1{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell            #-}
4{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans       #-}
5module Main where
7import qualified Examples.Hello as Hello
8import qualified Examples.Commands as Commands
9import qualified Examples.Cabal as Cabal
10import qualified Examples.Alternatives as Alternatives
11import qualified Examples.Formatting as Formatting
13import           Control.Applicative
14import           Control.Monad
15import           Data.List hiding (group)
16import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
17import           Data.Semigroup hiding (option)
18import           Data.String
20import           System.Exit
21import           Test.QuickCheck hiding (Success, Failure)
22import           Test.QuickCheck.Property
24import           Options.Applicative
25import           Options.Applicative.Types
26import qualified Options.Applicative.NonEmpty
29import qualified Options.Applicative.Help as H
30import           Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty (Doc, SimpleDoc(..))
31import qualified Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty as Doc
32import           Options.Applicative.Help.Chunk
33import           Options.Applicative.Help.Levenshtein
35import           Prelude
37run :: ParserInfo a -> [String] -> ParserResult a
38run = execParserPure defaultPrefs
40assertError :: Show a => ParserResult a
41            -> (ParserFailure ParserHelp -> Property) -> Property
42assertError x f = case x of
43  Success r -> counterexample ("expected failure, got success: " ++ show r) failed
44  Failure e -> f e
45  CompletionInvoked _ -> counterexample "expected failure, got completion" failed
47assertResult :: ParserResult a -> (a -> Property) -> Property
48assertResult x f = case x of
49  Success r -> f r
50  Failure e -> do
51    let (msg, _) = renderFailure e "test"
52    counterexample ("unexpected parse error\n" ++ msg) failed
53  CompletionInvoked _ -> counterexample "expected result, got completion" failed
55assertHasLine :: String -> String -> Property
56assertHasLine l s = counterexample ("expected line:\n\t" ++ l ++ "\nnot found")
57                  $ l `elem` lines s
59checkHelpTextWith :: Show a => ExitCode -> ParserPrefs -> String
60                  -> ParserInfo a -> [String] -> Property
61checkHelpTextWith ecode pprefs name p args = ioProperty $ do
62  let result = execParserPure pprefs p args
63  expected <- readFile $ "tests/" ++ name ++ ".err.txt"
64  return $ assertError result $ \failure ->
65    let (msg, code) = renderFailure failure name
66    in  (expected === msg ++ "\n") .&&. (ecode === code)
68checkHelpText :: Show a => String -> ParserInfo a -> [String] -> Property
69checkHelpText = checkHelpTextWith ExitSuccess defaultPrefs
71prop_hello :: Property
72prop_hello = once $
73  checkHelpText "hello" Hello.opts ["--help"]
75prop_modes :: Property
76prop_modes = once $
77  checkHelpText "commands" Commands.opts ["--help"]
79prop_cmd_header :: Property
80prop_cmd_header = once $
81  let i  = info (helper <*> Commands.sample) (header "foo")
82      r1 = checkHelpTextWith (ExitFailure 1) defaultPrefs
83                    "commands_header" i ["-zello"]
84      r2 = checkHelpTextWith (ExitFailure 1) (prefs showHelpOnError)
85                    "commands_header_full" i ["-zello"]
86  in  (r1 .&&. r2)
88prop_cabal_conf :: Property
89prop_cabal_conf = once $
90  checkHelpTextWith ExitSuccess (prefs helpShowGlobals) "cabal" Cabal.pinfo ["configure", "--help"]
92prop_args :: Property
93prop_args = once $
94  let result = run Commands.opts ["hello", "foo", "bar"]
95  in  assertResult result ((===) (Commands.Hello ["foo", "bar"]))
97prop_args_opts :: Property
98prop_args_opts = once $
99  let result = run Commands.opts ["hello", "foo", "--bar"]
100  in  assertError result (\_ -> property succeeded)
102prop_args_ddash :: Property
103prop_args_ddash = once $
104  let result = run Commands.opts ["hello", "foo", "--", "--bar", "--", "baz"]
105  in  assertResult result ((===) (Commands.Hello ["foo", "--bar", "--", "baz"]))
107prop_alts :: Property
108prop_alts = once $
109  let result = run Alternatives.opts ["-b", "-a", "-b", "-a", "-a", "-b"]
110  in  assertResult result $ \xs ->
111    let a = Alternatives.A
112        b = Alternatives.B
113    in  [b, a, b, a, a, b] === xs
115prop_show_default :: Property
116prop_show_default = once $
117  let p = option auto
118          ( short 'n'
119          <> help "set count"
120          <> value (0 :: Int)
121          <> showDefault )
122      i = info (p <**> helper) idm
123      result = run i ["--help"]
124  in  assertError result $ \failure ->
125    let (msg, _) = renderFailure failure "test"
