1{- P2P protocol
2 -
3 - See doc/design/p2p_protocol.mdwn
4 -
5 - Copyright 2016-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
6 -
7 - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
8 -}
10{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, TemplateHaskell, FlexibleContexts #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, RankNTypes #-}
12{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
14module P2P.Protocol where
16import qualified Utility.SimpleProtocol as Proto
17import Types (Annex)
18import Types.Key
19import Types.UUID
20import Types.Transfer
21import Types.Remote (Verification(..))
22import Utility.Hash (IncrementalVerifier(..))
23import Utility.AuthToken
24import Utility.Applicative
25import Utility.PartialPrelude
26import Utility.Metered
27import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
28import Git.FilePath
29import Annex.ChangedRefs (ChangedRefs)
31import Control.Monad
32import Control.Monad.Free
33import Control.Monad.Free.TH
34import Control.Monad.Catch
35import System.FilePath
36import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
37import System.IO
38import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
39import Data.Char
40import Control.Applicative
41import Prelude
43newtype Offset = Offset Integer
44	deriving (Show)
46newtype Len = Len Integer
47	deriving (Show)
49newtype ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion Integer
50	deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
52defaultProtocolVersion :: ProtocolVersion
53defaultProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion 0
55maxProtocolVersion :: ProtocolVersion
56maxProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion 1
58newtype ProtoAssociatedFile = ProtoAssociatedFile AssociatedFile
59	deriving (Show)
61-- | Service as used by the connect message in gitremote-helpers(1)
62data Service = UploadPack | ReceivePack
63	deriving (Show)
65data Validity = Valid | Invalid
66	deriving (Show)
68-- | Messages in the protocol. The peer that makes the connection
69-- always initiates requests, and the other peer makes responses to them.
70data Message
71	= AUTH UUID AuthToken -- uuid of the peer that is authenticating
72	| AUTH_SUCCESS UUID -- uuid of the remote peer
74	| VERSION ProtocolVersion
75	| CONNECT Service
78	| CHANGED ChangedRefs
82	| REMOVE Key
83	| GET Offset ProtoAssociatedFile Key
84	| PUT ProtoAssociatedFile Key
85	| PUT_FROM Offset
89	| DATA Len -- followed by bytes of data
90	| VALIDITY Validity
91	| ERROR String
92	deriving (Show)
94instance Proto.Sendable Message where
95	formatMessage (AUTH uuid authtoken) = ["AUTH", Proto.serialize uuid, Proto.serialize authtoken]
96	formatMessage (AUTH_SUCCESS uuid) = ["AUTH-SUCCESS",  Proto.serialize uuid]
97	formatMessage AUTH_FAILURE = ["AUTH-FAILURE"]
98	formatMessage (VERSION v) = ["VERSION", Proto.serialize v]
99	formatMessage (CONNECT service) = ["CONNECT", Proto.serialize service]
100	formatMessage (CONNECTDONE exitcode) = ["CONNECTDONE", Proto.serialize exitcode]
102	formatMessage (CHANGED refs) = ["CHANGED", Proto.serialize refs]
103	formatMessage (CHECKPRESENT key) = ["CHECKPRESENT", Proto.serialize key]
104	formatMessage (LOCKCONTENT key) = ["LOCKCONTENT", Proto.serialize key]
106	formatMessage (REMOVE key) = ["REMOVE", Proto.serialize key]
107	formatMessage (GET offset af key) = ["GET", Proto.serialize offset, Proto.serialize af, Proto.serialize key]
108	formatMessage (PUT af key) = ["PUT", Proto.serialize af, Proto.serialize key]
109	formatMessage (PUT_FROM offset) = ["PUT-FROM", Proto.serialize offset]
110	formatMessage ALREADY_HAVE = ["ALREADY-HAVE"]
111	formatMessage SUCCESS = ["SUCCESS"]
