1; RUN: llc -mtriple=aarch64-linux-gnu -mattr=+sve < %s 2>%t | FileCheck %s
2; RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=WARN --allow-empty %s <%t
4; If this check fails please read test/CodeGen/AArch64/README for instructions on how to resolve it.
5; WARN-NOT: warning
8; LDFF1B, LDFF1W, LDFF1H, LDFF1D: vector base + scalar offset (index)
9;   e.g. ldff1b { z0.d }, p0/z, [x0, z0.d]
12; LDFF1B
13define <vscale x 4 x i32> @gldff1b_s_scalar_offset(<vscale x 4 x i1> %pg, <vscale x 4 x i32> %base, i64 %offset) {
14; CHECK-LABEL: gldff1b_s_scalar_offset:
15; CHECK: ldff1b { z0.s }, p0/z, [x0, z0.s, uxtw]
16; CHECK-NEXT: ret
17  %load = call <vscale x 4 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv4i8.nxv4i32(<vscale x 4 x i1> %pg,
18                                                                                             <vscale x 4 x i32> %base,
19                                                                                             i64 %offset)
20  %res = zext <vscale x 4 x i8> %load to <vscale x 4 x i32>
21  ret <vscale x 4 x i32> %res
24define <vscale x 2 x i64> @gldff1b_d_scalar_offset(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg, <vscale x 2 x i64> %base, i64 %offset) {
25; CHECK-LABEL: gldff1b_d_scalar_offset:
26; CHECK: ldff1b { z0.d }, p0/z, [x0, z0.d]
27; CHECK-NEXT: ret
28  %load = call <vscale x 2 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv2i8.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg,
29                                                                                             <vscale x 2 x i64> %base,
30                                                                                             i64 %offset)
31  %res = zext <vscale x 2 x i8> %load to <vscale x 2 x i64>
32  ret <vscale x 2 x i64> %res
35; LDFF1H
36define <vscale x 4 x i32> @gldff1h_s_scalar_offset(<vscale x 4 x i1> %pg, <vscale x 4 x i32> %base, i64 %offset) {
37; CHECK-LABEL: gldff1h_s_scalar_offset:
38; CHECK: ldff1h { z0.s }, p0/z, [x0, z0.s, uxtw]
39; CHECK-NEXT: ret
40  %load = call <vscale x 4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv4i16.nxv4i32(<vscale x 4 x i1> %pg,
41                                                                                               <vscale x 4 x i32> %base,
42                                                                                               i64 %offset)
43  %res = zext <vscale x 4 x i16> %load to <vscale x 4 x i32>
44  ret <vscale x 4 x i32> %res
47define <vscale x 2 x i64> @gldff1h_d_scalar_offset(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg, <vscale x 2 x i64> %base, i64 %offset) {
48; CHECK-LABEL: gldff1h_d_scalar_offset:
49; CHECK: ldff1h { z0.d }, p0/z, [x0, z0.d]
50; CHECK-NEXT: ret
51  %load = call <vscale x 2 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv2i16.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg,
52                                                                                               <vscale x 2 x i64> %base,
53                                                                                               i64 %offset)
54  %res = zext <vscale x 2 x i16> %load to <vscale x 2 x i64>
55  ret <vscale x 2 x i64> %res
58; LDFF1W
59define <vscale x 4 x i32> @gldff1w_s_scalar_offset(<vscale x 4 x i1> %pg, <vscale x 4 x i32> %base, i64 %offset) {
60; CHECK-LABEL: gldff1w_s_scalar_offset:
61; CHECK: ldff1w { z0.s }, p0/z, [x0, z0.s, uxtw]
62; CHECK-NEXT: ret
63  %load = call <vscale x 4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv4i32.nxv4i32(<vscale x 4 x i1> %pg,
64                                                                                               <vscale x 4 x i32> %base,
65                                                                                               i64 %offset)
66  ret <vscale x 4 x i32> %load
69define <vscale x 2 x i64> @gldff1w_d_scalar_offset(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg, <vscale x 2 x i64> %base, i64 %offset) {
70; CHECK-LABEL: gldff1w_d_scalar_offset:
71; CHECK: ldff1w { z0.d }, p0/z, [x0, z0.d]
72; CHECK-NEXT: ret
73  %load = call <vscale x 2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv2i32.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg,
74                                                                                               <vscale x 2 x i64> %base,
75                                                                                               i64 %offset)
76  %res = zext <vscale x 2 x i32> %load to <vscale x 2 x i64>
77  ret <vscale x 2 x i64> %res
80define <vscale x 4 x float> @gldff1w_s_scalar_offset_float(<vscale x 4 x i1> %pg, <vscale x 4 x i32> %base, i64 %offset) {
81; CHECK-LABEL: gldff1w_s_scalar_offset_float:
82; CHECK: ldff1w { z0.s }, p0/z, [x0, z0.s, uxtw]
83; CHECK-NEXT: ret
84  %load = call <vscale x 4 x float> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv4f32.nxv4i32(<vscale x 4 x i1> %pg,
85                                                                                                 <vscale x 4 x i32> %base,
86                                                                                                 i64 %offset)
87  ret <vscale x 4 x float> %load
90; LDFF1D
91define <vscale x 2 x i64> @gldff1d_d_scalar_offset(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg, <vscale x 2 x i64> %base, i64 %offset) {
92; CHECK-LABEL: gldff1d_d_scalar_offset:
93; CHECK: ldff1d { z0.d }, p0/z, [x0, z0.d]
94; CHECK-NEXT: ret
95  %load = call <vscale x 2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv2i64.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg,
96                                                                                               <vscale x 2 x i64> %base,
97                                                                                               i64 %offset)