126    in  assertHasLine
127        "  -n ARG                   set count (default: 0)"
128        msg
130prop_alt_cont :: Property
131prop_alt_cont = once $
132  let p = Alternatives.a <|> Alternatives.b
133      i = info p idm
134      result = run i ["-a", "-b"]
135  in  assertError result (\_ -> property succeeded)
137prop_alt_help :: Property
138prop_alt_help = once $
139  let p :: Parser (Maybe (Either String String))
140      p = p1 <|> p2 <|> p3
141      p1 = (Just . Left)
142        <$> strOption ( long "virtual-machine"
143                     <> metavar "VM"
144                     <> help "Virtual machine name" )
145      p2 = (Just . Right)
146        <$> strOption ( long "cloud-service"
147                     <> metavar "CS"
148                     <> help "Cloud service name" )
149      p3 = flag' Nothing ( long "dry-run" )
150      i = info (p <**> helper) idm
151  in checkHelpText "alt" i ["--help"]
153prop_optional_help :: Property
154prop_optional_help = once $
155  let p :: Parser (Maybe (String, String))
156      p = optional ((,)
157                    <$> strOption ( long "a"
158                                    <> metavar "A"
159                                    <> help "value a" )
160                    <*> strOption ( long "b"
161                                    <> metavar "B"
162                                    <> help "value b" ) )
163      i = info (p <**> helper) idm
164  in checkHelpText "optional" i ["--help"]
166prop_optional_requiring_parens :: Property
167prop_optional_requiring_parens = once $
168  let p = optional $
169            (,)
170            <$> flag' () ( short 'a' <> long "a" )
171            <*> flag' () ( short 'b' <> long "b" )
172      i = info (p <**> helper) briefDesc
173      result = run i ["--help"]
174  in assertError result $ \failure ->
175    let text = head . lines . fst $ renderFailure failure "test"
176    in  "Usage: test [(-a|--a) (-b|--b)]" === text
178prop_optional_alt_requiring_parens :: Property
179prop_optional_alt_requiring_parens = once $
180  let p = optional $
181                flag' () ( short 'a' <> long "a" )
182            <|> flag' () ( short 'b' <> long "b" )
183      i = info (p <**> helper) briefDesc
184      result = run i ["--help"]
185  in assertError result $ \failure ->
186    let text = head . lines . fst $ renderFailure failure "test"
187    in  "Usage: test [(-a|--a) | (-b|--b)]" === text
189prop_nested_optional_help :: Property
190prop_nested_optional_help = once $
191  let p :: Parser (String, Maybe (String, Maybe String))
192      p = (,) <$>
193          (strOption ( short 'a'
194                       <> long "a"
195                       <> metavar "A"
196                       <> help "value a" ) ) <*>
197          (optional
198           ((,) <$>
199            (strOption ( long "b0"
200                         <> metavar "B0"
201                         <> help "value b0" ) ) <*>
202            (optional (strOption ( long "b1"
203                                   <> metavar "B1"
204                                   <> help "value b1" )))))
205      i = info (p <**> helper) idm
206  in checkHelpText "nested_optional" i ["--help"]
208prop_long_equals :: Property
209prop_long_equals = once $
210  let p :: Parser String
211      p = option auto (   long "intval"
212                       <> short 'j'
213                       <> long "intval2"
214                       <> short 'i'
215                       <> help "integer value")
216      i = info (p <**> helper) fullDesc
217  in checkHelpTextWith ExitSuccess (prefs helpLongEquals) "long_equals" i ["--help"]
219prop_long_equals_doesnt_do_shorts :: Property
220prop_long_equals_doesnt_do_shorts = once $
221  let p :: Parser String
222      p = option auto (   short 'i'
223                       <> help "integer value")
224      i = info (p <**> helper) fullDesc
225      result = execParserPure (prefs helpLongEquals) i ["--help"]
226  in assertError result $ \failure ->
227    let text = head . lines . fst $ renderFailure failure "test"
228    in  "Usage: test -i ARG" === text
230prop_nested_fun :: Property
231prop_nested_fun = once $
232  let p :: Parser (String, Maybe (String, Maybe String))
233      p = (,) <$>
234          (strOption (short 'a' <> long "a" <> metavar "A")) <*>
235          (optional
236           ((,) <$>
237            (strOption (short 'b' <> long "b" <> metavar "B")) <*>
238            (optional (strOption (short 'c' <> long "c" <> metavar "C")))))
239      i = info (p <**> helper) briefDesc
240      result = run i ["--help"]
241  in assertError result $ \failure ->
242    let text = head . lines . fst $ renderFailure failure "test"
