1 /**
2  * Copyright 2013 Robert Rossi <bob@brasko.net>
3  *
4  * This file is an amalgamation of the source files from GDBWIRE.
5  *
6  * It was created using gdbwire 1.0 and git revision 3c5983c.
7  *
8  * GDBWIRE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11  * (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * GDBWIRE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  * along with GDBWIRE.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20  *
21  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
22  */
24 /***** Begin file gdbwire_sys.h **********************************************/
25 #ifndef __GDBWIRE_SYS_H__
26 #define __GDBWIRE_SYS_H__
28 /**
29  * Supporting system functions.
30  */
32 #ifdef __cplusplus
33 extern "C" {
34 #endif
36 /**
37  * Duplicate a string.
38  *
39  * @param str
40  * The string to duplicate
41  *
42  * @return
43  * An allocated string that must be freed.
44  * Null if out of memory or str is NULL.
45  */
46 char *gdbwire_strdup(const char *str);
48 #ifdef __cplusplus
49 }
50 #endif
52 #endif
53 /***** End of gdbwire_sys.h **************************************************/
54 /***** Begin file gdbwire_string.h *******************************************/
55 #ifndef __GDBWIRE_STRING_H__
56 #define __GDBWIRE_STRING_H__
58 #ifdef __cplusplus
59 extern "C" {
60 #endif
62 #include <stdlib.h>
64 /**
65  * A dynamic string representation.
66  *
67  * To create and destroy a string use gdbwire_string_create() and
68  * gdbwire_string_destroy() respectively.
69  *
70  * This string is an abstraction of a low level C string. It supports being
71  * used as a NULL terminated c string and also as an arbitrary array of
72  * bytes. You can append to this string in either of these modes using
73  * gdbwire_string_append_cstr() or gdbwire_string_append_data(). This string
74  * automatically grows as you append data to it. Please note, the size of
75  * the string will not include the NULL terminated character when using
76  * the gdbwire_string_append_cstr() function to append data.
77  *
78  * To get access to the underlying bytes associated with this string
79  * call gdbwire_string_data(). It is OK to modify the result as long as
80  * you are careful to stay in it's valid bounds.
81  *
82  * The size (or length) of the string can be accessed through the
83  * gdbwire_string_size() function. The character pointer returned from
84  * gdbwire_string_data() is valid from the index range of 0 to
85  * gdbwire_string_size() - 1.
86  */
87 struct gdbwire_string;
89 /**
90  * Create a string instance.
91  *
92  * @return
93  * A valid string instance or NULL on error.
94  */
95 struct gdbwire_string *gdbwire_string_create(void);
97 /**
98  * Destroy the string instance and it's resources.
99  *
100  * @param string
101  * The string to destroy.
102  */
103 void gdbwire_string_destroy(struct gdbwire_string *string);
105 /**
106  * Clear the contents of a string.
107  *
108  * Sets the string back to an empty string which also changes it's
109  * size back to zero.
110  *
111  * The capacity remains unchanged.
112  *
113  * @param string
114  * The string to clear
115  */
116 void gdbwire_string_clear(struct gdbwire_string *string);
118 /**
119  * Append a c string to the string instance.
120  *
121  * @param string
122  * The string instance to append the c string to.
123  *
124  * @param cstr
125  * The c string to append to the string instance.
126  *
127  * @return
128  * 0 on success or -1 on failure.
129  */
130 int gdbwire_string_append_cstr(struct gdbwire_string *string, const char *cstr);
132 /**
133  * Append a sequence of bytes to the string instance.
134  *
135  * @param string
136  * The string instance to append the sequence of bytes to.
137  *
138  * @param data
139  * The sequence of bytes to append to the string instance. This may
140  * contain NUL characters.
141  *
142  * @param size
143  * The number of bytes in data to append to the string instance.
144  *
145  * @return
146  * 0 on success or -1 on failure.
147  */
148 int gdbwire_string_append_data(struct gdbwire_string *string,
149         const char *data, size_t size);
151 /**
152  * Get the data associated with this string.
153  *
154  * The data could be formatted as a NULL terminated C string or
155  * as an arbitrary array of bytes. Use gdbwire_string_size() to
156  * determine the size (or length) of the result of this function.
157  *
158  * Modifying the return value of this function is acceptable as long as you
159  * stay in the string's valid bounds.
160  *
161  * @param string
162  * The string index to get the pointer data from.
163  *
164  * @return
165  * The data that has been added to this string instance or "" after
166  * creation or clear. The result is gdbwire_string_size() bytes long.
167  */
168 char *gdbwire_string_data(struct gdbwire_string *string);
170 /**
171  * Determine the size (the number of bytes) this string instance represents.
172  *
173  * Please note, the result of this function will not include the NULL
174  * terminated character when using the gdbwire_string_append_cstr() function
175  * to append data.
176  *
177  * @param string
178  * The string instance to get the size for.
179  *
180  * @return
181  * The number of bytes contained in this string instance. To access these
182  * bytes see gdbwire_string_data(). Will be 0 after creation or clear.
183  */
184 size_t gdbwire_string_size(struct gdbwire_string *string);
186 /**
187  * Determine the maximum capacity (number of bytes) this string may hold.
188  *
189  * The max capacity of the string is automatically increased when data
190  * is appended to this string through the gdbwire_string_append_*()
191  * family of functions.
192  *
193  * @param string
194  * The string to determine the capacity of.
195  *
196  * @return
197  * The max number of bytes this string may hold.
198  */
199 size_t gdbwire_string_capacity(struct gdbwire_string *string);
201 /**
202  * Search for the first character in chars occuring in this string.
203  *
204  * @param string
205  * The string to search for the characters in chars in.
206  *
207  * @param chars
208  * A null terminated string of characters. This string is not searched
209  * for directly but instead each individually character in the string
210  * is searched for.
211  *
212  * @return
213  * The index position of the first matched character in chars.
214  * Will return gdbwire_string_size() if not found.
215  */
216 size_t gdbwire_string_find_first_of(struct gdbwire_string *string,
217         const char *chars);
219 /**
220  * Erase characters from this string, reducing it's size.
221  *
222  * @param string
223  * The string to erase characters from.
224  *
225  * @param pos
226  * The index position of the first character to be erased.
227  *
228  * @param count
229  * The number of characters to erase starting at position pos.
230  * If count goes past the end of the string it is adjusted to erase
231  * until the end of the string. This allows the caller to pass in
232  * gdbwire_string_size() to erase the end of the string with out
233  * doing index arithmetic.
234  *
235  * @return
236  * On success 0 will be returned otherwise -1. The string will remain
237  * unmodified when an error occurs. Success can only occur if the entire
238  * requested range can be erased.
239  */
240 int gdbwire_string_erase(struct gdbwire_string *string, size_t pos,
241         size_t count);
243 #ifdef __cplusplus
244 }
245 #endif
247 #endif
248 /***** End of gdbwire_string.h ***********************************************/
249 /***** Begin file gdbwire_assert.h *******************************************/
250 #ifndef GDBWIRE_ERROR_H
251 #define GDBWIRE_ERROR_H
253 /***** Include gdbwire_result.h in the middle of gdbwire_assert.h ************/
254 /***** Begin file gdbwire_result.h *******************************************/
255 #ifndef GDBWIRE_RESULT_H
256 #define GDBWIRE_RESULT_H
258 enum gdbwire_result {
259     /* The result of the operation was successful */
260     GDBWIRE_OK,
262     /**
263      * An assertion failed in the calling code.
264      *
265      * Functions are encouraged to assert expressions they expect
266      * to be true. The macro GDBWIRE_ASSERT and GDBWIRE_ASSERT_ERRNO
267      * are useful for asserting expressions, and upon failure, to
268      * automatically log the assertion expression and return
269      * this result status.
270      */
273     /**
274      * An internal logic error has occurred.
275      *
276      * In general, this should be used when a function can no
277      * longer carry out it's contract and must abort.
278      *
279      * This happens, for instance, when a called function returns
280      * an error status, or when invalid input was provided, etc.
281      */
284     /**
285      * The system is out of memory.
286      *
287      * Will occur when malloc, strdup, calloc, etc fail to allocate memory.
288      */
290 };
292 #endif /* GDBWIRE_RESULT_H */
293 /***** End of gdbwire_result.h ***********************************************/
294 /***** Continuing where we left off in gdbwire_assert.h **********************/
295 /***** Include gdbwire_logger.h in the middle of gdbwire_assert.h ************/
296 /***** Begin file gdbwire_logger.h *******************************************/
297 #ifndef __GDBWIRE_LOGGER_H__
298 #define __GDBWIRE_LOGGER_H__
300 /* #include "gdbwire_result.h" */
302 #ifdef __cplusplus
303 extern "C" {
304 #endif
306 enum gdbwire_logger_level {
311 };
313 /**
314  * Log a statement to the logger.
315  *
316  * This is typically not called directly. Use the below macros instead.
317  * The macros automatically supply the file, line and level arguments.
318  *
319  * @param file
320  * The filename the logger was invoked from.
321  *
322  * @param line
323  * The line number the logger was invoked from.
324  *
325  * @param level
326  * The level associated with the log message.
327  *
328  * @param fmt
329  * The format string for the message (printf formatting).
330  *
331  * @param ...
332  * Any additional format arguments.
333  */
334 void gdbwire_logger_log(const char *file, int line,
335         enum gdbwire_logger_level level, const char *fmt, ...)
336 #ifdef __GNUC__
337         __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 4, 5)))
338 #endif
339         ;
341 /* The macros intended to be used for logging */
342 #define gdbwire_debug(fmt, ...)(gdbwire_logger_log(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
343         GDBWIRE_LOGGER_DEBUG, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__))
344 #define gdbwire_info(fmt, ...)(gdbwire_logger_log(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
345         GDBWIRE_LOGGER_INFO, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__))
346 #define gdbwire_warn(fmt, ...)(gdbwire_logger_log(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
347         GDBWIRE_LOGGER_WARN, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__))
348 #define gdbwire_error(fmt, ...)(gdbwire_logger_log(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
349         GDBWIRE_LOGGER_ERROR, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__))
351 #ifdef __cplusplus
352 }
353 #endif
355 #endif
356 /***** End of gdbwire_logger.h ***********************************************/
357 /***** Continuing where we left off in gdbwire_assert.h **********************/
359 /**
360  * Validate that the expression evaluates to true.
361  *
362  * If the expression does not evaluate to true, log the error and
363  * return a GDBWIRE_ASSERT status code.
364  *
365  * Otherwise, if the expression does evaluate to true, do nothing.
366  *
367  * @param expr
368  * The expression to evaluate.
369  */
370 #define GDBWIRE_ASSERT(expr) \
371     do { \
372         if (!(expr)) { \
373             gdbwire_error("Assertion failure, expr[%s]", #expr); \
374             return GDBWIRE_ASSERT; \
375         } \
376     } while (0)
378 /**
379  * Validate that the expression evaluates to true.
380  *
381  * If the expression does not evaluate to true, log the error,
382  * set the variable provided to GDBWIRE_ASSERT and goto the label
383  * provided.
384  *
385  * Otherwise, if the expression does evaluate to true, do nothing.
386  *
387  * @param expr
388  * The expression to evaluate.
389  *
390  * @param variable
391  * The result variable to assign the value GDBWIRE_ASSERT to.
392  *
393  * @param label
394  * The label to jump to if the expression evaluates to False.
395  */
396 #define GDBWIRE_ASSERT_GOTO(expr, variable, label) \
397     do { \
398         if (!(expr)) { \
399             gdbwire_error("Assertion failure, expr[%s], " \
400                 "label[%s]", #expr, #label); \
401             variable = GDBWIRE_ASSERT; \
402             goto label; \
403         } \
404     } while (0)
406 /**
407  * Validate that the expression evaluates to true.
