1 /*
2  * Port for usage with qt-framework and development for kdesvn
3  * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 by Rajko Albrecht (ral@alwins-world.de)
4  * http://kdesvn.alwins-world.de
5  */
6 /*
7  * ====================================================================
8  * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 The RapidSvn Group.  All rights reserved.
9  * dev@rapidsvn.tigris.org
10  *
11  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
13  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
14  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15  *
16  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
22  * License along with this library (in the file LGPL.txt); if not,
23  * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St,
24  * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
25  *
26  * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
27  * individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
28  * history and logs, available at http://rapidsvn.tigris.org/.
29  * ====================================================================
30  */
35 #include <svnqt/client.h>
36 #include <svnqt/svnqt_defines.h>
38 class QStringList;
40 namespace svn
41 {
42 namespace stream
43 {
44 class SvnStream;
45 }
47 /**
48  * Subversion client API.
49  */
50 class SVNQT_NOEXPORT Client_impl: public Client
51 {
52 public:
53     /**
54      * Initializes the primary memory pool.
55      */
56     explicit Client_impl(const ContextP &context);
58     virtual ~Client_impl();
60     /**
61      * @return returns the Client context
62      */
63     const ContextP getContext() const override;
65     /**
66      * sets the client context
67      * you have to make sure the old context
68      * is de-allocated
69      *
70      * @param context new context to use
71      */
72     void setContext(const ContextP &context) override;
75     /**
76      * Enumerates all files/dirs at a given path.
77      *
78      * Throws an exception if an error occurs
79      *
80      * @param params the parameter for this method
81      * @return vector with Status entries.
82      */
83     StatusEntries status(const StatusParameter &params) override;
85     /**
86      * Returns the status of a single file in the path.
87      *
88      * Throws an exception if an error occurs
89      *
90      * @param path File to gather status.
91      * @param update if check against repository if new updates are there (for WC only)
92      * @param revision list specific revision when browsing remote, on working copies parameter will ignored
93      * @return a Status with Statis.isVersioned = FALSE
94      */
95     StatusPtr singleStatus(const Path &path, bool update = false, const Revision &revision = svn::Revision::HEAD) override;
97     /**
98      * Executes a revision checkout.
99      * @param params the parameters to use
100      * @return revision number checked out
101      * @exception ClientException
102      */
103     Revision checkout(const CheckoutParameter &params) override;
105     /**
106      * relocate wc @a from to @a to
107      * @exception ClientException
108      */
109     void relocate(const Path &path, const Url &from_url,
110                   const Url &to_url, bool recurse, bool ignore_externals) override;
112     /**
113      * Sets files for deletion.
114      *
115      * @param targets targets to delete
116      * @param force force if files are locally modified
117      * @exception ClientException
118      */
119     svn::Revision
120     remove(const Targets &targets,
121            bool force,
122            bool keep_local = true,
123            const PropertiesMap &revProps = PropertiesMap()) override;
125     /**
126      * Reverts a couple of files to a pristiner state.
127      * @exception ClientException
128      */
129     void
130     revert(const Targets &targets,
131            Depth depth,
132            const StringArray &changelist = StringArray()
133           ) override;
136     /**
137      * Adds a file to the repository.
138      * @param path the path to add
139      * @param depth if @a path is a folder add items recursive depending on value if it. Pre-subversion 1.5 DepthInfinity is mapped to recursive, all other to not-recursive.
140      * @param force if true, do not error on already-versioned items.
141      * @param no_ignore if false don't add files or directories that match ignore patterns.
142      * @param add_parents if true, go up to the next versioned folder and add all between path and this folder. Used only with subversion 1.5 or newer
143      * @exception ClientException
144      * @sa svn::Depth
145      */
146     void add(const Path &path, svn::Depth depth, bool force = false, bool no_ignore = false, bool add_parents = true) override;
148     /**
149      * Updates the file or directory.
