1{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, MagicHash #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
8#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802
9{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedSums #-}
12{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-full-laziness -funbox-strict-fields #-}
13{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
15-- | = WARNING
17-- This module is considered __internal__.
19-- The Package Versioning Policy __does not apply__.
21-- The contents of this module may change __in any way whatsoever__
22-- and __without any warning__ between minor versions of this package.
24-- Authors importing this module are expected to track development
25-- closely.
27module Data.HashMap.Internal
28    (
29      HashMap(..)
30    , Leaf(..)
32      -- * Construction
33    , empty
34    , singleton
36      -- * Basic interface
37    , null
38    , size
39    , member
40    , lookup
41    , (!?)
42    , findWithDefault
43    , lookupDefault
44    , (!)
45    , insert
46    , insertWith
47    , unsafeInsert
48    , delete
49    , adjust
50    , update
51    , alter
52    , alterF
53    , isSubmapOf
54    , isSubmapOfBy
56      -- * Combine
57      -- ** Union
58    , union
59    , unionWith
60    , unionWithKey
61    , unions
63    -- ** Compose
64    , compose
66      -- * Transformations
67    , map
68    , mapWithKey
69    , traverseWithKey
71      -- * Difference and intersection
72    , difference
73    , differenceWith
74    , intersection
75    , intersectionWith
76    , intersectionWithKey
78      -- * Folds
79    , foldr'
80    , foldl'
81    , foldrWithKey'
82    , foldlWithKey'
83    , foldr
84    , foldl
85    , foldrWithKey
86    , foldlWithKey
87    , foldMapWithKey
89      -- * Filter
90    , mapMaybe
91    , mapMaybeWithKey
92    , filter
93    , filterWithKey
95      -- * Conversions
96    , keys
97    , elems
99      -- ** Lists
100    , toList
101    , fromList
102    , fromListWith
103    , fromListWithKey
105      -- Internals used by the strict version
106    , Hash
107    , Bitmap
108    , bitmapIndexedOrFull
109    , collision
110    , hash
111    , mask
112    , index
113    , bitsPerSubkey
114    , fullNodeMask
115    , sparseIndex
116    , two
117    , unionArrayBy
118    , update16
119    , update16M
120    , update16With'
121    , updateOrConcatWith
122    , updateOrConcatWithKey
123    , filterMapAux
124    , equalKeys
125    , equalKeys1
126    , lookupRecordCollision
127    , LookupRes(..)
128    , insert'
129    , delete'
130    , lookup'
131    , insertNewKey
132    , insertKeyExists
133    , deleteKeyExists
134    , insertModifying
135    , ptrEq
136    , adjust#
137    ) where
139#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
140import Control.Applicative ((<$>), Applicative(pure))
141import Data.Monoid (Monoid(mempty, mappend))
142import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..))
143import Data.Word (Word)
145#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711
146import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup((<>)))
148import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf))
149import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
150import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), complement, popCount, unsafeShiftL, unsafeShiftR)
151import Data.Data hiding (Typeable)
152import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
153#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
154import Data.Bifoldable
156import qualified Data.List as L
157import GHC.Exts ((==#), build, reallyUnsafePtrEquality#, inline)
158import Prelude hiding (filter, foldl, foldr, lookup, map, null, pred)
159import Text.Read hiding (step)
161import qualified Data.HashMap.Internal.Array as A
162import qualified Data.Hashable as H
163import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
164import Data.HashMap.Internal.Unsafe (runST)
165import Data.HashMap.Internal.List (isPermutationBy, unorderedCompare)
166import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
168import GHC.Exts (isTrue#)
169import qualified GHC.Exts as Exts
171#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
172import Data.Functor.Classes
173import GHC.Stack
176#if MIN_VERSION_hashable(1,2,5)
177import qualified Data.Hashable.Lifted as H
180#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802
181import GHC.Exts (TYPE, Int (..), Int#)
184#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
185import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
187import Control.Applicative (Const (..))
188import Data.Coerce (coerce)
190-- | A set of values.  A set cannot contain duplicate values.
193-- | Convenience function.  Compute a hash value for the given value.
194hash :: H.Hashable a => a -> Hash
195hash = fromIntegral . H.hash
197data Leaf k v = L !k v
198  deriving (Eq)
200instance (NFData k, NFData v) => NFData (Leaf k v) where
201    rnf (L k v) = rnf k `seq` rnf v
203-- Invariant: The length of the 1st argument to 'Full' is
204-- 2^bitsPerSubkey
206-- | A map from keys to values.  A map cannot contain duplicate keys;
207-- each key can map to at most one value.
208data HashMap k v
209    = Empty
210    | BitmapIndexed !Bitmap !(A.Array (HashMap k v))
211    | Leaf !Hash !(Leaf k v)
212    | Full !(A.Array (HashMap k v))
213    | Collision !Hash !(A.Array (Leaf k v))
214      deriving (Typeable)
216type role HashMap nominal representational
218instance (NFData k, NFData v) => NFData (HashMap k v) where
219    rnf Empty                 = ()
220    rnf (BitmapIndexed _ ary) = rnf ary
221    rnf (Leaf _ l)            = rnf l
222    rnf (Full ary)            = rnf ary
223    rnf (Collision _ ary)     = rnf ary
225instance Functor (HashMap k) where
226    fmap = map
228instance Foldable.Foldable (HashMap k) where
229    foldMap f = foldMapWithKey (\ _k v -> f v)
230    {-# INLINE foldMap #-}
231    foldr = foldr
232    {-# INLINE foldr #-}
233    foldl = foldl
234    {-# INLINE foldl #-}
235    foldr' = foldr'
236    {-# INLINE foldr' #-}
237    foldl' = foldl'
238    {-# INLINE foldl' #-}
239#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
240    null = null
241    {-# INLINE null #-}
242    length = size
243    {-# INLINE length #-}
246#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
247-- | @since 0.2.11
248instance Bifoldable HashMap where
249    bifoldMap f g = foldMapWithKey (\ k v -> f k `mappend` g v)
250    {-# INLINE bifoldMap #-}
251    bifoldr f g = foldrWithKey (\ k v acc -> k `f` (v `g` acc))
252    {-# INLINE bifoldr #-}
253    bifoldl f g = foldlWithKey (\ acc k v -> (acc `f` k) `g` v)
254    {-# INLINE bifoldl #-}
257#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711
258-- | '<>' = 'union'
260-- If a key occurs in both maps, the mapping from the first will be the mapping in the result.
262-- ==== __Examples__
264-- >>> fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b')] <> fromList [(2,'c'),(3,'d')]
265-- fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'d')]
266instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => Semigroup (HashMap k v) where
267  (<>) = union
268  {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
271-- | 'mempty' = 'empty'
273-- 'mappend' = 'union'
275-- If a key occurs in both maps, the mapping from the first will be the mapping in the result.
277-- ==== __Examples__
279-- >>> mappend (fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b')]) (fromList [(2,'c'),(3,'d')])
280-- fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'d')]
281instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => Monoid (HashMap k v) where
282  mempty = empty
283  {-# INLINE mempty #-}
284#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711
285  mappend = (<>)
287  mappend = union
289  {-# INLINE mappend #-}
291instance (Data k, Data v, Eq k, Hashable k) => Data (HashMap k v) where
292    gfoldl f z m   = z fromList `f` toList m
293    toConstr _     = fromListConstr
294    gunfold k z c  = case constrIndex c of
295        1 -> k (z fromList)
296        _ -> error "gunfold"
297    dataTypeOf _   = hashMapDataType
298    dataCast2 f    = gcast2 f
300fromListConstr :: Constr
301fromListConstr = mkConstr hashMapDataType "fromList" [] Prefix
303hashMapDataType :: DataType
304hashMapDataType = mkDataType "Data.HashMap.Internal.HashMap" [fromListConstr]
306type Hash   = Word
307type Bitmap = Word
308type Shift  = Int
310#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
311instance Show2 HashMap where
312    liftShowsPrec2 spk slk spv slv d m =
313        showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "fromList" d (toList m)
314      where
315        sp = liftShowsPrec2 spk slk spv slv
316        sl = liftShowList2 spk slk spv slv
318instance Show k => Show1 (HashMap k) where
319    liftShowsPrec = liftShowsPrec2 showsPrec showList
321instance (Eq k, Hashable k, Read k) => Read1 (HashMap k) where
322    liftReadsPrec rp rl = readsData $
323        readsUnaryWith (liftReadsPrec rp' rl') "fromList" fromList
324      where
325        rp' = liftReadsPrec rp rl
326        rl' = liftReadList rp rl
329instance (Eq k, Hashable k, Read k, Read e) => Read (HashMap k e) where
330    readPrec = parens $ prec 10 $ do
331      Ident "fromList" <- lexP
332      xs <- readPrec
333      return (fromList xs)
335    readListPrec = readListPrecDefault
337instance (Show k, Show v) => Show (HashMap k v) where
338    showsPrec d m = showParen (d > 10) $
339      showString "fromList " . shows (toList m)
341instance Traversable (HashMap k) where
342    traverse f = traverseWithKey (const f)
343    {-# INLINABLE traverse #-}
345#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
346instance Eq2 HashMap where
347    liftEq2 = equal2
349instance Eq k => Eq1 (HashMap k) where
350    liftEq = equal1
353-- | Note that, in the presence of hash collisions, equal @HashMap@s may
354-- behave differently, i.e. substitutivity may be violated:
356-- >>> data D = A | B deriving (Eq, Show)
357-- >>> instance Hashable D where hashWithSalt salt _d = salt
359-- >>> x = fromList [(A,1), (B,2)]
360-- >>> y = fromList [(B,2), (A,1)]
362-- >>> x == y
363-- True
364-- >>> toList x
365-- [(A,1),(B,2)]
366-- >>> toList y
367-- [(B,2),(A,1)]
369-- In general, the lack of substitutivity can be observed with any function
370-- that depends on the key ordering, such as folds and traversals.
371instance (Eq k, Eq v) => Eq (HashMap k v) where
372    (==) = equal1 (==)
374-- We rely on there being no Empty constructors in the tree!
375-- This ensures that two equal HashMaps will have the same
376-- shape, modulo the order of entries in Collisions.
377equal1 :: Eq k
378       => (v -> v' -> Bool)
379       -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v' -> Bool
380equal1 eq = go
381  where
382    go Empty Empty = True
383    go (BitmapIndexed bm1 ary1) (BitmapIndexed bm2 ary2)
384      = bm1 == bm2 && A.sameArray1 go ary1 ary2
385    go (Leaf h1 l1) (Leaf h2 l2) = h1 == h2 && leafEq l1 l2
386    go (Full ary1) (Full ary2) = A.sameArray1 go ary1 ary2
387    go (Collision h1 ary1) (Collision h2 ary2)
388      = h1 == h2 && isPermutationBy leafEq (A.toList ary1) (A.toList ary2)
389    go _ _ = False
391    leafEq (L k1 v1) (L k2 v2) = k1 == k2 && eq v1 v2
393equal2 :: (k -> k' -> Bool) -> (v -> v' -> Bool)
394      -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k' v' -> Bool
395equal2 eqk eqv t1 t2 = go (toList' t1 []) (toList' t2 [])
396  where
397    -- If the two trees are the same, then their lists of 'Leaf's and
398    -- 'Collision's read from left to right should be the same (modulo the
399    -- order of elements in 'Collision').
401    go (Leaf k1 l1 : tl1) (Leaf k2 l2 : tl2)
402      | k1 == k2 &&
403        leafEq l1 l2
404      = go tl1 tl2
405    go (Collision k1 ary1 : tl1) (Collision k2 ary2 : tl2)
406      | k1 == k2 &&
407        A.length ary1 == A.length ary2 &&
408        isPermutationBy leafEq (A.toList ary1) (A.toList ary2)
409      = go tl1 tl2
410    go [] [] = True
411    go _  _  = False
413    leafEq (L k v) (L k' v') = eqk k k' && eqv v v'
415#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
416instance Ord2 HashMap where
417    liftCompare2 = cmp
419instance Ord k => Ord1 (HashMap k) where
420    liftCompare = cmp compare
423-- | The ordering is total and consistent with the `Eq` instance. However,
424-- nothing else about the ordering is specified, and it may change from
425-- version to version of either this package or of hashable.