408  *
409  * This particular assertion macro is used when a system library
410  * call fails and that library call has an associated errno status
411  * to describe the failure reason.
412  *
413  * If the expression does not evaluate to true, log the error,
414  * along with the errno value and message and return a GDBWIRE_ASSERT
415  * status code.
416  *
417  * Otherwise, if the expression does evaluate to true, do nothing.
418  *
419  * @param expr
420  * The expression to evaluate.
421  */
422 #define GDBWIRE_ASSERT_ERRNO(expr) \
423     do { \
424         if (!(expr)) { \
425             gdbwire_error("Assertion failure, expr[%s]," \
426                 "errno[%d], strerror[%s]", \
427                 #expr, errno, strerror(errno)); \
428             return GDBWIRE_ASSERT; \
429         } \
430     } while (0)
432 #endif /* GDBWIRE_ERROR_H */
433 /***** End of gdbwire_assert.h ***********************************************/
434 /***** Begin file gdbwire_result.h *******************************************/
435 #ifndef GDBWIRE_RESULT_H
436 #define GDBWIRE_RESULT_H
438 enum gdbwire_result {
439     /* The result of the operation was successful */
440     GDBWIRE_OK,
442     /**
443      * An assertion failed in the calling code.
444      *
445      * Functions are encouraged to assert expressions they expect
446      * to be true. The macro GDBWIRE_ASSERT and GDBWIRE_ASSERT_ERRNO
447      * are useful for asserting expressions, and upon failure, to
448      * automatically log the assertion expression and return
449      * this result status.
450      */
453     /**
454      * An internal logic error has occurred.
455      *
456      * In general, this should be used when a function can no
457      * longer carry out it's contract and must abort.
458      *
459      * This happens, for instance, when a called function returns
460      * an error status, or when invalid input was provided, etc.
461      */
464     /**
465      * The system is out of memory.
466      *
467      * Will occur when malloc, strdup, calloc, etc fail to allocate memory.
468      */
470 };
472 #endif /* GDBWIRE_RESULT_H */
473 /***** End of gdbwire_result.h ***********************************************/
474 /***** Begin file gdbwire_logger.h *******************************************/
475 #ifndef __GDBWIRE_LOGGER_H__
476 #define __GDBWIRE_LOGGER_H__
478 /* #include "gdbwire_result.h" */
480 #ifdef __cplusplus
481 extern "C" {
482 #endif
484 enum gdbwire_logger_level {
489 };
491 /**
492  * Log a statement to the logger.
493  *
494  * This is typically not called directly. Use the below macros instead.
495  * The macros automatically supply the file, line and level arguments.
496  *
497  * @param file
498  * The filename the logger was invoked from.
499  *
500  * @param line
501  * The line number the logger was invoked from.
502  *
503  * @param level
504  * The level associated with the log message.
505  *
506  * @param fmt
507  * The format string for the message (printf formatting).
508  *
509  * @param ...
510  * Any additional format arguments.
511  */
512 void gdbwire_logger_log(const char *file, int line,
513         enum gdbwire_logger_level level, const char *fmt, ...);
515 /* The macros intended to be used for logging */
516 #define gdbwire_debug(fmt, ...)(gdbwire_logger_log(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
517         GDBWIRE_LOGGER_DEBUG, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__))
518 #define gdbwire_info(fmt, ...)(gdbwire_logger_log(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
519         GDBWIRE_LOGGER_INFO, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__))
520 #define gdbwire_warn(fmt, ...)(gdbwire_logger_log(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
521         GDBWIRE_LOGGER_WARN, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__))
522 #define gdbwire_error(fmt, ...)(gdbwire_logger_log(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
523         GDBWIRE_LOGGER_ERROR, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__))
525 #ifdef __cplusplus
526 }
527 #endif
529 #endif
530 /***** End of gdbwire_logger.h ***********************************************/
531 /***** Begin file gdbwire_mi_pt.h ********************************************/
532 #ifndef GDBWIRE_MI_PT_H
533 #define GDBWIRE_MI_PT_H
535 #ifdef __cplusplus
536 extern "C" {
537 #endif
539 /**
540  * The position of a token in a GDB/MI line.
541  *
542  * Note that a string in C is zero based and the token column
543  * position is 1 based. For example,
544  *   char *str = "hello world";
545  * The "hello" token would have a start_column as 1 and an end
546  * column as 5.
547  *
548  * The start_column and end_column will be the same column number for
549  * a token of size 1.
550  */
551 struct gdbwire_mi_position {
552     /* The starting column position of the token */
553     int start_column;
554     /* The ending column position of the token */
555     int end_column;
556 };
558 /** The gdbwire_mi output kinds. */
559 enum gdbwire_mi_output_kind {
560     /**
561      * The GDB/MI output contains an out of band record.
562      *
563      * The out of band record is not necessarily associated with any
564      * particular GDB/MI input command.
565      */
568     /**
569      * The GDB/MI output contains a gdbwire_mi result record.
570      *
571      * This record typically contains the result data from a request
572      * made by the client in a previous GDB/MI input command.
573      */
576     /**
577      * The GDB/MI output represents a prompt. (ie. (gdb) )
578      *
579      * TODO: Document when GDB is ready to receive a command. Only if
580      * the prompt is received and at *stopped?
581      */
584     /**
585      * A parse error occurred.
586      */
588 };
590 /**
591  * The GDB/MI output command.
592  *
593  * A GDB/MI output command is the main mechanism in which GDB
594  * corresponds with a front end.
595  */
596 struct gdbwire_mi_output {
597     enum gdbwire_mi_output_kind kind;
599     union {
600         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_OUTPUT_OOB, never NULL. */
601         struct gdbwire_mi_oob_record *oob_record;
602         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_OUTPUT_RESULT, never NULL. */
603         struct gdbwire_mi_result_record *result_record;
604         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_OUTPUT_PARSE_ERROR, never NULL. */
605         struct {
606             /** The token the error occurred on */
607             char *token;
608             /** The position of the token where the error occurred. */
609             struct gdbwire_mi_position pos;
610         } error;
611     } variant;
613     /**
614      * The GDB/MI output line that was used to create this output instance.
615      *
616      * Each gdbwire_mi output structure is created from exactly one line of
617      * MI output from GDB. This field represents the line that created
618      * this particular output structure.
619      *
620      * This field is always available and never NULL, even for a parse error.
621      */
622     char *line;
624     /** The next GDB/MI output command or NULL if none */
625     struct gdbwire_mi_output *next;
626 };
628 /**
629  * A GDB/MI token.
630  *
631  * A string made up of one or more digits.
632  * The regular expression [0-9]+ will match this types contents.
633  */
634 typedef char *gdbwire_mi_token_t;
636 /**
637  * A GDB/MI output command may contain one of the following result indications.
638  */
639 enum gdbwire_mi_result_class {
640     /**
641      * The synchronous operation was successful (^done).
642      */
645     /**
646      * Equivalent to GDBWIRE_MI_DONE (^running).
647      *
648      * Historically, was output by GDB instead of ^done if the command
649      * resumed the target.
650      *
651      * Do not rely on or use this result class in the front end to determine
652      * the state of the target. Use the async *running output record to
653      * determine which threads have resumed running.
654      *
655      * TODO: Ensure that early versions of GDB can depend on the async
656      * *running or if front ends DO have to rely on ^running.
657      */
660     /**
661      * GDB has connected to a remote target (^connected).
662      *
663      * This is in response to the -target-select command.
664      *
665      * A comment in the GDB source code says,
666      *   There's no particularly good reason why target-connect results
667      *   in not ^done.  Should kill ^connected for MI3.
668      *
669      * With this in mind, it makes sense to assume that GDBWIRE_MI_CONNECTED
670      * and GDBWIRE_MI_DONE are equivalent.
671      */
674     /**
675      * An error has occurred (^error).
676      *
677      * This can occur if the user provides an improper command to GDB.
678      * In this case, the user will be provided the standard error output but
679      * the front end will also be provided this information independently.
680      */
683     /**
684      * GDB has terminated (^exit).
685      *
686      * When GDB knows it is about to exit, it provides this notification
687      * in the GDB/MI output command. However, on all other circumstances,
688      * the front end should be prepared to have GDB exit and not provide
689      * this information.
690      */
693     /* An unsupported result class */
695 };
697 /**
698  * The GDB/MI result record in an output command.
699  *
700  * The result record represents the result data in the GDB/MI output
701  * command sent by GDB. This typically contains the content the client
702  * was requesting when it sent a GDB/MI input command to GDB.
703  */
704 struct gdbwire_mi_result_record {
705     /**
706      * The token associated with the corresponding GDB/MI input command.
707      *
708      * The client may provide a unique string of digits at the beginning of a
709      * GDB/MI input command. For example,
710      *   0000-foo
711      * When GDB finally gets around to responding to the GDB/MI input command,
712      * it takes the token provided in the input command and puts it into the
713      * result record of the corresponding GDB/MI output command. For
714      * example, the output commmand associated with the above input command is,
715      *   0000^error,msg="Undefined MI command: foo",code="undefined-command"
716      * and the result record would have the below token field set to "0000".
717      *
718      * This is intended to allow the front end to correlate the GDB/MI input
719      * command it sent with the GDB/MI output command GDB responded with.
720      *
721      * This represents the token value the front end provided to the
722      * corresponding GDB/MI input command or NULL if no token was provided.
723      */
724     gdbwire_mi_token_t token;
726     /** The result records result class. */
727     enum gdbwire_mi_result_class result_class;
729     /**
730      * An optional list of results for this result record.
731      *
732      * Will be NULL if there is no results for this result record.
733      *
734      * This is typically where the result data is that the client
735      * is looking for.
736      */
737     struct gdbwire_mi_result *result;
738 };
740 /** The out of band record kinds. */
741 enum gdbwire_mi_oob_record_kind {
742     /**
743      * An asyncronous out of band record.
744      *
745      * An asyncronous record occurs when GDB would like to update the
746      * client with information that it has not asked for.
747      *
748      * For instance, if the inferior has stopped, or a new thread has
749      * started.
750      */
753     /**
754      * A stream out of band record.
755      *
756      * This is the result of normal output from the console, target or GDB.
757      */
759 };
761 /* This is an out of band record.  */
762 struct gdbwire_mi_oob_record {
763     /** The kind of out of band record. */
764     enum gdbwire_mi_oob_record_kind kind;
766     union {
767         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_ASYNC. */
768         struct gdbwire_mi_async_record *async_record;
769         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_STREAM. */
770         struct gdbwire_mi_stream_record *stream_record;
771     } variant;
772 };
774 /** The asynchronous out of band record kinds */
775 enum gdbwire_mi_async_record_kind {
776     /**
777      * The asynchronous status record kind.
778      *
779      * Contains on-going status information about the progress of a slow
780      * operation. It can be discarded.
781      *
782      * This output is prepended by the + character.
783      */
786     /**
787      * The asynchronous exec record kind.
788      *
789      * Contains asynchronous state change regarding the target:
790      *  (stopped, started, disappeared).
791      *
792      * This output is prepended by the * character.
793      */
796     /**
797      * The asyncronous notify record kind.
798      *
799      * Contains supplementary information that the client should handle
800      * (e.g., a new breakpoint information).
801      *
802      * This output is prepended by the = character.
803      */
805 };
807 /** The stream out of band record kinds */
808 enum gdbwire_mi_stream_record_kind {
809     /**
810      * The console output.
