1 //===- Config.h -------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 #include "llvm/ADT/CachedHashString.h"
13 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
14 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
15 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
16 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
17 #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/MachO.h"
18 #include "llvm/Support/CachePruning.h"
19 #include "llvm/Support/GlobPattern.h"
20 #include "llvm/Support/VersionTuple.h"
21 #include "llvm/TextAPI/Architecture.h"
22 #include "llvm/TextAPI/Platform.h"
23 #include "llvm/TextAPI/Target.h"
25 #include <vector>
27 namespace lld {
28 namespace macho {
30 class Symbol;
31 struct SymbolPriorityEntry;
33 using NamePair = std::pair<llvm::StringRef, llvm::StringRef>;
34 using SectionRenameMap = llvm::DenseMap<NamePair, NamePair>;
35 using SegmentRenameMap = llvm::DenseMap<llvm::StringRef, llvm::StringRef>;
37 struct PlatformInfo {
38   llvm::MachO::Target target;
39   llvm::VersionTuple minimum;
40   llvm::VersionTuple sdk;
41 };
encodeVersion(const llvm::VersionTuple & version)43 inline uint32_t encodeVersion(const llvm::VersionTuple &version) {
44   return ((version.getMajor() << 020) |
45           (version.getMinor().getValueOr(0) << 010) |
46           version.getSubminor().getValueOr(0));
47 }
49 enum class NamespaceKind {
50   twolevel,
51   flat,
52 };
54 enum class UndefinedSymbolTreatment {
55   unknown,
56   error,
57   warning,
58   suppress,
59   dynamic_lookup,
60 };
62 enum class ICFLevel {
63   unknown,
64   none,
65   safe,
66   all,
67 };
69 struct SectionAlign {
70   llvm::StringRef segName;
71   llvm::StringRef sectName;
72   uint32_t align;
73 };
75 struct SegmentProtection {
76   llvm::StringRef name;
77   uint32_t maxProt;
78   uint32_t initProt;
79 };
81 class SymbolPatterns {
82 public:
83   // GlobPattern can also match literals,
84   // but we prefer the O(1) lookup of DenseSet.
85   llvm::DenseSet<llvm::CachedHashStringRef> literals;
86   std::vector<llvm::GlobPattern> globs;
empty()88   bool empty() const { return literals.empty() && globs.empty(); }
89   void clear();
90   void insert(llvm::StringRef symbolName);
91   bool matchLiteral(llvm::StringRef symbolName) const;
92   bool matchGlob(llvm::StringRef symbolName) const;
93   bool match(llvm::StringRef symbolName) const;
94 };
96 struct Configuration {
97   Symbol *entry = nullptr;
98   bool hasReexports = false;
99   bool allLoad = false;
100   bool applicationExtension = false;
101   bool archMultiple = false;
102   bool exportDynamic = false;
103   bool forceLoadObjC = false;
104   bool forceLoadSwift = false;
105   bool staticLink = false;
106   bool implicitDylibs = false;
107   bool isPic = false;
108   bool headerPadMaxInstallNames = false;
109   bool ltoNewPassManager = LLVM_ENABLE_NEW_PASS_MANAGER;
110   bool markDeadStrippableDylib = false;
111   bool printDylibSearch = false;
112   bool printEachFile = false;
113   bool printWhyLoad = false;
114   bool searchDylibsFirst = false;
115   bool saveTemps = false;
116   bool adhocCodesign = false;
117   bool emitFunctionStarts = false;
118   bool emitBitcodeBundle = false;
119   bool emitDataInCodeInfo = false;
120   bool emitEncryptionInfo = false;
121   bool timeTraceEnabled = false;
122   bool dataConst = false;
123   bool dedupLiterals = true;
124   uint32_t headerPad;
125   uint32_t dylibCompatibilityVersion = 0;
126   uint32_t dylibCurrentVersion = 0;
127   uint32_t timeTraceGranularity = 500;
128   unsigned optimize;
129   std::string progName;
131   // For `clang -arch arm64 -arch x86_64`, clang will:
132   // 1. invoke the linker twice, to write one temporary output per arch
133   // 2. invoke `lipo` to merge the two outputs into a single file
134   // `outputFile` is the name of the temporary file the linker writes to.
135   // `finalOutput `is the name of the file lipo writes to after the link.
136   llvm::StringRef outputFile;
137   llvm::StringRef finalOutput;
139   llvm::StringRef installName;
140   llvm::StringRef mapFile;
141   llvm::StringRef ltoObjPath;
142   llvm::StringRef thinLTOJobs;
143   llvm::StringRef umbrella;
144   uint32_t ltoo = 2;
145   llvm::CachePruningPolicy thinLTOCachePolicy;
146   llvm::StringRef thinLTOCacheDir;
147   bool deadStripDylibs = false;
148   bool demangle = false;
149   bool deadStrip = false;
150   PlatformInfo platformInfo;
151   NamespaceKind namespaceKind = NamespaceKind::twolevel;
152   UndefinedSymbolTreatment undefinedSymbolTreatment =
153       UndefinedSymbolTreatment::error;
154   ICFLevel icfLevel = ICFLevel::none;
155   llvm::MachO::HeaderFileType outputType;
156   std::vector<llvm::StringRef> systemLibraryRoots;
157   std::vector<llvm::StringRef> librarySearchPaths;
158   std::vector<llvm::StringRef> frameworkSearchPaths;
159   std::vector<llvm::StringRef> runtimePaths;
160   std::vector<std::string> astPaths;
161   std::vector<Symbol *> explicitUndefineds;
162   llvm::StringSet<> explicitDynamicLookups;
163   // There are typically few custom sectionAlignments or segmentProtections,
164   // so use a vector instead of a map.
165   std::vector<SectionAlign> sectionAlignments;
166   std::vector<SegmentProtection> segmentProtections;
168   llvm::DenseMap<llvm::StringRef, SymbolPriorityEntry> priorities;
169   SectionRenameMap sectionRenameMap;
170   SegmentRenameMap segmentRenameMap;
172   SymbolPatterns exportedSymbols;
173   SymbolPatterns unexportedSymbols;
175   bool zeroModTime = false;
archConfiguration177   llvm::MachO::Architecture arch() const { return platformInfo.target.Arch; }
platformConfiguration179   llvm::MachO::PlatformKind platform() const {
180     return platformInfo.target.Platform;
181   }
182 };
184 // The symbol with the highest priority should be ordered first in the output
185 // section (modulo input section contiguity constraints). Using priority
186 // (highest first) instead of order (lowest first) has the convenient property
187 // that the default-constructed zero priority -- for symbols/sections without a
188 // user-defined order -- naturally ends up putting them at the end of the
189 // output.
190 struct SymbolPriorityEntry {
191   // The priority given to a matching symbol, regardless of which object file
192   // it originated from.
193   size_t anyObjectFile = 0;
194   // The priority given to a matching symbol from a particular object file.
195   llvm::DenseMap<llvm::StringRef, size_t> objectFiles;
196 };
198 extern Configuration *config;
200 } // namespace macho
201 } // namespace lld
203 #endif