1{-# LANGUAGE CPP                       #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields     #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules      #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns            #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings         #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms           #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                #-}
12{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards           #-}
13{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}
14{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications          #-}
15{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns              #-}
16{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
18{- |
19A plugin inspired by the REPLoid feature of <https://github.com/jyp/dante Dante>, <https://www.haskell.org/haddock/doc/html/ch03s08.html#idm140354810775744 Haddock>'s Examples and Properties and <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/doctest Doctest>.
21For a full example see the "Ide.Plugin.Eval.Tutorial" module.
23module Ide.Plugin.Eval.CodeLens (
24    codeLens,
25    evalCommand,
26) where
28import           CmdLineParser
29import           Control.Applicative                  (Alternative ((<|>)))
30import           Control.Arrow                        (second, (>>>))
31import           Control.Exception                    (try)
32import qualified Control.Exception                    as E
33import           Control.Lens                         (_1, _3, (%~), (<&>),
34                                                       (^.))
35import           Control.Monad                        (guard, join, void, when)
36import           Control.Monad.IO.Class               (MonadIO (liftIO))
37import           Control.Monad.Trans.Except           (ExceptT (..))
38import           Data.Aeson                           (toJSON)
39import           Data.Char                            (isSpace)
40import qualified Data.DList                           as DL
41import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict                  as HashMap
42import           Data.List                            (dropWhileEnd, find,
43                                                       intercalate, intersperse)
44import qualified Data.Map.Strict                      as Map
45import           Data.Maybe                           (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
46import           Data.String                          (IsString)
47import           Data.Text                            (Text)
48import qualified Data.Text                            as T
49import           Data.Time                            (getCurrentTime)
50import           Data.Typeable                        (Typeable)
51import           Development.IDE                      (Action,
52                                                       GetDependencies (..),
53                                                       GetModIface (..),
54                                                       GetModSummary (..),
55                                                       GetParsedModuleWithComments (..),
56                                                       GhcSessionIO (..),
57                                                       HiFileResult (hirHomeMod, hirModSummary),
58                                                       HscEnvEq, IdeState,
59                                                       ModSummaryResult (..),
60                                                       evalGhcEnv,
61                                                       hscEnvWithImportPaths,
62                                                       prettyPrint,
63                                                       realSrcSpanToRange,
64                                                       runAction,
65                                                       textToStringBuffer,
66                                                       toNormalizedFilePath',
67                                                       uriToFilePath',
68                                                       useNoFile_,
69                                                       useWithStale_, use_,
70                                                       uses_)
71import           Development.IDE.Core.Compile         (loadModulesHome,
72                                                       setupFinderCache)
73import           Development.IDE.Core.PositionMapping (toCurrentRange)
74import           Development.IDE.Core.Rules           (TransitiveDependencies (transitiveModuleDeps))
75import           Development.IDE.GHC.Compat           (AnnotationComment (AnnBlockComment, AnnLineComment),
76                                                       GenLocated (L),
77                                                       GhcException, HscEnv,
78                                                       ParsedModule (..),
79                                                       SrcSpan (UnhelpfulSpan),
80                                                       moduleName,
81                                                       setInteractiveDynFlags,
82                                                       srcSpanFile)
83import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.Compat           as SrcLoc
84import           Development.IDE.Types.Options
85import           DynamicLoading                       (initializePlugins)
86import           FastString                           (unpackFS)
87import           GHC                                  (ClsInst,
88                                                       ExecOptions (execLineNumber, execSourceFile),
89                                                       FamInst, Fixity,
90                                                       GeneralFlag (..), Ghc,
91                                                       GhcLink (LinkInMemory),
92                                                       GhcMode (CompManager),
93                                                       GhcMonad (getSession),
94                                                       HscTarget (HscInterpreted),
95                                                       LoadHowMuch (LoadAllTargets),
96                                                       ModSummary (ms_hspp_opts),
97                                                       NamedThing (getName, getOccName),
98                                                       SuccessFlag (Failed, Succeeded),
99                                                       TcRnExprMode (..),
100                                                       TyThing, defaultFixity,
101                                                       execOptions, exprType,
102                                                       getInfo,
103                                                       getInteractiveDynFlags,
104                                                       getSessionDynFlags,
105                                                       isImport, isStmt, load,
106                                                       parseName, pprFamInst,
107                                                       pprInstance, runDecls,
108                                                       setContext, setLogAction,
109                                                       setSessionDynFlags,
110                                                       setTargets, typeKind)
111import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type          as LangExt (Extension (..))
