1 //===--- SyncAPI.cpp - Sync version of ClangdServer's API --------*- C++-*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "SyncAPI.h"
10 #include "index/Index.h"
12 namespace clang {
13 namespace clangd {
15 void runAddDocument(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File,
16                     llvm::StringRef Contents, llvm::StringRef Version,
17                     WantDiagnostics WantDiags, bool ForceRebuild) {
18   Server.addDocument(File, Contents, Version, WantDiags, ForceRebuild);
19   if (!Server.blockUntilIdleForTest())
20     llvm_unreachable("not idle after addDocument");
21 }
23 namespace {
24 /// A helper that waits for async callbacks to fire and exposes their result in
25 /// the output variable. Intended to be used in the following way:
26 ///    T Result;
27 ///    someAsyncFunc(Param1, Param2, /*Callback=*/capture(Result));
28 template <typename T> struct CaptureProxy {
29   CaptureProxy(llvm::Optional<T> &Target) : Target(&Target) {
30     assert(!Target.hasValue());
31   }
33   CaptureProxy(const CaptureProxy &) = delete;
34   CaptureProxy &operator=(const CaptureProxy &) = delete;
35   // We need move ctor to return a value from the 'capture' helper.
36   CaptureProxy(CaptureProxy &&Other) : Target(Other.Target) {
37     Other.Target = nullptr;
38   }
39   CaptureProxy &operator=(CaptureProxy &&) = delete;
41   operator llvm::unique_function<void(T)>() && {
42     assert(!Future.valid() && "conversion to callback called multiple times");
43     Future = Promise.get_future();
44     return [Promise = std::move(Promise)](T Value) mutable {
45       Promise.set_value(std::make_shared<T>(std::move(Value)));
46     };
47   }
49   ~CaptureProxy() {
50     if (!Target)
51       return;
52     assert(Future.valid() && "conversion to callback was not called");
53     assert(!Target->hasValue());
54     Target->emplace(std::move(*Future.get()));
55   }
57 private:
58   llvm::Optional<T> *Target;
59   // Using shared_ptr to workaround compilation errors with MSVC.
60   // MSVC only allows default-constructible and copyable objects as future<>
61   // arguments.
62   std::promise<std::shared_ptr<T>> Promise;
63   std::future<std::shared_ptr<T>> Future;
64 };
66 template <typename T> CaptureProxy<T> capture(llvm::Optional<T> &Target) {
67   return CaptureProxy<T>(Target);
68 }
69 } // namespace
71 llvm::Expected<CodeCompleteResult>
72 runCodeComplete(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, Position Pos,
73                 clangd::CodeCompleteOptions Opts) {
74   llvm::Optional<llvm::Expected<CodeCompleteResult>> Result;
75   Server.codeComplete(File, Pos, Opts, capture(Result));
76   return std::move(*Result);
77 }
79 llvm::Expected<SignatureHelp> runSignatureHelp(ClangdServer &Server,
80                                                PathRef File, Position Pos) {
81   llvm::Optional<llvm::Expected<SignatureHelp>> Result;
82   Server.signatureHelp(File, Pos, capture(Result));
83   return std::move(*Result);
84 }
86 llvm::Expected<std::vector<LocatedSymbol>>
87 runLocateSymbolAt(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, Position Pos) {
88   llvm::Optional<llvm::Expected<std::vector<LocatedSymbol>>> Result;
89   Server.locateSymbolAt(File, Pos, capture(Result));
90   return std::move(*Result);
91 }
93 llvm::Expected<std::vector<DocumentHighlight>>
94 runFindDocumentHighlights(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, Position Pos) {
95   llvm::Optional<llvm::Expected<std::vector<DocumentHighlight>>> Result;
96   Server.findDocumentHighlights(File, Pos, capture(Result));
97   return std::move(*Result);
98 }
100 llvm::Expected<RenameResult> runRename(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File,
101                                        Position Pos, llvm::StringRef NewName,
102                                        const RenameOptions &RenameOpts) {
103   llvm::Optional<llvm::Expected<RenameResult>> Result;
104   Server.rename(File, Pos, NewName, RenameOpts, capture(Result));
105   return std::move(*Result);
106 }
108 llvm::Expected<RenameResult>
109 runPrepareRename(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, Position Pos,
110                  llvm::Optional<std::string> NewName,
111                  const RenameOptions &RenameOpts) {
112   llvm::Optional<llvm::Expected<RenameResult>> Result;
113   Server.prepareRename(File, Pos, NewName, RenameOpts, capture(Result));
114   return std::move(*Result);
115 }
117 llvm::Expected<tooling::Replacements>
118 runFormatFile(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, llvm::Optional<Range> Rng) {
119   llvm::Optional<llvm::Expected<tooling::Replacements>> Result;
120   Server.formatFile(File, Rng, capture(Result));
121   return std::move(*Result);
122 }
124 SymbolSlab runFuzzyFind(const SymbolIndex &Index, llvm::StringRef Query) {
125   FuzzyFindRequest Req;
126   Req.Query = std::string(Query);
127   Req.AnyScope = true;
128   return runFuzzyFind(Index, Req);
129 }
131 SymbolSlab runFuzzyFind(const SymbolIndex &Index, const FuzzyFindRequest &Req) {
132   SymbolSlab::Builder Builder;
133   Index.fuzzyFind(Req, [&](const Symbol &Sym) { Builder.insert(Sym); });
134   return std::move(Builder).build();
135 }
137 RefSlab getRefs(const SymbolIndex &Index, SymbolID ID) {
138   RefsRequest Req;
139   Req.IDs = {ID};
140   RefSlab::Builder Slab;
141   Index.refs(Req, [&](const Ref &S) { Slab.insert(ID, S); });
142   return std::move(Slab).build();
143 }
145 llvm::Expected<std::vector<SelectionRange>>
146 runSemanticRanges(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File,
147                   const std::vector<Position> &Pos) {
148   llvm::Optional<llvm::Expected<std::vector<SelectionRange>>> Result;
149   Server.semanticRanges(File, Pos, capture(Result));
150   return std::move(*Result);
151 }
153 llvm::Expected<llvm::Optional<clangd::Path>>
154 runSwitchHeaderSource(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File) {
155   llvm::Optional<llvm::Expected<llvm::Optional<clangd::Path>>> Result;
156   Server.switchSourceHeader(File, capture(Result));
157   return std::move(*Result);
158 }
160 llvm::Error runCustomAction(ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File,
161                             llvm::function_ref<void(InputsAndAST)> Action) {
162   llvm::Error Result = llvm::Error::success();
163   Notification Done;
164   Server.customAction(File, "Custom", [&](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> AST) {
165     if (!AST)
166       Result = AST.takeError();
167     else
168       Action(*AST);
169     Done.notify();
170   });
171   Done.wait();
172   return Result;
173 }
175 } // namespace clangd
176 } // namespace clang