1{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
8{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
9module StreamSpec where
11import           Control.Arrow (first)
12import           Control.Applicative
13import qualified Control.Monad
14import           Control.Monad (liftM)
15import           Control.Monad.Identity (Identity, runIdentity)
16import           Control.Monad.State (StateT(..), get, put)
17import           Data.Conduit
18import           Data.Conduit.Combinators
19import           Data.Conduit.Combinators.Stream
20import           Data.Conduit.Internal.Fusion
21import           Data.Conduit.Internal.List.Stream (takeS, sourceListS, mapS)
22import qualified Data.List
23import           Data.MonoTraversable
24import           Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
25import qualified Data.NonNull as NonNull
26import           Data.Sequence (Seq)
27import qualified Data.Sequences as Seq
28import           Data.Vector (Vector)
29import qualified Prelude
30import           Prelude
31    ((.), ($), (>>=), (=<<), return, id, Maybe(..), Either(..), Monad,
32     Bool(..), Int, Eq, Show, String, Functor, fst, snd, either)
33import qualified Safe
34import qualified System.IO as IO
35import           System.IO.Unsafe
36import           Test.Hspec
37import           Test.QuickCheck
38import           Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
40spec :: Spec
41spec = do
42    describe "Comparing list function to" $ do
43        qit "yieldMany" $
44            \(mono :: Seq Int) ->
45                yieldMany mono `checkProducer`
46                otoList mono
47        qit "sourceListS" $
48            \(mono :: Seq Int) ->
49                yieldManyS mono `checkStreamProducer`
50                otoList mono
51        qit "repeatM" $
52            \(getBlind -> (f :: M Int)) ->
53                repeatM f `checkInfiniteProducerM`
54                repeatML f
55        qit "repeatMS" $
56            \(getBlind -> (f :: M Int)) ->
57                repeatMS f `checkInfiniteStreamProducerM`
58                repeatML f
59        qit "repeatWhileM" $
60            \(getBlind -> (f :: M Int), getBlind -> g) ->
61                repeatWhileM f g `checkInfiniteProducerM`
62                repeatWhileML f g
63        qit "repeatWhileMS" $
64            \(getBlind -> (f :: M Int), getBlind -> g) ->
65                repeatWhileMS f g `checkInfiniteStreamProducerM`
66                repeatWhileML f g
67        qit "foldl1" $
68            \(getBlind -> f) ->
69                foldl1 f `checkConsumer`
70                foldl1L f
71        qit "foldl1S" $
72            \(getBlind -> f) ->
73                foldl1S f `checkStreamConsumer`
74                foldl1L f
75        qit "all" $
76            \(getBlind -> f) ->
77                all f `checkConsumer`
78                Prelude.all f
79        qit "allS" $
80            \(getBlind -> f) ->
81                allS f `checkStreamConsumer`
82                Prelude.all f
83        qit "any" $
84            \(getBlind -> f) ->
85                any f `checkConsumer`
86                Prelude.any f
87        qit "anyS" $
88            \(getBlind -> f) ->
89                anyS f `checkStreamConsumer`
90                Prelude.any f
91        qit "last" $
92            \() ->
93                last `checkConsumer`
94                Safe.lastMay
95        qit "lastS" $
96            \() ->
97                lastS `checkStreamConsumer`
98                Safe.lastMay
99        qit "lastE" $
100            \(getBlind -> f) ->
101                let g x = Seq.replicate (Prelude.abs (getSmall (f x))) x :: Seq Int
102                 in (map g .| lastE) `checkConsumer`
103                    (lastEL . Prelude.map g :: [Int] -> Maybe Int)
104        qit "lastES" $
105            \(getBlind -> f) ->
106                let g x = Seq.replicate (Prelude.abs (getSmall (f x))) x :: Seq Int
107                 in (lastES . mapS g) `checkStreamConsumer`
108                    (lastEL . Prelude.map g :: [Int] -> Maybe Int)
109        qit "find" $
110            \(getBlind -> f) ->
111                find f `checkConsumer`
112                Data.List.find f
113        qit "findS" $
114            \(getBlind -> f) ->
115                findS f `checkStreamConsumer`
116                Data.List.find f
117        qit "concatMap" $
