1Backup XML format
4.. contents::
6Backup XML
9Creating a backup, whether full or incremental, is done via
10``virDomainBackupBegin()``, which takes an XML description of the actions to
11perform, as well as an optional second XML document `describing a
12checkpoint <formatcheckpoint.html>`__ to create at the same point in time. See
13also `a comparison <kbase/domainstatecapture.html>`__ between the various state
14capture APIs.
16There are two general modes for backups: a push mode (where the hypervisor
17writes out the data to the destination file, which may be local or remote), and
18a pull mode (where the hypervisor creates an NBD server that a third-party
19client can then read as needed, and which requires the use of temporary storage,
20typically local, until the backup is complete).
22The instructions for beginning a backup job are provided as attributes and
23elements of the top-level ``domainbackup`` element. This element includes an
24optional attribute ``mode`` which can be either "push" or "pull" (default push).
25``virDomainBackupGetXMLDesc()`` can be used to see the actual values selected
26for elements omitted during creation (for example, learning which port the NBD
27server is using in the pull model or what file names libvirt generated when none
28were supplied). The following child elements and attributes are supported:
31   An optional element giving the name of an existing checkpoint of the domain,
32   which will be used to make this backup an incremental one. In the push model,
33   only changes since the named checkpoint are written to the destination. In
34   the pull model, the NBD server uses the NBD_OPT_SET_META_CONTEXT extension to
35   advertise to the client which portions of the export contain changes since
36   the named checkpoint. If omitted, a full backup is performed.
39   Present only for a pull mode backup. Contains the same attributes as the
40   ```protocol`` element of a disk <formatdomain.html#elementsDisks>`__ attached
41   via NBD in the domain (such as transport, socket, name, port, or tls),
42   necessary to set up an NBD server that exposes the content of each disk at
43   the time the backup is started.
45   Note that for the QEMU hypervisor the TLS environment in controlled using
46   ``backup_tls_x509_cert_dir``, ``backup_tls_x509_verify``, and
47   ``backup_tls_x509_secret_uuid`` properties in ``/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf``.
50   An optional listing of instructions for disks participating in the backup (if
51   omitted, all disks participate and libvirt attempts to generate filenames by
52   appending the current timestamp as a suffix). If the entire element was
53   omitted on input, then all disks participate in the backup, otherwise, only
54   the disks explicitly listed which do not also use ``backup='no'`` will
55   participate. On output, this is the state of each of the domain's disk in
56   relation to the backup operation.
58   ``disk``
59      This sub-element describes the backup properties of a specific disk, with
60      the following attributes and child elements:
62      ``name``
63         A mandatory attribute which must match the ``<target dev='name'/>`` of
64         one of the `disk devices <formatdomain.html#elementsDisks>`__ specified
65         for the domain at the time of the checkpoint.
67      ``backup``
68         Setting this attribute to ``yes``\ (default) specifies that the disk
69         should take part in the backup and using ``no`` excludes the disk from
70         the backup.
72      ``backupmode``
73         This attribute overrides the implied backup mode inherited from the
74         definition of the backup itself. Value ``full`` forces a full backup
75         even if the backup calls for an incremental backup, and ``incremental``
76         coupled with the attribute ``incremental='CHECKPOINTNAME`` for the disk
77         forces an incremental backup from ``CHECKPOINTNAME``.
79       ``incremental``
80         An optional attribute giving the name of an existing checkpoint of the
81         domain which overrides the one set by the ``<incremental>`` element.
83      ``exportname``
84         Allows modification of the NBD export name for the given disk. By
85         default equal to disk target. Valid only for pull mode backups.
87      ``exportbitmap``
88         Allows modification of the name of the bitmap describing dirty blocks
89         for an incremental backup exported via NBD export name for the given
90         disk. Valid only for pull mode backups.
92      ``type``
93         A mandatory attribute to describe the type of the disk, except when
94         ``backup='no'`` is used. Valid values include ``file``, or ``block``.
95         Similar to a disk declaration for a domain, the choice of type controls
96         what additional sub-elements are needed to describe the destination.
98      ``index``
99         Output only. The value can be used to refer to the scratch or output
100         file of the backup in APIs such as ``virDomainSetBlockThreshold``.
102      ``target``
103         Valid only for push mode backups, this is the primary sub-element that
104         describes the file name of the backup destination, similar to the
105         ``source`` sub-element of a domain disk. An optional sub-element
106         ``driver`` can also be used, with an attribute ``type`` to specify a
107         destination format different from qcow2. See documentation for
108         ``scratch`` below for additional configuration.
110      ``scratch``
111         Valid only for pull mode backups, this is the primary sub-element that
112         describes the file name of the local scratch file to be used in
113         facilitating the backup, and is similar to the ``source`` sub-element
114         of a domain disk. Currently only ``file`` and ``block`` scratch storage
115         is supported. The ``file`` scratch file is created and deleted by
116         libvirt in the given location. A ``block`` scratch device must exist
117         prior to starting the backup and is formatted. The block device must
118         have enough space for the corresponding disk data including format
119         overhead. If ``VIR_DOMAIN_BACKUP_BEGIN_REUSE_EXTERNAL`` flag is used
120         the file for a scratch of ``file`` type must exist with the correct
121         format and size to hold the copy and is used without modification. The
122         file is not deleted after the backup but the contents of the file don't
123         make sense outside of the backup. The same applies for the block device
124         which must be formatted appropriately. Similarly to the domain
125         ```disk`` <formatdomain.html#elementsDisks>`__ definition ``scratch``
126         and ``target`` can contain ``seclabel`` and/or ``encryption``
127         subelements to configure the corresponding properties.
132Use ``virDomainBackupBegin()`` to perform a full backup using push mode. The
133example lets libvirt pick the destination and format for 'vda', fully specifies
134that we want a raw backup of 'vdb', and omits 'vdc' from the operation.
138   <domainbackup>
139     <disks>
140       <disk name='vda' backup='yes'/>
141       <disk name='vdb' type='file'>
142         <target file='/path/to/vdb.backup'/>
143         <driver type='raw'/>
144       </disk>
145       <disk name='vdc' backup='no'/>
146     </disks>
147   </domainbackup>
149If the previous full backup also passed a parameter describing `checkpoint
150XML <formatcheckpoint.html>`__ that resulted in a checkpoint named
151``1525889631``, we can make another call to ``virDomainBackupBegin()`` to
152perform an incremental backup of just the data changed since that checkpoint,
153this time using the following XML to start a pull model export of the 'vda' and
154'vdb' disks, where a third-party NBD client connecting to '/path/to/server'
155completes the backup (omitting 'vdc' from the explicit list has the same effect
156as the backup='no' from the previous example):
160   <domainbackup mode="pull">
161     <incremental>1525889631</incremental>
162     <server transport="unix" socket="/path/to/server"/>
163     <disks>
164       <disk name='vda' backup='yes' type='file'>
165         <scratch file='/path/to/file1.scratch'/>
166       </disk>
167     </disks>
168   </domainbackup>