1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -emit-llvm-only -o -
3 // https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38356
4 // We only check that we do not crash.
6 // This test can exceed stack usage in some configurations, so unless we can
7 // properly handle that don't run it.
8 // REQUIRES: thread_support
10 template <typename a, a b(unsigned), int c, unsigned...>
11 struct d : d<a, b, c - 1> {};
12 template <typename a, a b(unsigned), unsigned... e>
13 struct d<a, b, 0, e...> {
14   a f[0];
15 };
16 struct g {
17   static g h(unsigned);
18 };
19 struct i {
20   void j() const;
21   // Current maximum depth of recursive template instantiation is 1024,
22   // thus, this \/ threshold value is used here. BasePathSize in CastExpr might
23   // not fit it, so we are testing that we do fit it.
24   // If -ftemplate-depth= is provided, larger values (4096 and up) cause crashes
25   // elsewhere.
26   d<g, g::h, (1U << 10U) - 2U> f;
27 };
j() const28 void i::j() const {
29   const void *k{f.f};
30   (void)k;
31 }