1 //===-- Background.cpp - Build an index in a background thread ------------===//
2 //
3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
10 #include "index/Background.h"
11 #include "ClangdUnit.h"
12 #include "Compiler.h"
13 #include "Logger.h"
14 #include "SourceCode.h"
15 #include "Threading.h"
16 #include "Trace.h"
17 #include "URI.h"
18 #include "index/IndexAction.h"
19 #include "index/MemIndex.h"
20 #include "index/Serialization.h"
21 #include "index/SymbolCollector.h"
22 #include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
23 #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
24 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
25 #include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
26 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
27 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
28 #include "llvm/Support/SHA1.h"
30 #include <chrono>
31 #include <memory>
32 #include <numeric>
33 #include <queue>
34 #include <random>
35 #include <string>
36 #include <thread>
38 namespace clang {
39 namespace clangd {
40 namespace {
41 // Resolves URI to file paths with cache.
42 class URIToFileCache {
43 public:
URIToFileCache(llvm::StringRef HintPath)44   URIToFileCache(llvm::StringRef HintPath) : HintPath(HintPath) {}
resolve(llvm::StringRef FileURI)46   llvm::StringRef resolve(llvm::StringRef FileURI) {
47     auto I = URIToPathCache.try_emplace(FileURI);
48     if (I.second) {
49       auto U = URI::parse(FileURI);
50       if (!U) {
51         elog("Failed to parse URI {0}: {1}", FileURI, U.takeError());
52         assert(false && "Failed to parse URI");
53         return "";
54       }
55       auto Path = URI::resolve(*U, HintPath);
56       if (!Path) {
57         elog("Failed to resolve URI {0}: {1}", FileURI, Path.takeError());
58         assert(false && "Failed to resolve URI");
59         return "";
60       }
61       I.first->second = *Path;
62     }
63     return I.first->second;
64   }
66 private:
67   std::string HintPath;
68   llvm::StringMap<std::string> URIToPathCache;
69 };
71 // We keep only the node "U" and its edges. Any node other than "U" will be
72 // empty in the resultant graph.
getSubGraph(const URI & U,const IncludeGraph & FullGraph)73 IncludeGraph getSubGraph(const URI &U, const IncludeGraph &FullGraph) {
74   IncludeGraph IG;
76   std::string FileURI = U.toString();
77   auto Entry = IG.try_emplace(FileURI).first;
78   auto &Node = Entry->getValue();
79   Node = FullGraph.lookup(Entry->getKey());
80   Node.URI = Entry->getKey();
82   // URIs inside nodes must point into the keys of the same IncludeGraph.
83   for (auto &Include : Node.DirectIncludes) {
84     auto I = IG.try_emplace(Include).first;
85     I->getValue().URI = I->getKey();
86     Include = I->getKey();
87   }
89   return IG;
90 }
92 // Creates a filter to not collect index results from files with unchanged
93 // digests.
94 // \p FileDigests contains file digests for the current indexed files.
95 decltype(SymbolCollector::Options::FileFilter)
createFileFilter(const llvm::StringMap<FileDigest> & FileDigests)96 createFileFilter(const llvm::StringMap<FileDigest> &FileDigests) {
97   return [&FileDigests](const SourceManager &SM, FileID FID) {
98     const auto *F = SM.getFileEntryForID(FID);
99     if (!F)
100       return false; // Skip invalid files.
101     auto AbsPath = getCanonicalPath(F, SM);
102     if (!AbsPath)
103       return false; // Skip files without absolute path.
104     auto Digest = digestFile(SM, FID);
105     if (!Digest)
106       return false;
107     auto D = FileDigests.find(*AbsPath);
108     if (D != FileDigests.end() && D->second == Digest)
109       return false; // Skip files that haven't changed.