811      *
812      * Output that should be displayed as is in the console.
813      * It is the textual response to a CLI command.
814      *
815      * This output is prepended by the ~ character.
816      */
819     /**
820      * The target output.
821      *
822      * Output produced by the target program.
823      *
824      * This output is prepended by the @ character.
825      */
828     /**
829      * The GDB log output.
830      *
831      * Output text coming from GDB's internals. For instance messages
832      * that should be displayed as part of an error log.
833      *
834      * This output is prepended by the & character.
835      */
837 };
839 /**
840  * The GDB/MI asyncronous class.
841  *
842  *
843  */
844 enum gdbwire_mi_async_class {
845     /**
846      * Loading the executable onto the remote target.
847      *
848      * This was undocumented in the GDB manual as far as GDB 7.7.
849      *
850      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_STATUS as +download.
851      */
854     /**
855      * The target has stopped.
856      *
857      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_EXEC as *stopped.
858      */
861     /**
862      * The target is now running.
863      *
864      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_EXEC as *running.
865      */
868     /**
869      * Reports that a thread group was added.
870      *
871      * When a thread group is added, it generally might not be associated
872      * with a running process.
873      *
874      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
875      * as =thread-group-added.
876      */
879     /**
880      * Reports that a thread group was removed.
881      *
882      * When a thread group is removed, its id becomes invalid and cannot be
883      * used in any way.
884      *
885      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
886      * as =thread-group-removed.
887      */
890     /**
891      * Reports that a thread group was started.
892      *
893      * A thread group became associated with a running program.
894      *
895      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
896      * as =thread-group-started.
897      */
900     /**
901      * Reports that a thread group was exited.
902      *
903      * A thread group is no longer associated with a running program.
904      *
905      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
906      * as =thread-group-exited.
907      */
910     /**
911      * Reports that a thread was created.
912      *
913      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
914      * as =thread-created.
915      */
918     /**
919      * Reports that a thread was exited.
920      *
921      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY as =thread-exited.
922      */
925     /**
926      * Reports that a thread was selected.
927      *
928      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY as =thread-selected.
929      */
932     /**
933      * Reports that a new library was loaded.
934      *
935      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY as =library-loaded.
936      */
939     /**
940      * Reports that a new library was unloaded.
941      *
942      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
943      * as =library-unloaded.
944      */
947     /**
948      * Reports that a trace frame was changed.
949      *
950      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
951      * as =traceframe-changed.
952      */
955     /**
956      * Reports that a trace state variable was created.
957      *
958      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY as =tsv-created.
959      */
962     /**
963      * Reports that a trace state variable was modified.
964      *
965      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY as =tsv-modified.
966      */
969     /**
970      * Reports that a trace state variable was deleted.
971      *
972      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY as =tsv-deleted.
973      */
976     /**
977      * Reports that a breakpoint was created.
978      *
979      * Only user-visible breakpoints are reported to the MI user.
980      *
981      * If a breakpoint is emitted in the result record of a
982      * command, then it will not also be emitted in an async record.
983      *
984      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
985      * as =breakpoint-created.
986      */
989     /**
990      * Reports that a breakpoint was modified.
991      *
992      * Only user-visible breakpoints are reported to the MI user.
993      *
994      * If a breakpoint is emitted in the result record of a
995      * command, then it will not also be emitted in an async record.
996      *
997      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
998      * as =breakpoint-modified.
999      */
1002     /**
1003      * Reports that a breakpoint was deleted.
1004      *
1005      * Only user-visible breakpoints are reported to the MI user.
1006      *
1007      * If a breakpoint is emitted in the result record of a
1008      * command, then it will not also be emitted in an async record.
1009      *
1010      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1011      * as =breakpoint-deleted.
1012      */
1015     /**
1016      * Reports that execution log recording was started on an inferior.
1017      *
1018      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIF
1019      *  as =record-started.
1020      */
1023     /**
1024      * Reports that execution log recording was stopped on an inferior.
1025      *
1026      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1027      * as =record-stopped.
1028      */
1031     /**
1032      * Reports that a parameter of the command set param is changed to value.
1033      *
1034      * For example, when the user runs a command like 'set print pretty on',
1035      * this async command will be invoked with the parameter reported as
1036      * 'print pretty' and the value as 'on'.
1037      *
1038      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1039      * as =cmd-param-changed.
1040      */
1043     /**
1044      * Reports that bytes from addr to data + len were written in an inferior.
1045      *
1046      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1047      * as =memory-changed.
1048      */
1051     /* An unsupported async class */
1053 };
1055 /**
1056  * The GDB/MI asyncronous record in an output command.
1057  *
1058  * An asyncronous record occurs when GDB would like to update the
1059  * client with information that it has not asked for.
1060  */
1061 struct gdbwire_mi_async_record {
1062     /**
1063      * The result record token.
1064      *
1065      * Please note that the GDB/MI manual says that asyncronous records
1066      * do not currently populate this token on output but reserve the right
1067      * to do so. For that reason, token here should always be NULL.
1068      *
1069      * From the GDB documentation:
1070      *   Note that for all async output, while the token is allowed by the
1071      *   grammar and may be output by future versions of gdb for select async
1072      *   output messages, it is generally omitted. Frontends should treat all
1073      *   async output as reporting general changes in the state of the target
1074      *   and there should be no need to associate async output to any prior
1075      *   command.
1076      *
1077      * After further investigation, I determined that newer GDB's will no
1078      * longer ever output this information. Older GDB's will. The commit
1079      * that made this change in GDB is 721c02de on April 24th, 2008.
1080      * The next GDB that was released was on October 6th, 2009, version 7.0.
1081      *
1082      * Before the above mentioned commit async *stopped commands would
1083      * sometimes output the token associated with the last token provided in
1084      * a GDB/MI input command. After that change, the token is never
1085      * associated with an async output command, even though the
1086      * documentation says it might be.
1087      *
1088      * Finally, even before that change when the token was output in the
1089      * async *stopped command, the developers of GDB felt that it was not
1090      * useful and should be avoided by front ends.
1091      *
1092      * With this information, I've determined that front ends should never
1093      * use this value to determine logic. However, the value is parsed in
1094      * order to accurately handle and represent the cases where this value
1095      * occurs.
1096      *
1097      * This represents the token value the front end provided to the
1098      * corresponding GDB/MI input command or NULL if no token was provided.
1099      */
1100     gdbwire_mi_token_t token;
1102     /** The kind of asynchronous record. */
1103     enum gdbwire_mi_async_record_kind kind;
1105     /** The asynchronous output class */
1106     enum gdbwire_mi_async_class async_class;
1108     /**
1109      * An optional list of results for this async output.
1110      *
1111      * Will be NULL if there is no results.
1112      */
1113     struct gdbwire_mi_result *result;
1114 };
1116 /** The GDB/MI result kind */
1117 enum gdbwire_mi_result_kind {
1118     /** The result is a cstring */
1120     /** The result is a tuple */
1122     /** The result is a list */
1124 };
1126 /**
1127  * A GDB/MI result list.
1128  *
1129  * This is one of the important GDB/MI data structures. GDB communicates many
1130  * of it's values to the front end through this key/value data structure.
1131  *
1132  * It is basically a list of key/value pairs, where the key is a
1133  * variable name and the value expands to a string, a tuple of results or
1134  * a list of results.
1135  *
1136  * This can be thought of as a custom json object.
1137  */
1138 struct gdbwire_mi_result {
1139     /** The kind of result this represents. */
1140     enum gdbwire_mi_result_kind kind;
1142     /** The key being described by the result. */
1143     char *variable;
1145     union {
1146         /** When kind is GDBWIRE_MI_CSTRING */
1147         char *cstring;
1149         /**
1150          * When kind is GDBWIRE_MI_TUPLE or GDBWIRE_MI_LIST.
1151          *
1152          * If kind is GDBWIRE_MI_TUPLE, each result in the tuple should have a
1153          * valid key according to the GDB/MI specification. That is, for
1154          * each result, result->variable should not be NULL.
1155          *   Note: GDBWIRE currently relaxes the above rule. It allows tuple's
1156          *   with out a key in each member. For instance, {key="value"}
1157          *   is what the GDB/MI specification advocates for, but some
1158          *   variations of GDB emit {"value"} and so GDBWIRE allows it.
1159          *
1160          * If kind is GDBWIRE_MI_LIST, the GDB/MI specification allows
1161          * results in this list to not have keys. That is, for each result,
1162          * result->variable may be NULL.
1163          *
1164          * Will be NULL if the tuple or list is empty.
1165          */
1166         struct gdbwire_mi_result *result;
1167     } variant;
1169     /** The next result or NULL if none */
1170     struct gdbwire_mi_result *next;
1171 };
1173 /**
1174  * An out of band GDB/MI stream record.
1175  *
1176  * A stream record is intended to provide the front end with information
1177  * from the console, the target or from GDB itself.
1178  */
1179 struct gdbwire_mi_stream_record {
1180     /** The kind of stream record. */
1181     enum gdbwire_mi_stream_record_kind kind;
1182     /** The buffer provided in this stream record. */
1183     char *cstring;
1184 };
1186 void gdbwire_mi_output_free(struct gdbwire_mi_output *param);
1188 struct gdbwire_mi_output *append_gdbwire_mi_output(
1189         struct gdbwire_mi_output *list, struct gdbwire_mi_output *item);
1191 struct gdbwire_mi_result *append_gdbwire_mi_result(
1192         struct gdbwire_mi_result *list, struct gdbwire_mi_result *item);
1194 #ifdef __cplusplus
1195 }
1196 #endif
1198 #endif
1199 /***** End of gdbwire_mi_pt.h ************************************************/
1200 /***** Begin file gdbwire_mi_pt_alloc.h **************************************/
1201 #ifndef GDBWIRE_MI_PT_ALLOC_H
1202 #define GDBWIRE_MI_PT_ALLOC_H
1204 #ifdef __cplusplus
1205 extern "C" {
1206 #endif
1208 /**
1209  * Responsible for allocating and deallocating gdbwire_mi_pt objects.
1210  */
1212 /* struct gdbwire_mi_output */
1213 struct gdbwire_mi_output *gdbwire_mi_output_alloc(void);
1214 void gdbwire_mi_output_free(struct gdbwire_mi_output *param);
1216 /* struct gdbwire_mi_result_record */
1217 struct gdbwire_mi_result_record *gdbwire_mi_result_record_alloc(void);
1218 void gdbwire_mi_result_record_free(struct gdbwire_mi_result_record *param);
1220 /* struct gdbwire_mi_result */
1221 struct gdbwire_mi_result *gdbwire_mi_result_alloc(void);
1222 void gdbwire_mi_result_free(struct gdbwire_mi_result *param);
1224 /* struct gdbwire_mi_oob_record */
1225 struct gdbwire_mi_oob_record *gdbwire_mi_oob_record_alloc(void);
1226 void gdbwire_mi_oob_record_free(struct gdbwire_mi_oob_record *param);
1228 /* struct gdbwire_mi_async_record */
1229 struct gdbwire_mi_async_record *gdbwire_mi_async_record_alloc(void);
1230 void gdbwire_mi_async_record_free(struct gdbwire_mi_async_record *param);
1232 /* struct gdbwire_mi_stream_record */
1233 struct gdbwire_mi_stream_record *gdbwire_mi_stream_record_alloc(void);
1234 void gdbwire_mi_stream_record_free(struct gdbwire_mi_stream_record *param);
1236 #ifdef __cplusplus
1237 }
1238 #endif
1240 #endif /* GDBWIRE_MI_PT_ALLOC_H */
1241 /***** End of gdbwire_mi_pt_alloc.h ******************************************/
1242 /***** Begin file gdbwire_mi_parser.h ****************************************/
1243 #ifndef GDBWIRE_MI_PARSER_H
1244 #define GDBWIRE_MI_PARSER_H
1246 #ifdef __cplusplus
1247 extern "C" {
1248 #endif
1250 /* #include "gdbwire_result.h" */
1251 /***** Include gdbwire_mi_pt.h in the middle of gdbwire_mi_parser.h **********/
1252 /***** Begin file gdbwire_mi_pt.h ********************************************/
1253 #ifndef GDBWIRE_MI_PT_H
1254 #define GDBWIRE_MI_PT_H
1256 #ifdef __cplusplus
1257 extern "C" {
1258 #endif
1260 /**
1261  * The position of a token in a GDB/MI line.
