1{- git-annex automatic merge conflict resolution
2 -
3 - Copyright 2012-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
4 -
5 - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
6 -}
8{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
10module Annex.AutoMerge
11	( autoMergeFrom
12	, autoMergeFrom'
13	, resolveMerge
14	, commitResolvedMerge
15	) where
17import Annex.Common
18import qualified Annex
19import qualified Annex.Queue
20import Annex.CatFile
21import Annex.Link
22import Annex.Content
23import qualified Git.LsFiles as LsFiles
24import qualified Git.UpdateIndex as UpdateIndex
25import qualified Git.Merge
26import qualified Git.Ref
27import qualified Git
28import qualified Git.Branch
29import Git.Types (TreeItemType(..), fromTreeItemType)
30import Git.FilePath
31import Annex.ReplaceFile
32import Annex.VariantFile
33import qualified Database.Keys
34import Annex.InodeSentinal
35import Utility.InodeCache
36import Utility.FileMode
37import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
39import qualified Data.Set as S
40import qualified Data.Map as M
41import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
43{- Merges from a branch into the current branch (which may not exist yet),
44 - with automatic merge conflict resolution.
45 -
46 - Callers should use Git.Branch.changed first, to make sure that
47 - there are changes from the current branch to the branch being merged in.
48 -}
49autoMergeFrom :: Git.Ref -> Maybe Git.Ref -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> Git.Branch.CommitMode -> Bool -> Annex Bool
50autoMergeFrom branch currbranch mergeconfig commitmode canresolvemerge =
51	autoMergeFrom' branch currbranch mergeconfig commitmode canresolvemerge resolvemerge
52  where
53	resolvemerge old
54		| canresolvemerge = resolveMerge old branch False
55		| otherwise = return False
57autoMergeFrom' :: Git.Ref -> Maybe Git.Ref -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> Git.Branch.CommitMode -> Bool -> (Maybe Git.Ref -> Annex Bool) -> Annex Bool
58autoMergeFrom' branch currbranch mergeconfig commitmode willresolvemerge toresolvemerge = do
59	showOutput
60	case currbranch of
61		Nothing -> go Nothing
62		Just b -> go =<< inRepo (Git.Ref.sha b)
63  where
64	go old = do
65			-- merge.directoryRenames=conflict plus automatic
66			-- merge conflict resolution results in files in a
67			-- "renamed" directory getting variant names,
68			-- so is not a great combination. If the user has
69			-- explicitly set it, use it, but otherwise when
70			-- merge conflicts will be resolved, override
71			-- to merge.directoryRenames=false.
72			overridedirectoryrenames <- if willresolvemerge
73				then isNothing . mergeDirectoryRenames
74					<$> Annex.getGitConfig
75				else pure False
76			let f r
77				| overridedirectoryrenames = r
78					{ Git.gitGlobalOpts =
79						Param "-c"
80						: Param "merge.directoryRenames=false"
81						: Git.gitGlobalOpts r
82					}
83				| otherwise = r
84			r <- inRepo (Git.Merge.merge branch mergeconfig commitmode . f)
85				<||> (toresolvemerge old <&&> commitResolvedMerge commitmode)
86			-- Merging can cause new associated files to appear
87			-- and the smudge filter will add them to the database.
88			-- To ensure that this process sees those changes,
89			-- close the database if it was open.
90			Database.Keys.closeDb
91			return r
93{- Resolves a conflicted merge. It's important that any conflicts be
94 - resolved in a way that itself avoids later merge conflicts, since
95 - multiple repositories may be doing this concurrently.
96 -
97 - Only merge conflicts where at least one side is an annexed file
98 - is resolved.
99 -
100 - This uses the Keys pointed to by the files to construct new
101 - filenames. So when both sides modified annexed file foo,
102 - it will be deleted, and replaced with files foo.variant-A and
103 - foo.variant-B.
104 -
105 - On the other hand, when one side deleted foo, and the other modified it,
106 - it will be deleted, and the modified version stored as file
107 - foo.variant-A (or B).
