1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 Open Source Robotics Foundation
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */
18 #include <gts.h>
20 #include <string>
22 #include "ignition/common/Console.hh"
23 #include "ignition/common/Mesh.hh"
24 #include "ignition/common/SubMesh.hh"
25 #include "ignition/common/MeshCSG.hh"
27 using namespace ignition;
28 using namespace common;
30 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
MeshCSG()31 MeshCSG::MeshCSG()
32 {
33 }
35 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
~MeshCSG()36 MeshCSG::~MeshCSG()
37 {
38 }
40 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
MergeVertices(GPtrArray * _vertices,double _epsilon)41 void MeshCSG::MergeVertices(GPtrArray * _vertices, double _epsilon)
42 {
43   GPtrArray *array;
44   GNode *kdtree;
45   GtsVertex **verticesData = reinterpret_cast<GtsVertex **>(_vertices->pdata);
46   array = g_ptr_array_new();
47   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _vertices->len; ++i)
48     g_ptr_array_add(array, verticesData[i]);
49   kdtree = gts_kdtree_new(array, nullptr);
50   g_ptr_array_free(array, true);
52   // for each vertex, do a bbox kdtree search to find nearby vertices within
53   // _epsilon, merge vertices if they are within the bbox
54   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _vertices->len; ++i)
55   {
56     GtsVertex *v = reinterpret_cast<GtsVertex *>(verticesData[i]);
58     // make sure vertex v is active (because they could be marked inactive
59     // due to previous merge operation)
60     if (!GTS_OBJECT (v)->reserved)
61     {
62       GtsBBox *bbox;
63       GSList *selected, *j;
65       // build bounding box
66       bbox = gts_bbox_new(gts_bbox_class(),
67           v,
68           GTS_POINT(v)->x - _epsilon,
69           GTS_POINT(v)->y - _epsilon,
70           GTS_POINT(v)->z - _epsilon,
71           GTS_POINT(v)->x + _epsilon,
72           GTS_POINT(v)->y + _epsilon,
73           GTS_POINT(v)->z + _epsilon);
75       // select vertices which are inside bbox using kdtree
76       j = selected = gts_kdtree_range(kdtree, bbox, nullptr);
77       while (j)
78       {
79         GtsVertex *sv = reinterpret_cast<GtsVertex *>(j->data);
80         // mark sv as inactive (merged)
81         if (sv != v && !GTS_OBJECT(sv)->reserved)
82           GTS_OBJECT(sv)->reserved = v;
83         j = j->next;
84       }
85       g_slist_free(selected);
86       gts_object_destroy(GTS_OBJECT(bbox));
87     }
88   }
90   gts_kdtree_destroy(kdtree);
92   // destroy inactive vertices
93   // we want to control vertex destruction
94   gts_allow_floating_vertices = true;
95   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _vertices->len; ++i)
96   {
97     GtsVertex * v = reinterpret_cast<GtsVertex *>(verticesData[i]);
98     // v is inactive
99     if (GTS_OBJECT(v)->reserved)
100     {
101       verticesData[i] =
102           reinterpret_cast<GtsVertex *>(GTS_OBJECT(v)->reserved);
103       gts_object_destroy(GTS_OBJECT(v));
104     }
105   }
106   gts_allow_floating_vertices = false;
107 }
109 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
FillVertex(GtsPoint * _p,gpointer * _data)110 static int FillVertex(GtsPoint *_p, gpointer *_data)
111 {
112   // create a vertex from GTS_POINT and add it to the submesh
113   SubMesh *subMesh = reinterpret_cast<SubMesh *>(_data[0]);
114   GHashTable* vIndex = reinterpret_cast<GHashTable *>(_data[2]);
115   subMesh->AddVertex(GTS_POINT(_p)->x, GTS_POINT(_p)->y, GTS_POINT(_p)->z);
116   // fill the hash table which will later be used for adding indices to the
117   // submesh in the FillFace function.