112	formatMessage FAILURE = ["FAILURE"]
113	formatMessage (VALIDITY Valid) = ["VALID"]
114	formatMessage (VALIDITY Invalid) = ["INVALID"]
115	formatMessage (DATA len) = ["DATA", Proto.serialize len]
116	formatMessage (ERROR err) = ["ERROR", Proto.serialize err]
118instance Proto.Receivable Message where
119	parseCommand "AUTH" = Proto.parse2 AUTH
120	parseCommand "AUTH-SUCCESS" = Proto.parse1 AUTH_SUCCESS
121	parseCommand "AUTH-FAILURE" = Proto.parse0 AUTH_FAILURE
122	parseCommand "VERSION" = Proto.parse1 VERSION
123	parseCommand "CONNECT" = Proto.parse1 CONNECT
124	parseCommand "CONNECTDONE" = Proto.parse1 CONNECTDONE
125	parseCommand "NOTIFYCHANGE" = Proto.parse0 NOTIFYCHANGE
126	parseCommand "CHANGED" = Proto.parse1 CHANGED
127	parseCommand "CHECKPRESENT" = Proto.parse1 CHECKPRESENT
128	parseCommand "LOCKCONTENT" = Proto.parse1 LOCKCONTENT
129	parseCommand "UNLOCKCONTENT" = Proto.parse0 UNLOCKCONTENT
130	parseCommand "REMOVE" = Proto.parse1 REMOVE
131	parseCommand "GET" = Proto.parse3 GET
132	parseCommand "PUT" = Proto.parse2 PUT
133	parseCommand "PUT-FROM" = Proto.parse1 PUT_FROM
134	parseCommand "ALREADY-HAVE" = Proto.parse0 ALREADY_HAVE
135	parseCommand "SUCCESS" = Proto.parse0 SUCCESS
136	parseCommand "FAILURE" = Proto.parse0 FAILURE
137	parseCommand "DATA" = Proto.parse1 DATA
138	parseCommand "ERROR" = Proto.parse1 ERROR
139	parseCommand "VALID" = Proto.parse0 (VALIDITY Valid)
140	parseCommand "INVALID" = Proto.parse0 (VALIDITY Invalid)
141	parseCommand _ = Proto.parseFail
143instance Proto.Serializable ProtocolVersion where
144	serialize (ProtocolVersion n) = show n
145	deserialize = ProtocolVersion <$$> readish
147instance Proto.Serializable Offset where
148	serialize (Offset n) = show n
149	deserialize = Offset <$$> readish
151instance Proto.Serializable Len where
152	serialize (Len n) = show n
153	deserialize = Len <$$> readish
155instance Proto.Serializable Service where
156	serialize UploadPack = "git-upload-pack"
157	serialize ReceivePack = "git-receive-pack"
158	deserialize "git-upload-pack" = Just UploadPack
159	deserialize "git-receive-pack" = Just ReceivePack
160	deserialize _ = Nothing
162-- | Since ProtoAssociatedFile is not the last thing in a protocol line,
163-- its serialization cannot contain any whitespace. This is handled
164-- by replacing whitespace with '%' (and '%' with '%%')
166-- When deserializing an AssociatedFile from a peer, it's sanitized,
167-- to avoid any unusual characters that might cause problems when it's
168-- displayed to the user.
170-- These mungings are ok, because a ProtoAssociatedFile is only ever displayed
171-- to the user and does not need to match a file on disk.
172instance Proto.Serializable ProtoAssociatedFile where
173	serialize (ProtoAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile Nothing)) = ""
174	serialize (ProtoAssociatedFile (AssociatedFile (Just af))) =
175		decodeBS $ toInternalGitPath $ encodeBS $ concatMap esc $ fromRawFilePath af
176	  where
177		esc '%' = "%%"
178		esc c
179			| isSpace c = "%"
180			| otherwise = [c]
182	deserialize s = case fromRawFilePath $ fromInternalGitPath $ toRawFilePath $ deesc [] s of
183		[] -> Just $ ProtoAssociatedFile $ AssociatedFile Nothing
184		f
185			| isRelative f -> Just $ ProtoAssociatedFile $
186				AssociatedFile $ Just $ toRawFilePath f
187			| otherwise -> Nothing
188	  where
189	  	deesc b [] = reverse b
190		deesc b ('%':'%':cs) = deesc ('%':b) cs
191		deesc b ('%':cs) = deesc ('_':b) cs
192		deesc b (c:cs)
193			| isControl c = deesc ('_':b) cs
194			| otherwise = deesc (c:b) cs
196-- | Free monad for the protocol, combining net communication,
197-- and local actions.