426instance (Ord k, Ord v) => Ord (HashMap k v) where
427    compare = cmp compare compare
429cmp :: (k -> k' -> Ordering) -> (v -> v' -> Ordering)
430    -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k' v' -> Ordering
431cmp cmpk cmpv t1 t2 = go (toList' t1 []) (toList' t2 [])
432  where
433    go (Leaf k1 l1 : tl1) (Leaf k2 l2 : tl2)
434      = compare k1 k2 `mappend`
435        leafCompare l1 l2 `mappend`
436        go tl1 tl2
437    go (Collision k1 ary1 : tl1) (Collision k2 ary2 : tl2)
438      = compare k1 k2 `mappend`
439        compare (A.length ary1) (A.length ary2) `mappend`
440        unorderedCompare leafCompare (A.toList ary1) (A.toList ary2) `mappend`
441        go tl1 tl2
442    go (Leaf _ _ : _) (Collision _ _ : _) = LT
443    go (Collision _ _ : _) (Leaf _ _ : _) = GT
444    go [] [] = EQ
445    go [] _  = LT
446    go _  [] = GT
447    go _ _ = error "cmp: Should never happen, toList' includes non Leaf / Collision"
449    leafCompare (L k v) (L k' v') = cmpk k k' `mappend` cmpv v v'
451-- Same as 'equal' but doesn't compare the values.
452equalKeys1 :: (k -> k' -> Bool) -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k' v' -> Bool
453equalKeys1 eq t1 t2 = go (toList' t1 []) (toList' t2 [])
454  where
455    go (Leaf k1 l1 : tl1) (Leaf k2 l2 : tl2)
456      | k1 == k2 && leafEq l1 l2
457      = go tl1 tl2
458    go (Collision k1 ary1 : tl1) (Collision k2 ary2 : tl2)
459      | k1 == k2 && A.length ary1 == A.length ary2 &&
460        isPermutationBy leafEq (A.toList ary1) (A.toList ary2)
461      = go tl1 tl2
462    go [] [] = True
463    go _  _  = False
465    leafEq (L k _) (L k' _) = eq k k'
467-- Same as 'equal1' but doesn't compare the values.
468equalKeys :: Eq k => HashMap k v -> HashMap k v' -> Bool
469equalKeys = go
470  where
471    go :: Eq k => HashMap k v -> HashMap k v' -> Bool
472    go Empty Empty = True
473    go (BitmapIndexed bm1 ary1) (BitmapIndexed bm2 ary2)
474      = bm1 == bm2 && A.sameArray1 go ary1 ary2
475    go (Leaf h1 l1) (Leaf h2 l2) = h1 == h2 && leafEq l1 l2
476    go (Full ary1) (Full ary2) = A.sameArray1 go ary1 ary2
477    go (Collision h1 ary1) (Collision h2 ary2)
478      = h1 == h2 && isPermutationBy leafEq (A.toList ary1) (A.toList ary2)
479    go _ _ = False
481    leafEq (L k1 _) (L k2 _) = k1 == k2
483#if MIN_VERSION_hashable(1,2,5)
484instance H.Hashable2 HashMap where
485    liftHashWithSalt2 hk hv salt hm = go salt (toList' hm [])
486      where
487        -- go :: Int -> [HashMap k v] -> Int
488        go s [] = s
489        go s (Leaf _ l : tl)
490          = s `hashLeafWithSalt` l `go` tl
491        -- For collisions we hashmix hash value
492        -- and then array of values' hashes sorted
493        go s (Collision h a : tl)
494          = (s `H.hashWithSalt` h) `hashCollisionWithSalt` a `go` tl
495        go s (_ : tl) = s `go` tl
497        -- hashLeafWithSalt :: Int -> Leaf k v -> Int
498        hashLeafWithSalt s (L k v) = (s `hk` k) `hv` v
500        -- hashCollisionWithSalt :: Int -> A.Array (Leaf k v) -> Int
501        hashCollisionWithSalt s
502          = L.foldl' H.hashWithSalt s . arrayHashesSorted s
504        -- arrayHashesSorted :: Int -> A.Array (Leaf k v) -> [Int]
505        arrayHashesSorted s = L.sort . L.map (hashLeafWithSalt s) . A.toList
507instance (Hashable k) => H.Hashable1 (HashMap k) where
508    liftHashWithSalt = H.liftHashWithSalt2 H.hashWithSalt
511instance (Hashable k, Hashable v) => Hashable (HashMap k v) where
512    hashWithSalt salt hm = go salt hm
513      where
514        go :: Int -> HashMap k v -> Int
515        go s Empty = s
516        go s (BitmapIndexed _ a) = A.foldl' go s a
517        go s (Leaf h (L _ v))
518          = s `H.hashWithSalt` h `H.hashWithSalt` v
519        -- For collisions we hashmix hash value
520        -- and then array of values' hashes sorted
521        go s (Full a) = A.foldl' go s a
522        go s (Collision h a)
523          = (s `H.hashWithSalt` h) `hashCollisionWithSalt` a
525        hashLeafWithSalt :: Int -> Leaf k v -> Int
526        hashLeafWithSalt s (L k v) = s `H.hashWithSalt` k `H.hashWithSalt` v
528        hashCollisionWithSalt :: Int -> A.Array (Leaf k v) -> Int
529        hashCollisionWithSalt s
530          = L.foldl' H.hashWithSalt s . arrayHashesSorted s
532        arrayHashesSorted :: Int -> A.Array (Leaf k v) -> [Int]
533        arrayHashesSorted s = L.sort . L.map (hashLeafWithSalt s) . A.toList
535  -- Helper to get 'Leaf's and 'Collision's as a list.
536toList' :: HashMap k v -> [HashMap k v] -> [HashMap k v]
537toList' (BitmapIndexed _ ary) a = A.foldr toList' a ary
538toList' (Full ary)            a = A.foldr toList' a ary
539toList' l@(Leaf _ _)          a = l : a
540toList' c@(Collision _ _)     a = c : a
541toList' Empty                 a = a
543-- Helper function to detect 'Leaf's and 'Collision's.
544isLeafOrCollision :: HashMap k v -> Bool
545isLeafOrCollision (Leaf _ _)      = True
546isLeafOrCollision (Collision _ _) = True
547isLeafOrCollision _               = False
550-- * Construction
552-- | /O(1)/ Construct an empty map.
553empty :: HashMap k v
554empty = Empty
556-- | /O(1)/ Construct a map with a single element.
557singleton :: (Hashable k) => k -> v -> HashMap k v
558singleton k v = Leaf (hash k) (L k v)
561-- * Basic interface
563-- | /O(1)/ Return 'True' if this map is empty, 'False' otherwise.
564null :: HashMap k v -> Bool
565null Empty = True
566null _   = False
568-- | /O(n)/ Return the number of key-value mappings in this map.
569size :: HashMap k v -> Int
570size t = go t 0
571  where
572    go Empty                !n = n
573    go (Leaf _ _)            n = n + 1
574    go (BitmapIndexed _ ary) n = A.foldl' (flip go) n ary
575    go (Full ary)            n = A.foldl' (flip go) n ary
576    go (Collision _ ary)     n = n + A.length ary
578-- | /O(log n)/ Return 'True' if the specified key is present in the
579-- map, 'False' otherwise.
580member :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> HashMap k a -> Bool
581member k m = case lookup k m of
582    Nothing -> False
583    Just _  -> True
584{-# INLINABLE member #-}
586-- | /O(log n)/ Return the value to which the specified key is mapped,
587-- or 'Nothing' if this map contains no mapping for the key.
588lookup :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> HashMap k v -> Maybe v
589#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802
590-- GHC does not yet perform a worker-wrapper transformation on
591-- unboxed sums automatically. That seems likely to happen at some
592-- point (possibly as early as GHC 8.6) but for now we do it manually.
593lookup k m = case lookup# k m of
594  (# (# #) | #) -> Nothing
595  (# | a #) -> Just a
596{-# INLINE lookup #-}
598lookup# :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> HashMap k v -> (# (# #) | v #)
599lookup# k m = lookupCont (\_ -> (# (# #) | #)) (\v _i -> (# | v #)) (hash k) k 0 m
600{-# INLINABLE lookup# #-}
604lookup k m = lookupCont (\_ -> Nothing) (\v _i -> Just v) (hash k) k 0 m
605{-# INLINABLE lookup #-}
608-- | lookup' is a version of lookup that takes the hash separately.
609-- It is used to implement alterF.
610lookup' :: Eq k => Hash -> k -> HashMap k v -> Maybe v
611#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802
612-- GHC does not yet perform a worker-wrapper transformation on
613-- unboxed sums automatically. That seems likely to happen at some
614-- point (possibly as early as GHC 8.6) but for now we do it manually.
615-- lookup' would probably prefer to be implemented in terms of its own
616-- lookup'#, but it's not important enough and we don't want too much
617-- code.
618lookup' h k m = case lookupRecordCollision# h k m of
619  (# (# #) | #) -> Nothing
620  (# | (# a, _i #) #) -> Just a
621{-# INLINE lookup' #-}
623lookup' h k m = lookupCont (\_ -> Nothing) (\v _i -> Just v) h k 0 m
624{-# INLINABLE lookup' #-}
627-- The result of a lookup, keeping track of if a hash collision occured.
628-- If a collision did not occur then it will have the Int value (-1).
629data LookupRes a = Absent | Present a !Int
631-- Internal helper for lookup. This version takes the precomputed hash so
632-- that functions that make multiple calls to lookup and related functions
633-- (insert, delete) only need to calculate the hash once.
635-- It is used by 'alterF' so that hash computation and key comparison only needs
636-- to be performed once. With this information you can use the more optimized
637-- versions of insert ('insertNewKey', 'insertKeyExists') and delete
638-- ('deleteKeyExists')
640-- Outcomes:
641--   Key not in map           => Absent
642--   Key in map, no collision => Present v (-1)
643--   Key in map, collision    => Present v position
644lookupRecordCollision :: Eq k => Hash -> k -> HashMap k v -> LookupRes v
645#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802
646lookupRecordCollision h k m = case lookupRecordCollision# h k m of
647  (# (# #) | #) -> Absent
648  (# | (# a, i #) #) -> Present a (I# i) -- GHC will eliminate the I#
649{-# INLINE lookupRecordCollision #-}
651-- Why do we produce an Int# instead of an Int? Unfortunately, GHC is not
652-- yet any good at unboxing things *inside* products, let alone sums. That
653-- may be changing in GHC 8.6 or so (there is some work in progress), but
654-- for now we use Int# explicitly here. We don't need to push the Int#
655-- into lookupCont because inlining takes care of that.
656lookupRecordCollision# :: Eq k => Hash -> k -> HashMap k v -> (# (# #) | (# v, Int# #) #)
657lookupRecordCollision# h k m =
658    lookupCont (\_ -> (# (# #) | #)) (\v (I# i) -> (# | (# v, i #) #)) h k 0 m
659-- INLINABLE to specialize to the Eq instance.
660{-# INLINABLE lookupRecordCollision# #-}
662#else /* GHC < 8.2 so there are no unboxed sums */
664lookupRecordCollision h k m = lookupCont (\_ -> Absent) Present h k 0 m
665{-# INLINABLE lookupRecordCollision #-}
668-- A two-continuation version of lookupRecordCollision. This lets us
669-- share source code between lookup and lookupRecordCollision without
670-- risking any performance degradation.
672-- The absent continuation has type @((# #) -> r)@ instead of just @r@
673-- so we can be representation-polymorphic in the result type. Since
674-- this whole thing is always inlined, we don't have to worry about
675-- any extra CPS overhead.
677-- The @Int@ argument is the offset of the subkey in the hash. When looking up
678-- keys at the top-level of a hashmap, the offset should be 0. When looking up
679-- keys at level @n@ of a hashmap, the offset should be @n * bitsPerSubkey@.
680lookupCont ::
681#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802
682  forall rep (r :: TYPE rep) k v.
684  forall r k v.
686     Eq k
687  => ((# #) -> r)    -- Absent continuation
688  -> (v -> Int -> r) -- Present continuation
689  -> Hash -- The hash of the key
690  -> k
691  -> Int -- The offset of the subkey in the hash.
