1 //===- CodeView.h -----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // Defines constants and basic types describing CodeView debug information.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
16 #include <cinttypes>
17 #include <type_traits>
19 #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
21 namespace llvm {
22 namespace codeview {
24 /// Distinguishes individual records in .debug$T or .debug$P section or PDB type
25 /// stream. The documentation and headers talk about this as the "leaf" type.
26 enum class TypeRecordKind : uint16_t {
27 #define TYPE_RECORD(lf_ename, value, name) name = value,
28 #include "CodeViewTypes.def"
29 };
31 /// Duplicate copy of the above enum, but using the official CV names. Useful
32 /// for reference purposes and when dealing with unknown record types.
33 enum TypeLeafKind : uint16_t {
34 #define CV_TYPE(name, val) name = val,
35 #include "CodeViewTypes.def"
36 };
38 /// Distinguishes individual records in the Symbols subsection of a .debug$S
39 /// section. Equivalent to SYM_ENUM_e in cvinfo.h.
40 enum class SymbolRecordKind : uint16_t {
41 #define SYMBOL_RECORD(lf_ename, value, name) name = value,
42 #include "CodeViewSymbols.def"
43 };
45 /// Duplicate copy of the above enum, but using the official CV names. Useful
46 /// for reference purposes and when dealing with unknown record types.
47 enum SymbolKind : uint16_t {
48 #define CV_SYMBOL(name, val) name = val,
49 #include "CodeViewSymbols.def"
50 };
52 #define CV_DEFINE_ENUM_CLASS_FLAGS_OPERATORS(Class)                            \
53   inline Class operator|(Class a, Class b) {                                   \
54     return static_cast<Class>(                                                 \
55         static_cast<std::underlying_type<Class>::type>(a) |                    \
56         static_cast<std::underlying_type<Class>::type>(b));                    \
57   }                                                                            \
58   inline Class operator&(Class a, Class b) {                                   \
59     return static_cast<Class>(                                                 \
60         static_cast<std::underlying_type<Class>::type>(a) &                    \
61         static_cast<std::underlying_type<Class>::type>(b));                    \
62   }                                                                            \
63   inline Class operator~(Class a) {                                            \
64     return static_cast<Class>(                                                 \
65         ~static_cast<std::underlying_type<Class>::type>(a));                   \
66   }                                                                            \
67   inline Class &operator|=(Class &a, Class b) {                                \
68     a = a | b;                                                                 \
69     return a;                                                                  \
70   }                                                                            \
71   inline Class &operator&=(Class &a, Class b) {                                \
72     a = a & b;                                                                 \
73     return a;                                                                  \
74   }
76 /// These values correspond to the CV_CPU_TYPE_e enumeration, and are documented
77 /// here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b2fc64ek.aspx
78 enum class CPUType : uint16_t {
79   Intel8080 = 0x0,
80   Intel8086 = 0x1,
81   Intel80286 = 0x2,
82   Intel80386 = 0x3,
83   Intel80486 = 0x4,
84   Pentium = 0x5,
85   PentiumPro = 0x6,
86   Pentium3 = 0x7,
87   MIPS = 0x10,
88   MIPS16 = 0x11,
89   MIPS32 = 0x12,
90   MIPS64 = 0x13,
91   MIPSI = 0x14,
92   MIPSII = 0x15,
93   MIPSIII = 0x16,
94   MIPSIV = 0x17,
95   MIPSV = 0x18,
96   M68000 = 0x20,
97   M68010 = 0x21,
98   M68020 = 0x22,
99   M68030 = 0x23,
100   M68040 = 0x24,
101   Alpha = 0x30,
102   Alpha21164 = 0x31,
103   Alpha21164A = 0x32,
104   Alpha21264 = 0x33,
105   Alpha21364 = 0x34,
106   PPC601 = 0x40,
107   PPC603 = 0x41,
108   PPC604 = 0x42,
109   PPC620 = 0x43,
110   PPCFP = 0x44,
111   PPCBE = 0x45,
112   SH3 = 0x50,
113   SH3E = 0x51,
114   SH3DSP = 0x52,
115   SH4 = 0x53,
116   SHMedia = 0x54,
117   ARM3 = 0x60,
118   ARM4 = 0x61,
119   ARM4T = 0x62,
120   ARM5 = 0x63,
121   ARM5T = 0x64,
122   ARM6 = 0x65,
123   ARM_XMAC = 0x66,
124   ARM_WMMX = 0x67,
125   ARM7 = 0x68,
126   Omni = 0x70,
127   Ia64 = 0x80,
128   Ia64_2 = 0x81,
129   CEE = 0x90,
130   AM33 = 0xa0,
131   M32R = 0xb0,
132   TriCore = 0xc0,
133   X64 = 0xd0,
134   EBC = 0xe0,
135   Thumb = 0xf0,
136   ARMNT = 0xf4,
137   ARM64 = 0xf6,
138   HybridX86ARM64 = 0xf7,
139   ARM64EC = 0xf8,
140   ARM64X = 0xf9,
141   D3D11_Shader = 0x100,
142 };
144 /// These values correspond to the CV_CFL_LANG enumeration, and are documented
145 /// here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bw3aekw6.aspx
146 enum SourceLanguage : uint8_t {
147   C = 0x00,
148   Cpp = 0x01,
149   Fortran = 0x02,
150   Masm = 0x03,
151   Pascal = 0x04,
152   Basic = 0x05,
153   Cobol = 0x06,
154   Link = 0x07,
155   Cvtres = 0x08,
156   Cvtpgd = 0x09,
157   CSharp = 0x0a,
158   VB = 0x0b,
159   ILAsm = 0x0c,
160   Java = 0x0d,
161   JScript = 0x0e,
162   MSIL = 0x0f,
163   HLSL = 0x10,
165   /// The DMD & Swift compilers emit 'D' and 'S', respectively, for the CV
166   /// source language. Microsoft does not have enumerators for them yet.
