1{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
7{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
9module Network.HTTP.Client.Request
10    ( parseUrl
11    , parseUrlThrow
12    , parseRequest
13    , parseRequest_
14    , requestFromURI
15    , requestFromURI_
16    , defaultRequest
17    , setUriRelative
18    , getUri
19    , setUri
20    , setUriEither
21    , browserDecompress
22    , alwaysDecompress
23    , addProxy
24    , applyBasicAuth
25    , applyBasicProxyAuth
26    , urlEncodedBody
27    , needsGunzip
28    , requestBuilder
29    , setRequestIgnoreStatus
30    , setRequestCheckStatus
31    , setQueryString
32#if MIN_VERSION_http_types(0,12,1)
33    , setQueryStringPartialEscape
35    , streamFile
36    , observedStreamFile
37    , extractBasicAuthInfo
38    , throwErrorStatusCodes
39    ) where
41import Data.Int (Int64)
42import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing)
43import Data.Monoid (mempty, mappend, (<>))
44import Data.String (IsString(..))
45import Data.Char (toLower)
46import Control.Applicative as A ((<$>))
47import Control.Monad (unless, guard)
48import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
49import Numeric (showHex)
51import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder, fromByteString, fromLazyByteString, toByteStringIO, flush)
52import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char8 (fromChar, fromShow)
54import qualified Data.ByteString as S
55import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
56import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
57import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal (defaultChunkSize)
59import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as W
60import Network.URI (URI (..), URIAuth (..), parseURI, relativeTo, escapeURIString, unEscapeString, isAllowedInURI)
62import Control.Exception (throw, throwIO, IOException)
63import qualified Control.Exception as E
64import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
65import qualified Data.ByteArray.Encoding as BAE
67import Network.HTTP.Client.Body
68import Network.HTTP.Client.Types
69import Network.HTTP.Client.Util
71import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow, throwM)
73import System.IO (withBinaryFile, hTell, hFileSize, Handle, IOMode (ReadMode))
74import Control.Monad (liftM)
76-- | Deprecated synonym for 'parseUrlThrow'. You probably want
77-- 'parseRequest' or 'parseRequest_' instead.
79-- @since 0.1.0
80parseUrl :: MonadThrow m => String -> m Request
81parseUrl = parseUrlThrow
82{-# DEPRECATED parseUrl "Please use parseUrlThrow, parseRequest, or parseRequest_ instead" #-}
84-- | Same as 'parseRequest', except will throw an 'HttpException' in the
85-- event of a non-2XX response. This uses 'throwErrorStatusCodes' to
86-- implement 'checkResponse'.
88-- @since 0.4.30
89parseUrlThrow :: MonadThrow m => String -> m Request
90parseUrlThrow =
91    liftM yesThrow . parseRequest
92  where
93    yesThrow req = req { checkResponse = throwErrorStatusCodes }
95-- | Throws a 'StatusCodeException' wrapped in 'HttpExceptionRequest',
96-- if the response's status code indicates an error (if it isn't 2xx).
97-- This can be used to implement 'checkResponse'.
99-- @since 0.5.13
100throwErrorStatusCodes :: MonadIO m => Request -> Response BodyReader -> m ()
101throwErrorStatusCodes req res = do
102    let W.Status sci _ = responseStatus res
103    if 200 <= sci && sci < 300
104        then return ()
105        else liftIO $ do
106            chunk <- brReadSome (responseBody res) 1024
107            let res' = fmap (const ()) res
108            let ex = StatusCodeException res' (L.toStrict chunk)
109            throwIO $ HttpExceptionRequest req ex
111-- | Convert a URL into a 'Request'.
113-- This function defaults some of the values in 'Request', such as setting 'method' to
114-- @"GET"@ and 'requestHeaders' to @[]@.
116-- Since this function uses 'MonadThrow', the return monad can be anything that is
117-- an instance of 'MonadThrow', such as 'IO' or 'Maybe'.
119-- You can place the request method at the beginning of the URL separated by a
120-- space, e.g.:
122-- @@@
123-- parseRequest "POST http://httpbin.org/post"
124-- @@@
126-- Note that the request method must be provided as all capital letters.
128-- A 'Request' created by this function won't cause exceptions on non-2XX
129-- response status codes.
