2{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
8-- |
9-- Module      :  Distribution.Simple.Setup
10-- Copyright   :  Isaac Jones 2003-2004
11--                Duncan Coutts 2007
12-- License     :  BSD3
14-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
15-- Portability :  portable
17-- This is a big module, but not very complicated. The code is very regular
18-- and repetitive. It defines the command line interface for all the Cabal
19-- commands. For each command (like @configure@, @build@ etc) it defines a type
20-- that holds all the flags, the default set of flags and a 'CommandUI' that
21-- maps command line flags to and from the corresponding flags type.
23-- All the flags types are instances of 'Monoid', see
24-- <http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/cabal-devel/2007-December/001509.html>
25-- for an explanation.
27-- The types defined here get used in the front end and especially in
28-- @cabal-install@ which has to do quite a bit of manipulating sets of command
29-- line flags.
31-- This is actually relatively nice, it works quite well. The main change it
32-- needs is to unify it with the code for managing sets of fields that can be
33-- read and written from files. This would allow us to save configure flags in
34-- config files.
36module Distribution.Simple.Setup (
38  GlobalFlags(..),   emptyGlobalFlags,   defaultGlobalFlags,   globalCommand,
39  ConfigFlags(..),   emptyConfigFlags,   defaultConfigFlags,   configureCommand,
40  configPrograms,
41  configAbsolutePaths, readPackageDbList, showPackageDbList,
42  CopyFlags(..),     emptyCopyFlags,     defaultCopyFlags,     copyCommand,
43  InstallFlags(..),  emptyInstallFlags,  defaultInstallFlags,  installCommand,
44  DoctestFlags(..),  emptyDoctestFlags,  defaultDoctestFlags,  doctestCommand,
45  HaddockTarget(..),
46  HaddockFlags(..),  emptyHaddockFlags,  defaultHaddockFlags,  haddockCommand,
47  HscolourFlags(..), emptyHscolourFlags, defaultHscolourFlags, hscolourCommand,
48  BuildFlags(..),    emptyBuildFlags,    defaultBuildFlags,    buildCommand,
49  ShowBuildInfoFlags(..),                defaultShowBuildFlags, showBuildInfoCommand,
50  ReplFlags(..),                         defaultReplFlags,     replCommand,
51  CleanFlags(..),    emptyCleanFlags,    defaultCleanFlags,    cleanCommand,
52  RegisterFlags(..), emptyRegisterFlags, defaultRegisterFlags, registerCommand,
53                                                               unregisterCommand,
54  SDistFlags(..),    emptySDistFlags,    defaultSDistFlags,    sdistCommand,
55  TestFlags(..),     emptyTestFlags,     defaultTestFlags,     testCommand,
56  TestShowDetails(..),
57  BenchmarkFlags(..), emptyBenchmarkFlags,
58  defaultBenchmarkFlags, benchmarkCommand,
59  CopyDest(..),
60  configureArgs, configureOptions, configureCCompiler, configureLinker,
61  buildOptions, haddockOptions, installDirsOptions,
62  testOptions', benchmarkOptions',
63  programDbOptions, programDbPaths',
64  programFlagsDescription,
65  replOptions,
66  splitArgs,
68  defaultDistPref, optionDistPref,
70  Flag(..),
71  toFlag,
72  fromFlag,
73  fromFlagOrDefault,
74  flagToMaybe,
75  flagToList,
76  maybeToFlag,
77  BooleanFlag(..),
78  boolOpt, boolOpt', trueArg, falseArg,
79  optionVerbosity, optionNumJobs) where
81import Prelude ()
82import Distribution.Compat.Prelude hiding (get)
84import Distribution.Compiler
85import Distribution.ReadE
86import Distribution.Parsec
87import Distribution.Pretty
88import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
89import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
90import Distribution.ModuleName
91import Distribution.PackageDescription
92import Distribution.Simple.Command hiding (boolOpt, boolOpt')
93import qualified Distribution.Simple.Command as Command
94import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
95import Distribution.Simple.Flag
96import Distribution.Simple.Utils
97import Distribution.Simple.Program
98import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
99import Distribution.Verbosity
100import Distribution.Utils.NubList
101import Distribution.Types.ComponentId
102import Distribution.Types.GivenComponent
103import Distribution.Types.Module
104import Distribution.Types.PackageVersionConstraint
106import Distribution.Compat.Stack
107import Distribution.Compat.Semigroup (Last' (..), Option' (..))
109-- FIXME Not sure where this should live
110defaultDistPref :: FilePath
111defaultDistPref = "dist"
113-- ------------------------------------------------------------
114-- * Global flags
115-- ------------------------------------------------------------
117-- In fact since individual flags types are monoids and these are just sets of
118-- flags then they are also monoids pointwise. This turns out to be really
119-- useful. The mempty is the set of empty flags and mappend allows us to
120-- override specific flags. For example we can start with default flags and
121-- override with the ones we get from a file or the command line, or both.
123-- | Flags that apply at the top level, not to any sub-command.
124data GlobalFlags = GlobalFlags {
125    globalVersion        :: Flag Bool,
126    globalNumericVersion :: Flag Bool
127  } deriving (Generic, Typeable)
129defaultGlobalFlags :: GlobalFlags
130defaultGlobalFlags  = GlobalFlags {
131    globalVersion        = Flag False,
132    globalNumericVersion = Flag False
133  }
135globalCommand :: [Command action] -> CommandUI GlobalFlags
136globalCommand commands = CommandUI
137  { commandName         = ""
138  , commandSynopsis     = ""
139  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
140         "This Setup program uses the Haskell Cabal Infrastructure.\n"
141      ++ "See http://www.haskell.org/cabal/ for more information.\n"
142      ++ "\n"
143      ++ "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " [GLOBAL FLAGS] [COMMAND [FLAGS]]\n"
144  , commandDescription = Just $ \pname ->
145      let
146        commands' = commands ++ [commandAddAction helpCommandUI undefined]
147        cmdDescs = getNormalCommandDescriptions commands'
148        maxlen    = maximum $ [length name | (name, _) <- cmdDescs]
149        align str = str ++ replicate (maxlen - length str) ' '
150      in
151         "Commands:\n"
152      ++ unlines [ "  " ++ align name ++ "    " ++ descr
153                 | (name, descr) <- cmdDescs ]
154      ++ "\n"
155      ++ "For more information about a command use\n"
156      ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " COMMAND --help\n\n"
157      ++ "Typical steps for installing Cabal packages:\n"
158      ++ concat [ "  " ++ pname ++ " " ++ x ++ "\n"
159                | x <- ["configure", "build", "install"]]
160  , commandNotes        = Nothing
161  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultGlobalFlags
162  , commandOptions      = \_ ->
163      [option ['V'] ["version"]
164         "Print version information"
165         globalVersion (\v flags -> flags { globalVersion = v })
166         trueArg
167      ,option [] ["numeric-version"]
168         "Print just the version number"
169         globalNumericVersion (\v flags -> flags { globalNumericVersion = v })
170         trueArg
171      ]
172  }
174emptyGlobalFlags :: GlobalFlags
175emptyGlobalFlags = mempty
177instance Monoid GlobalFlags where
178  mempty = gmempty
179  mappend = (<>)
181instance Semigroup GlobalFlags where
182  (<>) = gmappend
184-- ------------------------------------------------------------
185-- * Config flags
186-- ------------------------------------------------------------
188-- | Flags to @configure@ command.
190-- IMPORTANT: every time a new flag is added, 'D.C.Setup.filterConfigureFlags'
191-- should be updated.
192-- IMPORTANT: every time a new flag is added, it should be added to the Eq instance
193data ConfigFlags = ConfigFlags {
194    -- This is the same hack as in 'buildArgs' and 'copyArgs'.
195    -- TODO: Stop using this eventually when 'UserHooks' gets changed
196    configArgs :: [String],
198    --FIXME: the configPrograms is only here to pass info through to configure
199    -- because the type of configure is constrained by the UserHooks.
200    -- when we change UserHooks next we should pass the initial
201    -- ProgramDb directly and not via ConfigFlags
202    configPrograms_     :: Option' (Last' ProgramDb), -- ^All programs that
203                                                      -- @cabal@ may run
205    configProgramPaths  :: [(String, FilePath)], -- ^user specified programs paths
206    configProgramArgs   :: [(String, [String])], -- ^user specified programs args
207    configProgramPathExtra :: NubList FilePath,  -- ^Extend the $PATH
208    configHcFlavor      :: Flag CompilerFlavor, -- ^The \"flavor\" of the
209                                                -- compiler, e.g. GHC.
210    configHcPath        :: Flag FilePath, -- ^given compiler location
211    configHcPkg         :: Flag FilePath, -- ^given hc-pkg location
212    configVanillaLib    :: Flag Bool,     -- ^Enable vanilla library
213    configProfLib       :: Flag Bool,     -- ^Enable profiling in the library
214    configSharedLib     :: Flag Bool,     -- ^Build shared library
215    configStaticLib     :: Flag Bool,     -- ^Build static library
216    configDynExe        :: Flag Bool,     -- ^Enable dynamic linking of the
217                                          -- executables.
218    configFullyStaticExe :: Flag Bool,     -- ^Enable fully static linking of the
219                                          -- executables.
220    configProfExe       :: Flag Bool,     -- ^Enable profiling in the
221                                          -- executables.
222    configProf          :: Flag Bool,     -- ^Enable profiling in the library
223                                          -- and executables.
224    configProfDetail    :: Flag ProfDetailLevel, -- ^Profiling detail level
225                                          --  in the library and executables.
226    configProfLibDetail :: Flag ProfDetailLevel, -- ^Profiling  detail level
227                                                 -- in the library
228    configConfigureArgs :: [String],      -- ^Extra arguments to @configure@
229    configOptimization  :: Flag OptimisationLevel,  -- ^Enable optimization.
230    configProgPrefix    :: Flag PathTemplate, -- ^Installed executable prefix.
231    configProgSuffix    :: Flag PathTemplate, -- ^Installed executable suffix.
232    configInstallDirs   :: InstallDirs (Flag PathTemplate), -- ^Installation
233                                                            -- paths
234    configScratchDir    :: Flag FilePath,
235    configExtraLibDirs  :: [FilePath],   -- ^ path to search for extra libraries
236    configExtraFrameworkDirs :: [FilePath],   -- ^ path to search for extra
237                                              -- frameworks (OS X only)
238    configExtraIncludeDirs :: [FilePath],   -- ^ path to search for header files
239    configIPID          :: Flag String, -- ^ explicit IPID to be used
240    configCID           :: Flag ComponentId, -- ^ explicit CID to be used
241    configDeterministic :: Flag Bool, -- ^ be as deterministic as possible
242                                      -- (e.g., invariant over GHC, database,
243                                      -- etc).  Used by the test suite
245    configDistPref :: Flag FilePath, -- ^"dist" prefix
246    configCabalFilePath :: Flag FilePath, -- ^ Cabal file to use
247    configVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity, -- ^verbosity level
248    configUserInstall :: Flag Bool,    -- ^The --user\/--global flag
249    configPackageDBs :: [Maybe PackageDB], -- ^Which package DBs to use
250    configGHCiLib   :: Flag Bool,      -- ^Enable compiling library for GHCi
251    configSplitSections :: Flag Bool,      -- ^Enable -split-sections with GHC
252    configSplitObjs :: Flag Bool,      -- ^Enable -split-objs with GHC
253    configStripExes :: Flag Bool,      -- ^Enable executable stripping
254    configStripLibs :: Flag Bool,      -- ^Enable library stripping
255    configConstraints :: [PackageVersionConstraint], -- ^Additional constraints for
256                                                     -- dependencies.
257    configDependencies :: [GivenComponent],
258      -- ^The packages depended on.
259    configInstantiateWith :: [(ModuleName, Module)],
260      -- ^ The requested Backpack instantiation.  If empty, either this
261      -- package does not use Backpack, or we just want to typecheck
262      -- the indefinite package.
263    configConfigurationsFlags :: FlagAssignment,
264    configTests               :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable test suite compilation
265    configBenchmarks          :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable benchmark compilation
266    configCoverage :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable program coverage
267    configLibCoverage :: Flag Bool, -- ^Enable program coverage (deprecated)
268    configExactConfiguration  :: Flag Bool,
269      -- ^All direct dependencies and flags are provided on the command line by
270      -- the user via the '--dependency' and '--flags' options.
271    configFlagError :: Flag String,
272      -- ^Halt and show an error message indicating an error in flag assignment
273    configRelocatable :: Flag Bool, -- ^ Enable relocatable package built
274    configDebugInfo :: Flag DebugInfoLevel,  -- ^ Emit debug info.
