1 /**************************************************************************
2 ** This file is part of LiteIDE
3 **
4 ** Copyright (c) 2011-2019 LiteIDE. All rights reserved.
5 **
6 ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9 ** version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 **
11 ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 ** Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 **
16 ** In addition, as a special exception,  that plugins developed for LiteIDE,
17 ** are allowed to remain closed sourced and can be distributed under any license .
18 ** These rights are included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
19 **
20 **************************************************************************/
21 // Module: envmanager.h
22 // Creator: visualfc <visualfc@gmail.com>
24 #ifndef ENVMANAGER_H
25 #define ENVMANAGER_H
27 #include "liteenvapi/liteenvapi.h"
29 class QComboBox;
31 class EnvManager;
32 class GoEnvManager;
33 class Process;
34 class Env : public LiteApi::IEnv
35 {
36     Q_OBJECT
37 public:
38     Env(LiteApi::IApplication *app, QObject *parent = 0);
39 public:
40     virtual QString id() const;
41     virtual QString filePath() const;
42     virtual QProcessEnvironment& environment();
43     virtual QStringList orgEnvLines() const;
44     virtual QMap<QString,QString> goEnvMap() const;
45     virtual void reload();
46     void loadGoEnv();
47 public:
48     void loadEnvFile(QIODevice *dev);
49     static void loadEnv(EnvManager *manager, const QString &filePath);
50 protected slots:
51     void readStdout();
52     void readStderr();
53     void finished(int code, QProcess::ExitStatus);
54     void error(QProcess::ProcessError error);
55 protected:
56     void updateIdeEnv(QProcessEnvironment &env);
57 protected:
58     LiteApi::IApplication *m_liteApp;
59     QString m_filePath;
60     QStringList m_orgEnvLines;
61     QString m_id;
62     QProcessEnvironment m_env;
63     QMap<QString,QString> m_ideEnvMap;
64     QMap<QString,QString> m_goEnvMap;
65     Process *m_process;
66 };
68 class EnvManager : public LiteApi::IEnvManager
69 {
70     Q_OBJECT
71 public:
72     EnvManager(QObject *parent = 0);
73     ~EnvManager();
74 public:
75     virtual bool initWithApp(LiteApi::IApplication *app);
76     virtual QList<LiteApi::IEnv*> envList() const;
77     virtual LiteApi::IEnv *findEnv(const QString &id, const QString &backup = "system") const;
78     virtual void setCurrentEnvId(const QString &id);
79     virtual LiteApi::IEnv *currentEnv() const;
80     virtual QProcessEnvironment currentEnvironment() const;
81 protected slots:
82     virtual void reloadCurrentEnv();
83     void appLoaded();
84     void envActivated(QString);
85     void editCurrentEnv();
86     void editorSaved(LiteApi::IEditor*);
87     void goenvError(const QString &id, const QString &msg);
88     void goenvChanged(const QString &id);
89     void selectEnvAction(QAction* act);
90 public:
91     void setCurrentEnv(LiteApi::IEnv *env);
92     void addEnv(LiteApi::IEnv *build);
93     void removeEnv(LiteApi::IEnv *build);
94     void loadEnvFiles(const QString &path);
95     void emitEnvChanged();
96 public slots:
97     void broadcast(QString module, QString id, QVariant);
98 protected:
99     QList<LiteApi::IEnv*>    m_envList;
100     LiteApi::IEnv           *m_curEnv;
101     QToolBar        *m_toolBar;
102     QComboBox       *m_envCmb;
103     bool             m_appLoaded;
104     GoEnvManager     *m_goEnvManager;
105     QActionGroup     *m_selectActionGroup;
106 };
108 #endif // ENVMANAGER_H