1 /**
2 * Copyright (C) 2008 Happy Fish / YuQing
3 *
4 * FastDFS may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General
5 * Public License V3, which may be found in the FastDFS source kit.
6 * Please visit the FastDFS Home Page http://www.fastken.com/ for more detail.
7 **/
9 #ifndef _HASH_H_
10 #define _HASH_H_
12 #include <sys/types.h>
13 #include <pthread.h>
14 #include "common_define.h"
16 #ifdef __cplusplus
17 extern "C" {
18 #endif
20 #define CRC32_XINIT 0xFFFFFFFF      /* initial value */
21 #define CRC32_XOROT 0xFFFFFFFF		/* final xor value */
23 typedef int (*HashFunc) (const void *key, const int key_len);
26 #define HASH_CODE(pHash, hash_data)   hash_data->hash_code
27 #else
28 #define HASH_CODE(pHash, hash_data)   ((unsigned int)pHash->hash_func( \
29 					hash_data->key, hash_data->key_len))
30 #endif
32 #define CALC_NODE_MALLOC_BYTES(key_len, value_size) \
33 		sizeof(HashData) + key_len + value_size
35 #define FREE_HASH_DATA(pHash, hash_data) \
36 	pHash->item_count--; \
37 	pHash->bytes_used -= CALC_NODE_MALLOC_BYTES(hash_data->key_len, \
38 				hash_data->malloc_value_size); \
39 	free(hash_data);
42 typedef struct tagHashData
43 {
44 	int key_len;
45 	int value_len;
46 	int malloc_value_size;
49 	unsigned int hash_code;
50 #endif
52 	char *value;
53 	struct tagHashData *next;
54 	char key[0];
55 } HashData;
57 typedef int64_t (*ConvertValueFunc)(const HashData *old_data, const int inc,
58 	char *new_value, int *new_value_len, void *arg);
60 typedef struct tagHashArray
61 {
62 	HashData **buckets;
63 	HashFunc hash_func;
64 	int item_count;
65 	unsigned int *capacity;
66 	double load_factor;
67 	int64_t max_bytes;
68 	int64_t bytes_used;
69 	bool is_malloc_capacity;
70 	bool is_malloc_value;
71 	unsigned int lock_count;
72 	pthread_mutex_t *locks;
73 } HashArray;
75 typedef struct tagHashStat
76 {
77 	unsigned int capacity;
78 	int item_count;
79 	int bucket_used;
80 	double bucket_avg_length;
81 	int bucket_max_length;
82 } HashStat;
84 /**
85  * hash walk function
86  * parameters:
87  *         index: item index based 0
88  *         data: hash data, including key and value
89  *         args: passed by hash_walk function
90  * return 0 for success, != 0 for error
91 */
92 typedef int (*HashWalkFunc)(const int index, const HashData *data, void *args);
94 #define hash_init(pHash, hash_func, capacity, load_factor) \
95 	hash_init_ex(pHash, hash_func, capacity, load_factor, 0, false)
97 #define hash_insert(pHash, key, key_len, value) \
98 	hash_insert_ex(pHash, key, key_len, value, 0, true)
100 /**
101  * hash init function
102  * parameters:
103  *         pHash: the hash table
104  *         hash_func: hash function
105  *         capacity: init capacity
106  *         load_factor: hash load factor (or watermark), >= 0.10 for auto rehash. eg. 0.75
107  *         max_bytes:  max memory can be used (bytes)
108  *         bMallocValue: if need malloc value buffer
109  * return 0 for success, != 0 for error
110 */
111 int hash_init_ex(HashArray *pHash, HashFunc hash_func, \
112 		const unsigned int capacity, const double load_factor, \
113 		const int64_t max_bytes, const bool bMallocValue);
115 /**
116  * set hash locks function
117  * parameters:
118  *         lock_count: the lock count
119  * return 0 for success, != 0 for error
120 */
121 int hash_set_locks(HashArray *pHash, const int lock_count);
123 /**
124  * convert the value
125  * parameters:
126  *         HashData: the old hash data
127  *         inc: the increasement value
128  *         new_value: return the new value
129  *         new_value_len: return the length of the new value
130  *         arg: the user data
131  * return the number after increasement
132 */
133 int64_t hash_inc_value(const HashData *old_data, const int inc,
134 	char *new_value, int *new_value_len, void *arg);
136 #define hash_inc(pHash, key, key_len, inc, value, value_len) \
137 	hash_inc_ex(pHash, key, key_len, inc, value, value_len, \
138 		hash_inc_value, NULL)
140 /**
141  * atomic increase value
142  * parameters:
143  *         pHash: the hash table
144  *         key: the key to insert
145  *         key_len: length of th key
146  *         inc: the increasement value
147  *         value: return the new value
148  *         value_len: return the length of the new value
