1 /*
2  *
3  * Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  *
17  */
19 #include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
21 #include <fcntl.h>
22 #include <netinet/in.h>
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <string.h>
25 #include <sys/socket.h>
26 #include <sys/stat.h>
27 #include <sys/types.h>
28 #include <unistd.h>
30 #include <functional>
31 #include <set>
32 #include <thread>
34 #include <gmock/gmock.h>
36 #include "absl/memory/memory.h"
37 #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
39 #include <grpc/grpc.h>
40 #include <grpc/grpc_security.h>
41 #include <grpc/slice.h>
42 #include <grpc/support/alloc.h>
43 #include <grpc/support/log.h>
44 #include <grpc/support/string_util.h>
45 #include <grpc/support/time.h>
46 #include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/service_type.h>
47 #include <grpcpp/server_builder.h>
49 #include "src/core/lib/gpr/useful.h"
50 #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/host_port.h"
51 #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/thd.h"
52 #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/error.h"
53 #include "src/core/lib/security/credentials/alts/alts_credentials.h"
54 #include "src/core/lib/security/credentials/credentials.h"
55 #include "src/core/lib/security/security_connector/alts/alts_security_connector.h"
56 #include "src/core/lib/slice/slice_string_helpers.h"
57 #include "test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.h"
58 #include "test/core/tsi/alts/fake_handshaker/fake_handshaker_server.h"
59 #include "test/core/util/memory_counters.h"
60 #include "test/core/util/port.h"
61 #include "test/core/util/test_config.h"
63 namespace {
65 const int kFakeHandshakeServerMaxConcurrentStreams = 40;
drain_cq(grpc_completion_queue * cq)67 void drain_cq(grpc_completion_queue* cq) {
68   grpc_event ev;
69   do {
70     ev = grpc_completion_queue_next(
71         cq, grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(5000), nullptr);
72   } while (ev.type != GRPC_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN);
73 }
create_secure_channel_for_test(const char * server_addr,const char * fake_handshake_server_addr,int reconnect_backoff_ms)75 grpc_channel* create_secure_channel_for_test(
76     const char* server_addr, const char* fake_handshake_server_addr,
77     int reconnect_backoff_ms) {
78   grpc_alts_credentials_options* alts_options =
79       grpc_alts_credentials_client_options_create();
80   grpc_channel_credentials* channel_creds =
81       grpc_alts_credentials_create_customized(alts_options,
82                                               fake_handshake_server_addr,
83                                               true /* enable_untrusted_alts */);
84   grpc_alts_credentials_options_destroy(alts_options);
85   // The main goal of these tests are to stress concurrent ALTS handshakes,
86   // so we prevent subchnannel sharing.
87   std::vector<grpc_arg> new_args;
88   new_args.push_back(grpc_channel_arg_integer_create(
89       const_cast<char*>(GRPC_ARG_USE_LOCAL_SUBCHANNEL_POOL), true));
90   if (reconnect_backoff_ms != 0) {
91     new_args.push_back(grpc_channel_arg_integer_create(
92         const_cast<char*>("grpc.testing.fixed_reconnect_backoff_ms"),
93         reconnect_backoff_ms));
94   }
95   grpc_channel_args* channel_args =
96       grpc_channel_args_copy_and_add(nullptr, new_args.data(), new_args.size());
97   grpc_channel* channel = grpc_secure_channel_create(channel_creds, server_addr,
98                                                      channel_args, nullptr);
99   grpc_channel_args_destroy(channel_args);
100   grpc_channel_credentials_release(channel_creds);
101   return channel;
102 }
104 class FakeHandshakeServer {
105  public:
FakeHandshakeServer(bool check_num_concurrent_rpcs)106   explicit FakeHandshakeServer(bool check_num_concurrent_rpcs) {
107     int port = grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die();
108     address_ = grpc_core::JoinHostPort("localhost", port);
109     if (check_num_concurrent_rpcs) {
110       service_ = grpc::gcp::
111           CreateFakeHandshakerService(kFakeHandshakeServerMaxConcurrentStreams /* expected max concurrent rpcs */);
112     } else {
113       service_ = grpc::gcp::CreateFakeHandshakerService(
114           0 /* expected max concurrent rpcs unset */);
115     }
116     grpc::ServerBuilder builder;
117     builder.AddListeningPort(address_.c_str(),
118                              grpc::InsecureServerCredentials());
119     builder.RegisterService(service_.get());
120     // TODO(apolcyn): when removing the global concurrent handshake limiting
121     // queue, set MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS on this server.
