1 /*========================== begin_copyright_notice ============================
3 Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Intel Corporation
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
7 ============================= end_copyright_notice ===========================*/
9 #include "SPIRVWrapper.h"
10 #include "vc/Support/PassManager.h"
12 #include "vc/Driver/Driver.h"
14 #include "igc/Options/Options.h"
15 #include "vc/GenXCodeGen/GenXOCLRuntimeInfo.h"
16 #include "vc/GenXCodeGen/GenXTarget.h"
17 #include "vc/GenXOpts/GenXOpts.h"
18 #include "vc/GenXOpts/Utils/KernelInfo.h"
19 #include "vc/Support/BackendConfig.h"
20 #include "vc/Support/Status.h"
21 #include "llvm/GenXIntrinsics/GenXIntrOpts.h"
22 #include "llvm/GenXIntrinsics/GenXIntrinsics.h"
23 #include "llvm/GenXIntrinsics/GenXSPIRVReaderAdaptor.h"
25 #include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
26 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
27 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
28 #include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
29 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
30 #include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
31 #include "llvm/Analysis/TargetLibraryInfo.h"
32 #include "llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h"
33 #include "llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeReader.h"
34 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineModuleInfo.h"
35 #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
36 #include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h"
37 #include "llvm/IRReader/IRReader.h"
38 #include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
39 #include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
40 #include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
41 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
42 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
43 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
44 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
45 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
46 #include "llvm/Support/StringSaver.h"
47 #include "llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h"
48 #include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
49 #include "llvm/Support/Timer.h"
50 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
51 #include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h"
52 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO.h"
53 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/PassManagerBuilder.h"
54 #include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h"
56 #include "llvmWrapper/Option/OptTable.h"
57 #include "llvmWrapper/Target/TargetMachine.h"
59 #include "Probe/Assertion.h"
61 #include <cctype>
62 #include <memory>
63 #include <new>
64 #include <set>
65 #include <sstream>
66 #include <string>
67 #include <vector>
69 using namespace llvm;
71 static Expected<std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>>
getModuleFromLLVMText(ArrayRef<char> Input,LLVMContext & C)72 getModuleFromLLVMText(ArrayRef<char> Input, LLVMContext &C) {
73   SMDiagnostic Err;
74   llvm::MemoryBufferRef BufferRef(llvm::StringRef(Input.data(), Input.size()),
75                                   "LLVM IR Module");
76   Expected<std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>> ExpModule =
77       llvm::parseIR(BufferRef, Err, C);
79   if (!ExpModule)
80     Err.print("getModuleLL", errs());
82   if (verifyModule(*ExpModule.get()))
83     return make_error<vc::InvalidModuleError>();
85   return ExpModule;
86 }
88 static Expected<std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>>
getModuleFromLLVMBinary(ArrayRef<char> Input,LLVMContext & C)89 getModuleFromLLVMBinary(ArrayRef<char> Input, LLVMContext& C) {
91   llvm::MemoryBufferRef BufferRef(llvm::StringRef(Input.data(), Input.size()),
92     "Deserialized LLVM Module");
93   auto ExpModule = llvm::parseBitcodeFile(BufferRef, C);
95   if (!ExpModule)
96     return llvm::handleExpected(
97         std::move(ExpModule),
98         []() -> llvm::Error {
99           IGC_ASSERT_EXIT_MESSAGE(0, "Should create new error");
100         },
101         [](const llvm::ErrorInfoBase& E) {
102           return make_error<vc::BadBitcodeError>(E.message());
103         });
105   if (verifyModule(*ExpModule.get()))
106     return make_error<vc::InvalidModuleError>();
108   return ExpModule;
109 }
111 static Expected<std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>>
getModuleFromSPIRV(ArrayRef<char> Input,ArrayRef<uint32_t> SpecConstIds,ArrayRef<uint64_t> SpecConstValues,LLVMContext & Ctx)112 getModuleFromSPIRV(ArrayRef<char> Input, ArrayRef<uint32_t> SpecConstIds,
113                    ArrayRef<uint64_t> SpecConstValues, LLVMContext &Ctx) {
114   auto ExpIR = vc::translateSPIRVToIR(Input, SpecConstIds, SpecConstValues);
115   if (!ExpIR)
116     return ExpIR.takeError();
118   return getModuleFromLLVMBinary(ExpIR.get(), Ctx);
119 }
121 static Expected<std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>>
getModule(ArrayRef<char> Input,vc::FileType FType,ArrayRef<uint32_t> SpecConstIds,ArrayRef<uint64_t> SpecConstValues,LLVMContext & Ctx)122 getModule(ArrayRef<char> Input, vc::FileType FType,
123           ArrayRef<uint32_t> SpecConstIds, ArrayRef<uint64_t> SpecConstValues,
124           LLVMContext &Ctx) {
125   switch (FType) {
126   case vc::FileType::SPIRV:
127     return getModuleFromSPIRV(Input, SpecConstIds, SpecConstValues, Ctx);
128   case vc::FileType::LLVM_TEXT:
129     return getModuleFromLLVMText(Input, Ctx);
130   case vc::FileType::LLVM_BINARY:
131     return getModuleFromLLVMBinary(Input, Ctx);
132   }
133   IGC_ASSERT_EXIT_MESSAGE(0, "Unknown input kind");
134 }
overrideTripleWithVC(StringRef TripleStr)136 static Triple overrideTripleWithVC(StringRef TripleStr) {
137   Triple T{TripleStr};
138   // Normalize triple.