118   g_hash_table_insert(vIndex, _p,
119       GUINT_TO_POINTER((*(reinterpret_cast<guint *>(_data[1])))++));
120   return 0;
121 }
123 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
FillFace(GtsTriangle * _t,gpointer * _data)124 static int FillFace(GtsTriangle *_t, gpointer *_data)
125 {
126   SubMesh *subMesh = reinterpret_cast<SubMesh *>(_data[0]);
127   GHashTable* vIndex = reinterpret_cast<GHashTable *>(_data[2]);
129   GtsVertex * v1, * v2, * v3;
130   gts_triangle_vertices(_t, &v1, &v2, &v3);
132   subMesh->AddIndex(GPOINTER_TO_UINT(g_hash_table_lookup(vIndex, v1)));
133   subMesh->AddIndex(GPOINTER_TO_UINT(g_hash_table_lookup(vIndex, v2)));
134   subMesh->AddIndex(GPOINTER_TO_UINT(g_hash_table_lookup(vIndex, v3)));
135   return 0;
136 }
138 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
TriangleRevert(GtsTriangle * _t,void *)139 static int TriangleRevert(GtsTriangle *_t, void *)
140 {
141   gts_triangle_revert(_t);
142   return 0;
143 }
145 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
CreateBoolean(const Mesh * _m1,const Mesh * _m2,int _operation,const ignition::math::Pose3d & _offset)146 Mesh *MeshCSG::CreateBoolean(const Mesh *_m1, const Mesh *_m2, int _operation,
147     const ignition::math::Pose3d &_offset)
148 {
149   GtsSurface *s1, *s2, *s3;
150   GtsSurfaceInter *si;
151   GNode *tree1, *tree2;
153   gboolean closed = true;
154   bool isOpen1 = false;
155   bool isOpen2 = false;
157   s1 = gts_surface_new(gts_surface_class(), gts_face_class(), gts_edge_class(),
158       gts_vertex_class());
159   s2 = gts_surface_new(gts_surface_class(), gts_face_class(), gts_edge_class(),
160       gts_vertex_class());
161   s3 = gts_surface_new(gts_surface_class(), gts_face_class(), gts_edge_class(),
162       gts_vertex_class());
164   this->ConvertMeshToGTS(_m1, s1);
166   if (_offset != ignition::math::Pose3d::Zero)
167   {
168     Mesh *m2 = new Mesh();
169     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _m2->SubMeshCount(); ++i)
170     {
171       SubMesh m2SubMesh;
173       auto subMesh = _m2->SubMeshByIndex(i).lock();
174       if (subMesh->VertexCount() <= 2)
175         continue;
176       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < subMesh->VertexCount(); ++j)
177       {
178         m2SubMesh.AddVertex(_offset.Pos() +
179             _offset.Rot()*subMesh->Vertex(j));
180       }
181       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < subMesh->IndexCount(); ++j)
182       {
183         m2SubMesh.AddIndex(subMesh->Index(j));
184       }
186       m2->AddSubMesh(m2SubMesh);
187     }
188     this->ConvertMeshToGTS(m2, s2);
189     delete m2;
190   }
191   else
192   {
193     this->ConvertMeshToGTS(_m2, s2);
194   }
196   // build bounding box tree for first surface
197   tree1 = gts_bb_tree_surface(s1);
198   isOpen1 = gts_surface_volume(s1) < 0. ? true : false;
200   // build bounding box tree for second surface
201   tree2 = gts_bb_tree_surface(s2);
202   isOpen2 = gts_surface_volume(s2) < 0. ? true : false;
204   si = gts_surface_inter_new(gts_surface_inter_class(), s1, s2, tree1, tree2,
205       isOpen1, isOpen2);
206   if (!gts_surface_inter_check(si, &closed))
207   {
208     ignerr << "si is not an orientable manifold\n";
209     return nullptr;
210   }
212   if (!closed)
213   {
214     ignerr << "the intersection of " << _m1->Name() << " and "
215         << _m2->Name() << " is not a closed curve\n";
216     return nullptr;
217   }
219 //  FILE *output1 = fopen("output3.gts", "w");
220 //  gts_surface_write(s1, output1);
221 //  fclose(output1);
223 //  FILE *output2 = fopen("output4.gts", "w");
224 //  gts_surface_write(s2, output2);
225 //  fclose(output2);
227   if (_operation == MeshCSG::UNION)
228   {
229     gts_surface_inter_boolean(si, s3, GTS_1_OUT_2);
230     gts_surface_inter_boolean(si, s3, GTS_2_OUT_1);
231   }
232   else if (_operation == MeshCSG::INTERSECTION)
233   {
234     gts_surface_inter_boolean(si, s3, GTS_1_IN_2);
235     gts_surface_inter_boolean(si, s3, GTS_2_IN_1);
236   }
237   else if (_operation == MeshCSG::DIFFERENCE)
238   {
239     gts_surface_inter_boolean(si, s3, GTS_1_OUT_2);
240     gts_surface_inter_boolean(si, s3, GTS_2_IN_1);
241     gts_surface_foreach_face(si->s2, (GtsFunc) TriangleRevert, nullptr);
242     gts_surface_foreach_face(s2, (GtsFunc) TriangleRevert, nullptr);
243   }
245 //  FILE *output = fopen("output.gts", "w");
246 //  gts_surface_write(s3, output);