112import           GhcPlugins                           (DynFlags (..),
113                                                       defaultLogActionHPutStrDoc,
114                                                       elemNameSet, gopt_set,
115                                                       gopt_unset, hsc_dflags,
116                                                       isSymOcc, mkNameSet,
117                                                       parseDynamicFlagsCmdLine,
118                                                       pprDefinedAt,
119                                                       pprInfixName,
120                                                       targetPlatform,
121                                                       tyThingParent_maybe,
122                                                       xopt_set, xopt_unset)
124import           HscTypes                             (InteractiveImport (IIModule),
125                                                       ModSummary (ms_mod),
126                                                       Target (Target),
127                                                       TargetId (TargetFile))
128import           Ide.Plugin.Eval.Code                 (Statement, asStatements,
129                                                       evalSetup, myExecStmt,
130                                                       propSetup, resultRange,
131                                                       testCheck, testRanges)
132import           Ide.Plugin.Eval.GHC                  (addImport, addPackages,
133                                                       hasPackage, showDynFlags)
134import           Ide.Plugin.Eval.Parse.Comments       (commentsToSections)
135import           Ide.Plugin.Eval.Parse.Option         (parseSetFlags)
136import           Ide.Plugin.Eval.Types
137import           Ide.Plugin.Eval.Util                 (asS, gStrictTry,
138                                                       handleMaybe,
139                                                       handleMaybeM, isLiterate,
140                                                       logWith, response,
141                                                       response', timed)
142import           Ide.Types
143import           Language.LSP.Server
144import           Language.LSP.Types                   hiding
145                                                      (SemanticTokenAbsolute (length, line),
146                                                       SemanticTokenRelative (length))
147import           Language.LSP.Types.Lens              (end, line)
148import           Language.LSP.VFS                     (virtualFileText)
149import           Outputable                           (SDoc, empty, hang, nest,
150                                                       ppr, showSDoc, text,
151                                                       vcat, ($$), (<+>))
152import           System.FilePath                      (takeFileName)
153import           System.IO                            (hClose)
154import           UnliftIO.Temporary                   (withSystemTempFile)
155import           Util                                 (OverridingBool (Never))
157import           IfaceSyn                             (showToHeader)
158import           PprTyThing                           (pprTyThingInContext,
159                                                       pprTypeForUser)
160#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
161import           GHC.Driver.Ways                      (hostFullWays,
162                                                       wayGeneralFlags,
163                                                       wayUnsetGeneralFlags)
164import           GHC.Parser.Annotation                (ApiAnns (apiAnnRogueComments))
165import           GHC.Parser.Lexer                     (mkParserFlags)
166import           GHC.Types.SrcLoc                     (UnhelpfulSpanReason (UnhelpfulInteractive))
168import           GhcPlugins                           (interpWays, updateWays,
169                                                       wayGeneralFlags,
170                                                       wayUnsetGeneralFlags)
173#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
174pattern RealSrcSpanAlready :: SrcLoc.RealSrcSpan -> SrcLoc.RealSrcSpan
175pattern RealSrcSpanAlready x = x
176apiAnnComments' :: SrcLoc.ApiAnns -> [SrcLoc.RealLocated AnnotationComment]
177apiAnnComments' = apiAnnRogueComments
179apiAnnComments' :: SrcLoc.ApiAnns -> [SrcLoc.Located AnnotationComment]
