1 //===--- RewriteRule.h - RewriteRule class ----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 ///
9 ///  \file
10 ///  Defines the RewriteRule class and related functions for creating,
11 ///  modifying and interpreting RewriteRules.
12 ///
13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
18 #include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
19 #include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h"
20 #include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchersInternal.h"
21 #include "clang/Tooling/Refactoring/AtomicChange.h"
22 #include "clang/Tooling/Transformer/MatchConsumer.h"
23 #include "clang/Tooling/Transformer/RangeSelector.h"
24 #include "llvm/ADT/Any.h"
25 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
26 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
27 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
28 #include <functional>
29 #include <string>
30 #include <utility>
32 namespace clang {
33 namespace transformer {
34 /// A concrete description of a source edit, represented by a character range in
35 /// the source to be replaced and a corresponding replacement string.
36 struct Edit {
37   CharSourceRange Range;
38   std::string Replacement;
39   llvm::Any Metadata;
40 };
42 /// Maps a match result to a list of concrete edits (with possible
43 /// failure). This type is a building block of rewrite rules, but users will
44 /// generally work in terms of `ASTEdit`s (below) rather than directly in terms
45 /// of `EditGenerator`.
46 using EditGenerator = MatchConsumer<llvm::SmallVector<Edit, 1>>;
48 using TextGenerator = std::shared_ptr<MatchComputation<std::string>>;
50 // Description of a source-code edit, expressed in terms of an AST node.
51 // Includes: an ID for the (bound) node, a selector for source related to the
52 // node, a replacement and, optionally, an explanation for the edit.
53 //
54 // * Target: the source code impacted by the rule. This identifies an AST node,
55 //   or part thereof (\c Part), whose source range indicates the extent of the
56 //   replacement applied by the replacement term.  By default, the extent is the
57 //   node matched by the pattern term (\c NodePart::Node). Target's are typed
58 //   (\c Kind), which guides the determination of the node extent.
59 //
60 // * Replacement: a function that produces a replacement string for the target,
61 //   based on the match result.
62 //
63 // * Note: (optional) a note specifically for this edit, potentially referencing
64 //   elements of the match.  This will be displayed to the user, where possible;
65 //   for example, in clang-tidy diagnostics.  Use of notes should be rare --
66 //   explanations of the entire rewrite should be set in the rule
67 //   (`RewriteRule::Explanation`) instead.  Notes serve the rare cases wherein
68 //   edit-specific diagnostics are required.
69 //
70 // `ASTEdit` should be built using the `change` convenience functions. For
71 // example,
72 // \code
73 //   changeTo(name(fun), cat("Frodo"))
74 // \endcode
75 // Or, if we use Stencil for the TextGenerator:
76 // \code
77 //   using stencil::cat;
78 //   changeTo(statement(thenNode), cat("{", thenNode, "}"))
79 //   changeTo(callArgs(call), cat(x, ",", y))
80 // \endcode
81 // Or, if you are changing the node corresponding to the rule's matcher, you can
82 // use the single-argument override of \c change:
83 // \code
84 //   changeTo(cat("different_expr"))
85 // \endcode
86 struct ASTEdit {
87   RangeSelector TargetRange;
88   TextGenerator Replacement;
89   TextGenerator Note;
90   llvm::Any Metadata;
91 };
93 /// Lifts a list of `ASTEdit`s into an `EditGenerator`.
94 ///
95 /// The `EditGenerator` will return an empty vector if any of the edits apply to
96 /// portions of the source that are ineligible for rewriting (certain
97 /// interactions with macros, for example) and it will fail if any invariants
98 /// are violated relating to bound nodes in the match.  However, it does not
99 /// fail in the case of conflicting edits -- conflict handling is left to
100 /// clients.  We recommend use of the \c AtomicChange or \c Replacements classes
101 /// for assistance in detecting such conflicts.
102 EditGenerator editList(llvm::SmallVector<ASTEdit, 1> Edits);
103 // Convenience form of `editList` for a single edit.
104 EditGenerator edit(ASTEdit);
106 /// Format of the path in an include directive -- angle brackets or quotes.
107 enum class IncludeFormat {
108   Quoted,
109   Angled,
110 };
112 /// Description of a source-code transformation.
113 //
114 // A *rewrite rule* describes a transformation of source code. A simple rule
115 // contains each of the following components:
116 //
117 // * Matcher: the pattern term, expressed as clang matchers (with Transformer
118 //   extensions).
119 //
120 // * Edits: a set of Edits to the source code, described with ASTEdits.
121 //
122 // * Explanation: explanation of the rewrite.  This will be displayed to the
123 //   user, where possible; for example, in clang-tidy diagnostics.
124 //
125 // However, rules can also consist of (sub)rules, where the first that matches
126 // is applied and the rest are ignored.  So, the above components are gathered
127 // as a `Case` and a rule is a list of cases.