108 -
109 - It's also possible that one side has foo as an annexed file, and
110 - the other as a directory or non-annexed file. The annexed file
111 - is renamed to resolve the merge, and the other object is preserved as-is.
112 -
113 - The merge is resolved in the work tree and files
114 - staged, to clean up from a conflicted merge that was run in the work
115 - tree.
116 -
117 - This is complicated by needing to support merges run in an overlay
118 - work tree, in which case the CWD won't be within the work tree.
119 - In this mode, there is no need to update the work tree at all,
120 - as the overlay work tree will get deleted.
121 -
122 - Unlocked files remain unlocked after merging, and locked files
123 - remain locked. When the merge conflict is between a locked and unlocked
124 - file, that otherwise point to the same content, the unlocked mode wins.
125 - This is done because only unlocked files work in filesystems that don't
126 - support symlinks.
127 -
128 - Returns false when there are no merge conflicts to resolve.
129 - A git merge can fail for other reasons, and this allows detecting
130 - such failures.
131 -}
132resolveMerge :: Maybe Git.Ref -> Git.Ref -> Bool -> Annex Bool
133resolveMerge us them inoverlay = do
134	top <- if inoverlay
135		then pure "."
136		else fromRepo Git.repoPath
137	(fs, cleanup) <- inRepo (LsFiles.unmerged [top])
138	srcmap <- if inoverlay
139		then pure M.empty
140		else inodeMap $ pure (map LsFiles.unmergedFile fs, return True)
141	(mergedks, mergedfs) <- unzip <$> mapM (resolveMerge' srcmap us them inoverlay) fs
142	let mergedks' = concat mergedks
143	let mergedfs' = catMaybes mergedfs
144	let merged = not (null mergedfs')
145	void $ liftIO cleanup
147	unless inoverlay $ do
148		(deleted, cleanup2) <- inRepo (LsFiles.deleted [] [top])
149		unless (null deleted) $
150			Annex.Queue.addCommand [] "rm"
151				[Param "--quiet", Param "-f", Param "--"]
152				(map fromRawFilePath deleted)
153		void $ liftIO cleanup2
155	when merged $ do
156		Annex.Queue.flush
157		unless inoverlay $ do
158			unstagedmap <- inodeMap $ inRepo $
159				LsFiles.notInRepo [] False [top]
160			cleanConflictCruft mergedks' mergedfs' unstagedmap
161		showLongNote "Merge conflict was automatically resolved; you may want to examine the result."
162	return merged
164resolveMerge' :: InodeMap -> Maybe Git.Ref -> Git.Ref -> Bool -> LsFiles.Unmerged -> Annex ([Key], Maybe FilePath)
165resolveMerge' _ Nothing _ _ _ = return ([], Nothing)
166resolveMerge' unstagedmap (Just us) them inoverlay u = do
167	kus <- getkey LsFiles.valUs
168	kthem <- getkey LsFiles.valThem
169	case (kus, kthem) of
170		-- Both sides of conflict are annexed files
171		(Just keyUs, Just keyThem)
172			| keyUs /= keyThem -> resolveby [keyUs, keyThem] $ do
173				makevariantannexlink keyUs LsFiles.valUs
174				makevariantannexlink keyThem LsFiles.valThem
175				-- cleanConflictCruft can't handle unlocked
176				-- files, so delete here.
177				unless inoverlay $
178					unless (islocked LsFiles.valUs) $
179						liftIO $ removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink (toRawFilePath file)
180			| otherwise -> do
181				-- Only resolve using symlink when both
182				-- were locked, otherwise use unlocked
183				-- pointer.
184				-- In either case, keep original filename.
185				if islocked LsFiles.valUs && islocked LsFiles.valThem
186					then makesymlink keyUs file
187					else makepointer keyUs file (combinedmodes)
188				return ([keyUs, keyThem], Just file)
189		-- Our side is annexed file, other side is not.
190		-- Make the annexed file into a variant file and graft in the
191		-- other file/directory as it was.