131-- To create a request which throws on non-2XX status codes, see 'parseUrlThrow'
133-- @since 0.4.30
134parseRequest :: MonadThrow m => String -> m Request
135parseRequest s' =
136    case parseURI (encode s) of
137        Just uri -> liftM setMethod (setUri defaultRequest uri)
138        Nothing  -> throwM $ InvalidUrlException s "Invalid URL"
139  where
140    encode = escapeURIString isAllowedInURI
141    (mmethod, s) =
142        case break (== ' ') s' of
143            (x, ' ':y) | all (\c -> 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z') x -> (Just x, y)
144            _ -> (Nothing, s')
146    setMethod req =
147        case mmethod of
148            Nothing -> req
149            Just m -> req { method = S8.pack m }
151-- | Same as 'parseRequest', but parse errors cause an impure exception.
152-- Mostly useful for static strings which are known to be correctly
153-- formatted.
154parseRequest_ :: String -> Request
155parseRequest_ = either throw id . parseRequest
157-- | Convert a 'URI' into a 'Request'.
159-- This can fail if the given 'URI' is not absolute, or if the
160-- 'URI' scheme is not @"http"@ or @"https"@. In these cases the function
161-- will throw an error via 'MonadThrow'.
163-- This function defaults some of the values in 'Request', such as setting 'method' to
164-- @"GET"@ and 'requestHeaders' to @[]@.
166-- A 'Request' created by this function won't cause exceptions on non-2XX
167-- response status codes.
169-- @since 0.5.12
170requestFromURI :: MonadThrow m => URI -> m Request
171requestFromURI = setUri defaultRequest
173-- | Same as 'requestFromURI', but if the conversion would fail,
174-- throws an impure exception.
176-- @since 0.5.12
177requestFromURI_ :: URI -> Request
178requestFromURI_ = either throw id . requestFromURI
180-- | Add a 'URI' to the request. If it is absolute (includes a host name), add
181-- it as per 'setUri'; if it is relative, merge it with the existing request.
182setUriRelative :: MonadThrow m => Request -> URI -> m Request
183setUriRelative req uri = setUri req $ uri `relativeTo` getUri req
185-- | Extract a 'URI' from the request.
187-- Since 0.1.0
188getUri :: Request -> URI
189getUri req = URI
190    { uriScheme = if secure req
191                    then "https:"
192                    else "http:"
193    , uriAuthority = Just URIAuth
194        { uriUserInfo = ""
195        , uriRegName = S8.unpack $ host req
196        , uriPort = port'
197        }
198    , uriPath = S8.unpack $ path req
199    , uriQuery =
200        case S8.uncons $ queryString req of
201            Just (c, _) | c /= '?' -> '?' : (S8.unpack $ queryString req)
202            _ -> S8.unpack $ queryString req
203    , uriFragment = ""
204    }
205  where
206    port'
207      | secure req && (port req) == 443 = ""
208      | not (secure req) && (port req) == 80 = ""
209      | otherwise = ':' : show (port req)
211applyAnyUriBasedAuth :: URI -> Request -> Request
212applyAnyUriBasedAuth uri req =
213    case extractBasicAuthInfo uri of
214        Just auth -> uncurry applyBasicAuth auth req
215        Nothing -> req
217-- | Extract basic access authentication info in URI.
218-- Return Nothing when there is no auth info in URI.
219extractBasicAuthInfo :: URI -> Maybe (S8.ByteString, S8.ByteString)
220extractBasicAuthInfo uri = do
221    userInfo <- uriUserInfo A.<$> uriAuthority uri
222    guard (':' `elem` userInfo)
223    let (username, ':':password) = break (==':') . takeWhile (/='@') $ userInfo
224    return (toLiteral username, toLiteral password)
225  where
226    toLiteral = S8.pack . unEscapeString
228-- | Validate a 'URI', then add it to the request.
229setUri :: MonadThrow m => Request -> URI -> m Request
230setUri req uri = either throwInvalidUrlException return (setUriEither req uri)
231  where
232    throwInvalidUrlException = throwM . InvalidUrlException (show uri)
234-- | A variant of `setUri` that returns an error message on validation errors,
235-- instead of propagating them with `throwM`.