110     return true;
111   };
112 }
114 // We cannot use vfs->makeAbsolute because Cmd.FileName is either absolute or
115 // relative to Cmd.Directory, which might not be the same as current working
116 // directory.
getAbsolutePath(const tooling::CompileCommand & Cmd)117 llvm::SmallString<128> getAbsolutePath(const tooling::CompileCommand &Cmd) {
118   llvm::SmallString<128> AbsolutePath;
119   if (llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(Cmd.Filename)) {
120     AbsolutePath = Cmd.Filename;
121   } else {
122     AbsolutePath = Cmd.Directory;
123     llvm::sys::path::append(AbsolutePath, Cmd.Filename);
124   }
125   return AbsolutePath;
126 }
127 } // namespace
BackgroundIndex(Context BackgroundContext,const FileSystemProvider & FSProvider,const GlobalCompilationDatabase & CDB,BackgroundIndexStorage::Factory IndexStorageFactory,size_t BuildIndexPeriodMs,size_t ThreadPoolSize)129 BackgroundIndex::BackgroundIndex(
130     Context BackgroundContext, const FileSystemProvider &FSProvider,
131     const GlobalCompilationDatabase &CDB,
132     BackgroundIndexStorage::Factory IndexStorageFactory,
133     size_t BuildIndexPeriodMs, size_t ThreadPoolSize)
134     : SwapIndex(llvm::make_unique<MemIndex>()), FSProvider(FSProvider),
135       CDB(CDB), BackgroundContext(std::move(BackgroundContext)),
136       BuildIndexPeriodMs(BuildIndexPeriodMs),
137       SymbolsUpdatedSinceLastIndex(false),
138       IndexStorageFactory(std::move(IndexStorageFactory)),
139       CommandsChanged(
140           CDB.watch([&](const std::vector<std::string> &ChangedFiles) {
141             enqueue(ChangedFiles);
142           })) {
143   assert(ThreadPoolSize > 0 && "Thread pool size can't be zero.");
144   assert(this->IndexStorageFactory && "Storage factory can not be null!");
145   while (ThreadPoolSize--)
__anon0b2f3d740402null146     ThreadPool.emplace_back([this] { run(); });
147   if (BuildIndexPeriodMs > 0) {
148     log("BackgroundIndex: build symbol index periodically every {0} ms.",
149         BuildIndexPeriodMs);
__anon0b2f3d740502null150     ThreadPool.emplace_back([this] { buildIndex(); });
151   }
152 }
~BackgroundIndex()154 BackgroundIndex::~BackgroundIndex() {
155   stop();
156   for (auto &Thread : ThreadPool)
157     Thread.join();
158 }
stop()160 void BackgroundIndex::stop() {
161   {
162     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> QueueLock(QueueMu);
163     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> IndexLock(IndexMu);
164     ShouldStop = true;
165   }
166   QueueCV.notify_all();
167   IndexCV.notify_all();
168 }
run()170 void BackgroundIndex::run() {
171   WithContext Background(BackgroundContext.clone());
172   while (true) {
173     llvm::Optional<Task> Task;
174     ThreadPriority Priority;
175     {
176       std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(QueueMu);
177       QueueCV.wait(Lock, [&] { return ShouldStop || !Queue.empty(); });
178       if (ShouldStop) {
179         Queue.clear();
180         QueueCV.notify_all();
181         return;
182       }
183       ++NumActiveTasks;
184       std::tie(Task, Priority) = std::move(Queue.front());
185       Queue.pop_front();
186     }
188     if (Priority != ThreadPriority::Normal)
189       setCurrentThreadPriority(Priority);
190     (*Task)();
191     if (Priority != ThreadPriority::Normal)
192       setCurrentThreadPriority(ThreadPriority::Normal);
194     {
195       std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(QueueMu);
196       assert(NumActiveTasks > 0 && "before decrementing");
197       --NumActiveTasks;
198     }
199     QueueCV.notify_all();
200   }
201 }
blockUntilIdleForTest(llvm::Optional<double> TimeoutSeconds)203 bool BackgroundIndex::blockUntilIdleForTest(
204     llvm::Optional<double> TimeoutSeconds) {
205   std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(QueueMu);
206   return wait(Lock, QueueCV, timeoutSeconds(TimeoutSeconds),
207               [&] { return Queue.empty() && NumActiveTasks == 0; });
208 }
enqueue(const std::vector<std::string> & ChangedFiles)210 void BackgroundIndex::enqueue(const std::vector<std::string> &ChangedFiles) {
211   enqueueTask(
212       [this, ChangedFiles] {
213         trace::Span Tracer("BackgroundIndexEnqueue");
214         // We're doing this asynchronously, because we'll read shards here too.
