1{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables,DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2module Main where
4import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup)
5import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit
7import Test.HUnit
9import Control.Concurrent.STM
10import Control.Concurrent.Async
11import Control.Exception
12import Data.IORef
13import Data.Typeable
14import Control.Concurrent
15import Control.Monad
16import Data.List (sort)
17import Data.Maybe
19import Prelude hiding (catch)
21main = defaultMain tests
23tests = [
24    testCase "async_wait"        async_wait
25  , testCase "async_waitCatch"   async_waitCatch
26  , testCase "async_exwait"      async_exwait
27  , testCase "async_exwaitCatch" async_exwaitCatch
28  , testCase "withasync_waitCatch" withasync_waitCatch
29  , testCase "withasync_wait2"   withasync_wait2
30  , testGroup "async_cancel_rep" $
31      replicate 1000 $
32         testCase "async_cancel"       async_cancel
33  , testCase "async_cancelmany" async_cancelmany
34  , testCase "async_poll"        async_poll
35  , testCase "async_poll2"       async_poll2
36  , testCase "withasync_waitCatch_blocked" withasync_waitCatch_blocked
37  , testCase "withasync_wait_blocked" withasync_wait_blocked
38  , testGroup "children surviving too long"
39      [ testCase "concurrently+success" concurrently_success
40      , testCase "concurrently+failure" concurrently_failure
41      , testCase "race+success" race_success
42      , testCase "race+failure" race_failure
43      , testCase "cancel" cancel_survive
44      , testCase "withAsync" withasync_survive
45      ]
46  , testCase "concurrently_" case_concurrently_
47  , testCase "replicateConcurrently_" case_replicateConcurrently
48  , testCase "replicateConcurrently" case_replicateConcurrently_
49  , testCase "link1" case_link1
50  , testCase "link2" case_link2
51  , testCase "link1_cancel" case_link1cancel
52  , testCase "concurrently_deadlock" case_concurrently_deadlock
53 ]
55value = 42 :: Int
57data TestException = TestException deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable)
58instance Exception TestException
60async_waitCatch :: Assertion
61async_waitCatch = do
62  a <- async (return value)
63  r <- waitCatch a
64  case r of
65    Left _  -> assertFailure ""
66    Right e -> e @?= value
68async_wait :: Assertion
69async_wait = do
70  a <- async (return value)
71  r <- wait a
72  assertEqual "async_wait" r value
74async_exwaitCatch :: Assertion
75async_exwaitCatch = do
76  a <- async (throwIO TestException)
77  r <- waitCatch a
78  case r of
79    Left e  -> fromException e @?= Just TestException
80    Right _ -> assertFailure ""
82async_exwait :: Assertion
83async_exwait = do
84  a <- async (throwIO TestException)
85  (wait a >> assertFailure "") `catch` \e -> e @?= TestException
87withasync_waitCatch :: Assertion
88withasync_waitCatch = do
89  withAsync (return value) $ \a -> do
90    r <- waitCatch a
91    case r of
92      Left _  -> assertFailure ""
93      Right e -> e @?= value
95withasync_wait2 :: Assertion
96withasync_wait2 = do
97  a <- withAsync (threadDelay 1000000) $ return
98  r <- waitCatch a
99  case r of
100    Left e  -> fromException e @?= Just AsyncCancelled
101    Right _ -> assertFailure ""
103async_cancel :: Assertion
104async_cancel = do
105  a <- async (return value)
106  cancelWith a TestException
107  r <- waitCatch a
108  case r of
109    Left e -> fromException e @?= Just TestException
110    Right r -> r @?= value
112async_cancelmany :: Assertion -- issue 59
113async_cancelmany = do
114  r <- newIORef []
115  a <- async $ forConcurrently_ ['a'..'z'] $ \c ->
116    delay 2 `finally` atomicModifyIORef r (\i -> (c:i,()))
117  delay 1