692  -> HashMap k v -> r
693lookupCont absent present !h0 !k0 !s0 !m0 = go h0 k0 s0 m0
694  where
695    go :: Eq k => Hash -> k -> Int -> HashMap k v -> r
696    go !_ !_ !_ Empty = absent (# #)
697    go h k _ (Leaf hx (L kx x))
698        | h == hx && k == kx = present x (-1)
699        | otherwise          = absent (# #)
700    go h k s (BitmapIndexed b v)
701        | b .&. m == 0 = absent (# #)
702        | otherwise    =
703            go h k (s+bitsPerSubkey) (A.index v (sparseIndex b m))
704      where m = mask h s
705    go h k s (Full v) =
706      go h k (s+bitsPerSubkey) (A.index v (index h s))
707    go h k _ (Collision hx v)
708        | h == hx   = lookupInArrayCont absent present k v
709        | otherwise = absent (# #)
710{-# INLINE lookupCont #-}
712-- | /O(log n)/ Return the value to which the specified key is mapped,
713-- or 'Nothing' if this map contains no mapping for the key.
715-- This is a flipped version of 'lookup'.
717-- @since 0.2.11
718(!?) :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => HashMap k v -> k -> Maybe v
719(!?) m k = lookup k m
720{-# INLINE (!?) #-}
723-- | /O(log n)/ Return the value to which the specified key is mapped,
724-- or the default value if this map contains no mapping for the key.
726-- @since 0.2.11
727findWithDefault :: (Eq k, Hashable k)
728              => v          -- ^ Default value to return.
729              -> k -> HashMap k v -> v
730findWithDefault def k t = case lookup k t of
731    Just v -> v
732    _      -> def
733{-# INLINABLE findWithDefault #-}
736-- | /O(log n)/ Return the value to which the specified key is mapped,
737-- or the default value if this map contains no mapping for the key.
739-- DEPRECATED: lookupDefault is deprecated as of version 0.2.11, replaced
740-- by 'findWithDefault'.
741lookupDefault :: (Eq k, Hashable k)
742              => v          -- ^ Default value to return.
743              -> k -> HashMap k v -> v
744lookupDefault def k t = findWithDefault def k t
745{-# INLINE lookupDefault #-}
747-- | /O(log n)/ Return the value to which the specified key is mapped.
748-- Calls 'error' if this map contains no mapping for the key.
749#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
750(!) :: (Eq k, Hashable k, HasCallStack) => HashMap k v -> k -> v
752(!) :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => HashMap k v -> k -> v
754(!) m k = case lookup k m of
755    Just v  -> v
756    Nothing -> error "Data.HashMap.Internal.(!): key not found"
757{-# INLINABLE (!) #-}
759infixl 9 !
761-- | Create a 'Collision' value with two 'Leaf' values.
762collision :: Hash -> Leaf k v -> Leaf k v -> HashMap k v
763collision h !e1 !e2 =
764    let v = A.run $ do mary <- A.new 2 e1
765                       A.write mary 1 e2
766                       return mary
767    in Collision h v
768{-# INLINE collision #-}
770-- | Create a 'BitmapIndexed' or 'Full' node.
771bitmapIndexedOrFull :: Bitmap -> A.Array (HashMap k v) -> HashMap k v
772bitmapIndexedOrFull b ary
773    | b == fullNodeMask = Full ary
774    | otherwise         = BitmapIndexed b ary
775{-# INLINE bitmapIndexedOrFull #-}
777-- | /O(log n)/ Associate the specified value with the specified
778-- key in this map.  If this map previously contained a mapping for
779-- the key, the old value is replaced.
780insert :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> v -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
781insert k v m = insert' (hash k) k v m
782{-# INLINABLE insert #-}
784insert' :: Eq k => Hash -> k -> v -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
785insert' h0 k0 v0 m0 = go h0 k0 v0 0 m0
786  where
787    go !h !k x !_ Empty = Leaf h (L k x)
788    go h k x s t@(Leaf hy l@(L ky y))
789        | hy == h = if ky == k
790                    then if x `ptrEq` y
791                         then t
792                         else Leaf h (L k x)
793                    else collision h l (L k x)
794        | otherwise = runST (two s h k x hy t)
795    go h k x s t@(BitmapIndexed b ary)
796        | b .&. m == 0 =
797            let !ary' = A.insert ary i $! Leaf h (L k x)
798            in bitmapIndexedOrFull (b .|. m) ary'
799        | otherwise =
800            let !st  = A.index ary i
801                !st' = go h k x (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
802            in if st' `ptrEq` st
803               then t
804               else BitmapIndexed b (A.update ary i st')
805      where m = mask h s
806            i = sparseIndex b m
807    go h k x s t@(Full ary) =
808        let !st  = A.index ary i
809            !st' = go h k x (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
810        in if st' `ptrEq` st
811            then t
812            else Full (update16 ary i st')
813      where i = index h s
814    go h k x s t@(Collision hy v)
815        | h == hy   = Collision h (updateOrSnocWith (\a _ -> (# a #)) k x v)
816        | otherwise = go h k x s $ BitmapIndexed (mask hy s) (A.singleton t)
817{-# INLINABLE insert' #-}
819-- Insert optimized for the case when we know the key is not in the map.
821-- It is only valid to call this when the key does not exist in the map.
823-- We can skip:
824--  - the key equality check on a Leaf
825--  - check for its existence in the array for a hash collision
826insertNewKey :: Hash -> k -> v -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
827insertNewKey !h0 !k0 x0 !m0 = go h0 k0 x0 0 m0
828  where
829    go !h !k x !_ Empty = Leaf h (L k x)
830    go h k x s t@(Leaf hy l)
831      | hy == h = collision h l (L k x)
832      | otherwise = runST (two s h k x hy t)
833    go h k x s (BitmapIndexed b ary)
834        | b .&. m == 0 =
835            let !ary' = A.insert ary i $! Leaf h (L k x)
836            in bitmapIndexedOrFull (b .|. m) ary'
837        | otherwise =
838            let !st  = A.index ary i
839                !st' = go h k x (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
840            in BitmapIndexed b (A.update ary i st')
841      where m = mask h s
842            i = sparseIndex b m
843    go h k x s (Full ary) =
844        let !st  = A.index ary i
845            !st' = go h k x (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
846        in Full (update16 ary i st')
847      where i = index h s
848    go h k x s t@(Collision hy v)
849        | h == hy   = Collision h (snocNewLeaf (L k x) v)
850        | otherwise =
851            go h k x s $ BitmapIndexed (mask hy s) (A.singleton t)
852      where
853        snocNewLeaf :: Leaf k v -> A.Array (Leaf k v) -> A.Array (Leaf k v)
854        snocNewLeaf leaf ary = A.run $ do
855          let n = A.length ary
856          mary <- A.new_ (n + 1)
857          A.copy ary 0 mary 0 n
858          A.write mary n leaf
859          return mary
860{-# NOINLINE insertNewKey #-}
863-- Insert optimized for the case when we know the key is in the map.
865-- It is only valid to call this when the key exists in the map and you know the
866-- hash collision position if there was one. This information can be obtained
867-- from 'lookupRecordCollision'. If there is no collision pass (-1) as collPos
868-- (first argument).
870-- We can skip the key equality check on a Leaf because we know the leaf must be
871-- for this key.
872insertKeyExists :: Int -> Hash -> k -> v -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
873insertKeyExists !collPos0 !h0 !k0 x0 !m0 = go collPos0 h0 k0 x0 0 m0
874  where
875    go !_collPos !h !k x !_s (Leaf _hy _kx)
876        = Leaf h (L k x)
877    go collPos h k x s (BitmapIndexed b ary)
878        | b .&. m == 0 =
879            let !ary' = A.insert ary i $ Leaf h (L k x)
880            in bitmapIndexedOrFull (b .|. m) ary'
881        | otherwise =
882            let !st  = A.index ary i
883                !st' = go collPos h k x (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
884            in BitmapIndexed b (A.update ary i st')
885      where m = mask h s
886            i = sparseIndex b m
887    go collPos h k x s (Full ary) =
888        let !st  = A.index ary i
889            !st' = go collPos h k x (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
890        in Full (update16 ary i st')
891      where i = index h s
892    go collPos h k x _s (Collision _hy v)
893        | collPos >= 0 = Collision h (setAtPosition collPos k x v)
894        | otherwise = Empty -- error "Internal error: go {collPos negative}"
895    go _ _ _ _ _ Empty = Empty -- error "Internal error: go Empty"
897{-# NOINLINE insertKeyExists #-}
899-- Replace the ith Leaf with Leaf k v.
901-- This does not check that @i@ is within bounds of the array.
902setAtPosition :: Int -> k -> v -> A.Array (Leaf k v) -> A.Array (Leaf k v)
903setAtPosition i k x ary = A.update ary i (L k x)
904{-# INLINE setAtPosition #-}
907-- | In-place update version of insert
908unsafeInsert :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> v -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
909unsafeInsert k0 v0 m0 = runST (go h0 k0 v0 0 m0)
910  where
911    h0 = hash k0
912    go !h !k x !_ Empty = return $! Leaf h (L k x)
913    go h k x s t@(Leaf hy l@(L ky y))
914        | hy == h = if ky == k
915                    then if x `ptrEq` y
916                         then return t
917                         else return $! Leaf h (L k x)
918                    else return $! collision h l (L k x)
919        | otherwise = two s h k x hy t
920    go h k x s t@(BitmapIndexed b ary)
921        | b .&. m == 0 = do
922            ary' <- A.insertM ary i $! Leaf h (L k x)
923            return $! bitmapIndexedOrFull (b .|. m) ary'
924        | otherwise = do
925            st <- A.indexM ary i
926            st' <- go h k x (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
927            A.unsafeUpdateM ary i st'
928            return t
929      where m = mask h s
930            i = sparseIndex b m
931    go h k x s t@(Full ary) = do
932        st <- A.indexM ary i
933        st' <- go h k x (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
934        A.unsafeUpdateM ary i st'
935        return t
936      where i = index h s
937    go h k x s t@(Collision hy v)
938        | h == hy   = return $! Collision h (updateOrSnocWith (\a _ -> (# a #)) k x v)
939        | otherwise = go h k x s $ BitmapIndexed (mask hy s) (A.singleton t)
940{-# INLINABLE unsafeInsert #-}
942-- | Create a map from two key-value pairs which hashes don't collide. To
943-- enhance sharing, the second key-value pair is represented by the hash of its
944-- key and a singleton HashMap pairing its key with its value.
946-- Note: to avoid silly thunks, this function must be strict in the
947-- key. See issue #232. We don't need to force the HashMap argument
948-- because it's already in WHNF (having just been matched) and we
949-- just put it directly in an array.
950two :: Shift -> Hash -> k -> v -> Hash -> HashMap k v -> ST s (HashMap k v)
951two = go
952  where
953    go s h1 k1 v1 h2 t2
954        | bp1 == bp2 = do
955            st <- go (s+bitsPerSubkey) h1 k1 v1 h2 t2
956            ary <- A.singletonM st
957            return $ BitmapIndexed bp1 ary
958        | otherwise  = do
959            mary <- A.new 2 $! Leaf h1 (L k1 v1)
960            A.write mary idx2 t2
961            ary <- A.unsafeFreeze mary
962            return $ BitmapIndexed (bp1 .|. bp2) ary
963      where
964        bp1  = mask h1 s
965        bp2  = mask h2 s
966        idx2 | index h1 s < index h2 s = 1
967             | otherwise               = 0
968{-# INLINE two #-}
970-- | /O(log n)/ Associate the value with the key in this map.  If
971-- this map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value
972-- is replaced by the result of applying the given function to the new
973-- and old value.  Example:
975-- > insertWith f k v map
976-- >   where f new old = new + old
977insertWith :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (v -> v -> v) -> k -> v -> HashMap k v
978            -> HashMap k v
979-- We're not going to worry about allocating a function closure
980-- to pass to insertModifying. See comments at 'adjust'.
981insertWith f k new m = insertModifying new (\old -> (# f new old #)) k m
982{-# INLINE insertWith #-}
984-- | @insertModifying@ is a lot like insertWith; we use it to implement alterF.