180apiAnnComments' = concat . Map.elems . snd
182pattern RealSrcSpanAlready :: SrcLoc.RealSrcSpan -> SrcSpan
183pattern RealSrcSpanAlready x = SrcLoc.RealSrcSpan x
187{- | Code Lens provider
188 NOTE: Invoked every time the document is modified, not just when the document is saved.
190codeLens :: PluginMethodHandler IdeState TextDocumentCodeLens
191codeLens st plId CodeLensParams{_textDocument} =
192    let dbg = logWith st
193        perf = timed dbg
194     in perf "codeLens" $
195            response $ do
196                let TextDocumentIdentifier uri = _textDocument
197                fp <- handleMaybe "uri" $ uriToFilePath' uri
198                let nfp = toNormalizedFilePath' fp
199                    isLHS = isLiterate fp
200                dbg "fp" fp
201                (ParsedModule{..}, posMap) <- liftIO $
202                    runAction "eval.GetParsedModuleWithComments" st $ useWithStale_ GetParsedModuleWithComments nfp
203                let comments =
204                         foldMap (\case
205                            L (RealSrcSpanAlready real) bdy
206                                | unpackFS (srcSpanFile real) ==
207                                    fromNormalizedFilePath nfp
208                                , let ran0 = realSrcSpanToRange real
209                                , Just curRan <- toCurrentRange posMap ran0
210                                ->
212                                    -- since Haddock parsing is unset explicitly in 'getParsedModuleWithComments',
213                                    -- we can concentrate on these two
214                                    case bdy of
215                                        AnnLineComment cmt ->
216                                            mempty { lineComments = Map.singleton curRan (RawLineComment cmt) }
217                                        AnnBlockComment cmt ->
218                                            mempty { blockComments = Map.singleton curRan $ RawBlockComment cmt }
219                                        _ -> mempty
220                            _ -> mempty
221                        )
222                        $ apiAnnComments' pm_annotations
223                dbg "excluded comments" $ show $  DL.toList $
224                    foldMap (\(L a b) ->
225                        case b of
226                            AnnLineComment{}  -> mempty
227                            AnnBlockComment{} -> mempty
228                            _                 -> DL.singleton (a, b)
229                    )
230                    $ apiAnnComments' pm_annotations
231                dbg "comments" $ show comments
233                -- Extract tests from source code
234                let Sections{..} = commentsToSections isLHS comments
235                    tests = testsBySection nonSetupSections
236                    cmd = mkLspCommand plId evalCommandName "Evaluate=..." (Just [])
237                let lenses =
238                        [ CodeLens testRange (Just cmd') Nothing
239                        | (section, ident, test) <- tests
240                        , let (testRange, resultRange) = testRanges test
241                              args = EvalParams (setupSections ++ [section]) _textDocument ident
242                              cmd' =
243                                (cmd :: Command)
244                                    { _arguments = Just (List [toJSON args])
245                                    , _title =
246                                        if trivial resultRange
247                                            then "Evaluate..."
248                                            else "Refresh..."
249                                    }
250                        ]
252                perf "tests" $
253                    dbg "Tests" $
254                        unwords
255                            [ show (length tests)
256                            , "tests in"
257                            , show (length nonSetupSections)
258                            , "sections"
259                            , show (length setupSections)
260                            , "setups"
261                            , show (length lenses)
262                            , "lenses."