1262  *
1263  * Note that a string in C is zero based and the token column
1264  * position is 1 based. For example,
1265  *   char *str = "hello world";
1266  * The "hello" token would have a start_column as 1 and an end
1267  * column as 5.
1268  *
1269  * The start_column and end_column will be the same column number for
1270  * a token of size 1.
1271  */
1272 struct gdbwire_mi_position {
1273     /* The starting column position of the token */
1274     int start_column;
1275     /* The ending column position of the token */
1276     int end_column;
1277 };
1279 /** The gdbwire_mi output kinds. */
1280 enum gdbwire_mi_output_kind {
1281     /**
1282      * The GDB/MI output contains an out of band record.
1283      *
1284      * The out of band record is not necessarily associated with any
1285      * particular GDB/MI input command.
1286      */
1289     /**
1290      * The GDB/MI output contains a gdbwire_mi result record.
1291      *
1292      * This record typically contains the result data from a request
1293      * made by the client in a previous GDB/MI input command.
1294      */
1297     /**
1298      * The GDB/MI output represents a prompt. (ie. (gdb) )
1299      *
1300      * TODO: Document when GDB is ready to receive a command. Only if
1301      * the prompt is received and at *stopped?
1302      */
1305     /**
1306      * A parse error occurred.
1307      */
1309 };
1311 /**
1312  * The GDB/MI output command.
1313  *
1314  * A GDB/MI output command is the main mechanism in which GDB
1315  * corresponds with a front end.
1316  */
1317 struct gdbwire_mi_output {
1318     enum gdbwire_mi_output_kind kind;
1320     union {
1321         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_OUTPUT_OOB, never NULL. */
1322         struct gdbwire_mi_oob_record *oob_record;
1323         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_OUTPUT_RESULT, never NULL. */
1324         struct gdbwire_mi_result_record *result_record;
1325         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_OUTPUT_PARSE_ERROR, never NULL. */
1326         struct {
1327             /** The token the error occurred on */
1328             char *token;
1329             /** The position of the token where the error occurred. */
1330             struct gdbwire_mi_position pos;
1331         } error;
1332     } variant;
1334     /**
1335      * The GDB/MI output line that was used to create this output instance.
1336      *
1337      * Each gdbwire_mi output structure is created from exactly one line of
1338      * MI output from GDB. This field represents the line that created
1339      * this particular output structure.
1340      *
1341      * This field is always available and never NULL, even for a parse error.
1342      */
1343     char *line;
1345     /** The next GDB/MI output command or NULL if none */
1346     struct gdbwire_mi_output *next;
1347 };
1349 /**
1350  * A GDB/MI token.
1351  *
1352  * A string made up of one or more digits.
1353  * The regular expression [0-9]+ will match this types contents.
1354  */
1355 typedef char *gdbwire_mi_token_t;
1357 /**
1358  * A GDB/MI output command may contain one of the following result indications.
1359  */
1360 enum gdbwire_mi_result_class {
1361     /**
1362      * The synchronous operation was successful (^done).
1363      */
1366     /**
1367      * Equivalent to GDBWIRE_MI_DONE (^running).
1368      *
1369      * Historically, was output by GDB instead of ^done if the command
1370      * resumed the target.
1371      *
1372      * Do not rely on or use this result class in the front end to determine
1373      * the state of the target. Use the async *running output record to
1374      * determine which threads have resumed running.
1375      *
1376      * TODO: Ensure that early versions of GDB can depend on the async
1377      * *running or if front ends DO have to rely on ^running.
1378      */
1381     /**
1382      * GDB has connected to a remote target (^connected).
1383      *
1384      * This is in response to the -target-select command.
1385      *
1386      * A comment in the GDB source code says,
1387      *   There's no particularly good reason why target-connect results
1388      *   in not ^done.  Should kill ^connected for MI3.
1389      *
1390      * With this in mind, it makes sense to assume that GDBWIRE_MI_CONNECTED
1391      * and GDBWIRE_MI_DONE are equivalent.
1392      */
1395     /**
1396      * An error has occurred (^error).
1397      *
1398      * This can occur if the user provides an improper command to GDB.
1399      * In this case, the user will be provided the standard error output but
1400      * the front end will also be provided this information independently.
1401      */
1404     /**
1405      * GDB has terminated (^exit).
1406      *
1407      * When GDB knows it is about to exit, it provides this notification
1408      * in the GDB/MI output command. However, on all other circumstances,
1409      * the front end should be prepared to have GDB exit and not provide
1410      * this information.
1411      */
1414     /* An unsupported result class */
1416 };
1418 /**
1419  * The GDB/MI result record in an output command.
1420  *
1421  * The result record represents the result data in the GDB/MI output
1422  * command sent by GDB. This typically contains the content the client
1423  * was requesting when it sent a GDB/MI input command to GDB.
1424  */
1425 struct gdbwire_mi_result_record {
1426     /**
1427      * The token associated with the corresponding GDB/MI input command.
1428      *
1429      * The client may provide a unique string of digits at the beginning of a
1430      * GDB/MI input command. For example,
1431      *   0000-foo
1432      * When GDB finally gets around to responding to the GDB/MI input command,
1433      * it takes the token provided in the input command and puts it into the
1434      * result record of the corresponding GDB/MI output command. For
1435      * example, the output commmand associated with the above input command is,
1436      *   0000^error,msg="Undefined MI command: foo",code="undefined-command"
1437      * and the result record would have the below token field set to "0000".
1438      *
1439      * This is intended to allow the front end to correlate the GDB/MI input
1440      * command it sent with the GDB/MI output command GDB responded with.
1441      *
1442      * This represents the token value the front end provided to the
1443      * corresponding GDB/MI input command or NULL if no token was provided.
1444      */
1445     gdbwire_mi_token_t token;
1447     /** The result records result class. */
1448     enum gdbwire_mi_result_class result_class;
1450     /**
1451      * An optional list of results for this result record.
1452      *
1453      * Will be NULL if there is no results for this result record.
1454      *
1455      * This is typically where the result data is that the client
1456      * is looking for.
1457      */
1458     struct gdbwire_mi_result *result;
1459 };
1461 /** The out of band record kinds. */
1462 enum gdbwire_mi_oob_record_kind {
1463     /**
1464      * An asyncronous out of band record.
1465      *
1466      * An asyncronous record occurs when GDB would like to update the
1467      * client with information that it has not asked for.
1468      *
1469      * For instance, if the inferior has stopped, or a new thread has
1470      * started.
1471      */
1474     /**
1475      * A stream out of band record.
1476      *
1477      * This is the result of normal output from the console, target or GDB.
1478      */
1480 };
1482 /* This is an out of band record.  */
1483 struct gdbwire_mi_oob_record {
1484     /** The kind of out of band record. */
1485     enum gdbwire_mi_oob_record_kind kind;
1487     union {
1488         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_ASYNC. */
1489         struct gdbwire_mi_async_record *async_record;
1490         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_STREAM. */
1491         struct gdbwire_mi_stream_record *stream_record;
1492     } variant;
1493 };
1495 /** The asynchronous out of band record kinds */
1496 enum gdbwire_mi_async_record_kind {
1497     /**
1498      * The asynchronous status record kind.
1499      *
1500      * Contains on-going status information about the progress of a slow
1501      * operation. It can be discarded.
1502      *
1503      * This output is prepended by the + character.
1504      */
1507     /**
1508      * The asynchronous exec record kind.
1509      *
1510      * Contains asynchronous state change regarding the target:
1511      *  (stopped, started, disappeared).
1512      *
1513      * This output is prepended by the * character.
1514      */
1517     /**
1518      * The asyncronous notify record kind.
1519      *
1520      * Contains supplementary information that the client should handle
1521      * (e.g., a new breakpoint information).
1522      *
1523      * This output is prepended by the = character.
1524      */
1526 };
1528 /** The stream out of band record kinds */
1529 enum gdbwire_mi_stream_record_kind {
1530     /**
1531      * The console output.
1532      *
1533      * Output that should be displayed as is in the console.
1534      * It is the textual response to a CLI command.
1535      *
1536      * This output is prepended by the ~ character.
1537      */
1540     /**
1541      * The target output.
1542      *
1543      * Output produced by the target program.
1544      *
1545      * This output is prepended by the @ character.
1546      */
1549     /**
1550      * The GDB log output.
1551      *
1552      * Output text coming from GDB's internals. For instance messages
1553      * that should be displayed as part of an error log.
1554      *
1555      * This output is prepended by the & character.
1556      */
1558 };
1560 /**
1561  * The GDB/MI asyncronous class.
1562  *
1563  *
1564  */
1565 enum gdbwire_mi_async_class {
1566     /**
1567      * Loading the executable onto the remote target.
1568      *
1569      * This was undocumented in the GDB manual as far as GDB 7.7.
1570      *
1571      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_STATUS as +download.
1572      */
1575     /**
1576      * The target has stopped.
1577      *
1578      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_EXEC as *stopped.
1579      */
1582     /**
1583      * The target is now running.
1584      *
1585      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_EXEC as *running.
1586      */
1589     /**
1590      * Reports that a thread group was added.
1591      *
1592      * When a thread group is added, it generally might not be associated
1593      * with a running process.
1594      *
1595      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1596      * as =thread-group-added.
1597      */
1600     /**
1601      * Reports that a thread group was removed.
1602      *
1603      * When a thread group is removed, its id becomes invalid and cannot be
1604      * used in any way.
1605      *
1606      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1607      * as =thread-group-removed.
1608      */
1611     /**
1612      * Reports that a thread group was started.
1613      *
1614      * A thread group became associated with a running program.
1615      *
1616      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1617      * as =thread-group-started.
1618      */
1621     /**
1622      * Reports that a thread group was exited.
1623      *
1624      * A thread group is no longer associated with a running program.
1625      *
1626      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1627      * as =thread-group-exited.
1628      */
1631     /**
1632      * Reports that a thread was created.
1633      *
1634      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1635      * as =thread-created.
1636      */
1639     /**
1640      * Reports that a thread was exited.
1641      *
1642      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY as =thread-exited.
1643      */
1646     /**
1647      * Reports that a thread was selected.
1648      *
1649      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY as =thread-selected.
1650      */
1653     /**
1654      * Reports that a new library was loaded.
1655      *
1656      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY as =library-loaded.
1657      */
1660     /**
1661      * Reports that a new library was unloaded.
1662      *
1663      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1664      * as =library-unloaded.
1665      */
1668     /**
1669      * Reports that a trace frame was changed.
1670      *
1671      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1672      * as =traceframe-changed.
1673      */
1676     /**
1677      * Reports that a trace state variable was created.
1678      *
1679      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY as =tsv-created.
1680      */
1683     /**
1684      * Reports that a trace state variable was modified.
