1 /**
2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 LOVE Development Team
3 *
4 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
5 * warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
6 * arising from the use of this software.
7 *
8 * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
9 * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
10 * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
11 *
12 * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
13 *    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
14 *    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
15 *    appreciated but is not required.
16 * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
17 *    misrepresented as being the original software.
18 * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
19 **/
21 #include "Keyboard.h"
23 namespace love
24 {
25 namespace keyboard
26 {
getConstant(const char * in,Keyboard::Key & out)28 	bool Keyboard::getConstant(const char * in, Keyboard::Key & out)
29 	{
30 		return keys.find(in, out);
31 	}
getConstant(Keyboard::Key in,const char * & out)33 	bool Keyboard::getConstant(Keyboard::Key in, const char *& out)
34 	{
35 		return keys.find(in, out);
36 	}
38 	StringMap<Keyboard::Key, Keyboard::KEY_MAX_ENUM>::Entry Keyboard::keyEntries[] =
39 	{
40 		{"backspace", Keyboard::KEY_BACKSPACE},
41 		{"tab", Keyboard::KEY_TAB},
42 		{"clear", Keyboard::KEY_CLEAR},
43 		{"return", Keyboard::KEY_RETURN},
44 		{"pause", Keyboard::KEY_PAUSE},
45 		{"escape", Keyboard::KEY_ESCAPE},
46 		{" ", Keyboard::KEY_SPACE},
47 		{"!", Keyboard::KEY_EXCLAIM},
48 		{"\"", Keyboard::KEY_QUOTEDBL},
49 		{"#", Keyboard::KEY_HASH},
50 		{"$", Keyboard::KEY_DOLLAR},
51 		{"&", Keyboard::KEY_AMPERSAND},
52 		{"'", Keyboard::KEY_QUOTE},
53 		{"(", Keyboard::KEY_LEFTPAREN},
54 		{")", Keyboard::KEY_RIGHTPAREN},
55 		{"*", Keyboard::KEY_ASTERISK},
56 		{"+", Keyboard::KEY_PLUS},
57 		{",", Keyboard::KEY_COMMA},
58 		{"-", Keyboard::KEY_MINUS},
59 		{".", Keyboard::KEY_PERIOD},
60 		{"/", Keyboard::KEY_SLASH},
61 		{"0", Keyboard::KEY_0},
62 		{"1", Keyboard::KEY_1},
63 		{"2", Keyboard::KEY_2},
64 		{"3", Keyboard::KEY_3},
65 		{"4", Keyboard::KEY_4},
66 		{"5", Keyboard::KEY_5},
67 		{"6", Keyboard::KEY_6},
68 		{"7", Keyboard::KEY_7},
69 		{"8", Keyboard::KEY_8},
70 		{"9", Keyboard::KEY_9},
71 		{":", Keyboard::KEY_COLON},
72 		{";", Keyboard::KEY_SEMICOLON},
73 		{"<", Keyboard::KEY_LESS},
74 		{"=", Keyboard::KEY_EQUALS},
75 		{">", Keyboard::KEY_GREATER},
76 		{"?", Keyboard::KEY_QUESTION},
77 		{"@", Keyboard::KEY_AT},
79 		{"[", Keyboard::KEY_LEFTBRACKET},
80 		{"\\", Keyboard::KEY_BACKSLASH},
81 		{"]", Keyboard::KEY_RIGHTBRACKET},
82 		{"^", Keyboard::KEY_CARET},
83 		{"_", Keyboard::KEY_UNDERSCORE},
84 		{"`", Keyboard::KEY_BACKQUOTE},
85 		{"a", Keyboard::KEY_A},
86 		{"b", Keyboard::KEY_B},
87 		{"c", Keyboard::KEY_C},
88 		{"d", Keyboard::KEY_D},
89 		{"e", Keyboard::KEY_E},
90 		{"f", Keyboard::KEY_F},
91 		{"g", Keyboard::KEY_G},
92 		{"h", Keyboard::KEY_H},