198data ProtoF c = Net (NetF c) | Local (LocalF c)
199	deriving (Functor)
201type Proto = Free ProtoF
203net :: Net a -> Proto a
204net = hoistFree Net
206local :: Local a -> Proto a
207local = hoistFree Local
209data NetF c
210	= SendMessage Message c
211	| ReceiveMessage (Maybe Message -> c)
212	| SendBytes Len L.ByteString MeterUpdate c
213	-- ^ Sends exactly Len bytes of data. (Any more or less will
214	-- confuse the receiver.)
215	| ReceiveBytes Len MeterUpdate (L.ByteString -> c)
216	-- ^ Lazily reads bytes from peer. Stops once Len are read,
217	-- or if connection is lost, and in either case returns the bytes
218	-- that were read. This allows resuming interrupted transfers.
219	| CheckAuthToken UUID AuthToken (Bool -> c)
220	| RelayService Service c
221	-- ^ Runs a service, relays its output to the peer, and data
222	-- from the peer to it.
223	| Relay RelayHandle RelayHandle (ExitCode -> c)
224	-- ^ Reads from the first RelayHandle, and sends the data to a
225	-- peer, while at the same time accepting input from the peer
226	-- which is sent the the second RelayHandle. Continues until
227	-- the peer sends an ExitCode.
228	| SetProtocolVersion ProtocolVersion c
229	--- ^ Called when a new protocol version has been negotiated.
230	| GetProtocolVersion (ProtocolVersion -> c)
231	deriving (Functor)
233type Net = Free NetF
235newtype RelayHandle = RelayHandle Handle
237data LocalF c
238	= TmpContentSize Key (Len -> c)
239	-- ^ Gets size of the temp file where received content may have
240	-- been stored. If not present, returns 0.
241	| FileSize FilePath (Len -> c)
242	-- ^ Gets size of the content of a file. If not present, returns 0.
243	| ContentSize Key (Maybe Len -> c)
244	-- ^ Gets size of the content of a key, when the full content is
245	-- present.
246	| ReadContent Key AssociatedFile Offset (L.ByteString -> Proto Validity -> Proto Bool) (Bool -> c)
247	-- ^ Reads the content of a key and sends it to the callback.
248	-- Must run the callback, or terminate the protocol connection.
249	--
250	-- May send any amount of data, including L.empty if the content is
251	-- not available. The callback must deal with that.
252	--
253	-- And the content may change while it's being sent.
254	-- The callback is passed a validity check that it can run after
255	-- sending the content to detect when this happened.
256	| StoreContent Key AssociatedFile Offset Len (Proto L.ByteString) (Proto (Maybe Validity)) (Bool -> c)
257	-- ^ Stores content to the key's temp file starting at an offset.
258	-- Once the whole content of the key has been stored, moves the
259	-- temp file into place as the content of the key, and returns True.
260	--
261	-- Must consume the whole lazy ByteString, or if unable to do
262	-- so, terminate the protocol connection.
263	--
264	-- If the validity check is provided and fails, the content was
265	-- changed while it was being sent, so verificiation of the
266	-- received content should be forced.
267	--
268	-- Note: The ByteString may not contain the entire remaining content
269	-- of the key. Only once the temp file size == Len has the whole
270	-- content been transferred.
271	| StoreContentTo FilePath (Maybe IncrementalVerifier) Offset Len (Proto L.ByteString) (Proto (Maybe Validity)) ((Bool, Verification) -> c)
272	-- ^ Like StoreContent, but stores the content to a temp file.
273	| SetPresent Key UUID c
274	| CheckContentPresent Key (Bool -> c)
275	-- ^ Checks if the whole content of the key is locally present.
276	| RemoveContent Key (Bool -> c)
277	-- ^ If the content is not present, still succeeds.
278	-- May fail if not enough copies to safely drop, etc.
279	| TryLockContent Key (Bool -> Proto ()) c
280	-- ^ Try to lock the content of a key,  preventing it
281	-- from being deleted, while running the provided protocol
282	-- action. If unable to lock the content, or the content is not
283	-- present, runs the protocol action with False.
284	| WaitRefChange (ChangedRefs -> c)
285	-- ^ Waits for one or more git refs to change and returns them.a
286	| UpdateMeterTotalSize Meter TotalSize c
287	-- ^ Updates the total size of a Meter, for cases where the size is
288	-- not known until the data is being received.