237-- @since 0.6.1
238setUriEither :: Request -> URI -> Either String Request
239setUriEither req uri = do
240    sec <- parseScheme uri
241    auth <- maybe (Left "URL must be absolute") return $ uriAuthority uri
242    port' <- parsePort sec auth
243    return $ applyAnyUriBasedAuth uri req
244        { host = S8.pack $ uriRegName auth
245        , port = port'
246        , secure = sec
247        , path = S8.pack $
248                    if null $ uriPath uri
249                        then "/"
250                        else uriPath uri
251        , queryString = S8.pack $ uriQuery uri
252        }
253  where
254    parseScheme URI{uriScheme = scheme} =
255        case map toLower scheme of
256            "http:"  -> return False
257            "https:" -> return True
258            _        -> Left "Invalid scheme"
260    parsePort sec URIAuth{uriPort = portStr} =
261        case portStr of
262            -- If the user specifies a port, then use it
263            ':':rest -> maybe
264                (Left "Invalid port")
265                return
266                (readPositiveInt rest)
267            -- Otherwise, use the default port
268            _ -> case sec of
269                    False {- HTTP -} -> return 80
270                    True {- HTTPS -} -> return 443
272-- | A default request value, a GET request of localhost/:80, with an
273-- empty request body.
275-- Note that the default 'checkResponse' does nothing.
277-- @since 0.4.30
278defaultRequest :: Request
279defaultRequest = Request
280        { host = "localhost"
281        , port = 80
282        , secure = False
283        , requestHeaders = []
284        , path = "/"
285        , queryString = S8.empty
286        , requestBody = RequestBodyLBS L.empty
287        , method = "GET"
288        , proxy = Nothing
289        , hostAddress = Nothing
290        , rawBody = False
291        , decompress = browserDecompress
292        , redirectCount = 10
293        , checkResponse = \_ _ -> return ()
294        , responseTimeout = ResponseTimeoutDefault
295        , cookieJar = Just Data.Monoid.mempty
296        , requestVersion = W.http11
297        , onRequestBodyException = \se ->
298            case E.fromException se of
299                Just (_ :: IOException) -> return ()
300                Nothing -> throwIO se
301        , requestManagerOverride = Nothing
302        , shouldStripHeaderOnRedirect = const False
303        }
305-- | Parses a URL via 'parseRequest_'
307-- /NOTE/: Prior to version 0.5.0, this instance used 'parseUrlThrow'
308-- instead.
309instance IsString Request where
310    fromString = parseRequest_
311    {-# INLINE fromString #-}
313-- | Always decompress a compressed stream.
314alwaysDecompress :: S.ByteString -> Bool
315alwaysDecompress = const True
317-- | Decompress a compressed stream unless the content-type is 'application/x-tar'.
318browserDecompress :: S.ByteString -> Bool
319browserDecompress = (/= "application/x-tar")
321-- | Build a basic-auth header value
322buildBasicAuth ::
323    S8.ByteString -- ^ Username
324    -> S8.ByteString -- ^ Password
325    -> S8.ByteString
326buildBasicAuth user passwd =
327    S8.append "Basic " (BAE.convertToBase BAE.Base64 (S8.concat [ user, ":", passwd ]))
329-- | Add a Basic Auth header (with the specified user name and password) to the
330-- given Request. Ignore error handling:
332-- >  applyBasicAuth "user" "pass" $ parseRequest_ url
334-- NOTE: The function @applyDigestAuth@ is provided by the @http-client-tls@
335-- package instead of this package due to extra dependencies. Please use that
336-- package if you need to use digest authentication.
338-- Since 0.1.0
339applyBasicAuth :: S.ByteString -> S.ByteString -> Request -> Request
340applyBasicAuth user passwd req =
341    req { requestHeaders = authHeader : requestHeaders req }
342  where
343    authHeader = (CI.mk "Authorization", buildBasicAuth user passwd)
345-- | Add a proxy to the Request so that the Request when executed will use
346-- the provided proxy.
348-- Since 0.1.0
349addProxy :: S.ByteString -> Int -> Request -> Request
350addProxy hst prt req =
351    req { proxy = Just $ Proxy hst prt }
353-- | Add a Proxy-Authorization header (with the specified username and
354-- password) to the given 'Request'. Ignore error handling:
356-- > applyBasicProxyAuth "user" "pass" <$> parseRequest "http://example.org"
358-- Since 0.3.4
360applyBasicProxyAuth :: S.ByteString -> S.ByteString -> Request -> Request
361applyBasicProxyAuth user passwd req =
362    req { requestHeaders = authHeader : requestHeaders req }
363  where
364    authHeader = (CI.mk "Proxy-Authorization", buildBasicAuth user passwd)
366-- | Add url-encoded parameters to the 'Request'.
368-- This sets a new 'requestBody', adds a content-type request header and
369-- changes the 'method' to POST.