93 		{"i", Keyboard::KEY_I},
94 		{"j", Keyboard::KEY_J},
95 		{"k", Keyboard::KEY_K},
96 		{"l", Keyboard::KEY_L},
97 		{"m", Keyboard::KEY_M},
98 		{"n", Keyboard::KEY_N},
99 		{"o", Keyboard::KEY_O},
100 		{"p", Keyboard::KEY_P},
101 		{"q", Keyboard::KEY_Q},
102 		{"r", Keyboard::KEY_R},
103 		{"s", Keyboard::KEY_S},
104 		{"t", Keyboard::KEY_T},
105 		{"u", Keyboard::KEY_U},
106 		{"v", Keyboard::KEY_V},
107 		{"w", Keyboard::KEY_W},
108 		{"x", Keyboard::KEY_X},
109 		{"y", Keyboard::KEY_Y},
110 		{"z", Keyboard::KEY_Z},
111 		{"delete", Keyboard::KEY_DELETE},
113 		{"kp0", Keyboard::KEY_KP0},
114 		{"kp1", Keyboard::KEY_KP1},
115 		{"kp2", Keyboard::KEY_KP2},
116 		{"kp3", Keyboard::KEY_KP3},
117 		{"kp4", Keyboard::KEY_KP4},
118 		{"kp5", Keyboard::KEY_KP5},
119 		{"kp6", Keyboard::KEY_KP6},
120 		{"kp7", Keyboard::KEY_KP7},
121 		{"kp8", Keyboard::KEY_KP8},
122 		{"kp9", Keyboard::KEY_KP9},
123 		{"kp.", Keyboard::KEY_KP_PERIOD},
124 		{"kp/", Keyboard::KEY_KP_DIVIDE},
125 		{"kp*", Keyboard::KEY_KP_MULTIPLY},
126 		{"kp-", Keyboard::KEY_KP_MINUS},
127 		{"kp+", Keyboard::KEY_KP_PLUS},
128 		{"kpenter", Keyboard::KEY_KP_ENTER},
129 		{"kp=", Keyboard::KEY_KP_EQUALS},
131 		{"up", Keyboard::KEY_UP},
132 		{"down", Keyboard::KEY_DOWN},
133 		{"right", Keyboard::KEY_RIGHT},
134 		{"left", Keyboard::KEY_LEFT},
135 		{"insert", Keyboard::KEY_INSERT},
136 		{"home", Keyboard::KEY_HOME},
137 		{"end", Keyboard::KEY_END},
138 		{"pageup", Keyboard::KEY_PAGEUP},
139 		{"pagedown", Keyboard::KEY_PAGEDOWN},
141 		{"f1", Keyboard::KEY_F1},
142 		{"f2", Keyboard::KEY_F2},
143 		{"f3", Keyboard::KEY_F3},
144 		{"f4", Keyboard::KEY_F4},
145 		{"f5", Keyboard::KEY_F5},
146 		{"f6", Keyboard::KEY_F6},
147 		{"f7", Keyboard::KEY_F7},
148 		{"f8", Keyboard::KEY_F8},
149 		{"f9", Keyboard::KEY_F9},
150 		{"f10", Keyboard::KEY_F10},
151 		{"f11", Keyboard::KEY_F11},
152 		{"f12", Keyboard::KEY_F12},
153 		{"f13", Keyboard::KEY_F13},
154 		{"f14", Keyboard::KEY_F14},
155 		{"f15", Keyboard::KEY_F15},
157 		{"numlock", Keyboard::KEY_NUMLOCK},
158 		{"capslock", Keyboard::KEY_CAPSLOCK},
159 		{"scrollock", Keyboard::KEY_SCROLLOCK},
160 		{"rshift", Keyboard::KEY_RSHIFT},
161 		{"lshift", Keyboard::KEY_LSHIFT},
162 		{"rctrl", Keyboard::KEY_RCTRL},
163 		{"lctrl", Keyboard::KEY_LCTRL},
164 		{"ralt", Keyboard::KEY_RALT},
165 		{"lalt", Keyboard::KEY_LALT},
166 		{"rmeta", Keyboard::KEY_RMETA},
167 		{"lmeta", Keyboard::KEY_LMETA},
168 		{"lsuper", Keyboard::KEY_LSUPER},
169 		{"rsuper", Keyboard::KEY_RSUPER},
170 		{"mode", Keyboard::KEY_MODE},
171 		{"compose", Keyboard::KEY_COMPOSE},
173 		{"help", Keyboard::KEY_HELP},
174 		{"print", Keyboard::KEY_PRINT},
175 		{"sysreq", Keyboard::KEY_SYSREQ},
176 		{"break", Keyboard::KEY_BREAK},
177 		{"menu", Keyboard::KEY_MENU},
178 		{"power", Keyboard::KEY_POWER},
179 		{"euro", Keyboard::KEY_EURO},
180 		{"undo", Keyboard::KEY_UNDO},
181 	};
183 	StringMap<Keyboard::Key, Keyboard::KEY_MAX_ENUM> Keyboard::keys(Keyboard::keyEntries, sizeof(Keyboard::keyEntries));
186 } // keyboard
187 } // love