139   bool Is32Bit = T.isArch32Bit();
140   if (TripleStr.startswith("genx32"))
141     Is32Bit = true;
142   return Triple{Is32Bit ? "genx32-unknown-unknown" : "genx64-unknown-unknown"};
143 }
getSubtargetFeatureString(const vc::CompileOptions & Opts)145 static std::string getSubtargetFeatureString(const vc::CompileOptions &Opts) {
147   SubtargetFeatures Features;
149   if (!Opts.FeaturesString.empty()) {
150     SmallVector<StringRef, 8> AuxFeatures;
151     StringRef(Opts.FeaturesString).split(AuxFeatures, ",", -1, false);
152     for (const auto& F: AuxFeatures) {
153       auto Feature = F.trim();
154       bool Enabled = Feature.consume_front("+");
155       if (!Enabled) {
156         bool Disabled = Feature.consume_front("-");
157         IGC_ASSERT_MESSAGE(Disabled, "unexpected feature format");
158       }
159       Features.AddFeature(Feature.str(), Enabled);
160     }
161   }
162   if (Opts.HasL1ReadOnlyCache)
163     Features.AddFeature("has_l1_read_only_cache");
164   if (Opts.HasLocalMemFenceSupress)
165     Features.AddFeature("supress_local_mem_fence");
166   if (Opts.NoVecDecomp)
167     Features.AddFeature("disable_vec_decomp");
168   if (Opts.NoJumpTables)
169     Features.AddFeature("disable_jump_tables");
170   if (Opts.TranslateLegacyMemoryIntrinsics)
171     Features.AddFeature("translate_legacy_message");
172   if (Opts.Binary == vc::BinaryKind::OpenCL ||
173       Opts.Binary == vc::BinaryKind::ZE)
174     Features.AddFeature("ocl_runtime");
176   return Features.getString();
177 }
getCodeGenOptLevel(const vc::CompileOptions & Opts)179 static CodeGenOpt::Level getCodeGenOptLevel(const vc::CompileOptions &Opts) {
180   if (Opts.OptLevel == vc::OptimizerLevel::None)
181     return CodeGenOpt::None;
182   return CodeGenOpt::Default;
183 }
getTargetOptions(const vc::CompileOptions & Opts)185 static TargetOptions getTargetOptions(const vc::CompileOptions &Opts) {
186   TargetOptions Options;
187   Options.AllowFPOpFusion = Opts.AllowFPOpFusion;
188   return Options;
189 }
191 static Expected<std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine>>
createTargetMachine(const vc::CompileOptions & Opts,Triple & TheTriple)192 createTargetMachine(const vc::CompileOptions &Opts, Triple &TheTriple) {
193   std::string Error;
194   const Target *TheTarget = TargetRegistry::lookupTarget(
195       TheTriple.getArchName().str(), TheTriple, Error);
196   IGC_ASSERT_MESSAGE(TheTarget, "vc target was not registered");
198   const std::string FeaturesStr = getSubtargetFeatureString(Opts);
200   const TargetOptions Options = getTargetOptions(Opts);
202   CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel = getCodeGenOptLevel(Opts);
203   std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine> TM{
204       TheTarget->createTargetMachine(TheTriple.getTriple(), Opts.CPUStr,
205                                      FeaturesStr, Options, /*RelocModel=*/None,
206                                      /*CodeModel=*/None, OptLevel)};
207   if (!TM)
208     return make_error<vc::TargetMachineError>();
209   return {std::move(TM)};
210 }
getDefaultOverridableFlag(T OptFlag,bool Default)212 template <typename T> bool getDefaultOverridableFlag(T OptFlag, bool Default) {
213   switch (OptFlag) {
214   default:
215     return Default;
216   case T::Enable:
217     return true;
218   case T::Disable:
219     return false;
220   }
221 }
223 // Create backend options for immutable config pass. Override default
224 // values with provided ones.