149  *         convert_func: the convert function
150  *         arg: the arg to convert function
151  * return  0 for success, != 0 for error (errno)
152  *
153 */
154 int  hash_inc_ex(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len,
155 		const int inc, char *value, int *value_len,
156 		ConvertValueFunc convert_func, void *arg);
158 /**
159  * hash destroy function
160  * parameters:
161  *         pHash: the hash table
162  * return none
163 */
164 void hash_destroy(HashArray *pHash);
166 /**
167  * hash insert key
168  * parameters:
169  *         pHash: the hash table
170  *         key: the key to insert
171  *         key_len: length of th key
172  *         value: the value
173  *         value_len: length of the value
174  *         needLock: if need lock
175  * return >= 0 for success, 0 for key already exist (update),
176  *        1 for new key (insert), < 0 for error
177 */
178 int hash_insert_ex(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len, \
179 		void *value, const int value_len, const bool needLock);
181 /**
182  * hash find key
183  * parameters:
184  *         pHash: the hash table
185  *         key: the key to find
186  *         key_len: length of th key
187  * return user data, return NULL when the key not exist
188 */
189 void *hash_find(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len);
191 /**
192  * hash find key
193  * parameters:
194  *         pHash: the hash table
195  *         key: the key to find
196  *         key_len: length of th key
197  * return hash data, return NULL when the key not exist
198 */
199 HashData *hash_find_ex(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len);
201 /**
202  * hash find key
203  * parameters:
204  *         pHash: the hash table
205  *         key: the key to find
206  * return user data, return NULL when the key not exist
207 */
hash_find1(HashArray * pHash,const string_t * key)208 static inline void *hash_find1(HashArray *pHash, const string_t *key)
209 {
210     return hash_find(pHash, key->str, key->len);
211 }
213 /**
214  * hash get the value of the key
215  * parameters:
216  *         pHash: the hash table
217  *         key: the key to find
218  *         value: store the value
219  * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
220 */
221 int hash_find2(HashArray *pHash, const string_t *key, string_t *value);
223 /**
224  * hash find key
225  * parameters:
226  *         pHash: the hash table
227  *         key: the key to find
228  * return hash data, return NULL when the key not exist
229 */
230 HashData *hash_find1_ex(HashArray *pHash, const string_t *key);
232 /**
233  * hash get the value of the key
234  * parameters:
235  *         pHash: the hash table
236  *         key: the key to find
237  *         key_len: length of th key
238  *         value: store the value
239  *         value_len: input for the max size of the value
240  *                    output for the length fo the value
241  * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
242 */
243 int hash_get(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len,
244 	void *value, int *value_len);
247 /**
248  * hash partial set
249  * parameters:
250  *         pHash: the hash table
251  *         key: the key to insert
252  *         key_len: length of th key
253  *         value: the value
254  *         offset: the offset of existed value
255  *         value_len: length of the value
256  * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
257 */
258 int hash_partial_set(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len,
259 		const char *value, const int offset, const int value_len);
261 /**
262  * hash delete key
263  * parameters:
264  *         pHash: the hash table
265  *         key: the key to delete
266  *         key_len: length of th key
267  * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
268 */
269 int hash_delete(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len);
271 /**
272  * hash walk (iterator)
273  * parameters:
274  *         pHash: the hash table
275  *         walkFunc: walk (interator) function
276  *         args: extra args which will be passed to walkFunc
277  * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
278 */
279 int hash_walk(HashArray *pHash, HashWalkFunc walkFunc, void *args);
281 /**
282  * get hash item count
283  * parameters:
