1 use super::ElementsBase;
2 use crate::imp_prelude::*;
3 use crate::IntoDimension;
4 use crate::Layout;
5 use crate::NdProducer;
7 /// Window producer and iterable
8 ///
9 /// See [`.windows()`](../struct.ArrayBase.html#method.windows) for more
10 /// information.
11 pub struct Windows<'a, A, D> {
12     base: ArrayView<'a, A, D>,
13     window: D,
14     strides: D,
15 }
17 impl<'a, A, D: Dimension> Windows<'a, A, D> {
new<E>(a: ArrayView<'a, A, D>, window_size: E) -> Self where E: IntoDimension<Dim = D>,18     pub(crate) fn new<E>(a: ArrayView<'a, A, D>, window_size: E) -> Self
19     where
20         E: IntoDimension<Dim = D>,
21     {
22         let window = window_size.into_dimension();
23         ndassert!(
24             a.ndim() == window.ndim(),
25             concat!(
26                 "Window dimension {} does not match array dimension {} ",
27                 "(with array of shape {:?})"
28             ),
29             window.ndim(),
30             a.ndim(),
31             a.shape()
32         );
33         let mut size = a.dim;
34         for (sz, &ws) in size.slice_mut().iter_mut().zip(window.slice()) {
35             assert_ne!(ws, 0, "window-size must not be zero!");
36             // cannot use std::cmp::max(0, ..) since arithmetic underflow panics
37             *sz = if *sz < ws { 0 } else { *sz - ws + 1 };
38         }
40         let window_strides = a.strides.clone();
42         unsafe {
43             Windows {
44                 base: ArrayView::new(a.ptr, size, a.strides),
45                 window,
46                 strides: window_strides,
47             }
48         }
49     }
50 }
52 impl_ndproducer! {
53     ['a, A, D: Dimension]
54     [Clone => 'a, A, D: Clone ]
55     Windows {
56         base,
57         window,
58         strides,
59     }
60     Windows<'a, A, D> {
61         type Item = ArrayView<'a, A, D>;
62         type Dim = D;
64         unsafe fn item(&self, ptr) {
65             ArrayView::new_(ptr, self.window.clone(),
66                             self.strides.clone())
67         }
68     }
69 }
71 impl<'a, A, D> IntoIterator for Windows<'a, A, D>
72 where
73     D: Dimension,
74     A: 'a,
75 {
76     type Item = <Self::IntoIter as Iterator>::Item;
77     type IntoIter = WindowsIter<'a, A, D>;
into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter78     fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
79         WindowsIter {
80             iter: self.base.into_elements_base(),
81             window: self.window,
82             strides: self.strides,
83         }
84     }
85 }
87 /// Window iterator.
88 ///
89 /// See [`.windows()`](../struct.ArrayBase.html#method.windows) for more
90 /// information.
91 pub struct WindowsIter<'a, A, D> {
92     iter: ElementsBase<'a, A, D>,
93     window: D,
94     strides: D,
95 }
97 impl_iterator! {
98     ['a, A, D: Dimension]
99     [Clone => 'a, A, D: Clone]
100     WindowsIter {
101         iter,
102         window,
103         strides,
104     }
105     WindowsIter<'a, A, D> {
106         type Item = ArrayView<'a, A, D>;
108         fn item(&mut self, elt) {
109             unsafe {
110                 ArrayView::new_(
111                     elt,
112                     self.window.clone(),
113                     self.strides.clone())
114             }
115         }
116     }
117 }