128 //
129 // Rule cases have an additional, implicit, component: the parameters. These are
130 // portions of the pattern which are left unspecified, yet bound in the pattern
131 // so that we can reference them in the edits.
132 //
133 // The \c Transformer class can be used to apply the rewrite rule and obtain the
134 // corresponding replacements.
135 struct RewriteRule {
136   struct Case {
137     ast_matchers::internal::DynTypedMatcher Matcher;
138     EditGenerator Edits;
139     TextGenerator Explanation;
140     // Include paths to add to the file affected by this case.  These are
141     // bundled with the `Case`, rather than the `RewriteRule`, because each case
142     // might have different associated changes to the includes.
143     std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IncludeFormat>> AddedIncludes;
144   };
145   // We expect RewriteRules will most commonly include only one case.
146   SmallVector<Case, 1> Cases;
148   // ID used as the default target of each match. The node described by the
149   // matcher is should always be bound to this id.
150   static constexpr llvm::StringLiteral RootID = "___root___";
151 };
153 /// Convenience function for constructing a simple \c RewriteRule.
154 RewriteRule makeRule(ast_matchers::internal::DynTypedMatcher M,
155                      EditGenerator Edits, TextGenerator Explanation = nullptr);
157 /// Convenience function for constructing a \c RewriteRule from multiple
158 /// `ASTEdit`s.
159 inline RewriteRule makeRule(ast_matchers::internal::DynTypedMatcher M,
160                             llvm::SmallVector<ASTEdit, 1> Edits,
161                             TextGenerator Explanation = nullptr) {
162   return makeRule(std::move(M), editList(std::move(Edits)),
163                   std::move(Explanation));
164 }
166 /// Convenience overload of \c makeRule for common case of only one edit.
167 inline RewriteRule makeRule(ast_matchers::internal::DynTypedMatcher M,
168                             ASTEdit Edit,
169                             TextGenerator Explanation = nullptr) {
170   return makeRule(std::move(M), edit(std::move(Edit)), std::move(Explanation));
171 }
173 /// For every case in Rule, adds an include directive for the given header. The
174 /// common use is assumed to be a rule with only one case. For example, to
175 /// replace a function call and add headers corresponding to the new code, one
176 /// could write:
177 /// \code
178 ///   auto R = makeRule(callExpr(callee(functionDecl(hasName("foo")))),
179 ///            changeTo(cat("bar()")));
180 ///   AddInclude(R, "path/to/bar_header.h");
181 ///   AddInclude(R, "vector", IncludeFormat::Angled);
182 /// \endcode
183 void addInclude(RewriteRule &Rule, llvm::StringRef Header,
184                 IncludeFormat Format = IncludeFormat::Quoted);
186 /// Applies the first rule whose pattern matches; other rules are ignored.  If
187 /// the matchers are independent then order doesn't matter. In that case,
188 /// `applyFirst` is simply joining the set of rules into one.
189 //
190 // `applyFirst` is like an `anyOf` matcher with an edit action attached to each
191 // of its cases. Anywhere you'd use `anyOf(m1.bind("id1"), m2.bind("id2"))` and
192 // then dispatch on those ids in your code for control flow, `applyFirst` lifts
193 // that behavior to the rule level.  So, you can write `applyFirst({makeRule(m1,
194 // action1), makeRule(m2, action2), ...});`
195 //
196 // For example, consider a type `T` with a deterministic serialization function,
197 // `serialize()`.  For performance reasons, we would like to make it
198 // non-deterministic.  Therefore, we want to drop the expectation that
199 // `a.serialize() = b.serialize() iff a = b` (although we'll maintain
200 // `deserialize(a.serialize()) = a`).
201 //
202 // We have three cases to consider (for some equality function, `eq`):
203 // ```
204 // eq(a.serialize(), b.serialize()) --> eq(a,b)
205 // eq(a, b.serialize())             --> eq(deserialize(a), b)
206 // eq(a.serialize(), b)             --> eq(a, deserialize(b))
207 // ```
208 //
209 // `applyFirst` allows us to specify each independently:
210 // ```
211 // auto eq_fun = functionDecl(...);
212 // auto method_call = cxxMemberCallExpr(...);
213 //
214 // auto two_calls = callExpr(callee(eq_fun), hasArgument(0, method_call),
215 //                           hasArgument(1, method_call));
216 // auto left_call =
217 //     callExpr(callee(eq_fun), callExpr(hasArgument(0, method_call)));
218 // auto right_call =
219 //     callExpr(callee(eq_fun), callExpr(hasArgument(1, method_call)));
220 //
221 // RewriteRule R = applyFirst({makeRule(two_calls, two_calls_action),
222 //                             makeRule(left_call, left_call_action),
223 //                             makeRule(right_call, right_call_action)});
224 // ```
225 RewriteRule applyFirst(ArrayRef<RewriteRule> Rules);
227 /// Replaces a portion of the source text with \p Replacement.