243    in  "Usage: test (-a|--a A) [(-b|--b B) [-c|--c C]]" === text
245prop_nested_commands :: Property
246prop_nested_commands = once $
247  let p3 :: Parser String
248      p3 = strOption (short 'a' <> metavar "A")
249      p2 = subparser (command "b" (info p3 idm))
250      p1 = subparser (command "c" (info p2 idm))
251      i = info (p1 <**> helper) idm
252  in checkHelpTextWith (ExitFailure 1) defaultPrefs "nested" i ["c", "b"]
254prop_drops_back_contexts :: Property
255prop_drops_back_contexts = once $
256  let p3 :: Parser String
257      p3 = strOption (short 'a' <> metavar "A")
258      p2 = subparser (command "b" (info p3 idm)  <> metavar "B")
259      p1 = subparser (command "c" (info p3 idm)  <> metavar "C")
260      p0 = (,) <$> p2 <*> p1
261      i = info (p0 <**> helper) idm
262  in checkHelpTextWith (ExitFailure 1) defaultPrefs "dropback" i ["b", "-aA"]
264prop_context_carry :: Property
265prop_context_carry = once $
266  let p3 :: Parser String
267      p3 = strOption (short 'a' <> metavar "A")
268      p2 = subparser (command "b" (info p3 idm)  <> metavar "B")
269      p1 = subparser (command "c" (info p3 idm)  <> metavar "C")
270      p0 = (,) <$> p2 <*> p1
271      i = info (p0 <**> helper) idm
272  in checkHelpTextWith (ExitFailure 1) defaultPrefs "carry" i ["b", "-aA", "c"]
274prop_help_on_empty :: Property
275prop_help_on_empty = once $
276  let p3 :: Parser String
277      p3 = strOption (short 'a' <> metavar "A")
278      p2 = subparser (command "b" (info p3 idm)  <> metavar "B")
279      p1 = subparser (command "c" (info p3 idm)  <> metavar "C")
280      p0 = (,) <$> p2 <*> p1
281      i = info (p0 <**> helper) idm
282  in checkHelpTextWith (ExitFailure 1) (prefs showHelpOnEmpty) "helponempty" i []
284prop_help_on_empty_sub :: Property
285prop_help_on_empty_sub = once $
286  let p3 :: Parser String
287      p3 = strOption (short 'a' <> metavar "A" <> help "both commands require this")
288      p2 = subparser (command "b" (info p3 idm)  <> metavar "B")
289      p1 = subparser (command "c" (info p3 idm)  <> metavar "C")
290      p0 = (,) <$> p2 <*> p1
291      i = info (p0 <**> helper) idm
292  in checkHelpTextWith (ExitFailure 1) (prefs showHelpOnEmpty) "helponemptysub" i ["b", "-aA", "c"]
294prop_many_args :: Property
295prop_many_args = forAll (choose (0,2000)) $ \nargs ->
296  let p :: Parser [String]
297      p = many (argument str idm)
298      i = info p idm
299      result = run i (replicate nargs "foo")
300  in  assertResult result (\xs -> nargs === length xs)
302prop_disambiguate :: Property
303prop_disambiguate = once $
304  let p =   flag' (1 :: Int) (long "foo")
305        <|> flag' 2 (long "bar")
306        <|> flag' 3 (long "baz")
307      i = info p idm
308      result = execParserPure (prefs disambiguate) i ["--f"]
309  in  assertResult result ((===) 1)
311prop_ambiguous :: Property
312prop_ambiguous = once $
313  let p =   flag' (1 :: Int) (long "foo")
314        <|> flag' 2 (long "bar")
315        <|> flag' 3 (long "baz")
316      i = info p idm
317      result = execParserPure (prefs disambiguate) i ["--ba"]
318  in  assertError result (\_ -> property succeeded)
320prop_completion :: Property
321prop_completion = once . ioProperty $
322  let p = (,)
323        <$> strOption (long "foo" <> value "")
324        <*> strOption (long "bar" <> value "")
325      i = info p idm
326      result = run i ["--bash-completion-index", "0"]
327  in case result of
328    CompletionInvoked (CompletionResult err) -> do
329      completions <- lines <$> err "test"
330      return $ ["--foo", "--bar"] === completions
331    Failure _   -> return $ counterexample "unexpected failure" failed
332    Success val -> return $ counterexample ("unexpected result " ++ show val) failed
334prop_completion_opt_after_double_dash :: Property
335prop_completion_opt_after_double_dash = once . ioProperty $
336  let p = (,)
337        <$> strOption (long "foo" <> value "")
338        <*> argument readerAsk (completeWith ["bar"])
339      i = info p idm
340      result = run i ["--bash-completion-index", "2"
341                    , "--bash-completion-word", "test"
342                    , "--bash-completion-word", "--"]
343  in case result of
344    CompletionInvoked (CompletionResult err) -> do
345      completions <- lines <$> err "test"
346      return $ ["bar"] === completions
347    Failure _   -> return $ counterexample "unexpected failure" failed
348    Success val -> return $ counterexample ("unexpected result " ++ show val) failed
350prop_completion_only_reachable :: Property
351prop_completion_only_reachable = once . ioProperty $
352  let p :: Parser (String,String)
353      p = (,)
354        <$> strArgument (completeWith ["reachable"])
