1 /*========================== begin_copyright_notice ============================
3 Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Intel Corporation
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
7 ============================= end_copyright_notice ===========================*/
9 /*  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 **
11 **  File Name     : RelocationInfo.h
12 **
13 **  Abastract     : This file contains the definition of Relocation Table and
14 **                  Symbol Table which are shared between Compiler and Driver
15 **  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
19 #include <string>
21 namespace vISA {
23 static const uint32_t MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_LENGTH = 1024;
25 /// GenSymType - Specify the symbol's type
26 enum GenSymType {
27     S_NOTYPE           = 0,    // The symbol's type is not specified
28     S_UNDEF            = 1,    // The symbol is undefined in this module
29     S_FUNC             = 2,    // The symbol is associated with a function
30     S_GLOBAL_VAR       = 3,    // The symbol is associated with a global variable in global address space
31     S_GLOBAL_VAR_CONST = 4,    // The symbol is associated with a global variable in constant address space
32     S_CONST_SAMPLER    = 5,    // The symbol is associated with a constant sampler
33     S_KERNEL           = 6     // The symbol is associated with a kernel function
34 };
36 /// GenSymEntry - An symbol table entry
37 typedef struct {
38     uint32_t   s_type;            // The symbol's type
39     uint32_t   s_offset;          // The binary offset of this symbol. This field is ignored if s_type is S_UNDEF
40     uint32_t   s_size;            // The size in bytes of the function binary
41     char       s_name[MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_LENGTH]; // The symbol's name
42 } GenSymEntry;
44 /// GenRelocType - Specify the relocation's type
45 enum GenRelocType {
46     R_NONE = 0,
47     R_SYM_ADDR                     = 1, // 64-bit type address
48     R_SYM_ADDR_32                  = 2, // 32-bit address or lower 32-bit of a 64-bit address.
49     R_SYM_ADDR_32_HI               = 3, // higher 32bits of 64-bit address
50     R_PER_THREAD_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_32 = 4, // 32-bit field of payload offset of per-thread data
51     R_GLOBAL_IMM_32                = 5  // 32-bit global immediate
52 };
54 /// GenRelocEntry - An relocation table entry
55 typedef struct {
56     uint32_t   r_type;        // The relocation's type
57     uint32_t   r_offset;      // The binary offset of the relocated target
58     char       r_symbol[MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_LENGTH]; // The relocation target symbol's name
59 } GenRelocEntry;
61 /// GenFuncAttribEntry - Per-function attribute entry
62 typedef struct {
63     uint8_t    f_isKernel;      // Is the function a kernel
64     uint8_t    f_hasBarrier;    // Does the function use barriers
65     uint32_t   f_privateMemPerThread; // Total private memory (in bytes) used by this function per thread
66     uint32_t   f_spillMemPerThread;  // Spill mem used (in bytes) in scratch space for this function
67     char       f_name[MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_LENGTH]; // The function's name
68 } GenFuncAttribEntry;
70 /// FIXME: ZE*Entry information should be moved to upper level (e.g. IGC or runtime interface)
72 /// ZESymEntry - An symbol entry that will later be transformed to ZE binary format
73 /// It contains the same information as GenSymEntry, and has the full symbol name with
74 /// no length limitation
75 /// FIXME: s_type should be standard ELF symbol type instead of GenSymType
76 struct ZESymEntry {
77     GenSymType    s_type;            // The symbol's type
78     uint32_t      s_offset;          // The binary offset of this symbol. This field is ignored if s_type is S_UNDEF
79     uint32_t      s_size;            // The size in bytes of the function binary
80     std::string   s_name;            // The symbol's name
82     ZESymEntry() = default;
ZESymEntryZESymEntry83     ZESymEntry(GenSymType type, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, std::string name)
84         : s_type(type), s_offset(offset), s_size(size), s_name(name)
85     {}
86 };
88 /// ZERelocEntry - A relocation entry that will later be transformed to ZE binary format
89 /// It contains the same information as GenRelocEntry, and has the full symbol name with
90 /// no length limitation
91 /// FIXME: r_type should be standard ELF symbol type instead of GenRelocType
92 struct ZERelocEntry {
93     GenRelocType  r_type;        // The relocation's type
94     uint32_t      r_offset;      // The binary offset of the relocated target
95     std::string   r_symbol;      // The relocation target symbol's name
97     ZERelocEntry() = default;
ZERelocEntryZERelocEntry98     ZERelocEntry(GenRelocType type, uint32_t offset, std::string targetSymName)
99         : r_type(type), r_offset(offset), r_symbol(targetSymName)
100     {}
101 };
103 /// ZEFuncAttribEntry - A function attribute entry that will later be transformed to ZE binary format
104 struct ZEFuncAttribEntry {
105     uint8_t     f_isKernel;      // Is the function a kernel
106     uint8_t     f_hasBarrier;    // Does the function use barriers
107     uint32_t    f_privateMemPerThread; // Total private memory (in bytes) used by this function per thread
108     uint32_t    f_spillMemPerThread;  // Spill mem used (in bytes) in scratch space for this function
109     std::string f_name; // The function's name
ZEFuncAttribEntryZEFuncAttribEntry111     ZEFuncAttribEntry(uint8_t isKernel, uint8_t hasBarrier, uint32_t privateMemPerThread,
112         uint32_t spillMemPerThread, std::string funcName)
113         : f_isKernel(isKernel),
114           f_hasBarrier(hasBarrier),
115           f_privateMemPerThread(privateMemPerThread),
116           f_spillMemPerThread(spillMemPerThread),
117           f_name(funcName)
118     {}
119 };
121 } //namespace vISA
122 #endif