247 //  fclose(output);
249   // create the boolean mesh
250   Mesh *mesh = new Mesh();
251   SubMesh subMesh;
253   // fill the submesh with data generated by GTS
254   unsigned int n = 0;
255   gpointer data[3];
256   GHashTable *vIndex = g_hash_table_new(nullptr, nullptr);
258   data[0] = &subMesh;
259   data[1] = &n;
260   data[2] = vIndex;
261   gts_surface_foreach_vertex(s3, (GtsFunc)FillVertex, data);
262   n = 0;
263   gts_surface_foreach_face(s3, (GtsFunc)FillFace, data);
264   g_hash_table_destroy(vIndex);
266   mesh->RecalculateNormals();
268   // destroy surfaces
269   gts_object_destroy(GTS_OBJECT(s1));
270   gts_object_destroy(GTS_OBJECT(s2));
271   gts_object_destroy(GTS_OBJECT(s3));
272   gts_object_destroy(GTS_OBJECT(si));
274   // destroy bounding box trees (including bounding boxes)
275   gts_bb_tree_destroy(tree1, true);
276   gts_bb_tree_destroy(tree2, true);
278   mesh->AddSubMesh(subMesh);
279   return mesh;
280 }
282 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
ConvertMeshToGTS(const Mesh * _mesh,GtsSurface * _surface)283 void MeshCSG::ConvertMeshToGTS(const Mesh *_mesh, GtsSurface *_surface)
284 {
285   if (!_surface)
286   {
287     ignerr << _mesh->Name() << ": Surface is null\n";
288 //    _surface = gts_surface_new(gts_surface_class(), gts_face_class(),
289 //        gts_edge_class(), gts_vertex_class());
290     return;
291   }
293   GPtrArray *vertices = g_ptr_array_new();
295   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _mesh->SubMeshCount(); ++i)
296   {
297     auto subMesh = _mesh->SubMeshByIndex(i).lock();
298     unsigned int indexCount = subMesh->IndexCount();
299     if (subMesh->VertexCount() <= 2)
300       continue;
302     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < subMesh->VertexCount(); ++j)
303     {
304       ignition::math::Vector3d vertex = subMesh->Vertex(j);
305       g_ptr_array_add(vertices, gts_vertex_new(gts_vertex_class(), vertex.X(),
306           vertex.Y(), vertex.Z()));
307     }
309     // merge duplicate vertices, otherwise gts produces undesirable results
310     this->MergeVertices(vertices, 0.01);
312     GtsVertex **verticesData =
313         reinterpret_cast<GtsVertex **>(vertices->pdata);
314     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < indexCount/3; ++j)
315     {
316       GtsEdge *e1 = GTS_EDGE(gts_vertices_are_connected(
317           verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j)],
318           verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j+1)]));
319       GtsEdge *e2 = GTS_EDGE(gts_vertices_are_connected(
320           verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j+1)],
321           verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j+2)]));
322       GtsEdge *e3 = GTS_EDGE(gts_vertices_are_connected(
323           verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j+2)],
324           verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j)]));
325       if (e1 == nullptr && verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j)]
326           != verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j+1)])
327       {
328         e1 = gts_edge_new(_surface->edge_class,
329             verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j)],
330             verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j+1)]);
331       }
332       if (e2 == nullptr && verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j+1)]
333           != verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j+2)])
334       {
335         e2 = gts_edge_new(_surface->edge_class,
336             verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j+1)],
337             verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j+2)]);
338       }
339       if (e3 == nullptr && verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j+2)]
340           != verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j)])
341       {
342         e3 = gts_edge_new(_surface->edge_class,
343             verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j+2)],
344             verticesData[subMesh->Index(3*j)]);
345       }
346       if (e1 != nullptr && e2 != nullptr && e3 != nullptr)
347       {
348         gts_surface_add_face(_surface, gts_face_new(_surface->face_class, e1,
349             e2, e3));
350       }
351       else
352       {
353         ignwarn << _mesh->Name() << ": Ignoring degenerate facet!";
354       }
355     }
356   }
357 }