289	| RunValidityCheck (Annex Validity) (Validity -> c)
290	-- ^ Runs a deferred validity check.
291	deriving (Functor)
293type Local = Free LocalF
295-- Generate sendMessage etc functions for all free monad constructors.
296$(makeFree ''NetF)
297$(makeFree ''LocalF)
299auth :: UUID -> AuthToken -> Proto () -> Proto (Maybe UUID)
300auth myuuid t a = do
301	net $ sendMessage (AUTH myuuid t)
302	postAuth a
304postAuth :: Proto () -> Proto (Maybe UUID)
305postAuth a = do
306	r <- net receiveMessage
307	case r of
308		Just (AUTH_SUCCESS theiruuid) -> do
309			a
310			return $ Just theiruuid
311		Just AUTH_FAILURE -> return Nothing
312		_ -> do
313			net $ sendMessage (ERROR "auth failed")
314			return Nothing
316negotiateProtocolVersion :: ProtocolVersion -> Proto ()
317negotiateProtocolVersion preferredversion = do
318	net $ sendMessage (VERSION preferredversion)
319	r <- net receiveMessage
320	case r of
321		Just (VERSION v) -> net $ setProtocolVersion v
322		-- Old server doesn't know about the VERSION command.
323		Just (ERROR _) -> return ()
324		_ -> net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected VERSION")
326checkPresent :: Key -> Proto Bool
327checkPresent key = do
328	net $ sendMessage (CHECKPRESENT key)
329	checkSuccess
331{- Locks content to prevent it from being dropped, while running an action.
332 -
333 - Note that this only guarantees that the content is locked as long as the
334 - connection to the peer remains up. If the connection is unexpectededly
335 - dropped, the peer will then unlock the content.
336 -}
338	:: MonadMask m
339	=> (forall r. r -> Proto r -> m r)
340	-> Key
341	-> (Bool -> m a)
342	-> m a
343lockContentWhile runproto key a = bracket setup cleanup a
344  where
345	setup = runproto False $ do
346		net $ sendMessage (LOCKCONTENT key)
347		checkSuccess
348	cleanup True = runproto () $ net $ sendMessage UNLOCKCONTENT
349	cleanup False = return ()
351remove :: Key -> Proto Bool
352remove key = do
353	net $ sendMessage (REMOVE key)
354	checkSuccess
356get :: FilePath -> Key -> Maybe IncrementalVerifier -> AssociatedFile -> Meter -> MeterUpdate -> Proto (Bool, Verification)
357get dest key iv af m p =
358	receiveContent (Just m) p sizer storer $ \offset ->
359		GET offset (ProtoAssociatedFile af) key
360  where
361	sizer = fileSize dest
362	storer = storeContentTo dest iv
364put :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Proto Bool
365put key af p = do
366	net $ sendMessage (PUT (ProtoAssociatedFile af) key)
367	r <- net receiveMessage
368	case r of
369		Just (PUT_FROM offset) -> sendContent key af offset p
370		Just ALREADY_HAVE -> return True
371		_ -> do
372			net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected PUT_FROM or ALREADY_HAVE")
373			return False
375data ServerHandler a
376	= ServerGot a
377	| ServerContinue
378	| ServerUnexpected
380-- Server loop, getting messages from the client and handling them
381serverLoop :: (Message -> Proto (ServerHandler a)) -> Proto (Maybe a)
382serverLoop a = do
383	mcmd <- net receiveMessage
384	case mcmd of
385		-- When the client sends ERROR to the server, the server
386		-- gives up, since it's not clear what state the client
387		-- is in, and so not possible to recover.
388		Just (ERROR _) -> return Nothing
389		-- When the client sends an unparseable message, the server
390		-- responds with an error message, and loops. This allows
391		-- expanding the protocol with new messages.
392		Nothing -> do
393			net $ sendMessage (ERROR "unknown command")
394			serverLoop a
395		Just cmd -> do
396			v <- a cmd
397			case v of
398				ServerGot r -> return (Just r)
399				ServerContinue -> serverLoop a
400				-- If the client sends an unexpected message,
401				-- the server will respond with ERROR, and
402				-- always continues processing messages.