263                            ]
265                return $ List lenses
266  where
267    trivial (Range p p') = p == p'
269evalCommandName :: CommandId
270evalCommandName = "evalCommand"
272evalCommand :: PluginCommand IdeState
273evalCommand = PluginCommand evalCommandName "evaluate" runEvalCmd
275type EvalId = Int
277runEvalCmd :: CommandFunction IdeState EvalParams
278runEvalCmd st EvalParams{..} =
279    let dbg = logWith st
280        perf = timed dbg
281        cmd :: ExceptT String (LspM c) WorkspaceEdit
282        cmd = do
283            let tests = map (\(a,_,b) -> (a,b)) $ testsBySection sections
285            let TextDocumentIdentifier{_uri} = module_
286            fp <- handleMaybe "uri" $ uriToFilePath' _uri
287            let nfp = toNormalizedFilePath' fp
288            mdlText <- moduleText _uri
290            session <- runGetSession st nfp
292            ms <- fmap msrModSummary $
293                liftIO $
294                    runAction "runEvalCmd.getModSummary" st $
295                        use_ GetModSummary nfp
297            now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
299            let modName = moduleName $ ms_mod ms
300                thisModuleTarget =
301                    Target
302                        (TargetFile fp Nothing)
303                        False
304                        (Just (textToStringBuffer mdlText, now))
306            -- Setup environment for evaluation
307            hscEnv' <- ExceptT $ fmap join $ withSystemTempFile (takeFileName fp) $ \logFilename logHandle -> liftIO . gStrictTry . evalGhcEnv session $ do
308                env <- getSession
310                -- Install the module pragmas and options
311                df <- liftIO $ setupDynFlagsForGHCiLike env $ ms_hspp_opts ms
313                -- Restore the original import paths
314                let impPaths = importPaths $ hsc_dflags env
315                df <- return df{importPaths = impPaths}
317                -- Set the modified flags in the session
318                _lp <- setSessionDynFlags df
320                -- property tests need QuickCheck
321                when (needsQuickCheck tests) $ void $ addPackages ["QuickCheck"]
322                dbg "QUICKCHECK NEEDS" $ needsQuickCheck tests
323                dbg "QUICKCHECK HAS" $ hasQuickCheck df
325                -- copy the package state to the interactive DynFlags
326                idflags <- getInteractiveDynFlags
327                df <- getSessionDynFlags
328                -- set the identical DynFlags as GHCi
329                -- Source: https://github.com/ghc/ghc/blob/5abf59976c7335df760e5d8609d9488489478173/ghc/GHCi/UI.hs#L473-L483
330                -- This needs to be done manually since the default flags are not visible externally.
331                let df' = flip xopt_set    LangExt.ExtendedDefaultRules
332                        . flip xopt_unset  LangExt.MonomorphismRestriction
333                        $ idflags
334                setInteractiveDynFlags $ df'
335#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
336                        { unitState =
337                            unitState
338                                df
339                        , unitDatabases =
340                            unitDatabases
341                                df
342                        , packageFlags =
343                            packageFlags
344                                df
345                        , useColor = Never
346                        , canUseColor = False
347                        }
349                        { pkgState =
350                            pkgState
351                                df
352                        , pkgDatabase =
353                            pkgDatabase
354                                df
355                        , packageFlags =
356                            packageFlags
357                                df
358                        , useColor = Never
359                        , canUseColor = False
360                        }
363                -- set up a custom log action
364#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
365                setLogAction $ \_df _wr _sev _span _doc ->
366                    defaultLogActionHPutStrDoc _df logHandle _doc
368                setLogAction $ \_df _wr _sev _span _style _doc ->
369                    defaultLogActionHPutStrDoc _df logHandle _doc _style
372                -- Load the module with its current content (as the saved module might not be up to date)
373                -- BUG: this fails for files that requires preprocessors (e.g. CPP) for ghc < 8.8
374                -- see https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/17066
375                -- and https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ghc-8.10.1/docs/GHC.html#v:TargetFile
376                eSetTarget <- gStrictTry $ setTargets [thisModuleTarget]