1685      *
1686      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY as =tsv-modified.
1687      */
1690     /**
1691      * Reports that a trace state variable was deleted.
1692      *
1693      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY as =tsv-deleted.
1694      */
1697     /**
1698      * Reports that a breakpoint was created.
1699      *
1700      * Only user-visible breakpoints are reported to the MI user.
1701      *
1702      * If a breakpoint is emitted in the result record of a
1703      * command, then it will not also be emitted in an async record.
1704      *
1705      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1706      * as =breakpoint-created.
1707      */
1710     /**
1711      * Reports that a breakpoint was modified.
1712      *
1713      * Only user-visible breakpoints are reported to the MI user.
1714      *
1715      * If a breakpoint is emitted in the result record of a
1716      * command, then it will not also be emitted in an async record.
1717      *
1718      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1719      * as =breakpoint-modified.
1720      */
1723     /**
1724      * Reports that a breakpoint was deleted.
1725      *
1726      * Only user-visible breakpoints are reported to the MI user.
1727      *
1728      * If a breakpoint is emitted in the result record of a
1729      * command, then it will not also be emitted in an async record.
1730      *
1731      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1732      * as =breakpoint-deleted.
1733      */
1736     /**
1737      * Reports that execution log recording was started on an inferior.
1738      *
1739      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIF
1740      *  as =record-started.
1741      */
1744     /**
1745      * Reports that execution log recording was stopped on an inferior.
1746      *
1747      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1748      * as =record-stopped.
1749      */
1752     /**
1753      * Reports that a parameter of the command set param is changed to value.
1754      *
1755      * For example, when the user runs a command like 'set print pretty on',
1756      * this async command will be invoked with the parameter reported as
1757      * 'print pretty' and the value as 'on'.
1758      *
1759      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1760      * as =cmd-param-changed.
1761      */
1764     /**
1765      * Reports that bytes from addr to data + len were written in an inferior.
1766      *
1767      * This occurs if the async record is GDBWIRE_MI_NOTIFY
1768      * as =memory-changed.
1769      */
1772     /* An unsupported async class */
1774 };
1776 /**
1777  * The GDB/MI asyncronous record in an output command.
1778  *
1779  * An asyncronous record occurs when GDB would like to update the
1780  * client with information that it has not asked for.
1781  */
1782 struct gdbwire_mi_async_record {
1783     /**
1784      * The result record token.
1785      *
1786      * Please note that the GDB/MI manual says that asyncronous records
1787      * do not currently populate this token on output but reserve the right
1788      * to do so. For that reason, token here should always be NULL.
1789      *
1790      * From the GDB documentation:
1791      *   Note that for all async output, while the token is allowed by the
1792      *   grammar and may be output by future versions of gdb for select async
1793      *   output messages, it is generally omitted. Frontends should treat all
1794      *   async output as reporting general changes in the state of the target
1795      *   and there should be no need to associate async output to any prior
1796      *   command.
1797      *
1798      * After further investigation, I determined that newer GDB's will no
1799      * longer ever output this information. Older GDB's will. The commit
1800      * that made this change in GDB is 721c02de on April 24th, 2008.
1801      * The next GDB that was released was on October 6th, 2009, version 7.0.
1802      *
1803      * Before the above mentioned commit async *stopped commands would
1804      * sometimes output the token associated with the last token provided in
1805      * a GDB/MI input command. After that change, the token is never
1806      * associated with an async output command, even though the
1807      * documentation says it might be.
1808      *
1809      * Finally, even before that change when the token was output in the
1810      * async *stopped command, the developers of GDB felt that it was not
1811      * useful and should be avoided by front ends.
1812      *
1813      * With this information, I've determined that front ends should never
1814      * use this value to determine logic. However, the value is parsed in
1815      * order to accurately handle and represent the cases where this value
1816      * occurs.
1817      *
1818      * This represents the token value the front end provided to the
1819      * corresponding GDB/MI input command or NULL if no token was provided.
1820      */
1821     gdbwire_mi_token_t token;
1823     /** The kind of asynchronous record. */
1824     enum gdbwire_mi_async_record_kind kind;
1826     /** The asynchronous output class */
1827     enum gdbwire_mi_async_class async_class;
1829     /**
1830      * An optional list of results for this async output.
1831      *
1832      * Will be NULL if there is no results.
1833      */
1834     struct gdbwire_mi_result *result;
1835 };
1837 /** The GDB/MI result kind */
1838 enum gdbwire_mi_result_kind {
1839     /** The result is a cstring */
1841     /** The result is a tuple */
1843     /** The result is a list */
1845 };
1847 /**
1848  * A GDB/MI result list.
1849  *
1850  * This is one of the important GDB/MI data structures. GDB communicates many
1851  * of it's values to the front end through this key/value data structure.
1852  *
1853  * It is basically a list of key/value pairs, where the key is a
1854  * variable name and the value expands to a string, a tuple of results or
1855  * a list of results.
1856  *
1857  * This can be thought of as a custom json object.
1858  */
1859 struct gdbwire_mi_result {
1860     /** The kind of result this represents. */
1861     enum gdbwire_mi_result_kind kind;
1863     /** The key being described by the result. */
1864     char *variable;
1866     union {
1867         /** When kind is GDBWIRE_MI_CSTRING */
1868         char *cstring;
1870         /**
1871          * When kind is GDBWIRE_MI_TUPLE or GDBWIRE_MI_LIST.
1872          *
1873          * If kind is GDBWIRE_MI_TUPLE, each result in the tuple should have a
1874          * valid key according to the GDB/MI specification. That is, for
1875          * each result, result->variable should not be NULL.
1876          *   Note: GDBWIRE currently relaxes the above rule. It allows tuple's
1877          *   with out a key in each member. For instance, {key="value"}
1878          *   is what the GDB/MI specification advocates for, but some
1879          *   variations of GDB emit {"value"} and so GDBWIRE allows it.
1880          *
1881          * If kind is GDBWIRE_MI_LIST, the GDB/MI specification allows
1882          * results in this list to not have keys. That is, for each result,
1883          * result->variable may be NULL.
1884          *
1885          * Will be NULL if the tuple or list is empty.
1886          */
1887         struct gdbwire_mi_result *result;
1888     } variant;
1890     /** The next result or NULL if none */
1891     struct gdbwire_mi_result *next;
1892 };
1894 /**
1895  * An out of band GDB/MI stream record.
1896  *
1897  * A stream record is intended to provide the front end with information
1898  * from the console, the target or from GDB itself.
1899  */
1900 struct gdbwire_mi_stream_record {
1901     /** The kind of stream record. */
1902     enum gdbwire_mi_stream_record_kind kind;
1903     /** The buffer provided in this stream record. */
1904     char *cstring;
1905 };
1907 void gdbwire_mi_output_free(struct gdbwire_mi_output *param);
1909 struct gdbwire_mi_output *append_gdbwire_mi_output(
1910         struct gdbwire_mi_output *list, struct gdbwire_mi_output *item);
1912 struct gdbwire_mi_result *append_gdbwire_mi_result(
1913         struct gdbwire_mi_result *list, struct gdbwire_mi_result *item);
1915 #ifdef __cplusplus
1916 }
1917 #endif
1919 #endif
1920 /***** End of gdbwire_mi_pt.h ************************************************/
1921 /***** Continuing where we left off in gdbwire_mi_parser.h *******************/
1923 /* The opaque GDB/MI parser context */
1924 struct gdbwire_mi_parser;
1926 /**
1927  * The primary mechanism to alert users of GDB/MI notifications.
1928  *
1929  * The flow is like this:
1930  * - create a parser context (gdbwire_mi_parser_create)
1931  * - push onto the parser arbitrary amounts of data (gdbwire_mi_parser_push)
1932  *   - receive callbacks from inside gdbwire_mi_parser_push when
1933  *     it discovers callbacks the user will find interesting
1934  * - destroy the parser (gdbwire_mi_parser_destroy)
1935  */
1936 struct gdbwire_mi_parser_callbacks {
1937     /**
1938      * An arbitrary pointer to associate with the callbacks.
1939      *
1940      * If the calling api is C++ it is useful to make this an instance
1941      * of an object you want to bind to the callback functions below.
1942      */
1943     void *context;
1945     /**
1946      * A GDB/MI output command is available.
1947      *
1948      * @param context
1949      * The context pointer above.
1950      *
1951      * @param output
1952      * The gdbwire_mi output command. This output command is now owned by the
1953      * function being invoked and should be destroyed when necessary.
1954      */
1955     void (*gdbwire_mi_output_callback)(void *context,
1956         struct gdbwire_mi_output *output);
1957 };
1959 /**
1960  * Create a GDB/MI parser context.
1961  *
1962  * @param callbacks
1963  * The callback functions to invoke upon discovery of parse data.
1964  *
1965  * @return
1966  * A new GDB/MI parser instance or NULL on error.
1967  */
1968 struct gdbwire_mi_parser *gdbwire_mi_parser_create(
1969         struct gdbwire_mi_parser_callbacks callbacks);
1971 /**
1972  * Destroy a gdbwire_mi_parser context.
1973  *
1974  * This function will do nothing if parser is NULL.
1975  *
1976  * @param parser
1977  * The instance the parser to destroy
1978  */
1979 void gdbwire_mi_parser_destroy(struct gdbwire_mi_parser *parser);
1981 /**
1982  * Push a null terminated string onto the parser.
1983  *
1984  * During this function, if a gdbwire_mi output command is discovered by
1985  * the parser (or any other useful GDB/MI notification), it will invoke
1986  * the appropriate callbacks assigned during parser creation.
1987  *
1988  * @param parser
1989  * The gdbwire_mi parser context to operate on.
1990  *
1991  * @param data
1992  * The parse data to push onto the parser.
1993  *
1994  * @return
1995  * GDBWIRE_OK on success or appropriate error result on failure.
1996  */
1997 enum gdbwire_result gdbwire_mi_parser_push(struct gdbwire_mi_parser *parser,
1998         const char *data);
2000 /**
2001  * Push some parse data onto the parser.
2002  *
2003  * See gdbwire_mi_parser_push for details on function behavior.
2004  *
2005  * @param parser
2006  * The gdbwire_mi parser context to operate on.
2007  *
2008  * @param data
2009  * The parse data to push onto the parser.
2010  *
2011  * @param size
2012  * The size of the data to push onto the parser.
2013  *
2014  * @return
2015  * GDBWIRE_OK on success or appropriate error result on failure.
2016  */
2017 enum gdbwire_result gdbwire_mi_parser_push_data(
2018         struct gdbwire_mi_parser *parser, const char *data, size_t size);
2020 #ifdef __cplusplus
2021 }
2022 #endif
2024 #endif
2025 /***** End of gdbwire_mi_parser.h ********************************************/
2026 /***** Begin file gdbwire_mi_command.h ***************************************/
2030 #ifdef __cplusplus
2031 extern "C" {
2032 #endif
2034 /* #include "gdbwire_result.h" */
2035 /* #include "gdbwire_mi_pt.h" */
2037 /**
2038  * An enumeration representing the supported GDB/MI commands.