createBackendOptions(const vc::CompileOptions & Opts)225 static GenXBackendOptions createBackendOptions(const vc::CompileOptions &Opts) {
226   GenXBackendOptions BackendOpts;
227   if (Opts.StackMemSize) {
228     BackendOpts.StackSurfaceMaxSize = Opts.StackMemSize.getValue();
229     BackendOpts.StatelessPrivateMemSize = Opts.StackMemSize.getValue();
230   }
231   BackendOpts.DisableFinalizerMsg = Opts.DisableFinalizerMsg;
232   BackendOpts.EmitDebuggableKernels = Opts.EmitDebuggableKernels;
233   BackendOpts.DebugInfoForZeBin = (Opts.Binary == vc::BinaryKind::ZE);
234   BackendOpts.DebugInfoValidationEnable = Opts.ForceDebugInfoValidation;
235   BackendOpts.EnableAsmDumps = Opts.DumpAsm;
236   BackendOpts.EnableDebugInfoDumps = Opts.DumpDebugInfo;
237   BackendOpts.Dumper = Opts.Dumper.get();
238   BackendOpts.ShaderOverrider = Opts.ShaderOverrider.get();
239   BackendOpts.DisableStructSplitting = Opts.DisableStructSplitting;
240   BackendOpts.ForceArrayPromotion = (Opts.Binary == vc::BinaryKind::CM);
241   BackendOpts.ReserveBTIZero = (Opts.Binary != vc::BinaryKind::CM) &&
242                                 Opts.EmitDebuggableKernels;
243   if (Opts.ForceLiveRangesLocalizationForAccUsage)
244     BackendOpts.LocalizeLRsForAccUsage = true;
245   if (Opts.ForceDisableNonOverlappingRegionOpt)
246     BackendOpts.DisableNonOverlappingRegionOpt = true;
247   BackendOpts.FCtrl = Opts.FCtrl;
248   BackendOpts.WATable = Opts.WATable;
249   BackendOpts.IsLargeGRFMode = Opts.IsLargeGRFMode;
250   BackendOpts.UseBindlessBuffers = Opts.UseBindlessBuffers;
251   if (Opts.SaveStackCallLinkage)
252     BackendOpts.SaveStackCallLinkage = true;
253   BackendOpts.UsePlain2DImages = Opts.UsePlain2DImages;
254   BackendOpts.EnablePreemption = Opts.EnablePreemption;
256   bool IsOptLevel_O0 =
257       Opts.OptLevel == vc::OptimizerLevel::None && Opts.EmitDebuggableKernels;
258   BackendOpts.PassDebugToFinalizer =
259       getDefaultOverridableFlag(Opts.NoOptFinalizerMode, IsOptLevel_O0);
260   BackendOpts.DisableLiveRangesCoalescing =
261       getDefaultOverridableFlag(Opts.DisableLRCoalescingMode, false);
262   return BackendOpts;
263 }
createBackendData(const vc::ExternalData & Data,int PointerSizeInBits)265 static GenXBackendData createBackendData(const vc::ExternalData &Data,
266                                          int PointerSizeInBits) {
267   IGC_ASSERT_MESSAGE(PointerSizeInBits == 32 || PointerSizeInBits == 64,
268       "only 32 and 64 bit pointers are expected");
269   GenXBackendData BackendData;
270   BackendData.BiFModule[BiFKind::OCLGeneric] =
271       IGCLLVM::makeMemoryBufferRef(*Data.OCLGenericBIFModule);
272   BackendData.BiFModule[BiFKind::VCEmulation] =
273       IGCLLVM::makeMemoryBufferRef(*Data.VCEmulationBIFModule);
274   BackendData.BiFModule[BiFKind::VCSPIRVBuiltins] =
275       IGCLLVM::makeMemoryBufferRef(*Data.VCSPIRVBuiltinsBIFModule);
276   if (PointerSizeInBits == 64)
277     BackendData.BiFModule[BiFKind::VCPrintf] =
278         IGCLLVM::makeMemoryBufferRef(*Data.VCPrintf64BIFModule);
279   else
280     BackendData.BiFModule[BiFKind::VCPrintf] =
281         IGCLLVM::makeMemoryBufferRef(*Data.VCPrintf32BIFModule);
282   return std::move(BackendData);
283 }
optimizeIR(const vc::CompileOptions & Opts,const vc::ExternalData & ExtData,TargetMachine & TM,Module & M)285 static void optimizeIR(const vc::CompileOptions &Opts,
286                        const vc::ExternalData &ExtData, TargetMachine &TM,
287                        Module &M) {
288   vc::PassManager PerModulePasses;
289   legacy::FunctionPassManager PerFunctionPasses(&M);
291   PerModulePasses.add(
292       createTargetTransformInfoWrapperPass(TM.getTargetIRAnalysis()));
293   PerModulePasses.add(new GenXBackendConfig{createBackendOptions(Opts),
294                                             createBackendData(ExtData,
295                                                               TM.getPointerSizeInBits(0))});
296   PerFunctionPasses.add(
297       createTargetTransformInfoWrapperPass(TM.getTargetIRAnalysis()));
299   unsigned OptLevel;
300   if (Opts.OptLevel == vc::OptimizerLevel::None)
301     OptLevel = 0;
302   else
303     OptLevel = 2;
305   PassManagerBuilder PMBuilder;
306   PMBuilder.Inliner = createFunctionInliningPass(2, 2, false);
307   PMBuilder.OptLevel = OptLevel;
308   PMBuilder.SizeLevel = OptLevel;
309   PMBuilder.SLPVectorize = false;
310   PMBuilder.LoopVectorize = false;
311   PMBuilder.DisableUnrollLoops = false;
312   PMBuilder.MergeFunctions = false;
313   PMBuilder.PrepareForThinLTO = false;
314   PMBuilder.PrepareForLTO = false;
315   PMBuilder.RerollLoops = true;
317   TM.adjustPassManager(PMBuilder);
319   PMBuilder.populateFunctionPassManager(PerFunctionPasses);
320   PMBuilder.populateModulePassManager(PerModulePasses);
322   // Do we need per function passes at all?