377                dbg "setTarget" eSetTarget
379                -- load the module in the interactive environment
380                loadResult <- perf "loadModule" $ load LoadAllTargets
381                dbg "LOAD RESULT" $ asS loadResult
382                case loadResult of
383                    Failed -> liftIO $ do
384                        hClose logHandle
385                        err <- readFile logFilename
386                        dbg "load ERR" err
387                        return $ Left err
388                    Succeeded -> do
389                        -- Evaluation takes place 'inside' the module
390                        setContext [IIModule modName]
391                        Right <$> getSession
393            edits <-
394                perf "edits" $
395                    liftIO $
396                        evalGhcEnv hscEnv' $
397                            runTests
398                                (st, fp)
399                                tests
401            let workspaceEditsMap = HashMap.fromList [(_uri, List $ addFinalReturn mdlText edits)]
402            let workspaceEdits = WorkspaceEdit (Just workspaceEditsMap) Nothing Nothing
404            return workspaceEdits
405     in perf "evalCmd" $
406            withIndefiniteProgress "Evaluating" Cancellable $
407                response' cmd
409addFinalReturn :: Text -> [TextEdit] -> [TextEdit]
410addFinalReturn mdlText edits
411    | not (null edits) && not (T.null mdlText) && T.last mdlText /= '\n' =
412        finalReturn mdlText : edits
413    | otherwise = edits
415finalReturn :: Text -> TextEdit
416finalReturn txt =
417    let ls = T.lines txt
418        l = length ls -1
419        c = T.length . last $ ls
420        p = Position l c
421     in TextEdit (Range p p) "\n"
423moduleText :: (IsString e, MonadLsp c m) => Uri -> ExceptT e m Text
424moduleText uri =
425    handleMaybeM "mdlText" $
426      (virtualFileText <$>)
427          <$> getVirtualFile
428              (toNormalizedUri uri)
430testsBySection :: [Section] -> [(Section, EvalId, Test)]
431testsBySection sections =
432    [(section, ident, test)
433    | (ident, section) <- zip [0..] sections
434    , test <- sectionTests section
435    ]
437type TEnv = (IdeState, String)
439runTests :: TEnv -> [(Section, Test)] -> Ghc [TextEdit]
440runTests e@(_st, _) tests = do
441    df <- getInteractiveDynFlags
442    evalSetup
443    when (hasQuickCheck df && needsQuickCheck tests) $ void $ evals e df propSetup
445    mapM (processTest e df) tests
446  where
447    processTest :: TEnv -> DynFlags -> (Section, Test) -> Ghc TextEdit
448    processTest e@(st, fp) df (section, test) = do
449        let dbg = logWith st
450        let pad = pad_ $ (if isLiterate fp then ("> " `T.append`) else id) $ padPrefix (sectionFormat section)
452        rs <- runTest e df test
453        dbg "TEST RESULTS" rs
455        let checkedResult = testCheck (section, test) rs
457        let edit = asEdit (sectionFormat section) test (map pad checkedResult)
458        dbg "TEST EDIT" edit
459        return edit
461    -- runTest :: String -> DynFlags -> Loc Test -> Ghc [Text]
462    runTest _ df test
463        | not (hasQuickCheck df) && isProperty test =
464            return $
465                singleLine
466                    "Add QuickCheck to your cabal dependencies to run this test."
467    runTest e df test = evals e df (asStatements test)
469asEdit :: Format -> Test -> [Text] -> TextEdit
470asEdit (MultiLine commRange) test resultLines
471    -- A test in a block comment, ending with @-\}@ without newline in-between.
472    | testRange test ^. end.line == commRange ^. end . line
473    =
474    TextEdit
475        (Range
476            (testRange test ^. end)
477            (resultRange test ^. end)
478        )
479        ("\n" <> T.unlines (resultLines <> ["-}"]))
480asEdit _ test resultLines =
481    TextEdit (resultRange test) (T.unlines resultLines)
484The result of evaluating a test line can be:
485* a value
486* nothing
487* a (possibly multiline) error message
489A value is returned for a correct expression.
491Either a pure value:
492>>> 'h' :"askell"
495Or an 'IO a' (output on stdout/stderr is ignored):
496>>> print "OK" >> return "ABC"
499Nothing is returned for a correct directive:
501>>>:set -XFlexibleInstances
502>>> import Data.Maybe
504Nothing is returned for a correct declaration (let..,x=, data, class)
506>>> let x = 11
507>>> y = 22
508>>> data B = T | F
509>>> class C a
511Nothing is returned for an empty line:
515A, possibly multi line, error is returned for a wrong declaration, directive or value or an exception thrown by the evaluated code:
517>>>:set -XNonExistent
518Unknown extension: "NonExistent"
520>>> cls C
521Variable not in scope: cls :: t0 -> ()
522Data constructor not in scope: C
524>>> "A
525lexical error in string/character literal at end of input
527>>> 3 `div` 0
528divide by zero
530>>> error "Something went wrong\nbad times" :: E.SomeException