167   D = 'D',
168   Swift = 'S',
169 };
171 /// These values correspond to the CV_call_e enumeration, and are documented
172 /// at the following locations:
173 ///   https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b2fc64ek.aspx
174 ///   https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms680207(v=vs.85).aspx
175 ///
176 enum class CallingConvention : uint8_t {
177   NearC = 0x00,       // near right to left push, caller pops stack
178   FarC = 0x01,        // far right to left push, caller pops stack
179   NearPascal = 0x02,  // near left to right push, callee pops stack
180   FarPascal = 0x03,   // far left to right push, callee pops stack
181   NearFast = 0x04,    // near left to right push with regs, callee pops stack
182   FarFast = 0x05,     // far left to right push with regs, callee pops stack
183   NearStdCall = 0x07, // near standard call
184   FarStdCall = 0x08,  // far standard call
185   NearSysCall = 0x09, // near sys call
186   FarSysCall = 0x0a,  // far sys call
187   ThisCall = 0x0b,    // this call (this passed in register)
188   MipsCall = 0x0c,    // Mips call
189   Generic = 0x0d,     // Generic call sequence
190   AlphaCall = 0x0e,   // Alpha call
191   PpcCall = 0x0f,     // PPC call
192   SHCall = 0x10,      // Hitachi SuperH call
193   ArmCall = 0x11,     // ARM call
194   AM33Call = 0x12,    // AM33 call
195   TriCall = 0x13,     // TriCore Call
196   SH5Call = 0x14,     // Hitachi SuperH-5 call
197   M32RCall = 0x15,    // M32R Call
198   ClrCall = 0x16,     // clr call
199   Inline =
200       0x17, // Marker for routines always inlined and thus lacking a convention
201   NearVector = 0x18 // near left to right push with regs, callee pops stack
202 };
204 enum class ClassOptions : uint16_t {
205   None = 0x0000,
206   Packed = 0x0001,
207   HasConstructorOrDestructor = 0x0002,
208   HasOverloadedOperator = 0x0004,
209   Nested = 0x0008,
210   ContainsNestedClass = 0x0010,
211   HasOverloadedAssignmentOperator = 0x0020,
212   HasConversionOperator = 0x0040,
213   ForwardReference = 0x0080,
214   Scoped = 0x0100,
215   HasUniqueName = 0x0200,
216   Sealed = 0x0400,
217   Intrinsic = 0x2000
218 };
221 enum class FrameProcedureOptions : uint32_t {
222   None = 0x00000000,
223   HasAlloca = 0x00000001,
224   HasSetJmp = 0x00000002,
225   HasLongJmp = 0x00000004,
226   HasInlineAssembly = 0x00000008,
227   HasExceptionHandling = 0x00000010,
228   MarkedInline = 0x00000020,
229   HasStructuredExceptionHandling = 0x00000040,
230   Naked = 0x00000080,
231   SecurityChecks = 0x00000100,
232   AsynchronousExceptionHandling = 0x00000200,
233   NoStackOrderingForSecurityChecks = 0x00000400,
234   Inlined = 0x00000800,
235   StrictSecurityChecks = 0x00001000,
236   SafeBuffers = 0x00002000,
237   EncodedLocalBasePointerMask = 0x0000C000,
238   EncodedParamBasePointerMask = 0x00030000,
239   ProfileGuidedOptimization = 0x00040000,
240   ValidProfileCounts = 0x00080000,
241   OptimizedForSpeed = 0x00100000,
242   GuardCfg = 0x00200000,
243   GuardCfw = 0x00400000
244 };
247 enum class FunctionOptions : uint8_t {
248   None = 0x00,
249   CxxReturnUdt = 0x01,
250   Constructor = 0x02,
251   ConstructorWithVirtualBases = 0x04
252 };
255 enum class HfaKind : uint8_t {
256   None = 0x00,
257   Float = 0x01,
258   Double = 0x02,
259   Other = 0x03
260 };
262 /// Source-level access specifier. (CV_access_e)
263 enum class MemberAccess : uint8_t {
264   None = 0,
265   Private = 1,
266   Protected = 2,
267   Public = 3
268 };
270 /// Part of member attribute flags. (CV_methodprop_e)
271 enum class MethodKind : uint8_t {
272   Vanilla = 0x00,
273   Virtual = 0x01,
274   Static = 0x02,
275   Friend = 0x03,
276   IntroducingVirtual = 0x04,
277   PureVirtual = 0x05,
278   PureIntroducingVirtual = 0x06
279 };
281 /// Equivalent to CV_fldattr_t bitfield.