275    configUseResponseFiles :: Flag Bool,
276      -- ^ Whether to use response files at all. They're used for such tools
277      -- as haddock, or ld.
278    configAllowDependingOnPrivateLibs :: Flag Bool
279      -- ^ Allow depending on private sublibraries. This is used by external
280      -- tools (like cabal-install) so they can add multiple-public-libraries
281      -- compatibility to older ghcs by checking visibility externally.
282  }
283  deriving (Generic, Read, Show, Typeable)
285instance Binary ConfigFlags
286instance Structured ConfigFlags
288-- | More convenient version of 'configPrograms'. Results in an
289-- 'error' if internal invariant is violated.
290configPrograms :: WithCallStack (ConfigFlags -> ProgramDb)
291configPrograms = fromMaybe (error "FIXME: remove configPrograms") . fmap getLast'
292               . getOption' . configPrograms_
294instance Eq ConfigFlags where
295  (==) a b =
296    -- configPrograms skipped: not user specified, has no Eq instance
297    equal configProgramPaths
298    && equal configProgramArgs
299    && equal configProgramPathExtra
300    && equal configHcFlavor
301    && equal configHcPath
302    && equal configHcPkg
303    && equal configVanillaLib
304    && equal configProfLib
305    && equal configSharedLib
306    && equal configStaticLib
307    && equal configDynExe
308    && equal configFullyStaticExe
309    && equal configProfExe
310    && equal configProf
311    && equal configProfDetail
312    && equal configProfLibDetail
313    && equal configConfigureArgs
314    && equal configOptimization
315    && equal configProgPrefix
316    && equal configProgSuffix
317    && equal configInstallDirs
318    && equal configScratchDir
319    && equal configExtraLibDirs
320    && equal configExtraIncludeDirs
321    && equal configIPID
322    && equal configDeterministic
323    && equal configDistPref
324    && equal configVerbosity
325    && equal configUserInstall
326    && equal configPackageDBs
327    && equal configGHCiLib
328    && equal configSplitSections
329    && equal configSplitObjs
330    && equal configStripExes
331    && equal configStripLibs
332    && equal configConstraints
333    && equal configDependencies
334    && equal configConfigurationsFlags
335    && equal configTests
336    && equal configBenchmarks
337    && equal configCoverage
338    && equal configLibCoverage
339    && equal configExactConfiguration
340    && equal configFlagError
341    && equal configRelocatable
342    && equal configDebugInfo
343    && equal configUseResponseFiles
344    where
345      equal f = on (==) f a b
347configAbsolutePaths :: ConfigFlags -> IO ConfigFlags
348configAbsolutePaths f =
349  (\v -> f { configPackageDBs = v })
350  `liftM` traverse (maybe (return Nothing) (liftM Just . absolutePackageDBPath))
351  (configPackageDBs f)
353defaultConfigFlags :: ProgramDb -> ConfigFlags
354defaultConfigFlags progDb = emptyConfigFlags {
355    configArgs         = [],
356    configPrograms_    = Option' (Just (Last' progDb)),
357    configHcFlavor     = maybe NoFlag Flag defaultCompilerFlavor,
358    configVanillaLib   = Flag True,
359    configProfLib      = NoFlag,
360    configSharedLib    = NoFlag,
361    configStaticLib    = NoFlag,
362    configDynExe       = Flag False,
363    configFullyStaticExe = Flag False,
364    configProfExe      = NoFlag,
365    configProf         = NoFlag,
366    configProfDetail   = NoFlag,
367    configProfLibDetail= NoFlag,
368    configOptimization = Flag NormalOptimisation,
369    configProgPrefix   = Flag (toPathTemplate ""),
370    configProgSuffix   = Flag (toPathTemplate ""),
371    configDistPref     = NoFlag,
372    configCabalFilePath = NoFlag,
373    configVerbosity    = Flag normal,
374    configUserInstall  = Flag False,           --TODO: reverse this
375#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
376    -- See #1589.
377    configGHCiLib      = Flag True,
379    configGHCiLib      = NoFlag,
381    configSplitSections = Flag False,
382    configSplitObjs    = Flag False, -- takes longer, so turn off by default
383    configStripExes    = NoFlag,
384    configStripLibs    = NoFlag,
385    configTests        = Flag False,
386    configBenchmarks   = Flag False,
387    configCoverage     = Flag False,
388    configLibCoverage  = NoFlag,
389    configExactConfiguration = Flag False,
390    configFlagError    = NoFlag,
391    configRelocatable  = Flag False,
392    configDebugInfo    = Flag NoDebugInfo,
393    configUseResponseFiles = NoFlag
394  }
396configureCommand :: ProgramDb -> CommandUI ConfigFlags
397configureCommand progDb = CommandUI
398  { commandName         = "configure"
399  , commandSynopsis     = "Prepare to build the package."
400  , commandDescription  = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $
401         "Configure how the package is built by setting "
402      ++ "package (and other) flags.\n"
403      ++ "\n"
404      ++ "The configuration affects several other commands, "
405      ++ "including build, test, bench, run, repl.\n"
406  , commandNotes        = Just $ \_pname -> programFlagsDescription progDb
407  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
408      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " configure [FLAGS]\n"
409  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultConfigFlags progDb
410  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
411         configureOptions showOrParseArgs
412      ++ programDbPaths   progDb showOrParseArgs
413           configProgramPaths (\v fs -> fs { configProgramPaths = v })
414      ++ programDbOption progDb showOrParseArgs
415           configProgramArgs (\v fs -> fs { configProgramArgs = v })
416      ++ programDbOptions progDb showOrParseArgs
417           configProgramArgs (\v fs -> fs { configProgramArgs = v })
418  }
420-- | Inverse to 'dispModSubstEntry'.
421parsecModSubstEntry :: ParsecParser (ModuleName, Module)
422parsecModSubstEntry = do
423    k <- parsec
424    _ <- P.char '='
425    v <- parsec
426    return (k, v)
428-- | Pretty-print a single entry of a module substitution.
429dispModSubstEntry :: (ModuleName, Module) -> Disp.Doc
430dispModSubstEntry (k, v) = pretty k <<>> Disp.char '=' <<>> pretty v
432configureOptions :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField ConfigFlags]
433configureOptions showOrParseArgs =
434      [optionVerbosity configVerbosity
435       (\v flags -> flags { configVerbosity = v })
436      ,optionDistPref
437         configDistPref (\d flags -> flags { configDistPref = d })
438         showOrParseArgs
440      ,option [] ["compiler"] "compiler"
441         configHcFlavor (\v flags -> flags { configHcFlavor = v })
442         (choiceOpt [ (Flag GHC,   ("g", ["ghc"]),   "compile with GHC")
443                    , (Flag GHCJS, ([] , ["ghcjs"]), "compile with GHCJS")
444                    , (Flag UHC,   ([] , ["uhc"]),   "compile with UHC")
445                    -- "haskell-suite" compiler id string will be replaced
446                    -- by a more specific one during the configure stage
447                    , (Flag (HaskellSuite "haskell-suite"), ([] , ["haskell-suite"]),
448                        "compile with a haskell-suite compiler")])
450      ,option "" ["cabal-file"]
451         "use this Cabal file"
452         configCabalFilePath (\v flags -> flags { configCabalFilePath = v })
453         (reqArgFlag "PATH")
455      ,option "w" ["with-compiler"]
456         "give the path to a particular compiler"
457         configHcPath (\v flags -> flags { configHcPath = v })
458         (reqArgFlag "PATH")
460      ,option "" ["with-hc-pkg"]
461         "give the path to the package tool"
462         configHcPkg (\v flags -> flags { configHcPkg = v })
463         (reqArgFlag "PATH")
464      ]
465   ++ map liftInstallDirs installDirsOptions
466   ++ [option "" ["program-prefix"]
467          "prefix to be applied to installed executables"
468          configProgPrefix
469          (\v flags -> flags { configProgPrefix = v })
470          (reqPathTemplateArgFlag "PREFIX")
472      ,option "" ["program-suffix"]
473          "suffix to be applied to installed executables"
474          configProgSuffix (\v flags -> flags { configProgSuffix = v } )
475          (reqPathTemplateArgFlag "SUFFIX")
477      ,option "" ["library-vanilla"]
478         "Vanilla libraries"
479         configVanillaLib (\v flags -> flags { configVanillaLib = v })
480         (boolOpt [] [])
482      ,option "p" ["library-profiling"]
483         "Library profiling"
484         configProfLib (\v flags -> flags { configProfLib = v })
485         (boolOpt "p" [])
487      ,option "" ["shared"]
488         "Shared library"
489         configSharedLib (\v flags -> flags { configSharedLib = v })
490         (boolOpt [] [])
492      ,option "" ["static"]
493         "Static library"
494         configStaticLib (\v flags -> flags { configStaticLib = v })
495         (boolOpt [] [])
497      ,option "" ["executable-dynamic"]
498         "Executable dynamic linking"
499         configDynExe (\v flags -> flags { configDynExe = v })
500         (boolOpt [] [])
502      ,option "" ["executable-static"]
503         "Executable fully static linking"
504         configFullyStaticExe (\v flags -> flags { configFullyStaticExe = v })
505         (boolOpt [] [])
507      ,option "" ["profiling"]
508         "Executable and library profiling"
509         configProf (\v flags -> flags { configProf = v })
510         (boolOpt [] [])
512      ,option "" ["executable-profiling"]
513         "Executable profiling (DEPRECATED)"
514         configProfExe (\v flags -> flags { configProfExe = v })
515         (boolOpt [] [])
517      ,option "" ["profiling-detail"]
518         ("Profiling detail level for executable and library (default, " ++
519          "none, exported-functions, toplevel-functions,  all-functions).")
520         configProfDetail (\v flags -> flags { configProfDetail = v })
521         (reqArg' "level" (Flag . flagToProfDetailLevel)
522                          showProfDetailLevelFlag)
524      ,option "" ["library-profiling-detail"]
525         "Profiling detail level for libraries only."
526         configProfLibDetail (\v flags -> flags { configProfLibDetail = v })
527         (reqArg' "level" (Flag . flagToProfDetailLevel)
528                          showProfDetailLevelFlag)
530      ,multiOption "optimization"
531         configOptimization (\v flags -> flags { configOptimization = v })
532         [optArg' "n" (Flag . flagToOptimisationLevel)
533                     (\f -> case f of
534                              Flag NoOptimisation      -> []
535                              Flag NormalOptimisation  -> [Nothing]
536                              Flag MaximumOptimisation -> [Just "2"]
537                              _                        -> [])
538                 "O" ["enable-optimization","enable-optimisation"]
539                 "Build with optimization (n is 0--2, default is 1)",
540          noArg (Flag NoOptimisation) []
541                ["disable-optimization","disable-optimisation"]
542                "Build without optimization"
543         ]
545      ,multiOption "debug-info"
546         configDebugInfo (\v flags -> flags { configDebugInfo = v })
547         [optArg' "n" (Flag . flagToDebugInfoLevel)
548                     (\f -> case f of
549                              Flag NoDebugInfo      -> []
550                              Flag MinimalDebugInfo -> [Just "1"]
551                              Flag NormalDebugInfo  -> [Nothing]
552                              Flag MaximalDebugInfo -> [Just "3"]
553                              _                     -> [])
554                 "" ["enable-debug-info"]
555                 "Emit debug info (n is 0--3, default is 0)",
556          noArg (Flag NoDebugInfo) []
557                ["disable-debug-info"]
558                "Don't emit debug info"
559         ]
561      ,option "" ["library-for-ghci"]
562         "compile library for use with GHCi"
563         configGHCiLib (\v flags -> flags { configGHCiLib = v })
564         (boolOpt [] [])
566      ,option "" ["split-sections"]
567         "compile library code such that unneeded definitions can be dropped from the final executable (GHC 7.8+)"
568         configSplitSections (\v flags -> flags { configSplitSections = v })
569         (boolOpt [] [])
571      ,option "" ["split-objs"]
572         "split library into smaller objects to reduce binary sizes (GHC 6.6+)"
573         configSplitObjs (\v flags -> flags { configSplitObjs = v })
574         (boolOpt [] [])
576      ,option "" ["executable-stripping"]
577         "strip executables upon installation to reduce binary sizes"
578         configStripExes (\v flags -> flags { configStripExes = v })
579         (boolOpt [] [])
581      ,option "" ["library-stripping"]
582         "strip libraries upon installation to reduce binary sizes"
583         configStripLibs (\v flags -> flags { configStripLibs = v })
584         (boolOpt [] [])
586      ,option "" ["configure-option"]
587         "Extra option for configure"
588         configConfigureArgs (\v flags -> flags { configConfigureArgs = v })
589         (reqArg' "OPT" (\x -> [x]) id)
591      ,option "" ["user-install"]
592         "doing a per-user installation"
593         configUserInstall (\v flags -> flags { configUserInstall = v })
594         (boolOpt' ([],["user"]) ([], ["global"]))
596      ,option "" ["package-db"]
597         (   "Append the given package database to the list of package"
598          ++ " databases used (to satisfy dependencies and register into)."