323   PerFunctionPasses.doInitialization();
324   for (Function &F : M) {
325     if (!F.isDeclaration())
326       PerFunctionPasses.run(F);
327   }
328   PerFunctionPasses.doFinalization();
330   PerModulePasses.run(M);
331 }
dumpFinalOutput(const vc::CompileOptions & Opts,const Module & M,StringRef IsaBinary)333 static void dumpFinalOutput(const vc::CompileOptions &Opts, const Module &M,
334                             StringRef IsaBinary) {
335   if (Opts.DumpIR && Opts.Dumper)
336     Opts.Dumper->dumpModule(M, "final.ll");
337   if (Opts.DumpIsa && Opts.Dumper)
338     Opts.Dumper->dumpBinary({IsaBinary.data(), IsaBinary.size()}, "final.isa");
339 }
populateCodeGenPassManager(const vc::CompileOptions & Opts,const vc::ExternalData & ExtData,TargetMachine & TM,raw_pwrite_stream & OS,legacy::PassManager & PM)341 static void populateCodeGenPassManager(const vc::CompileOptions &Opts,
342                                        const vc::ExternalData &ExtData,
343                                        TargetMachine &TM, raw_pwrite_stream &OS,
344                                        legacy::PassManager &PM) {
345   TargetLibraryInfoImpl TLII{TM.getTargetTriple()};
346   PM.add(new TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass(TLII));
347   PM.add(new GenXBackendConfig{createBackendOptions(Opts),
348                                createBackendData(ExtData,
349                                    TM.getPointerSizeInBits(0))});
351 #ifndef NDEBUG
352   // Do not enforce IR verification at an arbitrary moments in release builds
353   constexpr bool DisableIrVerifier = false;
354 #else
355   constexpr bool DisableIrVerifier = true;
356 #endif
358   auto FileType = IGCLLVM::TargetMachine::CodeGenFileType::CGFT_AssemblyFile;
360   bool AddPasses =
361       TM.addPassesToEmitFile(PM, OS, nullptr, FileType, DisableIrVerifier);
362   IGC_ASSERT_MESSAGE(!AddPasses, "Bad filetype for vc-codegen");
363 }
runOclCodeGen(const vc::CompileOptions & Opts,const vc::ExternalData & ExtData,TargetMachine & TM,Module & M)365 static vc::ocl::CompileOutput runOclCodeGen(const vc::CompileOptions &Opts,
366                                             const vc::ExternalData &ExtData,
367                                             TargetMachine &TM, Module &M) {
368   vc::PassManager PM;
370   SmallString<32> IsaBinary;
371   raw_svector_ostream OS(IsaBinary);
372   raw_null_ostream NullOS;
373   if (Opts.DumpIsa)
374     populateCodeGenPassManager(Opts, ExtData, TM, OS, PM);
375   else
376     populateCodeGenPassManager(Opts, ExtData, TM, NullOS, PM);
378   GenXOCLRuntimeInfo::CompiledModuleT CompiledModule;
379   PM.add(createGenXOCLInfoExtractorPass(CompiledModule));
381   PM.run(M);
382   dumpFinalOutput(Opts, M, IsaBinary);
384   return CompiledModule;
385 }
runCmCodeGen(const vc::CompileOptions & Opts,const vc::ExternalData & ExtData,TargetMachine & TM,Module & M)387 static vc::cm::CompileOutput runCmCodeGen(const vc::CompileOptions &Opts,
388                                           const vc::ExternalData &ExtData,
389                                           TargetMachine &TM, Module &M) {
390   vc::PassManager PM;
392   SmallString<32> IsaBinary;
393   raw_svector_ostream OS(IsaBinary);
394   populateCodeGenPassManager(Opts, ExtData, TM, OS, PM);
395   PM.run(M);
396   dumpFinalOutput(Opts, M, IsaBinary);
397   vc::cm::CompileOutput Output;
398   Output.IsaBinary.assign(IsaBinary.begin(), IsaBinary.end());
399   return Output;
400 }
runCodeGen(const vc::CompileOptions & Opts,const vc::ExternalData & ExtData,TargetMachine & TM,Module & M)402 static vc::CompileOutput runCodeGen(const vc::CompileOptions &Opts,
403                                     const vc::ExternalData &ExtData,
404                                     TargetMachine &TM, Module &M) {
405   switch (Opts.Binary) {
406   case vc::BinaryKind::CM:
407     return runCmCodeGen(Opts, ExtData, TM, M);
408   case vc::BinaryKind::OpenCL:
409   case vc::BinaryKind::ZE:
410     return runOclCodeGen(Opts, ExtData, TM, M);
411   }
412   IGC_ASSERT_EXIT_MESSAGE(0, "Unknown runtime kind");
413 }
415 // Parse global llvm cl options.
416 // Parsing of cl options should not fail under any circumstances.
parseLLVMOptions(const std::string & Args)417 static void parseLLVMOptions(const std::string &Args) {
418   BumpPtrAllocator Alloc;
419   StringSaver Saver{Alloc};
420   SmallVector<const char *, 8> Argv{"vc-codegen"};
421   cl::TokenizeGNUCommandLine(Args, Saver, Argv);
423   // Reset all options to ensure that scalar part does not affect
424   // vector compilation.