2039  */
2040 enum gdbwire_mi_command_kind {
2041     /* -break-info */
2044     /* -stack-info-frame */
2047     /* -file-list-exec-source-file */
2049     /* -file-list-exec-source-files */
2051 };
2053 /** A linked list of source files. */
2054 struct gdbwire_mi_source_file {
2055     /** A relative path to a file, never NULL */
2056     char *file;
2057     /**An absolute path to a file, NULL if unavailable */
2058     char *fullname;
2059     /** The next file name or NULL if no more. */
2060     struct gdbwire_mi_source_file *next;
2061 };
2063 /** The disposition of a breakpoint. What to do after hitting it. */
2064 enum gdbwire_mi_breakpoint_disp_kind {
2065     GDBWIRE_MI_BP_DISP_DELETE,           /** Delete on next hit */
2066     GDBWIRE_MI_BP_DISP_DELETE_NEXT_STOP, /** Delete on next stop, hit or not */
2067     GDBWIRE_MI_BP_DISP_DISABLE,          /** Disable on next hit */
2068     GDBWIRE_MI_BP_DISP_KEEP,             /** Leave the breakpoint in place */
2069     GDBWIRE_MI_BP_DISP_UNKNOWN           /** When GDB doesn't specify */
2070 };
2072 /**
2073  * A linked list of breakpoints.
2074  *
2075  * A breakpoint is a breakpoint, a tracepoint, a watchpoing or a
2076  * catchpoint. The GDB breakpoint model is quite sophisticated.
2077  * This structure can be extended when necessary.
2078  */
2079 struct gdbwire_mi_breakpoint {
2080     /**
2081      * The breakpoint number.
2082      *
2083      * An integer, however, for a breakpoint that represents one location of
2084      * a multiple location breakpoint, this will be a dotted pair, like ‘1.2’.
2085      *
2086      * Never NULL.
2087      */
2088     char *number;
2090     /**
2091      * Determines if this is a multiple location breakpoint.
2092      *
2093      * True for a multi-location breakpoint, false otherwise.
2094      *
2095      * It is possible that a breakpoint corresponds to several locations in
2096      * your program. For example, several functions may have the same name.
2097      * For the following source code,
2098      *   int foo(int p) { return p; }
2099      *   double foo(double p) { return p; }
2100      *   int main() { int i = 1; double d = 2.3; return foo(i) + foo(d); }
2101      * If the user sets a breakpoint at foo by typing,
2102      *   b foo
2103      * Then gdb will create 3 breakpoints. The multiple location breakpoint,
2104      * which is the parent of the two breakpoints created for each foo
2105      * function. Here is the output of gdb from the CLI perspective,
2106      *   Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
2107      *   1       breakpoint     keep y   <MULTIPLE>
2108      *   1.1                         y     0x4004dd in foo(int) at main.cpp:1
2109      *   1.2                         y     0x4004eb in foo(double) at main.cpp:2
2110      *
2111      * However, if the user created a breakpoint for main by typing,
2112      *   b main
2113      * Then gdb will only create a single breakpoint which would look like,
2114      *   1       breakpoint     keep y   0x4004fa in main() at main.cpp:3
2115      *
2116      * When this is true, the address field will be "<MULTIPLE>" and
2117      * the field multi_breakpoints will represent the breakpoints that this
2118      * multiple location breakpoint has created.
2119      */
2120     unsigned char multi:1;
2122     /**
2123      * True for breakpoints of a multi-location breakpoint, otherwise false.
2124      *
2125      * For the example above, 1.1 and 1.2 would have this field set true.
2126      *
2127      * When this is true, the field multi_breakpoint will represent
2128      * the multiple location breakpoint that has created this breakpoint.
2129      */
2130     unsigned char from_multi:1;
2132     /**
2133      * The breakpoint type.
2134      *
2135      * Typically "breakpoint", "watchpoint" or "catchpoint", but can be
2136      * a variety of different values. In gdb, see breakpoint.c:bptype_string
2137      * to see all the different possibilities.
2138      *
2139      * This will be NULL for breakpoints of a multiple location breakpoint.
2140      * In this circumstance, check the multi_breakpoint field for the
2141      * multiple location breakpoint type field.
2142      */
2143     char *type;
2145     /**
2146      * The type of the catchpoint or NULL if not a catch point.
2147      *
2148      * This field is only valid when the breakpoint is a catchpoint.
2149      * Unfortuntely, gdb says the "type" of the breakpoint in the type field
2150      * is "breakpoint" not "catchpoint". So if this field is non-NULL, it is
2151      * safe to assume that this breakpoint represents at catch point.
2152      */
2153     char *catch_type;
2155     /**
2156      * The breakpoint disposition.
2157      *
2158      * For multiple location breakpoints, this will be
2159      * GDBWIRE_MI_BP_DISP_UNKNOWN. In this circumstance, check the
2160      * multi_breakpoint field for the multiple location breakpoint
2161      * disposition field.
2162      */
2163     enum gdbwire_mi_breakpoint_disp_kind disposition;
2165     /** True if enabled or False if disabled. */
2166     unsigned char enabled:1;
2168     /**
2169      * The address of the breakpoint.
2170      *
2171      * This may be
2172      * - a hexidecimal number, representing the address
2173      * - the string ‘<PENDING>’ for a pending breakpoint
2174      * - the string ‘<MULTIPLE>’ for a breakpoint with multiple locations
2175      *
2176      * This field will be NULL if no address can be determined.
2177      * For example, a watchpoint does not have an address.
2178      */
2179     char *address;
2181     /**
2182      * The name of the function or NULL if unknown.
2183      */
2184     char *func_name;
2186     /**
2187      * A relative path to the file the breakpoint is in or NULL if unknown.
2188      */
2189     char *file;
2191     /**
2192      * An absolute path to the file the breakpoint is in or NULL if unknown.
2193      */
2194     char *fullname;
2196     /**
2197      * The line number the breakpoint is at or 0 if unkonwn.
2198      */
2199     unsigned long line;
2201     /**
2202      * The number of times this breakpoint has been hit.
2203      *
2204      * For breakpoints of multi-location breakpoints, this will be 0.
2205      * Look at the multi-location breakpoint field instead.
2206      */
2207     unsigned long times;
2209     /**
2210      * The location of the breakpoint as originally specified by the user.
2211      *
2212      * This may be NULL for instance, for breakpoints for multi-breakpoints.
2213      */
2214     char *original_location;
2216     /**
2217      * True for a pending breakpoint, otherwise false.
2218      *
2219      * When this is true, the address field will be "<PENDING>".
2220      */
2221     unsigned char pending:1;
2223     /**
2224      * The breakpoints for a multi-location breakpoint.
2225      *
2226      * If multi is true, this will be the breakpoints associated with the
2227      * multiple location breakpoint. Otherwise will be NULL.
2228      */
2229     struct gdbwire_mi_breakpoint *multi_breakpoints;
2231     /**
2232      * A pointer to the multi location breakpoint that created this breakpoint.
2233      *
2234      * When the field from_multi is true, this will be a pointer to the
2235      * multi-location breakpoint that created this breakpoint. Otherwise NULL.
2236      *
2237      * For the example above in the multi field, breakpoints 1.1 and 1.2
2238      * would have this field pointing to the breakpoint 1.
2239      */
2240     struct gdbwire_mi_breakpoint *multi_breakpoint;
2243     /** The next breakpoint or NULL if no more. */
2244     struct gdbwire_mi_breakpoint *next;
2245 };
2247 struct gdbwire_mi_stack_frame {
2248     /**
2249      * The frame number.
2250      *
2251      * Where 0 is the topmost frame, i.e., the innermost function.
2252      *
2253      * Always present.
2254      */
2255     unsigned level;
2257     /**
2258      * The address ($pc value) of the frame.
2259      *
2260      * May be NULL if GDB can not determine the frame address.
2261      */
2262     char *address;
2264    /**
2265     * The function name for the frame. May be NULL if unknown.
2266     */
2267    char *func;
2269    /**
2270     * The file name for the frame. May be NULL if unknown.
2271     */
2272    char *file;
2274    /**
2275     * The fullname name for the frame. May be NULL if unknown.
2276     */
2277    char *fullname;
2279    /**
2280     * Line number corresponding to the $pc. Maybe be 0 if unknown.
2281     */
2282    int line;
2284    /**
2285     * The shared library where this function is defined.
2286     *
2287     * This is only given if the frame's function is not known.
2288     * May be NULL if unknown.
2289     */
2290    char *from;
2291 };
2293 /**
2294  * Represents a GDB/MI command.
2295  */
2296 struct gdbwire_mi_command {
2297     /**
2298      * The kind of mi command this represents.
2299      */
2300     enum gdbwire_mi_command_kind kind;
2302     union {
2303         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_BREAK_INFO */
2304         struct {
2305             /** The list of breakpoints, NULL if none exist.  */
2306             struct gdbwire_mi_breakpoint *breakpoints;
2307         } break_info;
2309         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_STACK_INFO_FRAME */
2310         struct {
2311             struct gdbwire_mi_stack_frame *frame;
2312         } stack_info_frame;
2314         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_FILE_LIST_EXEC_SOURCE_FILE */
2315         struct {
2316             /**
2317              * The line number the inferior is currently executing at.
2318              */
2319             int line;
2321             /**
2322              * The filename the inferior is currently executing at.
2323              *
2324              * This is usually a relative path.
2325              */
2326             char *file;
2328             /**
2329              * The filename the inferior is currently executing at.
2330              *
2331              * This is an absolute path.
2332              *
2333              * This command was addd in 2004, however, it was possible
2334              * at the time that only the "file" field would be put out and
2335              * the "fullname" field would be omitted. In 2012, in git commit,
2336              * f35a17b5, gdb was changed to always omit the "fullname" field.
2337              */
2338             char *fullname;
2340             /**
2341              * Determines if the file includes preprocessor macro information.
2342              *
2343              * This command was added in 2004. However, the macro-info
2344              * field was added to the output in 2008 in git commit 17784837.
2345              *
2346              * Only check this field if macro_info_exists is true.
2347              */
2348             char macro_info:1;
2350             /** True if macro-info field was in mi output, otherwise false */
2351             char macro_info_exists:1;
2352         } file_list_exec_source_file;
2354         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_FILE_LIST_EXEC_SOURCE_FILES */
2355         struct {
2356             /**
2357              * A list of files that make up the inferior.
2358              *
2359              * When there are no files (if the gdb does not have an inferior
2360              * loaded) than files will be NULL.
2361              *
2362              * This command was addd in 2004, however, it was possible
2363              * at the time that only the "file" field would be put out and
2364              * the "fullname" field would be omitted. In 2012, in git commit,
2365              * f35a17b5, gdb was changed to always omit the "fullname" field.
2366              */
2367             struct gdbwire_mi_source_file *files;
2368         } file_list_exec_source_files;
2370     } variant;
2371 };
2373 /**
2374  * Get a gdbwire MI command from the result record.
2375  *
2376  * @param kind
2377  * The kind of command the result record is associated with.
2378  *
2379  * @param result_record
2380  * The result record to turn into a command.
2381  *
2382  * @param out_mi_command
2383  * Will return an allocated gdbwire mi command if GDBWIRE_OK is returned
2384  * from this function. You should free this memory with
2385  * gdbwire_mi_command_free when you are done with it.
2386  *
2387  * @return
2388  * The result of this function.
2389  */
2390 enum gdbwire_result gdbwire_get_mi_command(
2391         enum gdbwire_mi_command_kind kind,
2392         struct gdbwire_mi_result_record *result_record,
2393         struct gdbwire_mi_command **out_mi_command);
2395 /**
2396  * Free the gdbwire mi command.
2397  *
2398  * @param mi_command
2399  * The mi command to free.
2400  */
2401 void gdbwire_mi_command_free(struct gdbwire_mi_command *mi_command);
2403 #ifdef __cplusplus
2404 }
2405 #endif
2407 #endif
2408 /***** End of gdbwire_mi_command.h *******************************************/
2409 /***** Begin file gdbwire_mi_grammar.h ***************************************/
2410 /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.0.4.  */
2412 /* Bison interface for Yacc-like parsers in C
2414    Copyright 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
2416    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2417    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
2418    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2419    (at your option) any later version.