599          ++ " May be a specific file, 'global' or 'user'. The initial list"
600          ++ " is ['global'], ['global', 'user'], or ['global', $sandbox],"
601          ++ " depending on context. Use 'clear' to reset the list to empty."
602          ++ " See the user guide for details.")
603         configPackageDBs (\v flags -> flags { configPackageDBs = v })
604         (reqArg' "DB" readPackageDbList showPackageDbList)
606      ,option "f" ["flags"]
607         "Force values for the given flags in Cabal conditionals in the .cabal file.  E.g., --flags=\"debug -usebytestrings\" forces the flag \"debug\" to true and \"usebytestrings\" to false."
608         configConfigurationsFlags (\v flags -> flags { configConfigurationsFlags = v })
609         (reqArg "FLAGS"
610              (parsecToReadE (\err -> "Invalid flag assignment: " ++ err) legacyParsecFlagAssignment)
611              legacyShowFlagAssignment')
613      ,option "" ["extra-include-dirs"]
614         "A list of directories to search for header files"
615         configExtraIncludeDirs (\v flags -> flags {configExtraIncludeDirs = v})
616         (reqArg' "PATH" (\x -> [x]) id)
618      ,option "" ["deterministic"]
619         "Try to be as deterministic as possible (used by the test suite)"
620         configDeterministic (\v flags -> flags {configDeterministic = v})
621         (boolOpt [] [])
623      ,option "" ["ipid"]
624         "Installed package ID to compile this package as"
625         configIPID (\v flags -> flags {configIPID = v})
626         (reqArgFlag "IPID")
628      ,option "" ["cid"]
629         "Installed component ID to compile this component as"
630         (fmap prettyShow . configCID) (\v flags -> flags {configCID = fmap mkComponentId v})
631         (reqArgFlag "CID")
633      ,option "" ["extra-lib-dirs"]
634         "A list of directories to search for external libraries"
635         configExtraLibDirs (\v flags -> flags {configExtraLibDirs = v})
636         (reqArg' "PATH" (\x -> [x]) id)
638      ,option "" ["extra-framework-dirs"]
639         "A list of directories to search for external frameworks (OS X only)"
640         configExtraFrameworkDirs
641         (\v flags -> flags {configExtraFrameworkDirs = v})
642         (reqArg' "PATH" (\x -> [x]) id)
644      ,option "" ["extra-prog-path"]
645         "A list of directories to search for required programs (in addition to the normal search locations)"
646         configProgramPathExtra (\v flags -> flags {configProgramPathExtra = v})
647         (reqArg' "PATH" (\x -> toNubList [x]) fromNubList)
649      ,option "" ["constraint"]
650         "A list of additional constraints on the dependencies."
651         configConstraints (\v flags -> flags { configConstraints = v})
652         (reqArg "DEPENDENCY"
653                 (parsecToReadE (const "dependency expected") ((\x -> [x]) `fmap` parsec))
654                 (map prettyShow))
656      ,option "" ["dependency"]
657         "A list of exact dependencies. E.g., --dependency=\"void=void-0.5.8-177d5cdf20962d0581fe2e4932a6c309\""
658         configDependencies (\v flags -> flags { configDependencies = v})
659         (reqArg "NAME[:COMPONENT_NAME]=CID"
660                 (parsecToReadE (const "dependency expected") ((\x -> [x]) `fmap` parsecGivenComponent))
661                 (map (\(GivenComponent pn cn cid) ->
662                     prettyShow pn
663                     ++ case cn of LMainLibName -> ""
664                                   LSubLibName n -> ":" ++ prettyShow n
665                     ++ "=" ++ prettyShow cid)))
667      ,option "" ["instantiate-with"]
668        "A mapping of signature names to concrete module instantiations."
669        configInstantiateWith (\v flags -> flags { configInstantiateWith = v  })
670        (reqArg "NAME=MOD"
671            (parsecToReadE ("Cannot parse module substitution: " ++) (fmap (:[]) parsecModSubstEntry))
672            (map (Disp.renderStyle defaultStyle . dispModSubstEntry)))
674      ,option "" ["tests"]
675         "dependency checking and compilation for test suites listed in the package description file."
676         configTests (\v flags -> flags { configTests = v })
677         (boolOpt [] [])
679      ,option "" ["coverage"]
680         "build package with Haskell Program Coverage. (GHC only)"
681         configCoverage (\v flags -> flags { configCoverage = v })
682         (boolOpt [] [])
684      ,option "" ["library-coverage"]
685         "build package with Haskell Program Coverage. (GHC only) (DEPRECATED)"
686         configLibCoverage (\v flags -> flags { configLibCoverage = v })
687         (boolOpt [] [])
689      ,option "" ["exact-configuration"]
690         "All direct dependencies and flags are provided on the command line."
691         configExactConfiguration
692         (\v flags -> flags { configExactConfiguration = v })
693         trueArg
695      ,option "" ["benchmarks"]
696         "dependency checking and compilation for benchmarks listed in the package description file."
697         configBenchmarks (\v flags -> flags { configBenchmarks = v })
698         (boolOpt [] [])
700      ,option "" ["relocatable"]
701         "building a package that is relocatable. (GHC only)"
702         configRelocatable (\v flags -> flags { configRelocatable = v})
703         (boolOpt [] [])
705      ,option "" ["response-files"]
706         "enable workaround for old versions of programs like \"ar\" that do not support @file arguments"
707         configUseResponseFiles
708         (\v flags -> flags { configUseResponseFiles = v })
709         (boolOpt' ([], ["disable-response-files"]) ([], []))
711      ,option "" ["allow-depending-on-private-libs"]
712         (  "Allow depending on private libraries. "
713         ++ "If set, the library visibility check MUST be done externally." )
714         configAllowDependingOnPrivateLibs
715         (\v flags -> flags { configAllowDependingOnPrivateLibs = v })
716         trueArg
717      ]
718  where
719    liftInstallDirs =
720      liftOption configInstallDirs (\v flags -> flags { configInstallDirs = v })
722    reqPathTemplateArgFlag title _sf _lf d get set =
723      reqArgFlag title _sf _lf d
724        (fmap fromPathTemplate . get) (set . fmap toPathTemplate)
726readPackageDbList :: String -> [Maybe PackageDB]
727readPackageDbList "clear"  = [Nothing]
728readPackageDbList "global" = [Just GlobalPackageDB]
729readPackageDbList "user"   = [Just UserPackageDB]
730readPackageDbList other    = [Just (SpecificPackageDB other)]
732showPackageDbList :: [Maybe PackageDB] -> [String]
733showPackageDbList = map showPackageDb
734  where
735    showPackageDb Nothing                       = "clear"
736    showPackageDb (Just GlobalPackageDB)        = "global"
737    showPackageDb (Just UserPackageDB)          = "user"
738    showPackageDb (Just (SpecificPackageDB db)) = db
740showProfDetailLevelFlag :: Flag ProfDetailLevel -> [String]
741showProfDetailLevelFlag NoFlag    = []
742showProfDetailLevelFlag (Flag dl) = [showProfDetailLevel dl]
744parsecGivenComponent :: ParsecParser GivenComponent
745parsecGivenComponent = do
746  pn <- parsec
747  ln <- P.option LMainLibName $ do
748    _ <- P.char ':'
749    ucn <- parsec
750    return $ if unUnqualComponentName ucn == unPackageName pn
751             then LMainLibName
752             else LSubLibName ucn
753  _ <- P.char '='
754  cid <- parsec
755  return $ GivenComponent pn ln cid
757installDirsOptions :: [OptionField (InstallDirs (Flag PathTemplate))]
758installDirsOptions =
759  [ option "" ["prefix"]
760      "bake this prefix in preparation of installation"
761      prefix (\v flags -> flags { prefix = v })
762      installDirArg
764  , option "" ["bindir"]
765      "installation directory for executables"
766      bindir (\v flags -> flags { bindir = v })
767      installDirArg
769  , option "" ["libdir"]
770      "installation directory for libraries"
771      libdir (\v flags -> flags { libdir = v })
772      installDirArg
774  , option "" ["libsubdir"]
775      "subdirectory of libdir in which libs are installed"
776      libsubdir (\v flags -> flags { libsubdir = v })
777      installDirArg
779  , option "" ["dynlibdir"]
780      "installation directory for dynamic libraries"
781      dynlibdir (\v flags -> flags { dynlibdir = v })
782      installDirArg
784  , option "" ["libexecdir"]
785      "installation directory for program executables"
786      libexecdir (\v flags -> flags { libexecdir = v })
787      installDirArg
789  , option "" ["libexecsubdir"]
790      "subdirectory of libexecdir in which private executables are installed"
791      libexecsubdir (\v flags -> flags { libexecsubdir = v })
792      installDirArg
794  , option "" ["datadir"]
795      "installation directory for read-only data"
796      datadir (\v flags -> flags { datadir = v })
797      installDirArg
799  , option "" ["datasubdir"]
800      "subdirectory of datadir in which data files are installed"
801      datasubdir (\v flags -> flags { datasubdir = v })
802      installDirArg
804  , option "" ["docdir"]
805      "installation directory for documentation"
806      docdir (\v flags -> flags { docdir = v })
807      installDirArg
809  , option "" ["htmldir"]
810      "installation directory for HTML documentation"
811      htmldir (\v flags -> flags { htmldir = v })
812      installDirArg
814  , option "" ["haddockdir"]
815      "installation directory for haddock interfaces"
816      haddockdir (\v flags -> flags { haddockdir = v })
817      installDirArg
819  , option "" ["sysconfdir"]
820      "installation directory for configuration files"
821      sysconfdir (\v flags -> flags { sysconfdir = v })
822      installDirArg
823  ]
824  where
825    installDirArg _sf _lf d get set =
826      reqArgFlag "DIR" _sf _lf d
827        (fmap fromPathTemplate . get) (set . fmap toPathTemplate)
829emptyConfigFlags :: ConfigFlags
830emptyConfigFlags = mempty
832instance Monoid ConfigFlags where
833  mempty = gmempty
834  mappend = (<>)
836instance Semigroup ConfigFlags where
837  (<>) = gmappend
839-- ------------------------------------------------------------
840-- * Copy flags
841-- ------------------------------------------------------------
843-- | Flags to @copy@: (destdir, copy-prefix (backwards compat), verbosity)
844data CopyFlags = CopyFlags {
845    copyDest      :: Flag CopyDest,
846    copyDistPref  :: Flag FilePath,
847    copyVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity,
848    -- This is the same hack as in 'buildArgs'.  But I (ezyang) don't
849    -- think it's a hack, it's the right way to make hooks more robust
850    -- TODO: Stop using this eventually when 'UserHooks' gets changed
851    copyArgs :: [String],
852    copyCabalFilePath :: Flag FilePath
853  }
854  deriving (Show, Generic)
856defaultCopyFlags :: CopyFlags
857defaultCopyFlags  = CopyFlags {
858    copyDest      = Flag NoCopyDest,
859    copyDistPref  = NoFlag,
860    copyVerbosity = Flag normal,
861    copyArgs      = [],
862    copyCabalFilePath = mempty
863  }
865copyCommand :: CommandUI CopyFlags
866copyCommand = CommandUI
867  { commandName         = "copy"
868  , commandSynopsis     = "Copy the files of all/specific components to install locations."