122     server_ = builder.BuildAndStart();
123     gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Fake handshaker server listening on %s",
124             address_.c_str());
125   }
~FakeHandshakeServer()127   ~FakeHandshakeServer() {
128     server_->Shutdown(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(0));
129   }
address()131   const char* address() { return address_.c_str(); }
133  private:
134   std::string address_;
135   std::unique_ptr<grpc::Service> service_;
136   std::unique_ptr<grpc::Server> server_;
137 };
139 class TestServer {
140  public:
TestServer()141   explicit TestServer()
142       : fake_handshake_server_(true /* check num concurrent rpcs */) {
143     grpc_alts_credentials_options* alts_options =
144         grpc_alts_credentials_server_options_create();
145     grpc_server_credentials* server_creds =
146         grpc_alts_server_credentials_create_customized(
147             alts_options, fake_handshake_server_.address(),
148             true /* enable_untrusted_alts */);
149     grpc_alts_credentials_options_destroy(alts_options);
150     server_ = grpc_server_create(nullptr, nullptr);
151     server_cq_ = grpc_completion_queue_create_for_next(nullptr);
152     grpc_server_register_completion_queue(server_, server_cq_, nullptr);
153     int port = grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die();
154     server_addr_ = grpc_core::JoinHostPort("localhost", port);
155     GPR_ASSERT(grpc_server_add_secure_http2_port(server_, server_addr_.c_str(),
156                                                  server_creds));
157     grpc_server_credentials_release(server_creds);
158     grpc_server_start(server_);
159     gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Start TestServer %p. listen on %s", this,
160             server_addr_.c_str());
161     server_thd_ = absl::make_unique<std::thread>(PollUntilShutdown, this);
162   }
~TestServer()164   ~TestServer() {
165     gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Begin dtor of TestServer %p", this);
166     grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify(server_, server_cq_, this);
167     server_thd_->join();
168     grpc_server_destroy(server_);
169     grpc_completion_queue_shutdown(server_cq_);
170     drain_cq(server_cq_);
171     grpc_completion_queue_destroy(server_cq_);
172   }
address()174   const char* address() { return server_addr_.c_str(); }
PollUntilShutdown(const TestServer * self)176   static void PollUntilShutdown(const TestServer* self) {
177     grpc_event ev = grpc_completion_queue_next(
178         self->server_cq_, gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), nullptr);
179     GPR_ASSERT(ev.type == GRPC_OP_COMPLETE);
180     GPR_ASSERT(ev.tag == self);
181     gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "TestServer %p stop polling", self);
182   }
184  private:
185   grpc_server* server_;
186   grpc_completion_queue* server_cq_;
187   std::unique_ptr<std::thread> server_thd_;
188   std::string server_addr_;
189   // Give this test server its own ALTS handshake server
190   // so that we avoid competing for ALTS handshake server resources (e.g.
191   // available HTTP2 streams on a globally shared handshaker subchannel)
192   // with clients that are trying to do mutual ALTS handshakes
193   // with this server (which could "deadlock" mutual handshakes).
194   // TODO(apolcyn): remove this workaround from this test and have
195   // clients/servers share a single fake handshake server if
196   // the underlying issue needs to be fixed.
