1# REQUIRES: x86
2# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-unknown-linux %p/Inputs/at2.s -o %t.o
3# RUN: ld.lld -o %t.exe %t.o --script %s
4# RUN: llvm-readelf -l %t.exe | FileCheck %s
5# RUN: llvm-objdump --section-headers %t.exe | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SECTIONS
8  AX (ax)    : ORIGIN = 0x2000, LENGTH = 0x100
9  AW (aw)    : ORIGIN = 0x3000, LENGTH = 0x100
10  FLASH (ax) : ORIGIN = 0x6000, LENGTH = 0x100
11  RAM (aw)   : ORIGIN = 0x7000, LENGTH = 0x100
15 .foo1 : { *(.foo1) } > AX AT>FLASH
16## In GNU ld, .foo1's LMA region is propagated to .foo2 because their VMA region
17## is the same and .foo2 does not set an explicit address.
18## lld sets .foo2's LMA region to null.
19 .foo2 : { *(.foo2) } > AX
21 .bar1 : { *(.bar1) } > AW
22 .bar2 : { *(.bar2) } > AW AT > RAM
23 .bar3 . : { *(.bar3) } > AW
24 .bar4 : { *(.bar4) } > AW AT >RAM
27# CHECK:      Type  Offset   VirtAddr           PhysAddr           FileSiz  MemSiz   Flg Align
28# CHECK-NEXT: LOAD  0x001000 0x0000000000002000 0x0000000000006000 0x000008 0x000008 R E 0x1000
29# CHECK-NEXT: LOAD  0x001008 0x0000000000002008 0x0000000000002008 0x000008 0x000008 R E 0x1000
30# CHECK-NEXT: LOAD  0x002000 0x0000000000003000 0x0000000000003000 0x000008 0x000008 RW  0x1000
31# CHECK-NEXT: LOAD  0x002008 0x0000000000003008 0x0000000000007000 0x000008 0x000008 RW  0x1000
32# CHECK-NEXT: LOAD  0x002010 0x0000000000003010 0x0000000000003010 0x000008 0x000008 RW  0x1000
33# CHECK-NEXT: LOAD  0x002018 0x0000000000003018 0x0000000000007008 0x000008 0x000008 RW  0x1000
35# SECTIONS:      Sections:
36# SECTIONS-NEXT: Idx Name          Size     VMA
37# SECTIONS-NEXT:   0               00000000 0000000000000000
38# SECTIONS-NEXT:   1 .foo1         00000008 0000000000002000
39# SECTIONS-NEXT:   2 .foo2         00000008 0000000000002008
40# SECTIONS-NEXT:   3 .text         00000000 0000000000002010
41# SECTIONS-NEXT:   4 .bar1         00000008 0000000000003000
42# SECTIONS-NEXT:   5 .bar2         00000008 0000000000003008
43# SECTIONS-NEXT:   6 .bar3         00000008 0000000000003010
44# SECTIONS-NEXT:   7 .bar4         00000008 0000000000003018