869  , commandDescription  = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $
870          "Components encompass executables and libraries. "
871       ++ "Does not call register, and allows a prefix at install time. "
872       ++ "Without the --destdir flag, configure determines location.\n"
873  , commandNotes        = Just $ \pname ->
874       "Examples:\n"
875        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " copy           "
876        ++ "    All the components in the package\n"
877        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " copy foo       "
878        ++ "    A component (i.e. lib, exe, test suite)"
879  , commandUsage        = usageAlternatives "copy" $
880      [ "[FLAGS]"
881      , "COMPONENTS [FLAGS]"
882      ]
883  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultCopyFlags
884  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs -> case showOrParseArgs of
885      ShowArgs -> filter ((`notElem` ["target-package-db"])
886                          . optionName) $ copyOptions ShowArgs
887      ParseArgs -> copyOptions ParseArgs
890copyOptions ::  ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField CopyFlags]
891copyOptions showOrParseArgs =
892  [optionVerbosity copyVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { copyVerbosity = v })
894  ,optionDistPref
895    copyDistPref (\d flags -> flags { copyDistPref = d })
896    showOrParseArgs
898  ,option "" ["destdir"]
899    "directory to copy files to, prepended to installation directories"
900    copyDest (\v flags -> case copyDest flags of
901                 Flag (CopyToDb _) -> error "Use either 'destdir' or 'target-package-db'."
902                 _ -> flags { copyDest = v })
903    (reqArg "DIR" (succeedReadE (Flag . CopyTo))
904      (\f -> case f of Flag (CopyTo p) -> [p]; _ -> []))
906  ,option "" ["target-package-db"]
907    "package database to copy files into. Required when using ${pkgroot} prefix."
908    copyDest (\v flags -> case copyDest flags of
909                 NoFlag -> flags { copyDest = v }
910                 Flag NoCopyDest -> flags { copyDest = v }
911                 _ -> error "Use either 'destdir' or 'target-package-db'.")
912    (reqArg "DATABASE" (succeedReadE (Flag . CopyToDb))
913      (\f -> case f of Flag (CopyToDb p) -> [p]; _ -> []))
914  ]
916emptyCopyFlags :: CopyFlags
917emptyCopyFlags = mempty
919instance Monoid CopyFlags where
920  mempty = gmempty
921  mappend = (<>)
923instance Semigroup CopyFlags where
924  (<>) = gmappend
926-- ------------------------------------------------------------
927-- * Install flags
928-- ------------------------------------------------------------
930-- | Flags to @install@: (package db, verbosity)
931data InstallFlags = InstallFlags {
932    installPackageDB :: Flag PackageDB,
933    installDest      :: Flag CopyDest,
934    installDistPref  :: Flag FilePath,
935    installUseWrapper :: Flag Bool,
936    installInPlace    :: Flag Bool,
937    installVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity,
938    -- this is only here, because we can not
939    -- change the hooks API.
940    installCabalFilePath :: Flag FilePath
941  }
942  deriving (Show, Generic)
944defaultInstallFlags :: InstallFlags
945defaultInstallFlags  = InstallFlags {
946    installPackageDB = NoFlag,
947    installDest      = Flag NoCopyDest,
948    installDistPref  = NoFlag,
949    installUseWrapper = Flag False,
950    installInPlace    = Flag False,
951    installVerbosity = Flag normal,
952    installCabalFilePath = mempty
953  }
955installCommand :: CommandUI InstallFlags
956installCommand = CommandUI
957  { commandName         = "install"
958  , commandSynopsis     =
959      "Copy the files into the install locations. Run register."
960  , commandDescription  = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $
961         "Unlike the copy command, install calls the register command."
962      ++ "If you want to install into a location that is not what was"
963      ++ "specified in the configure step, use the copy command.\n"
964  , commandNotes        = Nothing
965  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
966      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " install [FLAGS]\n"
967  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultInstallFlags
968  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs -> case showOrParseArgs of
969      ShowArgs -> filter ((`notElem` ["target-package-db"])
970                          . optionName) $ installOptions ShowArgs
971      ParseArgs -> installOptions ParseArgs
972  }
974installOptions ::  ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField InstallFlags]
975installOptions showOrParseArgs =
976  [optionVerbosity installVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { installVerbosity = v })
977  ,optionDistPref
978    installDistPref (\d flags -> flags { installDistPref = d })
979    showOrParseArgs
981  ,option "" ["inplace"]
982    "install the package in the install subdirectory of the dist prefix, so it can be used without being installed"
983    installInPlace (\v flags -> flags { installInPlace = v })
984    trueArg
986  ,option "" ["shell-wrappers"]
987    "using shell script wrappers around executables"
988    installUseWrapper (\v flags -> flags { installUseWrapper = v })
989    (boolOpt [] [])
991  ,option "" ["package-db"] ""
992    installPackageDB (\v flags -> flags { installPackageDB = v })
993    (choiceOpt [ (Flag UserPackageDB, ([],["user"]),
994                   "upon configuration register this package in the user's local package database")
995               , (Flag GlobalPackageDB, ([],["global"]),
996                   "(default) upon configuration register this package in the system-wide package database")])
997  ,option "" ["target-package-db"]
998    "package database to install into. Required when using ${pkgroot} prefix."
999    installDest (\v flags -> flags { installDest = v })
1000    (reqArg "DATABASE" (succeedReadE (Flag . CopyToDb))
1001      (\f -> case f of Flag (CopyToDb p) -> [p]; _ -> []))
1002  ]
1004emptyInstallFlags :: InstallFlags
1005emptyInstallFlags = mempty
1007instance Monoid InstallFlags where
1008  mempty = gmempty
1009  mappend = (<>)
1011instance Semigroup InstallFlags where
1012  (<>) = gmappend
1014-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1015-- * SDist flags
1016-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1018-- | Flags to @sdist@: (snapshot, verbosity)
1019data SDistFlags = SDistFlags {
1020    sDistSnapshot    :: Flag Bool,
1021    sDistDirectory   :: Flag FilePath,
1022    sDistDistPref    :: Flag FilePath,
1023    sDistListSources :: Flag FilePath,
1024    sDistVerbosity   :: Flag Verbosity
1025  }
1026  deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable)
1028defaultSDistFlags :: SDistFlags
1029defaultSDistFlags = SDistFlags {
1030    sDistSnapshot    = Flag False,
1031    sDistDirectory   = mempty,
1032    sDistDistPref    = NoFlag,
1033    sDistListSources = mempty,
1034    sDistVerbosity   = Flag normal
1035  }
1037sdistCommand :: CommandUI SDistFlags
1038sdistCommand = CommandUI
1039  { commandName         = "sdist"
1040  , commandSynopsis     =
1041      "Generate a source distribution file (.tar.gz)."
1042  , commandDescription  = Nothing
1043  , commandNotes        = Nothing
1044  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
1045      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " sdist [FLAGS]\n"
1046  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultSDistFlags
1047  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
1048      [optionVerbosity sDistVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { sDistVerbosity = v })
1049      ,optionDistPref
1050         sDistDistPref (\d flags -> flags { sDistDistPref = d })
1051         showOrParseArgs
1053      ,option "" ["list-sources"]
1054         "Just write a list of the package's sources to a file"
1055         sDistListSources (\v flags -> flags { sDistListSources = v })
1056         (reqArgFlag "FILE")
1058      ,option "" ["snapshot"]
1059         "Produce a snapshot source distribution"
1060         sDistSnapshot (\v flags -> flags { sDistSnapshot = v })
1061         trueArg
1063      ,option "" ["output-directory"]
1064       ("Generate a source distribution in the given directory, "
1065        ++ "without creating a tarball")
1066         sDistDirectory (\v flags -> flags { sDistDirectory = v })
1067         (reqArgFlag "DIR")
1068      ]
1069  }
1071emptySDistFlags :: SDistFlags
1072emptySDistFlags = mempty
1074instance Monoid SDistFlags where
1075  mempty = gmempty
1076  mappend = (<>)
1078instance Semigroup SDistFlags where
1079  (<>) = gmappend
1081-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1082-- * Register flags
1083-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1085-- | Flags to @register@ and @unregister@: (user package, gen-script,
1086-- in-place, verbosity)
1087data RegisterFlags = RegisterFlags {
1088    regPackageDB   :: Flag PackageDB,
1089    regGenScript   :: Flag Bool,
1090    regGenPkgConf  :: Flag (Maybe FilePath),
1091    regInPlace     :: Flag Bool,
1092    regDistPref    :: Flag FilePath,
1093    regPrintId     :: Flag Bool,
1094    regVerbosity   :: Flag Verbosity,
1095    -- Same as in 'buildArgs' and 'copyArgs'
1096    regArgs        :: [String],
1097    regCabalFilePath :: Flag FilePath
1098  }
1099  deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable)
1101defaultRegisterFlags :: RegisterFlags
1102defaultRegisterFlags = RegisterFlags {
1103    regPackageDB   = NoFlag,
1104    regGenScript   = Flag False,
1105    regGenPkgConf  = NoFlag,
1106    regInPlace     = Flag False,
1107    regDistPref    = NoFlag,
1108    regPrintId     = Flag False,
1109    regArgs        = [],
1110    regCabalFilePath = mempty,
1111    regVerbosity   = Flag normal
1112  }
1114registerCommand :: CommandUI RegisterFlags
1115registerCommand = CommandUI
1116  { commandName         = "register"
1117  , commandSynopsis     =
1118      "Register this package with the compiler."
1119  , commandDescription  = Nothing
1120  , commandNotes        = Nothing
1121  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
1122      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " register [FLAGS]\n"
1123  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultRegisterFlags
1124  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
1125      [optionVerbosity regVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { regVerbosity = v })
1126      ,optionDistPref
1127         regDistPref (\d flags -> flags { regDistPref = d })
1128         showOrParseArgs
1130      ,option "" ["packageDB"] ""
1131         regPackageDB (\v flags -> flags { regPackageDB = v })
1132         (choiceOpt [ (Flag UserPackageDB, ([],["user"]),
1133                                "upon registration, register this package in the user's local package database")
1134                    , (Flag GlobalPackageDB, ([],["global"]),
1135                                "(default)upon registration, register this package in the system-wide package database")])
1137      ,option "" ["inplace"]
1138         "register the package in the build location, so it can be used without being installed"
1139         regInPlace (\v flags -> flags { regInPlace = v })
1140         trueArg
1142      ,option "" ["gen-script"]
1143         "instead of registering, generate a script to register later"
1144         regGenScript (\v flags -> flags { regGenScript = v })
1145         trueArg
1147      ,option "" ["gen-pkg-config"]
1148         "instead of registering, generate a package registration file/directory"
1149         regGenPkgConf (\v flags -> flags { regGenPkgConf  = v })
1150         (optArg' "PKG" Flag flagToList)
1152      ,option "" ["print-ipid"]
1153         "print the installed package ID calculated for this package"
1154         regPrintId (\v flags -> flags { regPrintId = v })
1155         trueArg
1156      ]
1157  }
1159unregisterCommand :: CommandUI RegisterFlags
1160unregisterCommand = CommandUI
1161  { commandName         = "unregister"
1162  , commandSynopsis     =
1163      "Unregister this package with the compiler."
1164  , commandDescription  = Nothing
1165  , commandNotes        = Nothing
1166  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
1167      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " unregister [FLAGS]\n"
1168  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultRegisterFlags
1169  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
1170      [optionVerbosity regVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { regVerbosity = v })
1171      ,optionDistPref
1172         regDistPref (\d flags -> flags { regDistPref = d })
1173          showOrParseArgs
1175      ,option "" ["user"] ""
1176         regPackageDB (\v flags -> flags { regPackageDB = v })
1177         (choiceOpt [ (Flag UserPackageDB, ([],["user"]),
1178                              "unregister this package in the user's local package database")
1179                    , (Flag GlobalPackageDB, ([],["global"]),
1180                              "(default) unregister this package in the  system-wide package database")])
1182      ,option "" ["gen-script"]
1183         "Instead of performing the unregister command, generate a script to unregister later"
1184         regGenScript (\v flags -> flags { regGenScript = v })
1185         trueArg
1186      ]
1187  }
1189emptyRegisterFlags :: RegisterFlags
1190emptyRegisterFlags = mempty
1192instance Monoid RegisterFlags where
1193  mempty = gmempty
1194  mappend = (<>)
1196instance Semigroup RegisterFlags where
1197  (<>) = gmappend
1199-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1200-- * HsColour flags
1201-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1203data HscolourFlags = HscolourFlags {
1204    hscolourCSS         :: Flag FilePath,
1205    hscolourExecutables :: Flag Bool,
1206    hscolourTestSuites  :: Flag Bool,
1207    hscolourBenchmarks  :: Flag Bool,
1208    hscolourForeignLibs :: Flag Bool,
1209    hscolourDistPref    :: Flag FilePath,
1210    hscolourVerbosity   :: Flag Verbosity,
1211    hscolourCabalFilePath :: Flag FilePath
1212    }
1213  deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable)
1215emptyHscolourFlags :: HscolourFlags
1216emptyHscolourFlags = mempty
1218defaultHscolourFlags :: HscolourFlags
1219defaultHscolourFlags = HscolourFlags {
1220    hscolourCSS         = NoFlag,
1221    hscolourExecutables = Flag False,
1222    hscolourTestSuites  = Flag False,
1223    hscolourBenchmarks  = Flag False,
1224    hscolourDistPref    = NoFlag,
1225    hscolourForeignLibs = Flag False,
1226    hscolourVerbosity   = Flag normal,
1227    hscolourCabalFilePath = mempty
1228  }
1230instance Monoid HscolourFlags where
1231  mempty = gmempty
1232  mappend = (<>)
1234instance Semigroup HscolourFlags where
1235  (<>) = gmappend
1237hscolourCommand :: CommandUI HscolourFlags
1238hscolourCommand = CommandUI
1239  { commandName         = "hscolour"
1240  , commandSynopsis     =
1241      "Generate HsColour colourised code, in HTML format."
