nullProto(), dateType()},
124		{[]civil.Date(nil), nullProto(), listType(dateType())},
125		{[]civil.Date{}, listProto(), listType(dateType())},
126		{[]civil.Date{d1, d2, d3}, listProto(dateProto(d1), dateProto(d2), dateProto(d3)), listType(dateType())},
127		{[]NullDate{{d2, true}, {}}, listProto(dateProto(d2), nullProto()), listType(dateType())},
128		// timestamp
129		{t1, timeProto(t1), timeType()},
130		{NullTime{}, nullProto(), timeType()},
131		{[]time.Time(nil), nullProto(), listType(timeType())},
132		{[]time.Time{}, listProto(), listType(timeType())},
133		{[]time.Time{t1, t2, t3}, listProto(timeProto(t1), timeProto(t2), timeProto(t3)), listType(timeType())},
134		{[]NullTime{{t2, true}, {}}, listProto(timeProto(t2), nullProto()), listType(timeType())},
135		// Struct
136		{
137			s1,
138			listProto(intProto(10)),
139			structType(mkField("field", intType())),
140		},
141		{
142			s3,
143			listProto(intProto(30)),
144			structType(mkField("field", intType())),
145		},
146		{
147			(*struct {
148				F1 civil.Date `spanner:""`
149				F2 bool
150			})(nil),
151			nullProto(),
152			structType(
153				mkField("", dateType()),
154				mkField("F2", boolType())),
155		},
156		// Array-of-struct
157		{
158			[]staticStruct{s1, s2},
159			listProto(listProto(intProto(10)), listProto(intProto(20))),
160			listType(structType(mkField("field", intType()))),
161		},
162	} {
163		st.Params["var"] = test.val
164		gotParams, gotParamTypes, gotErr := st.convertParams()
165		if gotErr != nil {
166			t.Error(gotErr)
167			continue
168		}
169		gotParamField := gotParams.Fields["var"]
170		if !proto.Equal(gotParamField, test.wantField) {
171			// handle NaN
172			if test.wantType.Code == floatType().Code && proto.MarshalTextString(gotParamField) == proto.MarshalTextString(test.wantField) {
173				continue
174			}
175			t.Errorf("%#v: got %v, want %v\n", test.val, gotParamField, test.wantField)
176		}
177		gotParamType := gotParamTypes["var"]
178		if !proto.Equal(gotParamType, test.wantType) {
179			t.Errorf("%#v: got %v, want %v\n", test.val, gotParamType, test.wantField)
180		}
181	}
183	// Verify type error reporting.
184	for _, test := range []struct {
185		val     interface{}
186		wantErr error
187	}{
188		{
189			nil,
190			errBindParam("var", nil, errNilParam),
191		},
192	} {
193		st.Params["var"] = test.val
194		_, _, gotErr := st.convertParams()
195		if !testEqual(gotErr, test.wantErr) {
196			t.Errorf("value %#v:\ngot:  %v\nwant: %v", test.val, gotErr, test.wantErr)
197		}
198	}
201func TestNewStatement(t *testing.T) {
202	s := NewStatement("query")
203	if got, want := s.SQL, "query"; got != want {
204		t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
205	}