1 //===--- Selection.h - What's under the cursor? -------------------*-C++-*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 // Many features are triggered at locations/ranges and operate on AST nodes.
9 // (e.g. go-to-definition or code tweaks).
10 // At a high level, such features need to work out which node is the correct
11 // target.
12 //
13 // There are a few levels of ambiguity here:
14 //
15 // Which tokens are included:
16 //   int x = one + two;  // what should "go to definition" do?
17 //            ^^^^^^
18 //
19 // Same token means multiple things:
20 //   string("foo")       // class string, or a constructor?
21 //   ^
22 //
23 // Which level of the AST is interesting?
24 //   if (err) {          // reference to 'err', or operator bool(),
25 //       ^               // or the if statement itself?
26 //
27 // Here we build and expose a data structure that allows features to resolve
28 // these ambiguities in an appropriate way:
29 //   - we determine which low-level nodes are partly or completely covered
30 //     by the selection.
31 //   - we expose a tree of the selected nodes and their lexical parents.
32 //
33 // Sadly LSP specifies locations as being between characters, and this causes
34 // some ambiguities we cannot cleanly resolve:
35 //   lhs+rhs  // targeting '+' or 'lhs'?
36 //      ^     // in GUI editors, double-clicking 'lhs' yields this position!
37 //
38 // The best we can do in these cases is try both, which leads to the awkward
39 // SelectionTree::createEach() API.
40 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
44 #include "clang/AST/ASTTypeTraits.h"
45 #include "clang/AST/PrettyPrinter.h"
46 #include "clang/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.h"
47 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
49 namespace clang {
50 namespace clangd {
52 // A selection can partially or completely cover several AST nodes.
53 // The SelectionTree contains nodes that are covered, and their parents.
54 // SelectionTree does not contain all AST nodes, rather only:
55 //   Decl, Stmt, TypeLoc, NestedNamespaceSpecifierLoc, CXXCtorInitializer.
56 // (These are the nodes with source ranges that fit in DynTypedNode).
57 //
58 // Usually commonAncestor() is the place to start:
59 //  - it's the simplest answer to "what node is under the cursor"
60 //  - the selected Expr (for example) can be found by walking up the parent
61 //    chain and checking Node->ASTNode.
62 //  - if you want to traverse the selected nodes, they are all under
63 //    commonAncestor() in the tree.
64 //
65 // SelectionTree tries to behave sensibly in the presence of macros, but does
66 // not model any preprocessor concepts: the output is a subset of the AST.
67 // When a macro argument is specifically selected, only its first expansion is
68 // selected in the AST. (Returning a selection forest is unreasonably difficult
69 // for callers to handle correctly.)
70 //
71 // Comments, directives and whitespace are completely ignored.
72 // Semicolons are also ignored, as the AST generally does not model them well.
73 //
74 // The SelectionTree owns the Node structures, but the ASTNode attributes
75 // point back into the AST it was constructed with.
76 class SelectionTree {
77 public:
78   // Create selection trees for the given range, and pass them to Func.
79   //
80   // There may be multiple possible selection trees:
81   // - if the range is empty and borders two tokens, a tree for the right token
82   //   and a tree for the left token will be yielded.
83   // - Func should return true on success (stop) and false on failure (continue)
84   //
85   // Always yields at least one tree. If no tokens are touched, it is empty.
86   static bool createEach(ASTContext &AST, const syntax::TokenBuffer &Tokens,
87                          unsigned Begin, unsigned End,
88                          llvm::function_ref<bool(SelectionTree)> Func);
90   // Create a selection tree for the given range.
91   //
92   // Where ambiguous (range is empty and borders two tokens), prefer the token
93   // on the right.
94   static SelectionTree createRight(ASTContext &AST,
95                                    const syntax::TokenBuffer &Tokens,
96                                    unsigned Begin, unsigned End);
98   // Copies are no good - contain pointers to other nodes.
99   SelectionTree(const SelectionTree &) = delete;
100   SelectionTree &operator=(const SelectionTree &) = delete;
101   // Moves are OK though - internal storage is pointer-stable when moved.
102   SelectionTree(SelectionTree &&) = default;
103   SelectionTree &operator=(SelectionTree &&) = default;
105   // Describes to what extent an AST node is covered by the selection.
106   enum Selection : unsigned char {
107     // The AST node owns no characters covered by the selection.
108     // Note that characters owned by children don't count:
109     //   if (x == 0) scream();
110     //       ^^^^^^
111     // The IfStmt would be Unselected because all the selected characters are
112     // associated with its children.
113     // (Invisible nodes like ImplicitCastExpr are always unselected).
114     Unselected,
115     // The AST node owns selected characters, but is not completely covered.
116     Partial,
117     // The AST node owns characters, and is covered by the selection.
118     Complete,
119   };
120   // An AST node that is implicated in the selection.
121   // (Either selected directly, or some descendant is selected).
122   struct Node {
123     // The parent within the selection tree. nullptr for TranslationUnitDecl.
124     Node *Parent;
125     // Direct children within the selection tree.
126     llvm::SmallVector<const Node *> Children;
127     // The corresponding node from the full AST.
128     DynTypedNode ASTNode;
129     // The extent to which this node is covered by the selection.
130     Selection Selected;
131     // Walk up the AST to get the DeclContext of this Node,
132     // which is not the node itself.
133     const DeclContext &getDeclContext() const;
134     // Printable node kind, like "CXXRecordDecl" or "AutoTypeLoc".
135     std::string kind() const;
136     // If this node is a wrapper with no syntax (e.g. implicit cast), return
137     // its contents. (If multiple wrappers are present, unwraps all of them).
138     const Node &ignoreImplicit() const;
139     // If this node is inside a wrapper with no syntax (e.g. implicit cast),
140     // return that wrapper. (If multiple are present, unwraps all of them).
141     const Node &outerImplicit() const;
142   };
143   // The most specific common ancestor of all the selected nodes.
144   // Returns nullptr if the common ancestor is the root.
145   // (This is to avoid accidentally traversing the TUDecl and thus preamble).
146   const Node *commonAncestor() const;
147   // The selection node corresponding to TranslationUnitDecl.
root()148   const Node &root() const { return *Root; }
150 private:
151   // Creates a selection tree for the given range in the main file.
152   // The range includes bytes [Start, End).
153   SelectionTree(ASTContext &AST, const syntax::TokenBuffer &Tokens,
154                 unsigned Start, unsigned End);
156   std::deque<Node> Nodes; // Stable-pointer storage.
157   const Node *Root;
158   clang::PrintingPolicy PrintPolicy;
160   void print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Node &N, int Indent) const;
161   friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
162                                        const SelectionTree &T) {
163     T.print(OS, T.root(), 1);
164     return OS;
165   }
166 };
168 } // namespace clangd
169 } // namespace clang
170 #endif