197   FakeHandshakeServer fake_handshake_server_;
198 };
200 class ConnectLoopRunner {
201  public:
ConnectLoopRunner(const char * server_address,const char * fake_handshake_server_addr,int per_connect_deadline_seconds,size_t loops,grpc_connectivity_state expected_connectivity_states,int reconnect_backoff_ms)202   explicit ConnectLoopRunner(
203       const char* server_address, const char* fake_handshake_server_addr,
204       int per_connect_deadline_seconds, size_t loops,
205       grpc_connectivity_state expected_connectivity_states,
206       int reconnect_backoff_ms)
207       : server_address_(grpc_core::UniquePtr<char>(gpr_strdup(server_address))),
208         fake_handshake_server_addr_(
209             grpc_core::UniquePtr<char>(gpr_strdup(fake_handshake_server_addr))),
210         per_connect_deadline_seconds_(per_connect_deadline_seconds),
211         loops_(loops),
212         expected_connectivity_states_(expected_connectivity_states),
213         reconnect_backoff_ms_(reconnect_backoff_ms) {
214     thd_ = absl::make_unique<std::thread>(ConnectLoop, this);
215   }
~ConnectLoopRunner()217   ~ConnectLoopRunner() { thd_->join(); }
ConnectLoop(const ConnectLoopRunner * self)219   static void ConnectLoop(const ConnectLoopRunner* self) {
220     for (size_t i = 0; i < self->loops_; i++) {
221       gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "runner:%p connect_loop begin loop %ld", self, i);
222       grpc_completion_queue* cq =
223           grpc_completion_queue_create_for_next(nullptr);
224       grpc_channel* channel = create_secure_channel_for_test(
225           self->server_address_.get(), self->fake_handshake_server_addr_.get(),
226           self->reconnect_backoff_ms_);
227       // Connect, forcing an ALTS handshake
228       gpr_timespec connect_deadline =
229           grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(self->per_connect_deadline_seconds_);
230       grpc_connectivity_state state =
231           grpc_channel_check_connectivity_state(channel, 1);
232       ASSERT_EQ(state, GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE);
233       while (state != self->expected_connectivity_states_) {
234         if (self->expected_connectivity_states_ ==
236           ASSERT_NE(state, GRPC_CHANNEL_READY);  // sanity check
237         } else {
238           ASSERT_EQ(self->expected_connectivity_states_, GRPC_CHANNEL_READY);
239         }
240         grpc_channel_watch_connectivity_state(
241             channel, state, gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), cq, nullptr);
242         grpc_event ev =
243             grpc_completion_queue_next(cq, connect_deadline, nullptr);
244         ASSERT_EQ(ev.type, GRPC_OP_COMPLETE)
245             << "connect_loop runner:" << std::hex << self
246             << " got ev.type:" << ev.type << " i:" << i;
247         ASSERT_TRUE(ev.success);
248         grpc_connectivity_state prev_state = state;
249         state = grpc_channel_check_connectivity_state(channel, 1);
250         if (self->expected_connectivity_states_ ==
252             prev_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING &&
253             state == GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING) {
254           // Detect a race in state checking: if the watch_connectivity_state
255           // completed from prior state "connecting", this could be because the
256           // channel momentarily entered state "transient failure", which is
257           // what we want. However, if the channel immediately re-enters
258           // "connecting" state, then the new state check might still result in
259           // "connecting". A continuous repeat of this can cause this loop to
260           // never terminate in time. So take this scenario to indicate that the
261           // channel momentarily entered transient failure.
262           break;
263         }
264       }
265       grpc_channel_destroy(channel);
266       grpc_completion_queue_shutdown(cq);
267       drain_cq(cq);
268       grpc_completion_queue_destroy(cq);
269       gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "runner:%p connect_loop finished loop %ld", self, i);
270     }
271   }
273  private:
274   grpc_core::UniquePtr<char> server_address_;
275   grpc_core::UniquePtr<char> fake_handshake_server_addr_;
276   int per_connect_deadline_seconds_;
277   size_t loops_;
278   grpc_connectivity_state expected_connectivity_states_;
279   std::unique_ptr<std::thread> thd_;
280   int reconnect_backoff_ms_;
281 };
283 // Perform a few ALTS handshakes sequentially (using the fake, in-process ALTS
284 // handshake server).
