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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


README.mdH A D11-Feb-20221.3 KiB2823

android-download-ndk.shH A D11-Feb-20221.3 KiB328

android-ndk.DockerfileH A D11-Feb-20221.5 KiB8072

android-setup-env.shH A D11-Feb-20223.3 KiB10366

cache-subprojects.shH A D11-Feb-2022197 106

check-todos.pyH A D11-Feb-20222.8 KiB9464

coverage-docker.shH A D11-Feb-2022696 3322

coverity-model.cH A D11-Feb-20226 KiB247150

coverity.DockerfileH A D11-Feb-2022380 129

debian-stable.DockerfileH A D11-Feb-20221.6 KiB8272

fedora.DockerfileH A D11-Feb-20221.8 KiB9687

fixup-cov-paths.pyH A D11-Feb-2022755 2719

lcovrcH A D11-Feb-2022577 1310

meson-junit-report.pyH A D11-Feb-20223.6 KiB12698

mingw.DockerfileH A D11-Feb-20221.3 KiB7466

run-black.shH A D11-Feb-202293 72

run-check-todos.shH A D11-Feb-2022126 83

run-docker.shH A D11-Feb-20223.6 KiB135105

run-flake8.shH A D11-Feb-2022296 103

run-shellcheck.shH A D11-Feb-2022187 82

run-style-check-diff.shH A D11-Feb-20221.3 KiB3313

run-tests.shH A D11-Feb-2022506 3022

search-common-ancestor.shH A D11-Feb-20221.8 KiB3715

show-execution-environment.shH A D11-Feb-2022260 1410

test-msvc.batH A D11-Feb-2022770 2518

test-msys2.shH A D11-Feb-20221.7 KiB6853


1# CI support stuff
3## Docker image
5GitLab CI jobs run in a Docker image, defined here. To update that image
6(perhaps to install some more packages):
81. Edit `.gitlab-ci/Dockerfile` with the changes you want
91. Run `.gitlab-ci/run-docker.sh build --base=debian-stable --base-version=1` to
10   build the new image (bump the version from the latest listed for that `base`
11   on https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/container_registry). If rebuilding the
12   `coverity.Dockerfile` image, you’ll need to have access to [Coverity Scan][cs]
13   and will need to specify your project name and access token as the environment
151. Run `.gitlab-ci/run-docker.sh push  --base=debian-stable --base-version=1` to
16   upload the new image to the GNOME GitLab Docker registry
17    * If this is the first time you're doing this, you'll need to log into the
18      registry
19    * If you use 2-factor authentication on your GNOME GitLab account, you'll
20      need to [create a personal access token][pat] and use that rather than
21      your normal password — the token should have `read_registry` and
22      `write_registry` permissions
231. Edit `.gitlab-ci.yml` (in the root of this repository) to use your new
24   image
26[pat]: https://gitlab.gnome.org/profile/personal_access_tokens
27[cs]: https://scan.coverity.com/