118            \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Seq Int)) ->
119                concatMap f `checkConduit`
120                concatMapL f
121        qit "concatMapS" $
122            \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Seq Int)) ->
123                concatMapS f `checkStreamConduit`
124                concatMapL f
125        qit "concatMapM" $
126            \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M (Seq Int))) ->
127                concatMapM f `checkConduitT`
128                concatMapML f
129        qit "concatMapMS" $
130            \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M (Seq Int))) ->
131                concatMapMS f `checkStreamConduitT`
132                concatMapML f
133        qit "concat" $
134            \() ->
135                concat `checkConduit`
136                (concatL :: [Seq Int] -> [Int])
137        qit "concatS" $
138            \() ->
139                concatS `checkStreamConduit`
140                (concatL :: [Seq Int] -> [Int])
141        qit "scanl" $
142            \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> Int), initial) ->
143                scanl f initial `checkConduit`
144                Prelude.scanl f initial
145        qit "scanlS" $
146            \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> Int), initial) ->
147                scanlS f initial `checkStreamConduit`
148                Prelude.scanl f initial
149        qit "scanlM" $
150            \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> M Int), initial) ->
151                scanlM f initial `checkConduitT`
152                scanlML f initial
153        qit "scanlMS" $
154            \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Int -> M Int), initial) ->
155                scanlMS f initial `checkStreamConduitT`
156                scanlML f initial
157        qit "mapAccumWhileS" $
158            \(getBlind -> ( f :: Int -> [Int] -> Either [Int] ([Int], Int))
159                          , initial :: [Int]) ->
160                mapAccumWhileS f initial `checkStreamConduitResult`
161                mapAccumWhileL f initial
162        qit "mapAccumWhileMS" $
163            \(getBlind -> ( f :: Int -> [Int] -> M (Either [Int] ([Int], Int)))
164                          , initial :: [Int]) ->
165                mapAccumWhileMS f initial `checkStreamConduitResultM`
166                mapAccumWhileML f initial
167        qit "intersperse" $
168            \(sep :: Int) ->
169                intersperse sep `checkConduit`
170                Data.List.intersperse sep
171        qit "intersperseS" $
172            \(sep :: Int) ->
173                intersperseS sep `checkStreamConduit`
174                Data.List.intersperse sep
175        qit "filterM" $
176            \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M Bool)) ->
177                filterM f `checkConduitT`
178                Control.Monad.filterM f
179        qit "filterMS" $
180            \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> M Bool)) ->
181                filterMS f `checkStreamConduitT`
182                Control.Monad.filterM f
183    describe "comparing normal conduit function to" $ do
184        qit "slidingWindowS" $
185            \(getSmall -> n) ->
186                slidingWindowS n `checkStreamConduit`
187                (\xs -> runConduitPure $
188                    yieldMany xs .| preventFusion (slidingWindow n) .| sinkList
189                    :: [Seq Int])
190        qit "splitOnUnboundedES" $
191            \(getBlind -> (f :: Int -> Bool)) ->
192                splitOnUnboundedES f `checkStreamConduit`
193                (\xs -> runConduitPure $
194                    yieldMany xs .| preventFusion (splitOnUnboundedE f) .| sinkList
195                    :: [Seq Int])
196        qit "sinkVectorS" $
197            \() -> checkStreamConsumerM'
198                unsafePerformIO
199                (sinkVectorS :: forall o. StreamConduitT Int o IO.IO (Vector Int))
200                (\xs -> runConduit $ yieldMany xs .| preventFusion sinkVector)
201        qit "sinkVectorNS" $
202            \(getSmall . getNonNegative -> n) -> checkStreamConsumerM'
203                unsafePerformIO
204                (sinkVectorNS n :: forall o. StreamConduitT Int o IO.IO (Vector Int))