1242  , commandDescription  = Just (\_ -> "Requires the hscolour program.\n")
1243  , commandNotes        = Just $ \_ ->
1244      "Deprecated in favour of 'cabal haddock --hyperlink-source'."
1245  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
1246      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " hscolour [FLAGS]\n"
1247  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultHscolourFlags
1248  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
1249      [optionVerbosity hscolourVerbosity
1250       (\v flags -> flags { hscolourVerbosity = v })
1251      ,optionDistPref
1252         hscolourDistPref (\d flags -> flags { hscolourDistPref = d })
1253         showOrParseArgs
1255      ,option "" ["executables"]
1256         "Run hscolour for Executables targets"
1257         hscolourExecutables (\v flags -> flags { hscolourExecutables = v })
1258         trueArg
1260      ,option "" ["tests"]
1261         "Run hscolour for Test Suite targets"
1262         hscolourTestSuites (\v flags -> flags { hscolourTestSuites = v })
1263         trueArg
1265      ,option "" ["benchmarks"]
1266         "Run hscolour for Benchmark targets"
1267         hscolourBenchmarks (\v flags -> flags { hscolourBenchmarks = v })
1268         trueArg
1270      ,option "" ["foreign-libraries"]
1271         "Run hscolour for Foreign Library targets"
1272         hscolourForeignLibs (\v flags -> flags { hscolourForeignLibs = v })
1273         trueArg
1275      ,option "" ["all"]
1276         "Run hscolour for all targets"
1277         (\f -> allFlags [ hscolourExecutables f
1278                         , hscolourTestSuites  f
1279                         , hscolourBenchmarks  f
1280                         , hscolourForeignLibs f
1281                         ])
1282         (\v flags -> flags { hscolourExecutables = v
1283                            , hscolourTestSuites  = v
1284                            , hscolourBenchmarks  = v
1285                            , hscolourForeignLibs = v
1286                            })
1287         trueArg
1289      ,option "" ["css"]
1290         "Use a cascading style sheet"
1291         hscolourCSS (\v flags -> flags { hscolourCSS = v })
1292         (reqArgFlag "PATH")
1293      ]
1294  }
1296-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1297-- * Doctest flags
1298-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1300data DoctestFlags = DoctestFlags {
1301    doctestProgramPaths :: [(String, FilePath)],
1302    doctestProgramArgs  :: [(String, [String])],
1303    doctestDistPref     :: Flag FilePath,
1304    doctestVerbosity    :: Flag Verbosity
1305  }
1306   deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable)
1308defaultDoctestFlags :: DoctestFlags
1309defaultDoctestFlags = DoctestFlags {
1310    doctestProgramPaths = mempty,
1311    doctestProgramArgs  = [],
1312    doctestDistPref     = NoFlag,
1313    doctestVerbosity    = Flag normal
1314  }
1316doctestCommand :: CommandUI DoctestFlags
1317doctestCommand = CommandUI
1318  { commandName         = "doctest"
1319  , commandSynopsis     = "Run doctest tests."
1320  , commandDescription  = Just $ \_ ->
1321      "Requires the program doctest, version 0.12.\n"
1322  , commandNotes        = Nothing
1323  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
1324      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " doctest [FLAGS]\n"
1325  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultDoctestFlags
1326  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
1327         doctestOptions showOrParseArgs
1328      ++ programDbPaths   progDb ParseArgs
1329             doctestProgramPaths (\v flags -> flags { doctestProgramPaths = v })
1330      ++ programDbOption  progDb showOrParseArgs
1331             doctestProgramArgs (\v fs -> fs { doctestProgramArgs = v })
1332      ++ programDbOptions progDb ParseArgs
1333             doctestProgramArgs (\v flags -> flags { doctestProgramArgs = v })
1334  }
1335  where
1336    progDb = addKnownProgram doctestProgram
1337             emptyProgramDb
1339doctestOptions :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField DoctestFlags]
1340doctestOptions showOrParseArgs =
1341  [optionVerbosity doctestVerbosity
1342   (\v flags -> flags { doctestVerbosity = v })
1343  ,optionDistPref
1344   doctestDistPref (\d flags -> flags { doctestDistPref = d })
1345   showOrParseArgs
1346  ]
1348emptyDoctestFlags :: DoctestFlags
1349emptyDoctestFlags = mempty
1351instance Monoid DoctestFlags where
1352  mempty = gmempty
1353  mappend = (<>)
1355instance Semigroup DoctestFlags where
1356  (<>) = gmappend
1358-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1359-- * Haddock flags
1360-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1363-- | When we build haddock documentation, there are two cases:
1365-- 1. We build haddocks only for the current development version,
1366--    intended for local use and not for distribution. In this case,
1367--    we store the generated documentation in @<dist>/doc/html/<package name>@.
1369-- 2. We build haddocks for intended for uploading them to hackage.
1370--    In this case, we need to follow the layout that hackage expects
1371--    from documentation tarballs, and we might also want to use different
1372--    flags than for development builds, so in this case we store the generated
1373--    documentation in @<dist>/doc/html/<package id>-docs@.
1374data HaddockTarget = ForHackage | ForDevelopment deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
1376instance Binary HaddockTarget
1377instance Structured HaddockTarget
1379instance Pretty HaddockTarget where
1380    pretty ForHackage     = Disp.text "for-hackage"
1381    pretty ForDevelopment = Disp.text "for-development"
1383instance Parsec HaddockTarget where
1384    parsec = P.choice [ P.try $ P.string "for-hackage"     >> return ForHackage
1385                      , P.string "for-development" >> return ForDevelopment]
1387data HaddockFlags = HaddockFlags {
1388    haddockProgramPaths :: [(String, FilePath)],
1389    haddockProgramArgs  :: [(String, [String])],
1390    haddockHoogle       :: Flag Bool,
1391    haddockHtml         :: Flag Bool,
1392    haddockHtmlLocation :: Flag String,
1393    haddockForHackage   :: Flag HaddockTarget,
1394    haddockExecutables  :: Flag Bool,
1395    haddockTestSuites   :: Flag Bool,
1396    haddockBenchmarks   :: Flag Bool,
1397    haddockForeignLibs  :: Flag Bool,
1398    haddockInternal     :: Flag Bool,
1399    haddockCss          :: Flag FilePath,
1400    haddockLinkedSource :: Flag Bool,
1401    haddockQuickJump    :: Flag Bool,
1402    haddockHscolourCss  :: Flag FilePath,
1403    haddockContents     :: Flag PathTemplate,
1404    haddockDistPref     :: Flag FilePath,
1405    haddockKeepTempFiles:: Flag Bool,
1406    haddockVerbosity    :: Flag Verbosity,
1407    haddockCabalFilePath :: Flag FilePath,
1408    haddockArgs         :: [String]
1409  }
1410  deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable)
1412defaultHaddockFlags :: HaddockFlags
1413defaultHaddockFlags  = HaddockFlags {
1414    haddockProgramPaths = mempty,
1415    haddockProgramArgs  = [],
1416    haddockHoogle       = Flag False,
1417    haddockHtml         = Flag False,
1418    haddockHtmlLocation = NoFlag,
1419    haddockForHackage   = NoFlag,
1420    haddockExecutables  = Flag False,
1421    haddockTestSuites   = Flag False,
1422    haddockBenchmarks   = Flag False,
1423    haddockForeignLibs  = Flag False,
1424    haddockInternal     = Flag False,
1425    haddockCss          = NoFlag,
1426    haddockLinkedSource = Flag False,
1427    haddockQuickJump    = Flag False,
1428    haddockHscolourCss  = NoFlag,
1429    haddockContents     = NoFlag,
1430    haddockDistPref     = NoFlag,
1431    haddockKeepTempFiles= Flag False,
1432    haddockVerbosity    = Flag normal,
1433    haddockCabalFilePath = mempty,
1434    haddockArgs         = mempty
1435  }
1437haddockCommand :: CommandUI HaddockFlags
1438haddockCommand = CommandUI
1439  { commandName         = "haddock"
1440  , commandSynopsis     = "Generate Haddock HTML documentation."
1441  , commandDescription  = Just $ \_ ->
1442      "Requires the program haddock, version 2.x.\n"
1443  , commandNotes        = Nothing
1444  , commandUsage        = usageAlternatives "haddock" $
1445      [ "[FLAGS]"
1446      , "COMPONENTS [FLAGS]"
1447      ]
1448  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultHaddockFlags
1449  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
1450         haddockOptions showOrParseArgs
1451      ++ programDbPaths   progDb ParseArgs
1452             haddockProgramPaths (\v flags -> flags { haddockProgramPaths = v})
1453      ++ programDbOption  progDb showOrParseArgs
1454             haddockProgramArgs (\v fs -> fs { haddockProgramArgs = v })
1455      ++ programDbOptions progDb ParseArgs
1456             haddockProgramArgs  (\v flags -> flags { haddockProgramArgs = v})
1457  }
1458  where
1459    progDb = addKnownProgram haddockProgram
1460             $ addKnownProgram ghcProgram
1461             $ emptyProgramDb
1463haddockOptions :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField HaddockFlags]
1464haddockOptions showOrParseArgs =
1465  [optionVerbosity haddockVerbosity
1466   (\v flags -> flags { haddockVerbosity = v })
1467  ,optionDistPref
1468   haddockDistPref (\d flags -> flags { haddockDistPref = d })
1469   showOrParseArgs
1471  ,option "" ["keep-temp-files"]
1472   "Keep temporary files"
1473   haddockKeepTempFiles (\b flags -> flags { haddockKeepTempFiles = b })
1474   trueArg
1476  ,option "" ["hoogle"]
1477   "Generate a hoogle database"
1478   haddockHoogle (\v flags -> flags { haddockHoogle = v })
1479   trueArg
1481  ,option "" ["html"]
1482   "Generate HTML documentation (the default)"
1483   haddockHtml (\v flags -> flags { haddockHtml = v })
1484   trueArg
1486  ,option "" ["html-location"]
1487   "Location of HTML documentation for pre-requisite packages"
1488   haddockHtmlLocation (\v flags -> flags { haddockHtmlLocation = v })
1489   (reqArgFlag "URL")
1491  ,option "" ["for-hackage"]
1492   "Collection of flags to generate documentation suitable for upload to hackage"
1493   haddockForHackage (\v flags -> flags { haddockForHackage = v })
1494   (noArg (Flag ForHackage))
1496  ,option "" ["executables"]
1497   "Run haddock for Executables targets"
1498   haddockExecutables (\v flags -> flags { haddockExecutables = v })
1499   trueArg
1501  ,option "" ["tests"]
1502   "Run haddock for Test Suite targets"
1503   haddockTestSuites (\v flags -> flags { haddockTestSuites = v })
1504   trueArg
1506  ,option "" ["benchmarks"]
1507   "Run haddock for Benchmark targets"
1508   haddockBenchmarks (\v flags -> flags { haddockBenchmarks = v })
1509   trueArg
1511  ,option "" ["foreign-libraries"]
1512   "Run haddock for Foreign Library targets"
1513   haddockForeignLibs (\v flags -> flags { haddockForeignLibs = v })
1514   trueArg
1516  ,option "" ["all"]
1517   "Run haddock for all targets"
1518   (\f -> allFlags [ haddockExecutables f
1519                   , haddockTestSuites  f
1520                   , haddockBenchmarks  f
1521                   , haddockForeignLibs f
1522                   ])
1523         (\v flags -> flags { haddockExecutables = v
1524                            , haddockTestSuites  = v
1525                            , haddockBenchmarks  = v
1526                            , haddockForeignLibs = v
1527                            })
1528         trueArg
1530  ,option "" ["internal"]
1531   "Run haddock for internal modules and include all symbols"
1532   haddockInternal (\v flags -> flags { haddockInternal = v })
1533   trueArg
1535  ,option "" ["css"]
1536   "Use PATH as the haddock stylesheet"
1537   haddockCss (\v flags -> flags { haddockCss = v })
1538   (reqArgFlag "PATH")
1540  ,option "" ["hyperlink-source","hyperlink-sources","hyperlinked-source"]
1541   "Hyperlink the documentation to the source code"
1542   haddockLinkedSource (\v flags -> flags { haddockLinkedSource = v })
1543   trueArg
1545  ,option "" ["quickjump"]
1546   "Generate an index for interactive documentation navigation"
1547   haddockQuickJump (\v flags -> flags { haddockQuickJump = v })
1548   trueArg
1550  ,option "" ["hscolour-css"]
1551   "Use PATH as the HsColour stylesheet"
1552   haddockHscolourCss (\v flags -> flags { haddockHscolourCss = v })
1553   (reqArgFlag "PATH")
1555  ,option "" ["contents-location"]
1556   "Bake URL in as the location for the contents page"
1557   haddockContents (\v flags -> flags { haddockContents = v })
1558   (reqArg' "URL"
1559    (toFlag . toPathTemplate)
1560    (flagToList . fmap fromPathTemplate))
1561  ]
1563emptyHaddockFlags :: HaddockFlags
1564emptyHaddockFlags = mempty
1566instance Monoid HaddockFlags where
1567  mempty = gmempty
1568  mappend = (<>)
1570instance Semigroup HaddockFlags where
1571  (<>) = gmappend
1573-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1574-- * Clean flags
1575-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1577data CleanFlags = CleanFlags {
1578    cleanSaveConf  :: Flag Bool,
1579    cleanDistPref  :: Flag FilePath,
1580    cleanVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity,
1581    cleanCabalFilePath :: Flag FilePath
1582  }
1583  deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable)
1585defaultCleanFlags :: CleanFlags
1586defaultCleanFlags  = CleanFlags {
1587    cleanSaveConf  = Flag False,
1588    cleanDistPref  = NoFlag,
1589    cleanVerbosity = Flag normal,
1590    cleanCabalFilePath = mempty
1591  }
1593cleanCommand :: CommandUI CleanFlags
1594cleanCommand = CommandUI
1595  { commandName         = "clean"
1596  , commandSynopsis     = "Clean up after a build."
