1 # /* Copyright (C) 2002
2 #  * Housemarque Oy
3 #  * http://www.housemarque.com
4 #  *
5 #  * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
6 #  * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
7 #  * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
8 #  */
9 #
10 # /* Revised by Paul Mensonides (2002) */
11 #
12 # /* See http://www.boost.org for most recent version. */
13 #
14 # /* This example demonstrates the usage of lists and BOOST_PP_LIST_FOR_EACH(). */
15 #
16 # include <iostream>
17 # include <typeinfo>
18 #
19 # include <boost/preprocessor/list/for_each.hpp>
20 # include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/to_list.hpp>
21 #
22 # /* List of built-in types.  (Strictly speaking wchar_t should be on the list.) */
23 #
24 # define BUILTIN_TYPES \
26       13, \
27       ( \
28          bool, \
29          char, signed char, unsigned char, \
30          unsigned short, short, \
31          int, unsigned, \
32          long, unsigned long, \
33          float, \
34          double, long double \
35       ) \
36    ) \
37    /**/
38 #
39 # define CATCH(R, _, T) \
40    catch (T t) { \
41       std::cerr << "Caught an " << typeid(t).name() << " = " << t; \
42    } \
43    /**/
main()45 int main() {
46    try {
47       throw 10;
48    }
50    return 0;
51 }