425   cl::ResetAllOptionOccurrences();
426   cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(Argv.size(), Argv.data());
427 }
Compile(ArrayRef<char> Input,const vc::CompileOptions & Opts,const vc::ExternalData & ExtData,ArrayRef<uint32_t> SpecConstIds,ArrayRef<uint64_t> SpecConstValues)429 Expected<vc::CompileOutput> vc::Compile(ArrayRef<char> Input,
430                                         const vc::CompileOptions &Opts,
431                                         const vc::ExternalData &ExtData,
432                                         ArrayRef<uint32_t> SpecConstIds,
433                                         ArrayRef<uint64_t> SpecConstValues) {
434   parseLLVMOptions(Opts.LLVMOptions);
435   // Reset options when everything is done here. This is needed to not
436   // interfere with subsequent translations (including scalar part).
437   const auto ClOptGuard =
438       llvm::make_scope_exit([]() { cl::ResetAllOptionOccurrences(); });
440   LLVMContext Context;
441   LLVMInitializeGenXTarget();
442   LLVMInitializeGenXTargetInfo();
443   llvm::PassRegistry &Registry = *llvm::PassRegistry::getPassRegistry();
444   llvm::initializeTarget(Registry);
446   Expected<std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>> ExpModule =
447       getModule(Input, Opts.FType, SpecConstIds, SpecConstValues, Context);
448   if (!ExpModule)
449     return ExpModule.takeError();
450   Module &M = *ExpModule.get();
452   if (Opts.DumpIR && Opts.Dumper)
453     Opts.Dumper->dumpModule(M, "after_spirv_reader.ll");
455   vc::PassManager PerModulePasses;
456   PerModulePasses.add(createGenXSPIRVReaderAdaptorPass());
457   PerModulePasses.add(createGenXRestoreIntrAttrPass());
458   PerModulePasses.run(M);
460   Triple TheTriple = overrideTripleWithVC(M.getTargetTriple());
461   M.setTargetTriple(TheTriple.getTriple());
463   auto ExpTargetMachine = createTargetMachine(Opts, TheTriple);
464   if (!ExpTargetMachine)
465     return ExpTargetMachine.takeError();
466   TargetMachine &TM = *ExpTargetMachine.get();
467   M.setDataLayout(TM.createDataLayout());
469   // Save old value and restore at the end.
470   bool TimePassesIsEnabledLocal = TimePassesIsEnabled;
471   if (Opts.TimePasses)
472     TimePassesIsEnabled = true;
474   // Enable LLVM statistics recording if required.
475   if (Opts.ShowStats || !Opts.StatsFile.empty())
476     llvm::EnableStatistics(false);
478   if (Opts.DumpIR && Opts.Dumper)
479     Opts.Dumper->dumpModule(M, "after_ir_adaptors.ll");
481   optimizeIR(Opts, ExtData, TM, M);
483   if (Opts.DumpIR && Opts.Dumper)
484     Opts.Dumper->dumpModule(M, "optimized.ll");
486   vc::CompileOutput Output = runCodeGen(Opts, ExtData, TM, M);
488   // Print timers if any and restore old TimePassesIsEnabled value.
489   TimerGroup::printAll(llvm::errs());
490   TimePassesIsEnabled = TimePassesIsEnabledLocal;
492   // Print LLVM statistics if required.
493   if (Opts.ShowStats)
494     llvm::PrintStatistics(llvm::errs());
495   if (!Opts.StatsFile.empty()) {
496     std::error_code EC;
497     auto StatS = std::make_unique<llvm::raw_fd_ostream>(
498         Opts.StatsFile, EC, llvm::sys::fs::OF_Text);
499     if (EC)
500       llvm::errs() << Opts.StatsFile << ": " << EC.message();
501     else
502       llvm::PrintStatisticsJSON(*StatS);
503   }
504   return Output;
505 }
507 template <typename ID, ID... UnknownIDs>
508 static Expected<opt::InputArgList>
parseOptions(const SmallVectorImpl<const char * > & Argv,unsigned FlagsToInclude,const opt::OptTable & Options,bool IsStrictMode)509 parseOptions(const SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &Argv, unsigned FlagsToInclude,
510              const opt::OptTable &Options, bool IsStrictMode) {
511   const bool IsInternal = FlagsToInclude & IGC::options::VCInternalOption;
513   unsigned MissingArgIndex = 0;
514   unsigned MissingArgCount = 0;
515   opt::InputArgList InputArgs =
516       Options.ParseArgs(Argv, MissingArgIndex, MissingArgCount, FlagsToInclude);
517   if (MissingArgCount)
518     return make_error<vc::OptionError>(Argv[MissingArgIndex], IsInternal);
520   // ocloc uncoditionally passes opencl options to internal options.
521   // Skip checking of internal options for now.
