1 Jsonnet commandline interpreter v0.17.0
3 jsonnet {<option>} <filename>
5 Available options:
6   -h / --help             This message
7   -e / --exec             Treat filename as code
8   -J / --jpath <dir>      Specify an additional library search dir (right-most wins)
9   -o / --output-file <file> Write to the output file rather than stdout
10   -m / --multi <dir>      Write multiple files to the directory, list files on stdout
11   -y / --yaml-stream      Write output as a YAML stream of JSON documents
12   -S / --string           Expect a string, manifest as plain text
13   -s / --max-stack <n>    Number of allowed stack frames
14   -t / --max-trace <n>    Max length of stack trace before cropping
15   --gc-min-objects <n>    Do not run garbage collector until this many
16   --gc-growth-trigger <n> Run garbage collector after this amount of object growth
17   --version               Print version
18 Available options for specifying values of 'external' variables:
19 Provide the value as a string:
20   -V / --ext-str <var>[=<val>]     If <val> is omitted, get from environment var <var>
21        --ext-str-file <var>=<file> Read the string from the file
22 Provide a value as Jsonnet code:
23   --ext-code <var>[=<code>]    If <code> is omitted, get from environment var <var>
24   --ext-code-file <var>=<file> Read the code from the file
25 Available options for specifying values of 'top-level arguments':
26 Provide the value as a string:
27   -A / --tla-str <var>[=<val>]     If <val> is omitted, get from environment var <var>
28        --tla-str-file <var>=<file> Read the string from the file
29 Provide a value as Jsonnet code:
30   --tla-code <var>[=<code>]    If <code> is omitted, get from environment var <var>
31   --tla-code-file <var>=<file> Read the code from the file
32 Environment variables:
33 JSONNET_PATH is a colon (semicolon on Windows) separated list of directories added
34 in reverse order before the paths specified by --jpath (i.e. left-most wins)
35 E.g. JSONNET_PATH=a:b jsonnet -J c -J d is equivalent to:
36 JSONNET_PATH=d:c:a:b jsonnet
37 jsonnet -J b -J a -J c -J d
39 In all cases:
40 <filename> can be - (stdin)
41 Multichar options are expanded e.g. -abc becomes -a -b -c.
42 The -- option suppresses option processing for subsequent arguments.
43 Note that since filenames and jsonnet programs can begin with -, it is advised to
44 use -- if the argument is unknown, e.g. jsonnet -- "$FILENAME".