150      * @param params the parameter for subversion
151      * @exception ClientException
152      */
153     Revisions update(const UpdateParameter &params) override;
155     /**
156      * Retrieves the contents for a specific @a revision of
157      * a @a path at @a peg_revision
158      *
159      * @param path path of file or directory
160      * @param peg_revision revision to base the URL
161      * @param revision revision to retrieve
162      * @param peg_revision Revision to look at
163      * @return contents of the file
164      */
165     QByteArray
166     cat(const Path &path,
167         const Revision &revision,
168         const Revision &peg_revision = Revision::UNDEFINED) override;
169     /**
170      * Retrieves the contents for a specific @a revision of
171      * a @a path at @a peg_revision
172      *
173      * @param buffer Stream to store content direct
174      * @param path path of file or directory
175      * @param peg_revision revision to base the URL
176      * @param revision revision to retrieve
177      * @exception ClientException
178      */
179     void
180     cat(svn::stream::SvnStream &buffer,
181         const Path &path,
182         const Revision &revision,
183         const Revision &peg_revision) override;
185     /**
186      * Retrieves the contents for a specific @a revision of
187      * a @a path at @a peg_revision
188      *
189      * @param path path of file or directory
190      * @param target new (local) name
191      * @param peg_revision revision to base the URL
192      * @param revision revision to retrieve
193      * @param peg_revision Revision to look at
194      */
195     void get(const Path &path,
196         const QString   &target,
197         const Revision &revision,
198         const Revision &peg_revision = Revision::UNDEFINED) override;
200     /**
201      * Retrieves the contents for a specific @a revision of
202      * a @a path and stores the result in @a target
203      *
204      * @param target the container where to store the result
205      * @param path path of file or directory
206      * @param revisionStart revision to retrieve
207      * @param revisionEnd revision to retrieve
208      * @param peg indicates in which revision path is valid
209      */
210     void annotate(AnnotatedFile &target, const AnnotateParameter &params) override;
212     /**
213      * Commits changes to the repository. This usually requires
214      * authentication, see Auth.
215      * @param parameters CommitParameter to use
216      * @return Returns revision transferred or svn::Revision::UNDEFINED if the revision number is invalid.
217      * @exception ClientException
218      */
219     svn::Revision commit(const CommitParameter &parameters) override;
221     /**
222      * Copies a versioned file with the history preserved.
223      * @exception ClientException
224      */
225     svn::Revision
226     copy(const Path &srcPath,
227          const Revision &srcRevision,
228          const Path &destPath) override;
229     /**
230      * Copies a versioned file with the history preserved.
231      * @since subversion 1.5 api
232      * @param parameter Class holding old required parameter
233      * @see svn_client_copy4,svn_client_copy5
234      * @exception ClientException
235      */
236     svn::Revision copy(const CopyParameter &parameter) override;
238     /**
239      * Moves or renames a file.
240      * @param parameter Class holding old required parameter
241      * @exception ClientException
242      */
243     svn::Revision move(const CopyParameter &parameter) override;
245     /**
246      * Creates a directory directly in a repository or creates a
247      * directory on disk and schedules it for addition. If <i>path</i>
248      * is a URL then authentication is usually required, see Auth and
249      * the callback asks for a logmessage.
250      *
251      * @param targets encoded pathes to create
252      * @param message log message. if it is QString::null asks when working on repository
253      * @exception ClientException
254      */
255     svn::Revision
256     mkdir(const Targets &targets,
257           const QString &message,
258           bool makeParent = true,
259           const PropertiesMap &revProps = PropertiesMap()
260          ) override;
262     /**
263      * Recursively cleans up a local directory, finishing any
264      * incomplete operations, removing lockfiles, etc.
265      * @param path a local directory.
266      * @exception ClientException
267      */
268     void cleanup(const Path &path) override;
270     /**
271      * Removes the 'conflicted' state on a file.
272      * @exception ClientException
273      */
274     void resolve(const Path &path, Depth depth, const ConflictResult &resolution = ConflictResult()) override;
276     /**
277      * Exports the contents of either a subversion repository into a
278      * 'clean' directory (meaning a directory with no administrative
279      * directories).
280      * @exception ClientException
281      * @param params Parameter to use
282      * @return revision exported
283      */
284     Revision doExport(const CheckoutParameter &params) override;
286     /**
287      * Update local copy to mirror a new url. This excapsulates the
288      * svn_client_switch() client method.