522   if (IsStrictMode) {
523     if (opt::Arg *A = InputArgs.getLastArg(UnknownIDs...)) {
524       std::string BadOpt = A->getAsString(InputArgs);
525       return make_error<vc::OptionError>(BadOpt, IsInternal);
526     }
527   }
529   return {std::move(InputArgs)};
530 }
532 static Expected<opt::InputArgList>
parseApiOptions(StringSaver & Saver,StringRef ApiOptions,bool IsStrictMode)533 parseApiOptions(StringSaver &Saver, StringRef ApiOptions, bool IsStrictMode) {
534   using namespace IGC::options::api;
536   SmallVector<const char *, 8> Argv;
537   cl::TokenizeGNUCommandLine(ApiOptions, Saver, Argv);
539   const opt::OptTable &Options = IGC::getApiOptTable();
540   // This can be rewritten to parse options and then check for
541   // OPT_vc_codegen, but it would be better to manually check for
542   // this option before any real parsing. If it is missing,
543   // then no parsing should be done at all.
544   auto HasOption = [&Argv](const std::string &Opt) {
545     return std::any_of(Argv.begin(), Argv.end(),
546                        [&Opt](const char *ArgStr) { return Opt == ArgStr; });
547   };
548   const std::string VCCodeGenOptName =
549       Options.getOption(OPT_vc_codegen).getPrefixedName();
550   if (HasOption(VCCodeGenOptName)) {
551     const unsigned FlagsToInclude =
552         IGC::options::VCApiOption | IGC::options::IGCApiOption;
553     return parseOptions<ID, OPT_UNKNOWN, OPT_INPUT>(Argv, FlagsToInclude,
554                                                     Options, IsStrictMode);
555   }
556   // Deprecated -cmc parsing just for compatibility.
557   const std::string IgcmcOptName =
558       Options.getOption(OPT_igcmc).getPrefixedName();
559   if (HasOption(IgcmcOptName)) {
560     llvm::errs()
561         << "'" << IgcmcOptName
562         << "' option is deprecated and will be removed in the future release. "
563            "Use -vc-codegen instead for compiling from SPIRV.\n";
564     const unsigned FlagsToInclude =
565         IGC::options::IgcmcApiOption | IGC::options::IGCApiOption;
566     return parseOptions<ID, OPT_UNKNOWN, OPT_INPUT>(Argv, FlagsToInclude,
567                                                     Options, IsStrictMode);
568   }
570   return make_error<vc::NotVCError>();
571 }
573 static Expected<opt::InputArgList>
parseInternalOptions(StringSaver & Saver,StringRef InternalOptions)574 parseInternalOptions(StringSaver &Saver, StringRef InternalOptions) {
575   using namespace IGC::options::internal;
577   SmallVector<const char *, 8> Argv;
578   cl::TokenizeGNUCommandLine(InternalOptions, Saver, Argv);
579   // Internal options are always unchecked.
580   constexpr bool IsStrictMode = false;
581   const opt::OptTable &Options = IGC::getInternalOptTable();
582   const unsigned FlagsToInclude =
583       IGC::options::VCInternalOption | IGC::options::IGCInternalOption;
584   return parseOptions<ID, OPT_UNKNOWN, OPT_INPUT>(Argv, FlagsToInclude, Options,
585                                                   IsStrictMode);
586 }
makeOptionError(const opt::Arg & A,const opt::ArgList & Opts,bool IsInternal)588 static Error makeOptionError(const opt::Arg &A, const opt::ArgList &Opts,
589                              bool IsInternal) {
590   const std::string BadOpt = A.getAsString(Opts);
591   return make_error<vc::OptionError>(BadOpt, IsInternal);
592 }
fillApiOptions(const opt::ArgList & ApiOptions,vc::CompileOptions & Opts)594 static Error fillApiOptions(const opt::ArgList &ApiOptions,
595                             vc::CompileOptions &Opts) {
596   using namespace IGC::options::api;
598   if (ApiOptions.hasArg(OPT_no_vector_decomposition))
599     Opts.NoVecDecomp = true;
600   if (ApiOptions.hasArg(OPT_emit_debug))
601     Opts.EmitDebuggableKernels = true;
602   if (ApiOptions.hasArg(OPT_vc_fno_struct_splitting))
603     Opts.DisableStructSplitting = true;
604   if (ApiOptions.hasArg(OPT_vc_fno_jump_tables))
605     Opts.NoJumpTables = true;
606   if (ApiOptions.hasArg(OPT_vc_ftranslate_legacy_memory_intrinsics))
607     Opts.TranslateLegacyMemoryIntrinsics = true;
608   if (ApiOptions.hasArg(OPT_vc_disable_finalizer_msg))
609     Opts.DisableFinalizerMsg = true;
610   if (ApiOptions.hasArg(OPT_large_GRF))
611     Opts.IsLargeGRFMode = true;
612   if (ApiOptions.hasArg(OPT_vc_use_plain_2d_images))
613     Opts.UsePlain2DImages = true;
614   if (ApiOptions.hasArg(OPT_vc_enable_preemption))
615     Opts.EnablePreemption = true;
617   if (opt::Arg *A = ApiOptions.getLastArg(OPT_fp_contract)) {
618     StringRef Val = A->getValue();
619     auto MayBeAllowFPOPFusion =