1597  , commandDescription  = Just $ \_ ->
1598      "Removes .hi, .o, preprocessed sources, etc.\n"
1599  , commandNotes        = Nothing
1600  , commandUsage        = \pname ->
1601      "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " clean [FLAGS]\n"
1602  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultCleanFlags
1603  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
1604      [optionVerbosity cleanVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { cleanVerbosity = v })
1605      ,optionDistPref
1606         cleanDistPref (\d flags -> flags { cleanDistPref = d })
1607         showOrParseArgs
1609      ,option "s" ["save-configure"]
1610         "Do not remove the configuration file (dist/setup-config) during cleaning.  Saves need to reconfigure."
1611         cleanSaveConf (\v flags -> flags { cleanSaveConf = v })
1612         trueArg
1613      ]
1614  }
1616emptyCleanFlags :: CleanFlags
1617emptyCleanFlags = mempty
1619instance Monoid CleanFlags where
1620  mempty = gmempty
1621  mappend = (<>)
1623instance Semigroup CleanFlags where
1624  (<>) = gmappend
1626-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1627-- * Build flags
1628-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1630data BuildFlags = BuildFlags {
1631    buildProgramPaths :: [(String, FilePath)],
1632    buildProgramArgs :: [(String, [String])],
1633    buildDistPref    :: Flag FilePath,
1634    buildVerbosity   :: Flag Verbosity,
1635    buildNumJobs     :: Flag (Maybe Int),
1636    -- TODO: this one should not be here, it's just that the silly
1637    -- UserHooks stop us from passing extra info in other ways
1638    buildArgs :: [String],
1639    buildCabalFilePath :: Flag FilePath
1640  }
1641  deriving (Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
1643defaultBuildFlags :: BuildFlags
1644defaultBuildFlags  = BuildFlags {
1645    buildProgramPaths = mempty,
1646    buildProgramArgs = [],
1647    buildDistPref    = mempty,
1648    buildVerbosity   = Flag normal,
1649    buildNumJobs     = mempty,
1650    buildArgs        = [],
1651    buildCabalFilePath = mempty
1652  }
1654buildCommand :: ProgramDb -> CommandUI BuildFlags
1655buildCommand progDb = CommandUI
1656  { commandName         = "build"
1657  , commandSynopsis     = "Compile all/specific components."
1658  , commandDescription  = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $
1659         "Components encompass executables, tests, and benchmarks.\n"
1660      ++ "\n"
1661      ++ "Affected by configuration options, see `configure`.\n"
1662  , commandNotes        = Just $ \pname ->
1663       "Examples:\n"
1664        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " build           "
1665        ++ "    All the components in the package\n"
1666        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " build foo       "
1667        ++ "    A component (i.e. lib, exe, test suite)\n\n"
1668        ++ programFlagsDescription progDb
1669--TODO: re-enable once we have support for module/file targets
1670--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " build Foo.Bar   "
1671--        ++ "    A module\n"
1672--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " build Foo/Bar.hs"
1673--        ++ "    A file\n\n"
1674--        ++ "If a target is ambiguous it can be qualified with the component "
1675--        ++ "name, e.g.\n"
1676--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " build foo:Foo.Bar\n"
1677--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " build testsuite1:Foo/Bar.hs\n"
1678  , commandUsage        = usageAlternatives "build" $
1679      [ "[FLAGS]"
1680      , "COMPONENTS [FLAGS]"
1681      ]
1682  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultBuildFlags
1683  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
1684      [ optionVerbosity
1685        buildVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { buildVerbosity = v })
1687      , optionDistPref
1688        buildDistPref (\d flags -> flags { buildDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs
1689      ]
1690      ++ buildOptions progDb showOrParseArgs
1691  }
1693buildOptions :: ProgramDb -> ShowOrParseArgs
1694                -> [OptionField BuildFlags]
1695buildOptions progDb showOrParseArgs =
1696  [ optionNumJobs
1697      buildNumJobs (\v flags -> flags { buildNumJobs = v })
1698  ]
1700  ++ programDbPaths progDb showOrParseArgs
1701       buildProgramPaths (\v flags -> flags { buildProgramPaths = v})
1703  ++ programDbOption progDb showOrParseArgs
1704       buildProgramArgs (\v fs -> fs { buildProgramArgs = v })
1706  ++ programDbOptions progDb showOrParseArgs
1707       buildProgramArgs (\v flags -> flags { buildProgramArgs = v})
1709emptyBuildFlags :: BuildFlags
1710emptyBuildFlags = mempty
1712instance Monoid BuildFlags where
1713  mempty = gmempty
1714  mappend = (<>)
1716instance Semigroup BuildFlags where
1717  (<>) = gmappend
1719-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1720-- * REPL Flags
1721-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1723data ReplFlags = ReplFlags {
1724    replProgramPaths :: [(String, FilePath)],
1725    replProgramArgs :: [(String, [String])],
1726    replDistPref    :: Flag FilePath,
1727    replVerbosity   :: Flag Verbosity,
1728    replReload      :: Flag Bool,
1729    replReplOptions :: [String]
1730  }
1731  deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable)
1733defaultReplFlags :: ReplFlags
1734defaultReplFlags  = ReplFlags {
1735    replProgramPaths = mempty,
1736    replProgramArgs = [],
1737    replDistPref    = NoFlag,
1738    replVerbosity   = Flag normal,
1739    replReload      = Flag False,
1740    replReplOptions = []
1741  }
1743instance Monoid ReplFlags where
1744  mempty = gmempty
1745  mappend = (<>)
1747instance Semigroup ReplFlags where
1748  (<>) = gmappend
1750replCommand :: ProgramDb -> CommandUI ReplFlags
1751replCommand progDb = CommandUI
1752  { commandName         = "repl"
1753  , commandSynopsis     =
1754      "Open an interpreter session for the given component."
1755  , commandDescription  = Just $ \pname -> wrapText $
1756         "If the current directory contains no package, ignores COMPONENT "
1757      ++ "parameters and opens an interactive interpreter session; if a "
1758      ++ "sandbox is present, its package database will be used.\n"
1759      ++ "\n"
1760      ++ "Otherwise, (re)configures with the given or default flags, and "
1761      ++ "loads the interpreter with the relevant modules. For executables, "
1762      ++ "tests and benchmarks, loads the main module (and its "
1763      ++ "dependencies); for libraries all exposed/other modules.\n"
1764      ++ "\n"
1765      ++ "The default component is the library itself, or the executable "
1766      ++ "if that is the only component.\n"
1767      ++ "\n"
1768      ++ "Support for loading specific modules is planned but not "
1769      ++ "implemented yet. For certain scenarios, `" ++ pname
1770      ++ " exec -- ghci :l Foo` may be used instead. Note that `exec` will "
1771      ++ "not (re)configure and you will have to specify the location of "
1772      ++ "other modules, if required.\n"
1774  , commandNotes        = Just $ \pname ->
1775         "Examples:\n"
1776      ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " repl           "
1777      ++ "    The first component in the package\n"
1778      ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " repl foo       "
1779      ++ "    A named component (i.e. lib, exe, test suite)\n"
1780      ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " repl --repl-options=\"-lstdc++\""
1781      ++ "  Specifying flags for interpreter\n"
1782--TODO: re-enable once we have support for module/file targets
1783--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " repl Foo.Bar   "
1784--        ++ "    A module\n"
1785--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " repl Foo/Bar.hs"
1786--        ++ "    A file\n\n"
1787--        ++ "If a target is ambiguous it can be qualified with the component "
1788--        ++ "name, e.g.\n"
1789--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " repl foo:Foo.Bar\n"
1790--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " repl testsuite1:Foo/Bar.hs\n"
1791  , commandUsage =  \pname -> "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " repl [COMPONENT] [FLAGS]\n"
1792  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultReplFlags
1793  , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs ->
1794      optionVerbosity replVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { replVerbosity = v })
1795      : optionDistPref
1796          replDistPref (\d flags -> flags { replDistPref = d })
1797          showOrParseArgs
1799      : programDbPaths   progDb showOrParseArgs
1800          replProgramPaths (\v flags -> flags { replProgramPaths = v})
1802     ++ programDbOption progDb showOrParseArgs
1803          replProgramArgs (\v flags -> flags { replProgramArgs = v})
1805     ++ programDbOptions progDb showOrParseArgs
1806          replProgramArgs (\v flags -> flags { replProgramArgs = v})
1808     ++ case showOrParseArgs of
1809          ParseArgs ->
1810            [ option "" ["reload"]
1811              "Used from within an interpreter to update files."
1812              replReload (\v flags -> flags { replReload = v })
1813              trueArg
1814            ]
1815          _ -> []
1816     ++ map liftReplOption (replOptions showOrParseArgs)
1817  }
1818  where
1819    liftReplOption = liftOption replReplOptions (\v flags -> flags { replReplOptions = v })
1821replOptions :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField [String]]
1822replOptions _ = [ option [] ["repl-options"] "use this option for the repl" id
1823              const (reqArg "FLAG" (succeedReadE (:[])) id) ]
1825-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1826-- * Test flags
1827-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1829data TestShowDetails = Never | Failures | Always | Streaming | Direct
1830    deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Generic, Show, Typeable)
1832instance Binary TestShowDetails
1833instance Structured TestShowDetails
1835knownTestShowDetails :: [TestShowDetails]
1836knownTestShowDetails = [minBound..maxBound]
1838instance Pretty TestShowDetails where
1839    pretty  = Disp.text . lowercase . show
1841instance Parsec TestShowDetails where
1842    parsec = maybe (fail "invalid TestShowDetails") return . classify =<< ident
1843      where
1844        ident        = P.munch1 (\c -> isAlpha c || c == '_' || c == '-')
1845        classify str = lookup (lowercase str) enumMap
1846        enumMap     :: [(String, TestShowDetails)]
1847        enumMap      = [ (prettyShow x, x)
1848                       | x <- knownTestShowDetails ]
1850--TODO: do we need this instance?