531Something went wrong
532bad times
534Or for a value that does not have a Show instance and can therefore not be displayed:
535>>> data V = V
536>>> V
537No instance for (Show V)
539evals :: TEnv -> DynFlags -> [Statement] -> Ghc [Text]
540evals (st, fp) df stmts = do
541    er <- gStrictTry $ mapM eval stmts
542    return $ case er of
543        Left err -> errorLines err
544        Right rs -> concat . catMaybes $ rs
545  where
546    dbg = logWith st
547    eval :: Statement -> Ghc (Maybe [Text])
548    eval (Located l stmt)
549        | -- GHCi flags
550          Just (words -> flags) <- parseSetFlags stmt = do
551            dbg "{:SET" flags
552            ndf <- getInteractiveDynFlags
553            dbg "pre set" $ showDynFlags ndf
554            eans <-
555                liftIO $ try @GhcException $
556                parseDynamicFlagsCmdLine ndf
557                (map (L $ UnhelpfulSpan unhelpfulReason) flags)
558            dbg "parsed flags" $ eans
559              <&> (_1 %~ showDynFlags >>> _3 %~ map warnMsg)
560            case eans of
561                Left err -> pure $ Just $ errorLines $ show err
562                Right (df', ignoreds, warns) -> do
563                    let warnings = do
564                            guard $ not $ null warns
565                            pure $ errorLines $
566                                unlines $
567                                map prettyWarn warns
568                        igns = do
569                            guard $ not $ null ignoreds
570                            pure
571                                ["Some flags have not been recognized: "
572                                <> T.pack (intercalate ", " $ map SrcLoc.unLoc ignoreds)
573                                ]
574                    dbg "post set" $ showDynFlags df'
575                    _ <- setSessionDynFlags df'
576                    sessDyns <- getSessionDynFlags
577                    setInteractiveDynFlags sessDyns
578                    pure $ warnings <> igns
579        | -- A type/kind command
580          Just (cmd, arg) <- parseGhciLikeCmd $ T.pack stmt =
581            evalGhciLikeCmd cmd arg
582        | -- A statement
583          isStmt pf stmt =
584            do
585                dbg "{STMT " stmt
586                res <- exec stmt l
587                r <- case res of
588                    Left err -> return . Just . errorLines $ err
589                    Right x  -> return $ singleLine <$> x
590                dbg "STMT} -> " r
591                return r
592        | -- An import
593          isImport pf stmt =
594            do
595                dbg "{IMPORT " stmt
596                _ <- addImport stmt
597                return Nothing
598        | -- A declaration
599          otherwise =
600            do
601                dbg "{DECL " stmt
602                void $ runDecls stmt
603                return Nothing
604#if !MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
605    pf = df
606    unhelpfulReason = "<interactive>"
608    pf = mkParserFlags df
609    unhelpfulReason = UnhelpfulInteractive
611    exec stmt l =
612        let opts = execOptions{execSourceFile = fp, execLineNumber = l}
613         in myExecStmt stmt opts
615prettyWarn :: Warn -> String
616prettyWarn Warn{..} =
617    prettyPrint (SrcLoc.getLoc warnMsg) <> ": warning:\n"
618    <> "    " <> SrcLoc.unLoc warnMsg
620ghcSessionDepsDefinition :: HscEnvEq -> NormalizedFilePath -> Action HscEnv
621ghcSessionDepsDefinition env file = do
622        let hsc = hscEnvWithImportPaths env
623        deps <- use_ GetDependencies file
624        let tdeps = transitiveModuleDeps deps
625        ifaces <- uses_ GetModIface tdeps
627        -- Currently GetDependencies returns things in topological order so A comes before B if A imports B.
628        -- We need to reverse this as GHC gets very unhappy otherwise and complains about broken interfaces.
629        -- Long-term we might just want to change the order returned by GetDependencies
630        let inLoadOrder = reverse (map hirHomeMod ifaces)
632        liftIO $ loadModulesHome inLoadOrder <$> setupFinderCache (map hirModSummary ifaces) hsc
634runGetSession :: MonadIO m => IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> m HscEnv
635runGetSession st nfp = liftIO $ runAction "eval" st $ do
636    -- Create a new GHC Session rather than reusing an existing one
637    -- to avoid interfering with ghcide
638    IdeGhcSession{loadSessionFun} <- useNoFile_ GhcSessionIO
639    let fp = fromNormalizedFilePath nfp
640    ((_, res),_) <- liftIO $ loadSessionFun fp
641    let hscEnv = fromMaybe (error $ "Unknown file: " <> fp) res
642    ghcSessionDepsDefinition hscEnv nfp
644needsQuickCheck :: [(Section, Test)] -> Bool
645needsQuickCheck = any (isProperty . snd)
647hasQuickCheck :: DynFlags -> Bool
648hasQuickCheck df = hasPackage df "QuickCheck"
650singleLine :: String -> [Text]
651singleLine s = [T.pack s]