192		(Just keyUs, Nothing) -> resolveby [keyUs] $ do
193			graftin them file LsFiles.valThem LsFiles.valThem LsFiles.valUs
194			makevariantannexlink keyUs LsFiles.valUs
195		-- Our side is not annexed file, other side is.
196		(Nothing, Just keyThem) -> resolveby [keyThem] $ do
197			graftin us file LsFiles.valUs LsFiles.valUs LsFiles.valThem
198			makevariantannexlink keyThem LsFiles.valThem
199		-- Neither side is annexed file; cannot resolve.
200		(Nothing, Nothing) -> return ([], Nothing)
201  where
202	file = fromRawFilePath $ LsFiles.unmergedFile u
204	getkey select =
205		case select (LsFiles.unmergedSha u) of
206			Just sha -> catKey sha
207			Nothing -> pure Nothing
209	islocked select = select (LsFiles.unmergedTreeItemType u) == Just TreeSymlink
211	combinedmodes = case catMaybes [ourmode, theirmode] of
212		[] -> Nothing
213		l -> Just (combineModes l)
214	  where
215		ourmode = fromTreeItemType
216			<$> LsFiles.valUs (LsFiles.unmergedTreeItemType u)
217		theirmode = fromTreeItemType
218			<$> LsFiles.valThem (LsFiles.unmergedTreeItemType u)
220	makevariantannexlink key select
221		| islocked select = makesymlink key dest
222		| otherwise = makepointer key dest destmode
223	  where
224		dest = variantFile file key
225		destmode = fromTreeItemType <$> select (LsFiles.unmergedTreeItemType u)
227	stagefile :: FilePath -> Annex FilePath
228	stagefile f
229		| inoverlay = (</> f) . fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo Git.repoPath
230		| otherwise = pure f
232	makesymlink key dest = do
233		l <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLink (toRawFilePath dest) key
234		unless inoverlay $ replacewithsymlink dest l
235		dest' <- toRawFilePath <$> stagefile dest
236		stageSymlink dest' =<< hashSymlink l
238	replacewithsymlink dest link = replaceWorkTreeFile dest $
239		makeGitLink link . toRawFilePath
241	makepointer key dest destmode = do
242		unless inoverlay $
243			unlessM (reuseOldFile unstagedmap key file dest) $
244				linkFromAnnex key (toRawFilePath dest) destmode >>= \case
245					LinkAnnexFailed -> liftIO $
246						writePointerFile (toRawFilePath dest) key destmode
247					_ -> noop
248		dest' <- toRawFilePath <$> stagefile dest
249		stagePointerFile dest' destmode =<< hashPointerFile key
250		unless inoverlay $
251			Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile key
252				=<< inRepo (toTopFilePath (toRawFilePath dest))
254	{- Stage a graft of a directory or file from a branch
255	 - and update the work tree. -}
256	graftin b item selectwant selectwant' selectunwant = do
257		Annex.Queue.addUpdateIndex
258			=<< fromRepo (UpdateIndex.lsSubTree b item)
260		-- Update the work tree to reflect the graft.
261		unless inoverlay $ case (selectwant (LsFiles.unmergedTreeItemType u), selectunwant (LsFiles.unmergedTreeItemType u)) of
262			-- Symlinks are never left in work tree when
263			-- there's a conflict with anything else.
264			-- So, when grafting in a symlink, we must create it:
265			(Just TreeSymlink, _) -> do
266				case selectwant' (LsFiles.unmergedSha u) of
267					Nothing -> noop
268					Just sha -> do
269						link <- catSymLinkTarget sha
270						replacewithsymlink item link
271			-- And when grafting in anything else vs a symlink,
272			-- the work tree already contains what we want.