355        <*> strArgument (completeWith ["unreachable"])
356      i = info p idm
357      result = run i ["--bash-completion-index", "0"]
358  in case result of
359    CompletionInvoked (CompletionResult err) -> do
360      completions <- lines <$> err "test"
361      return $ ["reachable"] === completions
362    Failure _   -> return $ counterexample "unexpected failure" failed
363    Success val -> return $ counterexample ("unexpected result " ++ show val) failed
365prop_completion_only_reachable_deep :: Property
366prop_completion_only_reachable_deep = once . ioProperty $
367  let p :: Parser (String,String)
368      p = (,)
369        <$> strArgument (completeWith ["seen"])
370        <*> strArgument (completeWith ["now-reachable"])
371      i = info p idm
372      result = run i [ "--bash-completion-index", "2"
373                     , "--bash-completion-word", "test-prog"
374                     , "--bash-completion-word", "seen" ]
375  in case result of
376    CompletionInvoked (CompletionResult err) -> do
377      completions <- lines <$> err "test"
378      return $ ["now-reachable"] === completions
379    Failure _   -> return $ counterexample "unexpected failure" failed
380    Success val -> return $ counterexample ("unexpected result " ++ show val) failed
382prop_completion_multi :: Property
383prop_completion_multi = once . ioProperty $
384  let p :: Parser [String]
385      p = many (strArgument (completeWith ["reachable"]))
386      i = info p idm
387      result = run i [ "--bash-completion-index", "3"
388                     , "--bash-completion-word", "test-prog"
389                     , "--bash-completion-word", "nope" ]
390  in case result of
391    CompletionInvoked (CompletionResult err) -> do
392      completions <- lines <$> err "test"
393      return $ ["reachable"] === completions
394    Failure _   -> return $ counterexample "unexpected failure" failed
395    Success val -> return $ counterexample ("unexpected result " ++ show val) failed
397prop_completion_rich :: Property
398prop_completion_rich = once . ioProperty $
399  let p = (,)
400        <$> option readerAsk (long "foo" <> help "Fo?")
401        <*> option readerAsk (long "bar" <> help "Ba?")
402      i = info p idm
403      result = run i ["--bash-completion-enriched", "--bash-completion-index", "0"]
404  in case result of
405    CompletionInvoked (CompletionResult err) -> do
406      completions <- lines <$> err "test"
407      return $ ["--foo\tFo?", "--bar\tBa?"] === completions
408    Failure _   -> return $ counterexample "unexpected failure" failed
409    Success val -> return $ counterexample ("unexpected result " ++ show val) failed
411prop_completion_rich_lengths :: Property
412prop_completion_rich_lengths = once . ioProperty $
413  let p = (,)
414        <$> option readerAsk (long "foo" <> help "Foo hide this")
415        <*> option readerAsk (long "bar" <> help "Bar hide this")
416      i = info p idm
417      result = run i [ "--bash-completion-enriched"
418                     , "--bash-completion-index=0"
419                     , "--bash-completion-option-desc-length=3"
420                     , "--bash-completion-command-desc-length=30"]
421  in case result of
422    CompletionInvoked (CompletionResult err) -> do
423      completions <- lines <$> err "test"
424      return $ ["--foo\tFoo...", "--bar\tBar..."] === completions
425    Failure _   -> return $ counterexample "unexpected failure" failed
426    Success val -> return $ counterexample ("unexpected result " ++ show val) failed
428prop_bind_usage :: Property
429prop_bind_usage = once $
430  let p :: Parser [String]
431      p = many (argument str (metavar "ARGS..."))
432      i = info (p <**> helper) briefDesc
433      result = run i ["--help"]
434  in assertError result $ \failure ->
435    let text = head . lines . fst $ renderFailure failure "test"
436    in  "Usage: test [ARGS...]" === text
438prop_issue_19 :: Property
439prop_issue_19 = once $
440  let p = option (fmap Just str)
441        ( short 'x'
442       <> value Nothing )
443      i = info (p <**> helper) idm
444      result = run i ["-x", "foo"]
445  in  assertResult result (Just "foo" ===)
447prop_arguments1_none :: Property
448prop_arguments1_none =
449  let p :: Parser [String]
450      p = some (argument str idm)
451      i = info (p <**> helper) idm
452      result = run i []
453  in assertError result $ \_ -> property succeeded
455prop_arguments1_some :: Property
456prop_arguments1_some = once $
457  let p :: Parser [String]
458      p = some (argument str idm)
459      i = info (p <**> helper) idm
460      result = run i ["foo", "--", "bar", "baz"]
461  in  assertResult result (["foo", "bar", "baz"] ===)
463prop_arguments_switch :: Property