985-- It takes a value to insert when the key is absent and a function
986-- to apply to calculate a new value when the key is present. Thanks
987-- to the unboxed unary tuple, we avoid introducing any unnecessary
988-- thunks in the tree.
989insertModifying :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => v -> (v -> (# v #)) -> k -> HashMap k v
990            -> HashMap k v
991insertModifying x f k0 m0 = go h0 k0 0 m0
992  where
993    !h0 = hash k0
994    go !h !k !_ Empty = Leaf h (L k x)
995    go h k s t@(Leaf hy l@(L ky y))
996        | hy == h = if ky == k
997                    then case f y of
998                      (# v' #) | ptrEq y v' -> t
999                               | otherwise -> Leaf h (L k (v'))
1000                    else collision h l (L k x)
1001        | otherwise = runST (two s h k x hy t)
1002    go h k s t@(BitmapIndexed b ary)
1003        | b .&. m == 0 =
1004            let ary' = A.insert ary i $! Leaf h (L k x)
1005            in bitmapIndexedOrFull (b .|. m) ary'
1006        | otherwise =
1007            let !st   = A.index ary i
1008                !st'  = go h k (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
1009                ary'  = A.update ary i $! st'
1010            in if ptrEq st st'
1011               then t
1012               else BitmapIndexed b ary'
1013      where m = mask h s
1014            i = sparseIndex b m
1015    go h k s t@(Full ary) =
1016        let !st   = A.index ary i
1017            !st'  = go h k (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
1018            ary' = update16 ary i $! st'
1019        in if ptrEq st st'
1020           then t
1021           else Full ary'
1022      where i = index h s
1023    go h k s t@(Collision hy v)
1024        | h == hy   =
1025            let !v' = insertModifyingArr x f k v
1026            in if A.unsafeSameArray v v'
1027               then t
1028               else Collision h v'
1029        | otherwise = go h k s $ BitmapIndexed (mask hy s) (A.singleton t)
1030{-# INLINABLE insertModifying #-}
1032-- Like insertModifying for arrays; used to implement insertModifying
1033insertModifyingArr :: Eq k => v -> (v -> (# v #)) -> k -> A.Array (Leaf k v)
1034                 -> A.Array (Leaf k v)
1035insertModifyingArr x f k0 ary0 = go k0 ary0 0 (A.length ary0)
1036  where
1037    go !k !ary !i !n
1038        | i >= n = A.run $ do
1039            -- Not found, append to the end.
1040            mary <- A.new_ (n + 1)
1041            A.copy ary 0 mary 0 n
1042            A.write mary n (L k x)
1043            return mary
1044        | otherwise = case A.index ary i of
1045            (L kx y) | k == kx   -> case f y of
1046                                      (# y' #) -> if ptrEq y y'
1047                                                  then ary
1048                                                  else A.update ary i (L k y')
1049                     | otherwise -> go k ary (i+1) n
1050{-# INLINE insertModifyingArr #-}
1052-- | In-place update version of insertWith
1053unsafeInsertWith :: forall k v. (Eq k, Hashable k)
1054                 => (v -> v -> v) -> k -> v -> HashMap k v
1055                 -> HashMap k v
1056unsafeInsertWith f k0 v0 m0 = unsafeInsertWithKey (const f) k0 v0 m0
1057{-# INLINABLE unsafeInsertWith #-}
1059unsafeInsertWithKey :: forall k v. (Eq k, Hashable k)
1060                 => (k -> v -> v -> v) -> k -> v -> HashMap k v
1061                 -> HashMap k v
1062unsafeInsertWithKey f k0 v0 m0 = runST (go h0 k0 v0 0 m0)
1063  where
1064    h0 = hash k0
1065    go :: Hash -> k -> v -> Shift -> HashMap k v -> ST s (HashMap k v)
1066    go !h !k x !_ Empty = return $! Leaf h (L k x)
1067    go h k x s t@(Leaf hy l@(L ky y))
1068        | hy == h = if ky == k
1069                    then return $! Leaf h (L k (f k x y))
1070                    else return $! collision h l (L k x)
1071        | otherwise = two s h k x hy t
1072    go h k x s t@(BitmapIndexed b ary)
1073        | b .&. m == 0 = do
1074            ary' <- A.insertM ary i $! Leaf h (L k x)
1075            return $! bitmapIndexedOrFull (b .|. m) ary'
1076        | otherwise = do
1077            st <- A.indexM ary i
1078            st' <- go h k x (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
1079            A.unsafeUpdateM ary i st'
1080            return t
1081      where m = mask h s
1082            i = sparseIndex b m
1083    go h k x s t@(Full ary) = do
1084        st <- A.indexM ary i
1085        st' <- go h k x (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
1086        A.unsafeUpdateM ary i st'
1087        return t
1088      where i = index h s
1089    go h k x s t@(Collision hy v)
1090        | h == hy   = return $! Collision h (updateOrSnocWithKey (\key a b -> (# f key a b #) ) k x v)
1091        | otherwise = go h k x s $ BitmapIndexed (mask hy s) (A.singleton t)
1092{-# INLINABLE unsafeInsertWithKey #-}
1094-- | /O(log n)/ Remove the mapping for the specified key from this map
1095-- if present.
1096delete :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
1097delete k m = delete' (hash k) k m
1098{-# INLINABLE delete #-}
1100delete' :: Eq k => Hash -> k -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
1101delete' h0 k0 m0 = go h0 k0 0 m0
1102  where
1103    go !_ !_ !_ Empty = Empty
1104    go h k _ t@(Leaf hy (L ky _))
1105        | hy == h && ky == k = Empty
1106        | otherwise          = t
1107    go h k s t@(BitmapIndexed b ary)
1108        | b .&. m == 0 = t
1109        | otherwise =
1110            let !st = A.index ary i
1111                !st' = go h k (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
1112            in if st' `ptrEq` st
1113                then t
1114                else case st' of
1115                Empty | A.length ary == 1 -> Empty
1116                      | A.length ary == 2 ->
1117                          case (i, A.index ary 0, A.index ary 1) of
1118                          (0, _, l) | isLeafOrCollision l -> l
1119                          (1, l, _) | isLeafOrCollision l -> l
1120                          _                               -> bIndexed
1121                      | otherwise -> bIndexed
1122                    where
1123                      bIndexed = BitmapIndexed (b .&. complement m) (A.delete ary i)
1124                l | isLeafOrCollision l && A.length ary == 1 -> l
1125                _ -> BitmapIndexed b (A.update ary i st')
1126      where m = mask h s
1127            i = sparseIndex b m
1128    go h k s t@(Full ary) =
1129        let !st   = A.index ary i
1130            !st' = go h k (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
1131        in if st' `ptrEq` st
1132            then t
1133            else case st' of
1134            Empty ->
1135                let ary' = A.delete ary i
1136                    bm   = fullNodeMask .&. complement (1 `unsafeShiftL` i)
1137                in BitmapIndexed bm ary'
1138            _ -> Full (A.update ary i st')
1139      where i = index h s
1140    go h k _ t@(Collision hy v)
1141        | h == hy = case indexOf k v of
1142            Just i
1143                | A.length v == 2 ->
1144                    if i == 0
1145                    then Leaf h (A.index v 1)
1146                    else Leaf h (A.index v 0)
1147                | otherwise -> Collision h (A.delete v i)
1148            Nothing -> t
1149        | otherwise = t
1150{-# INLINABLE delete' #-}
1152-- | Delete optimized for the case when we know the key is in the map.
1154-- It is only valid to call this when the key exists in the map and you know the
1155-- hash collision position if there was one. This information can be obtained
1156-- from 'lookupRecordCollision'. If there is no collision pass (-1) as collPos.
1158-- We can skip:
1159--  - the key equality check on the leaf, if we reach a leaf it must be the key
1160deleteKeyExists :: Int -> Hash -> k -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
1161deleteKeyExists !collPos0 !h0 !k0 !m0 = go collPos0 h0 k0 0 m0
1162  where
1163    go :: Int -> Hash -> k -> Int -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
1164    go !_collPos !_h !_k !_s (Leaf _ _) = Empty
1165    go collPos h k s (BitmapIndexed b ary) =
1166            let !st = A.index ary i
1167                !st' = go collPos h k (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
1168            in case st' of
1169                Empty | A.length ary == 1 -> Empty
1170                      | A.length ary == 2 ->
1171                          case (i, A.index ary 0, A.index ary 1) of
1172                          (0, _, l) | isLeafOrCollision l -> l
1173                          (1, l, _) | isLeafOrCollision l -> l
1174                          _                               -> bIndexed
1175                      | otherwise -> bIndexed
1176                    where
1177                      bIndexed = BitmapIndexed (b .&. complement m) (A.delete ary i)
1178                l | isLeafOrCollision l && A.length ary == 1 -> l
1179                _ -> BitmapIndexed b (A.update ary i st')
1180      where m = mask h s
1181            i = sparseIndex b m
1182    go collPos h k s (Full ary) =
1183        let !st   = A.index ary i
1184            !st' = go collPos h k (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
1185        in case st' of
1186            Empty ->
1187                let ary' = A.delete ary i
1188                    bm   = fullNodeMask .&. complement (1 `unsafeShiftL` i)
1189                in BitmapIndexed bm ary'
1190            _ -> Full (A.update ary i st')
1191      where i = index h s
1192    go collPos h _ _ (Collision _hy v)
1193      | A.length v == 2
1194      = if collPos == 0
1195        then Leaf h (A.index v 1)
1196        else Leaf h (A.index v 0)
1197      | otherwise = Collision h (A.delete v collPos)
1198    go !_ !_ !_ !_ Empty = Empty -- error "Internal error: deleteKeyExists empty"
1199{-# NOINLINE deleteKeyExists #-}
1201-- | /O(log n)/ Adjust the value tied to a given key in this map only
1202-- if it is present. Otherwise, leave the map alone.
1203adjust :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (v -> v) -> k -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
1204-- This operation really likes to leak memory, so using this
1205-- indirect implementation shouldn't hurt much. Furthermore, it allows
1206-- GHC to avoid a leak when the function is lazy. In particular,
1208--     adjust (const x) k m
1209-- ==> adjust# (\v -> (# const x v #)) k m
1210-- ==> adjust# (\_ -> (# x #)) k m
1211adjust f k m = adjust# (\v -> (# f v #)) k m
1212{-# INLINE adjust #-}
1214-- | Much like 'adjust', but not inherently leaky.
1215adjust# :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (v -> (# v #)) -> k -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
1216adjust# f k0 m0 = go h0 k0 0 m0
1217  where
1218    h0 = hash k0
1219    go !_ !_ !_ Empty = Empty
1220    go h k _ t@(Leaf hy (L ky y))
1221        | hy == h && ky == k = case f y of
1222            (# y' #) | ptrEq y y' -> t
1223                     | otherwise -> Leaf h (L k y')
1224        | otherwise          = t
1225    go h k s t@(BitmapIndexed b ary)
1226        | b .&. m == 0 = t
1227        | otherwise = let !st   = A.index ary i
1228                          !st'  = go h k (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
1229                          ary' = A.update ary i $! st'
1230                      in if ptrEq st st'
1231                         then t
1232                         else BitmapIndexed b ary'
1233      where m = mask h s
1234            i = sparseIndex b m
1235    go h k s t@(Full ary) =
1236        let i    = index h s
1237            !st   = A.index ary i
1238            !st'  = go h k (s+bitsPerSubkey) st
1239            ary' = update16 ary i $! st'
1240        in if ptrEq st st'
1241           then t
1242           else Full ary'
1243    go h k _ t@(Collision hy v)
1244        | h == hy   = let !v' = updateWith# f k v
1245                      in if A.unsafeSameArray v v'
1246                         then t
1247                         else Collision h v'
1248        | otherwise = t
1249{-# INLINABLE adjust# #-}
1251-- | /O(log n)/  The expression @('update' f k map)@ updates the value @x@ at @k@
1252-- (if it is in the map). If @(f x)@ is 'Nothing', the element is deleted.
1253-- If it is @('Just' y)@, the key @k@ is bound to the new value @y@.
