1-- |
2-- Module      : Basement.String.Encoding.Encoding
3-- License     : BSD-style
4-- Maintainer  : Foundation
5-- Stability   : experimental
6-- Portability : portable
9{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
11module Basement.String.Encoding.Encoding
12    ( Encoding(..)
13    , convertFromTo
14    ) where
16import           Basement.Compat.Base
17import           Basement.Types.OffsetSize
18import           Basement.Monad
19import           Basement.PrimType
20import           Basement.MutableBuilder
21import           Basement.Numerical.Additive
22import           Basement.UArray (UArray)
23import           Basement.UArray.Mutable (MUArray)
24import qualified Basement.UArray as Vec
26class Encoding encoding where
27    -- | the unit element use for the encoding.
28    -- i.e. Word8 for ASCII7 or UTF8, Word16 for UTF16...
29    --
30    type Unit encoding
32    -- | define the type of error handling you want to use for the
33    -- next function.
34    --
35    -- > type Error UTF8 = Either UTF8_Invalid
36    --
37    type Error encoding
39    -- | consume an `Unit encoding` and return the Unicode point and the position
40    -- of the next possible `Unit encoding`
41    --
42    encodingNext :: encoding
43                      -- ^ only used for type deduction
44                -> (Offset (Unit encoding) -> Unit encoding)
45                      -- ^ method to access a given `Unit encoding`
46                      -- (see `unsafeIndexer`)
47                -> Offset (Unit encoding)
48                      -- ^ offset of the `Unit encoding` where starts the
49                      -- encoding of a given unicode
50                -> Either (Error encoding) (Char, Offset (Unit encoding)) -- ^ either successfully validated the `Unit encoding`
51                      -- and returned the next offset or fail with an
52                      -- `Error encoding`
54    -- Write a unicode point encoded into one or multiple `Unit encoding`
55    --
56    -- > build 64 $ sequence_ (write UTF8) "this is a simple list of char..."
57    --
58    encodingWrite :: (PrimMonad st, Monad st)
59                  => encoding
60                      -- ^ only used for type deduction
61                  -> Char
62                      -- ^ the unicode character to encode
63                  -> Builder (UArray (Unit encoding))
64                             (MUArray (Unit encoding))
65                             (Unit encoding) st err ()
67-- | helper to convert a given Array in a given encoding into an array
68-- with another encoding.
70-- This is a helper to convert from one String encoding to another.
71-- This function is (quite) slow and needs some work.
73-- ```
74-- let s16 = ... -- string in UTF16
75-- -- create s8, a UTF8 String
76-- let s8  = runST $ convertWith UTF16 UTF8 (toBytes s16)
78-- print s8
79-- ```
81convertFromTo :: ( PrimMonad st, Monad st
82                 , Encoding input, PrimType (Unit input)
83                 , Encoding output, PrimType (Unit output)
84                 )
85              => input
86                -- ^ Input's encoding type
87              -> output
88                -- ^ Output's encoding type
89              -> UArray (Unit input)
90                -- ^ the input raw array
91              -> st (Either (Offset (Unit input), Error input) (UArray (Unit output)))
92convertFromTo inputEncodingTy outputEncodingTy bytes
93    | Vec.null bytes = return . return $ mempty
94    | otherwise      = Vec.unsafeIndexer bytes $ \t -> Vec.builderBuild 64 (loop azero t)
95  where
96    lastUnit = Vec.length bytes
98    loop off getter
99      | off .==# lastUnit = return ()
100      | otherwise = case encodingNext inputEncodingTy getter off of
101          Left err -> mFail (off, err)
102          Right (c, noff) -> encodingWrite outputEncodingTy c >> loop noff getter