403				--
404				-- Since the protocol is not versioned, this
405				-- is necessary to handle protocol changes
406				-- robustly, since the client can detect when
407				-- it's talking to a server that does not
408				-- support some new feature, and fall back.
409				ServerUnexpected -> do
410					net $ sendMessage (ERROR "unexpected command")
411					serverLoop a
413-- | Serve the protocol, with an unauthenticated peer. Once the peer
414-- successfully authenticates, returns their UUID.
415serveAuth :: UUID -> Proto (Maybe UUID)
416serveAuth myuuid = serverLoop handler
417  where
418	handler (AUTH theiruuid authtoken) = do
419		ok <- net $ checkAuthToken theiruuid authtoken
420		if ok
421			then do
422				net $ sendMessage (AUTH_SUCCESS myuuid)
423				return (ServerGot theiruuid)
424			else do
425				net $ sendMessage AUTH_FAILURE
426				return ServerContinue
427	handler _ = return ServerUnexpected
429data ServerMode
430	= ServeReadOnly
431	-- ^ Allow reading, but not writing.
432	| ServeAppendOnly
433	-- ^ Allow reading, and storing new objects, but not deleting objects.
434	| ServeReadWrite
435	-- ^ Full read and write access.
436	deriving (Eq, Ord)
438-- | Serve the protocol, with a peer that has authenticated.
439serveAuthed :: ServerMode -> UUID -> Proto ()
440serveAuthed servermode myuuid = void $ serverLoop handler
441  where
442	readonlyerror = net $ sendMessage (ERROR "this repository is read-only; write access denied")
443	appendonlyerror = net $ sendMessage (ERROR "this repository is append-only; removal denied")
444	handler (VERSION theirversion) = do
445		let v = min theirversion maxProtocolVersion
446		net $ setProtocolVersion v
447		net $ sendMessage (VERSION v)
448		return ServerContinue
449	handler (LOCKCONTENT key) = do
450		local $ tryLockContent key $ \locked -> do
451			sendSuccess locked
452			when locked $ do
453				r' <- net receiveMessage
454				case r' of
455					Just UNLOCKCONTENT -> return ()
456					_ -> net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected UNLOCKCONTENT")
457		return ServerContinue
458	handler (CHECKPRESENT key) = do
459		sendSuccess =<< local (checkContentPresent key)
460		return ServerContinue
461	handler (REMOVE key) = case servermode of
462		ServeReadWrite -> do
463			sendSuccess =<< local (removeContent key)
464			return ServerContinue
465		ServeAppendOnly -> do
466			appendonlyerror
467			return ServerContinue
468		ServeReadOnly -> do
469			readonlyerror
470			return ServerContinue
471	handler (PUT (ProtoAssociatedFile af) key) = case servermode of
472		ServeReadWrite -> handleput af key
473		ServeAppendOnly -> handleput af key
474		ServeReadOnly -> do
475			readonlyerror
476			return ServerContinue
477	handler (GET offset (ProtoAssociatedFile af) key) = do
478		void $ sendContent key af offset nullMeterUpdate
479		-- setPresent not called because the peer may have
480		-- requested the data but not permanently stored it.
481		return ServerContinue
482	handler (CONNECT service) = do
483		let goahead = net $ relayService service
484		case (servermode, service) of
485			(ServeReadWrite, _) -> goahead
486			(ServeAppendOnly, UploadPack) -> goahead
487			-- git protocol could be used to overwrite
488			-- refs or something, so don't allow
489			(ServeAppendOnly, ReceivePack) -> readonlyerror
490			(ServeReadOnly, UploadPack) -> goahead
491			(ServeReadOnly, ReceivePack) -> readonlyerror
492		-- After connecting to git, there may be unconsumed data
493		-- from the git processes hanging around (even if they
494		-- exited successfully), so stop serving this connection.