1254update :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (a -> Maybe a) -> k -> HashMap k a -> HashMap k a
1255update f = alter (>>= f)
1256{-# INLINABLE update #-}
1259-- | /O(log n)/  The expression @('alter' f k map)@ alters the value @x@ at @k@, or
1260-- absence thereof.
1262-- 'alter' can be used to insert, delete, or update a value in a map. In short:
1264-- @
1265-- 'lookup' k ('alter' f k m) = f ('lookup' k m)
1266-- @
1267alter :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (Maybe v -> Maybe v) -> k -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
1268-- TODO(m-renaud): Consider using specialized insert and delete for alter.
1269alter f k m =
1270  case f (lookup k m) of
1271    Nothing -> delete k m
1272    Just v  -> insert k v m
1273{-# INLINABLE alter #-}
1275-- | /O(log n)/  The expression @('alterF' f k map)@ alters the value @x@ at
1276-- @k@, or absence thereof.
1278--  'alterF' can be used to insert, delete, or update a value in a map.
1280-- Note: 'alterF' is a flipped version of the 'at' combinator from
1281-- <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens/docs/Control-Lens-At.html#v:at Control.Lens.At>.
1283-- @since 0.2.10
1284alterF :: (Functor f, Eq k, Hashable k)
1285       => (Maybe v -> f (Maybe v)) -> k -> HashMap k v -> f (HashMap k v)
1286-- We only calculate the hash once, but unless this is rewritten
1287-- by rules we may test for key equality multiple times.
1288-- We force the value of the map for consistency with the rewritten
1289-- version; otherwise someone could tell the difference using a lazy
1290-- @f@ and a functor that is similar to Const but not actually Const.
1291alterF f = \ !k !m ->
1292  let
1293    !h = hash k
1294    mv = lookup' h k m
1295  in (<$> f mv) $ \fres ->
1296    case fres of
1297      Nothing -> maybe m (const (delete' h k m)) mv
1298      Just v' -> insert' h k v' m
1300-- We unconditionally rewrite alterF in RULES, but we expose an
1301-- unfolding just in case it's used in some way that prevents the
1302-- rule from firing.
1303{-# INLINABLE [0] alterF #-}
1305#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
1306-- This is just a bottom value. See the comment on the "alterFWeird"
1307-- rule.
1308test_bottom :: a
1309test_bottom = error "Data.HashMap.alterF internal error: hit test_bottom"
1311-- We use this as an error result in RULES to ensure we don't get
1312-- any useless CallStack nonsense.
1313bogus# :: (# #) -> (# a #)
1314bogus# _ = error "Data.HashMap.alterF internal error: hit bogus#"
1316{-# RULES
1317-- We probe the behavior of @f@ by applying it to Nothing and to
1318-- Just test_bottom. Based on the results, and how they relate to
1319-- each other, we choose the best implementation.
1321"alterFWeird" forall f. alterF f =
1322   alterFWeird (f Nothing) (f (Just test_bottom)) f
1324-- This rule covers situations where alterF is used to simply insert or
1325-- delete in Identity (most likely via Control.Lens.At). We recognize here
1326-- (through the repeated @x@ on the LHS) that
1328-- @f Nothing = f (Just bottom)@,
1330-- which guarantees that @f@ doesn't care what its argument is, so
1331-- we don't have to either.
1333-- Why only Identity? A variant of this rule is actually valid regardless of
1334-- the functor, but for some functors (e.g., []), it can lead to the
1335-- same keys being compared multiple times, which is bad if they're
1336-- ugly things like strings. This is unfortunate, since the rule is likely
1337-- a good idea for almost all realistic uses, but I don't like nasty
1338-- edge cases.
1339"alterFconstant" forall (f :: Maybe a -> Identity (Maybe a)) x.
1340  alterFWeird x x f = \ !k !m ->
1341    Identity (case runIdentity x of {Nothing -> delete k m; Just a -> insert k a m})
1343-- This rule handles the case where 'alterF' is used to do 'insertWith'-like
1344-- things. Whenever possible, GHC will get rid of the Maybe nonsense for us.
1345-- We delay this rule to stage 1 so alterFconstant has a chance to fire.
1346"alterFinsertWith" [1] forall (f :: Maybe a -> Identity (Maybe a)) x y.
1347  alterFWeird (coerce (Just x)) (coerce (Just y)) f =
1348    coerce (insertModifying x (\mold -> case runIdentity (f (Just mold)) of
1349                                            Nothing -> bogus# (# #)
1350                                            Just new -> (# new #)))
1352-- Handle the case where someone uses 'alterF' instead of 'adjust'. This
1353-- rule is kind of picky; it will only work if the function doesn't
1354-- do anything between case matching on the Maybe and producing a result.
1355"alterFadjust" forall (f :: Maybe a -> Identity (Maybe a)) _y.
1356  alterFWeird (coerce Nothing) (coerce (Just _y)) f =
1357    coerce (adjust# (\x -> case runIdentity (f (Just x)) of
1358                               Just x' -> (# x' #)
1359                               Nothing -> bogus# (# #)))
1361-- The simple specialization to Const; in this case we can look up
1362-- the key without caring what position it's in. This is only a tiny
1363-- optimization.
1364"alterFlookup" forall _ign1 _ign2 (f :: Maybe a -> Const r (Maybe a)).
1365  alterFWeird _ign1 _ign2 f = \ !k !m -> Const (getConst (f (lookup k m)))
1366 #-}
1368-- This is a very unsafe version of alterF used for RULES. When calling
1369-- alterFWeird x y f, the following *must* hold:
1371-- x = f Nothing
1372-- y = f (Just _|_)
1374-- Failure to abide by these laws will make demons come out of your nose.
1376       :: (Functor f, Eq k, Hashable k)
1377       => f (Maybe v)
1378       -> f (Maybe v)
1379       -> (Maybe v -> f (Maybe v)) -> k -> HashMap k v -> f (HashMap k v)
1380alterFWeird _ _ f = alterFEager f
1381{-# INLINE [0] alterFWeird #-}
1383-- | This is the default version of alterF that we use in most non-trivial
1384-- cases. It's called "eager" because it looks up the given key in the map
1385-- eagerly, whether or not the given function requires that information.
1386alterFEager :: (Functor f, Eq k, Hashable k)
1387       => (Maybe v -> f (Maybe v)) -> k -> HashMap k v -> f (HashMap k v)
1388alterFEager f !k m = (<$> f mv) $ \fres ->
1389  case fres of
1391    ------------------------------
1392    -- Delete the key from the map.
1393    Nothing -> case lookupRes of
1395      -- Key did not exist in the map to begin with, no-op
1396      Absent -> m
1398      -- Key did exist
1399      Present _ collPos -> deleteKeyExists collPos h k m
1401    ------------------------------
1402    -- Update value
1403    Just v' -> case lookupRes of
1405      -- Key did not exist before, insert v' under a new key
1406      Absent -> insertNewKey h k v' m
1408      -- Key existed before
1409      Present v collPos ->
1410        if v `ptrEq` v'
1411        -- If the value is identical, no-op
1412        then m
1413        -- If the value changed, update the value.
1414        else insertKeyExists collPos h k v' m
1416  where !h = hash k
1417        !lookupRes = lookupRecordCollision h k m
1418        !mv = case lookupRes of
1419           Absent -> Nothing
1420           Present v _ -> Just v
1421{-# INLINABLE alterFEager #-}
1424-- | /O(n*log m)/ Inclusion of maps. A map is included in another map if the keys
1425-- are subsets and the corresponding values are equal:
1427-- > isSubmapOf m1 m2 = keys m1 `isSubsetOf` keys m2 &&
1428-- >                    and [ v1 == v2 | (k1,v1) <- toList m1; let v2 = m2 ! k1 ]
1430-- ==== __Examples__
1432-- >>> fromList [(1,'a')] `isSubmapOf` fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b')]
1433-- True
1435-- >>> fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b')] `isSubmapOf` fromList [(1,'a')]
1436-- False
1438-- @since 0.2.12
1439isSubmapOf :: (Eq k, Hashable k, Eq v) => HashMap k v -> HashMap k v -> Bool
1440isSubmapOf = (inline isSubmapOfBy) (==)
1441{-# INLINABLE isSubmapOf #-}
1443-- | /O(n*log m)/ Inclusion of maps with value comparison. A map is included in
1444-- another map if the keys are subsets and if the comparison function is true
1445-- for the corresponding values:
1447-- > isSubmapOfBy cmpV m1 m2 = keys m1 `isSubsetOf` keys m2 &&
1448-- >                           and [ v1 `cmpV` v2 | (k1,v1) <- toList m1; let v2 = m2 ! k1 ]
1450-- ==== __Examples__
1452-- >>> isSubmapOfBy (<=) (fromList [(1,'a')]) (fromList [(1,'b'),(2,'c')])
1453-- True
1455-- >>> isSubmapOfBy (<=) (fromList [(1,'b')]) (fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'c')])
1456-- False
1458-- @since 0.2.12
1459isSubmapOfBy :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (v1 -> v2 -> Bool) -> HashMap k v1 -> HashMap k v2 -> Bool
1460-- For maps without collisions the complexity is O(n*log m), where n is the size
1461-- of m1 and m the size of m2: the inclusion operation visits every leaf in m1 at least once.
1462-- For each leaf in m1, it looks up the key in m2.
1464-- The worst case complexity is O(n*m). The worst case is when both hashmaps m1
1465-- and m2 are collision nodes for the same hash. Since collision nodes are
1466-- unsorted arrays, it requires for every key in m1 a linear search to to find a
1467-- matching key in m2, hence O(n*m).
1468isSubmapOfBy comp !m1 !m2 = go 0 m1 m2
1469  where
1470    -- An empty map is always a submap of any other map.
1471    go _ Empty _ = True
1473    -- If the second map is empty and the first is not, it cannot be a submap.
1474    go _ _ Empty = False
1476    -- If the first map contains only one entry, lookup the key in the second map.
1477    go s (Leaf h1 (L k1 v1)) t2 = lookupCont (\_ -> False) (\v2 _ -> comp v1 v2) h1 k1 s t2
1479    -- In this case, we need to check that for each x in ls1, there is a y in
1480    -- ls2 such that x `comp` y. This is the worst case complexity-wise since it
1481    -- requires a O(m*n) check.
1482    go _ (Collision h1 ls1) (Collision h2 ls2) =
1483      h1 == h2 && subsetArray comp ls1 ls2
1485    -- In this case, we only need to check the entries in ls2 with the hash h1.
1486    go s t1@(Collision h1 _) (BitmapIndexed b ls2)
1487        | b .&. m == 0 = False
1488        | otherwise    =
1489            go (s+bitsPerSubkey) t1 (A.index ls2 (sparseIndex b m))
1490      where m = mask h1 s
1492    -- Similar to the previous case we need to traverse l2 at the index for the hash h1.
1493    go s t1@(Collision h1 _) (Full ls2) =
1494      go (s+bitsPerSubkey) t1 (A.index ls2 (index h1 s))
1496    -- In cases where the first and second map are BitmapIndexed or Full,
1497    -- traverse down the tree at the appropriate indices.
1498    go s (BitmapIndexed b1 ls1) (BitmapIndexed b2 ls2) =
1499      submapBitmapIndexed (go (s+bitsPerSubkey)) b1 ls1 b2 ls2
1500    go s (BitmapIndexed b1 ls1) (Full ls2) =
1501      submapBitmapIndexed (go (s+bitsPerSubkey)) b1 ls1 fullNodeMask ls2
1502    go s (Full ls1) (Full ls2) =
1503      submapBitmapIndexed (go (s+bitsPerSubkey)) fullNodeMask ls1 fullNodeMask ls2
1505    -- Collision and Full nodes always contain at least two entries. Hence it
1506    -- cannot be a map of a leaf.
1507    go _ (Collision {}) (Leaf {}) = False
1508    go _ (BitmapIndexed {}) (Leaf {}) = False
1509    go _ (Full {}) (Leaf {}) = False
1510    go _ (BitmapIndexed {}) (Collision {}) = False
1511    go _ (Full {}) (Collision {}) = False
1512    go _ (Full {}) (BitmapIndexed {}) = False
1513{-# INLINABLE isSubmapOfBy #-}
1515-- | /O(min n m))/ Checks if a bitmap indexed node is a submap of another.