215         log("Enqueueing {0} commands for indexing", ChangedFiles.size());
216         SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "files", int64_t(ChangedFiles.size()));
218         auto NeedsReIndexing = loadShards(std::move(ChangedFiles));
219         // Run indexing for files that need to be updated.
220         std::shuffle(NeedsReIndexing.begin(), NeedsReIndexing.end(),
221                      std::mt19937(std::random_device{}()));
222         for (auto &Elem : NeedsReIndexing)
223           enqueue(std::move(Elem.first), Elem.second);
224       },
225       ThreadPriority::Normal);
226 }
enqueue(tooling::CompileCommand Cmd,BackgroundIndexStorage * Storage)228 void BackgroundIndex::enqueue(tooling::CompileCommand Cmd,
229                               BackgroundIndexStorage *Storage) {
230   enqueueTask(Bind(
231                   [this, Storage](tooling::CompileCommand Cmd) {
232                     // We can't use llvm::StringRef here since we are going to
233                     // move from Cmd during the call below.
234                     const std::string FileName = Cmd.Filename;
235                     if (auto Error = index(std::move(Cmd), Storage))
236                       elog("Indexing {0} failed: {1}", FileName,
237                            std::move(Error));
238                   },
239                   std::move(Cmd)),
240               ThreadPriority::Low);
241 }
enqueueTask(Task T,ThreadPriority Priority)243 void BackgroundIndex::enqueueTask(Task T, ThreadPriority Priority) {
244   {
245     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(QueueMu);
246     auto I = Queue.end();
247     // We first store the tasks with Normal priority in the front of the queue.
248     // Then we store low priority tasks. Normal priority tasks are pretty rare,
249     // they should not grow beyond single-digit numbers, so it is OK to do
250     // linear search and insert after that.
251     if (Priority == ThreadPriority::Normal) {
252       I = llvm::find_if(Queue, [](const std::pair<Task, ThreadPriority> &Elem) {
253         return Elem.second == ThreadPriority::Low;
254       });
255     }
256     Queue.insert(I, {std::move(T), Priority});
257   }
258   QueueCV.notify_all();
259 }
261 /// Given index results from a TU, only update symbols coming from files that
262 /// are different or missing from than \p DigestsSnapshot. Also stores new index
263 /// information on IndexStorage.
update(llvm::StringRef MainFile,IndexFileIn Index,const llvm::StringMap<FileDigest> & DigestsSnapshot,BackgroundIndexStorage * IndexStorage)264 void BackgroundIndex::update(llvm::StringRef MainFile, IndexFileIn Index,
265                              const llvm::StringMap<FileDigest> &DigestsSnapshot,
266                              BackgroundIndexStorage *IndexStorage) {
267   // Partition symbols/references into files.
268   struct File {
269     llvm::DenseSet<const Symbol *> Symbols;
270     llvm::DenseSet<const Ref *> Refs;
271     FileDigest Digest;
272   };
273   llvm::StringMap<File> Files;
274   URIToFileCache URICache(MainFile);
275   for (const auto &IndexIt : *Index.Sources) {
276     const auto &IGN = IndexIt.getValue();
277     const auto AbsPath = URICache.resolve(IGN.URI);
278     const auto DigestIt = DigestsSnapshot.find(AbsPath);
279     // File has different contents.