284  *         pHash: the hash table
285  * return item count
286 */
287 int hash_count(HashArray *pHash);
289 /**
290  * hash best optimize
291  * parameters:
292  *         pHash: the hash table
293  *         suggest_capacity: suggest init capacity for speed
294  * return >0 for success, < 0 fail (errno)
295 */
296 int hash_best_op(HashArray *pHash, const int suggest_capacity);
298 /**
299  * hash stat
300  * parameters:
301  *         pHash: the hash table
302  *         pStat: return stat info
303  *         stat_by_lens: return stats array by bucket length
304  *              stat_by_lens[0] empty buckets count
305  *              stat_by_lens[1] contain 1 key buckets count
306  *              stat_by_lens[2] contain 2 key buckets count, etc
307  *         stat_size: stats array size (contain max elments)
308  * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
309 */
310 int hash_stat(HashArray *pHash, HashStat *pStat, \
311 		int *stat_by_lens, const int stat_size);
313 /**
314  * print hash stat info
315  * parameters:
316  *         pHash: the hash table
317  * return none
318 */
319 void hash_stat_print(HashArray *pHash);
321 /**
322  * lock the bucket of hash table
323  * parameters:
324  *         pHash: the hash table
325  *         bucket_index: the index of bucket
326  * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
327 */
328 int hash_bucket_lock(HashArray *pHash, const unsigned int bucket_index);
330 /**
331  * unlock the bucket of hash table
332  * parameters:
333  *         pHash: the hash table
334  *         bucket_index: the index of bucket
335  * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
336 */
337 int hash_bucket_unlock(HashArray *pHash, const unsigned int bucket_index);
339 int RSHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
341 int JSHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
342 int JSHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
343 	const int init_value);
345 int PJWHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
346 int PJWHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
347 	const int init_value);
349 int ELFHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
350 int ELFHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
351 	const int init_value);
353 int BKDRHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
354 int BKDRHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
355 	const int init_value);
357 int SDBMHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
358 int SDBMHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
359 	const int init_value);
361 int Time33Hash(const void *key, const int key_len);
362 int Time33Hash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
363 	const int init_value);
365 int DJBHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
366 int DJBHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
367 	const int init_value);
369 int APHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
370 int APHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
371 	const int init_value);
373 int calc_hashnr (const void* key, const int key_len);
375 int calc_hashnr1(const void* key, const int key_len);
376 int calc_hashnr1_ex(const void* key, const int key_len, \
377 	const int init_value);
379 int simple_hash(const void* key, const int key_len);
380 int simple_hash_ex(const void* key, const int key_len, \
381 	const int init_value);
383 int CRC32(const void *key, const int key_len);
384 int64_t CRC32_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
385 	const int64_t init_value);
387 #define CRC32_FINAL(crc)  (crc ^ CRC32_XOROT)
389 #define INIT_HASH_CODES4(hash_codes) \
390 	hash_codes[0] = CRC32_XINIT; \
391 	hash_codes[1] = 0; \
392 	hash_codes[2] = 0; \
393 	hash_codes[3] = 0; \
395 #define CALC_HASH_CODES4(buff, buff_len, hash_codes) \
396 	hash_codes[0] = CRC32_ex(buff, buff_len, hash_codes[0]); \
397 	hash_codes[1] = ELFHash_ex(buff, buff_len, hash_codes[1]); \
398 	hash_codes[2] = simple_hash_ex(buff, buff_len, hash_codes[2]); \
399 	hash_codes[3] = Time33Hash_ex(buff, buff_len, hash_codes[3]); \
402 #define FINISH_HASH_CODES4(hash_codes) \
403 	hash_codes[0] = CRC32_FINAL(hash_codes[0]); \
406 unsigned int *hash_get_prime_capacity(const int capacity);
408 #ifdef __cplusplus
409 }
410 #endif
412 #endif