289      * @exception ClientException
290      */
291     Revision
292     doSwitch(const Path &path, const Url &url,
293         const Revision &revision,
294         Depth depth,
295         const Revision &peg = Revision::UNDEFINED,
296         bool sticky_depth = true,
297         bool ignore_externals = false,
298         bool allow_unversioned = false,
299         bool ignore_ancestry = false
300       ) override;
302     /**
303      * Import file or directory PATH into repository directory URL at
304      * head.  This usually requires authentication, see Auth.
305      * @param path path to import
306      * @param importRepository
307      * @param message log message.
308      * @param depth kind of recurse operation
309      * @param no_ignore if false, don't add items matching global ignore pattern
310      * @param no_unknown_nodetype if true ignore files type not known like pipes or device files
311      * @exception ClientException
312      */
313     svn::Revision
314     import(const Path &path, const Url &importRepository,
315            const QString &message,
316            svn::Depth depth,
317            bool no_ignore, bool no_unknown_nodetype,
318            const PropertiesMap &revProps = PropertiesMap()) override;
320     /**
321      * Merge changes from two paths into a new local path. For reintegrate merge see svn::MergeParameter!
322      * @exception ClientException
323      * @sa svn::MergeParameter
324      */
325     void merge(const MergeParameter &parameters) override;
327     void merge_peg(const MergeParameter &parameters) override;
329     /**
330      * Retrieve information for the given path
331      * remote or local. Only gives with subversion 1.2
332      * useful results
333      *
334      * @param path path for info
335      * @param rec recursive (if dir)
336      * @param rev for which revision
337      * @param peg_revision peg revision
338      * @return InfoEntries
339      * @since subversion 1.2
340      */
341     InfoEntries
342     info(const Path &path,
343          Depth depth,
344          const Revision &rev,
345          const Revision &peg_revision = Revision::UNDEFINED,
346          const StringArray &changelists = StringArray()
347         ) override;
349     /**
350      * Retrieve log information for the given path
351      * Loads the log messages result set. Result will stored
352      * in a map where the key is the revision number
353      *
354      * You can use the constants Revision::START and
355      * Revision::HEAD
356      *
357      * @param params Parameter to use for log
358      * @param target where to store the resulting logs
359      * @return true if success
360      * @sa LogParameter
361      */
362     bool log(const LogParameter &params, LogEntriesMap &target) override;
363     /**
364      * Produce diff output which describes the delta between
365      * @a path/@a revision1 and @a path/@a revision2. @a path
366      * can be either a working-copy path or a URL.
367      *
368      * A ClientException will be thrown if either @a revision1 or
369      * @a revision2 has an `unspecified' or unrecognized `kind'.
370      *
371      * @param options set of options required for diff
372      * @return delta between the files
373      * @exception ClientException
374      */
375     QByteArray diff_peg(const DiffParameter &options) override;
377     /**
378      * Produce diff output which describes the delta between
379      * @a path1/@a revision1 and @a path2/@a revision2. @a path2
380      * can be either a working-copy path or a URL.
381      *
382      * A ClientException will be thrown if either @a revision1 or
383      * @a revision2 has an `unspecified' or unrecognized `kind'.
384      *
385      * @param options set of options required for diff
386      * @return delta between the files
387      * @exception ClientException
388      */
389     QByteArray diff(const DiffParameter &options) override;
391     /**
392      * lists entries in @a pathOrUrl no matter whether local or
393      * repository
394      *
395      * @param pathOrUrl
396      * @param revision
397      * @param peg at which revision path exists
398      * @param depth @sa svn::Depth
399      * @param retrieve_locks check for REPOSITORY locks while listing
400      * @return a vector of directory entries, each with
401      *         a relative path (only filename)
402      */
403     virtual DirEntries
404     list(const Path &pathOrUrl,
405          const Revision &revision,
406          const Revision &peg,
407          svn::Depth depth, bool retrieve_locks) override;
409     /**
410      * lists properties in @a path no matter whether local or
411      * repository
412      *
413      * @param path
414      * @param revision
415      * @param peg most case should set to @a revision
416      * @param recurse
417      * @return PropertiesList
418      */
419     virtual PathPropertiesMapListPtr
420     proplist(const Path &path,
421              const Revision &revision,
422              const Revision &peg,
423              Depth depth = DepthEmpty,
424              const StringArray &changelists = StringArray()) override;
426     /**
427      * lists one property in @a path no matter whether local or
428      * repository
429      *
430      * @param propName
431      * @param path
432      * @param revision
433      * @param peg most case should set to @a revision
434      * @param recurse
435      * @return PathPropertiesMapList
436      */
437     virtual QPair<qlonglong, PathPropertiesMapList>
438     propget(const QString &propName,
439             const Path &path,
440             const Revision &revision,
441             const Revision &peg,
442             Depth depth = svn::DepthEmpty,
443             const StringArray &changelists = StringArray()) override;
445     /**
446      * set property in @a path no matter whether local or
447      * repository
448      *
449      * @param params svn::PropertiesParameter holding required values.