205                (\xs -> runConduit $ yieldMany xs .| preventFusion (sinkVectorN n))
207#if !MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,8,2)
208instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Seq a) where
209    arbitrary = Seq.fromList <$> arbitrary
212repeatML :: Monad m => m a -> m [a]
213repeatML = Prelude.sequence . Prelude.repeat
215repeatWhileML :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> Bool) -> m [a]
216repeatWhileML m f = go
217  where
218    go = do
219        x <- m
220        if f x
221           then liftM (x:) go
222           else return []
224foldl1L :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> Maybe a
225foldl1L _ [] = Nothing
226foldl1L f xs = Just $ Prelude.foldl1 f xs
228lastEL :: Seq.IsSequence seq
229       => [seq] -> Maybe (Element seq)
230lastEL = Prelude.foldl go Nothing
231  where
232    go _ (NonNull.fromNullable -> Just l) = Just (NonNull.last l)
233    go mlast _ = mlast
235concatMapL :: MonoFoldable mono
236           => (a -> mono) -> [a] -> [Element mono]
237concatMapL f = Prelude.concatMap (otoList . f)
239concatMapML :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono)
240             => (a -> m mono) -> [a] -> m [Element mono]
241concatMapML f = liftM (Prelude.concatMap otoList) . Prelude.mapM f
243concatL :: MonoFoldable mono
244        => [mono] -> [Element mono]
245concatL = Prelude.concatMap otoList
247scanlML :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m [a]
248scanlML f = go
249  where
250    go l [] = return [l]
251    go l (r:rs) = do
252        l' <- f l r
253        liftM (l:) (go l' rs)
255mapAccumWhileL :: (a -> s -> Either s (s, b)) -> s -> [a] -> ([b], s)
256mapAccumWhileL f = (runIdentity.) . mapAccumWhileML ((return.) . f)
258mapAccumWhileML :: Monad m =>
259    (a -> s -> m (Either s (s, b))) -> s -> [a] -> m ([b], s)
260mapAccumWhileML f = go
261    where go s []     = return ([], s)
262          go s (a:as) = f a s >>= either
263              (return . ([], ))
264              (\(s', b) -> liftM (first (b:)) $ go s' as)
266--FIXME: the following code is directly copied from the conduit test
267--suite.  How to share this code??
269qit :: (Arbitrary a, Testable prop, Show a)
270     => String -> (a -> prop) -> Spec
271qit n f = it n $ property $ forAll arbitrary f
274-- Quickcheck utilities for pure conduits / streams
276checkProducer :: (Show a, Eq a) => ConduitT () a Identity () -> [a] -> Property
277checkProducer c l  = checkProducerM' runIdentity c (return l)
279checkStreamProducer :: (Show a, Eq a) => StreamSource Identity a -> [a] -> Property
280checkStreamProducer s l = checkStreamProducerM' runIdentity s (return l)
282checkInfiniteProducer :: (Show a, Eq a) => ConduitT () a Identity () -> [a] -> Property
283checkInfiniteProducer c l = checkInfiniteProducerM' runIdentity c (return l)
285checkInfiniteStreamProducer :: (Show a, Eq a) => StreamSource Identity a -> [a] -> Property
286checkInfiniteStreamProducer s l = checkInfiniteStreamProducerM' runIdentity s (return l)
288checkConsumer :: (Show b, Eq b) => ConduitT Int Void Identity b -> ([Int] -> b) -> Property
289checkConsumer c l = checkConsumerM' runIdentity c (return . l)
291checkStreamConsumer :: (Show b, Eq b) => StreamConduitT Int o Identity b -> ([Int] -> b) -> Property
292checkStreamConsumer c l = checkStreamConsumerM' runIdentity c (return . l)
294checkConduit :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b) => ConduitT a b Identity () -> ([a] -> [b]) -> Property
295checkConduit c l = checkConduitT' runIdentity c (return . l)
297checkStreamConduit :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b) => StreamConduit a Identity b -> ([a] -> [b]) -> Property
298checkStreamConduit c l = checkStreamConduitT' runIdentity c (return . l)
300-- checkConduitResult :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b, Show r, Eq r) => ConduitT a b Identity r -> ([a] -> ([b], r)) -> Property
301-- checkConduitResult c l = checkConduitResultM' runIdentity c (return . l)
303checkStreamConduitResult :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b, Show r, Eq r) => StreamConduitT a b Identity r -> ([a] -> ([b], r)) -> Property
304checkStreamConduitResult c l = checkStreamConduitResultM' runIdentity c (return . l)
307-- Quickcheck utilities for conduits / streams in the M monad.