2421    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2422    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2424    GNU General Public License for more details.
2426    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
2427    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
2429 /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
2430    part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
2431    under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
2432    parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
2433    as a parser skeleton.  Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
2434    the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
2435    special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
2436    Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
2437    License without this special exception.
2439    This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
2440    version 2.2 of Bison.  */
2444 /* Debug traces.  */
2445 #ifndef YYDEBUG
2446 # define YYDEBUG 0
2447 #endif
2448 #if YYDEBUG
2449 extern int gdbwire_mi_debug;
2450 #endif
2451 /* "%code requires" blocks.  */
2454 /* An opaque pointer. */
2457 typedef void *yyscan_t;
2458 #endif
2460     struct gdbwire_mi_output;
2463 /* Token type.  */
2464 #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE
2465 # define YYTOKENTYPE
2466   enum yytokentype
2467   {
2468     OPEN_BRACE = 258,
2469     CLOSED_BRACE = 259,
2470     OPEN_PAREN = 260,
2471     CLOSED_PAREN = 261,
2472     ADD_OP = 262,
2473     MULT_OP = 263,
2474     EQUAL_SIGN = 264,
2475     TILDA = 265,
2476     AT_SYMBOL = 266,
2477     AMPERSAND = 267,
2478     OPEN_BRACKET = 268,
2479     CLOSED_BRACKET = 269,
2480     NEWLINE = 270,
2481     INTEGER_LITERAL = 271,
2482     STRING_LITERAL = 272,
2483     CSTRING = 273,
2484     COMMA = 274,
2485     CARROT = 275
2486   };
2487 #endif
2488 /* Tokens.  */
2489 #define OPEN_BRACE 258
2490 #define CLOSED_BRACE 259
2491 #define OPEN_PAREN 260
2492 #define CLOSED_PAREN 261
2493 #define ADD_OP 262
2494 #define MULT_OP 263
2495 #define EQUAL_SIGN 264
2496 #define TILDA 265
2497 #define AT_SYMBOL 266
2498 #define AMPERSAND 267
2499 #define OPEN_BRACKET 268
2500 #define CLOSED_BRACKET 269
2501 #define NEWLINE 270
2502 #define INTEGER_LITERAL 271
2503 #define STRING_LITERAL 272
2504 #define CSTRING 273
2505 #define COMMA 274
2506 #define CARROT 275
2508 /* Value type.  */
2509 #if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
2511 union YYSTYPE
2512 {
2514   struct gdbwire_mi_output *u_output;
2515   struct gdbwire_mi_oob_record *u_oob_record;
2516   struct gdbwire_mi_result_record *u_result_record;
2517   int u_result_class;
2518   int u_async_record_kind;
2519   struct gdbwire_mi_result_list *u_result_list;
2520   struct gdbwire_mi_result *u_result;
2521   char *u_token;
2522   struct gdbwire_mi_async_record *u_async_record;
2523   struct gdbwire_mi_stream_record *u_stream_record;
2524   int u_async_class;
2525   char *u_variable;
2526   char *u_cstring;
2527   struct gdbwire_mi_result *u_tuple;
2528   struct gdbwire_mi_result *u_list;
2529   int u_stream_record_kind;
2531 };
2533 typedef union YYSTYPE YYSTYPE;
2534 # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1
2535 # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1
2536 #endif
2542 enum { YYPUSH_MORE = 4 };
2543 #endif
2545 typedef struct gdbwire_mi_pstate gdbwire_mi_pstate;
2547 int gdbwire_mi_push_parse (gdbwire_mi_pstate *ps, int pushed_char, YYSTYPE const *pushed_val, yyscan_t yyscanner, struct gdbwire_mi_output **gdbwire_mi_output);
2549 gdbwire_mi_pstate * gdbwire_mi_pstate_new (void);
2550 void gdbwire_mi_pstate_delete (gdbwire_mi_pstate *ps);
2553 /***** End of gdbwire_mi_grammar.h *******************************************/
2554 /***** Begin file gdbwire.h **************************************************/
2555 /**
2556  * Copyright 2013 Robert Rossi <bob@brasko.net>
2557  *
2558  * This file is part of GDBWIRE.
2559  *
2560  * GDBWIRE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2561  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
2562  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2563  * (at your option) any later version.
2564  *
2565  * GDBWIRE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2566  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2568  * GNU General Public License for more details.
2569  *
2570  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
2571  * along with GDBWIRE.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2572  */
2574 #ifndef GDBWIRE_H
2575 #define GDBWIRE_H
2577 #ifdef __cplusplus
2578 extern "C" {
2579 #endif
2581 #include <stdlib.h>
2582 /* #include "gdbwire_result.h" */
2583 /* #include "gdbwire_mi_pt.h" */
2584 /***** Include gdbwire_mi_command.h in the middle of gdbwire.h ***************/
2585 /***** Begin file gdbwire_mi_command.h ***************************************/
2589 #ifdef __cplusplus
2590 extern "C" {
2591 #endif
2593 /* #include "gdbwire_result.h" */
2594 /* #include "gdbwire_mi_pt.h" */
2596 /**
2597  * An enumeration representing the supported GDB/MI commands.
2598  */
2599 enum gdbwire_mi_command_kind {
2600     /* -break-info */
2603     /* -stack-info-frame */
2606     /* -file-list-exec-source-file */
2608     /* -file-list-exec-source-files */
2610 };
2612 /** A linked list of source files. */
2613 struct gdbwire_mi_source_file {
2614     /** A relative path to a file, never NULL */
2615     char *file;
2616     /**An absolute path to a file, NULL if unavailable */
2617     char *fullname;
2618     /** The next file name or NULL if no more. */
2619     struct gdbwire_mi_source_file *next;
2620 };
2622 /** The disposition of a breakpoint. What to do after hitting it. */
2623 enum gdbwire_mi_breakpoint_disp_kind {
2624     GDBWIRE_MI_BP_DISP_DELETE,           /** Delete on next hit */
2625     GDBWIRE_MI_BP_DISP_DELETE_NEXT_STOP, /** Delete on next stop, hit or not */
2626     GDBWIRE_MI_BP_DISP_DISABLE,          /** Disable on next hit */
2627     GDBWIRE_MI_BP_DISP_KEEP,             /** Leave the breakpoint in place */
2628     GDBWIRE_MI_BP_DISP_UNKNOWN           /** When GDB doesn't specify */
2629 };
2631 /**
2632  * A linked list of breakpoints.
2633  *
2634  * A breakpoint is a breakpoint, a tracepoint, a watchpoing or a
2635  * catchpoint. The GDB breakpoint model is quite sophisticated.
2636  * This structure can be extended when necessary.
2637  */
2638 struct gdbwire_mi_breakpoint {
2639     /**
2640      * The breakpoint number.
2641      *
2642      * An integer, however, for a breakpoint that represents one location of
2643      * a multiple location breakpoint, this will be a dotted pair, like ‘1.2’.
2644      *
2645      * Never NULL.
2646      */
2647     char *number;
2649     /**
2650      * Determines if this is a multiple location breakpoint.
2651      *
2652      * True for a multi-location breakpoint, false otherwise.
2653      *
2654      * It is possible that a breakpoint corresponds to several locations in
2655      * your program. For example, several functions may have the same name.
2656      * For the following source code,
2657      *   int foo(int p) { return p; }
2658      *   double foo(double p) { return p; }
2659      *   int main() { int i = 1; double d = 2.3; return foo(i) + foo(d); }
2660      * If the user sets a breakpoint at foo by typing,
2661      *   b foo
2662      * Then gdb will create 3 breakpoints. The multiple location breakpoint,
2663      * which is the parent of the two breakpoints created for each foo
2664      * function. Here is the output of gdb from the CLI perspective,
2665      *   Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
2666      *   1       breakpoint     keep y   <MULTIPLE>
2667      *   1.1                         y     0x4004dd in foo(int) at main.cpp:1
2668      *   1.2                         y     0x4004eb in foo(double) at main.cpp:2
2669      *
2670      * However, if the user created a breakpoint for main by typing,
2671      *   b main
2672      * Then gdb will only create a single breakpoint which would look like,
2673      *   1       breakpoint     keep y   0x4004fa in main() at main.cpp:3
2674      *
2675      * When this is true, the address field will be "<MULTIPLE>" and
2676      * the field multi_breakpoints will represent the breakpoints that this
2677      * multiple location breakpoint has created.
2678      */
2679     unsigned char multi:1;
2681     /**
2682      * True for breakpoints of a multi-location breakpoint, otherwise false.
2683      *
2684      * For the example above, 1.1 and 1.2 would have this field set true.
2685      *
2686      * When this is true, the field multi_breakpoint will represent
2687      * the multiple location breakpoint that has created this breakpoint.
2688      */
2689     unsigned char from_multi:1;
2691     /**
2692      * The breakpoint type.
2693      *
2694      * Typically "breakpoint", "watchpoint" or "catchpoint", but can be
2695      * a variety of different values. In gdb, see breakpoint.c:bptype_string
2696      * to see all the different possibilities.
2697      *
2698      * This will be NULL for breakpoints of a multiple location breakpoint.
2699      * In this circumstance, check the multi_breakpoint field for the
2700      * multiple location breakpoint type field.
2701      */
2702     char *type;
2704     /**
2705      * The type of the catchpoint or NULL if not a catch point.
2706      *
2707      * This field is only valid when the breakpoint is a catchpoint.
2708      * Unfortuntely, gdb says the "type" of the breakpoint in the type field
2709      * is "breakpoint" not "catchpoint". So if this field is non-NULL, it is
2710      * safe to assume that this breakpoint represents at catch point.
2711      */
2712     char *catch_type;
2714     /**
2715      * The breakpoint disposition.
2716      *
2717      * For multiple location breakpoints, this will be
2718      * GDBWIRE_MI_BP_DISP_UNKNOWN. In this circumstance, check the
2719      * multi_breakpoint field for the multiple location breakpoint
2720      * disposition field.
2721      */
2722     enum gdbwire_mi_breakpoint_disp_kind disposition;
2724     /** True if enabled or False if disabled. */
2725     unsigned char enabled:1;
2727     /**
2728      * The address of the breakpoint.
2729      *
2730      * This may be
2731      * - a hexidecimal number, representing the address
2732      * - the string ‘<PENDING>’ for a pending breakpoint
2733      * - the string ‘<MULTIPLE>’ for a breakpoint with multiple locations
2734      *
2735      * This field will be NULL if no address can be determined.
2736      * For example, a watchpoint does not have an address.
2737      */
2738     char *address;
2740     /**
2741      * The name of the function or NULL if unknown.
2742      */
2743     char *func_name;
2745     /**
2746      * A relative path to the file the breakpoint is in or NULL if unknown.
2747      */
2748     char *file;
2750     /**
2751      * An absolute path to the file the breakpoint is in or NULL if unknown.
2752      */
2753     char *fullname;
2755     /**
2756      * The line number the breakpoint is at or 0 if unkonwn.
2757      */
2758     unsigned long line;
2760     /**
2761      * The number of times this breakpoint has been hit.
2762      *
2763      * For breakpoints of multi-location breakpoints, this will be 0.
2764      * Look at the multi-location breakpoint field instead.
2765      */
2766     unsigned long times;
2768     /**
2769      * The location of the breakpoint as originally specified by the user.
2770      *
2771      * This may be NULL for instance, for breakpoints for multi-breakpoints.
2772      */
2773     char *original_location;
2775     /**
2776      * True for a pending breakpoint, otherwise false.