98  ret <vscale x 2 x i64> %load
101define <vscale x 2 x double> @gldff1d_d_scalar_offset_double(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg, <vscale x 2 x i64> %base, i64 %offset) {
102; CHECK-LABEL: gldff1d_d_scalar_offset_double:
103; CHECK: ldff1d { z0.d }, p0/z, [x0, z0.d]
104; CHECK-NEXT: ret
105  %load = call <vscale x 2 x double> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv2f64.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg,
106                                                                                                  <vscale x 2 x i64> %base,
107                                                                                                  i64 %offset)
108  ret <vscale x 2 x double> %load
111; LDFF1SB, LDFF1SW, LDFF1SH: vector base + scalar offset (index)
112;   e.g. ldff1b { z0.d }, p0/z, [x0, z0.d]
115; LDFF1SB
116define <vscale x 4 x i32> @gldff1sb_s_scalar_offset(<vscale x 4 x i1> %pg, <vscale x 4 x i32> %base, i64 %offset) {
117; CHECK-LABEL: gldff1sb_s_scalar_offset:
118; CHECK: ldff1sb { z0.s }, p0/z, [x0, z0.s, uxtw]
119; CHECK-NEXT: ret
120  %load = call <vscale x 4 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv4i8.nxv4i32(<vscale x 4 x i1> %pg,
121                                                                                             <vscale x 4 x i32> %base,
122                                                                                             i64 %offset)
123  %res = sext <vscale x 4 x i8> %load to <vscale x 4 x i32>
124  ret <vscale x 4 x i32> %res
127define <vscale x 2 x i64> @gldff1sb_d_scalar_offset(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg, <vscale x 2 x i64> %base, i64 %offset) {
128; CHECK-LABEL: gldff1sb_d_scalar_offset:
129; CHECK: ldff1sb { z0.d }, p0/z, [x0, z0.d]
130; CHECK-NEXT: ret
131  %load = call <vscale x 2 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv2i8.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg,
132                                                                                             <vscale x 2 x i64> %base,
133                                                                                             i64 %offset)
134  %res = sext <vscale x 2 x i8> %load to <vscale x 2 x i64>
135  ret <vscale x 2 x i64> %res
138; LDFF1SH
139define <vscale x 4 x i32> @gldff1sh_s_scalar_offset(<vscale x 4 x i1> %pg, <vscale x 4 x i32> %base, i64 %offset) {
140; CHECK-LABEL: gldff1sh_s_scalar_offset:
141; CHECK: ldff1sh { z0.s }, p0/z, [x0, z0.s, uxtw]
142; CHECK-NEXT: ret
143  %load = call <vscale x 4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv4i16.nxv4i32(<vscale x 4 x i1> %pg,
144                                                                                               <vscale x 4 x i32> %base,
145                                                                                               i64 %offset)
146  %res = sext <vscale x 4 x i16> %load to <vscale x 4 x i32>
147  ret <vscale x 4 x i32> %res
150define <vscale x 2 x i64> @gldff1sh_d_scalar_offset(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg, <vscale x 2 x i64> %base, i64 %offset) {
151; CHECK-LABEL: gldff1sh_d_scalar_offset:
152; CHECK: ldff1sh { z0.d }, p0/z, [x0, z0.d]
153; CHECK-NEXT: ret
154  %load = call <vscale x 2 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv2i16.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg,
155                                                                                               <vscale x 2 x i64> %base,
156                                                                                               i64 %offset)
157  %res = sext <vscale x 2 x i16> %load to <vscale x 2 x i64>
158  ret <vscale x 2 x i64> %res
161; LDFF1SW
162define <vscale x 2 x i64> @gldff1sw_d_scalar_offset(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg, <vscale x 2 x i64> %base, i64 %offset) {
163; CHECK-LABEL: gldff1sw_d_scalar_offset:
164; CHECK: ldff1sw { z0.d }, p0/z, [x0, z0.d]
165; CHECK-NEXT: ret
166  %load = call <vscale x 2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv2i32.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i1> %pg,
167                                                                                               <vscale x 2 x i64> %base,
168                                                                                               i64 %offset)
169  %res = sext <vscale x 2 x i32> %load to <vscale x 2 x i64>
170  ret <vscale x 2 x i64> %res
174declare <vscale x 4 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv4i8.nxv4i32(<vscale x 4 x i1>, <vscale x 4 x i32>, i64)
175declare <vscale x 2 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv2i8.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i1>, <vscale x 2 x i64>, i64)
178declare <vscale x 4 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv4i16.nxv4i32(<vscale x 4 x i1>, <vscale x 4 x i32>, i64)
179declare <vscale x 2 x i16> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv2i16.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i1>, <vscale x 2 x i64>, i64)
182declare <vscale x 4 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv4i32.nxv4i32(<vscale x 4 x i1>, <vscale x 4 x i32>, i64)
183declare <vscale x 2 x i32> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv2i32.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i1>, <vscale x 2 x i64>, i64)
185declare <vscale x 4 x float> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv4f32.nxv4i32(<vscale x 4 x i1>, <vscale x 4 x i32>, i64)
187; LDFF1D
188declare <vscale x 2 x i64> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv2i64.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i1>, <vscale x 2 x i64>, i64)
190declare <vscale x 2 x double> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ldff1.gather.scalar.offset.nxv2f64.nxv2i64(<vscale x 2 x i1>, <vscale x 2 x i64>, i64)