309checkProducerM :: (Show a, Eq a) => ConduitT () a M () -> M [a] -> Property
310checkProducerM = checkProducerM' runM
312checkStreamProducerM :: (Show a, Eq a) => StreamSource M a -> M [a] -> Property
313checkStreamProducerM = checkStreamProducerM' runM
315checkInfiniteProducerM :: (Show a, Eq a) => ConduitT () a M () -> M [a] -> Property
316checkInfiniteProducerM = checkInfiniteProducerM' (fst . runM)
318checkInfiniteStreamProducerM :: (Show a, Eq a) => StreamSource M a -> M [a] -> Property
319checkInfiniteStreamProducerM = checkInfiniteStreamProducerM' (fst . runM)
321checkConsumerM :: (Show b, Eq b) => ConduitT Int Void M b -> ([Int] -> M b) -> Property
322checkConsumerM  = checkConsumerM' runM
324checkStreamConsumerM :: (Show b, Eq b) => StreamConduitT Int o M b -> ([Int] -> M b) -> Property
325checkStreamConsumerM  = checkStreamConsumerM' runM
327checkConduitT :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b) => ConduitT a b M () -> ([a] -> M [b]) -> Property
328checkConduitT = checkConduitT' runM
330checkStreamConduitT :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b) => StreamConduitT a b M () -> ([a] -> M [b]) -> Property
331checkStreamConduitT = checkStreamConduitT' runM
333-- checkConduitResultM :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b, Show r, Eq r) => ConduitT a b M r -> ([a] -> M ([b], r)) -> Property
334-- checkConduitResultM = checkConduitResultM' runM
336checkStreamConduitResultM :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Show b, Eq b, Show r, Eq r) => StreamConduitT a b M r -> ([a] -> M ([b], r)) -> Property
337checkStreamConduitResultM = checkStreamConduitResultM' runM
340-- Quickcheck utilities for monadic streams / conduits
341-- These are polymorphic in which Monad is used.
343checkProducerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b)
344                => (m [a] -> b)
345                -> ConduitT () a m ()
346                -> m [a]
347                -> Property
348checkProducerM' f c l =
349    f (runConduit $ preventFusion c .| sinkList)
350    ===
351    f l
353checkStreamProducerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b)
354                      => (m [a] -> b)
355                      -> StreamConduitT () a m ()
356                      -> m [a]
357                      -> Property
358checkStreamProducerM' f s l =
359    f (liftM fst $ evalStream $ s emptyStream)
360    ===
361    f l
363checkInfiniteProducerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b)
364                        => (m [a] -> b)
365                        -> ConduitT () a m ()
366                        -> m [a]
367                        -> Property
368checkInfiniteProducerM' f s l =
369    checkProducerM' f
370        (preventFusion s .| take 10)
371        (liftM (Prelude.take 10) l)
373checkInfiniteStreamProducerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b)
374                              => (m [a] -> b)
375                              -> StreamConduitT () a m ()
376                              -> m [a]
377                              -> Property
378checkInfiniteStreamProducerM' f s l =
379    f (liftM snd $ evalStream $ takeS 10 $ s emptyStream)
380    ===
381    f (liftM (Prelude.take 10) l)
383checkConsumerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b)
384                => (m a -> b)
385                -> ConduitT Int Void m a
386                -> ([Int] -> m a)
387                -> Property
388checkConsumerM' f c l = forAll arbitrary $ \xs ->
389    f (runConduit $ yieldMany xs .| preventFusion c)
390    ===
391    f (l xs)
393checkStreamConsumerM' :: (Show a, Monad m, Show b, Eq b)
394                      => (m a -> b)
395                      -> StreamConduitT Int o m a
396                      -> ([Int] -> m a)
397                      -> Property
398checkStreamConsumerM' f s l = forAll (arbitrary) $ \xs ->
399    f (liftM snd $ evalStream $ s $ sourceListS xs emptyStream)
400    ===
401    f (l xs)
403checkConduitT' :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Monad m, Show c, Eq c)
404               => (m [b] -> c)
405               -> ConduitT a b m ()
406               -> ([a] -> m [b])
407               -> Property
408checkConduitT' f c l = forAll arbitrary $ \xs ->
409    f (runConduit $ yieldMany xs .| preventFusion c .| sinkList)
410    ===
411    f (l xs)
413checkStreamConduitT' :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Monad m, Show c, Eq c)
414                     =>  (m [b] -> c)
415                     -> StreamConduit a m b
416                     -> ([a] -> m [b])
417                     -> Property
418checkStreamConduitT' f s l = forAll arbitrary $ \xs ->
419    f (liftM fst $ evalStream $ s $ sourceListS xs emptyStream)
420    ===
421    f (l xs)
423-- TODO: Fixing this would allow comparing conduit sinkListrs against
424-- their list versions.