282 enum class MethodOptions : uint16_t {
283   None = 0x0000,
284   AccessMask = 0x0003,
285   MethodKindMask = 0x001c,
286   Pseudo = 0x0020,
287   NoInherit = 0x0040,
288   NoConstruct = 0x0080,
289   CompilerGenerated = 0x0100,
290   Sealed = 0x0200
291 };
294 /// Equivalent to CV_LABEL_TYPE_e.
295 enum class LabelType : uint16_t {
296   Near = 0x0,
297   Far = 0x4,
298 };
300 /// Equivalent to CV_modifier_t.
301 /// TODO: Add flag for _Atomic modifier
302 enum class ModifierOptions : uint16_t {
303   None = 0x0000,
304   Const = 0x0001,
305   Volatile = 0x0002,
306   Unaligned = 0x0004
307 };
310 // If the subsection kind has this bit set, then the linker should ignore it.
311 enum : uint32_t { SubsectionIgnoreFlag = 0x80000000 };
313 enum class DebugSubsectionKind : uint32_t {
314   None = 0,
315   Symbols = 0xf1,
316   Lines = 0xf2,
317   StringTable = 0xf3,
318   FileChecksums = 0xf4,
319   FrameData = 0xf5,
320   InlineeLines = 0xf6,
321   CrossScopeImports = 0xf7,
322   CrossScopeExports = 0xf8,
324   // These appear to relate to .Net assembly info.
325   ILLines = 0xf9,
326   FuncMDTokenMap = 0xfa,
327   TypeMDTokenMap = 0xfb,
328   MergedAssemblyInput = 0xfc,
330   CoffSymbolRVA = 0xfd,
331 };
333 /// Equivalent to CV_ptrtype_e.
334 enum class PointerKind : uint8_t {
335   Near16 = 0x00,                // 16 bit pointer
336   Far16 = 0x01,                 // 16:16 far pointer
337   Huge16 = 0x02,                // 16:16 huge pointer
338   BasedOnSegment = 0x03,        // based on segment
339   BasedOnValue = 0x04,          // based on value of base
340   BasedOnSegmentValue = 0x05,   // based on segment value of base
341   BasedOnAddress = 0x06,        // based on address of base
342   BasedOnSegmentAddress = 0x07, // based on segment address of base
343   BasedOnType = 0x08,           // based on type
344   BasedOnSelf = 0x09,           // based on self
345   Near32 = 0x0a,                // 32 bit pointer
346   Far32 = 0x0b,                 // 16:32 pointer
347   Near64 = 0x0c                 // 64 bit pointer
348 };
350 /// Equivalent to CV_ptrmode_e.
351 enum class PointerMode : uint8_t {
352   Pointer = 0x00,                 // "normal" pointer
353   LValueReference = 0x01,         // "old" reference
354   PointerToDataMember = 0x02,     // pointer to data member
355   PointerToMemberFunction = 0x03, // pointer to member function
356   RValueReference = 0x04          // r-value reference
357 };
359 /// Equivalent to misc lfPointerAttr bitfields.