371-- Since 0.1.0
372urlEncodedBody :: [(S.ByteString, S.ByteString)] -> Request -> Request
373urlEncodedBody headers req = req
374    { requestBody = RequestBodyLBS body
375    , method = "POST"
376    , requestHeaders =
377        (ct, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
378      : filter (\(x, _) -> x /= ct) (requestHeaders req)
379    }
380  where
381    ct = "Content-Type"
382    body = L.fromChunks . return $ W.renderSimpleQuery False headers
384needsGunzip :: Request
385            -> [W.Header] -- ^ response headers
386            -> Bool
387needsGunzip req hs' =
388        not (rawBody req)
389     && ("content-encoding", "gzip") `elem` hs'
390     && decompress req (fromMaybe "" $ lookup "content-type" hs')
392requestBuilder :: Request -> Connection -> IO (Maybe (IO ()))
393requestBuilder req Connection {..} = do
394    (contentLength, sendNow, sendLater) <- toTriple (requestBody req)
395    if expectContinue
396        then flushHeaders contentLength >> return (Just (checkBadSend sendLater))
397        else sendNow >> return Nothing
398  where
399    expectContinue   = Just "100-continue" == lookup "Expect" (requestHeaders req)
400    checkBadSend f   = f `E.catch` onRequestBodyException req
401    writeBuilder     = toByteStringIO connectionWrite
402    writeHeadersWith contentLength = writeBuilder . (builder contentLength `Data.Monoid.mappend`)
403    flushHeaders contentLength     = writeHeadersWith contentLength flush
405    toTriple (RequestBodyLBS lbs) = do
406        let body  = fromLazyByteString lbs
407            len   = Just $ L.length lbs
408            now   = checkBadSend $ writeHeadersWith len body
409            later = writeBuilder body
410        return (len, now, later)
411    toTriple (RequestBodyBS bs) = do
412        let body  = fromByteString bs
413            len   = Just $ fromIntegral $ S.length bs
414            now   = checkBadSend $ writeHeadersWith len body
415            later = writeBuilder body
416        return (len, now, later)
417    toTriple (RequestBodyBuilder len body) = do
418        let now   = checkBadSend $ writeHeadersWith (Just len) body
419            later = writeBuilder body
420        return (Just len, now, later)
421    toTriple (RequestBodyStream len stream) = do
422        -- See https://github.com/snoyberg/http-client/issues/74 for usage
423        -- of flush here.
424        let body = writeStream (Just . fromIntegral $ len) stream
425            -- Don't check for a bad send on the headers themselves.
426            -- Ideally, we'd do the same thing for the other request body
427            -- types, but it would also introduce a performance hit since
428            -- we couldn't merge request headers and bodies together.
429            now  = flushHeaders (Just len) >> checkBadSend body
430        return (Just len, now, body)
431    toTriple (RequestBodyStreamChunked stream) = do
432        let body = writeStream Nothing stream
433            now  = flushHeaders Nothing >> checkBadSend body
434        return (Nothing, now, body)
435    toTriple (RequestBodyIO mbody) = mbody >>= toTriple
437    writeStream mlen withStream =
438        withStream (loop 0)
439      where
440        loop !n stream = do
441            bs <- stream
442            if S.null bs
443                then case mlen of
444                    -- If stream is chunked, no length argument
445                    Nothing -> connectionWrite "0\r\n\r\n"
446                    -- Not chunked - validate length argument
447                    Just len -> unless (len == n) $ throwHttp $ WrongRequestBodyStreamSize (fromIntegral len) (fromIntegral n)
448                else do
449                    connectionWrite $
450                        if (isNothing mlen) -- Chunked
451                            then S.concat
452                                [ S8.pack $ showHex (S.length bs) "\r\n"
453                                , bs
454                                , "\r\n"
455                                ]
456                            else bs
457                    loop (n + (S.length bs)) stream
459    hh
460        | port req == 80 && not (secure req) = host req
461        | port req == 443 && secure req = host req
462        | otherwise = host req <> S8.pack (':' : show (port req))
464    requestProtocol
465        | secure req = fromByteString "https://"
466        | otherwise  = fromByteString "http://"
468    requestHostname
469        | isJust (proxy req) && not (secure req)
470            = requestProtocol <> fromByteString hh
471        | otherwise          = mempty
473    contentLengthHeader (Just contentLength') =
474            if method req `elem` ["GET", "HEAD"] && contentLength' == 0