TEST(AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest,TestBasicClientServerHandshakes)285 TEST(AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest, TestBasicClientServerHandshakes) {
286   FakeHandshakeServer fake_handshake_server(
287       true /* check num concurrent rpcs */);
288   TestServer test_server;
289   {
290     ConnectLoopRunner runner(
291         test_server.address(), fake_handshake_server.address(),
292         5 /* per connect deadline seconds */, 10 /* loops */,
293         GRPC_CHANNEL_READY /* expected connectivity states */,
294         0 /* reconnect_backoff_ms unset */);
295   }
296 }
298 /* Run a bunch of concurrent ALTS handshakes on concurrent channels
299  * (using the fake, in-process handshake server). */
TEST(AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest,TestConcurrentClientServerHandshakes)300 TEST(AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest, TestConcurrentClientServerHandshakes) {
301   FakeHandshakeServer fake_handshake_server(
302       true /* check num concurrent rpcs */);
303   // Test
304   {
305     TestServer test_server;
306     gpr_timespec test_deadline = grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(20);
307     size_t num_concurrent_connects = 50;
308     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ConnectLoopRunner>> connect_loop_runners;
309     gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG,
310             "start performing concurrent expected-to-succeed connects");
311     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_concurrent_connects; i++) {
312       connect_loop_runners.push_back(absl::make_unique<ConnectLoopRunner>(
313           test_server.address(), fake_handshake_server.address(),
314           15 /* per connect deadline seconds */, 5 /* loops */,
315           GRPC_CHANNEL_READY /* expected connectivity states */,
316           0 /* reconnect_backoff_ms unset */));
317     }
318     connect_loop_runners.clear();
319     gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG,
320             "done performing concurrent expected-to-succeed connects");
321     if (gpr_time_cmp(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC), test_deadline) > 0) {
322       gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Test took longer than expected.");
323       abort();
324     }
325   }
326 }
328 class FakeTcpServer {
329  public:
330   enum ProcessReadResult {
333   };
335   enum class AcceptMode {
336     kWaitForClientToSendFirstBytes,  // useful for emulating ALTS based
337                                      // grpc servers
338     kEagerlySendSettings,  // useful for emulating insecure grpc servers (e.g.
339                            // ALTS handshake servers)
340   };
FakeTcpServer(AcceptMode accept_mode,const std::function<ProcessReadResult (int,int,int)> & process_read_cb)342   explicit FakeTcpServer(
343       AcceptMode accept_mode,
344       const std::function<ProcessReadResult(int, int, int)>& process_read_cb)
345       : accept_mode_(accept_mode), process_read_cb_(process_read_cb) {
346     port_ = grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die();
347     accept_socket_ = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
348     address_ = absl::StrCat("[::]:", port_);
349     GPR_ASSERT(accept_socket_ != -1);
350     if (accept_socket_ == -1) {
351       gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Failed to create socket: %d", errno);
352       abort();
353     }
354     int val = 1;
355     if (setsockopt(accept_socket_, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &val,
356                    sizeof(val)) != 0) {
357       gpr_log(GPR_ERROR,
358               "Failed to set SO_REUSEADDR on socket bound to [::1]:%d : %d",
359               port_, errno);
360       abort();
361     }
362     if (fcntl(accept_socket_, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) != 0) {
363       gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Failed to set O_NONBLOCK on socket: %d", errno);
364       abort();
365     }
366     sockaddr_in6 addr;
367     memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
368     addr.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
369     addr.sin6_port = htons(port_);
370     (reinterpret_cast<char*>(&addr.sin6_addr))[15] = 1;
371     if (bind(accept_socket_, reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr*>(&addr),
372              sizeof(addr)) != 0) {
373       gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Failed to bind socket to [::1]:%d : %d", port_,