360 enum class PointerOptions : uint32_t {
361   None = 0x00000000,
362   Flat32 = 0x00000100,
363   Volatile = 0x00000200,
364   Const = 0x00000400,
365   Unaligned = 0x00000800,
366   Restrict = 0x00001000,
367   WinRTSmartPointer = 0x00080000,
368   LValueRefThisPointer = 0x00100000,
369   RValueRefThisPointer = 0x00200000
370 };
373 /// Equivalent to CV_pmtype_e.
374 enum class PointerToMemberRepresentation : uint16_t {
375   Unknown = 0x00,                     // not specified (pre VC8)
376   SingleInheritanceData = 0x01,       // member data, single inheritance
377   MultipleInheritanceData = 0x02,     // member data, multiple inheritance
378   VirtualInheritanceData = 0x03,      // member data, virtual inheritance
379   GeneralData = 0x04,                 // member data, most general
380   SingleInheritanceFunction = 0x05,   // member function, single inheritance
381   MultipleInheritanceFunction = 0x06, // member function, multiple inheritance
382   VirtualInheritanceFunction = 0x07,  // member function, virtual inheritance
383   GeneralFunction = 0x08              // member function, most general
384 };
386 enum class VFTableSlotKind : uint8_t {
387   Near16 = 0x00,
388   Far16 = 0x01,
389   This = 0x02,
390   Outer = 0x03,
391   Meta = 0x04,
392   Near = 0x05,
393   Far = 0x06
394 };
396 enum class WindowsRTClassKind : uint8_t {
397   None = 0x00,
398   RefClass = 0x01,
399   ValueClass = 0x02,
400   Interface = 0x03
401 };
403 /// Corresponds to CV_LVARFLAGS bitfield.
404 enum class LocalSymFlags : uint16_t {
405   None = 0,
406   IsParameter = 1 << 0,
407   IsAddressTaken = 1 << 1,
408   IsCompilerGenerated = 1 << 2,
409   IsAggregate = 1 << 3,
410   IsAggregated = 1 << 4,
411   IsAliased = 1 << 5,
412   IsAlias = 1 << 6,
413   IsReturnValue = 1 << 7,
414   IsOptimizedOut = 1 << 8,
415   IsEnregisteredGlobal = 1 << 9,
416   IsEnregisteredStatic = 1 << 10,
417 };
420 /// Corresponds to the CV_PUBSYMFLAGS bitfield.
421 enum class PublicSymFlags : uint32_t {
422   None = 0,
423   Code = 1 << 0,
424   Function = 1 << 1,
425   Managed = 1 << 2,
426   MSIL = 1 << 3,
427 };
430 /// Corresponds to the CV_PROCFLAGS bitfield.
431 enum class ProcSymFlags : uint8_t {
432   None = 0,
433   HasFP = 1 << 0,
434   HasIRET = 1 << 1,
435   HasFRET = 1 << 2,
436   IsNoReturn = 1 << 3,
437   IsUnreachable = 1 << 4,
438   HasCustomCallingConv = 1 << 5,
439   IsNoInline = 1 << 6,
440   HasOptimizedDebugInfo = 1 << 7,
441 };
444 /// Corresponds to COMPILESYM2::Flags bitfield.
445 enum class CompileSym2Flags : uint32_t {
446   None = 0,
447   SourceLanguageMask = 0xFF,
448   EC = 1 << 8,
449   NoDbgInfo = 1 << 9,
450   LTCG = 1 << 10,
451   NoDataAlign = 1 << 11,
452   ManagedPresent = 1 << 12,
453   SecurityChecks = 1 << 13,
454   HotPatch = 1 << 14,
455   CVTCIL = 1 << 15,
456   MSILModule = 1 << 16,
457 };
460 /// Corresponds to COMPILESYM3::Flags bitfield.
461 enum class CompileSym3Flags : uint32_t {
462   None = 0,
463   SourceLanguageMask = 0xFF,
464   EC = 1 << 8,
465   NoDbgInfo = 1 << 9,
466   LTCG = 1 << 10,
467   NoDataAlign = 1 << 11,
468   ManagedPresent = 1 << 12,
469   SecurityChecks = 1 << 13,
470   HotPatch = 1 << 14,
471   CVTCIL = 1 << 15,
472   MSILModule = 1 << 16,
473   Sdl = 1 << 17,
474   PGO = 1 << 18,
475   Exp = 1 << 19,
476 };
479 enum class ExportFlags : uint16_t {
480   None = 0,
481   IsConstant = 1 << 0,
482   IsData = 1 << 1,
483   IsPrivate = 1 << 2,
484   HasNoName = 1 << 3,
485   HasExplicitOrdinal = 1 << 4,
486   IsForwarder = 1 << 5
487 };
490 // Corresponds to BinaryAnnotationOpcode enum.