280     if (DigestIt == DigestsSnapshot.end() || DigestIt->getValue() != IGN.Digest)
281       Files.try_emplace(AbsPath).first->getValue().Digest = IGN.Digest;
282   }
283   for (const auto &Sym : *Index.Symbols) {
284     if (Sym.CanonicalDeclaration) {
285       auto DeclPath = URICache.resolve(Sym.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI);
286       const auto FileIt = Files.find(DeclPath);
287       if (FileIt != Files.end())
288         FileIt->second.Symbols.insert(&Sym);
289     }
290     // For symbols with different declaration and definition locations, we store
291     // the full symbol in both the header file and the implementation file, so
292     // that merging can tell the preferred symbols (from canonical headers) from
293     // other symbols (e.g. forward declarations).
294     if (Sym.Definition &&
295         Sym.Definition.FileURI != Sym.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI) {
296       auto DefPath = URICache.resolve(Sym.Definition.FileURI);
297       const auto FileIt = Files.find(DefPath);
298       if (FileIt != Files.end())
299         FileIt->second.Symbols.insert(&Sym);
300     }
301   }
302   llvm::DenseMap<const Ref *, SymbolID> RefToIDs;
303   for (const auto &SymRefs : *Index.Refs) {
304     for (const auto &R : SymRefs.second) {
305       auto Path = URICache.resolve(R.Location.FileURI);
306       const auto FileIt = Files.find(Path);
307       if (FileIt != Files.end()) {
308         auto &F = FileIt->getValue();
309         RefToIDs[&R] = SymRefs.first;
310         F.Refs.insert(&R);
311       }
312     }
313   }
315   // Build and store new slabs for each updated file.
316   for (const auto &FileIt : Files) {
317     llvm::StringRef Path = FileIt.getKey();
318     SymbolSlab::Builder Syms;
319     RefSlab::Builder Refs;
320     for (const auto *S : FileIt.second.Symbols)
321       Syms.insert(*S);
322     for (const auto *R : FileIt.second.Refs)
323       Refs.insert(RefToIDs[R], *R);
324     auto SS = llvm::make_unique<SymbolSlab>(std::move(Syms).build());
325     auto RS = llvm::make_unique<RefSlab>(std::move(Refs).build());
326     auto IG = llvm::make_unique<IncludeGraph>(
327         getSubGraph(URI::create(Path), Index.Sources.getValue()));
328     // We need to store shards before updating the index, since the latter
329     // consumes slabs.
330     if (IndexStorage) {
331       IndexFileOut Shard;
332       Shard.Symbols = SS.get();
333       Shard.Refs = RS.get();
334       Shard.Sources = IG.get();
336       if (auto Error = IndexStorage->storeShard(Path, Shard))
337         elog("Failed to write background-index shard for file {0}: {1}", Path,
338              std::move(Error));
339     }
340     {
341       std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(DigestsMu);
342       auto Hash = FileIt.second.Digest;
343       // Skip if file is already up to date.
344       auto DigestIt = IndexedFileDigests.try_emplace(Path);
345       if (!DigestIt.second && DigestIt.first->second == Hash)
346         continue;
347       DigestIt.first->second = Hash;
348       // This can override a newer version that is added in another thread, if
349       // this thread sees the older version but finishes later. This should be
350       // rare in practice.
351       IndexedSymbols.update(Path, std::move(SS), std::move(RS));
352     }
353   }
354 }
buildIndex()356 void BackgroundIndex::buildIndex() {
357   assert(BuildIndexPeriodMs > 0);
358   while (true) {
359     {
360       std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(IndexMu);
361       if (ShouldStop) // Avoid waiting if stopped.
362         break;
363       // Wait until this is notified to stop or `BuildIndexPeriodMs` has past.