374               errno);
375       abort();
376     }
377     if (listen(accept_socket_, 100)) {
378       gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Failed to listen on socket bound to [::1]:%d : %d",
379               port_, errno);
380       abort();
381     }
382     gpr_event_init(&stop_ev_);
383     run_server_loop_thd_ = absl::make_unique<std::thread>(RunServerLoop, this);
384   }
~FakeTcpServer()386   ~FakeTcpServer() {
387     gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG,
388             "FakeTcpServer stop and "
389             "join server thread");
390     gpr_event_set(&stop_ev_, reinterpret_cast<void*>(1));
391     run_server_loop_thd_->join();
392     gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG,
393             "FakeTcpServer join server "
394             "thread complete");
395   }
address()397   const char* address() { return address_.c_str(); }
CloseSocketUponReceivingBytesFromPeer(int bytes_received_size,int read_error,int s)399   static ProcessReadResult CloseSocketUponReceivingBytesFromPeer(
400       int bytes_received_size, int read_error, int s) {
401     if (bytes_received_size < 0 && read_error != EAGAIN &&
402         read_error != EWOULDBLOCK) {
403       gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Failed to receive from peer socket: %d. errno: %d", s,
404               errno);
405       abort();
406     }
407     if (bytes_received_size >= 0) {
408       gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG,
409               "Fake TCP server received %d bytes from peer socket: %d. Close "
410               "the "
411               "connection.",
412               bytes_received_size, s);
413       return CLOSE_SOCKET;
414     }
415     return CONTINUE_READING;
416   }
CloseSocketUponCloseFromPeer(int bytes_received_size,int read_error,int s)418   static ProcessReadResult CloseSocketUponCloseFromPeer(int bytes_received_size,
419                                                         int read_error, int s) {
420     if (bytes_received_size < 0 && read_error != EAGAIN &&
421         read_error != EWOULDBLOCK) {
422       gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Failed to receive from peer socket: %d. errno: %d", s,
423               errno);
424       abort();
425     }
426     if (bytes_received_size == 0) {
427       // The peer has shut down the connection.
428       gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG,
429               "Fake TCP server received 0 bytes from peer socket: %d. Close "
430               "the "
431               "connection.",
432               s);
433       return CLOSE_SOCKET;
434     }
435     return CONTINUE_READING;
436   }
438   class FakeTcpServerPeer {
439    public:
FakeTcpServerPeer(int fd)440     explicit FakeTcpServerPeer(int fd) : fd_(fd) {}
~FakeTcpServerPeer()442     ~FakeTcpServerPeer() { close(fd_); }
MaybeContinueSendingSettings()444     void MaybeContinueSendingSettings() {
445       // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-4.1
446       const std::vector<uint8_t> kEmptyHttp2SettingsFrame = {
447           0x00, 0x00, 0x00,       // length
448           0x04,                   // settings type
449           0x00,                   // flags
450           0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00  // stream identifier
451       };
452       if (total_bytes_sent_ < int(kEmptyHttp2SettingsFrame.size())) {
453         int bytes_to_send = kEmptyHttp2SettingsFrame.size() - total_bytes_sent_;
454         int bytes_sent =
455             send(fd_, kEmptyHttp2SettingsFrame.data() + total_bytes_sent_,
456                  bytes_to_send, 0);
457         if (bytes_sent < 0 && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
458           gpr_log(GPR_ERROR,
459                   "Fake TCP server encountered unexpected error:%d |%s| "
460                   "sending %d bytes on fd:%d",
461                   errno, strerror(errno), bytes_to_send, fd_);
462           GPR_ASSERT(0);
463         } else if (bytes_sent > 0) {
464           total_bytes_sent_ += bytes_sent;
465           GPR_ASSERT(total_bytes_sent_ <= int(kEmptyHttp2SettingsFrame.size()));
466         }
467       }
468     }
fd()470     int fd() { return fd_; }
472    private:
473     int fd_;
474     int total_bytes_sent_ = 0;
475   };
477   // Run a loop that periodically, every 10 ms:
478   //   1) Checks if there are any new TCP connections to accept.
479   //   2) Checks if any data has arrived yet on established connections,
480   //      and reads from them if so, processing the sockets as configured.