273			(_, Just TreeSymlink) -> noop
274			_ -> ifM (liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist item)
275				-- a conflict between a file and a directory
276				-- leaves the directory, so since a directory
277				-- is there, it must be what was wanted
278				( noop
279				-- probably a file with conflict markers is
280				-- in the work tree; replace with grafted
281				-- file content
282				, case selectwant' (LsFiles.unmergedSha u) of
283					Nothing -> noop
284					Just sha -> replaceWorkTreeFile item $ \tmp -> do
285						c <- catObject sha
286						liftIO $ L.writeFile tmp c
287				)
289	resolveby ks a = do
290		{- Remove conflicted file from index so merge can be resolved. -}
291		Annex.Queue.addCommand [] "rm"
292			[ Param "--quiet"
293			, Param "-f"
294			, Param "--cached"
295			, Param "--"
296			]
297			[file]
298		void a
299		return (ks, Just file)
301{- git-merge moves conflicting files away to files
302 - named something like f~HEAD or f~branch or just f, but the
303 - exact name chosen can vary. Once the conflict is resolved,
304 - this cruft can be deleted. To avoid deleting legitimate
305 - files that look like this, only delete files that are
306 - A) not staged in git and
307 - B) have a name related to the merged files and
308 - C) are pointers to or have the content of keys that were involved
309 - in the merge.
310 -}
311cleanConflictCruft :: [Key] -> [FilePath] -> InodeMap -> Annex ()
312cleanConflictCruft resolvedks resolvedfs unstagedmap = do
313	is <- S.fromList . map (inodeCacheToKey Strongly) . concat
314		<$> mapM Database.Keys.getInodeCaches resolvedks
315	forM_ (M.toList unstagedmap) $ \(i, f) ->
316		whenM (matchesresolved is i f) $
317			liftIO $ removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink (toRawFilePath f)
318  where
319	fs = S.fromList resolvedfs
320	ks = S.fromList resolvedks
321	inks = maybe False (flip S.member ks)
322	matchesresolved is i f
323		| S.member f fs || S.member (conflictCruftBase f) fs = anyM id
324			[ pure $ either (const False) (`S.member` is) i
325			, inks <$> isAnnexLink (toRawFilePath f)
326			, inks <$> liftIO (isPointerFile (toRawFilePath f))
327			]
328		| otherwise = return False
330conflictCruftBase :: FilePath -> FilePath
331conflictCruftBase f = reverse $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= '~') $ reverse f
333{- When possible, reuse an existing file from the srcmap as the
334 - content of a worktree file in the resolved merge. It must have the
335 - same name as the origfile, or a name that git would use for conflict
336 - cruft. And, its inode cache must be a known one for the key. -}
337reuseOldFile :: InodeMap -> Key -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
338reuseOldFile srcmap key origfile destfile = do
339	is <- map (inodeCacheToKey Strongly)
340		<$> Database.Keys.getInodeCaches key
341	liftIO $ go $ mapMaybe (\i -> M.lookup (Right i) srcmap) is
342  where
343	go [] = return False
344	go (f:fs)
345		| f == origfile || conflictCruftBase f == origfile =
346			ifM (doesFileExist f)
347				( do
348					renameFile f destfile
349					return True
350				, go fs
351				)
352		| otherwise = go fs
354commitResolvedMerge :: Git.Branch.CommitMode -> Annex Bool
355commitResolvedMerge commitmode = do
356	commitquiet <- Git.Branch.CommitQuiet <$> commandProgressDisabled
357	inRepo $ Git.Branch.commitCommand commitmode commitquiet
358		[ Param "--no-verify"
359		, Param "-m"
360		, Param "git-annex automatic merge conflict fix"
361		]
363type InodeMap = M.Map (Either FilePath InodeCacheKey) FilePath
365inodeMap :: Annex ([RawFilePath], IO Bool) -> Annex InodeMap
366inodeMap getfiles = do
367	(fs, cleanup) <- getfiles
368	fsis <- forM fs $ \f -> do
369		s <- liftIO $ R.getSymbolicLinkStatus f
370		let f' = fromRawFilePath f
371		if isSymbolicLink s
372			then pure $ Just (Left f', f')
373			else withTSDelta (\d -> liftIO $ toInodeCache d f s)
374				>>= return . \case
375					Just i -> Just (Right (inodeCacheToKey Strongly i), f')
376					Nothing -> Nothing
377	void $ liftIO cleanup
378	return $ M.fromList $ catMaybes fsis