620         StringSwitch<Optional<FPOpFusion::FPOpFusionMode>>(Val)
621             .Case("on", FPOpFusion::Standard)
622             .Case("fast", FPOpFusion::Fast)
623             .Case("off", FPOpFusion::Strict)
624             .Default(None);
625     if (!MayBeAllowFPOPFusion)
626       return makeOptionError(*A, ApiOptions, /*IsInternal=*/false);
627     Opts.AllowFPOpFusion = MayBeAllowFPOPFusion.getValue();
628   }
630   if (opt::Arg *A =
631           ApiOptions.getLastArg(OPT_vc_optimize, OPT_opt_disable_ze)) {
632     if (A->getOption().matches(OPT_vc_optimize)) {
633       StringRef Val = A->getValue();
634       auto MaybeLevel = StringSwitch<Optional<vc::OptimizerLevel>>(Val)
635                             .Case("none", vc::OptimizerLevel::None)
636                             .Case("full", vc::OptimizerLevel::Full)
637                             .Default(None);
638       if (!MaybeLevel)
639         return makeOptionError(*A, ApiOptions, /*IsInternal=*/false);
640       Opts.OptLevel = MaybeLevel.getValue();
641     } else {
642       IGC_ASSERT(A->getOption().matches(OPT_opt_disable_ze));
643       Opts.OptLevel = vc::OptimizerLevel::None;
644     }
645   }
647   if (opt::Arg *A = ApiOptions.getLastArg(OPT_vc_stateless_private_size)) {
648     StringRef Val = A->getValue();
649     unsigned Result;
650     if (Val.getAsInteger(/*Radix=*/0, Result))
651       return makeOptionError(*A, ApiOptions, /*IsInternal=*/false);
652     Opts.StackMemSize = Result;
653   }
655   return Error::success();
656 }
fillInternalOptions(const opt::ArgList & InternalOptions,vc::CompileOptions & Opts)658 static Error fillInternalOptions(const opt::ArgList &InternalOptions,
659                                  vc::CompileOptions &Opts) {
660   using namespace IGC::options::internal;
662   if (InternalOptions.hasArg(OPT_dump_isa_binary))
663     Opts.DumpIsa = true;
664   if (InternalOptions.hasArg(OPT_dump_llvm_ir))
665     Opts.DumpIR = true;
666   if (InternalOptions.hasArg(OPT_dump_asm))
667     Opts.DumpAsm = true;
668   if (InternalOptions.hasArg(OPT_ftime_report))
669     Opts.TimePasses = true;
670   if (InternalOptions.hasArg(OPT_print_stats))
671     Opts.ShowStats = true;
672   Opts.StatsFile = InternalOptions.getLastArgValue(OPT_stats_file).str();
673   if (InternalOptions.hasArg(OPT_intel_use_bindless_buffers_ze))
674     Opts.UseBindlessBuffers = true;
676   if (opt::Arg *A = InternalOptions.getLastArg(OPT_binary_format)) {
677     StringRef Val = A->getValue();
678     auto MaybeBinary = StringSwitch<Optional<vc::BinaryKind>>(Val)
679                            .Case("cm", vc::BinaryKind::CM)
680                            .Case("ocl", vc::BinaryKind::OpenCL)
681                            .Case("ze", vc::BinaryKind::ZE)
682                            .Default(None);
683     if (!MaybeBinary)
684       return makeOptionError(*A, InternalOptions, /*IsInternal=*/true);
685     Opts.Binary = MaybeBinary.getValue();
686   }
688   Opts.FeaturesString =
689       llvm::join(InternalOptions.getAllArgValues(OPT_target_features), ",");
691   if (InternalOptions.hasArg(OPT_help)) {
692     constexpr const char *Usage = "-options \"-vc-codegen [options]\"";
693     constexpr const char *Title = "Vector compiler options";
694     constexpr unsigned FlagsToInclude = IGC::options::VCApiOption;
695     constexpr unsigned FlagsToExclude = 0;
696     constexpr bool ShowAllAliases = false;
697     IGCLLVM::printHelp(IGC::getApiOptTable(), llvm::errs(), Usage, Title,
698                        FlagsToInclude, FlagsToExclude, ShowAllAliases);
699   }
700   if (InternalOptions.hasArg(OPT_help_internal)) {
701     constexpr const char *Usage =
702         "-options \"-vc-codegen\" -internal_options \"[options]\"";
703     constexpr const char *Title = "Vector compiler internal options";
704     constexpr unsigned FlagsToInclude = IGC::options::VCInternalOption;
705     constexpr unsigned FlagsToExclude = 0;
706     constexpr bool ShowAllAliases = false;
707     IGCLLVM::printHelp(IGC::getInternalOptTable(), llvm::errs(), Usage, Title,
708                        FlagsToInclude, FlagsToExclude, ShowAllAliases);
709   }
711   return Error::success();
712 }
714 // Prepare llvm options string using different API and internal options.
composeLLVMArgs(const opt::ArgList & ApiArgs,const opt::ArgList & InternalArgs)715 static std::string composeLLVMArgs(const opt::ArgList &ApiArgs,
716                                    const opt::ArgList &InternalArgs) {
717   std::string Result;
719   // Handle input llvm options.