RunServerLoop(FakeTcpServer * self)481   static void RunServerLoop(FakeTcpServer* self) {
482     std::set<std::unique_ptr<FakeTcpServerPeer>> peers;
483     while (!gpr_event_get(&self->stop_ev_)) {
484       int p = accept(self->accept_socket_, nullptr, nullptr);
485       if (p == -1 && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
486         gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Failed to accept connection: %d", errno);
487         abort();
488       }
489       if (p != -1) {
490         gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "accepted peer socket: %d", p);
491         if (fcntl(p, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) != 0) {
492           gpr_log(GPR_ERROR,
493                   "Failed to set O_NONBLOCK on peer socket:%d errno:%d", p,
494                   errno);
495           abort();
496         }
497         peers.insert(absl::make_unique<FakeTcpServerPeer>(p));
498       }
499       auto it = peers.begin();
500       while (it != peers.end()) {
501         FakeTcpServerPeer* peer = (*it).get();
502         if (self->accept_mode_ == AcceptMode::kEagerlySendSettings) {
503           peer->MaybeContinueSendingSettings();
504         }
505         char buf[100];
506         int bytes_received_size = recv(peer->fd(), buf, 100, 0);
507         ProcessReadResult r =
508             self->process_read_cb_(bytes_received_size, errno, peer->fd());
509         if (r == CLOSE_SOCKET) {
510           it = peers.erase(it);
511         } else {
512           GPR_ASSERT(r == CONTINUE_READING);
513           it++;
514         }
515       }
516       gpr_sleep_until(gpr_time_add(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC),
517                                    gpr_time_from_millis(10, GPR_TIMESPAN)));
518     }
519     close(self->accept_socket_);
520   }
522  private:
523   int accept_socket_;
524   int port_;
525   gpr_event stop_ev_;
526   std::string address_;
527   std::unique_ptr<std::thread> run_server_loop_thd_;
528   const AcceptMode accept_mode_;
529   std::function<ProcessReadResult(int, int, int)> process_read_cb_;
530 };
532 /* This test is intended to make sure that ALTS handshakes we correctly
533  * fail fast when the security handshaker gets an error while reading
534  * from the remote peer, after having earlier sent the first bytes of the
535  * ALTS handshake to the peer, i.e. after getting into the middle of a
536  * handshake. */
TEST(AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest,TestHandshakeFailsFastWhenPeerEndpointClosesConnectionAfterAccepting)537 TEST(AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest,
538      TestHandshakeFailsFastWhenPeerEndpointClosesConnectionAfterAccepting) {
539   // Don't enforce the number of concurrent rpcs for the fake handshake
540   // server in this test, because this test will involve handshake RPCs
541   // getting cancelled. Because there isn't explicit synchronization between
542   // an ALTS handshake client's RECV_STATUS op completing after call
543   // cancellation, and the corresponding fake handshake server's sync
544   // method handler returning, enforcing a limit on the number of active
545   // RPCs at the fake handshake server would be inherently racey.
546   FakeHandshakeServer fake_handshake_server(
547       false /* check num concurrent rpcs */);
548   // The fake_backend_server emulates a secure (ALTS based) gRPC backend. So
549   // it waits for the client to send the first bytes.
550   FakeTcpServer fake_backend_server(
551       FakeTcpServer::AcceptMode::kWaitForClientToSendFirstBytes,
552       FakeTcpServer::CloseSocketUponReceivingBytesFromPeer);
553   {
554     gpr_timespec test_deadline = grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(20);
555     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ConnectLoopRunner>> connect_loop_runners;
556     size_t num_concurrent_connects = 100;
557     gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "start performing concurrent expected-to-fail connects");
558     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_concurrent_connects; i++) {
559       connect_loop_runners.push_back(absl::make_unique<ConnectLoopRunner>(
560           fake_backend_server.address(), fake_handshake_server.address(),
561           10 /* per connect deadline seconds */, 3 /* loops */,
562           GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE /* expected connectivity states */,
563           0 /* reconnect_backoff_ms unset */));
564     }
565     connect_loop_runners.clear();
566     gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "done performing concurrent expected-to-fail connects");
567     if (gpr_time_cmp(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC), test_deadline) > 0) {
568       gpr_log(GPR_ERROR,
569               "Exceeded test deadline. ALTS handshakes might not be failing "
570               "fast when the peer endpoint closes the connection abruptly");
571       abort();
572     }
573   }
574 }
576 /* This test is intended to make sure that ALTS handshakes correctly
577  * fail fast when the ALTS handshake server fails incoming handshakes fast. */
TEST(AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest,TestHandshakeFailsFastWhenHandshakeServerClosesConnectionAfterAccepting)578 TEST(AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest,
579      TestHandshakeFailsFastWhenHandshakeServerClosesConnectionAfterAccepting) {
580   // The fake_handshake_server emulates a broken ALTS handshaker, which
581   // is an insecure server. So send settings to the client eagerly.