464prop_arguments_switch = once $
465  let p :: Parser [String]
466      p =  switch (short 'x')
467        *> many (argument str idm)
468      i = info p idm
469      result = run i ["--", "-x"]
470  in assertResult result $ \args -> ["-x"] === args
472prop_issue_35 :: Property
473prop_issue_35 = once $
474  let p =  flag' True (short 't' <> hidden)
475       <|> flag' False (short 'f')
476      i = info p idm
477      result = run i []
478  in assertError result $ \failure ->
479    let text = lines . fst $ renderFailure failure "test"
480    in  ["Missing: -f", "", "Usage: test -f"] === text
482prop_backtracking :: Property
483prop_backtracking = once $
484  let p2 = switch (short 'a')
485      p1 = (,)
486        <$> subparser (command "c" (info p2 idm))
487        <*> switch (short 'b')
488      i = info (p1 <**> helper) idm
489      result = execParserPure (prefs noBacktrack) i ["c", "-b"]
490  in assertError result $ \_ -> property succeeded
492prop_subparser_inline :: Property
493prop_subparser_inline = once $
494  let p2 = switch (short 'a')
495      p1 = (,)
496        <$> subparser (command "c" (info p2 idm))
497        <*> switch (short 'b')
498      i = info (p1 <**> helper) idm
499      result = execParserPure (prefs subparserInline) i ["c", "-b", "-a" ]
500  in assertResult result ((True, True) ===)
502prop_error_context :: Property
503prop_error_context = once $
504  let p = pk <$> option auto (long "port")
505             <*> option auto (long "key")
506      i = info p idm
507      result = run i ["--port", "foo", "--key", "291"]
508  in assertError result $ \failure ->
509      let (msg, _) = renderFailure failure "test"
510          errMsg   = head $ lines msg
511      in  conjoin [ counterexample "no context in error message (option)" ("port" `isInfixOf` errMsg)
512                  , counterexample "no context in error message (value)"  ("foo" `isInfixOf` errMsg)]
513  where
514    pk :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
515    pk = (,)
517condr :: (Int -> Bool) -> ReadM Int
518condr f = do
519  x <- auto
520  guard (f x)
521  return x
523prop_arg_order_1 :: Property
524prop_arg_order_1 = once $
525  let p = (,)
526          <$> argument (condr even) idm
527          <*> argument (condr odd) idm
528      i = info p idm
529      result = run i ["3", "6"]
530  in assertError result $ \_ -> property succeeded
532prop_arg_order_2 :: Property
533prop_arg_order_2 = once $
534  let p = (,,)
535        <$> argument (condr even) idm
536        <*> option (condr even) (short 'a')
537        <*> option (condr odd) (short 'b')
538      i = info p idm
539      result = run i ["2", "-b", "3", "-a", "6"]
540  in assertResult result ((===) (2, 6, 3))
542prop_arg_order_3 :: Property
543prop_arg_order_3 = once $
544  let p = (,)
545          <$> (  argument (condr even) idm
546             <|> option auto (short 'n') )
547          <*> argument (condr odd) idm
548      i = info p idm
549      result = run i ["-n", "3", "5"]
550  in assertResult result ((===) (3, 5))
552prop_unix_style :: Int -> Int -> Property
553prop_unix_style j k =
554  let p = (,)
555          <$> flag' j (short 'x')
556          <*> flag' k (short 'c')
557      i = info p idm
558      result = run i ["-xc"]
559  in assertResult result ((===) (j,k))
561prop_unix_with_options :: Property
562prop_unix_with_options = once $
563  let p = (,)
564          <$> flag' (1 :: Int) (short 'x')
565          <*> strOption (short 'a')
566      i = info p idm
567      result = run i ["-xac"]
568  in assertResult result ((===) (1, "c"))
570prop_count_flags :: Property
571prop_count_flags = once $
572  let p = length <$> many (flag' () (short 't'))
573      i = info p idm
574      result = run i ["-ttt"]
575  in assertResult result ((===) 3)
577prop_issue_47 :: Property
578prop_issue_47 = once $
579  let p = option r (long "test" <> value 9) :: Parser Int
580      r = readerError "error message"
581      result = run (info p idm) ["--test", "x"]
582  in assertError result $ \failure ->
583    let text = head . lines . fst $ renderFailure failure "test"
584    in  counterexample "no error message" ("error message" `isInfixOf` text)
586prop_long_help :: Property
587prop_long_help = once $
588  let p = Formatting.opts <**> helper
589      i = info p
590        ( progDesc (concat
591            [ "This is a very long program description. "
592            , "This text should be automatically wrapped "
593            , "to fit the size of the terminal" ]) )
594  in checkHelpTextWith ExitSuccess (prefs (columns 50)) "formatting" i ["--help"]
596prop_issue_50 :: Property
597prop_issue_50 = once $
598  let p = argument str (metavar "INPUT")
599          <* switch (long "version")
