1Name:                cryptonite-conduit
2version:             0.2.2
3x-revision: 1
4Synopsis:            cryptonite conduit
6  Conduit bridge for cryptonite
7  .
8  For now only provide a conduit version for hash and hmac, but
9  with contribution, this could provide cipher conduits too,
10  and probably other things.
11License:             BSD3
12License-file:        LICENSE
13Copyright:           Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
14Author:              Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
15Maintainer:          vincent@snarc.org
16Category:            Cryptography, Conduit
17Stability:           experimental
18Build-Type:          Simple
19Homepage:            https://github.com/haskell-crypto/cryptonite-conduit
20Cabal-Version:       >=1.8
21Extra-source-files:  README.md CHANGELOG.md
24  Exposed-modules:   Crypto.Cipher.ChaChaPoly1305.Conduit
25                     Crypto.MAC.HMAC.Conduit
26                     Crypto.Hash.Conduit
27                     Crypto.PubKey.ECIES.Conduit
28  Build-depends:     base >= 4.8 && < 5
29                   , bytestring
30                   , conduit
31                   , conduit-extra
32                   , cryptonite
33                   , exceptions
34                   , memory
35                   , resourcet
36                   , transformers
37  ghc-options:       -Wall -fwarn-tabs
39test-suite cryptonite-conduit-test
40  type:                exitcode-stdio-1.0
41  hs-source-dirs:      test
42  main-is:             Spec.hs
43  build-depends:       base
44                     , bytestring
45                     , conduit
46                     , conduit-combinators
47                     , cryptonite
48                     , cryptonite-conduit
49                     , memory
50                     , tasty
51                     , tasty-hunit
52                     , tasty-quickcheck
53  ghc-options:       -Wall
55source-repository head
56  type: git
57  location: https://github.com/haskell-crypto/cryptonite-conduit