364       IndexCV.wait_for(Lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(BuildIndexPeriodMs));
365       if (ShouldStop) // Avoid rebuilding index if stopped.
366         break;
367     }
368     if (!SymbolsUpdatedSinceLastIndex.exchange(false))
369       continue;
370     // There can be symbol update right after the flag is reset above and before
371     // index is rebuilt below. The new index would contain the updated symbols
372     // but the flag would still be true. This is fine as we would simply run an
373     // extra index build.
374     reset(
375         IndexedSymbols.buildIndex(IndexType::Heavy, DuplicateHandling::Merge));
376     log("BackgroundIndex: rebuilt symbol index.");
377   }
378 }
index(tooling::CompileCommand Cmd,BackgroundIndexStorage * IndexStorage)380 llvm::Error BackgroundIndex::index(tooling::CompileCommand Cmd,
381                                    BackgroundIndexStorage *IndexStorage) {
382   trace::Span Tracer("BackgroundIndex");
383   SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "file", Cmd.Filename);
384   auto AbsolutePath = getAbsolutePath(Cmd);
386   auto FS = FSProvider.getFileSystem();
387   auto Buf = FS->getBufferForFile(AbsolutePath);
388   if (!Buf)
389     return llvm::errorCodeToError(Buf.getError());
390   auto Hash = digest(Buf->get()->getBuffer());
392   // Take a snapshot of the digests to avoid locking for each file in the TU.
393   llvm::StringMap<FileDigest> DigestsSnapshot;
394   {
395     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(DigestsMu);
396     DigestsSnapshot = IndexedFileDigests;
397   }
399   log("Indexing {0} (digest:={1})", Cmd.Filename, llvm::toHex(Hash));
400   ParseInputs Inputs;
401   Inputs.FS = std::move(FS);
402   Inputs.FS->setCurrentWorkingDirectory(Cmd.Directory);
403   Inputs.CompileCommand = std::move(Cmd);
404   auto CI = buildCompilerInvocation(Inputs);
405   if (!CI)
406     return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
407                                    "Couldn't build compiler invocation");
408   IgnoreDiagnostics IgnoreDiags;
409   auto Clang = prepareCompilerInstance(
410       std::move(CI), /*Preamble=*/nullptr, std::move(*Buf),
411       std::make_shared<PCHContainerOperations>(), Inputs.FS, IgnoreDiags);
412   if (!Clang)
413     return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
414                                    "Couldn't build compiler instance");
416   SymbolCollector::Options IndexOpts;
417   IndexOpts.FileFilter = createFileFilter(DigestsSnapshot);
418   IndexFileIn Index;
419   auto Action = createStaticIndexingAction(
420       IndexOpts, [&](SymbolSlab S) { Index.Symbols = std::move(S); },
421       [&](RefSlab R) { Index.Refs = std::move(R); },
422       [&](IncludeGraph IG) { Index.Sources = std::move(IG); });
424   // We're going to run clang here, and it could potentially crash.
425   // We could use CrashRecoveryContext to try to make indexing crashes nonfatal,
426   // but the leaky "recovery" is pretty scary too in a long-running process.
427   // If crashes are a real problem, maybe we should fork a child process.