582   FakeTcpServer fake_handshake_server(
583       FakeTcpServer::AcceptMode::kEagerlySendSettings,
584       FakeTcpServer::CloseSocketUponReceivingBytesFromPeer);
585   // The fake_backend_server emulates a secure (ALTS based) server, so wait
586   // for the client to send the first bytes.
587   FakeTcpServer fake_backend_server(
588       FakeTcpServer::AcceptMode::kWaitForClientToSendFirstBytes,
589       FakeTcpServer::CloseSocketUponCloseFromPeer);
590   {
591     gpr_timespec test_deadline = grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(20);
592     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ConnectLoopRunner>> connect_loop_runners;
593     size_t num_concurrent_connects = 100;
594     gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "start performing concurrent expected-to-fail connects");
595     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_concurrent_connects; i++) {
596       connect_loop_runners.push_back(absl::make_unique<ConnectLoopRunner>(
597           fake_backend_server.address(), fake_handshake_server.address(),
598           20 /* per connect deadline seconds */, 2 /* loops */,
599           GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE /* expected connectivity states */,
600           0 /* reconnect_backoff_ms unset */));
601     }
602     connect_loop_runners.clear();
603     gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "done performing concurrent expected-to-fail connects");
604     if (gpr_time_cmp(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC), test_deadline) > 0) {
605       gpr_log(GPR_ERROR,
606               "Exceeded test deadline. ALTS handshakes might not be failing "
607               "fast when the handshake server closes new connections");
608       abort();
609     }
610   }
611 }
613 /* This test is intended to make sure that ALTS handshakes correctly
614  * fail fast when the ALTS handshake server is non-responsive, in which case
615  * the overall connection deadline kicks in. */
TEST(AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest,TestHandshakeFailsFastWhenHandshakeServerHangsAfterAccepting)616 TEST(AltsConcurrentConnectivityTest,
617      TestHandshakeFailsFastWhenHandshakeServerHangsAfterAccepting) {
618   // fake_handshake_server emulates an insecure server, so send settings first.
619   // It will be unresponsive for the rest of the connection, though.
620   FakeTcpServer fake_handshake_server(
621       FakeTcpServer::AcceptMode::kEagerlySendSettings,
622       FakeTcpServer::CloseSocketUponCloseFromPeer);
623   // fake_backend_server emulates an ALTS based server, so wait for the client
624   // to send the first bytes.
625   FakeTcpServer fake_backend_server(
626       FakeTcpServer::AcceptMode::kWaitForClientToSendFirstBytes,
627       FakeTcpServer::CloseSocketUponCloseFromPeer);
628   {
629     gpr_timespec test_deadline = grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(20);
630     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ConnectLoopRunner>> connect_loop_runners;
631     size_t num_concurrent_connects = 100;
632     gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "start performing concurrent expected-to-fail connects");
633     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_concurrent_connects; i++) {
634       connect_loop_runners.push_back(absl::make_unique<ConnectLoopRunner>(
635           fake_backend_server.address(), fake_handshake_server.address(),
636           10 /* per connect deadline seconds */, 2 /* loops */,
637           GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE /* expected connectivity states */,
638           100 /* reconnect_backoff_ms */));
639     }
640     connect_loop_runners.clear();
641     gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "done performing concurrent expected-to-fail connects");
642     if (gpr_time_cmp(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC), test_deadline) > 0) {
643       gpr_log(GPR_ERROR,
644               "Exceeded test deadline. ALTS handshakes might not be failing "
645               "fast when the handshake server is non-response timeout occurs");
646       abort();
647     }
648   }
649 }
651 }  // namespace
main(int argc,char ** argv)653 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
654   ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
655   grpc::testing::TestEnvironment env(argc, argv);
656   grpc_init();
657   auto result = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
658   grpc_shutdown();
659   return result;
660 }