118  cancel a
119  v <- readIORef r
120  assertEqual "cancelmany" 26 (length v)
121  where
122    delay sec = threadDelay (sec * 1000000)
124async_poll :: Assertion
125async_poll = do
126  a <- async (threadDelay 1000000)
127  r <- poll a
128  when (isJust r) $ assertFailure ""
129  r <- poll a   -- poll twice, just to check we don't deadlock
130  when (isJust r) $ assertFailure ""
132async_poll2 :: Assertion
133async_poll2 = do
134  a <- async (return value)
135  wait a
136  r <- poll a
137  when (isNothing r) $ assertFailure ""
138  r <- poll a   -- poll twice, just to check we don't deadlock
139  when (isNothing r) $ assertFailure ""
141withasync_waitCatch_blocked :: Assertion
142withasync_waitCatch_blocked = do
143  r <- withAsync (newEmptyMVar >>= takeMVar) waitCatch
144  case r of
145    Left e ->
146        case fromException e of
147            Just BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar -> return ()
148            Nothing -> assertFailure $ show e
149    Right () -> assertFailure ""
151withasync_wait_blocked :: Assertion
152withasync_wait_blocked = do
153  r <- try $ withAsync (newEmptyMVar >>= takeMVar) wait
154  case r of
155    Left e ->
156        case fromException e of
157            Just BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar -> return ()
158            Nothing -> assertFailure $ show e
159    Right () -> assertFailure ""
161concurrently_success :: Assertion
162concurrently_success = do
163  finalRes <- newIORef "never filled"
164  baton <- newEmptyMVar
165  let quick = return ()
166      slow = threadDelay 10000 `finally` do
167        threadDelay 10000
168        writeIORef finalRes "slow"
169        putMVar baton ()
170  _ <- concurrently quick slow
171  writeIORef finalRes "parent"
172  takeMVar baton
173  res <- readIORef finalRes
174  res @?= "parent"
176concurrently_failure :: Assertion
177concurrently_failure = do
178  finalRes <- newIORef "never filled"
179  let quick = error "a quick death"
180      slow = threadDelay 10000 `finally` do
181        threadDelay 10000
182        writeIORef finalRes "slow"
183  _ :: Either SomeException ((), ()) <- try (concurrently quick slow)
184  writeIORef finalRes "parent"
185  threadDelay 1000000 -- not using the baton, can lead to deadlock detection
186  res <- readIORef finalRes
187  res @?= "parent"
189race_success :: Assertion
190race_success = do
191  finalRes <- newIORef "never filled"
192  let quick = return ()
193      slow = threadDelay 10000 `finally` do
194        threadDelay 10000
195        writeIORef finalRes "slow"
196  race_ quick slow
197  writeIORef finalRes "parent"
198  threadDelay 1000000 -- not using the baton, can lead to deadlock detection
199  res <- readIORef finalRes
200  res @?= "parent"
202race_failure :: Assertion
203race_failure = do
204  finalRes <- newIORef "never filled"
205  baton <- newEmptyMVar
206  let quick = error "a quick death"
207      slow restore = restore (threadDelay 10000) `finally` do
208        threadDelay 10000
209        writeIORef finalRes "slow"
210        putMVar baton ()
211  _ :: Either SomeException () <-
212    try $ mask $ \restore ->
213       race_ quick (slow restore)
214  writeIORef finalRes "parent"
215  takeMVar baton
216  res <- readIORef finalRes
217  res @?= "parent"
219cancel_survive :: Assertion
220cancel_survive = do
221  finalRes <- newIORef "never filled"
222  a <- async $ threadDelay 10000 `finally` do
223        threadDelay 10000
224        writeIORef finalRes "child"
225  cancel a
226  writeIORef finalRes "parent"
227  threadDelay 1000000 -- not using the baton, can lead to deadlock detection
228  res <- readIORef finalRes
229  res @?= "parent"
231withasync_survive :: Assertion
232withasync_survive = do
233  finalRes <- newIORef "never filled"