600      result = run (info p idm) ["--version", "test"]
601  in assertResult result $ \r -> "test" === r
603prop_intersperse_1 :: Property
604prop_intersperse_1 = once $
605  let p = many (argument str (metavar "ARGS"))
606          <* switch (short 'x')
607      result = run (info p noIntersperse)
608                 ["a", "-x", "b"]
609  in assertResult result $ \args -> ["a", "-x", "b"] === args
611prop_intersperse_2 :: Property
612prop_intersperse_2 = once $
613  let p = subparser
614          (  command "run"
615             ( info (many (argument str (metavar "OPTIONS")))
616                    noIntersperse )
617          <> command "test"
618             ( info (many (argument str (metavar "ARGS")))
619                    idm ) )
620      i = info p idm
621      result1 = run i ["run", "foo", "-x"]
622      result2 = run i ["test", "bar", "-x"]
623  in conjoin [ assertResult result1 $ \args -> ["foo", "-x"] === args
624             , assertError result2 $ \_ -> property succeeded ]
626prop_intersperse_3 :: Property
627prop_intersperse_3 = once $
628  let p = (,,) <$> switch ( long "foo" )
629               <*> strArgument ( metavar "FILE" )
630               <*> many ( strArgument ( metavar "ARGS..." ) )
631      i = info p noIntersperse
632      result = run i ["--foo", "myfile", "-a", "-b", "-c"]
633  in assertResult result $ \(b,f,as) ->
634     conjoin [ ["-a", "-b", "-c"] === as
635             , True               === b
636             , "myfile"           === f ]
638prop_forward_options :: Property
639prop_forward_options = once $
640  let p = (,) <$> switch ( long "foo" )
641              <*> many ( strArgument ( metavar "ARGS..." ) )
642      i = info p forwardOptions
643      result = run i ["--fo", "--foo", "myfile"]
644  in assertResult result $ \(b,a) ->
645     conjoin [ True               === b
646             , ["--fo", "myfile"] === a ]
648prop_issue_52 :: Property
649prop_issue_52 = once $
650  let p = subparser
651        ( metavar "FOO"
652        <> command "run" (info (pure "foo") idm) )
653      i = info p idm
654  in assertError (run i []) $ \failure -> do
655    let text = lines . fst $ renderFailure failure "test"
656    ["Missing: FOO", "", "Usage: test FOO"] === text
658prop_multiple_subparsers :: Property
659prop_multiple_subparsers = once $
660  let p1 = subparser
661        (command "add" (info (pure ())
662             ( progDesc "Add a file to the repository" )))
663      p2 = subparser
664        (command "commit" (info (pure ())
665             ( progDesc "Record changes to the repository" )))
666      i = info (p1 *> p2 <**> helper) idm
667  in checkHelpText "subparsers" i ["--help"]
669prop_argument_error :: Property
670prop_argument_error = once $
671  let r = (auto >>= \x -> x <$ guard (x == 42))
672        <|> (str >>= \x -> readerError (x ++ " /= 42"))
673      p1 = argument r idm :: Parser Int
674      i = info (p1 *> p1) idm
675  in assertError (run i ["3", "4"]) $ \failure ->
676    let text = head . lines . fst $ renderFailure failure "test"
677    in  "3 /= 42" === text
679prop_reader_error_mplus :: Property
680prop_reader_error_mplus = once $
681  let r = (auto >>= \x -> x <$ guard (x == 42))
682        <|> (str >>= \x -> readerError (x ++ " /= 42"))
683      p1 = argument r idm :: Parser Int
684      i = info p1 idm
685  in assertError (run i ["foo"]) $ \failure ->
686    let text = head . lines . fst $ renderFailure failure "test"
687    in  "foo /= 42" === text
689prop_missing_flags_described :: Property
690prop_missing_flags_described = once $
691  let p :: Parser (String, String, Maybe String)
692      p = (,,)
693       <$> option str (short 'a')
694       <*> option str (short 'b')
695       <*> optional (option str (short 'c'))
696      i = info p idm
697  in assertError (run i ["-b", "3"]) $ \failure ->
698    let text = head . lines . fst $ renderFailure failure "test"
699    in  "Missing: -a ARG" === text
701prop_many_missing_flags_described :: Property
702prop_many_missing_flags_described = once $
703  let p :: Parser (String, String)
704      p = (,)
705        <$> option str (short 'a')
706        <*> option str (short 'b')
707      i = info p idm
708  in assertError (run i []) $ \failure ->
709    let text = head . lines . fst $ renderFailure failure "test"
710    in  "Missing: -a ARG -b ARG" === text
712prop_alt_missing_flags_described :: Property
713prop_alt_missing_flags_described = once $
714  let p :: Parser String
715      p = option str (short 'a') <|> option str (short 'b')
716      i = info p idm
717  in assertError (run i []) $ \failure ->
718    let text = head . lines . fst $ renderFailure failure "test"
719    in  "Missing: (-a ARG | -b ARG)" === text