228 ASTEdit changeTo(RangeSelector Target, TextGenerator Replacement);
229 /// DEPRECATED: use \c changeTo.
change(RangeSelector Target,TextGenerator Replacement)230 inline ASTEdit change(RangeSelector Target, TextGenerator Replacement) {
231   return changeTo(std::move(Target), std::move(Replacement));
232 }
234 /// Replaces the entirety of a RewriteRule's match with \p Replacement.  For
235 /// example, to replace a function call, one could write:
236 /// \code
237 ///   makeRule(callExpr(callee(functionDecl(hasName("foo")))),
238 ///            changeTo(cat("bar()")))
239 /// \endcode
changeTo(TextGenerator Replacement)240 inline ASTEdit changeTo(TextGenerator Replacement) {
241   return changeTo(node(std::string(RewriteRule::RootID)),
242                   std::move(Replacement));
243 }
244 /// DEPRECATED: use \c changeTo.
change(TextGenerator Replacement)245 inline ASTEdit change(TextGenerator Replacement) {
246   return changeTo(std::move(Replacement));
247 }
249 /// Inserts \p Replacement before \p S, leaving the source selected by \S
250 /// unchanged.
insertBefore(RangeSelector S,TextGenerator Replacement)251 inline ASTEdit insertBefore(RangeSelector S, TextGenerator Replacement) {
252   return changeTo(before(std::move(S)), std::move(Replacement));
253 }
255 /// Inserts \p Replacement after \p S, leaving the source selected by \S
256 /// unchanged.
insertAfter(RangeSelector S,TextGenerator Replacement)257 inline ASTEdit insertAfter(RangeSelector S, TextGenerator Replacement) {
258   return changeTo(after(std::move(S)), std::move(Replacement));
259 }
261 /// Removes the source selected by \p S.
262 ASTEdit remove(RangeSelector S);
withMetadata(ASTEdit edit,llvm::Any Metadata)264 inline ASTEdit withMetadata(ASTEdit edit, llvm::Any Metadata) {
265   edit.Metadata = std::move(Metadata);
266   return edit;
267 }
269 /// The following three functions are a low-level part of the RewriteRule
270 /// API. We expose them for use in implementing the fixtures that interpret
271 /// RewriteRule, like Transformer and TransfomerTidy, or for more advanced
272 /// users.
273 //
274 // FIXME: These functions are really public, if advanced, elements of the
275 // RewriteRule API.  Recast them as such.  Or, just declare these functions
276 // public and well-supported and move them out of `detail`.
277 namespace detail {
278 /// Builds a single matcher for the rule, covering all of the rule's cases.
279 /// Only supports Rules whose cases' matchers share the same base "kind"
280 /// (`Stmt`, `Decl`, etc.)  Deprecated: use `buildMatchers` instead, which
281 /// supports mixing matchers of different kinds.
282 ast_matchers::internal::DynTypedMatcher buildMatcher(const RewriteRule &Rule);
284 /// Builds a set of matchers that cover the rule.
285 ///
286 /// One matcher is built for each distinct node matcher base kind: Stmt, Decl,
287 /// etc. Node-matchers for `QualType` and `Type` are not permitted, since such
288 /// nodes carry no source location information and are therefore not relevant
289 /// for rewriting. If any such matchers are included, will return an empty
290 /// vector.
291 std::vector<ast_matchers::internal::DynTypedMatcher>
292 buildMatchers(const RewriteRule &Rule);
294 /// Gets the beginning location of the source matched by a rewrite rule. If the
295 /// match occurs within a macro expansion, returns the beginning of the
296 /// expansion point. `Result` must come from the matching of a rewrite rule.
297 SourceLocation
298 getRuleMatchLoc(const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result);
300 /// Returns the \c Case of \c Rule that was selected in the match result.
301 /// Assumes a matcher built with \c buildMatcher.
302 const RewriteRule::Case &
303 findSelectedCase(const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result,
304                  const RewriteRule &Rule);
305 } // namespace detail
306 } // namespace transformer
308 namespace tooling {
309 // DEPRECATED: These are temporary aliases supporting client migration to the
310 // `transformer` namespace.
311 /// Wraps a string as a TextGenerator.
312 using TextGenerator = transformer::TextGenerator;
314 TextGenerator text(std::string M);
316 using transformer::addInclude;
317 using transformer::applyFirst;
318 using transformer::change;
319 using transformer::insertAfter;
320 using transformer::insertBefore;
321 using transformer::makeRule;
322 using transformer::remove;
323 using transformer::RewriteRule;
324 using transformer::IncludeFormat;
325 namespace detail {
326 using namespace transformer::detail;
327 } // namespace detail
328 } // namespace tooling
329 } // namespace clang