491 enum class BinaryAnnotationsOpCode : uint32_t {
492   Invalid,
493   CodeOffset,
494   ChangeCodeOffsetBase,
495   ChangeCodeOffset,
496   ChangeCodeLength,
497   ChangeFile,
498   ChangeLineOffset,
499   ChangeLineEndDelta,
500   ChangeRangeKind,
501   ChangeColumnStart,
502   ChangeColumnEndDelta,
503   ChangeCodeOffsetAndLineOffset,
504   ChangeCodeLengthAndCodeOffset,
505   ChangeColumnEnd,
506 };
508 // Corresponds to CV_cookietype_e enum.
509 enum class FrameCookieKind : uint8_t {
510   Copy,
511   XorStackPointer,
512   XorFramePointer,
513   XorR13,
514 };
516 // Corresponds to CV_HREG_e enum.
517 enum class RegisterId : uint16_t {
518 #define CV_REGISTERS_ALL
519 #define CV_REGISTER(name, value) name = value,
520 #include "CodeViewRegisters.def"
521 #undef CV_REGISTER
523 };
525 // Register Ids are shared between architectures in CodeView. CPUType is needed
526 // to map register Id to name.
527 struct CPURegister {
528   CPURegister() = delete;
CPURegisterCPURegister529   CPURegister(CPUType Cpu, codeview::RegisterId Reg) {
530     this->Cpu = Cpu;
531     this->Reg = Reg;
532   }
533   CPUType Cpu;
534   RegisterId Reg;
535 };
537 /// Two-bit value indicating which register is the designated frame pointer
538 /// register. Appears in the S_FRAMEPROC record flags.
539 enum class EncodedFramePtrReg : uint8_t {
540   None = 0,
541   StackPtr = 1,
542   FramePtr = 2,
543   BasePtr = 3,
544 };
546 RegisterId decodeFramePtrReg(EncodedFramePtrReg EncodedReg, CPUType CPU);
548 EncodedFramePtrReg encodeFramePtrReg(RegisterId Reg, CPUType CPU);
550 /// These values correspond to the THUNK_ORDINAL enumeration.
551 enum class ThunkOrdinal : uint8_t {
552   Standard,
553   ThisAdjustor,
554   Vcall,
555   Pcode,
556   UnknownLoad,
557   TrampIncremental,
558   BranchIsland
559 };
561 enum class TrampolineType : uint16_t { TrampIncremental, BranchIsland };
563 // These values correspond to the CV_SourceChksum_t enumeration.
564 enum class FileChecksumKind : uint8_t { None, MD5, SHA1, SHA256 };
566 enum LineFlags : uint16_t {
567   LF_None = 0,
568   LF_HaveColumns = 1, // CV_LINES_HAVE_COLUMNS
569 };
571 /// Data in the SUBSEC_FRAMEDATA subection.
572 struct FrameData {
573   support::ulittle32_t RvaStart;
574   support::ulittle32_t CodeSize;
575   support::ulittle32_t LocalSize;
576   support::ulittle32_t ParamsSize;
577   support::ulittle32_t MaxStackSize;
578   support::ulittle32_t FrameFunc;
579   support::ulittle16_t PrologSize;
580   support::ulittle16_t SavedRegsSize;
581   support::ulittle32_t Flags;
582   enum : uint32_t {
583     HasSEH = 1 << 0,
584     HasEH = 1 << 1,
585     IsFunctionStart = 1 << 2,
586   };
587 };
589 // Corresponds to LocalIdAndGlobalIdPair structure.
590 // This structure information allows cross-referencing between PDBs.  For
591 // example, when a PDB is being built during compilation it is not yet known
592 // what other modules may end up in the PDB at link time.  So certain types of
593 // IDs may clash between the various compile time PDBs.  For each affected
594 // module, a subsection would be put into the PDB containing a mapping from its
595 // local IDs to a single ID namespace for all items in the PDB file.
596 struct CrossModuleExport {
597   support::ulittle32_t Local;
598   support::ulittle32_t Global;
599 };
601 struct CrossModuleImport {
602   support::ulittle32_t ModuleNameOffset;
603   support::ulittle32_t Count; // Number of elements
604   // support::ulittle32_t ids[Count]; // id from referenced module
605 };
607 enum class CodeViewContainer { ObjectFile, Pdb };
alignOf(CodeViewContainer Container)609 inline uint32_t alignOf(CodeViewContainer Container) {
610   if (Container == CodeViewContainer::ObjectFile)
611     return 1;
612   return 4;
613 }
614 }
615 }
617 #endif