450      * Following is used:<br/>
451      * <ul>
452      * <li> svn::PropertiesParameter::propertyName()
453      * <li> svn::PropertiesParameter::propertyValue()
454      * <li> svn::PropertiesParameter::depth()
455      * <li> svn::PropertiesParameter::skipCheck()
456      * <li> svn::PropertiesParameter::revision()
457      * <li> svn::PropertiesParameter::changeList()
458      * <li> svn::PropertiesParameter::revisionProperties()
459      * </ul>
460      */
461     virtual void
462     propset(const PropertiesParameter &params) override;
464     /**
465      * lists revision properties in @a path no matter whether local or
466      * repository
467      *
468      * @param path
469      * @param revision
470      * @return PropertiesList
471      */
472     virtual QPair<qlonglong, PropertiesMap>
473     revproplist(const Path &path,
474                 const Revision &revision) override;
476     /**
477      * lists one revision property in @a path no matter whether local or
478      * repository
479      *
480      * @param propName
481      * @param path
482      * @param revision
483      * @return PropertiesList
484      */
485     QPair<qlonglong, QString>
486     revpropget(const QString &propName,
487                const Path &path,
488                const Revision &revision) override;
490     /**
491      * set revision property in @a path no matter whether local or
492      * repository
493      *
494      * @param params parameter to use
495      * @return Revision
496      * @sa PropertiesParameter
497      */
498     virtual qlonglong
499     revpropset(const PropertiesParameter &params) override;
501     /**
502      * delete revision property in @a path no matter whether local or
503      * repository
504      *
505      * @param propName
506      * @param path
507      * @param revision
508      * @param force
509      * @return Revision
510      */
511     virtual qlonglong
512     revpropdel(const QString &propName,
513                const Path &path,
514                const Revision &revision) override;
516     /**
517      * lock files in repository or working copy
518      * @param targets items to be locked
519      * @param message if non null stored with each lock in repository
520      * @param steal_lock if true locks in wc will stolen.
521      * @since subversion 1.2
522      */
523     void lock(const Targets &targets, const QString &message,
524               bool steal_lock) override;
525     /**
526      * unlock files in repository or working copy
527      * @param targets items to unlock
528      * @param break_lock ignore any errors
529      */
530     void unlock(const Targets &targets,
531                 bool break_lock) override;
533     void url2Revision(const QString &revstring,
534                       Revision &start, Revision &end) override;
535     void url2Revision(const QString &revstring,
536                       Revision &start) override;
538     bool RepoHasCapability(const Path &repository, Capability capability) override;
checkErrorThrow(svn_error_t * error)540     static void checkErrorThrow(svn_error_t *error)
541     {
542         if (!error || error->apr_err == APR_SUCCESS) {
543             return;
544         }
545         throw ClientException(error);
546     }
548 private:
549     ContextP m_context;
551     /**
552      * disallow assignment operator
553      */
554     Client_impl &operator= (const Client &);
556     /**
557      * disallow copy constructor
558      */
559     Client_impl(const Client_impl &);
561     svn_error_t *internal_cat(const Path &path,
562                               const Revision &revision,
563                               const Revision &peg_revision,
564                               svn::stream::SvnStream &);
566     static apr_hash_t *map2hash(const PropertiesMap &, const Pool &);
568     /** helper method
569      * @sa svn_client_merge_reintegrate
570      */
571     virtual void merge_reintegrate(const MergeParameter &parameters);
572 };
575 }
577 #endif
578 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
579  * local variables:
580  * eval: (load-file "../../rapidsvn-dev.el")
581  * end:
582  */