720   if (InternalArgs.hasArg(IGC::options::internal::OPT_llvm_options))
721     Result += join(
722         InternalArgs.getAllArgValues(IGC::options::internal::OPT_llvm_options),
723         " ");
725   // Add visaopts if any.
726   for (auto OptID : {IGC::options::api::OPT_igcmc_visaopts,
727                      IGC::options::api::OPT_Xfinalizer}) {
728     if (!ApiArgs.hasArg(OptID))
729       continue;
730     Result += " -finalizer-opts='";
731     Result += join(ApiArgs.getAllArgValues(OptID), " ");
732     Result += "'";
733   }
735   // Add gtpin options if any.
736   if (ApiArgs.hasArg(IGC::options::api::OPT_gtpin_rera))
737     Result += " -finalizer-opts='-GTPinReRA'";
738   if (ApiArgs.hasArg(IGC::options::api::OPT_gtpin_grf_info))
739     Result += " -finalizer-opts='-getfreegrfinfo -rerapostschedule'";
740   if (opt::Arg *A =
741           ApiArgs.getLastArg(IGC::options::api::OPT_gtpin_scratch_area_size)) {
742     Result += " -finalizer-opts='-GTPinScratchAreaSize ";
743     Result += A->getValue();
744     Result += "'";
745   }
747   return Result;
748 }
750 static Expected<vc::CompileOptions>
fillOptions(const opt::ArgList & ApiOptions,const opt::ArgList & InternalOptions)751 fillOptions(const opt::ArgList &ApiOptions,
752             const opt::ArgList &InternalOptions) {
753   vc::CompileOptions Opts;
754   Error Status = fillApiOptions(ApiOptions, Opts);
755   if (Status)
756     return {std::move(Status)};
758   Status = fillInternalOptions(InternalOptions, Opts);
759   if (Status)
760     return {std::move(Status)};
762   // Prepare additional llvm options (like finalizer args).
763   Opts.LLVMOptions = composeLLVMArgs(ApiOptions, InternalOptions);
765   return {std::move(Opts)};
766 }
768 // Filter input argument list to derive options that will contribute
769 // to subsequent translation.
770 // InputArgs -- argument list to filter, should outlive resulting
771 // derived option list.
772 // IncludeFlag -- options with that flag will be included in result.
filterUsedOptions(opt::InputArgList & InputArgs,IGC::options::Flags IncludeFlag)773 static opt::DerivedArgList filterUsedOptions(opt::InputArgList &InputArgs,
774                                              IGC::options::Flags IncludeFlag) {
775   opt::DerivedArgList FilteredArgs(InputArgs);
777   // InputArg is not a constant. This is required to pass it to append
778   // function of derived argument list. Derived argument list will not
779   // own added argument so it will not try to free this memory.
780   // Additionally note that InputArgs are used in derived arg list as
781   // a constant so added arguments should not be modified through
782   // derived list to avoid unexpected results.
783   for (opt::Arg *InputArg : InputArgs) {
784     const opt::Arg *Arg = InputArg;
785     // Get alias as unaliased form can belong to used flags
786     // (see cl intel gtpin options).
787     if (const opt::Arg *AliasArg = InputArg->getAlias())
788       Arg = AliasArg;
789     // Ignore options without required flag.
790     if (!Arg->getOption().hasFlag(IncludeFlag))
791       continue;
792     FilteredArgs.append(InputArg);
793   }
795   return FilteredArgs;
796 }
filterApiOptions(opt::InputArgList & InputArgs)798 opt::DerivedArgList filterApiOptions(opt::InputArgList &InputArgs) {
799   if (InputArgs.hasArg(IGC::options::api::OPT_igcmc))
800     return filterUsedOptions(InputArgs, IGC::options::IgcmcApiOption);
802   return filterUsedOptions(InputArgs, IGC::options::VCApiOption);
803 }
805 llvm::Expected<vc::CompileOptions>
ParseOptions(llvm::StringRef ApiOptions,llvm::StringRef InternalOptions,bool IsStrictMode)806 vc::ParseOptions(llvm::StringRef ApiOptions, llvm::StringRef InternalOptions,
807                  bool IsStrictMode) {
808   llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Alloc;
809   llvm::StringSaver Saver{Alloc};
810   auto ExpApiArgList = parseApiOptions(Saver, ApiOptions, IsStrictMode);
811   if (!ExpApiArgList)
812     return ExpApiArgList.takeError();
813   opt::InputArgList &ApiArgs = ExpApiArgList.get();
814   const opt::DerivedArgList VCApiArgs = filterApiOptions(ApiArgs);
816   auto ExpInternalArgList = parseInternalOptions(Saver, InternalOptions);
817   if (!ExpInternalArgList)
818     return ExpInternalArgList.takeError();
819   opt::InputArgList &InternalArgs = ExpInternalArgList.get();
820   const opt::DerivedArgList VCInternalArgs =
821       filterUsedOptions(InternalArgs, IGC::options::VCInternalOption);
823   return fillOptions(VCApiArgs, VCInternalArgs);
824 }