429   const FrontendInputFile &Input = Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.front();
430   if (!Action->BeginSourceFile(*Clang, Input))
431     return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
432                                    "BeginSourceFile() failed");
433   if (!Action->Execute())
434     return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
435                                    "Execute() failed");
436   Action->EndSourceFile();
437   if (Clang->hasDiagnostics() &&
438       Clang->getDiagnostics().hasUncompilableErrorOccurred()) {
439     return llvm::createStringError(
440         llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
441         "IndexingAction failed: has uncompilable errors");
442   }
444   assert(Index.Symbols && Index.Refs && Index.Sources &&
445          "Symbols, Refs and Sources must be set.");
447   log("Indexed {0} ({1} symbols, {2} refs, {3} files)",
448       Inputs.CompileCommand.Filename, Index.Symbols->size(),
449       Index.Refs->numRefs(), Index.Sources->size());
450   SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "symbols", int(Index.Symbols->size()));
451   SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "refs", int(Index.Refs->numRefs()));
452   SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "sources", int(Index.Sources->size()));
454   update(AbsolutePath, std::move(Index), DigestsSnapshot, IndexStorage);
456   if (BuildIndexPeriodMs > 0)
457     SymbolsUpdatedSinceLastIndex = true;
458   else
459     reset(
460         IndexedSymbols.buildIndex(IndexType::Light, DuplicateHandling::Merge));
462   return llvm::Error::success();
463 }
465 std::vector<BackgroundIndex::Source>
loadShard(const tooling::CompileCommand & Cmd,BackgroundIndexStorage * IndexStorage,llvm::StringSet<> & LoadedShards)466 BackgroundIndex::loadShard(const tooling::CompileCommand &Cmd,
467                            BackgroundIndexStorage *IndexStorage,
468                            llvm::StringSet<> &LoadedShards) {
469   struct ShardInfo {
470     std::string AbsolutePath;
471     std::unique_ptr<IndexFileIn> Shard;
472     FileDigest Digest;
473   };
474   std::vector<ShardInfo> IntermediateSymbols;
475   // Make sure we don't have duplicate elements in the queue. Keys are absolute
476   // paths.
477   llvm::StringSet<> InQueue;
478   auto FS = FSProvider.getFileSystem();
479   // Dependencies of this TU, paired with the information about whether they
480   // need to be re-indexed or not.
481   std::vector<Source> Dependencies;
482   std::queue<Source> ToVisit;
483   std::string AbsolutePath = getAbsolutePath(Cmd).str();
484   // Up until we load the shard related to a dependency it needs to be
485   // re-indexed.
486   ToVisit.emplace(AbsolutePath, true);
487   InQueue.insert(AbsolutePath);
488   // Goes over each dependency.
489   while (!ToVisit.empty()) {
490     Dependencies.push_back(std::move(ToVisit.front()));
491     // Dependencies is not modified during the rest of the loop, so it is safe
492     // to keep the reference.
493     auto &CurDependency = Dependencies.back();
494     ToVisit.pop();
495     // If we have already seen this shard before(either loaded or failed) don't
496     // re-try again. Since the information in the shard won't change from one TU
497     // to another.
498     if (!LoadedShards.try_emplace(CurDependency.Path).second) {
499       // If the dependency needs to be re-indexed, first occurence would already
500       // have detected that, so we don't need to issue it again.
501       CurDependency.NeedsReIndexing = false;
502       continue;
503     }
505     auto Shard = IndexStorage->loadShard(CurDependency.Path);
506     if (!Shard || !Shard->Sources) {
507       // File will be returned as requiring re-indexing to caller.
508       vlog("Failed to load shard: {0}", CurDependency.Path);
509       continue;
510     }
511     // These are the edges in the include graph for current dependency.
512     for (const auto &I : *Shard->Sources) {
513       auto U = URI::parse(I.getKey());
514       if (!U)
515         continue;
516       auto AbsolutePath = URI::resolve(*U, CurDependency.Path);
517       if (!AbsolutePath)
518         continue;
519       // Add file as dependency if haven't seen before.
520       if (InQueue.try_emplace(*AbsolutePath).second)
521         ToVisit.emplace(*AbsolutePath, true);
522       // The node contains symbol information only for current file, the rest is
523       // just edges.
524       if (*AbsolutePath != CurDependency.Path)
525         continue;
527       // We found source file info for current dependency.