721prop_missing_option_parameter_err :: Property
722prop_missing_option_parameter_err = once $
723  let p :: Parser String
724      p = option str (short 'a')
725      i = info p idm
726  in assertError (run i ["-a"]) $ \failure ->
727    let text = head . lines . fst $ renderFailure failure "test"
728    in  "The option `-a` expects an argument." === text
730prop_many_pairs_success :: Property
731prop_many_pairs_success = once $
732  let p :: Parser [(String, String)]
733      p = many $ (,) <$> argument str idm <*> argument str idm
734      i = info p idm
735      nargs = 10000
736      result = run i (replicate nargs "foo")
737  in assertResult result $ \xs -> nargs `div` 2 === length xs
739prop_many_pairs_failure :: Property
740prop_many_pairs_failure = once $
741  let p :: Parser [(String, String)]
742      p = many $ (,) <$> argument str idm <*> argument str idm
743      i = info p idm
744      nargs = 9999
745      result = run i (replicate nargs "foo")
746  in assertError result $ \_ -> property succeeded
748prop_many_pairs_lazy_progress :: Property
749prop_many_pairs_lazy_progress = once $
750  let p :: Parser [(Maybe String, String)]
751      p = many $ (,) <$> optional (option str (short 'a')) <*> argument str idm
752      i = info p idm
753      result = run i ["foo", "-abar", "baz"]
754  in assertResult result $ \xs -> [(Just "bar", "foo"), (Nothing, "baz")] === xs
756prop_suggest :: Property
757prop_suggest = once $
758  let p2 = subparser (command "first"   (info (pure ()) idm))
759      p1 = subparser (command "fst"     (info (pure ()) idm))
760      p3 = subparser (command "far-off" (info (pure ()) idm))
761      p  = p2 *> p1 *> p3
762      i  = info p idm
763      result = run i ["fist"]
764  in assertError result $ \failure ->
765    let (msg, _)  = renderFailure failure "prog"
766    in  counterexample msg
767       $  isInfixOf "Did you mean one of these?\n    first\n    fst" msg
769prop_grouped_some_option_ellipsis :: Property
770prop_grouped_some_option_ellipsis = once $
771  let x :: Parser String
772      x = strOption (short 'x' <> metavar "X")
773      p = prefs (multiSuffix "...")
774      r = show . extractChunk $ H.briefDesc p (x *> some x)
775  in r === "-x X (-x X)..."
777prop_grouped_many_option_ellipsis :: Property
778prop_grouped_many_option_ellipsis = once $
779  let x :: Parser String
780      x = strOption (short 'x' <> metavar "X")
781      p = prefs (multiSuffix "...")
782      r = show . extractChunk $ H.briefDesc p (x *> many x)
783  in r === "-x X [-x X]..."
785prop_grouped_some_argument_ellipsis :: Property
786prop_grouped_some_argument_ellipsis = once $
787  let x :: Parser String
788      x = strArgument (metavar "X")
789      p = prefs (multiSuffix "...")
790      r = show . extractChunk $ H.briefDesc p (x *> some x)
791  in r === "X X..."
793prop_grouped_many_argument_ellipsis :: Property
794prop_grouped_many_argument_ellipsis = once $
795  let x :: Parser String
796      x = strArgument (metavar "X")
797      p = prefs (multiSuffix "...")
798      r = show . extractChunk $ H.briefDesc p (x *> many x)
799  in r === "X [X]..."
801prop_grouped_some_pairs_argument_ellipsis :: Property
802prop_grouped_some_pairs_argument_ellipsis = once $
803  let x :: Parser String
804      x = strArgument (metavar "X")
805      p = prefs (multiSuffix "...")
806      r = show . extractChunk $ H.briefDesc p (x *> some (x *> x))
807  in r === "X (X X)..."
809prop_grouped_many_pairs_argument_ellipsis :: Property
810prop_grouped_many_pairs_argument_ellipsis = once $
811  let x :: Parser String
812      x = strArgument (metavar "X")
813      p = prefs (multiSuffix "...")
814      r = show . extractChunk $ H.briefDesc p (x *> many (x *> x))
815  in r === "X [X X]..."
817prop_grouped_some_dual_option_ellipsis :: Property
818prop_grouped_some_dual_option_ellipsis = once $
819  let x :: Parser String
820      x = strOption (short 'a' <> short 'b' <> metavar "X")
821      p = prefs (multiSuffix "...")
822      r = show . extractChunk $ H.briefDesc p (x *> some x)
823  in r === "(-a|-b X) (-a|-b X)..."
825prop_grouped_many_dual_option_ellipsis :: Property
826prop_grouped_many_dual_option_ellipsis = once $
827  let x :: Parser String
828      x = strOption (short 'a' <> short 'b' <> metavar "X")
829      p = prefs (multiSuffix "...")
830      r = show . extractChunk $ H.briefDesc p (x *> many x)
831  in r === "(-a|-b X) [-a|-b X]..."
833prop_grouped_some_dual_flag_ellipsis :: Property
834prop_grouped_some_dual_flag_ellipsis = once $
835  let x = flag' () (short 'a' <> short 'b')
836      p = prefs (multiSuffix "...")
837      r = show . extractChunk $ H.briefDesc p (x *> some x)
838  in r === "(-a|-b) (-a|-b)..."