1516submapBitmapIndexed :: (HashMap k v1 -> HashMap k v2 -> Bool) -> Bitmap -> A.Array (HashMap k v1) -> Bitmap -> A.Array (HashMap k v2) -> Bool
1517submapBitmapIndexed comp !b1 !ary1 !b2 !ary2 = subsetBitmaps && go 0 0 (b1Orb2 .&. negate b1Orb2)
1518  where
1519    go :: Int -> Int -> Bitmap -> Bool
1520    go !i !j !m
1521      | m > b1Orb2 = True
1523      -- In case a key is both in ary1 and ary2, check ary1[i] <= ary2[j] and
1524      -- increment the indices i and j.
1525      | b1Andb2 .&. m /= 0 = comp (A.index ary1 i) (A.index ary2 j) &&
1526                             go (i+1) (j+1) (m `unsafeShiftL` 1)
1528      -- In case a key occurs in ary1, but not ary2, only increment index j.
1529      | b2 .&. m /= 0 = go i (j+1) (m `unsafeShiftL` 1)
1531      -- In case a key neither occurs in ary1 nor ary2, continue.
1532      | otherwise = go i j (m `unsafeShiftL` 1)
1534    b1Andb2 = b1 .&. b2
1535    b1Orb2  = b1 .|. b2
1536    subsetBitmaps = b1Orb2 == b2
1537{-# INLINABLE submapBitmapIndexed #-}
1540-- * Combine
1542-- | /O(n+m)/ The union of two maps. If a key occurs in both maps, the
1543-- mapping from the first will be the mapping in the result.
1545-- ==== __Examples__
1547-- >>> union (fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b')]) (fromList [(2,'c'),(3,'d')])
1548-- fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'d')]
1549union :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => HashMap k v -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
1550union = unionWith const
1551{-# INLINABLE union #-}
1553-- | /O(n+m)/ The union of two maps.  If a key occurs in both maps,
1554-- the provided function (first argument) will be used to compute the
1555-- result.
1556unionWith :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (v -> v -> v) -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
1557          -> HashMap k v
1558unionWith f = unionWithKey (const f)
1559{-# INLINE unionWith #-}
1561-- | /O(n+m)/ The union of two maps.  If a key occurs in both maps,
1562-- the provided function (first argument) will be used to compute the
1563-- result.
1564unionWithKey :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (k -> v -> v -> v) -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
1565          -> HashMap k v
1566unionWithKey f = go 0
1567  where
1568    -- empty vs. anything
1569    go !_ t1 Empty = t1
1570    go _ Empty t2 = t2
1571    -- leaf vs. leaf
1572    go s t1@(Leaf h1 l1@(L k1 v1)) t2@(Leaf h2 l2@(L k2 v2))
1573        | h1 == h2  = if k1 == k2
1574                      then Leaf h1 (L k1 (f k1 v1 v2))
1575                      else collision h1 l1 l2
1576        | otherwise = goDifferentHash s h1 h2 t1 t2
1577    go s t1@(Leaf h1 (L k1 v1)) t2@(Collision h2 ls2)
1578        | h1 == h2  = Collision h1 (updateOrSnocWithKey (\k a b -> (# f k a b #)) k1 v1 ls2)
1579        | otherwise = goDifferentHash s h1 h2 t1 t2
1580    go s t1@(Collision h1 ls1) t2@(Leaf h2 (L k2 v2))
1581        | h1 == h2  = Collision h1 (updateOrSnocWithKey (\k a b -> (# f k b a #)) k2 v2 ls1)
1582        | otherwise = goDifferentHash s h1 h2 t1 t2
1583    go s t1@(Collision h1 ls1) t2@(Collision h2 ls2)
1584        | h1 == h2  = Collision h1 (updateOrConcatWithKey f ls1 ls2)
1585        | otherwise = goDifferentHash s h1 h2 t1 t2
1586    -- branch vs. branch
1587    go s (BitmapIndexed b1 ary1) (BitmapIndexed b2 ary2) =
1588        let b'   = b1 .|. b2
1589            ary' = unionArrayBy (go (s+bitsPerSubkey)) b1 b2 ary1 ary2
1590        in bitmapIndexedOrFull b' ary'
1591    go s (BitmapIndexed b1 ary1) (Full ary2) =
1592        let ary' = unionArrayBy (go (s+bitsPerSubkey)) b1 fullNodeMask ary1 ary2
1593        in Full ary'
1594    go s (Full ary1) (BitmapIndexed b2 ary2) =
1595        let ary' = unionArrayBy (go (s+bitsPerSubkey)) fullNodeMask b2 ary1 ary2
1596        in Full ary'
1597    go s (Full ary1) (Full ary2) =
1598        let ary' = unionArrayBy (go (s+bitsPerSubkey)) fullNodeMask fullNodeMask
1599                   ary1 ary2
1600        in Full ary'
1601    -- leaf vs. branch
1602    go s (BitmapIndexed b1 ary1) t2
1603        | b1 .&. m2 == 0 = let ary' = A.insert ary1 i t2
1604                               b'   = b1 .|. m2
1605                           in bitmapIndexedOrFull b' ary'
1606        | otherwise      = let ary' = A.updateWith' ary1 i $ \st1 ->
1607                                   go (s+bitsPerSubkey) st1 t2
1608                           in BitmapIndexed b1 ary'
1609        where
1610          h2 = leafHashCode t2
1611          m2 = mask h2 s
1612          i = sparseIndex b1 m2
1613    go s t1 (BitmapIndexed b2 ary2)
1614        | b2 .&. m1 == 0 = let ary' = A.insert ary2 i $! t1
1615                               b'   = b2 .|. m1
1616                           in bitmapIndexedOrFull b' ary'
1617        | otherwise      = let ary' = A.updateWith' ary2 i $ \st2 ->
1618                                   go (s+bitsPerSubkey) t1 st2
1619                           in BitmapIndexed b2 ary'
1620      where
1621        h1 = leafHashCode t1
1622        m1 = mask h1 s
1623        i = sparseIndex b2 m1
1624    go s (Full ary1) t2 =
1625        let h2   = leafHashCode t2
1626            i    = index h2 s
1627            ary' = update16With' ary1 i $ \st1 -> go (s+bitsPerSubkey) st1 t2
1628        in Full ary'
1629    go s t1 (Full ary2) =
1630        let h1   = leafHashCode t1
1631            i    = index h1 s
1632            ary' = update16With' ary2 i $ \st2 -> go (s+bitsPerSubkey) t1 st2
1633        in Full ary'
1635    leafHashCode (Leaf h _) = h
1636    leafHashCode (Collision h _) = h
1637    leafHashCode _ = error "leafHashCode"
1639    goDifferentHash s h1 h2 t1 t2
1640        | m1 == m2  = BitmapIndexed m1 (A.singleton $! go (s+bitsPerSubkey) t1 t2)
1641        | m1 <  m2  = BitmapIndexed (m1 .|. m2) (A.pair t1 t2)
1642        | otherwise = BitmapIndexed (m1 .|. m2) (A.pair t2 t1)
1643      where
1644        m1 = mask h1 s
1645        m2 = mask h2 s
1646{-# INLINE unionWithKey #-}
1648-- | Strict in the result of @f@.
1649unionArrayBy :: (a -> a -> a) -> Bitmap -> Bitmap -> A.Array a -> A.Array a
1650             -> A.Array a
1651unionArrayBy f b1 b2 ary1 ary2 = A.run $ do
1652    let b' = b1 .|. b2
1653    mary <- A.new_ (popCount b')
1654    -- iterate over nonzero bits of b1 .|. b2
1655    -- it would be nice if we could shift m by more than 1 each time
1656    let ba = b1 .&. b2
1657        go !i !i1 !i2 !m
1658            | m > b'        = return ()
1659            | b' .&. m == 0 = go i i1 i2 (m `unsafeShiftL` 1)
1660            | ba .&. m /= 0 = do
1661                x1 <- A.indexM ary1 i1
1662                x2 <- A.indexM ary2 i2
1663                A.write mary i $! f x1 x2
1664                go (i+1) (i1+1) (i2+1) (m `unsafeShiftL` 1)
1665            | b1 .&. m /= 0 = do
1666                A.write mary i =<< A.indexM ary1 i1
1667                go (i+1) (i1+1) (i2  ) (m `unsafeShiftL` 1)
1668            | otherwise     = do
1669                A.write mary i =<< A.indexM ary2 i2
1670                go (i+1) (i1  ) (i2+1) (m `unsafeShiftL` 1)
1671    go 0 0 0 (b' .&. negate b') -- XXX: b' must be non-zero
1672    return mary
1673    -- TODO: For the case where b1 .&. b2 == b1, i.e. when one is a
1674    -- subset of the other, we could use a slightly simpler algorithm,
1675    -- where we copy one array, and then update.
1676{-# INLINE unionArrayBy #-}
1678-- TODO: Figure out the time complexity of 'unions'.
1680-- | Construct a set containing all elements from a list of sets.
1681unions :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => [HashMap k v] -> HashMap k v
1682unions = L.foldl' union empty
1683{-# INLINE unions #-}
1687-- * Compose
1689-- | Relate the keys of one map to the values of
1690-- the other, by using the values of the former as keys for lookups
1691-- in the latter.
1693-- Complexity: \( O (n * \log(m)) \), where \(m\) is the size of the first argument
1695-- >>> compose (fromList [('a', "A"), ('b', "B")]) (fromList [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'z')])
1696-- fromList [(1,"A"),(2,"B")]
1698-- @
1699-- ('compose' bc ab '!?') = (bc '!?') <=< (ab '!?')
1700-- @
1702-- @since UNRELEASED
1703compose :: (Eq b, Hashable b) => HashMap b c -> HashMap a b -> HashMap a c
1704compose bc !ab
1705  | null bc = empty
1706  | otherwise = mapMaybe (bc !?) ab
1709-- * Transformations
1711-- | /O(n)/ Transform this map by applying a function to every value.
1712mapWithKey :: (k -> v1 -> v2) -> HashMap k v1 -> HashMap k v2
1713mapWithKey f = go
1714  where
1715    go Empty = Empty
1716    go (Leaf h (L k v)) = Leaf h $ L k (f k v)
1717    go (BitmapIndexed b ary) = BitmapIndexed b $ A.map go ary
1718    go (Full ary) = Full $ A.map go ary
1719    -- Why map strictly over collision arrays? Because there's no
1720    -- point suspending the O(1) work this does for each leaf.
1721    go (Collision h ary) = Collision h $
1722                           A.map' (\ (L k v) -> L k (f k v)) ary
1723{-# INLINE mapWithKey #-}
1725-- | /O(n)/ Transform this map by applying a function to every value.
1726map :: (v1 -> v2) -> HashMap k v1 -> HashMap k v2
1727map f = mapWithKey (const f)
1728{-# INLINE map #-}
1730-- TODO: We should be able to use mutation to create the new
1731-- 'HashMap'.
1733-- | /O(n)/ Perform an 'Applicative' action for each key-value pair
1734-- in a 'HashMap' and produce a 'HashMap' of all the results.
1736-- Note: the order in which the actions occur is unspecified. In particular,
1737-- when the map contains hash collisions, the order in which the actions
1738-- associated with the keys involved will depend in an unspecified way on
1739-- their insertion order.
1741  :: Applicative f
1742  => (k -> v1 -> f v2)
1743  -> HashMap k v1 -> f (HashMap k v2)
1744traverseWithKey f = go
1745  where
1746    go Empty                 = pure Empty
1747    go (Leaf h (L k v))      = Leaf h . L k <$> f k v
1748    go (BitmapIndexed b ary) = BitmapIndexed b <$> A.traverse go ary
1749    go (Full ary)            = Full <$> A.traverse go ary
1750    go (Collision h ary)     =
1751        Collision h <$> A.traverse' (\ (L k v) -> L k <$> f k v) ary
1752{-# INLINE traverseWithKey #-}
1755-- * Difference and intersection
1757-- | /O(n*log m)/ Difference of two maps. Return elements of the first map
1758-- not existing in the second.