234  let child = threadDelay 10000 `finally` do
235        threadDelay 10000
236        writeIORef finalRes "child"
237  withAsync child (\_ -> return ())
238  writeIORef finalRes "parent"
239  threadDelay 1000000 -- not using the baton, can lead to deadlock detection
240  res <- readIORef finalRes
241  res @?= "parent"
243case_concurrently_ :: Assertion
244case_concurrently_ = do
245  ref <- newIORef 0
246  () <- concurrently_
247    (atomicModifyIORef ref (\x -> (x + 1, True)))
248    (atomicModifyIORef ref (\x -> (x + 2, 'x')))
249  res <- readIORef ref
250  res @?= 3
252case_replicateConcurrently :: Assertion
253case_replicateConcurrently = do
254  ref <- newIORef 0
255  let action = atomicModifyIORef ref (\x -> (x + 1, x + 1))
256  resList <- replicateConcurrently 100 action
257  resVal <- readIORef ref
258  resVal @?= 100
259  sort resList @?= [1..100]
261case_replicateConcurrently_ :: Assertion
262case_replicateConcurrently_ = do
263  ref <- newIORef 0
264  let action = atomicModifyIORef ref (\x -> (x + 1, x + 1))
265  () <- replicateConcurrently_ 100 action
266  resVal <- readIORef ref
267  resVal @?= 100
269case_link1 :: Assertion
270case_link1 = do
271  m1 <- newEmptyMVar
272  m2 <- newEmptyMVar
273  let ex = ErrorCall "oops"
274  a <- async $ do takeMVar m1; throwIO ex; putMVar m2 ()
275  link a
276  e <- try $ (do
277    putMVar m1 ()
278    takeMVar m2)
279  assertBool "link1" $
280    case e of
281      Left (ExceptionInLinkedThread a' e') ->
282        compareAsyncs a' a == EQ &&
283          case fromException e' of
284            Just (ErrorCall s) -> s == "oops"
285            _otherwise -> False
286      _other -> False
288case_link2 :: Assertion
289case_link2 = do
290  let
291    setup = do
292      m1 <- newEmptyMVar
293      m2 <- newEmptyMVar
294      let ex1 = ErrorCall "oops1"; ex2 = ErrorCall "oops2"
295      a <- async $ do takeMVar m1; throwIO ex1
296      b <- async $ do takeMVar m2; throwIO ex2
297      link2 a b
298      return (m1,m2,a,b)
300  (m1,m2,a,b) <- setup
301  e <- try $ do
302    putMVar m1 ()
303    wait b
304  putMVar m2 ()  -- ensure the other thread is not deadlocked
305  assertBool "link2a" $
306    case e of
307      Left (ExceptionInLinkedThread a' e') ->
308        compareAsyncs a' a == EQ &&
309          case fromException e' of
310            Just (ErrorCall s) -> s == "oops1"
311            _otherwise -> False
312      _other -> False
314  (m1,m2,a,b) <- setup
315  e <- try $ do
316    putMVar m2 ()
317    wait a
318  putMVar m1 ()  -- ensure the other thread is not deadlocked
319  assertBool "link2b" $
320    case e of
321      Left (ExceptionInLinkedThread a' e') ->
322        compareAsyncs a' b == EQ &&
323          case fromException e' of
324            Just (ErrorCall s) -> s == "oops2"
325            _otherwise -> False
326      _other -> False
328case_link1cancel :: Assertion
329case_link1cancel = do
330  m1 <- newEmptyMVar
331  let ex = ErrorCall "oops"
332  a <- async $ do takeMVar m1
333  link a
334  e <- try $ do cancel a; wait a
335  putMVar m1 ()
336  assertBool "link1cancel" $
337    case e of
338      Left AsyncCancelled -> True  -- should not be ExceptionInLinkedThread
339      _other -> False
341-- See Issue #62
342case_concurrently_deadlock :: Assertion
343case_concurrently_deadlock = do
344  tvar <- newTVarIO False :: IO (TVar Bool)
345  e <- try $ void $ join (concurrently) (atomically $ readTVar tvar >>= check)
346    -- should throw BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM not BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar
347  assertBool "concurrently_deadlock" $
348    case e of
349      Left BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM{} -> True
350      _other -> False