528       assert(I.getValue().Digest != FileDigest{{0}} && "Digest is empty?");
529       ShardInfo SI;
530       SI.AbsolutePath = CurDependency.Path;
531       SI.Shard = std::move(Shard);
532       SI.Digest = I.getValue().Digest;
533       IntermediateSymbols.push_back(std::move(SI));
534       // Check if the source needs re-indexing.
535       // Get the digest, skip it if file doesn't exist.
536       auto Buf = FS->getBufferForFile(CurDependency.Path);
537       if (!Buf) {
538         elog("Couldn't get buffer for file: {0}: {1}", CurDependency.Path,
539              Buf.getError().message());
540         continue;
541       }
542       // If digests match then dependency doesn't need re-indexing.
543       CurDependency.NeedsReIndexing =
544           digest(Buf->get()->getBuffer()) != I.getValue().Digest;
545     }
546   }
547   // Load shard information into background-index.
548   {
549     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(DigestsMu);
550     // This can override a newer version that is added in another thread,
551     // if this thread sees the older version but finishes later. This
552     // should be rare in practice.
553     for (const ShardInfo &SI : IntermediateSymbols) {
554       auto SS =
555           SI.Shard->Symbols
556               ? llvm::make_unique<SymbolSlab>(std::move(*SI.Shard->Symbols))
557               : nullptr;
558       auto RS = SI.Shard->Refs
559                     ? llvm::make_unique<RefSlab>(std::move(*SI.Shard->Refs))
560                     : nullptr;
561       IndexedFileDigests[SI.AbsolutePath] = SI.Digest;
562       IndexedSymbols.update(SI.AbsolutePath, std::move(SS), std::move(RS));
563     }
564   }
566   return Dependencies;
567 }
569 // Goes over each changed file and loads them from index. Returns the list of
570 // TUs that had out-of-date/no shards.
571 std::vector<std::pair<tooling::CompileCommand, BackgroundIndexStorage *>>
loadShards(std::vector<std::string> ChangedFiles)572 BackgroundIndex::loadShards(std::vector<std::string> ChangedFiles) {
573   std::vector<std::pair<tooling::CompileCommand, BackgroundIndexStorage *>>
574       NeedsReIndexing;
575   // Keeps track of the files that will be reindexed, to make sure we won't
576   // re-index same dependencies more than once. Keys are AbsolutePaths.
577   llvm::StringSet<> FilesToIndex;
578   // Keeps track of the loaded shards to make sure we don't perform redundant
579   // disk IO. Keys are absolute paths.
580   llvm::StringSet<> LoadedShards;
581   for (const auto &File : ChangedFiles) {
582     ProjectInfo PI;
583     auto Cmd = CDB.getCompileCommand(File, &PI);
584     if (!Cmd)
585       continue;
586     BackgroundIndexStorage *IndexStorage = IndexStorageFactory(PI.SourceRoot);
587     auto Dependencies = loadShard(*Cmd, IndexStorage, LoadedShards);
588     for (const auto &Dependency : Dependencies) {
589       if (!Dependency.NeedsReIndexing || FilesToIndex.count(Dependency.Path))
590         continue;
591       // FIXME: Currently, we simply schedule indexing on a TU whenever any of
592       // its dependencies needs re-indexing. We might do it smarter by figuring
593       // out a minimal set of TUs that will cover all the stale dependencies.
594       vlog("Enqueueing TU {0} because its dependency {1} needs re-indexing.",
595            Cmd->Filename, Dependency.Path);
596       NeedsReIndexing.push_back({std::move(*Cmd), IndexStorage});
597       // Mark all of this TU's dependencies as to-be-indexed so that we won't
598       // try to re-index those.
599       for (const auto &Dependency : Dependencies)
600         FilesToIndex.insert(Dependency.Path);
601       break;
602     }
603   }
604   vlog("Loaded all shards");
605   reset(IndexedSymbols.buildIndex(IndexType::Light, DuplicateHandling::Merge));
607   return NeedsReIndexing;
608 }
610 } // namespace clangd
611 } // namespace clang