1759difference :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => HashMap k v -> HashMap k w -> HashMap k v
1760difference a b = foldlWithKey' go empty a
1761  where
1762    go m k v = case lookup k b of
1763                 Nothing -> insert k v m
1764                 _       -> m
1765{-# INLINABLE difference #-}
1767-- | /O(n*log m)/ Difference with a combining function. When two equal keys are
1768-- encountered, the combining function is applied to the values of these keys.
1769-- If it returns 'Nothing', the element is discarded (proper set difference). If
1770-- it returns (@'Just' y@), the element is updated with a new value @y@.
1771differenceWith :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (v -> w -> Maybe v) -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k w -> HashMap k v
1772differenceWith f a b = foldlWithKey' go empty a
1773  where
1774    go m k v = case lookup k b of
1775                 Nothing -> insert k v m
1776                 Just w  -> maybe m (\y -> insert k y m) (f v w)
1777{-# INLINABLE differenceWith #-}
1779-- | /O(n*log m)/ Intersection of two maps. Return elements of the first
1780-- map for keys existing in the second.
1781intersection :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => HashMap k v -> HashMap k w -> HashMap k v
1782intersection a b = foldlWithKey' go empty a
1783  where
1784    go m k v = case lookup k b of
1785                 Just _ -> insert k v m
1786                 _      -> m
1787{-# INLINABLE intersection #-}
1789-- | /O(n*log m)/ Intersection of two maps. If a key occurs in both maps
1790-- the provided function is used to combine the values from the two
1791-- maps.
1792intersectionWith :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (v1 -> v2 -> v3) -> HashMap k v1
1793                 -> HashMap k v2 -> HashMap k v3
1794intersectionWith f a b = foldlWithKey' go empty a
1795  where
1796    go m k v = case lookup k b of
1797                 Just w -> insert k (f v w) m
1798                 _      -> m
1799{-# INLINABLE intersectionWith #-}
1801-- | /O(n*log m)/ Intersection of two maps. If a key occurs in both maps
1802-- the provided function is used to combine the values from the two
1803-- maps.
1804intersectionWithKey :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (k -> v1 -> v2 -> v3)
1805                    -> HashMap k v1 -> HashMap k v2 -> HashMap k v3
1806intersectionWithKey f a b = foldlWithKey' go empty a
1807  where
1808    go m k v = case lookup k b of
1809                 Just w -> insert k (f k v w) m
1810                 _      -> m
1811{-# INLINABLE intersectionWithKey #-}
1814-- * Folds
1816-- | /O(n)/ Reduce this map by applying a binary operator to all
1817-- elements, using the given starting value (typically the
1818-- left-identity of the operator).  Each application of the operator
1819-- is evaluated before using the result in the next application.
1820-- This function is strict in the starting value.
1821foldl' :: (a -> v -> a) -> a -> HashMap k v -> a
1822foldl' f = foldlWithKey' (\ z _ v -> f z v)
1823{-# INLINE foldl' #-}
1825-- | /O(n)/ Reduce this map by applying a binary operator to all
1826-- elements, using the given starting value (typically the
1827-- right-identity of the operator).  Each application of the operator
1828-- is evaluated before using the result in the next application.
1829-- This function is strict in the starting value.
1830foldr' :: (v -> a -> a) -> a -> HashMap k v -> a
1831foldr' f = foldrWithKey' (\ _ v z -> f v z)
1832{-# INLINE foldr' #-}
1834-- | /O(n)/ Reduce this map by applying a binary operator to all
1835-- elements, using the given starting value (typically the
1836-- left-identity of the operator).  Each application of the operator
1837-- is evaluated before using the result in the next application.
1838-- This function is strict in the starting value.
1839foldlWithKey' :: (a -> k -> v -> a) -> a -> HashMap k v -> a
1840foldlWithKey' f = go
1841  where
1842    go !z Empty                = z
1843    go z (Leaf _ (L k v))      = f z k v
1844    go z (BitmapIndexed _ ary) = A.foldl' go z ary
1845    go z (Full ary)            = A.foldl' go z ary
1846    go z (Collision _ ary)     = A.foldl' (\ z' (L k v) -> f z' k v) z ary
1847{-# INLINE foldlWithKey' #-}
1849-- | /O(n)/ Reduce this map by applying a binary operator to all
1850-- elements, using the given starting value (typically the
1851-- right-identity of the operator).  Each application of the operator
1852-- is evaluated before using the result in the next application.
1853-- This function is strict in the starting value.
1854foldrWithKey' :: (k -> v -> a -> a) -> a -> HashMap k v -> a
1855foldrWithKey' f = flip go
1856  where
1857    go Empty z                 = z
1858    go (Leaf _ (L k v)) !z     = f k v z
1859    go (BitmapIndexed _ ary) !z = A.foldr' go z ary
1860    go (Full ary) !z           = A.foldr' go z ary
1861    go (Collision _ ary) !z    = A.foldr' (\ (L k v) z' -> f k v z') z ary
1862{-# INLINE foldrWithKey' #-}
1864-- | /O(n)/ Reduce this map by applying a binary operator to all
1865-- elements, using the given starting value (typically the
1866-- right-identity of the operator).
1867foldr :: (v -> a -> a) -> a -> HashMap k v -> a
1868foldr f = foldrWithKey (const f)
1869{-# INLINE foldr #-}
1871-- | /O(n)/ Reduce this map by applying a binary operator to all
1872-- elements, using the given starting value (typically the
1873-- left-identity of the operator).
1874foldl :: (a -> v -> a) -> a -> HashMap k v -> a
1875foldl f = foldlWithKey (\a _k v -> f a v)
1876{-# INLINE foldl #-}
1878-- | /O(n)/ Reduce this map by applying a binary operator to all
1879-- elements, using the given starting value (typically the
1880-- right-identity of the operator).
1881foldrWithKey :: (k -> v -> a -> a) -> a -> HashMap k v -> a
1882foldrWithKey f = flip go
1883  where
1884    go Empty z                 = z
1885    go (Leaf _ (L k v)) z      = f k v z
1886    go (BitmapIndexed _ ary) z = A.foldr go z ary
1887    go (Full ary) z            = A.foldr go z ary
1888    go (Collision _ ary) z     = A.foldr (\ (L k v) z' -> f k v z') z ary
1889{-# INLINE foldrWithKey #-}
1891-- | /O(n)/ Reduce this map by applying a binary operator to all
1892-- elements, using the given starting value (typically the
1893-- left-identity of the operator).
1894foldlWithKey :: (a -> k -> v -> a) -> a -> HashMap k v -> a
1895foldlWithKey f = go
1896  where
1897    go z Empty                 = z
1898    go z (Leaf _ (L k v))      = f z k v
1899    go z (BitmapIndexed _ ary) = A.foldl go z ary
1900    go z (Full ary)            = A.foldl go z ary
1901    go z (Collision _ ary)     = A.foldl (\ z' (L k v) -> f z' k v) z ary
1902{-# INLINE foldlWithKey #-}
1904-- | /O(n)/ Reduce the map by applying a function to each element
1905-- and combining the results with a monoid operation.
1906foldMapWithKey :: Monoid m => (k -> v -> m) -> HashMap k v -> m
1907foldMapWithKey f = go
1908  where
1909    go Empty = mempty
1910    go (Leaf _ (L k v)) = f k v
1911    go (BitmapIndexed _ ary) = A.foldMap go ary
1912    go (Full ary) = A.foldMap go ary
1913    go (Collision _ ary) = A.foldMap (\ (L k v) -> f k v) ary
1914{-# INLINE foldMapWithKey #-}
1917-- * Filter
1919-- | /O(n)/ Transform this map by applying a function to every value
1920--   and retaining only some of them.
1921mapMaybeWithKey :: (k -> v1 -> Maybe v2) -> HashMap k v1 -> HashMap k v2
1922mapMaybeWithKey f = filterMapAux onLeaf onColl
1923  where onLeaf (Leaf h (L k v)) | Just v' <- f k v = Just (Leaf h (L k v'))
1924        onLeaf _ = Nothing
1926        onColl (L k v) | Just v' <- f k v = Just (L k v')
1927                       | otherwise = Nothing
1928{-# INLINE mapMaybeWithKey #-}
1930-- | /O(n)/ Transform this map by applying a function to every value
1931--   and retaining only some of them.
1932mapMaybe :: (v1 -> Maybe v2) -> HashMap k v1 -> HashMap k v2
1933mapMaybe f = mapMaybeWithKey (const f)
1934{-# INLINE mapMaybe #-}
1936-- | /O(n)/ Filter this map by retaining only elements satisfying a
1937-- predicate.
1938filterWithKey :: forall k v. (k -> v -> Bool) -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
1939filterWithKey pred = filterMapAux onLeaf onColl
1940  where onLeaf t@(Leaf _ (L k v)) | pred k v = Just t
1941        onLeaf _ = Nothing
1943        onColl el@(L k v) | pred k v = Just el
1944        onColl _ = Nothing
1945{-# INLINE filterWithKey #-}
1948-- | Common implementation for 'filterWithKey' and 'mapMaybeWithKey',
1949--   allowing the former to former to reuse terms.
1950filterMapAux :: forall k v1 v2
1951              . (HashMap k v1 -> Maybe (HashMap k v2))
1952             -> (Leaf k v1 -> Maybe (Leaf k v2))
1953             -> HashMap k v1
1954             -> HashMap k v2
1955filterMapAux onLeaf onColl = go
1956  where
1957    go Empty = Empty
1958    go t@Leaf{}
1959        | Just t' <- onLeaf t = t'
1960        | otherwise = Empty
1961    go (BitmapIndexed b ary) = filterA ary b
1962    go (Full ary) = filterA ary fullNodeMask
1963    go (Collision h ary) = filterC ary h
1965    filterA ary0 b0 =
1966        let !n = A.length ary0
1967        in runST $ do
1968            mary <- A.new_ n
1969            step ary0 mary b0 0 0 1 n
1970      where
1971        step :: A.Array (HashMap k v1) -> A.MArray s (HashMap k v2)
1972             -> Bitmap -> Int -> Int -> Bitmap -> Int
1973             -> ST s (HashMap k v2)
1974        step !ary !mary !b i !j !bi n
1975            | i >= n = case j of
1976                0 -> return Empty
1977                1 -> do
1978                    ch <- A.read mary 0
1979                    case ch of
1980                      t | isLeafOrCollision t -> return t
1981                      _                       -> BitmapIndexed b <$> A.trim mary 1
1982                _ -> do
1983                    ary2 <- A.trim mary j
1984                    return $! if j == maxChildren
1985                              then Full ary2
1986                              else BitmapIndexed b ary2
1987            | bi .&. b == 0 = step ary mary b i j (bi `unsafeShiftL` 1) n
1988            | otherwise = case go (A.index ary i) of
1989                Empty -> step ary mary (b .&. complement bi) (i+1) j
1990                         (bi `unsafeShiftL` 1) n
1991                t     -> do A.write mary j t
1992                            step ary mary b (i+1) (j+1) (bi `unsafeShiftL` 1) n
1994    filterC ary0 h =
1995        let !n = A.length ary0
1996        in runST $ do
1997            mary <- A.new_ n
1998            step ary0 mary 0 0 n
1999      where
2000        step :: A.Array (Leaf k v1) -> A.MArray s (Leaf k v2)
2001             -> Int -> Int -> Int
2002             -> ST s (HashMap k v2)
2003        step !ary !mary i !j n
2004            | i >= n    = case j of
2005                0 -> return Empty
2006                1 -> do l <- A.read mary 0
2007                        return $! Leaf h l
2008                _ | i == j -> do ary2 <- A.unsafeFreeze mary
2009                                 return $! Collision h ary2
2010                  | otherwise -> do ary2 <- A.trim mary j
2011                                    return $! Collision h ary2
2012            | Just el <- onColl $! A.index ary i
2013                = A.write mary j el >> step ary mary (i+1) (j+1) n
2014            | otherwise = step ary mary (i+1) j n
2015{-# INLINE filterMapAux #-}
2017-- | /O(n)/ Filter this map by retaining only elements which values
2018-- satisfy a predicate.
2019filter :: (v -> Bool) -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
2020filter p = filterWithKey (\_ v -> p v)
2021{-# INLINE filter #-}
2024-- * Conversions
2026-- TODO: Improve fusion rules by modelled them after the Prelude ones
2027-- on lists.