495		return $ ServerGot ()
496	handler NOTIFYCHANGE = do
497		refs <- local waitRefChange
498		net $ sendMessage (CHANGED refs)
499		return ServerContinue
500	handler _ = return ServerUnexpected
502	handleput af key = do
503		have <- local $ checkContentPresent key
504		if have
505			then net $ sendMessage ALREADY_HAVE
506			else do
507				let sizer = tmpContentSize key
508				let storer = storeContent key af
509				v <- receiveContent Nothing nullMeterUpdate sizer storer PUT_FROM
510				when (observeBool v) $
511					local $ setPresent key myuuid
512		return ServerContinue
514sendContent :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Offset -> MeterUpdate -> Proto Bool
515sendContent key af offset@(Offset n) p = go =<< local (contentSize key)
516  where
517	go (Just (Len totallen)) = do
518		let len = totallen - n
519		if len <= 0
520			then sender (Len 0) L.empty (return Valid)
521			else local $ readContent key af offset $
522				sender (Len len)
523	-- Content not available to send. Indicate this by sending
524	-- empty data and indlicate it's invalid.
525 	go Nothing = sender (Len 0) L.empty (return Invalid)
526	sender len content validitycheck = do
527		let p' = offsetMeterUpdate p (toBytesProcessed n)
528		net $ sendMessage (DATA len)
529		net $ sendBytes len content p'
530		ver <- net getProtocolVersion
531		when (ver >= ProtocolVersion 1) $
532			net . sendMessage . VALIDITY =<< validitycheck
533		checkSuccess
536	:: Observable t
537	=> Maybe Meter
538	-> MeterUpdate
539	-> Local Len
540	-> (Offset -> Len -> Proto L.ByteString -> Proto (Maybe Validity) -> Local t)
541	-> (Offset -> Message)
542	-> Proto t
543receiveContent mm p sizer storer mkmsg = do
544	Len n <- local sizer
545	let p' = offsetMeterUpdate p (toBytesProcessed n)
546	let offset = Offset n
547	net $ sendMessage (mkmsg offset)
548	r <- net receiveMessage
549	case r of
550		Just (DATA len@(Len l)) -> do
551			local $ case mm of
552				Nothing -> return ()
553				Just m -> updateMeterTotalSize m (TotalSize (n+l))
554			ver <- net getProtocolVersion
555			let validitycheck = if ver >= ProtocolVersion 1
556				then net receiveMessage >>= \case
557					Just (VALIDITY v) -> return (Just v)
558					_ -> do
559						net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected VALID or INVALID")
560						return Nothing
561				else return Nothing
562			v <- local $ storer offset len
563				(net (receiveBytes len p'))
564				validitycheck
565			sendSuccess (observeBool v)
566			return v
567		_ -> do
568			net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected DATA")
569			return observeFailure
571checkSuccess :: Proto Bool
572checkSuccess = do
573	ack <- net receiveMessage
574	case ack of
575		Just SUCCESS -> return True
576		Just FAILURE -> return False
577		_ -> do
578			net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected SUCCESS or FAILURE")
579			return False
581sendSuccess :: Bool -> Proto ()
582sendSuccess True = net $ sendMessage SUCCESS
583sendSuccess False = net $ sendMessage FAILURE
585notifyChange :: Proto (Maybe ChangedRefs)
586notifyChange = do
587	net $ sendMessage NOTIFYCHANGE
588	ack <- net receiveMessage
589	case ack of
590		Just (CHANGED rs) -> return (Just rs)
591		_ -> do
592			net $ sendMessage (ERROR "expected CHANGED")
593			return Nothing
595connect :: Service -> Handle -> Handle -> Proto ExitCode
596connect service hin hout = do
597	net $ sendMessage (CONNECT service)
598	net $ relay (RelayHandle hin) (RelayHandle hout)
600data RelayData
601	= RelayToPeer L.ByteString
602	| RelayFromPeer L.ByteString
603	| RelayDone ExitCode
604	deriving (Show)
606relayFromPeer :: Net RelayData
607relayFromPeer = do
608	r <- receiveMessage
609	case r of
610		Just (CONNECTDONE exitcode) -> return $ RelayDone exitcode
611		Just (DATA len) -> RelayFromPeer <$> receiveBytes len nullMeterUpdate
612		_ -> do
613			sendMessage $ ERROR "expected DATA or CONNECTDONE"
614			return $ RelayDone $ ExitFailure 1
616relayToPeer :: RelayData -> Net ()
617relayToPeer (RelayDone exitcode) = sendMessage (CONNECTDONE exitcode)
618relayToPeer (RelayToPeer b) = do
619	let len = Len $ fromIntegral $ L.length b
620	sendMessage (DATA len)
621	sendBytes len b nullMeterUpdate
622relayToPeer (RelayFromPeer _) = return ()