1851instance Monoid TestShowDetails where
1852    mempty = Never
1853    mappend = (<>)
1855instance Semigroup TestShowDetails where
1856    a <> b = if a < b then b else a
1858data TestFlags = TestFlags {
1859    testDistPref    :: Flag FilePath,
1860    testVerbosity   :: Flag Verbosity,
1861    testHumanLog    :: Flag PathTemplate,
1862    testMachineLog  :: Flag PathTemplate,
1863    testShowDetails :: Flag TestShowDetails,
1864    testKeepTix     :: Flag Bool,
1865    testWrapper     :: Flag FilePath,
1866    testFailWhenNoTestSuites :: Flag Bool,
1867    -- TODO: think about if/how options are passed to test exes
1868    testOptions     :: [PathTemplate]
1869  } deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable)
1871defaultTestFlags :: TestFlags
1872defaultTestFlags  = TestFlags {
1873    testDistPref    = NoFlag,
1874    testVerbosity   = Flag normal,
1875    testHumanLog    = toFlag $ toPathTemplate $ "$pkgid-$test-suite.log",
1876    testMachineLog  = toFlag $ toPathTemplate $ "$pkgid.log",
1877    testShowDetails = toFlag Failures,
1878    testKeepTix     = toFlag False,
1879    testWrapper     = NoFlag,
1880    testFailWhenNoTestSuites = toFlag False,
1881    testOptions     = []
1882  }
1884testCommand :: CommandUI TestFlags
1885testCommand = CommandUI
1886  { commandName         = "test"
1887  , commandSynopsis     =
1888      "Run all/specific tests in the test suite."
1889  , commandDescription  = Just $ \pname -> wrapText $
1890         "If necessary (re)configures with `--enable-tests` flag and builds"
1891      ++ " the test suite.\n"
1892      ++ "\n"
1893      ++ "Remember that the tests' dependencies must be installed if there"
1894      ++ " are additional ones; e.g. with `" ++ pname
1895      ++ " install --only-dependencies --enable-tests`.\n"
1896      ++ "\n"
1897      ++ "By defining UserHooks in a custom Setup.hs, the package can"
1898      ++ " define actions to be executed before and after running tests.\n"
1899  , commandNotes        = Nothing
1900  , commandUsage        = usageAlternatives "test"
1901      [ "[FLAGS]"
1903      ]
1904  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultTestFlags
1905  , commandOptions = testOptions'
1906  }
1908testOptions' ::  ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField TestFlags]
1909testOptions' showOrParseArgs =
1910  [ optionVerbosity testVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { testVerbosity = v })
1911  , optionDistPref
1912        testDistPref (\d flags -> flags { testDistPref = d })
1913        showOrParseArgs
1914  , option [] ["log"]
1915        ("Log all test suite results to file (name template can use "
1916        ++ "$pkgid, $compiler, $os, $arch, $test-suite, $result)")
1917        testHumanLog (\v flags -> flags { testHumanLog = v })
1918        (reqArg' "TEMPLATE"
1919            (toFlag . toPathTemplate)
1920            (flagToList . fmap fromPathTemplate))
1921  , option [] ["machine-log"]
1922        ("Produce a machine-readable log file (name template can use "
1923        ++ "$pkgid, $compiler, $os, $arch, $result)")
1924        testMachineLog (\v flags -> flags { testMachineLog = v })
1925        (reqArg' "TEMPLATE"
1926            (toFlag . toPathTemplate)
1927            (flagToList . fmap fromPathTemplate))
1928  , option [] ["show-details"]
1929        ("'always': always show results of individual test cases. "
1930         ++ "'never': never show results of individual test cases. "
1931         ++ "'failures': show results of failing test cases. "
1932         ++ "'streaming': show results of test cases in real time."
1933         ++ "'direct': send results of test cases in real time; no log file.")
1934        testShowDetails (\v flags -> flags { testShowDetails = v })
1935        (reqArg "FILTER"
1936            (parsecToReadE (\_ -> "--show-details flag expects one of "
1937                          ++ intercalate ", "
1938                               (map prettyShow knownTestShowDetails))
1939                        (fmap toFlag parsec))
1940            (flagToList . fmap prettyShow))
1941  , option [] ["keep-tix-files"]
1942        "keep .tix files for HPC between test runs"
1943        testKeepTix (\v flags -> flags { testKeepTix = v})
1944        trueArg
1945  , option [] ["test-wrapper"]
1946        "Run test through a wrapper."
1947        testWrapper (\v flags -> flags { testWrapper = v })
1948        (reqArg' "FILE" (toFlag :: FilePath -> Flag FilePath)
1949            (flagToList :: Flag FilePath -> [FilePath]))
1950  , option [] ["fail-when-no-test-suites"]
1951        ("Exit with failure when no test suites are found.")
1952        testFailWhenNoTestSuites (\v flags -> flags { testFailWhenNoTestSuites = v})
1953        trueArg
1954  , option [] ["test-options"]
1955        ("give extra options to test executables "
1956         ++ "(name templates can use $pkgid, $compiler, "
1957         ++ "$os, $arch, $test-suite)")
1958        testOptions (\v flags -> flags { testOptions = v })
1959        (reqArg' "TEMPLATES" (map toPathTemplate . splitArgs)
1960            (const []))
1961  , option [] ["test-option"]
1962        ("give extra option to test executables "
1963         ++ "(no need to quote options containing spaces, "
1964         ++ "name template can use $pkgid, $compiler, "
1965         ++ "$os, $arch, $test-suite)")
1966        testOptions (\v flags -> flags { testOptions = v })
1967        (reqArg' "TEMPLATE" (\x -> [toPathTemplate x])
1968            (map fromPathTemplate))
1969  ]
1971emptyTestFlags :: TestFlags
1972emptyTestFlags  = mempty
1974instance Monoid TestFlags where
1975  mempty = gmempty
1976  mappend = (<>)
1978instance Semigroup TestFlags where
1979  (<>) = gmappend
1981-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1982-- * Benchmark flags
1983-- ------------------------------------------------------------
1985data BenchmarkFlags = BenchmarkFlags {
1986    benchmarkDistPref  :: Flag FilePath,
1987    benchmarkVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity,
1988    benchmarkOptions   :: [PathTemplate]
1989  } deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable)
1991defaultBenchmarkFlags :: BenchmarkFlags
1992defaultBenchmarkFlags  = BenchmarkFlags {
1993    benchmarkDistPref  = NoFlag,
1994    benchmarkVerbosity = Flag normal,
1995    benchmarkOptions   = []
1996  }
1998benchmarkCommand :: CommandUI BenchmarkFlags
1999benchmarkCommand = CommandUI
2000  { commandName         = "bench"
2001  , commandSynopsis     =
2002      "Run all/specific benchmarks."
2003  , commandDescription  = Just $ \pname -> wrapText $
2004         "If necessary (re)configures with `--enable-benchmarks` flag and"
2005      ++ " builds the benchmarks.\n"
2006      ++ "\n"
2007      ++ "Remember that the benchmarks' dependencies must be installed if"
2008      ++ " there are additional ones; e.g. with `" ++ pname
2009      ++ " install --only-dependencies --enable-benchmarks`.\n"
2010      ++ "\n"
2011      ++ "By defining UserHooks in a custom Setup.hs, the package can"
2012      ++ " define actions to be executed before and after running"
2013      ++ " benchmarks.\n"
2014  , commandNotes        = Nothing
2015  , commandUsage        = usageAlternatives "bench"
2016      [ "[FLAGS]"
2018      ]
2019  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultBenchmarkFlags
2020  , commandOptions = benchmarkOptions'
2021  }
2023benchmarkOptions' :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField BenchmarkFlags]
2024benchmarkOptions' showOrParseArgs =
2025  [ optionVerbosity benchmarkVerbosity
2026    (\v flags -> flags { benchmarkVerbosity = v })
2027  , optionDistPref
2028        benchmarkDistPref (\d flags -> flags { benchmarkDistPref = d })
2029        showOrParseArgs
2030  , option [] ["benchmark-options"]
2031        ("give extra options to benchmark executables "
2032         ++ "(name templates can use $pkgid, $compiler, "
2033         ++ "$os, $arch, $benchmark)")
2034        benchmarkOptions (\v flags -> flags { benchmarkOptions = v })
2035        (reqArg' "TEMPLATES" (map toPathTemplate . splitArgs)
2036            (const []))
2037  , option [] ["benchmark-option"]
2038        ("give extra option to benchmark executables "
2039         ++ "(no need to quote options containing spaces, "
2040         ++ "name template can use $pkgid, $compiler, "
2041         ++ "$os, $arch, $benchmark)")
2042        benchmarkOptions (\v flags -> flags { benchmarkOptions = v })
2043        (reqArg' "TEMPLATE" (\x -> [toPathTemplate x])
2044            (map fromPathTemplate))
2045  ]
2047emptyBenchmarkFlags :: BenchmarkFlags
2048emptyBenchmarkFlags = mempty
2050instance Monoid BenchmarkFlags where
2051  mempty = gmempty
2052  mappend = (<>)
2054instance Semigroup BenchmarkFlags where
2055  (<>) = gmappend
2057-- ------------------------------------------------------------
2058-- * Shared options utils
2059-- ------------------------------------------------------------
2061programFlagsDescription :: ProgramDb -> String
2062programFlagsDescription progDb =
2063     "The flags --with-PROG and --PROG-option(s) can be used with"
2064  ++ " the following programs:"
2065  ++ (concatMap (\line -> "\n  " ++ unwords line) . wrapLine 77 . sort)
2066     [ programName prog | (prog, _) <- knownPrograms progDb ]
2067  ++ "\n"
2069-- | For each known program @PROG@ in 'progDb', produce a @with-PROG@
2070-- 'OptionField'.
2072  :: ProgramDb
2073  -> ShowOrParseArgs
2074  -> (flags -> [(String, FilePath)])
2075  -> ([(String, FilePath)] -> (flags -> flags))
2076  -> [OptionField flags]
2077programDbPaths progDb showOrParseArgs get set =
2078  programDbPaths' ("with-" ++) progDb showOrParseArgs get set
2080-- | Like 'programDbPaths', but allows to customise the option name.
2082  :: (String -> String)
2083  -> ProgramDb
2084  -> ShowOrParseArgs
2085  -> (flags -> [(String, FilePath)])
2086  -> ([(String, FilePath)] -> (flags -> flags))
2087  -> [OptionField flags]
2088programDbPaths' mkName progDb showOrParseArgs get set =
2089  case showOrParseArgs of
2090    -- we don't want a verbose help text list so we just show a generic one:
2091    ShowArgs  -> [withProgramPath "PROG"]
2092    ParseArgs -> map (withProgramPath . programName . fst)
2093                 (knownPrograms progDb)
2094  where
2095    withProgramPath prog =
2096      option "" [mkName prog]
2097        ("give the path to " ++ prog)
2098        get set
2099        (reqArg' "PATH" (\path -> [(prog, path)])
2100          (\progPaths -> [ path | (prog', path) <- progPaths, prog==prog' ]))
2102-- | For each known program @PROG@ in 'progDb', produce a @PROG-option@
2103-- 'OptionField'.
2105  :: ProgramDb
2106  -> ShowOrParseArgs
2107  -> (flags -> [(String, [String])])
2108  -> ([(String, [String])] -> (flags -> flags))
2109  -> [OptionField flags]
2110programDbOption progDb showOrParseArgs get set =
2111  case showOrParseArgs of
2112    -- we don't want a verbose help text list so we just show a generic one:
2113    ShowArgs  -> [programOption "PROG"]
2114    ParseArgs -> map (programOption  . programName . fst)
2115                 (knownPrograms progDb)
2116  where
2117    programOption prog =
2118      option "" [prog ++ "-option"]
2119        ("give an extra option to " ++ prog ++
2120         " (no need to quote options containing spaces)")
2121        get set
2122        (reqArg' "OPT" (\arg -> [(prog, [arg])])
2123           (\progArgs -> concat [ args
2124                                | (prog', args) <- progArgs, prog==prog' ]))
2127-- | For each known program @PROG@ in 'progDb', produce a @PROG-options@
2128-- 'OptionField'.