840prop_grouped_many_dual_flag_ellipsis :: Property
841prop_grouped_many_dual_flag_ellipsis = once $
842  let x = flag' () (short 'a' <> short 'b')
843      p = prefs (multiSuffix "...")
844      r = show . extractChunk $ H.briefDesc p (x *> many x)
845  in r === "(-a|-b) [-a|-b]..."
847prop_issue_402 :: Property
848prop_issue_402 = once $
849  let x = some (flag' () (short 'a')) <|> some (flag' () (short 'b' <> internal))
850      p = prefs (multiSuffix "...")
851      r = show . extractChunk $ H.briefDesc p x
852  in r === "(-a)..."
854prop_nice_some1 :: Property
855prop_nice_some1 = once $
856  let x = Options.Applicative.NonEmpty.some1 (flag' () (short 'a'))
857      p = prefs (multiSuffix "...")
858      r = show . extractChunk $ H.briefDesc p x
859  in r === "(-a)..."
861prop_some1_works :: Property
862prop_some1_works = once $
863  let p = Options.Applicative.NonEmpty.some1 (flag' () (short 'a'))
864      i = info p idm
865      result = run i ["-a", "-a"]
866  in assertResult result $ \xs -> () :| [()] === xs
868prop_help_contexts :: Property
869prop_help_contexts = once $
870  let
871    grabHelpMessage (Failure failure) =
872      let (msg, ExitSuccess) = renderFailure failure "<text>"
873      in msg
874    grabHelpMessage _ = error "Parse did not render help text"
876    i = Cabal.pinfo
877    pre = run i ["install", "--help"]
878    post = run i ["--help", "install"]
879  in grabHelpMessage pre === grabHelpMessage post
881prop_help_unknown_context :: Property
882prop_help_unknown_context = once $
883  let
884    grabHelpMessage (Failure failure) =
885      let (msg, ExitSuccess) = renderFailure failure "<text>"
886      in msg
887    grabHelpMessage _ = error "Parse did not render help text"
889    i = Cabal.pinfo
890    pre = run i ["--help"]
891    post = run i ["--help", "not-a-command"]
892  in grabHelpMessage pre === grabHelpMessage post
896deriving instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Chunk a)
897deriving instance Eq SimpleDoc
898deriving instance Show SimpleDoc
900equalDocs :: Float -> Int -> Doc -> Doc -> Property
901equalDocs f w d1 d2 = Doc.renderPretty f w d1
902                  === Doc.renderPretty f w d2
904prop_listToChunk_1 :: [String] -> Property
905prop_listToChunk_1 xs = isEmpty (listToChunk xs) === null xs
907prop_listToChunk_2 :: [String] -> Property
908prop_listToChunk_2 xs = listToChunk xs === mconcat (fmap pure xs)
910prop_extractChunk_1 :: String -> Property
911prop_extractChunk_1 x = extractChunk (pure x) === x
913prop_extractChunk_2 :: Chunk String -> Property
914prop_extractChunk_2 x = extractChunk (fmap pure x) === x
916prop_stringChunk_1 :: Positive Float -> Positive Int -> String -> Property
917prop_stringChunk_1 (Positive f) (Positive w) s =
918  equalDocs f w (extractChunk (stringChunk s))
919                (Doc.string s)
921prop_stringChunk_2 :: String -> Property
922prop_stringChunk_2 s = isEmpty (stringChunk s) === null s
924prop_paragraph :: String -> Property
925prop_paragraph s = isEmpty (paragraph s) === null (words s)
930-- From
931-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damerau%E2%80%93Levenshtein_distance
933-- In information theory and computer science, the Damerau–Levenshtein
934-- distance is a distance (string metric) between two strings, i.e.,
935-- finite sequence of symbols, given by counting the minimum number
936-- of operations needed to transform one string into the other, where
937-- an operation is defined as an insertion, deletion, or substitution
938-- of a single character, or a transposition of two adjacent characters.
940prop_edit_distance_gezero :: String -> String -> Bool
941prop_edit_distance_gezero a b = editDistance a b >= 0
943prop_edit_insertion :: [Char] -> Char -> [Char] -> Property
944prop_edit_insertion as i bs =
945  editDistance (as ++ bs) (as ++ [i] ++ bs) === 1
947prop_edit_symmetric :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Property
948prop_edit_symmetric as bs =
949  editDistance as bs === editDistance bs as
951prop_edit_substitution :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Char -> Char -> Property
952prop_edit_substitution as bs a b = a /= b ==>
953  editDistance (as ++ [a] ++ bs) (as ++ [b] ++ bs) === 1
955prop_edit_transposition :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Char -> Char -> Property
956prop_edit_transposition as bs a b = a /= b ==>
957  editDistance (as ++ [a,b] ++ bs) (as ++ [b,a] ++ bs) === 1
961return []
962main :: IO ()
963main = do
964  result <- $(quickCheckAll)
965  unless result exitFailure