2029-- | /O(n)/ Return a list of this map's keys.  The list is produced
2030-- lazily.
2031keys :: HashMap k v -> [k]
2032keys = L.map fst . toList
2033{-# INLINE keys #-}
2035-- | /O(n)/ Return a list of this map's values.  The list is produced
2036-- lazily.
2037elems :: HashMap k v -> [v]
2038elems = L.map snd . toList
2039{-# INLINE elems #-}
2042-- ** Lists
2044-- | /O(n)/ Return a list of this map's elements.  The list is
2045-- produced lazily. The order of its elements is unspecified.
2046toList :: HashMap k v -> [(k, v)]
2047toList t = build (\ c z -> foldrWithKey (curry c) z t)
2048{-# INLINE toList #-}
2050-- | /O(n)/ Construct a map with the supplied mappings.  If the list
2051-- contains duplicate mappings, the later mappings take precedence.
2052fromList :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => [(k, v)] -> HashMap k v
2053fromList = L.foldl' (\ m (k, v) -> unsafeInsert k v m) empty
2054{-# INLINABLE fromList #-}
2056-- | /O(n*log n)/ Construct a map from a list of elements.  Uses
2057-- the provided function @f@ to merge duplicate entries with
2058-- @(f newVal oldVal)@.
2060-- === Examples
2062-- Given a list @xs@, create a map with the number of occurrences of each
2063-- element in @xs@:
2065-- > let xs = ['a', 'b', 'a']
2066-- > in fromListWith (+) [ (x, 1) | x <- xs ]
2067-- >
2068-- > = fromList [('a', 2), ('b', 1)]
2070-- Given a list of key-value pairs @xs :: [(k, v)]@, group all values by their
2071-- keys and return a @HashMap k [v]@.
2073-- > let xs = [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('a', 3)]
2074-- > in fromListWith (++) [ (k, [v]) | (k, v) <- xs ]
2075-- >
2076-- > = fromList [('a', [3, 1]), ('b', [2])]
2078-- Note that the lists in the resulting map contain elements in reverse order
2079-- from their occurences in the original list.
2081-- More generally, duplicate entries are accumulated as follows;
2082-- this matters when @f@ is not commutative or not associative.
2084-- > fromListWith f [(k, a), (k, b), (k, c), (k, d)]
2085-- > = fromList [(k, f d (f c (f b a)))]
2086fromListWith :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (v -> v -> v) -> [(k, v)] -> HashMap k v
2087fromListWith f = L.foldl' (\ m (k, v) -> unsafeInsertWith f k v m) empty
2088{-# INLINE fromListWith #-}
2090-- | /O(n*log n)/ Construct a map from a list of elements.  Uses
2091-- the provided function to merge duplicate entries.
2093-- === Examples
2095-- Given a list of key-value pairs where the keys are of different flavours, e.g:
2097-- > data Key = Div | Sub
2099-- and the values need to be combined differently when there are duplicates,
2100-- depending on the key:
2102-- > combine Div = div
2103-- > combine Sub = (-)
2105-- then @fromListWithKey@ can be used as follows:
2107-- > fromListWithKey combine [(Div, 2), (Div, 6), (Sub, 2), (Sub, 3)]
2108-- > = fromList [(Div, 3), (Sub, 1)]
2110-- More generally, duplicate entries are accumulated as follows;
2112-- > fromListWith f [(k, a), (k, b), (k, c), (k, d)]
2113-- > = fromList [(k, f k d (f k c (f k b a)))]
2115-- @since 0.2.11
2116fromListWithKey :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (k -> v -> v -> v) -> [(k, v)] -> HashMap k v
2117fromListWithKey f = L.foldl' (\ m (k, v) -> unsafeInsertWithKey f k v m) empty
2118{-# INLINE fromListWithKey #-}
2121-- Array operations
2123-- | /O(n)/ Look up the value associated with the given key in an
2124-- array.
2125lookupInArrayCont ::
2126#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802
2127  forall rep (r :: TYPE rep) k v.
2129  forall r k v.
2131  Eq k => ((# #) -> r) -> (v -> Int -> r) -> k -> A.Array (Leaf k v) -> r
2132lookupInArrayCont absent present k0 ary0 = go k0 ary0 0 (A.length ary0)
2133  where
2134    go :: Eq k => k -> A.Array (Leaf k v) -> Int -> Int -> r
2135    go !k !ary !i !n
2136        | i >= n    = absent (# #)
2137        | otherwise = case A.index ary i of
2138            (L kx v)
2139                | k == kx   -> present v i
2140                | otherwise -> go k ary (i+1) n
2141{-# INLINE lookupInArrayCont #-}
2143-- | /O(n)/ Lookup the value associated with the given key in this
2144-- array.  Returns 'Nothing' if the key wasn't found.
2145indexOf :: Eq k => k -> A.Array (Leaf k v) -> Maybe Int
2146indexOf k0 ary0 = go k0 ary0 0 (A.length ary0)
2147  where
2148    go !k !ary !i !n
2149        | i >= n    = Nothing
2150        | otherwise = case A.index ary i of
2151            (L kx _)
2152                | k == kx   -> Just i
2153                | otherwise -> go k ary (i+1) n
2154{-# INLINABLE indexOf #-}
2156updateWith# :: Eq k => (v -> (# v #)) -> k -> A.Array (Leaf k v) -> A.Array (Leaf k v)
2157updateWith# f k0 ary0 = go k0 ary0 0 (A.length ary0)
2158  where
2159    go !k !ary !i !n
2160        | i >= n    = ary
2161        | otherwise = case A.index ary i of
2162            (L kx y) | k == kx -> case f y of
2163                          (# y' #)
2164                             | ptrEq y y' -> ary
2165                             | otherwise -> A.update ary i (L k y')
2166                     | otherwise -> go k ary (i+1) n
2167{-# INLINABLE updateWith# #-}
2169updateOrSnocWith :: Eq k => (v -> v -> (# v #)) -> k -> v -> A.Array (Leaf k v)
2170                 -> A.Array (Leaf k v)
2171updateOrSnocWith f = updateOrSnocWithKey (const f)
2172{-# INLINABLE updateOrSnocWith #-}
2174updateOrSnocWithKey :: Eq k => (k -> v -> v -> (# v #)) -> k -> v -> A.Array (Leaf k v)
2175                 -> A.Array (Leaf k v)
2176updateOrSnocWithKey f k0 v0 ary0 = go k0 v0 ary0 0 (A.length ary0)
2177  where
2178    go !k v !ary !i !n
2179        | i >= n = A.run $ do
2180            -- Not found, append to the end.
2181            mary <- A.new_ (n + 1)
2182            A.copy ary 0 mary 0 n
2183            A.write mary n (L k v)
2184            return mary
2185        | L kx y <- A.index ary i
2186        , k == kx
2187        , (# v2 #) <- f k v y
2188            = A.update ary i (L k v2)
2189        | otherwise
2190            = go k v ary (i+1) n
2191{-# INLINABLE updateOrSnocWithKey #-}
2193updateOrConcatWith :: Eq k => (v -> v -> v) -> A.Array (Leaf k v) -> A.Array (Leaf k v) -> A.Array (Leaf k v)
2194updateOrConcatWith f = updateOrConcatWithKey (const f)
2195{-# INLINABLE updateOrConcatWith #-}
2197updateOrConcatWithKey :: Eq k => (k -> v -> v -> v) -> A.Array (Leaf k v) -> A.Array (Leaf k v) -> A.Array (Leaf k v)
2198updateOrConcatWithKey f ary1 ary2 = A.run $ do
2199    -- TODO: instead of mapping and then folding, should we traverse?
2200    -- We'll have to be careful to avoid allocating pairs or similar.
2202    -- first: look up the position of each element of ary2 in ary1
2203    let indices = A.map' (\(L k _) -> indexOf k ary1) ary2
2204    -- that tells us how large the overlap is:
2205    -- count number of Nothing constructors
2206    let nOnly2 = A.foldl' (\n -> maybe (n+1) (const n)) 0 indices
2207    let n1 = A.length ary1
2208    let n2 = A.length ary2
2209    -- copy over all elements from ary1
2210    mary <- A.new_ (n1 + nOnly2)
2211    A.copy ary1 0 mary 0 n1
2212    -- append or update all elements from ary2
2213    let go !iEnd !i2
2214          | i2 >= n2 = return ()
2215          | otherwise = case A.index indices i2 of
2216               Just i1 -> do -- key occurs in both arrays, store combination in position i1
2217                             L k v1 <- A.indexM ary1 i1
2218                             L _ v2 <- A.indexM ary2 i2
2219                             A.write mary i1 (L k (f k v1 v2))
2220                             go iEnd (i2+1)
2221               Nothing -> do -- key is only in ary2, append to end
2222                             A.write mary iEnd =<< A.indexM ary2 i2
2223                             go (iEnd+1) (i2+1)
2224    go n1 0
2225    return mary
2226{-# INLINABLE updateOrConcatWithKey #-}
2228-- | /O(n*m)/ Check if the first array is a subset of the second array.
2229subsetArray :: Eq k => (v1 -> v2 -> Bool) -> A.Array (Leaf k v1) -> A.Array (Leaf k v2) -> Bool
2230subsetArray cmpV ary1 ary2 = A.length ary1 <= A.length ary2 && A.all inAry2 ary1
2231  where
2232    inAry2 (L k1 v1) = lookupInArrayCont (\_ -> False) (\v2 _ -> cmpV v1 v2) k1 ary2
2233    {-# INLINE inAry2 #-}
2236-- Manually unrolled loops
2238-- | /O(n)/ Update the element at the given position in this array.
2239update16 :: A.Array e -> Int -> e -> A.Array e
2240update16 ary idx b = runST (update16M ary idx b)
2241{-# INLINE update16 #-}
2243-- | /O(n)/ Update the element at the given position in this array.
2244update16M :: A.Array e -> Int -> e -> ST s (A.Array e)
2245update16M ary idx b = do
2246    mary <- clone16 ary
2247    A.write mary idx b
2248    A.unsafeFreeze mary
2249{-# INLINE update16M #-}
2251-- | /O(n)/ Update the element at the given position in this array, by applying a function to it.
2252update16With' :: A.Array e -> Int -> (e -> e) -> A.Array e
2253update16With' ary idx f
2254  | (# x #) <- A.index# ary idx
2255  = update16 ary idx $! f x
2256{-# INLINE update16With' #-}
2258-- | Unsafely clone an array of 16 elements.  The length of the input
2259-- array is not checked.
2260clone16 :: A.Array e -> ST s (A.MArray s e)
2261clone16 ary =
2262    A.thaw ary 0 16
2265-- Bit twiddling
2267bitsPerSubkey :: Int
2268bitsPerSubkey = 4
2270maxChildren :: Int
2271maxChildren = 1 `unsafeShiftL` bitsPerSubkey
2273subkeyMask :: Bitmap
2274subkeyMask = 1 `unsafeShiftL` bitsPerSubkey - 1
2276sparseIndex :: Bitmap -> Bitmap -> Int
2277sparseIndex b m = popCount (b .&. (m - 1))
2279mask :: Word -> Shift -> Bitmap
2280mask w s = 1 `unsafeShiftL` index w s
2281{-# INLINE mask #-}
2283-- | Mask out the 'bitsPerSubkey' bits used for indexing at this level
2284-- of the tree.
2285index :: Hash -> Shift -> Int
2286index w s = fromIntegral $ (unsafeShiftR w s) .&. subkeyMask
2287{-# INLINE index #-}
2289-- | A bitmask with the 'bitsPerSubkey' least significant bits set.
2290fullNodeMask :: Bitmap
2291fullNodeMask = complement (complement 0 `unsafeShiftL` maxChildren)
2292{-# INLINE fullNodeMask #-}
2294-- | Check if two the two arguments are the same value.  N.B. This
2295-- function might give false negatives (due to GC moving objects.)
2296ptrEq :: a -> a -> Bool
2297ptrEq x y = isTrue# (reallyUnsafePtrEquality# x y ==# 1#)
2298{-# INLINE ptrEq #-}
2301-- IsList instance
2302instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => Exts.IsList (HashMap k v) where
2303    type Item (HashMap k v) = (k, v)
2304    fromList = fromList
2305    toList   = toList