475                then id
476                else (:) ("Content-Length", S8.pack $ show contentLength')
477    contentLengthHeader Nothing = (:) ("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked")
479    acceptEncodingHeader =
480        case lookup "Accept-Encoding" $ requestHeaders req of
481            Nothing -> (("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"):)
482            Just "" -> filter (\(k, _) -> k /= "Accept-Encoding")
483            Just _ -> id
485    hostHeader x =
486        case lookup "Host" x of
487            Nothing -> ("Host", hh) : x
488            Just{} -> x
490    headerPairs :: Maybe Int64 -> W.RequestHeaders
491    headerPairs contentLength
492                = hostHeader
493                $ acceptEncodingHeader
494                $ contentLengthHeader contentLength
495                $ requestHeaders req
497    builder :: Maybe Int64 -> Builder
498    builder contentLength =
499            fromByteString (method req)
500            <> fromByteString " "
501            <> requestHostname
502            <> (case S8.uncons $ path req of
503                    Just ('/', _) -> fromByteString $ path req
504                    _ -> fromChar '/' <> fromByteString (path req))
505            <> (case S8.uncons $ queryString req of
506                    Nothing -> mempty
507                    Just ('?', _) -> fromByteString $ queryString req
508                    _ -> fromChar '?' <> fromByteString (queryString req))
509            <> (case requestVersion req of
510                    W.HttpVersion 1 1 -> fromByteString " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
511                    W.HttpVersion 1 0 -> fromByteString " HTTP/1.0\r\n"
512                    version ->
513                        fromChar ' ' <>
514                        fromShow version <>
515                        fromByteString "\r\n")
516            <> foldr
517                (\a b -> headerPairToBuilder a <> b)
518                (fromByteString "\r\n")
519                (headerPairs contentLength)
521    headerPairToBuilder (k, v) =
522           fromByteString (CI.original k)
523        <> fromByteString ": "
524        <> fromByteString v
525        <> fromByteString "\r\n"
527-- | Modify the request so that non-2XX status codes do not generate a runtime
528-- 'StatusCodeException'.
530-- @since 0.4.29
531setRequestIgnoreStatus :: Request -> Request
532setRequestIgnoreStatus req = req { checkResponse = \_ _ -> return () }
534-- | Modify the request so that non-2XX status codes generate a runtime
535-- 'StatusCodeException', by using 'throwErrorStatusCodes'
537-- @since 0.5.13
538setRequestCheckStatus :: Request -> Request
539setRequestCheckStatus req = req { checkResponse = throwErrorStatusCodes }
541-- | Set the query string to the given key/value pairs.
543-- Since 0.3.6
544setQueryString :: [(S.ByteString, Maybe S.ByteString)] -> Request -> Request
545setQueryString qs req = req { queryString = W.renderQuery True qs }
547#if MIN_VERSION_http_types(0,12,1)
548-- | Set the query string to the given key/value pairs.
550-- @since 0.5.10
551setQueryStringPartialEscape :: [(S.ByteString, [W.EscapeItem])] -> Request -> Request
552setQueryStringPartialEscape qs req = req { queryString = W.renderQueryPartialEscape True qs }
555-- | Send a file as the request body.
557-- It is expected that the file size does not change between calling
558-- `streamFile` and making any requests using this request body.
560-- Since 0.4.9
561streamFile :: FilePath -> IO RequestBody
562streamFile = observedStreamFile (\_ -> return ())
564-- | Send a file as the request body, while observing streaming progress via
565-- a `PopObserver`. Observations are made between reading and sending a chunk.
567-- It is expected that the file size does not change between calling
568-- `observedStreamFile` and making any requests using this request body.
570-- Since 0.4.9
571observedStreamFile :: (StreamFileStatus -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO RequestBody
572observedStreamFile obs path = do
573    size <- fromIntegral <$> withBinaryFile path ReadMode hFileSize
575    let filePopper :: Handle -> Popper
576        filePopper h = do
577            bs <- S.hGetSome h defaultChunkSize
578            currentPosition <- fromIntegral <$> hTell h
579            obs $ StreamFileStatus
580                { fileSize = size
581                , readSoFar = currentPosition
582                , thisChunkSize = S.length bs
583                }
584            return bs
586        givesFilePopper :: GivesPopper ()
587        givesFilePopper k = withBinaryFile path ReadMode $ \h -> do
588            k (filePopper h)
590    return $ RequestBodyStream size givesFilePopper