653{- |
654 Convert error messages to a list of text lines
655 Remove unnecessary information.
657errorLines :: String -> [Text]
658errorLines =
659        dropWhileEnd T.null
660        . takeWhile (not . ("CallStack" `T.isPrefixOf`))
661        . T.lines
662        . T.pack
664{- |
665>>> map (pad_ (T.pack "--")) (map T.pack ["2+2",""])
668pad_ :: Text -> Text -> Text
669pad_ prefix = (prefix `T.append`) . convertBlank
671convertBlank :: Text -> Text
672convertBlank x
673    | T.null x = "<BLANKLINE>"
674    | otherwise = x
676padPrefix :: IsString p => Format -> p
677padPrefix SingleLine = "-- "
678padPrefix _          = ""
680{- | Resulting @Text@ MUST NOT prefix each line with @--@
681   Such comment-related post-process will be taken place
682   solely in 'evalGhciLikeCmd'.
684type GHCiLikeCmd = DynFlags -> Text -> Ghc (Maybe Text)
686-- Should we use some sort of trie here?
687ghciLikeCommands :: [(Text, GHCiLikeCmd)]
688ghciLikeCommands =
689    [ ("info", doInfoCmd False)
690    , ("info!", doInfoCmd True)
691    , ("kind", doKindCmd False)
692    , ("kind!", doKindCmd True)
693    , ("type", doTypeCmd)
694    ]
696evalGhciLikeCmd :: Text -> Text -> Ghc (Maybe [Text])
697evalGhciLikeCmd cmd arg = do
698    df <- getSessionDynFlags
699    case lookup cmd ghciLikeCommands
700        <|> snd
701        <$> find (T.isPrefixOf cmd . fst) ghciLikeCommands of
702        Just hndler ->
703            fmap
704                T.lines
705                <$> hndler df arg
706        _ -> E.throw $ GhciLikeCmdNotImplemented cmd arg
708doInfoCmd :: Bool -> DynFlags -> Text -> Ghc (Maybe Text)
709doInfoCmd allInfo dflags s = do
710    sdocs <- mapM infoThing (T.words s)
711    pure $ Just $ T.pack $ showSDoc dflags (vcat sdocs)
712    where
713        infoThing :: GHC.GhcMonad m => Text -> m SDoc
714        infoThing (T.unpack -> str) = do
715            names     <- GHC.parseName str
716            mb_stuffs <- mapM (GHC.getInfo allInfo) names
717            let filtered = filterOutChildren (\(t,_f,_ci,_fi,_sd) -> t)
718                                            (catMaybes mb_stuffs)
719            return $ vcat (intersperse (text "") $ map pprInfo filtered)
721        filterOutChildren :: (a -> TyThing) -> [a] -> [a]
722        filterOutChildren get_thing xs
723            = filter (not . has_parent) xs
724            where
725                all_names = mkNameSet (map (getName . get_thing) xs)
726                has_parent x = case tyThingParent_maybe (get_thing x) of
727                                Just p  -> getName p `elemNameSet` all_names
728                                Nothing -> False
730        pprInfo :: (TyThing, Fixity, [GHC.ClsInst], [GHC.FamInst], SDoc) -> SDoc
731        pprInfo (thing, fixity, cls_insts, fam_insts, docs)
732            =  docs
733            $$ pprTyThingInContextLoc thing
734            $$ showFixity thing fixity
735            $$ vcat (map GHC.pprInstance cls_insts)
736            $$ vcat (map GHC.pprFamInst  fam_insts)
738        pprTyThingInContextLoc :: TyThing -> SDoc
739        pprTyThingInContextLoc tyThing
740            = showWithLoc (pprDefinedAt (getName tyThing))
741                          (pprTyThingInContext showToHeader tyThing)
743        showWithLoc :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
744        showWithLoc loc doc
745            = hang doc 2 (text "\t--" <+> loc)
747        showFixity :: TyThing -> Fixity -> SDoc
748        showFixity thing fixity