2777      *
2778      * When this is true, the address field will be "<PENDING>".
2779      */
2780     unsigned char pending:1;
2782     /**
2783      * The breakpoints for a multi-location breakpoint.
2784      *
2785      * If multi is true, this will be the breakpoints associated with the
2786      * multiple location breakpoint. Otherwise will be NULL.
2787      */
2788     struct gdbwire_mi_breakpoint *multi_breakpoints;
2790     /**
2791      * A pointer to the multi location breakpoint that created this breakpoint.
2792      *
2793      * When the field from_multi is true, this will be a pointer to the
2794      * multi-location breakpoint that created this breakpoint. Otherwise NULL.
2795      *
2796      * For the example above in the multi field, breakpoints 1.1 and 1.2
2797      * would have this field pointing to the breakpoint 1.
2798      */
2799     struct gdbwire_mi_breakpoint *multi_breakpoint;
2802     /** The next breakpoint or NULL if no more. */
2803     struct gdbwire_mi_breakpoint *next;
2804 };
2806 struct gdbwire_mi_stack_frame {
2807     /**
2808      * The frame number.
2809      *
2810      * Where 0 is the topmost frame, i.e., the innermost function.
2811      *
2812      * Always present.
2813      */
2814     unsigned level;
2816     /**
2817      * The address ($pc value) of the frame.
2818      *
2819      * May be NULL if GDB can not determine the frame address.
2820      */
2821     char *address;
2823    /**
2824     * The function name for the frame. May be NULL if unknown.
2825     */
2826    char *func;
2828    /**
2829     * The file name for the frame. May be NULL if unknown.
2830     */
2831    char *file;
2833    /**
2834     * The fullname name for the frame. May be NULL if unknown.
2835     */
2836    char *fullname;
2838    /**
2839     * Line number corresponding to the $pc. Maybe be 0 if unknown.
2840     */
2841    int line;
2843    /**
2844     * The shared library where this function is defined.
2845     *
2846     * This is only given if the frame's function is not known.
2847     * May be NULL if unknown.
2848     */
2849    char *from;
2850 };
2852 /**
2853  * Represents a GDB/MI command.
2854  */
2855 struct gdbwire_mi_command {
2856     /**
2857      * The kind of mi command this represents.
2858      */
2859     enum gdbwire_mi_command_kind kind;
2861     union {
2862         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_BREAK_INFO */
2863         struct {
2864             /** The list of breakpoints, NULL if none exist.  */
2865             struct gdbwire_mi_breakpoint *breakpoints;
2866         } break_info;
2868         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_STACK_INFO_FRAME */
2869         struct {
2870             struct gdbwire_mi_stack_frame *frame;
2871         } stack_info_frame;
2873         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_FILE_LIST_EXEC_SOURCE_FILE */
2874         struct {
2875             /**
2876              * The line number the inferior is currently executing at.
2877              */
2878             int line;
2880             /**
2881              * The filename the inferior is currently executing at.
2882              *
2883              * This is usually a relative path.
2884              */
2885             char *file;
2887             /**
2888              * The filename the inferior is currently executing at.
2889              *
2890              * This is an absolute path.
2891              *
2892              * This command was addd in 2004, however, it was possible
2893              * at the time that only the "file" field would be put out and
2894              * the "fullname" field would be omitted. In 2012, in git commit,
2895              * f35a17b5, gdb was changed to always omit the "fullname" field.
2896              */
2897             char *fullname;
2899             /**
2900              * Determines if the file includes preprocessor macro information.
2901              *
2902              * This command was added in 2004. However, the macro-info
2903              * field was added to the output in 2008 in git commit 17784837.
2904              *
2905              * Only check this field if macro_info_exists is true.
2906              */
2907             char macro_info:1;
2909             /** True if macro-info field was in mi output, otherwise false */
2910             char macro_info_exists:1;
2911         } file_list_exec_source_file;
2913         /** When kind == GDBWIRE_MI_FILE_LIST_EXEC_SOURCE_FILES */
2914         struct {
2915             /**
2916              * A list of files that make up the inferior.
2917              *
2918              * When there are no files (if the gdb does not have an inferior
2919              * loaded) than files will be NULL.
2920              *
2921              * This command was addd in 2004, however, it was possible
2922              * at the time that only the "file" field would be put out and
2923              * the "fullname" field would be omitted. In 2012, in git commit,
2924              * f35a17b5, gdb was changed to always omit the "fullname" field.
2925              */
2926             struct gdbwire_mi_source_file *files;
2927         } file_list_exec_source_files;
2929     } variant;
2930 };
2932 /**
2933  * Get a gdbwire MI command from the result record.
2934  *
2935  * @param kind
2936  * The kind of command the result record is associated with.
2937  *
2938  * @param result_record
2939  * The result record to turn into a command.
2940  *
2941  * @param out_mi_command
2942  * Will return an allocated gdbwire mi command if GDBWIRE_OK is returned
2943  * from this function. You should free this memory with
2944  * gdbwire_mi_command_free when you are done with it.
2945  *
2946  * @return
2947  * The result of this function.
2948  */
2949 enum gdbwire_result gdbwire_get_mi_command(
2950         enum gdbwire_mi_command_kind kind,
2951         struct gdbwire_mi_result_record *result_record,
2952         struct gdbwire_mi_command **out_mi_command);
2954 /**
2955  * Free the gdbwire mi command.
2956  *
2957  * @param mi_command
2958  * The mi command to free.
2959  */
2960 void gdbwire_mi_command_free(struct gdbwire_mi_command *mi_command);
2962 #ifdef __cplusplus
2963 }
2964 #endif
2966 #endif
2967 /***** End of gdbwire_mi_command.h *******************************************/
2968 /***** Continuing where we left off in gdbwire.h *****************************/
2970 /* The opaque gdbwire context */
2971 struct gdbwire;
2973 /**
2974  * The primary mechanism for gdbwire to send events to the caller.
2975  *
2976  * The flow is like this:
2977  * - create a gdbwire instance
2978  * - loop:
2979  *   - call gdbwire functions to send commands to gdb
2980  *   - receive callback events with results when they become available
2981  * - destroy the instance
2982  */
2983 struct gdbwire_callbacks {
2984     /**
2985      * An arbitrary pointer to associate with the events.
2986      *
2987      * This pointer will be passed back to the caller in each event.
2988      */
2989     void *context;
2991     /**
2992      * A console, target or log output event has occured.
2993      *
2994      * @param context
2995      * The context pointer above.
2996      *
2997      * @param stream_record
2998      * The stream record to display to the user.
2999      */
3000     void (*gdbwire_stream_record_fn)(void *context,
3001             struct gdbwire_mi_stream_record *stream_record);
3003     /**
3004      * An asynchronous output event.
3005      *
3006      * @param context
3007      * The context pointer above.
3008      *
3009      * @param async_record
3010      * The asychronous record output by GDB.
3011      */
3012     void (*gdbwire_async_record_fn)(void *context,
3013             struct gdbwire_mi_async_record *async_record);
3015     /**
3016      * A result output event.
3017      *
3018      * @param context
3019      * The context pointer above.
3020      *
3021      * @param result_record
3022      * The result record output by GDB.
3023      */
3024     void (*gdbwire_result_record_fn)(void *context,
3025             struct gdbwire_mi_result_record *result_record);
3027     /**
3028      * A prompt output event.
3029      *
3030      * @param context
3031      * The context pointer above.
3032      *
3033      * @param prompt
3034      * The prompt output to display to the user.
3035      */
3036     void (*gdbwire_prompt_fn)(void *context, const char *prompt);
3038     /**
3039      * A gdbwire parse error occurred.
3040      *
3041      * If you receive this callback, that means the gdbwire parser
3042      * failed to parse some gdb/mi coming out of gdb.
3043      * Please send the parameters received in this callback to the
3044      * gdbwire develpment team.
3045      *
3046      * @param context
3047      * The context pointer above.
3048      *
3049      * @param mi
3050      * The mi string that gdbwire could not parse.
3051      *
3052      * @param token
3053      * The token the error occurred on.
3054      *
3055      * @param position
3056      * The position of the token the error occurred on.
3057      */
3058     void (*gdbwire_parse_error_fn)(void *context, const char *mi,
3059             const char *token, struct gdbwire_mi_position position);
3060 };
3062 /**
3063  * Create a gdbwire context.
3064  *
3065  * Each gdbwire structure is capable of talking to a single gdb instance.
3066  *
3067  * @param callbacks
3068  * The callback functions for when events should be sent. Be sure to
3069  * initialize all of the callback functions. If a callback event is
3070  * initialized to NULL, it will not be called.
3071  *
3072  * @return
3073  * A new gdbwire instance or NULL on error.
3074  */
3075 struct gdbwire *gdbwire_create(struct gdbwire_callbacks callbacks);
3077 /**
3078  * Destroy a gdbwire context.
3079  *
3080  * This function will do nothing if the instance is NULL.
3081  *
3082  * @param gdbwire
3083  * The instance of gdbwire to destroy
3084  */
3085 void gdbwire_destroy(struct gdbwire *wire);
3087 /**
3088  * Push some GDB output characters to gdbwire for processing.
3089  *
3090  * Currently, the calling application is responsible for reading the
3091  * output of GDB and sending it to gdbwire. This may change in the future.
3092  * Call this function with output from GDB when it is available.
3093  *
3094  * During this function, callback events may be invoked to alert the
3095  * caller of useful gdbwire_mi events.
3096  *
3097  * @param wire
3098  * The gdbwire context to operate on.
3099  *
3100  * @param data
3101  * The data to push to gdbwire for interpretation.
3102  *
3103  * @param size
3104  * The size of the data to push to gdbwire.
3105  *
3106  * @return
3107  * GDBWIRE_OK on success or appropriate error result on failure.
3108  */
3109 enum gdbwire_result gdbwire_push_data(struct gdbwire *wire, const char *data,
3110         size_t size);
3112 /**
3113  * Handle an interpreter-exec command.
3114  *
3115  * Typically, a front end would start gdb with the MI interface and create
3116  * a corresponding gdbwire instance. The front end would feed the gdbwire
3117  * instance all of the MI output. In this scenario, gdbwire triggers
3118  * callbacks when interesting events occur.
3119  *
3120  * Some GDB front ends use the annotate interface with gdb, and will
3121  * transition to using MI through the use of the interpreter-exec command.
3122  * In this scenario, the front end will send GDB a single interpreter-exec
3123  * command and will want to interpret the output of only that command.
3124  * For this use case, a gdbwire instance is not necessary for the front end,
3125  * nor any of the callbacks associated with that instance.
3126  *
3127  * This function provides a way for a front end to interpret the output
3128  * of a single interpreter-exec command with out the need for creating
3129  * a gdbwire instance or any gdbwire callbacks.
3130  *
3131  * @param interpreter_exec_output
3132  * The MI output from GDB for the interpreter exec command.
3133  *
3134  * @param kind
3135  * The interpreter-exec command kind.
3136  *
3137  * @param out_mi_command
3138  * Will return an allocated gdbwire mi command if GDBWIRE_OK is returned
3139  * from this function. You should free this memory with
3140  * gdbwire_mi_command_free when you are done with it.
3141  *
3142  * @return
3143  * The result of this function.
3144  */
3145 enum gdbwire_result gdbwire_interpreter_exec(
3146         const char *interpreter_exec_output,
3147         enum gdbwire_mi_command_kind kind,
3148         struct gdbwire_mi_command **out_mi_command);
3150 #ifdef __cplusplus
3151 }
3152 #endif
3154 #endif
3155 /***** End of gdbwire.h ******************************************************/