426-- checkConduitResultM' :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Monad m, Show c, Eq c)
427--                      => (m ([b], r) -> c)
428--                      -> ConduitT a b m r
429--                      -> ([a] -> m ([b], r))
430--                      -> Property
431-- checkConduitResultM' f c l = FIXME forAll arbitrary $ \xs ->
432--     f (runConduit $ yieldMany xs .| preventFusion c .| sinkList)
433--     ===
434--     f (l xs)
436checkStreamConduitResultM' :: (Show a, Arbitrary a, Monad m, Show c, Eq c)
437                           =>  (m ([b], r) -> c)
438                           -> StreamConduitT a b m r
439                           -> ([a] -> m ([b], r))
440                           -> Property
441checkStreamConduitResultM' f s l = forAll arbitrary $ \xs ->
442    f (evalStream $ s $ sourceListS xs emptyStream)
443    ===
444    f (l xs)
446emptyStream :: Monad m => Stream m () ()
447emptyStream = Stream (\_ -> return $ Stop ()) (return ())
449evalStream :: Monad m => Stream m o r -> m ([o], r)
450evalStream (Stream step s0) = go =<< s0
451  where
452    go s = do
453        res <- step s
454        case res of
455            Stop r -> return ([], r)
456            Skip s' -> go s'
457            Emit s' x -> liftM (\(l, r) -> (x:l, r)) (go s')
460-- Misc utilities
462-- Prefer this to creating an orphan instance for Data.Monoid.Sum:
464newtype Sum a = Sum a
465  deriving (Eq, Show, Arbitrary)
467instance Prelude.Num a => Semigroup (Sum a) where
468  Sum x <> Sum y = Sum $ x Prelude.+ y
469instance Prelude.Num a => Monoid (Sum a) where
470  mempty = Sum 0
471  mappend (Sum x) (Sum y) = Sum $ x Prelude.+ y
473preventFusion :: a -> a
474preventFusion = id
475{-# INLINE [0] preventFusion #-}
477newtype M a = M (StateT Int Identity a)
478  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
480instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (M a) where
481    arbitrary = do
482        f <- arbitrary
483        return $ do
484            s <- M get
485            let (x, s') = f s
486            M (put s')
487            return x
489runM :: M a -> (a, Int)
490runM (M m) = runIdentity $ runStateT m 0
493-- Utilities from QuickCheck-2.7 (absent in earlier versions)
495#if !MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,7,0)
496getBlind :: Blind a -> a
497getBlind (Blind x) = x
499-- | @Small x@: generates values of @x@ drawn from a small range.
500-- The opposite of 'Large'.
501newtype Small a = Small {getSmall :: a}
502    deriving (Prelude.Ord, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Enum, Prelude.Show, Prelude.Num)
504instance Prelude.Integral a => Arbitrary (Small a) where
505    arbitrary = Prelude.fmap Small arbitrarySizedIntegral
506    shrink (Small x) = Prelude.map Small (shrinkIntegral x)
508(===) :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> Property
509x === y = whenFail
510    (Prelude.fail $ Prelude.show x Prelude.++ " should match " Prelude.++ Prelude.show y)
511    (x Prelude.== y)