749            | fixity /= GHC.defaultFixity || isSymOcc (getOccName thing)
750                = ppr fixity <+> pprInfixName (GHC.getName thing)
751            | otherwise = empty
753doKindCmd :: Bool -> DynFlags -> Text -> Ghc (Maybe Text)
754doKindCmd False df arg = do
755    let input = T.strip arg
756    (_, kind) <- typeKind False $ T.unpack input
757    let kindText = text (T.unpack input) <+> "::" <+> pprTypeForUser kind
758    pure $ Just $ T.pack (showSDoc df kindText)
759doKindCmd True df arg = do
760    let input = T.strip arg
761    (ty, kind) <- typeKind True $ T.unpack input
762    let kindDoc = text (T.unpack input) <+> "::" <+> pprTypeForUser kind
763        tyDoc = "=" <+> pprTypeForUser ty
764    pure $ Just $ T.pack (showSDoc df $ kindDoc $$ tyDoc)
766doTypeCmd :: DynFlags -> Text -> Ghc (Maybe Text)
767doTypeCmd dflags arg = do
768    let (emod, expr) = parseExprMode arg
769    ty <- exprType emod $ T.unpack expr
770    let rawType = T.strip $ T.pack $ showSDoc dflags $ pprTypeForUser ty
771        broken = T.any (\c -> c == '\r' || c == '\n') rawType
772    pure $
773        Just $
774            if broken
775                then
776                    T.pack $
777                        showSDoc dflags $
778                            text (T.unpack expr)
779                                $$ nest 2 ("::" <+> pprTypeForUser ty)
780                else expr <> " :: " <> rawType <> "\n"
782parseExprMode :: Text -> (TcRnExprMode, T.Text)
783parseExprMode rawArg = case T.break isSpace rawArg of
784    ("+v", rest) -> (TM_NoInst, T.strip rest)
785    ("+d", rest) -> (TM_Default, T.strip rest)
786    _            -> (TM_Inst, rawArg)
788data GhciLikeCmdException = GhciLikeCmdNotImplemented
789    { ghciCmdName :: Text
790    , ghciCmdArg  :: Text
791    }
792    deriving (Typeable)
794instance Show GhciLikeCmdException where
795    showsPrec _ GhciLikeCmdNotImplemented{..} =
796        showString "unknown command '"
797            . showString (T.unpack ghciCmdName)
798            . showChar '\''
800instance E.Exception GhciLikeCmdException
803>>> parseGhciLikeCmd (T.pack ":kind! N + M + 1")
804Just ("kind!","N + M + 1")
805>>> parseGhciLikeCmd (T.pack ":kind a")
806Just ("kind","a")
808parseGhciLikeCmd :: Text -> Maybe (Text, Text)
809parseGhciLikeCmd input = do
810    (':', rest) <- T.uncons $ T.stripStart input
811    pure $ second T.strip $ T.break isSpace rest
813setupDynFlagsForGHCiLike :: HscEnv -> DynFlags -> IO DynFlags
814setupDynFlagsForGHCiLike env dflags = do
815    let dflags3 =
816            dflags
817                { hscTarget = HscInterpreted
818                , ghcMode = CompManager
819                , ghcLink = LinkInMemory
820                }
821        platform = targetPlatform dflags3
822#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
823        evalWays = hostFullWays
825        evalWays = interpWays
827        dflags3a = dflags3{ways = evalWays}
828        dflags3b =
829            foldl gopt_set dflags3a $
830                concatMap (wayGeneralFlags platform) evalWays
831        dflags3c =
832            foldl gopt_unset dflags3b $
833                concatMap (wayUnsetGeneralFlags platform) evalWays
834        dflags4 =
835            dflags3c
836                `gopt_set` Opt_ImplicitImportQualified
837                `gopt_set` Opt_IgnoreOptimChanges
838                `gopt_set` Opt_IgnoreHpcChanges
839                `gopt_unset` Opt_DiagnosticsShowCaret
840    initializePlugins env dflags4