2130  :: ProgramDb
2131  -> ShowOrParseArgs
2132  -> (flags -> [(String, [String])])
2133  -> ([(String, [String])] -> (flags -> flags))
2134  -> [OptionField flags]
2135programDbOptions progDb showOrParseArgs get set =
2136  case showOrParseArgs of
2137    -- we don't want a verbose help text list so we just show a generic one:
2138    ShowArgs  -> [programOptions  "PROG"]
2139    ParseArgs -> map (programOptions . programName . fst)
2140                 (knownPrograms progDb)
2141  where
2142    programOptions prog =
2143      option "" [prog ++ "-options"]
2144        ("give extra options to " ++ prog)
2145        get set
2146        (reqArg' "OPTS" (\args -> [(prog, splitArgs args)]) (const []))
2148-- ------------------------------------------------------------
2149-- * GetOpt Utils
2150-- ------------------------------------------------------------
2152boolOpt :: SFlags -> SFlags
2153           -> MkOptDescr (a -> Flag Bool) (Flag Bool -> a -> a) a
2154boolOpt  = Command.boolOpt  flagToMaybe Flag
2156boolOpt' :: OptFlags -> OptFlags
2157            -> MkOptDescr (a -> Flag Bool) (Flag Bool -> a -> a) a
2158boolOpt' = Command.boolOpt' flagToMaybe Flag
2160trueArg, falseArg :: MkOptDescr (a -> Flag Bool) (Flag Bool -> a -> a) a
2161trueArg  sfT lfT = boolOpt' (sfT, lfT) ([], [])   sfT lfT
2162falseArg sfF lfF = boolOpt' ([],  [])  (sfF, lfF) sfF lfF
2164reqArgFlag :: ArgPlaceHolder -> SFlags -> LFlags -> Description ->
2165              (b -> Flag String) -> (Flag String -> b -> b) -> OptDescr b
2166reqArgFlag ad = reqArg ad (succeedReadE Flag) flagToList
2168optionDistPref :: (flags -> Flag FilePath)
2169               -> (Flag FilePath -> flags -> flags)
2170               -> ShowOrParseArgs
2171               -> OptionField flags
2172optionDistPref get set = \showOrParseArgs ->
2173  option "" (distPrefFlagName showOrParseArgs)
2174    (   "The directory where Cabal puts generated build files "
2175     ++ "(default " ++ defaultDistPref ++ ")")
2176    get set
2177    (reqArgFlag "DIR")
2178  where
2179    distPrefFlagName ShowArgs  = ["builddir"]
2180    distPrefFlagName ParseArgs = ["builddir", "distdir", "distpref"]
2182optionVerbosity :: (flags -> Flag Verbosity)
2183                -> (Flag Verbosity -> flags -> flags)
2184                -> OptionField flags
2185optionVerbosity get set =
2186  option "v" ["verbose"]
2187    "Control verbosity (n is 0--3, default verbosity level is 1)"
2188    get set
2189    (optArg "n" (fmap Flag flagToVerbosity)
2190                (Flag verbose) -- default Value if no n is given
2191                (fmap (Just . showForCabal) . flagToList))
2193optionNumJobs :: (flags -> Flag (Maybe Int))
2194              -> (Flag (Maybe Int) -> flags -> flags)
2195              -> OptionField flags
2196optionNumJobs get set =
2197  option "j" ["jobs"]
2198    "Run NUM jobs simultaneously (or '$ncpus' if no NUM is given)."
2199    get set
2200    (optArg "NUM" (fmap Flag numJobsParser)
2201                  (Flag Nothing)
2202                  (map (Just . maybe "$ncpus" show) . flagToList))
2203  where
2204    numJobsParser :: ReadE (Maybe Int)
2205    numJobsParser = ReadE $ \s ->
2206      case s of
2207        "$ncpus" -> Right Nothing
2208        _        -> case reads s of
2209          [(n, "")]
2210            | n < 1     -> Left "The number of jobs should be 1 or more."
2211            | otherwise -> Right (Just n)
2212          _             -> Left "The jobs value should be a number or '$ncpus'"
2215-- ------------------------------------------------------------
2216-- * show-build-info command flags
2217-- ------------------------------------------------------------
2219data ShowBuildInfoFlags = ShowBuildInfoFlags
2220  { buildInfoBuildFlags :: BuildFlags
2221  , buildInfoOutputFile :: Maybe FilePath
2222  } deriving (Show, Typeable)
2224defaultShowBuildFlags  :: ShowBuildInfoFlags
2225defaultShowBuildFlags =
2226    ShowBuildInfoFlags
2227      { buildInfoBuildFlags = defaultBuildFlags
2228      , buildInfoOutputFile = Nothing
2229      }
2231showBuildInfoCommand :: ProgramDb -> CommandUI ShowBuildInfoFlags
2232showBuildInfoCommand progDb = CommandUI
2233  { commandName         = "show-build-info"
2234  , commandSynopsis     = "Emit details about how a package would be built."
2235  , commandDescription  = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $
2236         "Components encompass executables, tests, and benchmarks.\n"
2237      ++ "\n"
2238      ++ "Affected by configuration options, see `configure`.\n"
2239  , commandNotes        = Just $ \pname ->
2240       "Examples:\n"
2241        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " show-build-info      "
2242        ++ "    All the components in the package\n"
2243        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " show-build-info foo       "
2244        ++ "    A component (i.e. lib, exe, test suite)\n\n"
2245        ++ programFlagsDescription progDb
2246--TODO: re-enable once we have support for module/file targets
2247--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " show-build-info Foo.Bar   "
2248--        ++ "    A module\n"
2249--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " show-build-info Foo/Bar.hs"
2250--        ++ "    A file\n\n"
2251--        ++ "If a target is ambiguous it can be qualified with the component "
2252--        ++ "name, e.g.\n"
2253--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " show-build-info foo:Foo.Bar\n"
2254--        ++ "  " ++ pname ++ " show-build-info testsuite1:Foo/Bar.hs\n"
2255  , commandUsage        = usageAlternatives "show-build-info" $
2256      [ "[FLAGS]"
2257      , "COMPONENTS [FLAGS]"
2258      ]
2259  , commandDefaultFlags = defaultShowBuildFlags
2260  , commandOptions      = \showOrParseArgs ->
2261      parseBuildFlagsForShowBuildInfoFlags showOrParseArgs progDb
2262      ++
2263      [ option [] ["buildinfo-json-output"]
2264                "Write the result to the given file instead of stdout"
2265                buildInfoOutputFile (\pf flags -> flags { buildInfoOutputFile = pf })
2266                (reqArg' "FILE" Just (maybe [] pure))
2267      ]
2269  }
2271parseBuildFlagsForShowBuildInfoFlags :: ShowOrParseArgs -> ProgramDb -> [OptionField ShowBuildInfoFlags]
2272parseBuildFlagsForShowBuildInfoFlags showOrParseArgs progDb =
2273  map
2274      (liftOption
2275        buildInfoBuildFlags
2276          (\bf flags -> flags { buildInfoBuildFlags = bf } )
2277      )
2278      buildFlags
2279  where
2280    buildFlags = buildOptions progDb showOrParseArgs
2281      ++
2282      [ optionVerbosity
2283        buildVerbosity (\v flags -> flags { buildVerbosity = v })
2285      , optionDistPref
2286        buildDistPref (\d flags -> flags { buildDistPref = d }) showOrParseArgs
2287      ]
2289-- ------------------------------------------------------------
2290-- * Other Utils
2291-- ------------------------------------------------------------
2293-- | Arguments to pass to a @configure@ script, e.g. generated by
2294-- @autoconf@.
2295configureArgs :: Bool -> ConfigFlags -> [String]
2296configureArgs bcHack flags
2297  = hc_flag
2298 ++ optFlag  "with-hc-pkg" configHcPkg
2299 ++ optFlag' "prefix"      prefix
2300 ++ optFlag' "bindir"      bindir
2301 ++ optFlag' "libdir"      libdir
2302 ++ optFlag' "libexecdir"  libexecdir
2303 ++ optFlag' "datadir"     datadir
2304 ++ optFlag' "sysconfdir"  sysconfdir
2305 ++ configConfigureArgs flags
2306  where
2307        hc_flag = case (configHcFlavor flags, configHcPath flags) of
2308                        (_, Flag hc_path) -> [hc_flag_name ++ hc_path]
2309                        (Flag hc, NoFlag) -> [hc_flag_name ++ prettyShow hc]
2310                        (NoFlag,NoFlag)   -> []
2311        hc_flag_name
2312            --TODO kill off thic bc hack when defaultUserHooks is removed.
2313            | bcHack    = "--with-hc="
2314            | otherwise = "--with-compiler="
2315        optFlag name config_field = case config_field flags of
2316                        Flag p -> ["--" ++ name ++ "=" ++ p]
2317                        NoFlag -> []
2318        optFlag' name config_field = optFlag name (fmap fromPathTemplate
2319                                                 . config_field
2320                                                 . configInstallDirs)
2322configureCCompiler :: Verbosity -> ProgramDb
2323                      -> IO (FilePath, [String])
2324configureCCompiler verbosity progdb = configureProg verbosity progdb gccProgram
2326configureLinker :: Verbosity -> ProgramDb -> IO (FilePath, [String])
2327configureLinker verbosity progdb = configureProg verbosity progdb ldProgram
2329configureProg :: Verbosity -> ProgramDb -> Program
2330                 -> IO (FilePath, [String])
2331configureProg verbosity programDb prog = do
2332    (p, _) <- requireProgram verbosity prog programDb
2333    let pInv = programInvocation p []
2334    return (progInvokePath pInv, progInvokeArgs pInv)
2336-- | Helper function to split a string into a list of arguments.
2337-- It's supposed to handle quoted things sensibly, eg:
2339-- > splitArgs "--foo=\"C:/Program Files/Bar/" --baz"
2340-- >   = ["--foo=C:/Program Files/Bar", "--baz"]
2342-- > splitArgs "\"-DMSGSTR=\\\"foo bar\\\"\" --baz"
2343-- >   = ["-DMSGSTR=\"foo bar\"","--baz"]
2345splitArgs :: String -> [String]
2346splitArgs  = space []
2347  where
2348    space :: String -> String -> [String]
2349    space w []      = word w []
2350    space w ( c :s)
2351        | isSpace c = word w (space [] s)
2352    space w ('"':s) = string w s
2353    space w s       = nonstring w s
2355    string :: String -> String -> [String]
2356    string w []      = word w []
2357    string w ('"':s) = space w s
2358    string w ('\\':'"':s) = string ('"':w) s
2359    string w ( c :s) = string (c:w) s
2361    nonstring :: String -> String -> [String]
2362    nonstring w  []      = word w []
2363    nonstring w  ('"':s) = string w s
2364    nonstring w  ( c :s) = space (c:w) s
2366    word [] s = s
2367    word w  s = reverse w : s
2369-- The test cases kinda have to be rewritten from the ground up... :/
2370--hunitTests :: [Test]
2371--hunitTests =
2372--    let m = [("ghc", GHC), ("nhc98", NHC), ("hugs", Hugs)]
2373--        (flags, commands', unkFlags, ers)
2374--               = getOpt Permute options ["configure", "foobar", "--prefix=/foo", "--ghc", "--nhc98", "--hugs", "--with-compiler=/comp", "--unknown1", "--unknown2", "--install-prefix=/foo", "--user", "--global"]
2375--       in  [TestLabel "very basic option parsing" $ TestList [
2376--                 "getOpt flags" ~: "failed" ~:
2377--                 [Prefix "/foo", GhcFlag, NhcFlag, HugsFlag,
2378--                  WithCompiler "/comp", InstPrefix "/foo", UserFlag, GlobalFlag]
2379--                 ~=? flags,
2380--                 "getOpt commands" ~: "failed" ~: ["configure", "foobar"] ~=? commands',
2381--                 "getOpt unknown opts" ~: "failed" ~:
2382--                      ["--unknown1", "--unknown2"] ~=? unkFlags,
2383--                 "getOpt errors" ~: "failed" ~: [] ~=? ers],
2385--               TestLabel "test location of various compilers" $ TestList
2386--               ["configure parsing for prefix and compiler flag" ~: "failed" ~:
2387--                    (Right (ConfigCmd (Just comp, Nothing, Just "/usr/local"), []))
2388--                   ~=? (parseArgs ["--prefix=/usr/local", "--"++name, "configure"])
2389--                   | (name, comp) <- m],
2391--               TestLabel "find the package tool" $ TestList
2392--               ["configure parsing for prefix comp flag, withcompiler" ~: "failed" ~:
2393--                    (Right (ConfigCmd (Just comp, Just "/foo/comp", Just "/usr/local"), []))
2394--                   ~=? (parseArgs ["--prefix=/usr/local", "--"++name,
2395--                                   "--with-compiler=/foo/comp", "configure"])
2396--                   | (name, comp) <- m],
2398--               TestLabel "simpler commands" $ TestList
2399--               [flag ~: "failed" ~: (Right (flagCmd, [])) ~=? (parseArgs [flag])
2400--                   | (flag, flagCmd) <- [("build", BuildCmd),
2401--                                         ("install", InstallCmd Nothing False),
2402--                                         ("sdist", SDistCmd),
2403--                                         ("register", RegisterCmd False)]
2404--                  ]
2405--               ]
2407{- Testing ideas:
2408   * IO to look for hugs and hugs-pkg (which hugs, etc)
2409   * quickCheck to test permutations of arguments
2410   * what other options can we over-ride with a command-line flag?